April 30, 2014

Canada v. USA: The Great White (and Asian) North

David Leonardt, editor of the NYT's new Upshot data-analytical section, seems like a good guy who tries to bear in mind the interests of average Americans. He's still constrained from mentioning the obvious racial angles to many stories, though.
Life in Canada, Home of the World’s Most Affluent Middle Class
APRIL 30, 2014

By Ian Austen and David Leonhardt 
... We reported last week that median income in Canada appears to have surpassed median income in the United States, based on more than three decades of international income surveys analyzed by LIS, a research group, and by The Upshot. As recently as 2000, median income in the United States was significantly higher. The data also show that lower-income families in Canada and much of northern Europe now make more than their American counterparts. 
... Young Canadian adults, for example, are now more educated than their American peers. 
Beyond obvious economic issues like education and housing, Canadians also notice cultural differences that seem to affect living standards. 
“Our family values are huge,” said Ms. Mustachi, who has three grown children with her husband, William, 60, a millwork department manager at a Lowes outlet. “From what I see on TV, I don’t get a sense of that in the States.” 
She acknowledged that her impression might stem from the shows she watched, including “Judge Judy,” but she is right that family structure in the two countries is different. About 68 percent of American children live with two parents; about 80 percent of Canadian children do.

Let me add some numbers that very much affect where the medians fall:

Demographics of Canada (2011) v. USA (2013)

White: 78.5% v. 63.0%
Asian: 12.4% v. 5.1%

White or Asian: 90.9% v. 68.1%

Black 2.9% v. 13.1%
Latin American: 1.2% v. 16.9%
Native American: 4.3% v. 1.2%
Pacific Islander: NA v. 0.2%
Multiracial: 0.5% v. NA
Other: 0.3% v. 0.5% (est.)

Non-Asian Minorities: 9.2% v 31.9%

Sure, we're poorer than the Canadians, but Diversity -- it's priceless!


  1. Steve, stop noticing things, it's very unbecoming

  2. Of course Canadians do better - they have better schools. As you know, schools get better as you approach the Canadian border, and Canadians mostly live along the border.

  3. Diversity is to Die For.

  4. Even so, Cannies were dumb enough to increase their black population to 3%.


  5. Anyone have a breakdown of how white or asian americans are doing? I assume we're still doing better than Canadians.

  6. Don't our stupid and poor cousins to the north have a different immigration system? Letting in well-educated, middle and upper middle class professional types (invariably Asians rather than Hispanics) or something?

    So, is this the year demographics finally trumped socialism?

    And as an added bonus, Canadians are despised and hated all over the world while we are beloved by all for our maple syrup or something. Wait, do I have that right?

  7. Diversity is to Die For.

    So Asians are white now?


  8. Oswald Spengler4/30/14, 5:49 PM

    America must send its NAMs northward to culturally enrich our benighted yellow and whitebread Canadian cousins.

    Why should the United States alone enjoy the blessings of ever increasing diversity? In the future, there can be Canadian playoffs of the Knockout Game from Vancouver to Halifax. Canada should set a goal of a 30% NAM population by 2030.

    30 by 30! Yes they can!

  9. Steve, I think you ought to check out Bill James's latest post at his site. It's ostensibly about the proper definition of an unearned run but quickly turns into an extended inquisition on why he thinks murders went out of control in the '60's and '70's. I can't believe he attributes the problem to SCOTUS' unduly narrow definition of "fair trial," since the vast majority of murder trials take place in state courts, but he does.

  10. Say what you like, but Canada sucks now.

    Canadians are not wealthy and are taxed and parasitized to death.

    Africa for AFricans, Asia for Asians, White Countries for Everyone??

    ITs not paradise. ITs a slow grind to hell. Ugly too.

  11. This is a snapshot in time, with Canada being behind the US in the program of "Diversity", i.e. getting rid of White people.

  12. "We reported last week that median income in Canada appears to have surpassed median income in the United States"

    Imagine an island with $1000 circulating as the money supply.

