May 9, 2014

Pale and Male

From The Guardian:
Why are so many white men trying to save the planet without the rest of us? 
Climate change affects minorities and women, the elderly and the poor. But the leadership of the environmental movement is pale and male. That doesn't look like progress

The future of the environmental movement isn't pale and male. But its current leadership is.  
Suzanne Goldenberg


  1. 1st draft of history5/9/14, 10:25 PM

    I was there when Captain Beefheart started up his first band.
    I told him, "Don't do it that way--you'll never make a dime."

  2. Goldenberg appears to be just another white-hating Jew. They are legion and tiresome.

  3. But I'm losing my edge to better-looking people with better ideas and more talent.

    And they're actually really, really nice.

  4. What a silly woman. They aren't trying to save the planet, but consolidate the spoils for themselves.

  5. "Why are so many white men trying to save the planet without the rest of us?"

    You mean--why are white men trying to con the world out of trillions of dollars under the laughable pretext of trying to solve a problem that does not exist?

    I dunno, Guardian writer Suzanne Goldenberg. Perhaps because you're stupid enough to fall for it?

  6. She's right that the future of the environmental movement isn't pale and male. The environmental movement has no future.

    She mentions California. I live here. For all of the Democrats supposed radical liberalism they've done jack all to prevent huge swaths of the countryside from being turned into crap housing developments and cement lake parking lots. In the Central Valley, Latino Democrats regularly side with Republicans in blocking anything harmful to agriculture and allowing farmers to spray whatever chemicals they want to into the air. The Crying Indian is surely weeping right now.

    Environmentalism is something that mostly appeals to old hippies living in Vermont, but in the rest of the country it's pretty much lost the battle.

  7. Goldenberg appears to be just another white-hating Jew. They are legion and tiresome.

    Shouldn't the rest of the world's race and ethnicities be castigated for not taking the lead in environmental movements? This article says more about the writer than it does about the environmental movement or its leadership.

  8. I'm active in the climate change movement, and that's simply untrue if you're paying attention.

    -The native peoples of Canada and the US have been leading the charge against the Keystone pipeline where no one else was standing up. Here or here.

    -Van Jone's organizations and Rev Yearwood of the Hip Hop Caucus have been involved in the best organized forces in climate change activism.

    -On the university front, many of the premiere divestment campaigns are led by non-whites (e.g., Asians). Obviously I don't want to name specific students here.

    Oh, and I'm not white either, and the leadership in the groups I've been involved in has had strong representation by nonwhites.

    1. Welcome to the world's best reality oriented website, where everyone is pissed at us.

    2. Environmentalists blocking the Keystone pipeline make no sense. Pipelines are the safest way to transport oil, and if the oil is piped to Texas, much (most?) of it will be used domestically, distributed most of the way by pipeline. If you people succeed in blocking the pipeline, the Canadians will transport the oil to the Pacific and ship it to Asia, which will be riskier for the environment.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Eastside School5/9/14, 11:36 PM

    Goldenberg. res ipsit loquitur.

  11. why is the Guardian is so white

  12. Lets bring in some Chinese expertise on environmentalism. Maybe bring in a lot.


  13. The Crying Indian is surely weeping right now.

    The Crying Indian was as Indian (Both dot and feathered.) as Elaine Murphy who Marlon Brando had accept his Academy Award and Princess Fauxahontas herself! Them pale faces keep everything for themselves!

  14. Why is the Guardian so white?

    Because you have to have gone to one of the right schools if you want work, erm, I mean twiddle your thumbs and scribble nonsense there.

  15. Ichabod Crane5/10/14, 12:17 AM

    Every year the historically black medical schools sweep all the plaudits and official the awards for helping more underserved people than other, more competitive schools do. Is this a function of their sub-standard graduates being forced into crappy primary care jobs in crappy areas? If so, we are giving black people awards for failing to achieve at the highest levels. And their Deans accept these boobie prizes as if they were on par with great scientific advances of the age.

