April 16, 2014

Births by race, 2011

Audacious Epigone tracks down births by race for 2011. You can see why Pittsburgh in western Pennsylvania has been getting trendy: it appears to be the natural capital of a large swath of white people in a region with few chain migration connections to Mexico.


  1. >>Steve Sailer aptly noticed that:
    """"" You can see why Pittsburgh in western Pennsylvania has been getting trendy: it appears to be the natural capital of a large swath of white people in a region with few chain migration connections to Mexico.""""""

    SHHH, not so loud. Usually the best kept secrets prefer to stay that way and besides no one's really supposed to notice things like that, are they?

  2. Vermont and West Virginia are proof that even when we're almost all white, we still have loads of diversity.

  3. Chariot Warrior4/16/14, 7:29 PM

    "Vermont and West Virginia are proof that even when we're almost all white, we still have loads of diversity."

    Heh... That gave me a laugh

  4. Pittsburgh is trendy? Seems to me that, due to being far from Mexico and having started to economically decline before the Second Great Migration, the Pittsburgh metro area has a very high percentage of the wrong kind of white people. Actually, it might be the embodiment of a city that, while voting for the Old Left in the past, has been, like Reagan, "left" by the New Left Democratic Party. If I'm not mistaken, McCain actually performed better there in 2008--when it was blindingly obvious that minorities were more important than union members to Democrats--than Reagan did in 1984, when voters were still in the "workers against evil business" frame of mind. Can't say that about a ton of other places.

  5. The Missouri Compromise line kind of stands out, even out West. God may have passed the Wilmot Proviso, but it looks like the Slave Power had the last laugh.

  6. lumping Hawai'i and DC together in the same "Vibrancy" rating is nonsense. Asians and AfAms have decidedly different...outcomes...in terms of most metrics people care for. Japanese-American neighbors versus Obama's Sons?

  7. Pittsburgh is being hipsterfied thoroughly and the Mexicans are on their way; you can find them in the suburbs even at some diners in Robinson. Carnegie has a noticeable Indian presence. My main culture shock, coming from DC, was the paucity of dry cleaners. They are run by whites and quite expensive. Apparently the Asians only work at CMU or hospitals. But yes, for the most part Pittsburgh is still home to a white working class.

    1. Last time I was in Pittsburgh I rented a car - who drives the cabs there?

      I haven't done much traveling in the last 10 years, but when I did, the only cities I remember having an American-born, Caucasian cab driver were Scottsdale, Spokane, and San Francisco.

  8. Anon,

    The "vibrancy" descriptor seemed like an, uh, more vibrant descriptor to use instead of the bland "non-white".

  9. Also, should've been included in the graphic (though most are able to discern as much just from looking): most vibrant states are deep blue hue, through lighter shades of blue, to teal, and finally most regressive states in a bright green.

  10. I toured greater Pittsburgh last weekend and I was shocked that the Taco bell was staffed by YTs! The hotel driver told us 85% of the Pittsburgers are natives. Her boyfriend lived in the same house his dad lived in, who worked in the steel mill etc. The subway(the T) and the funicular were staffed by YTs and riding the Tourist Duck downtown I was blinded by the white breadedness of the office workers. The housing stock appeared somewhat beat up with more than a normal amount of plywooded windows but I would live there if I did not have old knees. There are a boatload of hills. Pittsburgh is a city of views. Everybody's got one and I don't mean opinions.

  11. Hawaii has a massive meth problem and its Azns are mostly Pacific Islanders. But hey, why let facts get in the way of HBD mythology?

  12. I enjoyed the tongue-in-cheek use of "%Vibrant" in the linked post, but doesn't it seem a bit off that this results in Hawaii ranking #1? This may be a clue that our categories aren't quite right. Indeed, when people speak of "vibrant", they almost always mean "lots of non-Asian minorities"; Oakland, for example, is "vibrant", whereas Palo Alto is not—despite the large population of Indians and East Asians in the latter. This is, of course, a common theme, as almost all fretting about mistreatment of "minorities" really refers to "non-Asian minorities", a category so common that (outside the mainstream) it's often simply abbreviated as "NAM".