    If each dollar is on average involved in 2 transactions a month that is an effective money supply of $2000.

    If each dollar is on average involved in 4 transactions a month that is an effective money supply of $4000.

    If each dollar is on average involved in 8 transactions a month that is an effective money supply of $8000.

    So maximizing the velocity of money (# of transactions per unit time) while keeping the growth of the nominal money supply to a minimum is the way to maximize prosperity.

    This is why a yeoman economy - mass middle-class with a very high velocity of money - is much more prosperous than a plantation economy - mass poor, few megarich - with a very low velocity of money.

  13. off-topic

    have kids? want them living somewhere safe but also with a relatively secure economic future?

    seaweed farming

  14. I can never trust 'median' again. Simpson's paradox and a multiethnic society have destroyed the information-relaying value of these statistics. It's not comparing apples to oranges; it's comparing apples to "a combination of apples and oranges and bananas".

    This is just like US PISA vs Foreign PISA, then noticing that the US does better when disaggregated by ethnicity.

    Or remember the whole Wisconsin vs. Texas test scores meme when it was Scott Walker vs. the Unions? Wisconsin's mean is higher, because it's whiter. But Texas does better for each ethnic group when comparing apples to apples.

    So aggregated statistical measures like median, mode, mean, etc. have become useless in the multiethnic society, especially looking at time series that do not also account for these underlying changes.

    From now on, if the media doesn't account for ethnicity in comparing medians, then ignore it, it's bogus.

    Which does, however, bring up an interesting question in light of Piketty and all the inequality talk. What the gini coefficient for just whites, blacks, asians, mexicans, etc? Are some groups more unequal amongst themselves than others?

  15. Since Canada's Mestizo population is very small, the Canadian government there can not use the Mestizo racial demographic to inflate the White crime rate like they do here in the U.S.

  16. Yea that Wisconsin vs Texas comparison that iowahawk tweeted at Paul krugman still amazes me. Of course complimenting Texas at Isteve immediately brings out the vocal anti-Texas clique that posts here. Because say something nice about Texas and then next thing you know you start wondering whether the holier than thou Replicrat the parties are both exactly the same rhetoric isn't completely overwrought paleocon rhetoric.

  17. This is a snapshot in time, with Canada being behind the US in the program of "Diversity", i.e. getting rid of White people.

    This is a bit ironic given that Canada introduced the modern concept of multiculturalism to the West.

    The Canadian government has often been described as the instigator of multicultural ideology because of its public emphasis on the social importance of immigration. The Canadian Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism is often referred to as the origins of modern political awareness of multiculturalism. In the Western English-speaking countries, multiculturalism as an official national policy started in Canada in 1971, followed by Australia in 1973 where it is maintained today. It was quickly adopted as official policy by most member-states of the European Union.

  18. it's a combination of having a huge amount of oil for the size of the population, coupled with not being vibrant (or not very, anyway).

    "Anyone have a breakdown of how white or asian americans are doing? I assume we're still doing better than Canadians."

    they are. everything costs more in canada. which really eats into your standard of living.

    and it's cold in canada. all year. they never talk about how much this sucks and they leave it out of any discussion like it doesn't matter. but it does matter.

    another thing they never talk about is how nothing comes from canada and canada has no important companies and exports no important products beyond minerals. i've talked before about how even small nations in europe manufacture and export stuff yet canada with over 30 million people doesn't even make a car. bombardier might be the biggest manufacturer in a country half the size of the UK. and the french are responsible for that. what the heck do english canadians do all day. ice hockey, maple syrup, and poutine?

    this is, in fact, one of the reasons everything costs so much in canada. they don't make anything, and have to import it all.

  19. I would like to see data on how well Canadian Asians do in comparison to American Asians. I would say American Asians (particularly American South Asians) seem to do better than Canadian ones.
    I think Canada's demographic advantage will continue to last for the foreseeable future. But our advantage will probably become less obvious since sources of immigration have been gradually shifting toward more African and majority Muslim nations. I live close to one of Canada's major immigrant gateways(Scarborough,ON) and am absolutely shocked by the number of Muslims I see now.

