May 8, 2014

From the Steveosphere on "A Troublesome Inheritance"

I joke around about the existence of a Steveosphere, but you'll notice that much of the current attention being paid to Nicholas Wade's new book A Troublesome Inheritance seems to follow its contours.

JayMan in JayMan's Blog

Ed West in The Spectator

Charles Murray in the Wall Street Journal

Jared Taylor in American Renaissance

Steven Pinker on Twitter

John Derbyshire in VDARE

Steve Hsu in Information Processing

Rod Dreher in The American Conservative

HBD Chick in HBD Chick

Alfred W. Clark in Occam's Razor

Of course, Wade is a fringe figure who has merely written over 1000 science articles for the New York Times, so it's hardly surprising that his book is only getting attention from certain people.

And one from outside the Steveosphere:

Alex Golub on Savage Minds

And one from somebody whom I admire but doubt that I've had much influence upon:

Anthony Daniels in The New Criterion [Corrected]


  1. There is nothing more entertaining than having my prejudices confirmed so I am trying to find a review which tears the book apart as evil racism.

    No luck so far. Any examples out there ?


  2. silencorship

  3. It's been reviewed in a lot of places, stop seeing conspiracies everywhere. And there's more to come I'm sure.

    Anthony Daniels' review was terrible. Just ranting on about points that have nothing to do with the book's central thesis. He comes across as a complete ignoramus when it comes to science.

    Gelman said a lot of nonsense, but it was better than I would have expected out of Slate. He basically said that Wade is as likely to be as right as he is to be wrong.

    I was amused by Douthat saying he was looking forward to a review from Ta Nehisi Coates.

  4. Well I am looking forward to Ta Nehisi Coates review as well. Also the crowd on Pharyngula.

    You can recite Eeny Meeny miny on a TV off take and have your career in tatters. Undermine the foundations of critical racial thought and all you get is this ?


  5. No offense to you Steve, but "Steveosphere" is an absolutely insufferable term. I'd prefer to never see it again.

  6. Andrew Sullivan posted a quote from the book.

  7. From Anthony Daniels in THE NEW CRITERION:

    “Moreover, the statistics that the author uses are suspect. He says of the United States that its homicide rate is less than 2 per 100,000. The last time I looked the rate was 4.7 per 100,000—itself a very sharp decline of recent years. ”

    Haven’t read the book yet, but I’m assuming that the “less than 2 per 100,000″ rate is for Whites in the USA, while Daniels' 4.7 per 100,000 accounts for the total rate (Whites plus Blacks plus Hispanics, etc) Am I correct?


  8. Hepp:"I was amused by Douthat saying he was looking forward to a review from Ta Nehisi Coates. "

    TNC's review would consist of historicism ("This fits the narrative that runs from the racialization of slavery in colonial Virginia to the present day") combined with his newest hobby-horse, concentration of poverty ("Rich Blacks do worse than rich Whites on standardized tests because they live in close contact with poor Blacks, etc.).

  9. Harry Baldwin5/8/14, 7:51 PM

    I was amused by Douthat saying he was looking forward to a review from Ta Nehisi Coates

    Ah yes, we all await the thoughtful ruminations of Ta Nehisi Coates. No doubt at this moment he is tracking down the last few scholarly sources to cite in what will be a devastating critique.

  10. Your Daniels/New Criterion link is bad (points to Dreher's piece.)

    HBD Chick's link has the same error.

  11. In fairness, the NYT reviewed The Faith Instinct a month after publication.

  12. In the world of book reviewing, the only thing that matters is the New York Times. Wade's book can get a thousand web reviews, it doesn't matter. If the Times doesn't acknowledge it, it effectively doesn't exist.

  13. "Well I am looking forward to Ta Nehisi Coates review as well. Also the crowd on Pharyngula."

    Is Pharyngula still relevant? I haven't paid attention since Elevatorgate, when the secular community decided to devour itself in a perpetual storm of social justice nonsense.