    Here is a random article illustrating the trend:

    This strikes me as being like a senior investigator saying to an underling, "You are so much better at filing things away and applying coverslips than experimental design, which really anyone could do. You are so noble for taking a low-pay, low-skill job. In that way, you are the moral equivalent of the trust fund babies who run the Sierra Club. Do you know any Ivy League people of color willing to work for the Sierra Club? What, you say these noble savages who care not for lucre are mostly law associates, salesmen, and low-level bankers, and they won't even give up their piddling incomes for a much more noble cause? Tell them about the Sierra Club's social mission, and our diversity program!

  16. I'm kind of tired of pointing out the Jewness of certain people.

  17. Replies
    1. That's a heartening article, and Murray's advice is good (why didn't I see it in the promotional material for his book?). Note that the reference to Bell Curve doesn't say race, but "IQ and class" instead, which seems a more comprehensive description of the book's subject. Accuracy and taste in a must be some kind of accident.

  18. Goldenberg hates hates hates her male counterparts. In case you didn't notice, Jerry Seinfeld is pale and male. So is Larry David.

    Jewish women are no different from other White women: they really do HATE HATE HATE White guys.

    Why? Because we are not sexy enough.

    What, you thought that was just WASP type women. Heck, Jewish women HATE HATE HATE their men even more than Rev. Farrakhan, which is a lot btw.

    What is repulsive to women (when possessed by men): intelligence, nerdy obsessions, a quantitative approach, abstract thinking. Jewish men are tops at that, which is why Jewish women are on a baby strike, with TFR approaching extinction levels, along with a goodly helping of Jungle Fever.

    WASP/Ethnic Catholic White women are not as far along, but possessed of the same rage. Imagine how you would feel if EVERY SINGLE WHITE WOMAN was over 300 pounds. That's what White guys today are for White women. Unsexy behavior and lack of a-hole dominance, too high an IQ are for women what being 300 pounds are for guys when viewing the opposite sex.

    The White guy exclusion jihad is waged by White women as much as Non-Whites. Its the fury of a woman not scorned by beset by beta male orbiters.

  19. o/t, but BBC news are featuring heavily the new upcoming clash of World War G or T - tonight's Eurovision Song Contest, where Russia is forecast to be roundly booed by the (selected?) audience, and the favourite is I think a bearded Austrian transvestite.

  20. -Van Jone's organizations and Rev Yearwood of the Hip Hop Caucus have been involved in the best organized forces in climate change activism.

    Any relation to Indiana Jone

  21. The people that lead the green movement are overwhelmingly liberal and follow the general anti white mindset, the same goes for others like US software companies and Hollywood. When these people are hounded by the very people they so love, I personally support this, turn the Guardian, Google, NYT, Economist and other such hard left organisations non white, they worked hard to undermine white societies so they should face the same fate.

  22. "Every year the historically black medical schools sweep all the plaudits and official the awards for helping more underserved people than other, more competitive schools do. Is this a function of their sub-standard graduates being forced into crappy primary care jobs in crappy areas? If so, we are giving black people awards for failing to achieve at the highest levels. And their Deans accept these boobie prizes as if they were on par with great scientific advances of the age."

    This is all true, BUT medicine is not only about making new drugs and procedures(though it is definitely about that!) but about taking care of everyone. So yes, these guys really are performing a useful function in taking care of our...ah...least fortunate. Somebody's got to make sure the ghetto youth get their vaccinations, or diseases spread. Public health is really one of those things where you actually do have to take care of the poor.

  23. "Goldenberg appears to be just another white-hating Jew. They are legion and tiresome."

    Pretty much. I wonder if there's some official dejudification ceremony involving pork fat and the Koniggratzer March? I've asked a few rabbis, but they claim there isn't.

  24. Phrased another way, "Why don't black and brown people care about the future of the planet to get involved?"

  25. "The Guardian" is shorthand for "Why don't you fuck off and die, you white males (except us white males who run the paper, obviously)".