  20. Steve, you've totally missed it. Canada has been going through a debate recently over its guest worker program, the Temporary Foreign Worker Program. Seems a McDonald's franchisee got busted shafting his Canadian citizen employees in favor of his guest workers - giving them better pay, more hours, etc. and the whole issue exploded, and even the Left is coming out against the program. Google: McDonald's, Canada, Kenney for more.

  21. I just retired today, so now I can stop looking at the world through the corporate diversity/inclusion lens. Sarasota here I come! There's lots of Canadians there too.

  22. Multiculturalism in Canada was introduced by Trudeau as a way to bridge the English/French divide.

    He wanted the country to outgrow its British connection with the idea that this would make Quebecers feel more at home and less like conquered people with a chip on thier shoulders.

    The whole idea took on a life of its own and has become something of a state ideology.

    Oddly enough Quebecers generally want nothing to do with it...In fact Quebec runs it's own immigration program now, separate from the rest of Canada.

  23. Accurate observation re the make-up of Montreal immigrants vs other cities

    They attract more Haitians, Algerians and others from former French colonies due to the language factor.

    Overall Montreal is pretty white though compared to Toronto or Vancouver

  24. Canada has very lax immigration rules vis-a-vis the EU. Just about any EU citizen who wants to become Canadian can do so without any trouble at all.

  25. I think that the Canadian government made a brilliant move in its immigration system. Obviously no immigration system is perfect, but Canada has a better one than most countries. They can parade all their diverse immigrants in front of the world and yet the diverse residents don't make (much) trouble.

  26. Overall Montreal is pretty white though compared to Toronto or Vancouver

    Quebeckers aren't white:


  27. Canadians carry more consumer debt and their housing market is just as riddled with graft, foreign cash buyers and perverse incentives as America's.

    They also are less shy about their grey market economy due to the tax burden. Canadians love to berate Americans about not paying enough taxes for a socialist paradise like they have while Canadians blatantly buy tons of stuff off the books, particularly hipster goods like locavore food.

  28. Sequester Grundleplith4/30/14, 9:13 PM

    People who understand the role of race in Canada's good fortune are in denial about the role of its social democracy, and vice versa.

  29. Jody: everything costs more in canada. which really eats into your standard of living.

    and it's cold in canada. all year. they never talk about how much this sucks and they leave it out of any discussion like it doesn't matter. but it does matter.

    And there you have it. The once hardy Americans are afraid of the cold and having to pay an extra .50 cents for a Big Mac.

    another thing they never talk about is how nothing comes from canada and canada has no important companies and exports no important products beyond minerals.

    You are exaggerating. Canada does punch below its weight in this respect but it generally concentrates on what it has an advantage in and obviously it's working.

    canada with over 30 million people doesn't even make a car.

    Oh dear. I doubt the well paid employees of the car companies care that their employer is officially American or Japanese.

    what the heck do english canadians do all day. ice hockey, maple syrup, and poutine?

    Poutine is French.

  30. Hi. I am a Canadian reader Mr. Sailer.

    I would like to point out a few things to American readers of your blog.

    As recently as the 1960's Canada was 98% white.

    Also, that 4.3% "Native" figure is very misleading. Many, probably a majority, of so-called "Natives" in Canada, are white or very 'white-ish' people pretending to be Indians, to get a slice of the huge government programs, bonuses, benefits, etc that are available to Indians. Its a real racket. There are chiefs and band councils that will actually make you an "honorary" tribe member for a cash stipend to give you access to the action. I personally know several "Natives" who are no more Native then I am.

    Btw, the term "Native Canadian", "Native American" strikes me as cultural Marxist propaganda. Didn't the Indians arrive from Siberia across the Bering Strait? Or did they just grow out of the ground like trees?