  14. Speaking of Coats, one of the most entertaining things about these Bundy/Sterling race flareups is seeing the parade of black "intellectuals" brought onto MSNBC and CNN and listen to the absurd things they say. After the Donald Sterling thing happened, I remember this one black woman on MSNBC saying something like "Isn't it ironic that they instituted a dress code for players a few years ago and now the NBA has to deal with the hatred that is in an owner's heart?" These kinds of non-sequitors and the predictable nonsense that comes out of their mouths are both entertaining and depressing, depending on one's mood.

  15. The Big Bagel5/8/14, 8:45 PM

    My girlfriend went to buy the book for me at the Barnes & Noble in Union Square in Manhattan, only to learn that it was out of stock. A sign of hope? Can the demand really be that great?

    Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if many buyers were drawn in by the NYT pedigree of the author and the alluring-but-vague subtitle ("Genes, Race and Human History") unaware that they were becoming accessories to thoughtcrime.

  16. Nicholas Wade has a job at the New York Times because it's important for the Rulers of Society and their loyal followers to know the real score. Wade has been telling the Times' readers what they need to know.
    Equally important is that the riffraff do not know the score. That is why James Watson got the axe: He was speaking to the media at large, where the common man might hear.

  17. Argument went from 'there is genetic basis for race' to 'there is genetic basis for race but it has no effect on behavior'.

  18. McGillicuddy5/8/14, 9:37 PM

    I'll be shocked if the Times doesn't eventually review it. They will.

  19. In the world of book reviewing, the only thing that matters is the New York Times

    Certainly funny that they wouldn't review the book of their own veteran reporter.

  20. Is there something wrong with the VDare site?
    A big yellow warning keeps coming up

  21. Is there something wrong with the VDare site? as a big orange warning keeps coming up.

  22. Argument went from 'there is NO genetic basis for race' to 'there is genetic basis for race but it has no effect on behavior'.

  23. The more relevant book for us THE SPORTS GENE. It says blacks can kick white ass.

    That is the real danger for the future.

    It means white males will lose respect in the eyes of white women who will go with tougher blacks.

    Happening all over the UK.

    1. This is why it's important to turn your back on spectator sports.

      Go and do something yourself. Instead.

  24. New Criterion is a neocon rag.

  25. Don't count on Coates reviewing it any time soon. Every time I visit his blog he's still reading bloodlands.

  26. I'm a fan of Daniels so I was entirely unprepared for this feeble effort. It's as if his mother made him do a book report.

  27. I'm a fan of Daniels so I was entirely unprepared for this feeble effort. It's as if his mother made him do a book report.

  28. Is Pinker the most narcissistic guy in the business?

    He always has himself photographed like an angel.
    Rather funny for an atheist.



    Lol. He got chutzpah.

  31. Dalrymple's review was awful. Just from reading blogs over the years you can see through his errors.

    The internet sure has learned me a lot about intellectual filters. Just imagine how much better informed our world would be without columnists injecting their ignorance, bias, lies, twists and false conclusions.

  32. V Stiviano DUIed in Ferrari

    Somehow that escaped everyone's attention!

    Shelly Sterling partied with V Stiviano then discovered her inner racist as she now hates her.

  33. Not that I have a problem with grinds, but some of the commenters here seem to think being hard working is a sign of inferiority. A modern American idea, that only spontaneous expressions of your inner self are to respected, as opposed to anything that came about through effort and gradual improvement.

    Ha -- no, it isn't a modern American invention.

    Traditional aristocracies looked down on labor; the motto of the Roman patricians was bellum et otium, war and leisure, and the duty of patricians everywhere from Archaic Greece to medieval Europe was to prepare for military enterprises and otherwise to keep clear of moneymaking, in particular of taking a daily wage, which was seen as dishonor. Their time was kept in hunting, athletic contests, love affairs, adventures, etc.; only Christianity and Biblical morality made work dignified. It also made something else dignified; the sanctity of the body, or the idea that your body is your temple.

