January 18, 2014

1st Nonwhite Hispanic Bachelor's "Comments on Gays Spark Uproar"

Non-White Hispanic
Last year, the Hollywood Reporter reported:
ABC Names First Non-White 'Bachelor'  
The next Bachelor has been revealed, and he represents a milestone for the ABC reality show. 
Host Chris Harrison announced Monday night that former Bachelorette suitor Juan Pablo Galavis ... will become the first non-Caucasian Bachelor or Bachelorette in franchise history.

But Hispanics, even a Non-White Hispanic like the blue-eyed Galavis, rank pretty far down in the Victimism Power Rankings. They simply lack the whip hand in today's Most Favored Victim struggles. Thus, the New York Times breathlessly reports:
Bachelor’ Star’s Comments on Gays Spark Uproar 
PASADENA, Calif. — ABC faced a potential crisis on Saturday over one of its longest-running hits when a storm erupted here over homophobic comments made by the star of the reality series “The Bachelor.” 
In an interview at a press party, Juan Pablo Galavis, the latest bachelor tasked with picking a possible mate from among a cast of 25 beautiful women, told the editor of the website The TV Page that he was opposed to the idea of ABC producing a season of the show with a gay bachelor. 
White Hispanic
Among other reasons, he said, “I don’t think it is a good example for kids to watch that on TV.” Of gay relationships, he added, “They are more pervert, in a sense.” (Mr. Galavis’s primary language is Spanish.) ...
The reaction to Mr. Galavis’s remarks was quick and intensely critical, with numerous reporters and commenters on Twitter denouncing them both as insensitive and, especially, inappropriate, given that Mr. Galavis is participating in a show that compels him to engage in romantic encounters with multiple women over a period of several weeks. 
ABC and the studio that produces “The Bachelor,” Warner Brothers, issued a statement on Saturday, saying, “Juan Pablo’s comments were careless, thoughtless and insensitive, and in no way reflect the views of the network, the show’s producers or studio.” 
Mr. Galavis posted an apology on his Facebook page on Saturday. “I want to apologize to all the people I may have offended because of my comments,” he wrote. He went on to say that “I have many gay friends, and one of my closest friends, who’s like a brother, has been a constant in my life, especially during the past five months. The word ‘pervert’ was not what I meant to say, and I am very sorry about it. Everyone knows English is my second language and my vocabulary is not as broad as it is in Spanish and, because of this, sometimes I use the wrong words to express myself.” 
There was no mention by ABC or Warner Brothers of consequences, either for Mr. Galavis or the show.

Perhaps as punishment Galavis will have his Non-White Hispanic status revoked.

Somebody needs to publish a Pokemon-style table of Power Points for all combinations of various Victimist statuses so you can instantly calculate who gets over on whom.

Oddly enough, there seems to be a pretty high correlation between how victimized your groups are perceived to be in the media and how powerful your groups are behind the scenes in the media, as Rip Torn implied on a Larry Sanders Show episode directed by Judd Apatow 16 years ago.

How could that be?


  1. Please hurry and clear my comment re Tyler Clementi on the Christie thread so I can copy-and-paste it into this stream as well.

  2. He was probably trying to say "perverted", hence the confusion. The MSM needs to issue their own apology.

  3. Right now the big bold headline of Drudge is "'BACHELOR' STAR CALLS GAYS PERVERTED"

    Funny how Drudge seems to get worked up over gay issues, and highlights anti-antisemitism and issues of concern relating to Israel...I wonder why.

  4. Guy's like the Platonic ideal of "White Hispanic"

  5. Of gay relationships, he added, “They are more pervert, in a sense.” (Mr. Galavis’s primary language is Spanish.)

    Time to ban Spanish from the U.S. Clearly its vocabulary carries anti-LGBT worldview thinkfluencing.

  6. stop the presses1/18/14, 6:05 PM

    especially, inappropriate, given that Mr. Galavis is participating in a show that compels him to engage in romantic encounters with multiple women over a period of several weeks

    Talk about modern-day perversion!

  7. What Were Once Vices Are Now Habits1/18/14, 6:09 PM

    Let's hear it for American newsertainment as the perpetual motion machine; I thought I'd need to wait for the fall season before another Coordinated Gay Riot over some worthless TV show would coalesce, but then Mr. Estudiante de Perversion stepped up to the plate. He's doing the job slobby American controversialists won't do.

  8. Non Whites and even Blond, blue eye Hispanics not so big on the gays. Gay power a function of women. Women would turn every beta male gay if they could. Female paradise, 10% all men alpha, 90% gay.

    Gay power low where female power low.

  9. Seems about as non-white as my favorite female actor of color, Cameron Diaz.

  10. Time to ban Spanish from the U.S. Clearly its vocabulary carries anti-LGBT worldview thinkfluencing.

    Haha. If he were non-oppressed white, he would be pressed to reveal what the Spanish word was that yielded the English equivalent, Pervert - the probing would be endless.

  11. Steve, you wrote:

    "Somebody needs to publish a Pokemon-style table of Power Points for all combinations of various Victimist statuses so you can instantly calculate who gets over on whomyou're behind the times."

