November 21, 2013

Knockout Game: What not to notice

Recently, Jewish leaders in New York have called attention to the pattern of black youths engaging in violent hate crimes against visibly Jewish people walking down the street in Brooklyn, such as a 78-year-old lady. This is finally bringing respectable media attention to the long-running phenomenon of Polar Bear Hunting or Knockout Game: random black hate crimes against whites without even bothering to steal anything, as happened to Matthew Yglesias in 2011.

Fortunately, NYC's NPR station is here to tell us what not to notice:
The Brian Lehrer Show 
Is the News Media Over-Hyping "The Knockout Game?" 
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Dr. Butts
"The Knockout Game" is a phenomenon where teens assault strangers by trying to knock them out with one punch. Is this a new trend? Is the media making it worse? Jeffrey Butts, director of the Research and Evaluation Center at John Jay College of Criminal Justice at CUNY assesses the patterns behind this story and how it's being addressed by the media. 
What We Learned  
It's All About the Video - Jeffrey Butts says while this is not a new phenomenon, it's getting attention now because there are videos. 
Are These Hate Crimes? - Butts says this is way too early to be attributing this to hate crime. Victims are wide-ranging.  
For Teens, This May Not Seem Like Big Deal - Butts suggested that for teens, if violence is a normal thing in your life, punching someone may seem like a minor infraction, and that the media attention is partly responsible for spreading this meme.  
Does Race Matter? - Several listeners called in to suggest that these crimes seem to racially motivated and mainly a black on white thing. Butts says, "In any kind of criminal behavior,  people tend to focus on the race and ethnicity of both the victim and the perpetrator. I think it's just inappropriate to draw inferences from a few cases or even from a dominant pattern because that encourages you to think about this as a racial behavior. I think it's more about the age of the perpetrators; it's probably more about social class."


  1. Auntie Analogue11/21/13, 3:48 PM

    "Butts says, 'In any kind of criminal behavior, people tend to focus on the race and ethnicity of both the victim and the perpetrator. I think it's just inappropriate to draw inferences from a few cases or even from a dominant pattern because that encourages you to think about this as a racial behavior. I think it's more about the age of the perpetrators; it's probably more about social class.'"

    Bet you a C-note that that's not what Butts said about George Zimmerman defending himself against Trayvon Martin's assault.

    Well, now we know of one Butts that needs kicking.

  2. It's sad, but you almost have to hope the victims of this and other racial crimes are rich, gay, or Jews so that the media will begin to cover it nationally. So long as the victims are unwashed whites, it will be ignored.

  3. Polar Bear Hunting!

    Yes yes - but of course the people who report this are pure racists. WE KNOW -- reporting this a slap at our black president - dare these reporters, what an outrage - where is the respect. Surly there is a law against this racist reporting. Disrespect one black and you disrespect all blacks. Have you forgotten slavery!

    p.s. Thanks mr president - you most defiantly are post racial - you really have brought blacks into the fold of American society - you have made the angry black man come of age - just look at your social handy work!

  4. "I think it's just inappropriate to draw inferences from a few cases or even from a dominant pattern because that encourages you to think about this as a racial behavior."

    This redirection will continue until people are unafraid to say it en masse. Which will require prominent ones coming forth (or rising).

  5. If the inference from the dominant pattern is that it is a racial matter, don't make that inference.

  6. "I think it's just inappropriate to draw inferences from a few cases or even from a dominant pattern because that…" would be science-based reasoning based upon empirical evidence as it has evolved in the West since the Enlightenment and everyone knows that the Founding Fathers, being heirs to the Enlightenment were slave owners and everything and so you can't really judge because no white person can ever really understand how a black man feels and besides, if violence is a normal thing in your life as it is for teens of all races whether Asian, white or whatever, then beating other people senseless makes sense from their perspective and we have to respect their point of view and not subject it to our culturally biased dead-white male prejudice. And everything.

  7. You'd think the proggtards would be offended by "polar bear hunting".

  8. Has anybody done a thorough job quantifying the issue, showing the proportionate of the black population commiting such senseless crimes against whites, how constant it has been over the last fifty years, and so on? I agree that the issue needs to be brought to the public's attention, but I wish there would be some emperical data to show what we're really dealing with.

  9. I listened to this live today and couldn't believe my ears. Caller after caller stated young black men were the attackers and yet the guest danced around the question of race for the entire program.

  10. "I think it's just inappropriate to draw inferences from...a dominant pattern...."


