April 16, 2014

Obama: As black as you want him to be

Here's an amusing survey from the Pew Research Center.

Obama himself chose to identify as Black Only on the 2010 Census.


  1. My guess was correct: Hispanics would view him as mestizo more than other groups. Latin creole culture, which makes a lot of whites and blacks uncomfortable, wins again.

  2. What would be interesting would be to know how he classified it on the census before that- you know, before he got elected the first time by presenting himself as the mixed race miracle.

    Then again, what would proving he lied once again matter at this point, anyway?

  3. Whatever race he is, he's the worst POTUS of my life, worse than Bush 3, worse than Carter.

  4. I suspect that when many whites and Hispanics are asked this question in a formal poll, they might think in their heads, "He's black, everyone knows that, so why am I being asked this question? This must be a trick question or they must be trying to see if I'm stupid and if I don't know the background of the POTUS in greater detail or something" and answer accordingly. This might skew the results. This kind of cogitation is much less likely to take place among the black people that are polled, for various reasons.

  5. In Central and South America, Barack Hussein Obama would be known as a "Mulatto".

    Mulatto = Half black/Half white

    It's correct that about 80 to 90% of Spanish and Portuguese mixed-raced speakers would see him as another mixed-raced person.

  6. Why does the government even ask such a question to begin with? Self-checking one box or another has no scientific merit. I'm an Eskimo! No, I'm a transgender Eskimo from Miami.

    I have no objection to the government setting aside some money to examine the ancestral makeup of its citizens. But it is the 21st century now, and there are better ways to do that.

  7. I hope some of the CH morons who comment, on every post Steve writes concerning race, about how white women LOVE LOVE LOVE the black man, will actually look at the numbers and see that it's whites who outmarry at the lowest percentage. And I would hazard a guess that the majority of those are white men and Asian women.

  8. Barack Obama's theme song.


  9. "Why does the government even ask such a question to begin with? Self-checking one box or another has no scientific merit. I'm an Eskimo! No, I'm a transgender Eskimo from Miami." - the overwhelming majority of people honestly self identify themselves.

  10. It would be interesting to see how answers to this question varied depending on whether you voted for Obama, or by how much you approve of the job he's doing.

  11. He's not very black being that he lives under the same roof as his kids and has no stray baby mommas. In fact, he may be one of the least black presidents we've had since 1900, considering the philandering ways of many of our recent chief executives.

  12. Why isn't white one of the choices?

  13. "Why does the government even ask such a question to begin with? "

    About 14 or 15 years ago I remember somebody saying that in order to fulfill its constitutional duty the Census only had to ask one question:

    How many people live in this house?

  14. "it's whites who outmarry at the lowest percentage. And I would hazard a guess that the majority of those are white men and Asian women."

    OF COURSE whites outmarry at the lowest rates - we're still the largest racial group by far. Take a country with only two races - A and B. A is 90% of the population and B is 10%. If every member of B marries a member of A, then 100% of B outmarries while only 11% of A can outmarry. It could theoretically be different in a country with 3 or more races, but not likely. There are almost 5 times as many whites as the next largest race, so whites will outmarry at the lowest rate.

    That's not to suggest that Whiskey, etc. are right. All evidence suggests that white women tend to prefer white men, and evidence from countries where whites are a minority would suggest the same thing. White women prefer white men even in places like Brazil, South Africa, and Hawaii. In fact women in general tend to prefer to marry someone of their own race. Women, not men, are the limiting factor in the number of interracial marriages.

  15. Camlost said..."He's not very black being that he lives under the same roof as his kids and has no stray baby mommas. In fact, he may be one of the least black presidents we've had since 1900, considering the philandering ways of many of our recent chief executives."

    Yeah, but they live in government housing

  16. Anon 4:33, per the 2010 Census numbers, Black/White interracial marriage is the LOWEST percentage, trailing White/Hispanic and White/ Asian, even behind White/Other!

    The way it basically shakes out is that if it weren't for the inherent undesirability of Asian men and Black women, even to those of their own race, there'd be very little interracial marriage. Yes, Black men marry White women much more frequently than the reverse, but how much does that have to do with the negative qualities of Black women? Asian women marry White men at a far higher rate than White women marry Black men.

    My own observations in the Northeast, where interracial marriage rates are pretty low, is that it's driven mostly by the pale-complected women of excess avoirdupois, and that Jewish women go to the Dark Side at a far greater percentage than what they represent in the population.


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