August 25, 2013

World War T funding becoming available

From the Forbes 400 list
James Pritzker
Net Worth $1.5 B As of March 2013
CEO, Tawani Enterprises
Age: 62
Source of Wealth: hotels, investments
Residence: Chicago, IL
Country of Citizenship: United States
Education: Bachelor of Arts / Science, Loyola University Illinois
Marital Status: Divorced
Children: 3

From the Chicago Sun-Times
Billionaire philanthropist Pritzker announces she is now a woman 
BY TODD SHIELDS Sun-Times Media August 23, 2013 9:12PM

The billionaire retired U.S. Army colonel James Pritzker has announced he is a woman — Jennifer Natalya Pritzker. 
According to Crain’s Chicago Business, a memo dated Aug. 16 and sent to the Pritzker Military Library and Tawani Enterprises announced Pritzker’s name officially had been changed. 
“This change will reflect the beliefs of her true identity that she has held privately and will now share publicly,” the memo stated. 
“Pritzker now identifies herself as a woman for all business and personal undertakings.” 
Pritzker’s father was the late Robert Pritzker. Robert Pritzker founded Marmon Group, a manufacturing and industrial conglomerate. 
Her uncles founded the Hyatt Hotel chain. 
Pritzker, 63, is president/CEO of Tawani and she chairs the military library. She served 11 years in the military, including a stint in the Army’s 101st Airborne Division. 
Bernard Cherkasov, CEO of Illinois Equality, said Pritzker’s announcement should inspire young people faced with the same life-changing decision. 
Equality Illinois’ mission is to secure and defend equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Illinois. 
“It’s important to know that his high-profile life and distinguished military career should be a role model for young people,” he said. 
“Jennifer’s story moves the whole conversation forward to a national center on transgender equality.” 
Cherkasov also said Pritzker’s coming out into the open demonstrated transgender people “are in every walk of life.” 
“Her career has three streams — the military, business and the museum. She has a successful and accomplished life.”
In July, Pritzker’s Tawani Foundation gave a $3.5 million grant to the University of California’s Palm Center to study transgender people in the military, according to Courthouse News Service.

If gender is instantly and unquestionably malleable, how about race? Can I announce I now belong to the race of Pritzkers and therefore, despite any racist quibbles about my DNA that my new fellow Pritzkers might offer in objection, collect my fair share of the Pritzker inheritance?

P.S., You'll notice that, while the party line of transexuals is that they always felt like a little girl on the inside, they often get extremely angry at scientists who suggest an alternative explanation for some of them: that it's a weird sexual fetish.

For example, this guy, who has three children (does he want them to now call him "Mom?" And what does their mother think?), was born very rich -- a friend of mine served as a nanny to various Pritzker children over 40 years ago on their sojourns in Paris and the Riviera (perhaps as nanny to his cousin Penny, now Obama's Secretary of Commerce). He could have done anything. But, he chose to serve eleven years in the Army, then 16 in the National Guard, rising to the rank of colonel.
His big philanthropic endeavor was founding the Pritzker Military Library. In other words, this guy likes military stuff more than 99% of all men and 99.99% of all women on earth.

You can make up a list of other well-known transexuals with exceptionally masculine interests, such as economist Donald "Deirdre" McCloskey, who played football at Harvard. There are no athletic scholarships at Harvard, so he played football because he liked knocking other guys down.

Yeah, I know, I'm the victim of obsolete stereotypes that tackle football and warfare are more appealing to masculine than feminine minds. Who doesn't know a little girl these days who has a bedroom full of books on war and Ray Lewis posters?

Now, some transexuals are at the opposite pole -- extremely effeminate gay men who want to snag A Real Man. But many of the most aggressive take-no-prisoners transexual activists who have led the attacks on the scientists studying their condition are extremely masculine x-men.

And that's part of the added appeal of the oncoming World War T -- not just the "transgressive" stuff shocking the rubes in the corn belt, but the opportunity to lie, to silence scientists, and to not get the joke, well, that stuff is the cherry on top.


  1. "Can I announce I'm now a Pritzker and, despite quibbles about my DNA, deserve a share of the Pritzker inheritance?"

    Declare yourself transgenetic.


    This whole thing is getting really pathetic.
    Though I don't like what homo men do, 'gays' can look elegant and stylish. And some lesbians can look kinda tough and cool.

    But the sight of some guy, especially a fat or old guy, trying to look like a woman--even with hormones and operation--looks ridiculous in most cases.

    The legbit movement is turning into self-parody.

  2. Michael Jackson changed his race. Even left his fortune to three caucasoid kids.

  3. Gender may or may not be malleable, but sex isn't. Watch out for confusing the two. This guy is still a dude no matter whether his sense of sexual identity matches his sex (as nature intended). Psychology has rejected the notion that subjective certainty implies infallibility in every area except, notably, sexual identity.

  4. Bernard Cherkasov, CEO of Illinois Equality, said Pritzker’s announcement should inspire young people faced with the same life-changing decision.

    That's what this may be about - inspiring the young to mutilate themselves. Teenagers are very suggestible. If genital mutilation is declared cool throughout the "free" world, the Sudan will be quickly left in the dust on this issue.

  5. "Jennifer Natalya Pritzker"

    Natalya is a Russian name. Why not Nataly?

    A favorite stripper? Former mistress?