  11. ''Knockout game''/''polar bear hunting'' practiced on white gentiles: Shhhhhhh, hush, hush, ''it's just random'' attacks by ''teens'' (as reported by the MSM).
    ''Knockout game''/''polar bear hunting'' practiced on Jews: AHHHHHHHH!!! They're attacking us! It's a hate crime! (as reported by the MSM).
    So why is it wrong to notice:
    A certain small (~2% of the overall population) ethnicity does dominate ''the media''.
    And that the point of view by ''the media'' overwhelmingly reflects how that certain ethnicity views the majority of this country's population.
    Call me names all you want, but it doesn't change that 2+2=4

  12. "Pay no attention to the [black] man behind the curtain!"

  13. I don't have time to go surfing YouTube looking for this, but I'm curious: are there any videos of white kids doing this, to people of any race?

  14. "I think it's just inappropriate to draw inferences from ....a dominant pattern because that ...."

    would be true.
    would be a thoughtcrime.
    makes me uncomfortable.
    would make Barack Obama look bad.
    would bring joy to the heart of racists.

    I could go on and on....

    "I think it's more about the age of the perpetrators; it's probably more about social class.'"

    It's more about their shoe size, about whether they like Coke or Pepsi, its about their astrological sign, yes, that's the ticket. Can we focus on that and please please ignore the elephant in the room. Please.

  15. Butts seems like an ass.

  16. Since they can't keep a lid on this sort of thing anymore, thanks to things like the internet, they now try to manage the perception of it. Denying has started to fail so now spin is the next line of defense. The buzzwords have gotten stale by now: random, youths, economics, underprivileged, underserved, non-racial, more programs, send mo' money, etc. The knockout angle is just a recent refinement of the old sudden black gang attack on others that's been going on for ages, also sometimes called 'flash mobbing' or 'wilding'. One punch=one knockout gives them added points. Using cell phones they converge and disperse quickly. Spotters warn others about where the police are located and give the whereabouts of promising victims. Dispersed, they can pretend not to know each other and claim waycissm if the police try to link them. What seems to have changed is the boldness and sense of impunity these thugs have developed in recent years. Going to jail gives them stature, a red badge of courage.
    It's been going on for longer than some may think. Abe Lincoln himself was waylaid by a gang of blacks when he was just nineteen. Expect more of these lame "experts" to be trotted up to the podium.

  17. Someone should do a REAL WAR ON WOMEN blog that records and details all the crimes and violence perpetrated on women by black males, illegal aliens, and porn industry overlords.

  18. I wasn't too concerned about this "polar bear hunting" thing, until I realized that knocking out "Whites" meant knocking out "Whites - and even Jews".

    At that Point, it stopped being a game. After all, this is bad for teh Jews.

    This must be stopped. Now.

  19. Sez Butts: "I think it's just inappropriate to draw inferences from a few cases or even from a dominant pattern..." This man is either dishonest or a simpleton.
    A local man (Syracuse, NY) was killed last May by players of this game.
    I have warned my (young adult) kids to stay out of punching range of the urban youts they may encounter on the street. Until now, I would have regarded that advice as sheer alarmism. I don't anymore.

  20. I envision de Blasio's response to this problem: his two biracial children distributing free football helmets to vulnerable/paranoid Ice People.
    They can make a public service announcement showing gangs of black kids futilely punching white folks in the helmet - everyone laughing while the white victims proclaim "no harm, no foul."

  21. It's sad, but you almost have to hope the victims of this and other racial crimes are rich, gay, or Jews so that the media will begin to cover it nationally. So long as the victims are unwashed whites, it will be ignored.

    According to a video blogger quoted by Colin Flaherty, that's exactly what the "Knockout Game" has been about, all along:

    A St. Louis writer, activist and boxing coach talks about the Knockout Game in his video blog. He says police ignore many Knockout Game assaults because they make the city look bad.The perpetrators are black and the victims are not, he says. But the boxing coach knows why:

    Most of the people who get beat up are vegans, gays, artists, non-violent types. Many are kids from the suburbs or recent immigrants. People who are not prepared to defend themselves. There are white neighborhoods – blue collar, middle class neighborhoods – where these folks will not go because they know that people there are willing to defend themselves.

    On Monday, April 23, 2012, an elderly lady was attacked by a group of teenagers at the bus stop on Grand and Page. There has been no media coverage of this event. I have met several victims and the story is always the same going back to 2005.

