June 3, 2014

iSteve at The Unz Review

I’m happy to say I'm teaming up with my old friend and fellow 1970s Valley Dude Ron Unz to publish my long-running iSteve blog on Ron’s relatively new Unz Review at:

My long-time readers should make sure to check out all the other interesting stuff on The Unz Review while you are there. 

Like they used to say at MBA school in 1980: Synergy!

I’ve been doing a “soft opening” for several days there, and you’ll find 13 new posts that haven’t appeared on my old iSteve.blogspot.com site. There is so much new material for you to read that it doesn’t all fit on the front page there. You’ll have to hit “Older Items” at the bottom left of the page. Here are the last few days' new posts:

Attn. Dr. Piketty: Two Ways Old Money Dwindles

Old White Men: Who? Whom? Chapter MLXVII

Why Is Hamlet Tall and/or Thin?

Piketty's Reclusive Billionaires v. Howard Hughes

World War HIV

Pretty Fly for a White-Ified Guy

Welcome to ISteve on the Unz Review

Pinker on Genealogy

The Atlantic Discovers the Real Racism

Race and the Roads Not Taken

The Bonfire of the Inanities

IQ, the Death Penalty, and Witness-Murdering

On the Possible Extinction of the United Kingdom

The Tedium of American Cultural Dominance

Commenting seems to work pretty well over there, but it will of course be subject to the usual unpredictable lags in when I get to my desk and start moderating. (Note: I sleep largely on Transylvanian Time.) Check out how it works for you.

One thing I don’t like anymore at my age is changing platforms often. I used to love playing around with the latest computer technology, but it’s not 1996 anymore. (The switch to Blogger about six or eight years ago was stressful for me). I’d rather write new blog posts for you than fiddle with the pipes under my blog (or, come to think of it, do my dishes). But this modern WordPress system offers a lot of new capabilities that I intend to utilize over the coming weeks.

Of course, there will be glitches and transition issues. For example, hyper-aggressive spell-checking: in the title of the similar post on the new site, it’s supposed to be “iSteve” (of course), not "ISteve," but so far the new system insists upon capitalizing the “i” no matter how many times I correct it. No doubt, if I were 25 I would have already found the keystroke combo or whatever that temporarily subdues the raging WordPress spellchecker, but at my age, I'd rather compose rueful blogposts about my ineffectuality at dealing with new tech than study up on what to do about it. But we’ll get there …

More substantively, we will add a low bandwidth and small screen-friendly mobile option, which will probably take the rest of the week. Until then, you might want to set it to not show images.

I’m told that the little orange rss button on the top blue bar over there will give you your RSS feed. If you have a Reader, you can reset to the new address for blog activity:

And, of course, I’m having difficulty getting my Paypal buttons for my ongoing fundraising drive to show up over there. It wouldn't be iSteve without panhandling technical troubles. (The new Paypal Buttons are still working fine here on the old site, hint hint.)

Your hardcoded links to old posts on iSteve.blogspot.com should continue to work.

Anyway, take a look around and let me know what else you’d need or want. 

Thanks for your patience over the weekend and I think you’ll like what we will be putting together here.



  1. RSS feed is http://www.unz.com/isteve/feed/

  2. It's really not the best company. Good luck anyway.

  3. Hope the money's good. You deserve it.

  4. So does this mean you won't be posting anything here anymore?

  5. Oh please don't tell me that you sold out to The Frankfurt School.

    I always suspected that iSteve might have been a "Honey Pot" operation set up by the Mossad.

    This is really deeply disappointing.

  6. World War HIV needs an explanation.
    Back in the day EVERYBODY agreed HIV positives needed to disclose their status. Then these guys came along.


    All Clark Baker and associates need is one very high-profile case and the whole "house of numbers" comes tumbling down.

  7. Will you still publish my obscene and maniacal rantings at such an august address as Unz review?

  8. "Oh please don't tell me that you sold out to The Frankfurt School.

    I always suspected that iSteve might have been a "Honey Pot" operation set up by the Mossad.

    This is really deeply disappointing."