    Now, concerning labor, even working as a prostitute is superior to working a regular 9 to 5. In a career, you are still selling your body, and in this case also your energy and your mind. You’re at the mercy of your superiors. Sure, you can save up to gain some level of independence, but so could ancient slaves, eventually buying their freedom. I don’t see any objective difference between this and being a prostitute. All the pros are on the side of the trick or rent boy, namely, much more free time, being a lot more independent, selling only your body as opposed to your mind. You’re a contract worker and entrepreneur, as opposed to taking a daily wage. To which you can add this, that as a formal worker you’d have to pay taxes, which is in itself an indignity today, seeing how your taxes go to support single mothers, thereby making you a cuckold that pays for the upkeep of other men’s children.

    1. LCD,
      Get out and interact with fellow human beings and grow up.

  34. V Stiviano's many names

    2002 -- Stiviano was arrested by LAPD for petty theft. The official documents -- obtained by TMZ -- show she was a 5'4" 128 lb Hispanic woman named Vanessa Maria Perez. She was convicted and placed on probation.

    2004 -- Stiviano was arrested by Santa Monica PD for another petty theft and felony burglary. Her name was Vanessa Maria Perez (same as the first) but this time she's taller and thinner -- a 5'8" 115 lb Hispanic woman.

    That HGH really works then or does one lot use French inches and the other PD Imperial?

    Monica Gallegos, Maria Valdez, Maria Vanessa Perez and Mariamonica Perez Gallegos were other aliases.

    Onto more important matters owing to her herpanic and black origins perhaps if we called her Georgina
    Zimmerwoman maybe the media might be interested in her past?

  35. Just imagine how much better informed our world would be without columnists injecting their ignorance, bias, lies, twists and false conclusions.

    How fucking dare anyone out there make fun of Selena Roberts after all she has been through!

    She lost her aunt, she went through a divorce. She had two fuckin kids.

    Her husband turned out to be a user, a cheater, and now she’s going through a custody battle. All you people care about is.. readers and making money off of her.

    SHE’S A HUMAN! (ah! ooh!) What you don’t realize is that Selena is making you all this money and all you do is write a bunch of crap about her.

    She hasn’t performed on stage in years. Her song is called give me more for a reason because all you people want is MORE! MORE-MORE, MORE: MORE!

    LEAVE HER ALONE! You are lucky she even performed for you BASTARDS!

    Perez Hilton talked about professionalism and said if Selena was a professional she would’ve pulled it off no matter what.

    Speaking of professionalism, when is it professional to publicly bash someone who is going through a hard time.

    Leave Selena Alone Please. !
    Leave Selena Roberts alone!right now! I mean it.!

    Anyone that has a problem with her you deal with me, because she is not well right now.


  36. Dalrymple/Daniels makes an excellent point on the murder rates and the supposed decline of violence.

    Another problem with the declining murder rates argument, besides the difference in medical care, is the different age structures. Let’s say we compare present day murder rates with those of 1900. Not only were the murder rates lower in 1900 despite the dramatically poorer quality of emergency medical care and evacuation, but more importantly, the age distribution is very different, which totally invalidates the comparison.

    The average 75 year old is much less likely to commit murder than the average 20 year old, yet senior citizens were comparatively rare in 1900. What that means is that if you were to isolate the murder rate to the population most likely to commit it, the murder rate per 100,000 15-40 year old males, rather than the rate per 100,000 of total population, the rate would have been much lower in the past, simply because 15-40 year old males made up a much larger percentage of the total population.

    So when viewed in light of all these other factors, our current murder rates do not look the slightest bit comforting.


  38. hdb chick link goes to dreher

  39. Anyone find it funny that Charles Murray predicted exactly what Tyler Cowen would do?

    "These chapters will be their primary target because Mr. Wade chose to expose his readers to a broad range of speculative analyses, some of which are brilliant and some of which are weak. If I had been out to trash the book, I would have focused on the weak ones, associated their flaws with the book as a whole and dismissed "A Troublesome Inheritance" as sloppy and inaccurate. The orthodoxy's clerisy will take that route, ransacking these chapters for material to accuse Mr. Wade of racism, pseudoscience, reliance on tainted sources, incompetence and evil intent."