  22. For Teens, This May Not Seem Like Big Deal - Butts suggested that for teens, if violence is a normal thing in your life, punching someone may seem like a minor infraction, and that the media attention is partly responsible for spreading this meme.

    Butts sounds more and more like a high school principal, with the same double standards. For hive-minded thugs it's "boys will be boys". But any attempt at self defense might as well be murder. (See also ENDER's GAME for the same hypocrisy.)

  23. Elite media/establishment's racial/ethnic hierarchy:

    Everyone Else

  24. You have to concede that there is no conservative equivalent to NPR's WNYC. Many of it's shows are irresistably interesting and intelligent. I hate myself for enjoying them so much. RadioLab and This American Life will shorten any long commute.

    However, when the subject is race, it all goes to pot. I was listening to one show where the hosts concluded that Kenyans are exceptional marathoners because their pain threshold was elevated by the brutal circumcision rituals they've endured. They barely, if at all, denounced the rituals! I wonder why they didn't consult with Jerry Coyne, or Richard Dawkins (NPR has a stable of heavily credentialed resources - another area where they squash the conservatives) before floating this whopper. Maybe they knew they'd sully their sources.

  25. As Steve likes to say, ideology makes you stupid.

    "I don't have time to go surfing YouTube looking for this, but I'm curious: are there any videos of white kids doing this, to people of any race?"

    No, because there are almost no white kids these days who live in dense enough urban environments for such a thing to be plausible.

  26. Most of the people who get beat up are vegans, gays, artists, non-violent types. Many are kids from the suburbs or recent immigrants.

    Recent immigrants? Aren't they supposed to be the biggest thugs in America?

  27. You have to concede that there is no conservative equivalent to NPR's WNYC. Many of it's shows are irresistably interesting and intelligent. I hate myself for enjoying them so much. ...

    There's no need to hate yourself. Obviously, you are an irresistably interesting and intelligent person!

    (NPR has a stable of heavily credentialed resources - another area where they squash the conservatives) ...

    Yes, if a person has heavy credentials, then you have to be squashed by what they say.

  28. Are These Hate Crimes? - Butts says this is way too early to be attributing this to hate crime. Victims are wide-ranging.


    What about the perpetrators ?

  29. Abe Lincoln himself was waylaid by a gang of blacks when he was just nineteen.

    Could you provide a citation for this.

  30. Harry Baldwin11/21/13, 9:55 PM

    "Mr. Lincoln had prepared a biography for his presidential campaign in 1860 which stated: "When he was nineteen, still residing in Indiana, he made his first trip upon a flat-boat to New-Orleans. He was hired hand merely; and he and a son of the owner, without other assistance, made the trip. The nature of part of the cargo-load, as it was called — made it necessary for them to linger and trade along the Sugar coast — and one night they were attacked by seven Negroes with intent to kill and rob them. They were hurt in the melee, but succeeded in driving the Negroes from the boat, and then 'cut cable' 'weighed anchor' and left."

    See: Abraham Lincoln: Complete Works, Comprising His Speeches, Letters ..., Volume 1, p. 640

  31. Thomas Sowell recently wrote:

    The New York authorities report a recent series of such attacks and, because Jews have been singled out in these attacks, are considering prosecuting these assaults as “hate crimes.”

    Many aspects of these crimes are extremely painful to think about, including the fact that responsible authorities in New York seem to have been caught by surprise, even though this “knockout game” has been played for years by young black gangs in other cities and other states, against people besides Jews — the victims being either whites in general or people of Asian ancestry.

    So black-on-white and black-on-Asian nobody notices, but black-on-Jews suddenly they are hate crimes?

  32. Svigor said...
    Elite media/establishment's racial/ethnic hierarchy:

    Everyone Else

    According to "Olympus Has Fallen" and other Hollywood products, the last two places on the hierarchy seem to change places as needed.

  33. "Knockout game: Videos of the teen attacks go viral; the crime’s not viral

    Knockout game: A violent teen prank – seen in videos, but probably still an isolated trend – highlights the need to establish strong connections between young people and their community."

  34. I saw a White Kid knockout his girl friend on Just saw many videos of these Games on

    Looks like the Planet did not get a all round development. Modernity is ruining the Society.

    To the best of my Knowledge God will let go of this planet for a Few Million Years. Simmer in Spiritual Darkness.

  35. There is some poetic justice in all this.

    For years I've been hearing Jews of a certain type declare, always within earshot of members of the, er, "vibrant" community, "We Jews don't consider ourselves to be white."