  26. Leiv Schreiber5/10/14, 4:21 AM

    Are these "white men" also jewish whites? Probably not Ethiopian Jews either, right?

  27. Dr Who's Curly Haired Assistant5/10/14, 4:23 AM

    Caring about farming and wildlife is a well known precursor to the holocaust of course. See Lebensreform. Let's go back in time Mensch and shoot these Pre-Hitlers!

  28. One more complaining harpie. Instead of being grateful to a group of people that have made her life so much easier and prosperous in so many different ways this woman just bashes them. People like this should be deported to Ethiopia or somewhere in the middle east. This 'how come there's no minorities around here' theme has gotten pretty tiresome. There's probably no minorities in her own neighborhood.

  29. Every year the historically black medical schools sweep all the plaudits and official the awards for helping more underserved people than other, more competitive schools do. Is this a function of their sub-standard graduates being forced into crappy primary care jobs in crappy areas?

    Hey, somebody has to do it. Is that somebody gonna be YOU?

  30. Maybe it's because whites care most about the environment.

    I once lived in a mestizo area and mestizos dump trash everywhere. They'd rather dump trash in a parking lot than pay $5 for trash tags. They could care less about the environment.

  31. Why are so many people with names like "Goldenberg" trying to save the world (I'm being charitable here) from "pale males"?


  32. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I'm kind of tired of pointing out the Jewness of certain people.

    I am kind of tired of people who neglect Benjamin Freedman's example.

    Wow, I feel so very tired.

    I guess I'll go listen to my Father Coughlin mp3s until I feel rested.

  33. Um...beacause it's not really about saving the planet?

  34. Yeah, why are white males doing this? Most of the beneficiaries are people besides us. Rationally, we shouldn't care about "saving the planet" since, thanks in large part to Ms. Goldenberg's tribe, there isn't an inch of space on it that we're allowed to call our own.

  35. Why are Jews so white?

    Wrobel did everything he could to damage Europeans and it looks like fate caught up with the arrogant prick.

  36. The future is a global Pale. Bankster Financiers enslaving zeks.
    The future's Pale and Goldenberg plans to wail anyway.

  37. The Lonely Jew5/10/14, 6:20 AM

    We Jews are like the proverbial little girl with the curl. When we're good, we're very, very good. But, when we're bad, Oh brother! To my shame, and anger, too many of us are the ladder.


  39. Why aren't women and the colored trying to ave earth too?

  40. You suppose white males have transferred their conservative impulses to environmentalism?

    Since they can't be conservative race, why not race to save the planet?

  41. 'Charles Murray makes the Daily Mail.'

    Idiot supports
    'gay marriage'.

  42. Now take a look at the top executives at eight of the top 10 groups devoted to fighting that fight:

    Sierra Club? White male.

    Nature Conservancy? White male.

    League of Conservation Voters? White male.

    World Wildlife Fund? White male.

    Environmental Defense Fund? White male.

    Friends of the Earth? White male.

    National Audubon Society? White male.

    Nature Conservancy? White male.

    Lol. Eight of the top 10? Why just eight? What about the other two (really three; she listed Nature Conservancy twice)? Are they headed by women?

    And how about the fact that five of these seven "white" men appear to be Jewish? Isn't that a lot more interesting?

    Talk about chutzpah!

  43. David:"Goldenberg appears to be just another white-hating Jew. They are legion and tiresome."

    I don't know; she seems awfully fond of her fellow White women....

  44. "She mentions California. I live here. For all of the Democrats supposed radical liberalism they've done jack all to prevent huge swaths of the countryside from being turned into crap housing developments and cement lake parking lots."

    Speaking of California Democrats, journeyman Dem pol Bonnie Lowenthal just lost a mayoral race in Long Beach to both a Latino (and gay!) upstart and a black guy. (I think its headed to a runoff between the two).

    How anyone can be a Democrat and white is beyond me. It's only a matter of time for them.

  45. Bone Daddy Dawg:"You mean--why are white men trying to con the world out of trillions of dollars under the laughable pretext of trying to solve a problem that does not exist?"