  6. In a strange synchronicity, Michael Cimino has been suspected of being transgender:

  7. " Note to media: Get used to calling Manning “she” because there’ll be many more like her"

    " The media tied themselves into knots on Thursday (Aug. 22) when the person they had known until then as Bradley Manning, sentenced a day earlier to 35 years for leaking government secrets to Wikileaks, announced that she was a woman named Chelsea. Reporting this, some newspapers ended up where you least expected them to be: the oh-so-liberal New York Times stuck doggedly to “Bradley” and male pronouns, while Britain’s conservative gossip rag the Daily Mail called her “Chelsea” and “she/her” throughout. One article from Reuters went to extraordinary lengths, writing “Manning” more than a dozen times and even breaking rules of grammar just to avoid using any pronouns at all."


    " In fact the answer is simple—”Chelsea”, always—and so is the reasoning, once you know it. To come out as transgender is to acknowledge the gender you have always had, regardless of what your body seemed to be. The gender you used to go by is something you never really were. In that light, for someone else to then keep on using it just looks like stubbornness, or malice.

    So what are the media to do? “‘We can’t just spring a new name and a new pronoun’ on readers with no explanation,” a Times editor complained, when the paper’s public editor asked why it had stuck with “Bradley”. Well, indeed you can’t. But you can with explanation, and the explanation part really isn’t that hard.

    At Quartz, where we have the privilege to still be making up the style book as we go along, I added a new entry yesterday, under “pronouns”:

    If you know them, respect a person’s preferences. But in general, remember that being transgender doesn’t mean you’ve changed your gender. It means recognizing the gender you’ve always had, and that the body you were born with doesn’t match it.

    So don’t refer to a trans person’s “new” gender but her “real” gender. And use the name and pronouns she uses now, even when writing about her life before she came out as trans.

    If this gets weird, e.g. “Lucy and her wife were married in a Catholic church,” you can add an explanation, like “when Lucy was still known as Bob” or “when Lucy was outwardly male.” But don’t write things like “Before Bob became Lucy, he and his wife were married in a Catholic church.”

    In the complaint of the Times editor, you can almost hear the objections piling up. “Are we going to have to do this for everybody who wants it?” “What if ‘she’ changes her mind again?” ”Are people going to start demanding to be called ‘ze’ or ‘ey’ instead?”

    The answer is: Yes, all that’s going to happen, and you’d better get used to it. More people will come out as trans, and need their pronouns changed. A few will indeed decide it was a mistake and want them changed back. And more and more people will find it normal not only to switch between “he” and “she”, but to treat gender as what one young student calls an “amorphous blob”. A couple of years ago I wrote about Justin Bond, a New York cabaret artist who has adopted the pronoun “v” and a gender called simply “trans.” In an otherwise glowing profile, New York magazine referred to Bond as “he/him.” After v (see? Not that hard) complained, the contrite magazine changed all the references.

    And this is just the beginning. Decades from now, people may be choosing surgery to give them characteristics of both sexes. Perhaps people born male will be able to have uteruses and carry babies to term. Perhaps, as in some science-fiction novels, we’ll have a whole range of genders.

    In other words, the linguistic conundrums of transgenderism aren’t going to go away. Better to embrace them, and accept the fact that they’re only going to get more interesting."

  8. EEEWWWWWWW, That's so CREEEPY!!!!

    Now, because it's happened to a member of "their" esteemed community (the ultra wealthy) we'll never hear the end of "we must have compassion for those who are struggling with their true gender identity."

  9. Glossy said...
    "Jennifer Natalya Pritzker"

    Natalya is a Russian name. Why not Nataly?

    A favorite stripper? Former mistress?

    Nah, probably his mother's or grandmother's name. Wants to continue in the tradition of the famous women in his family tree.

    What kind of name is Pritzker, by the way? Doesnt sound German. Sounds something else. Anyone?

  10. The Pritzker Family Crime Syndicate was largely responsible for financing the Obama phenomenon.

    In particular, when they ran the 2008 Obama campaign, they turned off all of the online credit card security/authentication safeguards, and thereby accepted illegal [and essentially untraceable] donations from all over the world.

  11. "Natalya is a Russian name. Why not Nataly?"

    Adopting a foreign name, how creepy.

  12. And this is just the beginning. Decades from now, people may be choosing surgery to give them characteristics of both sexes. Perhaps people born male will be able to have uteruses and carry babies to term. Perhaps, as in some science-fiction novels, we’ll have a whole range of genders.

    My hope is that immersive virtual reality will become so advanced that these people will prefer to live through their virtual avatars (as 1000-vagina'd tentacle-beasts or whatever) and just fade out of the physical world for the rest of their lifespans.

  13. When 'she' looks in the mirror, does 'she' not see that 'she' looks ridiculous?

    It is laughable of course, but we better not laugh because it would be 'homophobic' or 'transophobic'.

  14. If people can be transgender, then they should also be able to be transrace. If HUD wants to monitor how "diverse" every neighborhood is, then whites have a good reason to discover that they've really been black all along.

  15. The other day I saw a man who was almost completely bald out and about dressed as a woman.

    He was wearing old lady jean shorts and a white blouse. He had also grown out his remaining hair into a long ponytail and had one of those scrunchies tied around it.

    I'd estimate the man was in his late forties or early fifties. He was waiting for the bus and the whole scene was very sad.