    And every time I encounter this intriguing form of white privilege (non-white when you want to be), I think to myself "Well, you may not consider yourself white, but unfortunately, the vibrant folk do."

    There's a difference between being not white when you want to be, and being not white when you need to be.

    That white privilege thing's a son of a bitch.

  36. It isn't a hate crime. These gangs of youths who attack single vulnerable people don't hate anybody. They just dislike them a lot and think they are worthless and can be intimidated and they can get away with it and the supine, flabby media won't say anything and above all the inept politicians and fantasists who rule us have no idea what to do anyway.

    That's not hate at all.

  37. "There's no need to hate yourself. Obviously, you are an irresistably interesting and intelligent person!"

    This poor speller is smart enough to know that Conservative Talk Radio is just like NPR, except, without the book review, the arts and leisure section, the science and technology section, the food section and the sports section. Conservative hosts think their listeners have an insatiable appetite for the Republican Party platform. Even when religion is discussed, you don't have to worry about them delving into the thoughts of Aquinas or Luther. NPR is much better at candy coating their propaganda with interesting distractions and diversions.

  38. I'm sure when discussing The Gap, disparate impact, and other assorted racial issues, Butts is the first to say that it's probably all about class and age, not race.

  39. "hbd chick said...

    ""I think it's just inappropriate to draw inferences from...a dominant pattern....""


    Indeed. I think his meaning could be summed up thusly: "I think it's just inappropriate to draw inferences". Or as Steve often says: it's racist to notice things.

    Just why is this idiot Butts 'the' expert to consult on this particular story anyway?

    I have noticed a few things about these crimes. I have been reading about them online for five years or more. They were only ever covered by local news and discussed on certain blogs. Then all of a sudden, when Jews in New York started getting attacked, it became a big national story. I did notice that.

  40. Neither traditional media nor Youtube/blogs are any good at giving us a sense of how common this is. The knockout game and police beating people up for contempt of cop are both things that used to be hidden because the MSM seldom reported them, but now are widely visible because of Youtube. But we still don't know how common they are, which is the information we need.

  41. I was at a talk this week of Charles Krauthammer promoting his book at the Adam Smith Society. Former WSJ editorial head Robert Bartley's daughter Katherine asked Krauthammer if he thought psychoanalysis had caused some of the liberal strength and if religion plays a part in the media more than it should specifically if Jewish people dominate the media. This was in New York and the whole room gasped. Krauthammer chuckled and looked at John Poderetz and joked that he did not want to be known as an anti Semite because then he would have to kill himself. He then answered the first question and said on the advice of counsel (smirking) he would decline to answer the second question.

  42. Looks like Steve is being more aggressive in moderating out comments on Jews. Wonder why? New donor to your site?

  43. Back in the sixties Sammy Davis Junior was on Johnny Carson with some other blacks. They were talking politics. At one point one of the black entertainers said something that made the white audience uncomfortable. Davis quickly tried to defuse the moment with a joke. He said something to the effect that 'the white man still has the atom bomb'.

    Some black leader should render similar advice today.

    A number of commenters speculated during the 'Human Genome Project' that white people would use that knowledge to eliminate blacks. Thomas Harris the famous novelist and personal friend of Tony Blair was one of those.

    A weaponized small pox virus that only infected blacks is actually a lot harder to make that just mapping the genome. I don't think it's possible. Blacks seem to be betting the continuance of their race on whether I'm right or not.

    Derrick Bell - Obama's black Harvard Law School professor - made a movie for HBO in which space aliens took away all of America's blacks. The protagonist tried to think what accomplishments justified blacks in America. He came up with only two - Jazz and basketball.

    Black leaders should try to keep white folks from thinking along those lines.

    Would America be better off without blacks? Exactly what do blacks contribute? It's not as if the federal government hasn't tried to argue for black achievements with programs like 'Black History Month' but whites are more likely to remember 'knock out games' and 'flash mobs'.

    Blacks do impulsive violence. Whites do organized violence. There are probably only a few tens of thousands of whites in America who want to exterminate all blacks. That's not nearly enough for any kind of conventional army. Every white racist in America armed with their 'Doomsday Prepper' guns and united together wouldn't stand a chance against the any Podunk National Guard unit. Let them rave.

    But a weaponized race specific virus, if it is possible at all, only needs one guy with a grievance.


  44. When I was about 12 (I'm now 60) my older brother and two of his friends (one Latino) were returning from a day at the movies at the Rialto in the Roslindale section of Boston. In those days you could see two feature films, several cartoons and a couple of shorts for about a quarter.