    As a serious conservationist* that I know once told me, it isn't about saving the planet. It's about saving the kind of planet that we would want to live in.

    * How serious is he? Well, he wants immigration to the USA cut down to damn near zero. And he wants Western aid to Africa to be tied to mandatory birth control.Oh, he's also pro-nuclear power.

  46. Anonymous:"-On the university front, many of the premiere divestment campaigns are led by non-whites (e.g., Asians). Obviously I don't want to name specific students here."

    Asians don't count in the diversity Olympics.

  47. Anonymous:"I'm kind of tired of pointing out the Jewness of certain people."

    Should be Jewishness.

    Besides, is it necessary to point out the Jewishness of someone named "Goldenberg?" Of course, Alfred Rosenberg was a Gentile, so surnames are not foolproof.....

  48. Charles Murray makes the Daily Mail.

    That article says:

    For long-lasting marriage, tie the knot in your twenties: Social scientist says that getting married earlier and growing together makes a stronger partnership

    And what direction is the arrow of causation?

    It is most likely genetic.

  49. Then again, Ms. Goldberg's fellow Jews also complain when Whites fail to spend enough time and energy protecting the environment.

    When not portraying pollution --- even that which affects predominantly White communities --- as “environmental racism” against non-Whites, they are writing screeds such as this:

    “The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone— its ideologies and inventions --- which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself.”

  50. I hear everybody that you know is more relevant than everybody that I know.

  51. If we non-liberal whites could work as hard at saving the white gene pool/race as white liberals work at saving the Earth from whitey, we as a particular sub-species of human just might manage to remain extant.

    I wonder when white liberals are going over to China to throw their "we are here to straighten you Chinese out in order to save our planet Earth from your ravages", weight around.

    Probably not in the foreseeable future.

    From the Sanctuary, I'm PDK: Thank you.

  52. >>Steve Sailer said...
    """""""But I'm losing my edge to better-looking people with better ideas and more talent.""""""""

    Wonder if Elgin Baylor thought the same thing in '71-'72?

  53. >>Anonymous said...
    """""""""""I'm kind of tired of pointing out the Jewness of certain people.""""""""""""""

    Shermans here, Shermans there, Shermans everywhere.

  54. >>Anonymous said...
    """""""""""I'm kind of tired of pointing out the Jewness of certain people.""""""""""""""

    Shermans here, Shermans there, Shermans everywhere.


    Oy vey, goy obey

  56. Goldenberg....

  57. This brings to mind the classic joke headline:

    World to End: Women and Minorities Hardest Hit

  58. -The native peoples of Canada and the US have been leading the charge against the Keystone pipeline where no one else was standing up""""""

    Oh, YOU'RE part of the movement that's costing the US 10,000plus jobs related to the oil industry and helping to keep us from pipelining oil from new North American sources, which has the adverse effect of keeping gas prices higher and thus helping to contribute to an extended and more deeper recession. Thank you.

    You are aware that large majorities of US want the Keystone Pipeline to be built. Why its taking so long is beyond reason. Should've been on the way to being built by now.

    Uh, yes, everyone knows that the Asians are somewhat represented in the environmental movement but obviously that's not the Guardian writer's main gripe, is it? That's not the specific racial group that she's pointing out are basically awol on the environment, hmm?

  59. Bone Daddy Dawg said...
    "You mean--why are white men trying to con the world out of trillions of dollars under the laughable pretext of trying to solve a problem that does not exist?"

    I dunno, Guardian writer Suzanne Goldenberg. Perhaps because you're stupid enough to fall for it?

    Fall for it? Dude, she's demanding her cut of the proceeds!

  60. The vast Majority of Conservation Biolgists in the US are White Males..who also happen to be very Liberal and enthusiasts for open borders -even though their White Liberal open borders enthusiasm is completely incompatible with endemic-edangered species conservation passion. White Liberals are truly mentally ill people.