  16. I am transrace. From this moment on, my name is LeRoy. My cornrows wig and black make-up are already on its way.

    I realize haters will call me a freak and very few will accept me, but I can't let that discourage me.

    In order to prove that I am sincere, I will make sure that I live up expectations and stereotypes.

    Thank you all for your support. I know I have to work on my Ebonics, but I've signed up for a class.

  17. Note to media: Get used to calling Manning “she” because there’ll be many more like her"

    Anyone want to suggest an "over-under" for when we'll see the first publicized case of someone suffering career repercussions for not playing along with this charade? Forget about the media; they'll go along with anything. When will we see a bank teller/waiter/florist sued, or disciplined, or passed over for promotion, for not referring to a customer by their preferred pronoun?

  18. "What kind of name is Pritzker, by the way? Doesnt sound German. Sounds something else. Anyone?"

    Jews from Kiev. Who knows where they came from prior to Kiev, there have been Jews in Kiev for 1000 years. Probably Byzantine Jews from Constantinople.

  19. Durkheim

    In a nutshell, the culture war is creating the conditions of anomie and normlessness that Durkheim found maximized suicide.

    Interesting coincidence.

  20. There have always been mutants among large human populations. The question now is, are there more of them than before? Or are the few just getting bolder about announcing to the world their personal crying games, abetted by a Cathedral hungry for pushing the next harm-based grievance narrative?

    Testosterone levels are declining generationally. I wouldn't discount either possibility.

    FYI, most studies agree that female sexuality is more malleable than male sexuality, (cf., Katy Perry's "I kissed a girl"), but strangely there are fewer exclusive lesbians than there are exclusive gays.

  21. Not very Jewish either. I forgot that part of the Old Testament where the chosen people males turned themselves imitation women.

    Maybe it was in the five commandments Mel Brooks dropped.

  22. From 1946-1977 the top rate for estate tax was 77% and it kicked in at $10 million. Now we know why.

  23. How the heck do you get to the O6 level, a colonel, in 11 years of military service?!

  24. well, as long as the American Left is focused on gay rights, transvestites, high fructose corn syrup, etc, then they will not have the focus to raise taxes on the rich or limit corporate power, meaning that the rich and the corporations will have plenty of $$ to spend lobbying washington and electing (and more importantly unelecting) politicians so the rich and the corps can better control america. And aint that what we all want, after all?

  25. Wow, just wow. In the past I've been a supporter of the Pritzker Military Library. The Library has now scrubbed its page about Col. Pritzker to remove all personal pronouns and any references to his given name:

  26. "What kind of name is Pritzker, by the way? Doesnt sound German. Sounds something else. Anyone?"

    If you're suggesting that Jews are more odd sexually than Germans you have noooooo idea what you're talking about.

    Jews may be as overrepresented at the top levels of pornography as they are at the top levels of accountancy and every other field that has a top worth noting but when it comes to percentages of people engaged interested in truly inventively sick sexual stuff, no one on Earth beats Germans.

  27. Now, some transexuals are at the opposite pole -- extremely effeminate gay men who want to snag A Real Man.

    Speaking of Bradley "Chelsea" Manning, what do you think motivated the timing of his announcement. I mean, he's just about to spend many years in an all-male military prison, where (apparently) he will not be given treatment with female hormones or "feminizing" plastic surgery, or even be allowed to wear women's clothes or be addressed by his chosen female name.

    First question: Under these conditions, what does his "female" identity amount to?

    Second question: People talk about homosexual assaults on weak or effeminate prisoners in U.S. prisons, and while some this talk in just lubricious sadism, you have to wonder whether he's chosen a prudent time and place to declare himself a girl. Are military prisons perhaps more disciplined, less savage places than (allegedly) civilian prisons? Or, is it possible he relishes the idea of being the prison tart? Some people like sort of thing, though I bet it gets old really fast.

  28. Before there was Col. Pritzkurtz...

    -The Judean People's Front

  29. Well, one thing you can say about shim is that he was ugly as a man and is ugly as a woman.

  30. OT: Surprised it hasn't hit the radar here yet but Martin Manley, a sports statistician, blogs for a year about his planned (and now completed) suicide. I've been reading it all night.

  31. Charlesz Martel8/25/13, 7:44 PM

    The SPLC will now have Pritzker as a major donor. GLBT issues are their new focus- I have this confirmed. It's getting harder and harder to squeeze money from Jews for increasingly antisemitic black issues. Gay & Co. are indeed the new black. Ka-Ching!!

  32. Mike Bailey thinks many of these guys get turned on by thought of themselves as women, as someone said and he called it autogynephilia.

  33. Can I announce I now belong to the race of Pritzkers and therefore, despite any racist quibbles about my DNA that my new fellow Pritzkers might offer in objection, collect my fair share of the Pritzker inheritance?

    No, but you can announce that you belong to the "race" of Sailers despite the fact that you have no Sailer DNA. To personalize this thing, as you and your commenters always do: I'm often amazed at the way you ignore the implications of adoption in your discussions of race, family, etc.

    To the general point: I've argued, I think maybe here, that the analogy between gender and race is one of the things the gender-studies people got right. In each case there's a biological category and a cultural category, and the two do not coincide. (There is no biological category corresponding to "family," by the way, which is one of the reasons your "race = family" metaphor is wrong.)