    Rather than speaking of NAMs, perhaps what we need is a category that groups Asians in with whites (leaving the rest as "vibrant"). Happily, such a category already exists: Eurasian.

    I hereby propose de-emphasizing the "white/other" dichotomy in favor of "Eurasian/non-Eurasian". This preemptively blunts accusations of "white nationalism" and the like, while creating a single category for the group most likely to oppose civilizational decline.

  13. "its Azns are mostly Pacific Islanders"

    That's actually not true at all.

  14. @AE:

    Why didn't you just use NAM? That's the most precise term.

  15. Predictions out to 2050 are always suspicious because they extrapolate current birthrates outward, when white fertility has actually held pretty steady in the recession or even risen a little as older Gen X women try to sneak in motherhood under the wire. While Hispanic birthrates have cratered, to the extent that I think they might be in the middle of a demographic transition. It's fully plausible that soon we'll see Latin birthrates, both in the US and Latin America, that look like Catholic southern Europe (1.3-1.4 kids per mom.)

  16. Like Wiseguy said, Pittsburgh is still full of the wrong type of white people, though there are some signs of hipsterfication. Most white people here are bleh. They are only interested in shopping at big box prole stores such as Dick's Sporting Goods(which is headquartered in the area) and eating uninteresting foods such as pepperoni pizza from local chains.

    I hardly see any Hispanic people.

    I wrote a blog post on the whiteness of Pittsburgh.

    There is a small population of Asians who are mostly affiliated with the universities (CMU/Pitt) or hospitals. Lots of Chinese students.

    The blacks pretty much are concentrated in certain areas within the city proper.

    The suburbs are white as snow.

  17. "It's fully plausible that soon we'll see Latin birthrates, both in the US and Latin America, that look like Catholic southern Europe (1.3-1.4 kids per mom.)"

    Most of Latin America is already there. The exceptions are Venezuela, Nicaragua, ,Bilivia, Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. Those countries still have African-level fertility.

  18. "It's fully plausible that soon we'll see Latin birthrates, both in the US and Latin America, that look like Catholic southern Europe (1.3-1.4 kids per mom.)"

    One can only hope, but let's not bet on it. Let's hope the GOP doesn't defund Planned Parenthood anytime soon. Perhaps we can insist they change their name to the Spanish translation.

  19. What's utterly shocking is that in only 3 states (small ones at that) do whites comprise more than 90% of births. What would that figure have been in 1980? 20 or 30 states?

    Meanwhile three of our four largest states (FL, CA, TX) are in the ten lowest for white births, and NY isn't all that far behind.

    This country has been sold out by its elite. But at least thanks to yesterday's announcement of Chelsea Clinton's pregnancy we know who will be our president come 2052.

  20. It is funny that elites are worried about the re-segregation of public schools in the south http://www.theatlantic.com/features/archive/2014/04/segregation-now/359813/
    but seem incapable of understanding that differences in birthrates have anything to do with it.

    My guess is that whatever remains of the white middle class will begin to move around to find places to live where their white children are not in the minority.

  21. Hve many of you guys ever been to Pittsburgh? It's like all these stories about Detroit hipsterdom or Cleveland being a foodie heaven. Not true, and never will be.

    The only good food in Pittsburgh is a Primanti Bros. sandwich, whereby a standard deli sandwich gets French fries and cole slaw squeezed between the bread as well.

    Pittsburgh, where I once spent a summer with 40 days of uninterrupted overcasted skies; I moved to California before the year was out.

  22. http://www.vox.com/2014/4/19/5627682/counterfeit-pills

  23. Why didn't you just use NAM? That's the most precise term.

    The context was that a minority of US births are now to non-Hispanic whites.

    Re: Eurasian/non-Eurasian--that's classier but likely to be more easily confused than John Derbyshire's Ice/Sun people split.

  24. eating uninteresting foods such as pepperoni pizza from local chains.

    Was that intentional parody of multi-cult anti-white snobbery?

    The distinctive feature of white people is their low opinion of themselves and their culture.


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