  41. New Criterion is a neocon rag.

    Neo-conservatism is a fifth column movement intentionally designed to infiltrate and dilute and corrupt classical conservatism.

    Dalrymple has been assigned to quell any interest in this subject amongst the leaders in the GOP because Race Replacementism is the foundation upon which the Frankfurt School has decided to destroy Western Civilization ["Feminism" is now a very distant second, almost a forgotten memory of a battlefront].

    You get the same thing out of e.g. Jonah Goldberg, who just yesterday submitted a column which openly advocated on behalf of early 20th-Century Bolshevik subversive attacks against Western Civilization [in that case, it involved a statute in the state of Connecticut in 1920].

    You also see it from the entire Neoconservative Establishment, when they seek to covertly divert the War on Islamic Terror into becoming a war to annihilate and eradicate Christianity anywhere that Christianity has flourished in the general vicinity of Judea and Sumaria [purging one million Christians from Iraq, unleashing the Muslim Brotherhood on the Copts in Egypt, unleashing Al Qaeda on the Aramaic Christians in Syria].

    But Race Replacementism really is the keystone here.

    Anytime someone in the Dark Enlightenment objects to the policy of Race Replacementism, Axelrod and Sunstein immediately fire up their fax machines and send off marching orders their astroturfing droids to try to digitally assassinate the author.

  42. Steve, the entire screen just went haywire, and I unintentionally submitted a partially finished comment.

    Sorry, but the BlogSpot software is getting be just about completely unusable.

  43. Prof. Woland5/9/14, 7:24 AM

    Isolating the genetic and biological determinants for homosexuality will be a major blow to the blank- slaters in part because gays / lesbians will be the first to admit it. It will be a good intermediate step for the public to warm up to HBD. There will continue to be deniers but eventually they will be put alongside the creationists, the people they hate most in this world.

  44. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if, for folks like me, Google [the owner of Blogspot] has flagged my IP Address, and is serving up a slightly different version of the code than what normal folks get.

    Honestly, at this point I wouldn't be shocked to learn that they were sending all of my keystrokes directly to the Mossad.

    But if this crap-for-code is what Google is serving up to everyone, then Blogspot is not long for this world.

    PS: Does anyone else get the "infinitely regenerating Hasselhoff-Recursion pop-up windows" every once in a while, after they try to close a Blogspot window?

    That's been happening to me for months.

  45. I wish Dalrymple would quit switching between his real name and pen name.

    1. Like Lev Bronstein? Oh I mean Trotsky!


  47. "You get the same thing out of e.g. Jonah Goldberg, who just yesterday submitted a column which openly advocated on behalf of early 20th-Century Bolshevik subversive attacks against Western Civilization"

    I dont like goldbooger but he did no such thing. He was merely pointing out that lefties had been targeted in the past but that lefties are doing it to others today.

  48. rotfl

  49. "Dalrymple/Daniels makes an excellent point on the murder rates and the supposed decline of violence."

    I would say that, all thing being equal, blacks are more aggressive and violent than other races. You can see it in their behavior.

    Whites will act more violent or less violent according to circumstances. Wild West was violent.

    But whites generally move from violence to order whereas blacks, if placed in order, tend to move toward disorder.

    Also, keep in mind that the social disintegration of the white working class in Britain had much to do with negrophilia in music.

  50. I haven't read it and I'm not likely too - unless you tell me it contains some new ideas and insights. Wade is a journalist - that is to say a consumer of ideas not a creator of ideas. He is - at least partly due to you and this blog - a minor intellectual celebrity.

    That means the story isn't so much about any particular idea but rather that this person has now embraced this idea. So what?