    Barack Obama can be socially defined as black, even though he's not biologically a Negroid. But socially defined race, as you say, is not a matter of self-identification. Even if you or I were to sincerely self-identify as black, we could never become black like Barack Obama. Similarly, if Pritzker or Manning self-identifies as a woman, that in itself doesn't make him a woman in the cultural, gender sense of the word. Not yet, anyway. Gender, like socially defined race, is defined socially, not individually. One camp wants to define it according to self-identification, but that's a social-political program, not a statement of fact about gender as it exists today. It's the same political technique used by many on the right, such as white nationalists: keep saying that something is true until it becomes true.

  34. It's hard to be Germans for weirdness.

  35. I went to Google Images hoping to see more images of the new Pritzker, but the only female photo was the same one used here.

    I can see the Jennifer has lost weight and dyed her gray hair away.

    But other that, the after person looks exactly like the before version. Same short hair, same heavy brows.

    Very interesting.

    I do not see a World War T here, though.

    It will be interesting to see in 50 or 100 years from now how many such people there are in a US that is far more accepting of homosexuality than it used to be and is able to figure out physical gender uncertainly issues -- which I guess are not as uncommon as most of us would think -- through DNA testing.

  36. So does this mean that blackface, rather than being racist, was actually ahead of its time and should be considered "trans-racial"? If one can wear a wig and ask to be called a woman, why can't one wear burnt cork and ask to be called black? Oh, Mammy!

  37. For anyone interested in the origins of the Pritzker family fortune, I highly recommend "Supermob" by Gus Russo.

    -The Judean People's Front

  38. I think it Christian.

    If you declare with your mouth, “I am a woman,” and believe in your heart that you are a woman, you will be saved from your masculine drudgery. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. Romans 10:9-13

  39. You can make up a list of other well-known transexuals with exceptionally masculine interests, such as economist Donald "Deirdre" McCloskey, who played football at Harvard. There are no athletic scholarships at Harvard, so he played football because he liked knocking other guys down.

    There's that transsexual Navy SEAL who came out recently:

    "For 20 years, Beck served as an enlisted petty officer in the elite Navy Seals, amassing seven warzone deployments, a Bronze Star, and a Purple Heart -- as well as a tour in Seal Team Six, the secretive unit that went on to kill Osama bin Laden. Born and raised as Chris Beck, she was a man's man -- a football player, avid motorcyclist, and war hero.

    But Beck never felt entirely comfortable as a man. Shortly after retiring from the service in early 2011, she began to transition -- "working toward my own peace as a woman," as she recently put it on Twitter. It's a story she's telling publicly for the first time in a new memoir, "Warrior Princess: A U.S. Navy SEAL's Journey to Coming out Transgender."

    As another former SEAL who knows Beck said on his own blog: "While Chris was always a little different I had no idea what was lying under the surface, as I'm sure a lot of people will have the same experience."

    On one hand, maybe Kristin's revelation is not all that remarkable. After all, plenty of hardened vets get out of the service and let their hair down, whether literally or figuratively. On the other hand, her experience could leave many Americans asking: Why *doesn't* the military permit transgender folks to serve openly?"

    *BTW, maybe the author of this article is right. Maybe the military should just go the whole 9 yards and not just let transgender folks serve openly, but actively recruit and develop transgender warriors. Pump them full of steroids and estrogen, attach and detach sexual organs, and send them into battle. Most of the military's enemies in the field are traditionally minded, agrarian guerrillas and insurgents. Facing hermaphroditic, PED fueled, mentally unbalanced soldiers charging at them would be terrifying for them.

  40. I don't really have an opinion on the topic of the post, but I am struck by something.

    It is amazing how really wealthy families and individuals seem to have come into money.

    There is this impression that people innovate and manufacture and whatnot, and work hard.

    The most common way to be really wealthy is to inherit it.

    If you make your own fortune, usually it seems to be something like these guys: Hotels, Real Estate, Insurance, etc.

    Whatever Henry Ford did back in the day, there really isn't any money in widgets.

    Even if you pull out something like Andy Grove or Bill Gates, they are abnormalities in the ranks of the really wealthy.

    And the Zuck is pretty much in the category of wealthy hotelier or something, it's not like he started a company that is really going to innovate like Xerox or something like that.

    Age of Brass. Just check out the balls.

  41. "It's hard to be Germans for weirdness."

    Arghhh -- It's hard to beat Germans for weirdness.

  42. Behind every great the woman that he thinks he is.

    I had to laugh at the press release: "her", "she", etc. What a load of crap. "She" looks like John Goodman in drag. I don't care how rich a guy is, if he thinks he's a woman, I'm not going to say he's courageous and authentic, I'm just going to say that he's f**ked in the head.

  43. "Aaron Gross said...

    (There is no biological category corresponding to "family," by the way, which is one of the reasons your "race = family" metaphor is wrong.)"

    What utter drivel. The concept of family self-evidently has real biological meaning. Who begat whom is the cornerstone of biology. If you think it does not, then you are being disingenuous or willfully stupid. But we have come to expect that from you

  44. As of now, trans people still feel that the courteous thing to do is to let a potential date or mate know in advance that they weren't born the same gender that they currently identify as. How long until that courtesy is seen as letting bigots get away with transphobia ? I once exchanged a few angry words with some queer/trans/poc activist who publicly stated on a dating site that trans "people" had no obligation whatsoever to disclose their status and that those who had a problem with that were bigots.

    This is as of now an extreme view but the sexual identity Overton window is moving awfully fast these days ( see the comment about the policy).