    There is already a whole science of victimology. It's called intersectionality and you can study it as a subject at university. It teaches you to decide whose pain is more real, blacks, gays or PI's.

  12. PI's?

    Private Investigators?

    Oh, Pacific Islanders ... Nah, they are way down the rankings. A Daughter of the American Revolution could probably pull rank on some Samoan guy because she's a woman.

  13. "The word ‘pervert’ was not what I meant to say..." Perhaps he was looking for the English equivalent of maricon or maybe puto.

    It seems only reasonable that ABC should immediately do penance by replacing their top-rated, prime-time reality show with a two-hour homosexual version of The Bachelor. How can they lose? The new audience demographics will surely encourage advertisers to pay top dollar for a shot at sponsoring the ground-breaking new series.

  14. Monday is a big day in victimhood status. Anyone want to speculate on whether or not (Black Caribbean) Anelka is thrown off West Bromwich Albion F.C. for tossing a "Quenelle" or if (Jewish owned) Zoopla.com withdraws its sponsorship from the Albion over the Quenelle gesture?

  15. ""numerous reporters and commenters on Twitter denouncing them both as insensitive and, especially, inappropriate, given that Mr. Galavis is participating in a show that compels him to engage in romantic encounters with multiple women over a period of several weeks. "

    Numerous reporters and commenters on Twitter have denounced Mr. Galavis's assertion that drinking from the toilet is perverse as insensitive and, especially, inappropriate, given that he is participating in a show that compels him to drink from wine glasses and coffee cups.

  16. Bachelor is discriminatory. Someone should sue. 50.00% of the bachelorettes should be men.

  17. I am so sorry for "pervert" as my first language is Spanish. I meant to say "maricon", so help me please...what is Inglese for maricon?

  18. "pretty high correlation between how victimized your groups are perceived to be in the media and how powerful your groups are behind the scenes in the media"

    How does Scientology fit into your correlation analysis.

  19. IOW, there was a car wreck at the intersectionality of Hispanic and LGBTQMIAPDLOLPLPLTH. We will have to wait until the thought police clear the wreckage before we can find out who is at fault.

    Along those lines, I've seen a web ad for the instant coffee Nescafe a few times in the last few weeks. It shows a white man who appears to be a firefighter wearing his uniform in what looks to be a fire house, enjoying a cup of Nescafe. The man looks like my own late firefighter uncle who died last summer (RIP, JDB) when he was about 40 years old, and "he" in case you're curious was of German-Czech-Italian descent. But whaddaya know, the audio track and visual text of the ad was in....Spanish.

    Speaking of intersectionality, here's a three-way wreck:


  20. Poor Juan Pablo. He thought he was living in a free state

  21. I wonder if anybody complained to the Hollywood Reporter and ABC for calling Juan Pablo Galavis "non-Caucasian" and ""non-white"?

    They certainly were wrong, at least by the looks of things.

    Why didn't ABC just call him their first Hispanic Bachelor and let it go at that? It's easy and it's accurate.

  22. "Non-white"?


  23. Non-White Hispanic

    In Peru, he would be called a "gringo," which in Peru means someone of European descent, regardless of nationality.

  24. The CronoLink1/18/14, 10:43 PM

    ......You know pokemon? How? WHY?

  25. http://www.breitbart.com/InstaBlog/2014/01/18/Sculptors-Hide-Rabbit-in-Mandela-s-Ear-as-Protest

  26. "Funny how Drudge seems to get worked up over gay issues, and highlights anti-antisemitism and issues of concern relating to Israel...I wonder why."

    I clicked on the link and read some of the comments. Almost none were homophilic. Drudge is out of tune with his audience on some issues. Which means that there is a market opportunity there. A news site in tune with his huge audience would steal that audience from him.

  27. ......You know pokemon? How? WHY?

    Pokemon is 20 years old. Maybe Steve got into it when he was younger.

  28. Regarding the Pokemon table of victimhood, that is the wrong approach, Pokemon is basically a rock paper scissors kind of system. The victimhood system is much simpler, it is a simple hierarchy of higher and lower victim rankings, the basic rule is that if there is a conflict between the two victim groups the higher group wins, here is a partial list of the main groups:
    Women (the feminist ones)

    Consider the silence about Israel wanting to to deport all the African illegal immigrants or how a gay parade was blocked from presenting an anti Israel view. Consider how it is now state policy to push homosexual culture in Africa, despite vast resistance to it in Black Africa. Women that are feminists like Sandra Fluke could say things critical of Islam, non feminists like Sarah Palin could not.

  29. Zooopla have raised a stink about La Quenelle and got some publicity which will lead Anelka getting a six game ban.

  30. Yeah, I could tell The Bachelor was Hispanic soon as I laid eyes on him. My first thought was, 'Hey Paco, where's your leaf blower?"

  31. Is this guy's parents from Galicia or something? He's about as Hispanic as Martin Sheen.

  32. Until the RPG geeks grow a sense of humor and make a detailed write-up:

    Everybody Else

    +1/2 point for female or crippled.