    This strikes me as the kind of news story that is in Breitbart's Hollywood section. The story isn't that there is some new analysis about the Minimum Wage and it's effect on job levels but that George Clooney or the Pope thinks that we should raise it. This is just celebrity watching.

    The story isn't about anything substantive in the book, it's just a marker that HBD and/or Racial Realism has reached the Science section of the NYT.

    Fine, the New York Times is now on board. I got it. Why do I need then need to read the book?

    Pat Boyle

  51. The more relevant book for us THE SPORTS GENE. It says blacks can kick white ass.

    Then it's wrong, they can't. They can run away from us though.

  52. I wish Dalrymple would quit switching between his real name and pen name.

    Why not just change it to "C3PO" and end the confusion.

  53. Prof. Woland said...
    Isolating the genetic and biological determinants for homosexuality will be a major blow to the blank- slaters in part because gays / lesbians will be the first to admit it. It will be a good intermediate step for the public to warm up to HBD. There will continue to be deniers but eventually they will be put alongside the creationists, the people they hate most in this world.

    The high degree of overlap between people who think black is socially constructed and gay is genetic ought to be indicative that they represent similarly sensible positions. Indeed, they are both of the form "science says lefties are right," a sentence in which the causation always flows from the end to the beginning.

  54. oh oh. Far better a vast thundering silent thud for a _certain_ side of the vitriolic debate. Corollary to the celebrity phenomenom of any publicity is good publicity and the worse the better. Forgive them they know not what they do (to themselves.) For the pseudoscience quackery fanclub generating hundreds of comment responses and counter responses sparks a layperson's interest in what in the world is this kerfuffle about with the danger of firstly informing the brouhaha exists and further sparks a passing thought about which exactly is the pseudoscience quackery.

  55. Steve Sailer's persistent yet sober scholarship emboldens writers like Nicholas Wade to go against the orthodoxy and move towards the truth as they see it. Perhaps other influential scientists, sociologists and pundits will now be willing to step from "out of the shadows" and publicly consider the role of heredity in cognition and temperament in humans. I appreciate your many years of work culminating in another contribution to the national debate.

  56. "Is there something wrong with the VDare site? as a big orange warning keeps coming up."

    One googled link got that while another worked. Maybe it's someone at google being PC.

  57. Daniels is a notorious blue pill sentimentalist. He is at heart a romantic. In this most unromantic age.

  58. I wonder if Lewontin will review it for NYRB.

  59. How come some white bigotries are more funnish than others?

    If we see some northern european type or hillbilly badmouth blacks or Jews in movies, we would be offended.

    But when Italian-Americans do it, it's half-funny. When Joe Pesci says all that stuff about blacks and Jews in GOODFELLAS and CASINO, we just laugh. Or how about the scene in MEAN STREETS where Tony says, "I saw her kiss a n------ under a bridge."
    It's hilarious.

    Is it like Italians are like honorary blacks? Or they are seen as tribal than ethical(as northern Europeans are seen, expected of, and judged), and so, we take their bigotry as just rapper-like territorialism than as 'racism'?

  60. LCD

    even working as a prostitute is superior to working a regular 9 to 5. In a career, you are still selling your body, and in this case also your energy and your mind.

    That would be true if humans were robots. However, we are biological beings, and sex and reproduction are hardwired to be taken seriously. Your nervous system has no idea that having sex with a client can result in neither pregnancy nor contraction of STDs, because your partner is using a condom. So having sex with clients will totally wear you down and make you an empty shell, spiritually at least. Porn stars rarely end their lives happy.

    As to a "rent boy", well, being buggered is one of the most humiliating things in the world, besides being an easy way to contract an STD (unless, again, a condom is used), so you will be spiritually worn down in that case either. There's no way any amount of free time will pay up for this.

    And as to dignity... well, prostitutes have no such thing. Even a janitor or some other lowly category worker has at least some dignity, a prostitute never.

  61. From Gelman's review:

    Wade’s arguments aren’t necessarily wrong, just because they look like various erroneous arguments from decades past involving drunken Irishmen, crafty Jews, hot-blooded Spaniards, lazy Africans, and the like.