  45. Both the Germans and the Japanese are big time into sexual weirdness, but are they into the systematic delegitimization of sexual normalcy ?
    Re : Quartz policy:
    ... And more and more people will find it normal not only to switch between “he” and “she”, but to treat gender as what one young student calls an “amorphous blob”. ...
    When I read things like that I wonder why the Right isn't focused on working out how we're going to physically separate from the progressives. Almost the whole of the media thinks like the above. They're very good at brainwashing people so they will convert the left-leaning portion of the population to the above view. We can't live with those people.

    Will salvation come from Russia ?

  46. Why don't we take all the psych patients who think that they are Napoleon or Jesus and give them some plastic surgery, a few costumes and new identity papers and release them as Napoleon and Jesus? Apparently, we've decided that if your brain doesn't match your body, it is not a brain disfunction but the body must be modified, at public expense if necessary, to match whatever the brain wants.
    So, if i think that I am an Adonis on par with Brad Pitt, shouldn't the government give me free steroids, lipo and plastic surgery so my self-image matches my body? And instead of calling me "he" or "him", can I demand that everyone instead refer to me as "that sexy beast of a man"?

  47. Germans were pretty weird after losing WWI (see Weimar Republic). In fact, they were kind of weird before WWI:

  48. About the japanese :
    During the Tokugawa period there were a couple of centuries during which the former warrior class, the Samurai, had nothing martial to occupy themselves with. The Samurai class used that time,among other things, to delve into philosophy and the search for more and more refined sexual pleasures. I've read of whole neighborhoods devoted to the sexual entertainment of those men. From what I've seen of Japanese art, their fascination for weird sex is not something recent.

  49. Hmm, I swear that a couple of months ago the Atlantic or Salon did an anonymous piece on this 'guy'. IIRC it catalogued his interest in photography, and how it changed as he transitioned.

    On one hand, maybe Kristin's revelation is not all that remarkable. After all, plenty of hardened vets get out of the service and let their hair down, whether literally or figuratively.

    I've occasionally seen veterans go off the rails once out of service. Usually 20 year enlisted guys who joined early and weren't married. They get out, lose the regimented lifestyle and go a bit wild.

  50. Yeah, I'd say both stem from another cause, namely affluence. It could be that being a wealthy, technologically advanced country makes you more likely to invade your neighbors AND invent new perverse sexual activities. Like the Romans. Plain, old vanilla procreative sex between a man and his wife is so boring for the elites. Weiner, Ryan, Sanford, Clinton, Filner, etc are definitely signs of moral decay.
    So, the cause of WWII and WWT are the same?

  51. > Facing hermaphroditic, PED fueled, mentally unbalanced soldiers charging at them would be terrifying for them.

    Yeah, also put some mentally unbalanced trans general at the head of strategic forces command, that will intimidate that damn homophobic Putin. It is a matter of time before the chinese will send a huge armada across the ocean headed by a eunuch anyways. Oh, wait...

  52. This jerk tried to ruin lighthouse beach in Evanston. We fought him and won.

  53. "Arghhh -- It's hard to beat Germans for weirdness."
    Maybe they like to be beat (sorry!) or worse

  54. I wrote the comment below before reading the comment of anonymous at 3:40 PM. I now see that this is all already happening:

    So I guess the only important thing is what you tell people you are, Cimino, who says he's still a man, could change his mind tomorrow, and the articles would dutifully refer to him as "she", and then change it back the next day, and he would become a "he" again.

    So what's the next step? Do you think we will have some people that are "she's" on the weekend and "he's" on the weekdays. Will journalism websites have to invest in new software that changes the pronouns to the correct gender based on what day of the week it is, not to mention track the location of the subject so that time zone changes can be properly accounted for?

    And what happens when someone decides he is simultaneously male and female - will we need to refer to them with both pronouns simultaneously, or should we make up a new one?

    1. They call it "gender pivoting" and its very much a thing already.

      The insane Left may have done the 'mainstream' Right a favor by pushing this shit in their face. Perhaps they'll take a stand on social issues now instead of endlessly attempting to triangulate. More likely this shit will be covered by Obamacare so there can be a corporate tax holiday for all that overseas money though.

  55. all of europe is far less prudish than america. American whites are primarily the descendants of four groups of europeans: 1) White "indentured" slaves; 2) greed-heads, oops, I mean "wannabe entrepreneurs"; 3) misfits with psychological disorders who emigrated because they did not fit in; 4) religious nutjobs.

    And that says a whole heck of a lot about the american culture and national character. And of course because the german, british etc gene pool was cleansed of these marginal emigrants, what was left over was the good stock.

    The so-called sexual weirdness of germany et al., is just the natural expression of sexuality of a closely knit, united group of people descended from people who were more psychologically well-adjusted and mentally sound than most american ancestors.

    Of course now that mass immigration is transforming germany and the rest of western europe things are changing. Prudishness, selfishness, fear and other unsavory characteristics are raising their heads as national character, solidarity and social capital are being destroyed by mass immigration (see Dr. Putnam's BOWLING ALONE research).

  56. Is Pritzker facing indictment, or something? I smell a calculated move to endear himself to the public, at least part of the public.

  57. There have been what used to be called "sex-changes" for many a year - journalist James Morris, full-bearded reporter on the 1953 Everest expedition, became full-bosomed Jan Morris, professional Welshwoman. There were people like April Ashley and Walter/Wendy Carlos ('Switched-on Bach').