    Exhibit A:the founder of the field of Conservation Biology Michael Soule(Paul Ehnrlich's first phd student) and advisor to Dave Foreman's Wildlands Project. Michael Soule's gift to Calfornias' endemic and endangered species:his last phd student...a Hindu Legal immigrant who has been entrusted by Nature Conservancy with the monumental task of protecting California's remaining endangered and endemic species...he is also an enthusiast with flooding California with thousands of Hindu legal immgrants every year.


    You need to spend more time writing about the interaction of the endangered species isue,Asian ethnic agitation for increaed legal Asian immigratin, the ongoing mega-dought in the Amerian WestSouth West andSoutheast,wage slavery for Native Born White Americans..and very long waiting list to get into the Natinal and State Parks(amenity destruction loss issue) for all of these issues are interacting in very nasty ways.

    Bill Blizzard and his Men

  61. More judgepacking.

  62. I'm losing my edge to the Internet seekers who can tell me every member of every micro aggression from 2012-2014

  63. The global warming deniers are also white males:

    The Mountaintop Removal Club? White male.

    Nature Consumerancy? White male.

    World Wildlife Extermination Fund? White male.

    Environmental Destruction Fund? White male.

    Friends of the Coal Ash? White male.

    National Autobahn Society? White male.


  65. Will Wade's book encourage others to take the plunge on this issue?

  66. Didn't she see the 'Matrix'? Didn't she notice that all the 'Agents' were white males in business suits?

    Pat Boyle

  67. Ashoka worse than Gulen


  69. I think leftist journalists are just parodying themselves at this point. A Goldenberger whining about minorities and women? For not being given the chance of, er, "saving the Earth"? Do they care even? I remember those parks in L.A. frequented mostly by Mexicans with their picnics, man, how they litter.

    Even most of the Guardian comments are not taking this seriously.

    "Climate change" is a scam, anyway. And if leftists really cared about global warming they would be against immigration. And would stop buying seaside property too.

  70. So let's see, the cancer of the human race, the white male, dominates in organizations based on out-group altruism. Meanwhile, the noble non-white races seem to be content with navel-gazing, get-whatever-you-can tribalism. Wonder how that all works? Must be racism causing it.

    And I'll tediously point out again, that the same enviros who hector us all the time are often wildly open-borders types. You'd think they'd notice that flooding Western nations with countless millions of people who don't give a fig about environmentalism, won't recycle, will happily waste any resource they can get their hands on, etc. will have an impact. If only we could get them to think of third-worlders as bundles of walking carbon.

  71. "I'm kind of tired of pointing out the Jewness of certain people."

    It's almost becoming a joke now.

  72. I hear that everybody Steve knows is more relevant than everybody I know.

    And he knows some LCD, which is pretty darn cool.

  73. Why is disproportionate "whiteness" awful but disproportionate Jewishness entirely unobjectionable?

    I don't object, by the way. I'd just like some consistency.

  74. Jean Cocteausten5/10/14, 11:05 AM

    OT, what is the real story behind the "Obama Mortage Refi program" ads you see all over the damn place. Are these straight ads or are they stealth campaigning? Given Obama's unpopularity, it seems like he and the Dems have a lot more to gain from these ads than the finance companies.

  75. One of Goldenberg's tribesmen, Dan Goldin, said NASA was "pale, male and stale" way back in the 90s. They've come a long way - I taught a female minority JPL engineer in one of my grad classes recently. She didn't know a hell of a lot about spaceflight, but was outstandingly qualified by NASA's new standards which are focused on looking like the kind of people Congress likes to give money to.

  76. The funny thing is, I've been around groups of environmentalists, organic gardeners, recycling volunteers, and so on. They hate the fact that they're just a bunch of well-off white people. They would love to have some Sun People show up and join the group; they'd automatically become everyone's best friend and probably be elected leader by their second meeting. They'd instantly become the toast of the food co-op.

    The implication that these people are keeping NAMs out of their groups is just really, really funny.