  31. On the other hand majority-minority California has an economy that is 33% larger than Canada's while its population is less than 3% bigger.

    And Canada owes much of it's prosperity to its vast natural resources.

  32. To Bert Said;

    "Just about any E.U. citizen can become a Canadian. Canada has very lax laws regarding the E.U."

    What drugs are you on Bert? Canada sadly takes in very, very few immigrants from Europe, but can't let in black, brown or yellow people fast enough.

    To anon at 8:36 PM:

    "..the diverse immigrants don't make (much) trouble."

    What drugs are you on?

    The immigrants from the third world have caused havoc in Toronto and elsewhere as well as unleashing a tidal wave of violent crime.

    "Quebeckers aren't white".

    Oh spare me! This trite nonsense was pure B.S. a 100 years ago! Francophones have been disproportionately represented as prime ministers, cabinet ministers, members of parliament, senators and throughout all ranks of government. Quebec is given billons of dollars annually in "equalization payments" and they totally control the province of Quebec. There has never been a non-Francophone premier of Quebec and never will be.

  33. Multiculturalism in Canada was introduced by Trudeau as a way to bridge the English/French divide.

    He wanted the country to outgrow its British connection with the idea that this would make Quebecers feel more at home and less like conquered people with a chip on thier shoulders.

    The whole idea took on a life of its own and has become something of a state ideology.

    Oddly enough Quebecers generally want nothing to do with it...In fact Quebec runs it's own immigration program now, separate from the rest of Canada.

    Replace "Quebecers" in your statement with 'Scots-Irish' and you have described how multiculturalism got introduced into the USA. And judging by Donald Tokowitz, the Scots-Irish don't want much to do with it either.

  34. Btw, the term "Native Canadian", "Native American" strikes me as cultural Marxist propaganda. Didn't the Indians arrive from Siberia across the Bering Strait? Or did they just grow out of the ground like trees?

    You're right. There is no native anything. We are all Africans.

  35. Ukraine is far more white than Canada. It is also very far from being prosperous....or safe.

  36. Ukraine is far more white than Canada. It is also very far from being prosperous....or safe.

    Maybe if Ukraine were left alone it might have a chance to develop. In the 20th century alone, they lost about 5 million in the Holodomor and another 5 to 7 million in WW2. I am surprised they have any society at all given what they've been through.

  37. All white Moldova is even poorer than Ukraine. Its per capita income is only ~$2000. There are many overwhelmingly black nations that have a higher per capita income than that. For example: Botswana, Congo, Equatorial Guines, Swaziland, Namibia, Bahamas etc

  38. As they say in Windsor Ontario aboot Detroit "Southenr man don't need him around anyhow." eh?

  39. Anonymous wrote:
    "Also, that 4.3% "Native" figure is very misleading. Many, probably a majority, of so-called "Natives" in Canada, are white or very 'white-ish' people pretending to be Indians,"


    You must be in the east, where most of the natives died off. In the west there are LOTS of full blooded natives, and they cause a disproportionate amount of crime. A large potion of them are alcoholics or drug addicts. God only knows why we keep Importing dysfunctional people from Somalia when we already have the native Indians.

  40. Canada has ALWAYS been whiter than America...and always been significantly less prosperous. Until now. So where is the logic in drawing the HBD conclusions you all are getting off on?

  41. I go to Toronto and am always struck by the number of non-whites walking around.

  42. Big country, lots of natural resources, small population, decent government = wealthy middle class. See Norway, Canada and Australia. Quite a buffer against changing demographics.

  43. To the clown who is posting stuff like this to argue that black countries are just like the rest:
    "All white Moldova is even poorer than Ukraine. Its per capita income is only ~$2000. There are many overwhelmingly black nations that have a higher per capita income than that. For example: Botswana, Congo, Equatorial Guines, Swaziland, Namibia, Bahamas etc"

    You are comparing the poorest of the poor white countries with the richest of the rich black countries, and the gap between is not even that much. You think you are stating some clever fact, all you are doing is showing how utterly poor even the richest black places are - even under the best of circumstances. As for your California fact, every liberal like you screams inequality as the great evil of the age, yet places like that have ever growing numbers of "inequality" (a nicer way of saying that the place is turning into a 3rd world @#$% hole).