    Recently I saw an obituary of folk singer Louisa Killen.

    "Wonder if she's related to Louis Killen, who's been around the UK scene 50-odd years?"

    One and the same.

    Kristen Beck hails the forthcoming revolution in the military.

  58. Jane Go Unchained8/26/13, 5:05 AM

    "Source of Wealth: hotels, investments"

    Slight correction: Source of wealth: Rich Parnets.

    And, hasn't anyone noticed this:

    Jennifer Natalya = Jenny Talya?

    Say it with your eyes closed, bitches.

  59. Jonathan Silber8/26/13, 5:24 AM

    "The Marines: We're Looking for a Few Good Whatever."

  60. What terminology will we use to describe a transgendered person who identifies as male, fathers children, and then later decides to identify as female? Is she a father?

    My first guess is that "she" will be described as a "parent" who "parented" the child with its mother. What happens though, when the mother also changes her identity (don't think it won't happen, and when it does it will certainly be worthy of a sympathetic write up in the NYT). Then "she" will have "parented" the children with the "birth-parent", that is, "her" former wife Bob. All perfectly clear right?

  61. I smell a calculated move to endear himself to the public,
    would you castrate yourself to endear yourself to public.

    As for the pritzker military library - i am sure it will reflect pritzker values, not military ones.

  62. I'm trans-racial...sort of. Well, once I hit 40+ years of age, and then my law firm intellectual property job went away after the dotcom bust, I knew had to get me a government job. comanche indian heritage to the rescue (along with my wartime veteran status).

    6% indian? I became mixed race on the govt job apps. That did the trick!

    Yawn....I think I'll call in sick today. I can do that. Oh, and I make almost 90th percentile income, too. I also become eligible for a nice pension next year.

    And if they start laying off? I'll become trans-gender. Call me Chelsea! Can't lay me off now....

  63. *BTW, maybe the author of this article is right. Maybe the military should just go the whole 9 yards and not just let transgender folks serve openly, but actively recruit and develop transgender warriors. Pump them full of steroids and estrogen, attach and detach sexual organs, and send them into battle. Most of the military's enemies in the field are traditionally minded, agrarian guerrillas and insurgents. Facing hermaphroditic, PED fueled, mentally unbalanced soldiers charging at them would be terrifying for them.

    Won't be a picnic for *us* when they come home and become local LEOs, either.

  64. "If gender is instantly and unquestionably malleable, how about race?"

    This comment isn't just politically incorrect, but biologically ignorant. How concrete does Sailer think race is?

  65. "Steve Sailer said...

    Germans were pretty weird after losing WWI (see Weimar Republic). In fact, they were kind of weird before WWI:"

    Another story of german weirdness - the bizarre tale of Floreana Island:

    Floreana Island

  66. There's. very simple fallacy at the root of all this, which is that your identity is what you say you are. In reality, your identity is what other people say you are. What other people say you are is obviously influenced strongly by your own actions and appearance, but you can't just start referring to yourself as John D. Rockefeller VI and expect everyone to go along with it

  67. Jane Go Unchained8/26/13, 8:01 AM


    He was an aide-de camp. What did you expect?


    Salvation from Russia? I cannot believe all the beta losers who think crap like this. Salvation isn't gonna come from anywhere, we will just have to burn through all this madness and survive by our own wits and recovered morality. And Russia is a mess with a below replacement level birthrate. There's better ways to combat organized faggotry than beating them up.

  68. The fact that it's noteworthy news whenever some masculine or successful man comes out as transgender demonstrates that it's rare. Gays are 3-4% of the population; I have to imagine that transgenders are not even 1%. Of that one percent, not many break the stereotype that we have of odd trannies. So, it's odd, but even if some manly man comes out as a woman once every month for the next five years, and we hear about it all over the news, that's . . . still only 60 manly men to come out as women. Each time, the press will try to frame it as a frequent event: "See, they're all around us!" No, no they are not. If they were truly all around us, no one would report on it every time a manly man came out as a woman.

    So, as always, World War T is, like the Civil Rights movement writ large, really just about two groups of normal white people using some tiny minority as pawns in a gigantic game of Holier-Than-Thou.

  69. I think Steve has the wrong tim obrien. I think he might be thinking about the richard timothy o'brien who wrote screenplay for Rocky Horror Picture Show.

  70. The main opposition to "trans-acceptance" will come from lesbian feminists who don't want men in women's changing rooms/clubs/prisons.

    Biology is destiny for these feminists. It just happens that their hatred of males coincides with the truth. Stopped clocks etc. Here's Julie Bindel.

    "I don't have a problem with men disposing of their genitals, but it does not make them women"

    I'm sure there's some guy with rape convictions who's been snipped and wants to serve his time in a women's prison. Here we are :

  71. Wow not very hard to turn old working class warrior into a snob. What a loser. If your family can't even crack the social register in this misfit country how prole must your family be.

  72. Did you see the logo of the library? A Civil War soldier (male), a World War II soldier (male), and a modern soldier (female, in cap).

    Yes, indeed. Because 1/3 of all military personnel in history have been women.

    There's the start of the sickness.

  73. Steve,

    It's time to reinvoke that black woman from the college admissions office who looks over pictures of applicants and determines whether they're actually the race they claim. This time, her mission is to determine the true gender of transsexuals and deliver the results to news editors.