    Well, we probably stayed later than we should as it was dark by the time we left the theatre. We lived a few miles away in Dorchester, so we decided to cut through Franklin Park, one of Boston’s large parks designed by Frederick Law Olmstead as part of the Emerald Necklace. Franklin Park was right on the border of Roxbury and Dorchester and the adjacent neighborhoods were populated by blacks.

    We had a small black dog with us who went everywhere we went and would wait for us as long as it took. We were probably three quarters of the way through the park when we heard someone shout out, “Hey, whachoo white boys doing with a black dog?” Emerging from the shadows was a group of black kids, teenagers, maybe 8 to 10 kids.

    I was wondering if there were some kind of rule that you could only have a dog the same color as you, when my brother, who was 4 years older than I, muttered under his breath, “When I say run; run”.


    Off we went, like zebras running from lions. My brother, his friends and the dog left me in the dust, as the pack of black kids focused their pursuit on the weakest of the herd. ME!!! There was no way I could out run them, so I headed for the nearest fence. The park was surrounded by a 6 foot chain link fence topped with 3 strands of barbed wire. Franklin Park housed Boston’s zoo, so I guess the fence was meant to contain any animal that might escape. Well, not this little monkey.

    As I neared the fence, I could hear the black kids gaining and shouting, “Get that little white motherfucker! Let’s kick his scrawny, little white ass!” And other such colorful epithets. With a move that would make any chimpanzee envious, I leapt on the fence and, using its recoil, jumped up, grabbed an overhanging branch and vaulted over the fence and barbed wire. I landed on my ass on the other side. Ouch!

    Just at that point the gang of black kids reached the fence, howling with rage that I escaped their planned beating. They were shaking the chain links, swearing and yelling how much they hated white boys and what they planned to do to me. I jumped up grabbed a handful of rocks and hurled them at my pursuers. As they ducked, I took off across Blue Hill Avenue, dodging traffic and ran down Washington Street towards my triple-decker near Codman Square. I let them know my racial sentiments at the time, too! “Fucking niggers!”

    Whew! That was a close call. There is no doubt they would have enjoyed beating down this little white boy. This was about 48 years ago. I’m not sure if much has changed. And before anyone gets any ideas, in the intervening years I have come to know, respect and indeed love many black people. But, that’s the way it was in Boston in the early sixties.

    [Steve, feel free to edit any vulgarities and slurs, which I wouldn’t use today. I just wanted to relay things as they actually happened.]


  45. "I saw a White Kid knockout his girl friend on Just saw many videos of these Games on"

    That's just abuse.

    Knockout Game is done to strangers.

  46. "Looks like Steve is being more aggressive in moderating out comments on Jews. Wonder why? New donor to your site?"

    How would he know the donor is Jewish? I mean unless he got a check from the SPLC, which is unlikely.

  47. "Elite media/establishment's racial/ethnic hierarchy:

    Everyone Else

    I'm not sure of this ordering. Louis Farrakhan and Jesse Jackson have got away with making anti-Jewish statements that would have consigned any white politician or pundit to the outer darkness. No one holds them accountable. They soldier on.

    Al Sharpton actually whipped up a riot in Crown Heights that specifically targeted Jews. It is the closest thing this country has ever seen to the "Black Hundreds" - and in this case, they were actually black. Yet Sharpton remains a regular presence on cable TV talking-heads shows.

    I suspect that the greatest reservoir of Jew-hatred in the U.S. is in the urban black underclass. Yet operations like the SPLC say barely anything about it and instead sound alarms about obscure groups of a few dozen cranks in places like rural Idaho. It is more conducive, I suppose, to the success of their tactic of scaring elderly Jewish liberals into sending them money for them to intimate an imminent danger from bands of redneck Kluxers and neo-Nazis.

  48. This poor speller is smart enough to know that Conservative Talk Radio is just like NPR, except, without the book review, the arts and leisure section, the science and technology section, the food section and the sports section. Conservative hosts think their listeners have an insatiable appetite for the Republican Party platform. Even when religion is discussed, you don't have to worry about them delving into the thoughts of Aquinas or Luther. NPR is much better at candy coating their propaganda with interesting distractions and diversions.

    NPR is a quasi-governmental organization. Talk radio, on the other hand, has to pay the bills, and lives in the much more competitive private sector. You do the math as to who is more responsive to their listeners.

