November 21, 2013

"Knockout Game" v. "Polar Bear Hunting"

The seemingly synonymous phrases for black-on-white random hate attacks on pedestrians, "Knockout Game" and  "Polar Bear Hunting," have both been around for awhile. I've tended to use them interchangeably. Yet, it turns out they are wildly different in popularity with the news media. From Google News:
"knockout game"
About 33,500 results (0.40 seconds) 
"polar bear hunting"
10 results (0.23 seconds) 


  1. Where and how Knockout "Game" was born:

  2. Polar bear hunting is a bit too suggestive of the motivations of the hunters and their preferred target for the mainstream.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. From the St. Louis Today article:

    A school assembly about the knockout game is held with the chief of police, et al., in which students are told "that police can't stop the violence. The mayor can't stop it. James Clark can't stop it. It is going to stop when the students say it stops, he said.

    "The students appeared to be taking it all in. Maybe this was working.

    "Three weeks later, a 54-year-old man was slugged repeatedly in a knockout assault in the Mount Pleasant neighborhood. Police arrested two Roosevelt students. One of them, 15 years old, told police he'd attended the assembly with the chief and captain.

  5. The Jockout Game

  6. Polar bear hunting gives a quick summary of who the victim likely resembles. A modern-day right-thinking reporter can't have THAT!

  7. For "polar bear hunting" I got "About 1,030,000 results" - of which top eight are about the racist attacks by blacks.

  8. I suppose the next thing we will hear is how one of these boys looks like obama's son.

  9. Do these occur in concealed carry states? Bet thry don't in Texas.

  10. A polar bear walks into a pub and says to the barman "I'll have a gin and....tonic please."

    The barman asks "Why the big pause?"

    Nick (South Africa)

  11. "James Byrd Dragging Death" -

    887,684,923,761 results (0.35 seconds)

  12. "A school assembly about the knockout game is held with the chief of police, et al., in which students are told "that police can't stop the violence. The mayor can't stop it. James Clark can't stop it. It is going to stop when the students say it stops, he said."

    I guess the message was supposed to be "you have to stop it" but it sure sounds like it came off as "we can't/won't stop you, go wild"

  13. Remember Michelle Obama invited the rapper, Common, to perform at the White House for a "poetry session? Here's some lyrics from rapper L’il Wayne who has a similar filthy and very dangerous language problem....


    “I Am Not Human”

    This is the black rap/hip-hop culture in all it's glory...The L'il ones can now watch from their Ipads while in school in L.A.

  14. Knockout Game = Ambiguous Game

    Polar Bear Hunting = Pale, White Victim/Prey

  15. that police can't stop the violence. The mayor can't stop it. James Clark can't stop it. It is going to stop when the students say it stops, he said.

    "The students appeared to be taking it all in.

    Of course they did. They were told repeatedly that nobody was going to stop them.

  16. I suppose the phrase 'polar bear hunting' connotes 'global warming' to most people in America. But to the esquimaux it probably means something much different since polar bears hunt people.

    Americans also associate violence with young blacks but that is only one kind of violence - individual unorganized impulsive violence.

    Last year I read maybe a half dozen books by Victor Davis Hanson He writes of the 'Western Way of War'. He says that white Europeans starting with the Greek Hoplites fought each other in a more brutal and violent face to face way than other peoples. That's the secret to the 'Rise of the West'.

    White people are violent too, but they are organized about it. So if and when white people react to the street violence of black people it is likely to be better planned, better thought out and much, much more violent.


  17. Last year I read maybe a half dozen books by Victor Davis Hanson He writes of the 'Western Way of War'. He says that white Europeans starting with the Greek Hoplites fought each other in a more brutal and violent face to face way than other peoples. That's the secret to the 'Rise of the West'.

    Actually, it's superior logistics.

  18. I wrote this letter to the editor of the Washington Post back in June. For some reason, it didn't get published...:

    "In the June 12th article ‘Violence for violence’s sake is troubling,’ says cyclist attacked by youths on D.C. trail’, there may be a newsworthy aspect to the story that might have been missed. Understanding violent criminals’ motivations can help potential victims avoid trouble and assist in the community working together to solve the problem.

    "In this case, the race of the victim and attackers may be relevant. There is a discouraging and unpleasant phenomenon called “polar bear hunting” in which a white person is selected, based on his or her race, by a group of black men, often just teenagers, to be the victim of a surprise violent attack in which no money or valuables are taken. It is violence for violence sake, which fits the victim’s description of the event in this case.

    "This attack may not have been racially motivated, but would the Post please consider making the race of the attacked man and suspects public so that readers may understand the event better and so that the community may work more effectively to prevent such attacks in the future?"

  19. Google can give different counts, if 'safe mode' is enabled.

    I would check whether the term 'polar bear hunting' is tagged as 'unsafe' or not.

  20. Why isn't this a huge story on all the channels? Why isn't the president on TV showing his disaproval?


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