August 8, 2013

The press is gearing up for the Next Big Thing

From top center of the front page on


  1. It's been gearing up for a while. For example, I read this article about sportswriter-turned-diva Mike Penner just a couple of days ago, but it's already several years old. It's very sympathetic to Penner, and hints Penner's demise was mostly his ex-wife's fault for not being more on board with her husband Mike suddenly becoming a woman named Christine, thereby making Mike/Christine feel less than fully affirmed and valued.

    Also coincidentally, I read an article about rape/sexual abuse in Mennonite community in Bolivia (which turns out to have loads of Mennonites; who knew?) that you might find interesting, given your search for Amish info. This article has a lot of detail on Mennonites' day-to-day lives and practices.

  2. Mennonites not so much against the modern world are pretty left politically, fame Jim Wallis who wants to bring evangelicals into amnesty has a Mennonite background.

  3. We shouldn't be so quick to condemn this trend. If chix with dix become a protected species _ part of the designated coalition of victimhood _ then any time we may feel threatened of being fired or downsized, we can simply put on a dress and a bit of lipstick and buy some immunity.

  4. Newspapers are alienating customers by the millions by pushing the homosexual agenda and other liberal causes. They seem more interested in writing leftwing fiction and fantasies on the left and neocon fiction and fantasies on the right than reporting the truth.


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