  74. White House to hold closeted session on "issues" facing bisexuals. I wonder if Obama will attend?

  75. Transsexuals who were once overtly masculine males (or on the husky side) look extremely frumpy once they change teams, especially when they do so close middle age. I felt like I was stuck playing a game of grown-up make believe whenever they used to come into a place that I worked.

  76. In picture #1, Pritzker the male has longish hair; in picture #2, Pritzker the female has very short hair.


  77. A Working Class American said, "American whites are primarily the descendants of four groups of europeans: 1) White indentured slaves; 2) greed-heads, oops, I mean "wannabe entrepreneurs"; 3) misfits with psychological disorders who emigrated because they did not fit in; 4) religious nutjobs."

    There were four groups from Britain who sent their highest-ranking members to America. They are the four groups described in "Albion's Seed."

    New England Puritans - Top Puritans needed to get out of England after the Restoration.

    Quakers - Quakers sent their top people to their new colony of Pennsylvania, for which they had high hopes.

    Scots-Irish - Import restrictions imposed by Britain crushed the Irish economy in the early 1700's. Whole families and villages came over, including all their leaders.

    Cavaliers - Some fled Cromwell's rule. Younger brothers from leading families also came to America seeking land, which they could not obtain in England due to primogeniture.

    People descended from the leaders of those groups have historically formed America's WASP leadership class (a class that began to be displaced in the 1960's).

    Immigrants from Britain and Ireland who were not associated with any of these groups, and immigrants from other European nations have produced relatively few of America's leaders.

    In my opinion, the reason we have not seen more Germans, Italians, Catholic Irish, Scandinavians, etc., among America's leaders is that there were few with leadership status among the populations who originally immigrated from those nations.

  78. I wonder how much of the stigma of German perversion is due to the northern and eastern parts of the country -- i.e., the parts that were late / resistant to joining Christianity, that first broke off in the Reformation as Lutherans, that supported the Nazis, where you see the more dark / brooding / emo personality type, etc.

    Prussia and Weimar Berlin would support this hunch. Of the few Wikipedia entries for German porn studios, several are based in Berlin and one in Flensburg (Schleswig-Holstein).

    The article on porn in Europe also says there's a big industry in Hungary and the Czech Republic. Not just making movies there, but also supplying a good number of the "actresses" for movies made elsewhere.

    Russia looks like a big producer too, though not as much. And Swedes have always been leaders in the "industry."

    That would support most of this stuff reflecting Saxon/Nordic and Slavic influences (lots of Slavic influence in eastern Germany).

    Same places you find obsession with emo cosplay death metal, continuing a tradition going back through Wagner.

    The western / southern region of Germany gets a bum rap from being so closely linked in foreigners' minds with the northern / eastern region. If you dig Kraftwerk and Oktoberfest, you're not attached to the weird and perverted part of Germany.

  79. I see your Eulenburg etc. and raise you a Lord Esher and a Loulou Harcourt. What, you haven't heard of them? Nobody put that stuff in their Wikipedia articles? That might be the point.

  80. "Germans were pretty weird after losing WWI (see Weimar Republic). In fact, they were kind of weird before WWI:"

    Here's saving the other readers a click:

    Basically it's about how a homosexual conspiracy/blackmail-thing in the German aristocracy might have led to WWI.

    I don't know if it's *that* weird though. There was a similiar homosexual blackmail affair connected to the Swedish monarchy around the middle of the last century and I'll eat a hat if there hasn't been similiar affairs in connection to the British royals. Seems like homosexual coteries is just something that comes with a strong aristocracy. And probably there's just a stuff that's more along the lines of establishing shared secrets and hierarchy that's more about humiliation than actual gay stuff.

    The Swedish royal homo affair:

    Granted, I'm not that familiar with German culture, but the Germans I've met have generally seemed fairly wholesome. Possibly somewhat promiscous and slightly on the vulgar side, but not exactly on the same level as the homosexual sadomasochism of British boarding schools. Or for instance the German penchant for nudism, sure there's naked people but it's really pretty tame stuff and not all that sexual.

    Personally I think they get an unfair reputation as perverts because they're not as apt to repress perverts, rather than Germans generally being sexually weird.

  81. The Japanese and Germans aren't driving the destruction of normalcy.

    The US media are driving the destruction of normalcy.


    "Mike Bailey thinks many of these guys get turned on by thought of themselves as women, as someone said and he called it autogynephilia."

    I think part of it may be an extreme extension of men who get particularly turned on by lesbian porn.


    "but strangely there are fewer exclusive lesbians than there are exclusive gays."

    *If* the gay bug theory is correct and *if* the way it works is similar to thalamic stroke i.e. damage to how sensory response is wired up inside the thalamus either directly or through misrepair then *if* female sexual response was for example 25% visual, 75% non-visual and male sexual response 75% visual and 25% non-visual then a bug hit rate that led to for example 3% exclusive homosexual and 1% bisexual males would lead to a 1% exclusively lesbian and 3% bisexual (or straight but talks about angeina jolie a lot) females.


    If the above was correct and related to STDs then the cause of World War T may be more medical than political even if in the end it came to the same thing - destroy the family, destroy the country.

  82. David M said...

    "And what happens when someone decides he is simultaneously male and female - will we need to refer to them with both pronouns simultaneously, or should we make up a new one?"