  77. Race is the central point of the Guardian piece, although it is hard to see why it should be, or, going further, why it was written and published at all. On the other hand, the media has bent over backwards to invent rules to serve as cover for censoring race from crime stories, where it is highly relevant, being an important consequence of "diversity", which the media is always pushing as the greatest thing since sliced bread.

  78. only now getting around to realizing that it's mostly european men who care about the environment, and that the other races don't care about the environment at all?

    of course liberals have hijacked any genuine movement towards concern about pollution and sustainability and turned it into another political farce, so this clouds and obscures the primary issue, that concern about the environment, is pretty much like any other industry or field. it's something only heterosexual european males even think about. neither women nor the vibrant typically think about or care about this stuff, so it is like any other field. heterosexual european males, HEMs, created the field from scratch, and occupy most of it's positions too.

    i don't really need to make a separate post about the energy industry and how it works globally. i've posted enough about how the other races are just going to burn coal, oil, natural gas, and uranium, as much as they want, until it's all gone, and pollute to their heart's content. it must infuriate liberals in washington DC and california that their jurisdiction ends at the coast and they can't force every country in the world to bend to their global warming agenda.

    US exports of coal to china and europe continue to increase, up to 100 million tons per year to europe now, i believe. california has increased their purchases of canadian dilbit, also known as oil sands crude, up to a new record this year, of about 1 million barrels.

    so much for green energy.

  79. Sounds like Suzanne Goldenberg needs to get together with Bill McKibben and make a trip to Mt. Baldy next weekend. I'm sure they will have great success persuading the Latinos to put down their Tecate cans, trade in those Ford F250s, and start working their way up the non-profit ladder at various conservation organizations.

  80. You know the irony?

    Making the environmental movement more 'diverse' would probably make it even less effective. Currently the environmental movement is associated with the left. Putting NAMs and women in there would only further alienate Middle America or whatever the British equivalent is.

  81. Oswald Spengler5/10/14, 12:37 PM

    White males just can't catch a break today. Even when they support a cause blessed by the high priesthood of the Cathedral, they still can't expiate the original sin of being a white male.

  82. This was the title of the article written by Ms. Goldenberg in the Guardian: "Why are so many white men trying to save the planet without the rest of us?"

    The comment section was prefaced by this statement (paraphrased, as it is copied from memory): "These are the comments that the Guardian staff felt best advanced the debate". I.e., the Guardian redacted those comments they did not like.

    Perhaps, Ms. Goldenberg, the "white males" who run the environmental movement just don't feel that women and minorites "advance the debate". Can the Guardian really blame them for that?

  83. "ben tillman said...

    Eight of the top 10? Why just eight? What about the other two (really three; she listed Nature Conservancy twice)? Are they headed by women?

    And how about the fact that five of these seven "white" men appear to be Jewish? Isn't that a lot more interesting?

    Talk about chutzpah!"

    When they're saving the planet, they're Jews. When they're disenfranchising women and people of color, they're "white males".

  84. "David said...

    Goldenberg appears to be just another white-hating Jew. They are legion and tiresome."

    Yes, quite so. Many Jews seem to be getting rather obvious about the contempt in which they hold white gentiles. Do they expect us to not notice it?

    Oh - that's right - to notice it makes one an anti-semite. Nevermind.

  85. There are more libs than cons in the environmental movement. Why are libs privileged over cons?


  86. Black and lack

    Brown and clown

    Yellow and callow

  87. Young and wrong

  88. female and email.

    how come women send more?

  89. The administration is now trying to rebrand "climate change" (which itself was a rebranding from "global warming") to "climate disruption", given that "climate change" has fallen flat as a scare campaign. This despite a brutally cold winter, which they are tring to explain away with statistical legerdomain (and outright lies).

    The government has had better luck selling War as an organizational meme: The War on Drugs, the War on Terror. Perhaps they should declare "The War on Climate", or "The War on Element Six of the Periodic Table".

  90. Israeli spy in Al Gore's Bathroom:

    Isn't it great to have allies like this?

