April 28, 2014

V. Stiviano and Tim Pawlenty

According to the Daily Mail, professional mistress V. Stiviano has gone by at least four other names and is 38. So the age arithmetic works out perfectly that this account by Bruce Lewis is actually about the current Miss Stiviano.


  1. 38? Oh, well then that's ok then. That means there's only about a 45yr difference between she and Sterling. Whew.

    That's different then. 45yrs isn't like 50yrs difference.

  2. """"this account by Bruce Lewis is actually about the current Miss Stiviano.""""

    AHA. I suggested that she might be Filipina and the Lewis article is suggesting just that.

  3. Steve, sorry but you might be amused by the kinds of things that happen while I'm trying read you threads on my Tate at McD's near SF. Just now, I was interrupted by an unshaven guy with a vaguely southwestern accent who claims his company holds the patent on "cloud capture," I.e solving the water problem. He says he just turned down the Army for $35 million (sounds low, no?) and that Coca Cola has tied up the rights to all the clouds in the southern
    hemisphere. When he asked me what I do, I told him I used to be Magic Johnson's procured, and he seemed to believe me.

  4. "38? Oh, well then that's ok then. That means there's only about a 45yr difference between she and Sterling. Whew.

    That's different then. 45yrs isn't like 50yrs difference."

    So if you were a billionaire in your 80s, you would not be dating women that are young enough to be your daughter or granddaughter?

  5. So if you were a billionaire in your 80s, you would not be dating women that are young enough to be your daughter or granddaughter?"""

    Of course, duh! The POINT is, he probably thought that he WAS dating a much younger woman. You think she told him that she was pushing 40? When they met at '10 Super Bowl, she was around 35 an probably told him she was 30

    Remember Chris Rock's admonition, people:

    'If a woman looks 26, and tells you she's 26....she's closer to 40. If a woman looks 18 and tells you she's 20, she's closer to 12.'

  6. What this story needs is for Stiviano to turn out to be a SE Asian ladyboy who's in the country illegally.

  7. Yes she is hard as nails, but Don must have liked the way she looks. So he isn't that keen on lily white people.

  8. >>Sean said...
    """Yes she is hard as nails, but Don must have liked the way she looks. So he isn't that keen on lily white people.""""

    Uh, his WIFE (still his wife) is white and bore him three kids. So for 50plus yrs he certainly liked being married to a white woman.

    Plus, keep in mind, money or not, the dude is 80yrs old. The options just aren't as available and automatic as if it were, say, a wealthy Alister like Brad Pitt or George Clooney.

    I'm still amazed that this Stiviano didn't try for a billionaire closer to her own age, say Mark Zuckerberg.

    You'd think with his profile more public that some golddiggers would be setting their sights on him. Early 30's, and was the head of a social media site that is populated in the majority by women. They love facebook.

    That's a lot of cred right there "I started facebk and I'm worth billions."

  9. http://www.economist.com/blogs/democracyinamerica/2014/04/future-right?spc=scode&spv=xm&ah=9d7f7ab945510a56fa6d37c30b6f1709

  10. M. Zuckerberg4/28/14, 2:35 PM

    I'm still amazed that this Stiviano didn't try for a billionaire closer to her own age, say Mark Zuckerberg.

    It did. I told it I'm not into ugly men.

  11. SMH the media can't even get the age of the mistress right before they go for the kill.

  12. BurplesonAFB4/28/14, 2:55 PM

    Clearly that's not M-Zuck's thing, since he was unmarried when he made more money than god and then decided to propose to a relative(to Stiviano)ly dumpy asian.

    He could have George Clooney'd until he was 60 but he passed it up.

  13. Yes she is hard as nails, but Don must have liked the way she looks. So he isn't that keen on lily white people.

    He's had blonde bimbo mistresses too. He's just keen on young bimbos in general. Guys like him have access to lots of different gold digging young bimbos, so they generally don't just pick one or one type but sample various kinds.

  14. >>BurplesonAFB said...
    """"Clearly that's not M-Zuck's thing, since he was unmarried when he made more money than god and then decided to propose to a relative(to Stiviano)ly dumpy asian.

    He could have George Clooney'd until he was 60 but he passed it up.""""""

    And Laurene Jobs was aleady taken at the time.

    Sterling is still married. Marriage is a marathon, not a sprint. Zuck's still young. Come back in 25yrs and see.

  15. >What this story needs is for Stiviano to turn out to be a SE Asian ladyboy who's in the country illegally.<

    Not implausible.


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