    Steve writing at UNZ is only going to further his reach. You might have a point that Unz's influence could dilute the message, but Unz's posting history does not suggest that he is averse to Steve's ideas.

  9. Yeah, I saw the other day that this was happening. Good idea.

    Saw Taki last night at a friend's birthday party here in NY, and you were spoken highly of. Somebody's offered to buy his site for $5m, which we both thought was pretty funny...

    Don't tell him I told you that.

  10. >>Bert said...
    """""""""""So does this mean you won't be posting anything here anymore?"""""""""""""""

    Second the motion. Does this mean that this site won't contain any of your new blogposts? Also, what exactly will happen to this website if you won't be posting your current blogs here anymore? Will it just "disappear" into the vast grey bog that is the 'net?

    Or, in addition to being posted at Unz, will this site continue to post your new blogs simultaneously as well?

    One question answered and yet another question remains.

  11. "Oh please don't tell me that you sold out to The Frankfurt School.
    I always suspected that iSteve might have been a 'Honey Pot' operation set up by the Mossad.
    This is really deeply disappointing."

    See it this way. Using blogger is working with the google jerks who don't even observe Easter on their search page.

  12. How about unSteve?

  13. iSteve is a honey pot? There must be some pretty awesome features of this site I've been missing out on.

  14. http://racehist.blogspot.com/2014_06_01_archive.html

    These June posts.

    What they mean?

  15. copying posts to unz.com produced formatting errors for non-US characters. Example:

    the post-??f? Muslim holy man in Pennsylvania...
    Turkey’s prime minister Recip Tayyip Erdo?an...



    the post-ṣūfī Muslim holy man in Pennsylvania...
    Turkey’s prime minister Recip Tayyip Erdoğan...


  16. Does "Unz" rhyme with a very rude plural?

  17. Saw Taki last night at a friend's birthday party here in NY

    I am insanely jealous.

    and you were spoken highly of.

    It's not as fun or as lucrative as being popular, but it's nice to know Steve has the right enemies and the right friends.

  18. "Oh please don't tell me that you sold out to The Frankfurt School.

    I always suspected that iSteve might have been a "Honey Pot" operation set up by the Mossad."

    The Mossad doesn't give a rat's ass. The SPLC and the ADL, that's another story.

  19. Seriously, what do people have against Unz??

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Protocols of the Elders6/3/14, 7:30 AM

    Unz is a Joo!

    Even Steve is part of the conspiracy!!!

  22. I am insanely jealous.

    No kidding.

    Even Charles Murray becoming a Bilderberger doesn't make me jealous.

    The only thing in the greater iSteveOSphere which could make me more jealous than the thought of partying with Taki would be if I learned that Albertosaurus ran with the chicks from the Armory in San Francisco.

  23. What is strange is Sailer made the switch without alerting to us what was up. He even posted stuff at UNZ before he announced his move.

    But Sailer is a cipher in this way. He never told us why he quit his weekly contributions to Vdare.

    He's like the gopher in Caddyshack. Hiding stuff.

  24. Aside from the open question of whether this particular blog will get any new posts, is Ron Unz considering Disqus for comments?

  25. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_Black_Bear#Hybrids

    Different races than species of bears?

  26. How come mixed race folks are not called hybrids?

  27. a very knowing American6/3/14, 9:17 AM

    The Links here are very well-chosen. Any chance they'll carry over to Unz?

  28. Since Asian black bear and American black bear can mate and produce hybrid, are they merely social constructs?

  29. Mr. Sailer,

    There is a problem with unz.com RSS feed, but the email, UnzReview@ronunz.org, listed on his "Contact Us" section doesn't work, so I can't notify their webmaster:

    The main RSS feed, http://www.unz.com/article/feed/, redirects (today) to http://www.unz.com/item/feed-pete-peterson-to-the-whales/ . I need an RSS feed for their entire content. I hate polling websites. I let machines (www.goread.io) do that for me.

    It'd be really nice for them to fix their main RSS feed and perhaps their email links.

  30. As to the question of why Hamlet is typically portrayed as tall and thin - you know the answer. It is simple Sheldon Body Types.