    Looking back from the future:

    I tried being half male, half female, as is my right. Unfortunately, the female half sent me to an embroidery class, but the male half made me useless when I got there. Also, I was a nuisance to other people, because of pronouns. I reverted to 100% male.

    Then I worked out that I had the right to be trans-species. I chose half human, half kangaroo. Unfortunately, whenever I came to a fence, I could not decide whether to jump over it or walk through the gate. Also, no one knew whether to call me "he" or "it". I went back to being 100% human.

    Then I became trans-racial, as is my right. Being an Australian, I chose three quarters white, one quarter Aboriginal. This has been a big success, as I can stay out in the sun a lot longer without getting sunburnt, and I can throw a boomerang.

  83. "German" nudism is also a northern/eastern phenomenon. Not sick and perverted, but still violating taboos seen even in primitive societies, where at least folks cover their private parts.

    Their main destinations were on the North and Baltic Seas. The main nudist organization, Deutscher Verband für Freikörperkultur, is based in Hannover.

    "Nudism was particularly popular in East Germany, possibly because of a more secular cultural development."

    I wouldn't blame the godless Soviet Russkies for this either. The region seems to have been a-religious for a long time.

  84. Some quick googling turns up an article about the history of Bavarian adult movies. Turns out they weren't sick, perverted, etc., like we'd expect from their "German" origins. Instead they feature campy, goofy softcore romps through the Alps.

    "Lowbrow in High Places: When Lederhosen Porn Was King"

  85. Jane Go Unchained8/26/13, 1:21 PM

    Who is Rich Parnets? An alternate spelling of Rich Parents.

    Tokugawa Japan was a hotbed of pederasty. Make of that what you will.

  86. The Japanese and Germans aren't driving the destruction of normalcy.

    The US media are driving the destruction of normalcy.


    But let's just go ahead and harp on what Bailey wrote a decade ago.

  88. "But let's just go ahead and harp on what Bailey wrote a decade ago."

    From the petulant tone i'd say you have a female hyperthalamus.


  89. "But let's just go ahead and harp on what Bailey wrote a decade ago."

    Then sexual reassignment surgery treats the symptom and not the problem.

  90. Not very Jewish either. I forgot that part of the Old Testament where the chosen people males turned themselves imitation women.

    That brand of Judaism ended in 70 A.D.

  91. "From the petulant tone"

    Par for the course.

  92. Auntie Analogue8/26/13, 8:48 PM

    Those super-smart Jews that you keep telling us about, Mr. Sailer. have for some years now had gay and trans individuals serving in the Israel Defense Forces. Doesn't seem to have subtracted from the cohesion or effectivness of the IDF, does it?

  93. "There have always been mutants among large human populations."

    If we evolve by a process of random mutations, shouldn't we expect some mutants? I apologize on Darwin's behalf that some of his prototypes are so unsettling.

    If Pritzger felt free to indulge his urges as a younger man, he wouldn't have spawned three potential mutants.

  94. Dave's Music8/27/13, 5:58 AM

    Do the hormone treatments even respond the same on people in their 60s?

    Sounds to me like a good way to up your chances of getting cancer.

  95. "Then sexual reassignment surgery treats the symptom and not the problem."

    No it doesn't. One of the key factors as to whether sex assignment surgery works is if we as a society accept who they are when they transition. Why must this tiny little minority force us to reevaluate who we are? Why can't money and research be put into treating their underlying mental illness instead of paying for the opportunity to inject themselves with hormones and undergo radical surgical reassignment?

    "It's been proven it's rooted in the brain, therefore we must accept it." People who suffer body integrity disorder have brain differences that reflect what they feel- but why must they undergo decapitation, that would then drain public funds, to be helped? Cure for their disorder might not come anytime soon, but we're doing no favors in the long run by giving into it.

    I mean what, do we have to let these people mutilate themselves until we come up with a cure for whatever is ailing them? That would make more sense than what you and other trans advocates push for, but I never see this argument. Like that QZ article, it talks of a time when we'll have "genders out of sci-fi", presumably a time when we'll have a better understanding of these disorders and knowledge of fixing them. But there's no talk of that, just a glory age of progressivism where gender is an "amorphous blob", and therefore so is human identity and the perception of reality itself.

  96. Auntie Analogue,

    Two issues with that. One is that females don't serve in front line combat positions. They occasionally serve as trainers but the reality is that most of them end up becoming mattresses for officers.

    Two is that the IDF is really good at killing Palestinian teenagers and beating up grandmas but when it encountered a world class light infantry like HA in 2006, it got its ass kicked in.

    What was the last war the IDF won without the US intervening massively? "Stormin Norman" was rightfully dismissive of the IDF, as are most military professionals. The only people who boost the IDF and believe it are neocons and other idiots who have no clue wtf they're talking about.

  97. Does writing mean articles make you feel:

    More like a man?

    More like a Christian?

    More like a conservative?

    Or just more like an asshole?

  98. "Sounds to me like a good way to up your chances of getting cancer."

    -That would be an interesting topic to research that would never get published. Likely there is an uptick among trannies, both from the stress of being a freak and maintaining a delusion, or from the massive doses of hormones. Stimulating new growth in sex-related tissues at puberty and maintaining it through adult life gives a sharp uptick in cancer risk to the average Joe and Jane- its why women get breast cancer at much higher rates than men, and why eunuchs (hormone-less post-op trannies) have much lower risks of cancer.


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