    Mysteriously, he fails to link the knock-down scientific proof that Irishmen are sober, Jews are straightforward, Spaniards are easy-going, and blacks are industrious. Odd, that.

  62. Twitter. Twittch-hunting.

  63. Another reason why East Asians may be more timid.

    Maybe extreme cold made their faces become more easily flushed. This is true of American Indians too.

    When they drink alcohol, their faces turn red and all flushed. It could be that when East Asians feel distressed, their faces fill up with more blood and flushiness. Their faces feel heavier and more paralyzed. No wonder Asians are so worried about 'losing face'.

    So, this physiological facial fact of East Asians may have made them more inhibited.
    Blacks generally don't seem feel such flushiness on their faces.
    So, even when they get caught with something shameful, their faces just be smiling and feel no shame. They don't get 'red-faced with shame'.

    Since blacks thus feel less shame, they are less sensitive to how others feel about them. They are easily offended but instead of blaming themselves, they just blame the accusers and act totally innocent even when caught with their pants down.

  64. Kinds of reviews.

    1. I sincerely agree with Wade and don't mind saying so.

    2. I sincerely disagree with Wade and will say so.

    3. I mostly agree with Wade but this stuff may be too strong for the masses.

    4. I mostly agree with Wade but if I say so, my colleagues in the media and academia will shun me, so I'll have to hedge my appreciative points.

  65. "PS: Does anyone else get the "infinitely regenerating Hasselhoff-Recursion pop-up windows" every once in a while, after they try to close a Blogspot window?

    That's been happening to me for months." - your computer is owned.

  66. Christianity and Biblical morality made work dignified. It also made something else dignified; the sanctity of the body, or the idea that your body is your temple.

    I disagree. Christianity is largely self-hate, sex-hate, and body-hate. Classical pagan civilizations were much better at instilling love and respect for one's self and body. The message of Xtianity was more like: your body does not belong to you, it belongs to Church and State, to God King and Country, and (in the modern era) the Military-Industrial Complex. Keep your body in good shape not because it is yours to enjoy, but that it is a tool of your masters, and you will need to sacrifice it for THEIR cause to gain your own salvation.

  67. "Then it's wrong, they can't. They can run away from us though."

    Dang, then 'white flight' from black attack must be a myth.

  68. "even working as a prostitute is superior to working a regular 9 to 5. In a career, you are still selling your body, and in this case also your energy and your mind."

    Great new libertarian idear:

    fuc* ethic.

  69. Long-time blah blah5/9/14, 1:01 PM

    Heck, there's even Radio Steve: (part 2 of 3)

  70. McGillicuddy5/9/14, 1:05 PM

    A few days ago Vdare put up a post saying that they were sorting through some technical issues. That's probably the reason for the warnings.

  71. The message of Xtianity was more like: your body does not belong to you, it belongs to Church and State, to God King and Country, and (in the modern era) the Military-Industrial Complex

    That's some Military-Industrial strength kookiness right there, with bonus points for referring to Christianity as "Xtianity".

  72. Does anyone else get the "infinitely regenerating Hasselhoff-Recursion pop-up windows" every once in a while, after they try to close a Blogspot window?


    If you're still on XP, upgrade.

    If you're not using a pop-up blocker, why not?

  73. Gelman: Wade’s arguments aren’t necessarily wrong, just because they look like various erroneous arguments from decades past involving drunken Irishmen, crafty Jews, hot-blooded Spaniards, lazy Africans, and the like.

    I'll give him a "+5" for a clever piece of misdirection - and then a "-10" because it is still, after all, misdirection.

    The fact that many people once believed the world to be flat does not invalidate exploration, or cartography, or science in general. The history of scientific progress is chock full of erroneous beliefs which were later corrected based on further research. Why is genetics supposed to be the sole exception to that rule?

  74. reiner Tor said...
    However, we are biological beings, and sex and reproduction are hardwired to be taken seriously.