    Hamlet is indecisive. Indecision is associated with ectomorphy. Mesomorphs are associated with action and decisiveness. There have been no skinny 'Supermen' or 'Batmen'.

    In our current comic book cinema Thor is a mesomorph but Loki is an ectomorph. Thor rushes in while Loki thinks (plots).

    Shakespeare obviously believed I n the Sheldon Body Types centuries before Sheldon. He created in Falstaff the perfect endomorph.

    Pat Boyle

  31. It seems even many mainstream conservatives are warming up to TROUBLED INHERITANCE that entertains the notion of different IQs among races.

    What does Heritage Foundation think of the book? Will it re-hire Jason Richwine who only stated what Wade did in the book?

    Why is it okay for Wade to say it but not for Richwine?

  32. "Unz is a Joo!"

    A Jooez.

    It's really a Mexican conspiracy.

  33. Unz review is odd.

    It has Juan Cole of the Left, Craig Roberts of the Right.
    Roberts is a strange rightist though. He's been writing for Counterpunch for a long time.

    I guess Unz is trying to be like a more rightward version of Alexander Cockburn.

  34. "Indecision is associated with ectomorphy."

    True, and one might say Hamlet is too busy fidgeting to have time to eat. And he burns off all those calories by moving back and forth worrying about everything.

    But in our age, it'd be realistic for Hamlet to be fat. A kind of egg-and-hamlet.

    You see, ours is a comfort food culture. So, if you worry, eat some comfort food.
    So, modern Hamlet would be thinking 'to eat or not to eat'.

    He's be worrying and ranting over the hot stove as he's preparing pies and pasta dish to bring some comfort to all his anxieties.

  35. FirkinRidiculous6/3/14, 11:39 AM

    Were the timings of this announcement and the panhandling drive a coincidence?

  36. Next, Steve Sailer joins the Bilderberg Club! But not before buying the damn dishwasher! Can we expect a piece in the Unz vein: "How I learned to stop worrying and love Mexicans! "?

  37. Three words: Doubleyou, Tee, Eff. ??? Seriously, no more iSteve on his own here?

  38. Hmm, mixed feelings about this. Will miss this old blog - my reading nest for years. But if branching out widens your reach and brings in some dough, good for you.

    Re: selling out to the Frankfurt School. It's funny how "The Frankfurt School" has become a catch-all in some peoples' minds for anything any Jew does anywhere.

  39. http://mangans.blogspot.com/2014/06/gladwell-admits-his-10000-hour-rule-is.html

    "The point is simply that natural ability requires a huge investment of time in order to be made manifest. Unfortunately, sometimes complex ideas get oversimplified in translation."

    Why is that a complex idea? Everyone knew success requires innate talent and lots of practice/effort.

  40. "Seriously, what do people have against Unz??"

    Well, speaking for myself, Unz ran against incumbent Governor Pete Wilson in the Republican primary in California in 1994, specifically to oppose Wilson's support for Prop. 187, which was supposed to ban non-emergency services to illegal immigrants.

    I've always found Steve's affection for / association with Unz puzzling. Steve is still in favor of "Patriotic Immigration Reform," isn't he? Unz, to the best of my knowledge, has never repudiated his 1994 platform, which was highly PC in the Wall Street Journal / political establishment / MSM vein: how dare that mean old white man be mean to “immigrants.” Plus, if he makes them mad, they will hate Republicans forever!

    Not all that long ago, Unz wrote a very long piece in AmCon rehashing much of this in which he seemed to double down on his former position. He even went so far as to try to make a hero of Howard Ahmanson, a rich lunatic who used to be a major conservative donor in California but who had a mid-life crisis and repudiated everything he once claimed to believe and became a liberal. All over Republicans being mean to illegal immigrants.

    In other words, Unz would seem to follow the elite open borders script to the letter. But Steve, supposedly, does not. Doesn’t he?

    Steve has never explained this, or even addressed it, as far as I know.