  49. I'm not sure of this ordering. Louis Farrakhan and Jesse Jackson have got away with making anti-Jewish statements that would have consigned any white politician or pundit to the outer darkness. No one holds them accountable. They soldier on.

    True, Jews do look so far down on blacks that they tend to overlook their peccadilloes. They regard them as useful idiots, I guess. Farrakhan gets a lot of flak from cons and neokhans, but I kinda like the guy.

    I suspect that the greatest reservoir of Jew-hatred in the U.S. is in the urban black underclass. Yet operations like the SPLC say barely anything about it and instead sound alarms about obscure groups of a few dozen cranks in places like rural Idaho. It is more conducive, I suppose, to the success of their tactic of scaring elderly Jewish liberals into sending them money for them to intimate an imminent danger from bands of redneck Kluxers and neo-Nazis.

    Outside of street crime and the occasional riot, blacks are no threat to Jews. They give their votes to the Jews' bloc, and have zero chance of displacing Jewish power. White "gentiles," on the other hand, are unreliable votes at best, and are very much in a position to compete with Jews and displace Jewish power. White "gentiles" could dethrone Jews tomorrow, if they wanted to.

  50. Harry Baldwin11/22/13, 1:53 PM

    I'm not sure of this ordering. Louis Farrakhan and Jesse Jackson have got away with making anti-Jewish statements that would have consigned any white politician or pundit to the outer darkness. No one holds them accountable. They soldier on.

    I have come to suspect that a certain amount of anti-Semitism is considered useful by the Powers that Be. They can point to it and say, "See? It's still there. We're still victims" It provides group cohesion.

    I don't mean to suggest that people like Farrakhan, Jackson, and Sharpton are tolerated because they are anti-Semitic. I think their main purpose is to stir up a type of trouble and dissension that is also useful to the PtB, and their anti-Semitism can be tolerated because that other function is considered valuable. They have their purpose in the order of things.

  51. Harry Baldwin11/22/13, 1:56 PM

    NPR is a quasi-governmental organization. Talk radio, on the other hand, has to pay the bills, and lives in the much more competitive private sector. You do the math as to who is more responsive to their listeners.

    NPR is very responsive to its listeners, those listeners being liberals in congress who support their funding and SWPLs who send in their donations. I don't think NPR worries about annoying conservative listeners like me with its relentless bias.

  52. "Louis Farrakhan and Jesse Jackson have got away with making anti-Jewish statements that would have consigned any white politician or pundit to the outer darkness. No one holds them accountable. They soldier on."

    That was all taken care of with the Obama-formula.

    "If you work for us, lots of candies and prizes."

    But if you are like the Jacksons, well.. where is Jesse Jr now?

  53. I feel bad for Steve: He's obviously a smart and interesting guy and he runs a great site -- I read it daily -- but he has to put up with the likes of you. Makes me wish I'd never known there's a comments section.

  54. "Looks like Steve is being more aggressive in moderating out comments on Jews. Wonder why? New donor to your site?"

    You must be new here.

  55. Here's a knock-out game video from 2009:

  56. Maybe these attacks aren't hate crimes. If they aren't, think about it for a moment. They're not motivated by anger at a particular group, they're not motivated by materialistic considerations. Rather, they're motivated by a pleasure derived in inflicting pain on people for sport.

    I also don't think Polar Bear Hunting and Knock out game are quite the same thing. [Though there is intersection] The purpose of knock out game is merely to knock someone out in a single punch. I have seen Africans do knock out punches on other Africans.

    Polar Bear hunting is explicitly african on non-african and is not about attempting to knock anyone out per-say, and certainly not in a single punch.

  57. If the Federal and Local governments would treat black crime equally this would not be a topic of discussion.

    One simply cannot with any honesty deny that crimes with white attackers and black victims are treated extremely differently. The simple utterance of a racial slur is all it takes for "Hate Crime" charges.

    Meanwhile we have dozens of cases of black attacks against whites that were explicitly attacks against whites as spoken by the very words of their attackers, or followed up with racial slurs and hate posted openly on social media sites. Yet these crimes are ignored and dismissed.

    I've even heard black criminal's who have attacked whites openly and blatantly be dismissed because "the criminal has white friends." How in the hell in today's society do we even ALLOW such lies to be spoken, especially when "I have a black friend..." is considered a laughable defense? It is no different.

    There is clear racism present here. Everyone with their eyes open can see it, and more and more people are refusing to remain silent about it.


Comments are moderated, at whim.