  91. Anonymous:"Why is disproportionate "whiteness" awful but disproportionate Jewishness entirely unobjectionable?

    I don't object, by the way. I'd just like some consistency."

    For the same reason that no one complains about disproportionate Italianess or Irishness. Racial policy in the USA works on the lumper principal. You can complain about too many Whites but not about too many Italians. The only partial exception is WASPS. Whites are allowed to complain about too many of them.

  92. Mr Anon:"Yes, quite so. Many Jews seem to be getting rather obvious about the contempt in which they hold white gentiles. Do they expect us to not notice it?"

    Everybody hates White Gentiles.

  93. Hey Steve,

    How about something on that female firefighter from San Fran who is suing because she was named as a person who ran over one of the Chinese passengers from the 777 flight the crashed.

    Her excuse seems to be that others ran over her first.

    Talk about Keystone Cops.

  94. "Why are so many white men trying to save the planet"

    Suzanne Goldenberg

    This stuff just writes itself.

  95. Perhaps what the environmental movement needs is a wise Latina.

  96. "And he knows some LCD, which is pretty darn cool."

    Actually, I didn't know anything about them until last night when I googled the Captain Beefheart comment. But, yeah, I should have.

  97. "The report claims that Israelis were told dozens of times to 'cut the shit' in the words of one former FBI official. But 'you can't embarrass an Israeli', another official was quoted as saying. 'It's just impossible to embarrass them. You catch them red-handed, and they shrug and say, "OK now, anything else?"

    Haaretz, 5/10/14, from a story on Israel spying on America

  98. Whiskey wrote: What is repulsive to women (when possessed by men): intelligence, nerdy obsessions, a quantitative approach, abstract thinking. Jewish men are tops at that, which is why Jewish women are on a baby strike, with TFR approaching extinction levels, along with a goodly helping of Jungle Fever.

    In my experience, Jewish women find intellectual ability a turn on.

  99. Pretty much. I wonder if there's some official dejudification ceremony


  100. "In my experience, Jewish women find intellectual ability a turn on."

    Sense of humor is more like it.

  101. Harry Baldwin5/10/14, 2:51 PM

    Goldenberg hates hates hates her male counterparts. In case you didn't notice, Jerry Seinfeld is pale and male. So is Larry David.

    Jewish women are no different from other White women: they really do HATE HATE HATE White guys.

    Why? Because we are not sexy enough.

    Poor Jerry Seinfeld, unsexy to Suzanne Goldenburg. He had to console himself with 17-year old Shoshanna Lonstein, blessed with an enormous pair of naturals.

    BTW, I hear 66-year-old Larry David does very well with the ladies despite his unsexy whiteness.

  102. "Why are so many white men trying to save the planet"

    She should ask... why are so many white nations trying to save Israel whereas non-white ones don't give a shit?

    White nations need to drop the privilege of hogging the defense of Israel. Give Nigeria, North Korea, Peru, Yemen, and Zimbabwe a chance.

  103. Why did white men hog the male agenda to expanding the electoral franchise to women?

    Why didn't they allow Muslim, Asian, African, and other men to lead the movement?

    Damn white men.

    Why did white guys lead the global effort to end slavery? Damn 'racists'!

  104. "Heck, Jewish women HATE HATE HATE their men even more than Rev. Farrakhan, which is a lot btw."

    But they like money. And Jewish males got it.

  105. Poor Jerry Seinfeld, unsexy to Suzanne Goldenburg. He had to console himself with 17-year old Shoshanna Lonstein, blessed with an enormous pair of naturals.

    BTW, I hear 66-year-old Larry David does very well with the ladies despite his unsexy whiteness.

    lol at you for responding to Whiskey as if he were a serious person and not a poorly-programmed bot.

  106. Boy that post brought out all the Earth first crackpots. Who would have thought they were reading isteve??

  107. To the first commenter:

    Actually, Beefheart's band

    started out as a fairly tame

    blues/garage outfit

    comparable to the 13th Floor

    Elevators. The weird,

    uncommercial stuff didn't

    come until "Trout Mask Replica".