  44. "jody said...
    and it's cold in canada. all year."

    All year Jodi? Sure about that?

    Average July Temperature (Low / High):

    Vancouver, BC: 55 / 72ºFahrenheit (13 / 22ºCelsius)
    Edmonton, AB: 48 / 73ºF, (9 / 23ºC)
    Yellowknife, NWT: 54 / 70ºF, (12 / 21ºC)
    Inukjuak, NU: 41 / 55ºF, (5 / 13ºC)
    Winnipeg, MB: 55 / 79ºF, (13 / 26ºC)
    Ottawa, ON: 59 / 79ºF, (15 / 26ºC)
    Toronto, ON: 57 / 81ºF, (14 / 27ºC)
    Montréal:, QC: 59 / 79ºF, (15 / 26ºC)
    Halifax, NS: 55 / 73ºF, (13 / 23ºC)
    St. John's, NF: 51 / 68ºF, (11 / 20ºC)

  45. canadian middle class affluence is based on 2 things liberals hate. a non-vibrant population, and massive oil production. liberals cannot, with intellectual honesty anyway, tout canada as a success of liberalism, socialism, and the progressive way forward for all 'smart' first world nations, because in most fundamental ways, canada is exactly backwards from their proscribed methods for achieving such. norway is a similar such nation.

    the united states has 100 million vibrant citizens, indeed, there are more africans in the US than there are people in canada. and american politicians are determined to increase the number of mestizos and american indians dramatically. this creates and establishes a permanent lower class, and to fund this permanent lower class, they must continously raise taxes on the middle class. both of which shrink the middle class over time.

    meanwhile, they are against fossil fuel energy production, try to block it, tax it, and make rules to slow it down, while subsidizing much more expensive energy iniatives to create high cost wind and solar. again, a regressive effect on the middle class since everybody has to pay for energy and you can't avoid it. electricity costs in the US have steadily increased and are now the highest average cost they have ever been.

  46. this is not meant as a hit on canada, just my responses, although it sounds like it's a hit on canada, lol.

    "And there you have it. The once hardy Americans are afraid of the cold"

    nobody is afraid of the cold, what i said was it reduces your standard of living, and it does. year round punishing cold, snow, snow removal, constant road construction, higher expenditures for energy to keep things warm, and so forth, all make life less good, not more good.

    "having to pay an extra .50 cents for a Big Mac."

    if you had ever been to canada you would realize it's a lot more than 50 cents extra for fast food. my canadian friends are always astonished at how much cheaper everything is in the US. but you kinda prove my point - mcdonald's is an american company in canada, and that comes to mind first, because canada has barely any domestic companies in most industries. you can only drink so much tim hortons coffee before you have to go and eat imported american food.

    canada imports 30% of it's food, most of it from america. they can't even feed themselves completely. you know, something about cold, snow, not being able to farm BECAUSE IT'S FREEZING COLD on most of the land most of the year. crops don't grow so great when there's ice on the ground. the second biggest nation in the world by land area and they can't grow all the food they need because it's COLD. as the population goes up year after year from immigration, the amount of food they will need to import will grow as well.

    "You are exaggerating."

    i'm not exaggerating anything. canada doesn't make anything. when was the last time you bought something from canada? your company bought something from canada? go around your house and add up all the items manufactured in canada. go to your company's accounting offices and ask what their purchases of canadian OEM equipment and supplies is. canada pretty much sells oil, beer, and hockey players. top 10 companies
    in canada:

    1 royal bank of canada
    2 toronto dominion bank
    3 bank of nova scotia
    4 suncor energy
    5 canadian national railway
    6 bank of montreal
    7 enbridge
    8 potash corporation
    9 bce
    10 transcanada

    canada's economy looks very much like a third world country's economy. oil companies, banks, the phone company, the railroad company.