    It's a strange thing. There are all these people who claim to take science seriously who think sex is just sex and that the rules around it are pretty much arbitrary.

    How many biologists will agree that mating behavior is irrelevant? How many cultural anthropologists will agree that mating behavior is irrelevant?

  75. Since blacks thus feel less shame, they are less sensitive to how others feel about them

    How does that make blacks any different from aspies?

  76. On topic - just not this specific topic (the book).

    There is a new study that brings together a bunch of threads in the human genetics, evolution and IQ topics. It appeared last month in Intelligence.

    It addresses the correlation between Microcephalin and IQ. There doesn't seem to be any correlation between these two at the individual level but there is a very high correlation at the national level using Lynn and Vanhanen's data. The correlation is well over .80.

    This is interesting because,as you know, this gene suddenly emerged about 37,000 years ago right at the time of the Upper Paleolithic cultural explosion that Cochran and Harpending call the 'Big Bang'.

    Pat Boyle

  77. Is "Ta Nehisi" the ghetto spelling of "Tennessee"?

  78. As Jared Taylor notes, Wade for some reason doesn't want to discuss intelligence, which is the most studied aspect of human psychology.

  79. "Maybe extreme cold made their faces become more easily flushed. This is true of American Indians too.

    When they drink alcohol, their faces turn red and all flushed."

    White people's faces flush when they're drunk too. Maybe East Asians get drunk faster because they process the sugar quicker.

    This might mean that East Asians drink one unit of alcohol and feel the effect straight away while a north European only feels the effect of 1/2 a unit straight away because they're processing the sugar slower. This could lead to north Europeans drinking twice as much as they need to get drunk before they stop drinking.

    Which would explain a lot.

  80. "Daniels is a notorious blue pill sentimentalist. He is at heart a romantic. In this most unromantic age."

    Life at the Bottom might be the most unsentimental book I've ever read.

  81. Mattingly had the Dodgers in for a praivate meeting.

    Fans were hoping that they would do something about losing 4 of the last 6 games against the Giants but were left disappointed when V Stiviano comes out of the clubhouse with her hair messed up and her shirt on backwards ..... .

  82. California Republicans Vote to Restore “Bilingual Education”

  83. I thought Danielsrymple review was not bad. He didn't criticize the main thesis of the book, just downplayed it a bit.
    His point about the supposed decrease of violence was fair (I doubt that's genetic, in fact). The one about lactose intolerant, less so.

    All in all, however, it felt a bit forced, not one of his best efforts. But I haven't read Wade's book either, and it doesn't strike me as being anything revolutionary. Maybe it's just because it's one of the few mainstream work to mention race since, the 1950's.

    In the end, I think it's pretty clear that it's impossible to separate nature and nurture, culture and genetics, both are important and one modifies the other over time. What came first, the egg or the chicken?

    And races alre like overlapping circles, like Venn diagrams.

  84. Here's an article decrying white men for taking the lead in the environmental movement.

  85. Treehouse Times5/10/14, 1:33 AM

    Yep, it's pretty shocking that an HBD book is mostly being discussed among HBD geeks.

  86. Theory: The "vehemence of denial" might have something, just something to do with how the Internet partisans of Freakogenetics tend to start flinging their feces at the uninitiated every time somebody produces an objective book -- commissioned by a real publisher for monetary compensation -- which dares venture onto their territory. How much of the truly cosmos-imperiling Stevo-denialism is fairly attributable to this dynamic? I dunno, let's say 50-50. Don't worry, all of the smart set still know that the newest academic literature on lactose intolerance irrefutably demonstrates the optimal

    - immigration policy
    - farm policy
    - NASA policy
    - list of which states are funnier than others
    - tolerable level of steroid abuse in pro snooker
    - technical rubric proving The Clash are better than The Ramones; or vice versa
    - add your own here

  87. 2nd, 3rd, 14th draft of history5/10/14, 2:13 AM

    Perez Hilton talked about professionalism and said if Selena was a professional she would’ve pulled it off no matter what.