    I'm listening to "Lick my Decals

    Off Baby" as I type. Great stuff.

  108. 'The government has had better luck selling War as an organizational meme: The War on Drugs, the War on Terror. Perhaps they should declare "The War on Climate", or "The War on Element Six of the Periodic Table".'

    I've been saying "The War on Bad Weather" for years now, but it's not gaining traction, though Drudge recently headlined a globalclimatewarmingchange article as "US DECLARES WAR ON WEATHER!" Hilarious.

  109. The LCD Soundsystem guy (James Murphy) was offered a job as a writer for Seinfeld before his music career, and the vocals/lyrics for that album were supposedly ad-libbed during its recording. It's dance music for smart people, if you like that sort of thing.

  110. Harry Baldwin5/10/14, 7:24 PM

    lol at you for responding to Whiskey as if he were a serious person and not a poorly-programmed bot.

    You're right, I showed weakness.

  111. "It's dance music for smart people, if you like that sort of thing."

    In this case, "smart people" refers to banal, trend-chasing aesthetes. LCD is the purest form of SWPL music.

    Beefheart, on the other hand, is dance music for truly smart people (Yes, a lot of his music is danceable. Check out "Clear Spot" and "Bat Chain Puller" if you don't believe me.).

  112. She should ask... why are so many white nations trying to save Israel whereas non-white ones don't give a shit?

    White nations need to drop the privilege of hogging the defense of Israel. Give Nigeria, North Korea, Peru, Yemen, and Zimbabwe a chance.


  113. And how about the fact that five of these seven "white" men appear to be Jewish? Isn't that a lot more interesting?

    Talk about chutzpah!

    Could help explain why environmental organizations these days don't say a peep against mass immigration.

  114. I'm calling my new craft beer "stale male pale ale"


  115. In my experience, Jewish women find intellectual ability a turn on.

    That's a huge understatement.

  116. Actually, Beefheart's band

    started out as a fairly tame

    blues/garage outfit

    comparable to the 13th Floor


    There was nothing tame about the Elevators. They were the real deal.

  117. Der ewige Rekordstoreklerk5/10/14, 9:57 PM

    To the first commenter:

    Actually, Beefheart's band

    started out as a fairly tame

    blues/garage outfit

    comparable to the 13th Floor


    Ah yes, led by the Roky Erickson fellow-- I remember them on the Ed Sullivan Show (or was it American Bandstand, or Live Aid?). Tame amusement for the masses, indeed.

    I prefer the Red Krayola myself; that is, when I tire of listening to 1930s acetates of Haitian jug bands...


  118. "There was nothing tame about the Elevators. They were the real deal. "

    I agree. I yield to no one in my love of the Elevators. By "tame" I meant relatively speaking (I wasn't making a value judgment). Compared to "Trout Mask", the Elevators sounded conventional. They were kick-ass and highly influential, mind you (they invented psychedelic rock, after all), but they weren't pushing that atonal, Coleman meets Howling Wolf meets Burroughs meets Freud stuff that Beefheart concocted.

  119. Dr Who's short skinny dark-haired (but white) female assistant5/11/14, 8:27 AM

    Anonymous Dr Who's Curly Haired Assistant said...
    Caring about farming and wildlife is a well known precursor to the holocaust of course. See Lebensreform. Let's go back in time Mensch and shoot these Pre-Hitlers!

    Caring about one's family, and one's own spirituality without being a slave to Jesus is also a well-known precursor to the Holocaust. Read anything in the Guardian in the early years of the satanic panic. Their message was: scratch an occultist or neo-pagan and find a "Satanist". Scratch a "Satanist" and you will find a Nazi.

  120. Normally I feel like killing myself out of despair when I read the comment section of the Guardian but in this case the vast majority of comments were critical of the writer and of her claims. These comments are presumably being deleted in line with the Guardian's policy.


Comments are moderated, at whim.