  33. Female paradise, 10% all men alpha, 90% gay.

    Sounds more like a paradise for the 10%.

    IOW, there was a car wreck at the intersectionality of Hispanic and LGBTQMIAPDLOLPLPLTH. We will have to wait until the thought police clear the wreckage before we can find out who is at fault.

    Hahaha. LGBTMTZLPLK.

    As with Quaddhhaaffiyy, I think we're going to have to standardize the spelling, eventually.

    I clicked on the link and read some of the comments. Almost none were homophilic. Drudge is out of tune with his audience on some issues. Which means that there is a market opportunity there. A news site in tune with his huge audience would steal that audience from him.

    How do we know there's a dichotomy?

  34. "......You know pokemon? How? WHY?"

    Steve has two sons that are in their late teens/early 20's. They were probably into Pokemon when they were kids. lol @ you for thinking that Steve Sailer plays Pokemon.

  35. Juan Pablo looks kind of gay.

    That hairstyle. that shirt.

  36. Oswald Spengler1/19/14, 10:55 AM

    “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

  37. Oswald Spengler1/19/14, 10:59 AM

    "It seems only reasonable that ABC should immediately do penance by replacing their top-rated, prime-time reality show with a two-hour homosexual version of The Bachelor."


    The male homosexual version could be called "The Buttchelor" and the female homosexual version dubbed "The Butchelor."

  38. From 2006, World Series Victimhood Poker. I imagine some of the values may have changed since then.


  39. Anyone else remember Linda Ronstadt reprimanding (Howard Stern's black, female sidekick) Robin Quivers on The Tonight Show for Stern's (now very pc but then not so much) racism and sexism. She interrupts Quivers and says, "I just feel I need to speak up as a woman of color..."

  40. Non-white? That guy makes Desi Arnez look like Wesley Snipes!

  41. What a man of color that guy.
    He totally looks like he could be one of Obama's sons.

  42. Just a pitch-pipe for the Winter Olympics. Think every medal winner interviewed will be grilled as to their LGBT possible CrimeThink?

    Don't tarnish your medals, kids!
    No homophobes on Wheaties boxes!

  43. Actually the first really big Hollywood 'White Hispanic' star was probably Lorenzo Lamas. He was the son of Irene Dahl and Fernando Lamas. Like this new guy he certainly didn't appear Hispanic in any kind of Mexican way.

    In fact Lorenzo's nominally Hispanic father also appeared to be completely European - and maybe he was. Perhaps he was what we used to call a 'Castilian' Spaniard. Anyway he never suffered any prejudice in Hollywood. Around the thirties and forties Hollywood had a spate of celebrity Latins. Lamas (The Most Interesting Man in the World), Montalban (Rich Corinthian Leather) and Delores Del Rio.

    When Star Trek had to cast Kahn the genetic superman they chose Montalban not some Nordic. There's a lesson there.


  44. Steve: please remove previous comment by ogunIsiron (wrong name). Thx

    When are some conservatives going to realize that they cannot appease the gay lobby ?

    It's an article by gay columnist Sally Kohn ( certainly a muslim, hehe) who explains that she doesn't appreciate the support for gay marriage on the part of some conservatives. Some conservatives think that gay marriage can help gays become more conservative. Never mind that most gay male married couples are open couples that look nothing like normal married couples.

    Sally Kohn doesn't like the whole idea of gays conforming to "archaic" family structures anyways. Just like the infamous Masha Gessen (please, please watch the video of a speech she made on gay marriage), Sally Kohn wants to smash traditional marriage and family structure. Masha Gessen happens to be of the same "faith" as Sally Kohn.

  45. I'm sure he's already been re-classified as White Hispanic.

  46. Here's a popular "how privileged are you?" chart from a Tumblr social justice warrior:


  47. The New York Times article doesn't mention is ethnicity at all. He's already been stripped of his status as "the first Latin" on the bachelor.

  48. From his bio in wikipedia:

    Juan Pablo Galavis Guinand[1] (born August 5, 1981)[1] is an American-born Venezuelan former professional football midfielder/forward, who retired in 2008. In 2013, he was chosen as the first white Hispanic star of the ABC-TV reality show The Bachelor after 17 editions.

  49. Speaking of Africa, I wonder how long it will be before South Africa rescinds gay marriage and adopts a policy in line with the overwhelming majority of it's citizens.

  50. Nice white ladies panting after Juan Pablo were referring to January as "Juanuary."

    I guess those nice white ladies are conflicted now.

  51. Courage, I say!

  52. I have many gay friends...

    Just like, "I have many black friends..."

  53. Not to harp on this point, but "E Rekshun" may end up with more gay friends than he would ever want.

    But hey, it beats "anonymous".

  54. That dude is the whitest looking non-white I have ever seen in my life!

  55. Somebody needs to publish a Pokemon-style table of Power Points for all combinations of various Victimist statuses so you can instantly calculate who gets over on whom.

    I've been making this joke for ten years now, only I call them Martyr Points.


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