    All that said, Unz’s Prop 227, which eliminated “bilingual education,” was a great achievement. Unfortunately, in a state that has been completely demographically transformed by the mass illegal immigration that Steve nominally opposes and Unz openly supports, the new majority in California is poised to overturn that law, legally or otherwise.

    1. Unz opposed open borders in this Intelligence Squared debate last year. Maybe his position has changed?

  41. Unz himself seems rather hands off but I'm afraid that the other writers and the current unz.com commentariat aren't used to the strong criticism of jewry that could express itself here.

    I took a glimpse at some article and I could already find ridiculous comments saying more or less that jews had been manipulated by the Democratic Party and "liberals" into voting for leftist policies.
    Wtf ? That sounds like the kind of stupid stuff you can read on free republic.

  42. OK, wait, you're now co-blogging with ... Juan Cole? Juan Cole? I take it the Unz Review is on that bizarre arc on the circle where the loony paleo right and rabid anti-American left find that they are identical?

    Steve, aren’t you supposed to be a patriotic American? Diversity of views is one thing, but Cole IS the rabid, anti-American academic far left—everything to which you are supposedly opposed.

    I have always found your foreign policy views to be, as you like to describe them, measured and moderate. Which one cannot say about the majority of those affiliated with AmCon and the rest.

    But Cole? What, so now being anti-Israel and anti-Iraq War are the necessary and sufficient conditions for being considered an ideological compatriot?

  43. OK, wait, you're now co-blogging with ... Juan Cole? Juan Cole? I take it the Unz Review is on that bizarre arc on the circle where the loony paleo right and rabid anti-American left find that they are identical?

    You're a loony neocon though. You have a blog devoted to neocon interpretations of Machiavelli.

  44. The only thing in the greater iSteveOSphere which could make me more jealous than the thought of partying with Taki would be if I learned that Albertosaurus ran with the chicks from the Armory in San Francisco.

    Well of course, Pat runs with the chicks from the Armory in San Francisco.

  45. I assumed when I donated during your most recent panhandling drive that I was helping to continue this site. Was I wrong?

  46. Unz review is odd.

    It has Juan Cole of the Left, Craig Roberts of the Right.
    Roberts is a strange rightist though. He's been writing for Counterpunch for a long time.

    I guess Unz is trying to be like a more rightward version of Alexander Cockburn.

    Unz strikes me as very intellectually curious and a bit eccentric. Hence the eclectic mix.

    I like Roberts, though it's amusing to see him go into full geezer crank mode.

  47. I can't believe you sold out to the Unz, bro.

  48. How much he buy you for? Unz is loaded, isn't he? Isn't he one of the heirs to the potato chip fortune?

  49. "I assumed when I donated during your most recent panhandling drive that I was helping to continue this site. Was I wrong?"

    What does it matter if Sailer blogs with blogger or wordpress as long as he notices the mice?

    Besides, better to increase traffic for Unz and wordpress than for google(which owns blogger) that really hates cons.

  50. "Unz himself seems rather hands off but I'm afraid that the other writers and the current unz.com commentariat aren't used to the strong criticism of jewry that could express itself here."

    But Unz site has very severe critics of Jewish/Zionist power.

  51. "Well, speaking for myself, Unz ran against incumbent Governor Pete Wilson in the Republican primary in California in 1994, specifically to oppose Wilson's support for Prop. 187, which was supposed to ban non-emergency services to illegal immigrants."

    Who the hell cares? what matters is we are all outsiders without power, and we have at least that in common.

    If you win, you can argue over spoils. But if you lose, you join with all the other losers to batter the elites. We've lost, so we should tolerate and join with all those who rail at the elites.

    Buchanan and Nader disagree on a lot but they join forces to bash the elites.

    Losers can't be choosers. We should just attack the winners.

  52. http://metro.co.uk/2014/06/02/brazilian-man-has-10-operations-so-he-can-look-asian-4747511/

    This is weird because he isn't trying so much to look Asian as Asian-trying-to-look-white.

    Truly pomo.

  53. Seriously, what do people have against Unz??

    I have always been pro-Unz (and taken flak for it). Glad to see Sailer teaming up with him.