    "obviously it's working."

    only in the sense that they can rely on that oil money for a while. otherwise it's not working all that great, their costs to buy stuff are way higher than in the US so their higher middle class salary still translates into a lower standard of living.

  47. "Oh dear. I doubt the well paid employees of the car companies care that their employer is officially American or Japanese."

    even australia makes cars. canada makes almost nothing. think about that. a country with 30 million people has not one indigenous automobile manufacturer or one important IT company. it's almost like the canadians are not even participating in the 21st century.

    even mexicans can churn out cars in a factory which the germans put there, is that the state of 'canadian' manufacturing then? economic imperalists from government motors setting up a chevrolet factory in canada? you do realize the workers at these foreign car factories are just proles who get paid a wage and all the profits get sucked back to japan, germany, korea, or the US? pretty much exactly the opposite of what liberals want and constantly rail against. the corporations are making too much profit! blah blah blah.

    russia has been bashed as a weak economy which makes nothing and just sells oil and gas. which is pretty much what canada is. except russia makes more stuff than canada. they make a lot of their own stuff and canada doesn't. heck, canada even had to scrub a a satellite launch this week because RUSSIA is the only nation in the world than can get into orbit right now. canada relies on russia to get into space.

    "Poutine is French"

    that was kind of the point. the french are responsible for the only big manufacturer in canada. neither gretzky or lemieux were english either. english canadians seem to not do much or make much. relatively. they are not third world slugs or anything. but what was the last big startup company out of canada? pretty much there wasn't one. what's that big company in canada which defines the nation? there isn't one. even the NHL is based in the united states. does canada make cellphones or computers or semiconductors or ships or defense products or furniture or small
    arms or trucks or solar panels or robots or anything? aside from running a pretty good oil operation (which liberals scream that they hate, then take the money anyway), what do canadians make?

    canada and california are about the same size and canada was almost completely european for almost it's entire existence. where is all their stuff? i know what californians have developed, invented, manufactured, created, and produced. the list of canadian output is vastly smaller. it's not zero by any means but it's small for sure relative to the number of people in canada and compared to smaller nations all around the world.

    in other words, their high scores on international math and science tests is not translating into lots of new startup companies, domestic industries, science output, medical advances, or nobel prizes. what DO people spend their time on up there in the great white north?

  48. even australia makes cars. canada makes almost nothing. think about that. a country with 30 million people has not one indigenous automobile manufacturer or one important IT company. it's almost like the canadians are not even participating in the 21st century.

    What about Bombardier?


    Though Bombardier is originally Quebecois, rather than English Canadian.

    Also the Blackberry maker, RIM (Research in Motion) is Canadian.

  49. even australia makes cars. canada makes almost nothing. think about that. a country with 30 million people has not one indigenous automobile manufacturer or one important IT company. it's almost like the canadians are not even participating in the 21st century.

    Tim Horton's is a major company with a presence in New England and the Middle East.

    TD Bank (Toronto Dominion Bank) is expanding in the US.

    in other words, their high scores on international math and science tests is not translating into lots of new startup companies, domestic industries, science output, medical advances, or nobel prizes. what DO people spend their time on up there in the great white north?

    Brain drain could be a factor, no? Lots of actors and comedians seem to come from Canada to the US. Perhaps there's something similar going on in other fields.

  50. Lululemon is a Canadian brand that's very popular these days in the US.

  51. if you had ever been to canada you would realize it's a lot more than 50 cents extra for fast food.

    Not for a Big Mac.

    but you kinda prove my point - mcdonald's is an american company in canada, and that comes to mind first

    It wasn't the first thing I thought of. I used it because of the Big Mac Index.

    even mexicans can churn out cars in a factory which the germans put there, is that the state of 'canadian' manufacturing then?