    I'm'a let you finish, but hey, woman's *really* gotta hire some day labor from the Fifty-Cent Party to work out that Wikipedia bio. Paula Broadwell on assignment at a Polish Navy junket says that's a bit half-assed; even Stephen "Ephen" Glass has at least the pro-forma misdirection link to a Scottish soccer player of the same name.

  88. I'm a fan of Daniels so I was entirely unprepared for this feeble effort. It's as if his mother made him do a book report.

    You shouldn't be surprised. Dalrymple is an inveterate race-denier.

  89. Roberts criticized the university as well as the team for a culture that prohibited "snitching"[5] on the later exonerated lacrosse players.

    The Duke Lacrosse team was African-American? So how did the non-story become news?

  90. "Dang, then 'white flight' from black attack must be a myth."

    White flight from Black mass immigration (or internal migration) or Black flight from Hispanic mass immigration or any flight from any mass immigration is due to the relative proportions of young men.

    Young men are a disproportionately large percentage of mass immigration and they tend to live many to a house in small areas creating a bridgehead (and interior lines for people who know what that means).

    This leads to a) competition over females and b) the receiving population being outnumbered in the key demographic for violence i.e. young men.

    The violence that ensues leads people with school age children to move away increasing the disparity in numbers in the critical age range which drives more people away creating a vicious spiral of ethnic cleansing.

    The basic mechanism is the same whatever the two populations are.

  91. SoCal Patriot5/10/14, 11:44 AM

    Here is another perspective regarding Mr.Wade's new book, from an Occidental Christianity pov:

  92. Why Sailer no fix HBD chick link?

  93. "California Republicans Vote to Restore “Bilingual Education”"

    I say restore it. It will aid in white consciousness.

    Just like GOP should give up the notion that 'free enterprise' and 'liberty' will turn non-whites into good conservatives, we should give up the notion that speaking ingles will turn non-whites into good Americans.

    Yellows speak english but 80% of them voted for Obama.
    Browns are more Democratic than ever.
    Blacks don't speak no African but they is more Democratic than any other group.

    So, let's have Babelization. It will crystallize who is us and who is them.

    Indeed, we should form a new English for white conservatives only. We will develop our own terminology, our own words.


  94. "White flight from Black mass immigration (or internal migration) or Black flight from Hispanic mass immigration or any flight from any mass immigration is due to the relative proportions of young men."


    When people run from blacks, it aint just about demographics or economics. It be fear.

  95. "When people run from blacks, it aint just about demographics or economics. It be fear."

    You maybe.

    When the people I come from were driven out of our homes we fought plenty and we won plenty but *at the point of contact* immigrants have the numbers advantage in the critical 18-24 demographic.

    (I'm not saying there aren't differences between ethnic groups that are relevant to this I'm saying those differences don't matter as much as the numbers advantage.)

  96. "When the people I come from were driven out of our homes we fought plenty and we won plenty but *at the point of contact* immigrants have the numbers advantage in the critical 18-24 demographic."

    Sheeeeeeeeeeet. I'm on my knees, brotha, I'm on my knees."

  97. Gelman is a second rater. Yeah, he can do fancy stat math, but in terms of critical analysis he does things like destroying strawmen, like shifting the burden of proof, like finding a nit wrong and conflating that to mean everything wrong.

    I kicked his ass once in an Internet argument. He shut right up, when I direct quoted a source proving him wrong. Funny how he always wants those he finds fault with to man up and admit it.

    His review wanders and avoids addressing the compelling statistical evidence presented for the difference itself. IOW Gelman does not man up and say the case is compelling. He moves on to discussions of impact and avoids the initial area. Also, he misrepresents Wade's position on populations versus individuals. This is actually a fundamental statistical logical gaffe. Perhaps if Gelman had a stronger backround in basic IID and DOE (t tests and all that), he would not make the error. Rather than all his Bayesianism and time series.


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