  54. In what way is Unz, a multi-millionaire, a "loser"?

    If this blog had a driving purpose, it was--or was supposed to be--to make arguments in favor of "patriotic immigration reform." Now it's been migrated, and possibly sold, to a man who is for open borders. Or at least who opposes those who oppose open borders. How does that make any sense at all?

  55. Comments at Unz's site require an E-mail address.

    So long. Nice to know all of you.

  56. "It's funny how "The Frankfurt School" has become a catch-all in some peoples' minds for anything any Jew does anywhere."

    Don't be silly. The Frankfurt School was a Scots-Irish intellectual movement.

    And Ron Unz seems like a really good guy.

  57. "Comments at Unz's site require an E-mail address. So long. Nice to know all of you"

    Fake@fake.com works perfectly well.

  58. "Comments at Unz's site require an E-mail address. So long. Nice to know all of you."

    Are some commentators petty or just lazy?

    If Sailer switched his views on immigration, that's one thing. But just hissy fit over email?

    Just make up one.

  59. "In what way is Unz, a multi-millionaire, a 'loser'?"

    Power and influence aren't only about money. Donald Sterling is a loser too though he's worth billions.

    Mel Gibson has 100s of millions, but he's a loser too.

    There are lots of rich cons in the GOP but how far will they go if they challenge the Zionist orthodox?

    Unz's views are on the 'loser' side of history. And you don't have to agree with someone 100% to see his worth.

    I think Sailer's advice to Putin is ROTFL ridiculous and running-dogish, but there are 'scary' things about Sailer that I find interesting.

    We are not here to agree 100% with everyone. 'Losers' need to find diverse allies to attack the common enemy. If we win--though far from likely--, we can then fight one another for the spoils. Until then, attack the common enemy.

    It's like US and USSR fought together as long as Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were around.
    After WWII, the conflict was between US and USSR.

    Just how the game of power goes. So, people need to grow up.
    We are currently the 'losers' of history. We'd be lucky enough to have any kind of allies.

  60. Don't be a dammy--pronounced dah-mi.

    A dummy is a really dumb person.
    A dammy is someone who isn't dumb but acting dumb.

    Too many dammies here.

  61. "Anonymous said...

    ""Comments at Unz's site require an E-mail address. So long. Nice to know all of you.""

    Are some commentators petty or just lazy?

    If Sailer switched his views on immigration, that's one thing. But just hissy fit over email?

    Just make up one."

    When I saw they required an E-mail address, I assume that they required a real one (else, why require it at all). Can I just make up an account name and PIN next time I go to an ATM too, cause that'd be swell.

    I wish to maintain my anonymity. Surely, you - "anonymous" - can understand why.

  62. Is it like Unzchlauss?

    Sailer swallowed up by Unz like Austria by Germany--or Crimea by Russia?

    I think people are having a change-of-cage syndrome.
    If you take a gorilla from one cage to another, he suddenly feels strange and disoriented. It's still unfree but it had gotten used to the previous cage, so it didn't notice the problem. But in the new cage, it feels strange and unfree.

    I guess this blog site gave people the impression of having a kind of 'world of their own'. It was like alternative zone apart from even alternative conservatism. But as Sailer now shares space with others, it just feels less independent even though he'll be posting the same views he would have done here.

    Indeed, the reaction of regulars here makes for an interesting psychological study of how we respond to things and why. It seems packaging and set-and-setting does matter. And the context of power.

    Also, maybe some are taken aback by the fact that Sailer didn't alert them as to the move beforehand. They feel since they'd been loyal visitors to this site, they should have been at least consulted before the move happened. It's like a lot of people got upset with Richard Spencer for his sudden change to 'radix' though that's different since Spencer owns his own site and he's the one who kicked out some others.

    People here are reacting like hardcore Amish if the leader had said they're gonna join with the larger Mennonite camp.

    So, even though Sailer site is really about views, some people personalized it more than they should.

    One thing Sailer shares with Unz. Both have no aesthetic sense. Unz Review site is so basic in design that it could a 90s website.


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