    Well, I hate to put a dent in your patriotard outlook but a significant proportion of those American companies operating in Canada are there for the designers, engineers, etc, not just the assembly line workers Volkswagon gets in Mexico (or perhaps Alabama). Relatives of mine spent most of their work lives employed by such companies whose Canadian-designed products would then be manufactured in the US (though sometimes in Canada) then sent out to the world as 'American' exports. I'm sure anyone who understands basic economics, geographical realities, and demographics probably understands why Canada is different from, say, Australia.

  52. Rosenmops said...


    You must be in the east, where most of the natives died off.

    The natives here in Quebec are of 2 main types. The ones in the South are very White, as they've been marrying with the French and the English for centuries. A good example of that type of native is senator Patrick Brazeau, who's just a White guy but who comes from a pretty peculiar (to other canadians) culture.

    As you go North, you find much purer natives and in the far north you find the Inuit.

    The northern natives and the Inuit fare really badly. It's ridiculous how utterly inadapted to modern life those people are. Their rate of alcoholism and drug abuse is staggering.

    They're quite violent but at least in my city, it's all directed at each other. I've never heard of native gangs or natives preying on other people in any organized manner.

  53. It's not like Canada can't build a car, there were numerous Canadian car companies at one time, it just didn't make a lot of sense competing with the big three who are literally right across the river from Ontario...the Canadian government negotiated an auto pact with Detroit which allowed free access to the Canadian market if a certain percent of the manufacturing was done in Canada. This was a major boon for Canada for many years. In fact Ontario was one of the largest auto manufacturing jurisdictions in the world (and still has a large Auto industry)

    Canada has companies that make smartphones (Blackberry) and airplanes (Bombardier) etc but I think most just perceive Canadian companies as American.

    It is true that resource extraction is a major part of the picture...I've heard some commenters lament that having such a store of resources may actually be a curse because it tends to make you a bit lazy!

  54. My 2001 Honda minivan was assembled in Ontario. It's been good, although the transmission died, fortunately just a few weeks before the warranty was up so the dealer replaced it for free.

  55. Its Interesting that in Canada and America Asian males happen to be the least desirable according to women of all races(especially their own). I bet these Asian males just love living in white societies considering that their chances to procreate are severely diminished amongst the presence of white folk.

  56. I've read several comments suggesting that the average wealth of middle-class Canadians has been supported or exaggerated by our extractive industries, especially oil. That is possible, but oil has been an important source of national wealth in this country for a long time, yet it did not allow us to rise above Americans in wealth until recently. I suspect the real reason middle-class Canadians are doing so well against their American counterparts is that, not having gone through any bursting of our real estate 'bubble', our houses are still worth a great deal more. Nothing to do with race, or not much.

    As for our lower standard of living? Yes, and no. Most goods and services are more expensive here, but when you compare our cities to US cities like NYC or Washington, DC, we do rather well.

    The trouble is that the 'middle' appears to have dropped out of American cities altogether. If you cannot afford the groceries in the high-end superstores, the alternatives are dirty, poor-quality grocery chains. If you can't afford 'high-end' dry cleaners, your clothes may come back to you filthy, stinking of dry cleaning fluid, and with missing buttons.

    Alias Clio

  57. Most Canadians would prefer the Asian percentage to be much lower

  58. All white Moldova is even poorer than Ukraine. Its per capita income is only ~$2000. There are many overwhelmingly black nations that have a higher per capita income than that. For example: Botswana, Congo, Equatorial Guines, Swaziland, Namibia, Bahamas etc

    Many blacks are smarter than whites with Down's Syndrome. Doubt they'd find the comparison flattering, though.

  59. Its Interesting that in Canada and America Asian males happen to be the least desirable according to women of all races(especially their own). I bet these Asian males just love living in white societies considering that their chances to procreate are severely diminished amongst the presence of white folk.

    This reflects a rather poor understanding of statistics on the topic. There is a HUGE gap between WM/AF marriage rates and that for AM/WF, yes.

    HOWEVER, if you look at AMERICAN-BORN Asians, the disparity is much lower. Outmarriage rates for American-born Asian females is around 40% while that for males is around 30%. It would be reasonable to assume that a large portion of those rates are with whites.

    In other words, American-born Asian males seem to do well enough with white females. For example, I lived in Seattle for some years and such couplings, once very rare, were quite the common sight in recent years (Seattle's Asians tend to be American-born and less likely to be FOB compared to large urban areas like LA and NYC).

  60. Most Canadians would prefer the Asian percentage to be much lower

    I'd love to see a poll result on this. Does anyone have one handy?

  61. Norway and then Switzerland have the most affluent middle class, not Canada.

  62. "Most Canadians would prefer the Asian percentage to be much lower."

    Yeah, 1/8 of the population is a lot.

    Ironically, I think it's probably in the best interest of Asian-Canadians themselves for that number not to get any higher--assuming they care about Canada as such.

    I'm part Indian, and as much as I disapprove of the Mexican influx into the US, I probably have more to lose personally from continued South Asian immigration. From a basic reductivist standpoint, a sufficiently large inflow becomes an existential threat/competitor to the nation at some point. It's hard to remain an implicit member of the tribe once those explicit demographic battle lines are drawn. And, of course, those battle lines are drawn wherever diversity exists on a large scale.

    The zeitgeist being what it is, most Asians are probably content to embrace the dominant ideology of willful national deconstruction. I suppose dissolving your host society is one answer to the national question. It's just not a decent or responsible one.

    Oh well, in any event I hope the founding nations of the Anglosphere remember their friends; I don't want to live in Davos Man's multikulti mega-mall.

  63. Yeah, Steve but in the US you usually promote the Southern States or Texas not Vermont.

  64. Or remember the whole Wisconsin vs. Texas test scores meme when it was Scott Walker vs. the Unions? Wisconsin's mean is higher, because it's whiter. But Texas does better for each ethnic group when comparing apples to apples.

    Yeah but you right wingers never mention that most kids in Texas are Mexican in the schools not white and they average way below whites in Wisconsin. In fact about 40 percent of Mexicans in Texas don't finished high school according to demographer Steve Murdoch. I doubt that Mexicans do better in Texas the political right has lied for years about Texas's stats. Mexicans do better in Wy or Vermont. F the lying right about Texas.

  65. I'd estimate that I've generally spoken most highly of states roughly in this order down:

    New Hampshire
    New Jersey

    Texas and California would be in the middle somewhere.

    Toward the bottom would be Nevada.

  66. In other words, American-born Asian males seem to do well enough with white females.

    I think this kind of agrees with most people's perceptions. Modern Western women are much more high mating effort than women from more "traditional" Asian and European cultures, and a very hard nut for men from those cultures to crack (without a whole lot of money and determination). They demand a lot more in terms of romancing and machismo than their mothers and grandmothers did.

    While modern Western men are pretty much the same as their ancestors were.

  67. Yea that Wisconsin vs Texas comparison that iowahawk tweeted at Paul krugman still amazes me. Of course complimenting Texas at Isteve immediately brings out the vocal anti-Texas clique that posts here. Because say something nice about Texas and then next thing you know you start wondering whether the holier than thou Replicrat the parties are both exactly the same rhetoric isn't completely overwrought paleocon rhetoric.

    I hate Texas because the right loves it too much and it has lots of problems it a high populated Mexican state but does anyone on the right mention this no they don't they just pretend its not Mexican, sorry.

  68. "Wisconsin vs Texas" - it may well be that the Texas numbers are being doctored. Back during the whole atlanta teaching scandals a number of places were mentioned that had some of the same indicators as Atlanta, and I think Texas was infact one of them.

  69. While modern Western men are pretty much the same as their ancestors were.

    Perhaps. But the upper classes of the "modern Western men" appear to be considerably less martial than their ancestors.


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