June 1, 2014

Paypal for Panhandling

Welcome to the PayPal page for Steve Sailer's iSteve fundraising campaign.

NOT tax-deductible.

Click the drop down menus above each button to find the right amount for you.

One-time only payment options

Annual Subscription Payment Options

Monthly Subscription Payment Options



  1. Thanks. Donation sent!


  2. Perhaps you could start a job search fund? Put it towards a suit and tie, professional resume etc

  3. Worked like a charm!

  4. There may already be something of the sort...
    It always seemed to me that someone should set up a "micro-donation program".
    Have it where readers deposit $10, $20, $50, $100 or whatever into an account. The owners of the program could charge say 5% per deposit.
    Have a button next to each of Steve's articles (Readers could stay signed in on their home computer), that would allow them to donate $.50, $1, $5 or whatever. At the end of the month Steve receives a check of cumulative donations from the users of the program.
    Derb, actually got me thinking about this when he was bitching about a dollar that someone had sent him in support during the recent NR unpleasantness. I thought, "Sure one dollar isn't much ...but it is pretty painless for the donor. If you have 100 donors a month...? A thousand? 10,0000 ?

    I often read a post and usually don't have $20 or $100 to spare.

    Everyone has a dollar or two to spare...but they don't want to jump through hoops to send it or to look cheap.
    Just my two cents worth.

  5. Would you consider signing up for gittip [1]? I'd gladly contribute, if only to try to knock Shanley Kane from the number 2 spot.

    [1] https://www.gittip.com

  6. Hey Steve, try https://bitpay.com/start for accepting Bitcoin.

    www.coinbase.com also has a merchant section to accept bitcoin without touching it.

    It converts it right into USD, so it's like you are taking USD where taxes are concerned.

    I'm another one of those people who want to donate but I want to use bitcoin.

    Good luck!

  7. I'm reluctant to make a payment that might be traced in the future. Sorry. If you put a bitcoin address in your list of payment options, I'll send to it.

  8. theo the kraut6/1/14, 2:46 PM

    > Anonymous said...
    > I'm reluctant to make a payment that might
    > be traced in the future....

    Anonymouse, this girl had bigger balls than you. I get your concerns, but we aren't there yet, not by far, so please, be a plucky rodent.

  9. Steve has said in the past that he doesn't want to accept Bitcoin. I wish he'd reconsider.

  10. Has anyone tried buying one of those Paypal cards at the grocery store and signing up for a brand-new account and using it? I'm guessing you still have to give an email.

    Theo, I bet there is a high correlation between the paranoid people commenting here and people who understand fully what the NSA is doing.

  11. I'm quite afraid to make a payment that can be traced in the future too. People in certain positions are afraid that it can be used against us in the future. It is a pretty damning piece of "dirty laundry".

  12. bash cookbook6/1/14, 7:39 PM

    People can just buy a Western Union money order with cash, no id required, and use a false return address on your envelope if you're /that/ paranoid. A lot of lower-tier convenience stores have them. One can understand the paranoia now, though, after the Brendan Eich affair.

  13. I'm quite afraid to make a payment that can be traced in the future too.

    Yep, ain't it great to be living in a free country?

    (Everybody wave at those NSA guys! Of course none of those databases will ever be used for political purposes, that would be un-American and gentlemen just don't do that sort of thing anyway.)

  14. Again why are you paying taxes on what are gifts?

  15. Steve, you know how PBS plays its most popular shows during Pledge Week? A few more posts during your pledge drive might help.

  16. I am going to go the money order route. I've been reading you since the 1990's Steve, and it's shameful I haven't given you anything.

  17. Steve, curate a selection of your best writing and put it into an ebook on Amazon.

  18. OK .... wanna be anonymous?


    Buy a Vanilla brand Visa Gift Card with cash at Walgreens or damn near any store. It costs $5 and can't be reloaded.

    I use it for porn all the time.

  19. I hope all you "can't donate it could be traced" guys are posting comments using TOR lol

  20. For all of the people who are afraid of leaving a record of donating to Steve:

    1. Money order. No ID required if you buy it with cash. Put a false name/address on the envelope.

    2. Cash. Put a fake name/address on an envelope and mail cash to Steve.

  21. I think the future SPLC Federal Hate Crimes Division will be much more interested in past monetary donation lists than 15-year old IP records.

  22. "Steve, curate a selection of your best writing and put it into an ebook on Amazon."

    With your readership, there is no excuse not to be making 150k USD per year with e-book marketing. These panhandling drives are pathetic. You need to either hire an online marketing expert, or draft someone with that expertise from the faithful to help you with this stuff. In a weeks time you'd be set up for life.

  23. Who is going to be doing this tracing, the NSA? I'm sure they archive all this but...then?

    It could only be relevant if you're planning on running for public office or some such nonsense.

    You think a journalist is going to take the time to trace this stuff? If it's not openly and easily accessible to them due to their laziness, nothing is going to come of it.

    Way too much paranoia. You are not that important.

  24. "Donald Sterling attends service at black church"


    "Donald Sterling, whose racist remarks in a recording triggered the fight over ownership of Los Angeles Clippers, attended a predominantly black church service in South Los Angeles on Sunday.

    Sterling told KNBC-TV he went to Praises of Zion Missionary Baptist Church to support the church and said the service was "beautiful.""

  25. Steve, did I miss an announcement that you have moved over to Ron Unz's site.

    Here I was thinking the light activity was due to you out dishwasher shopping.

  26. Nah, I'm drinking coffee from a Big Red Cup right now.

    We're doing a "soft opening" to check out how much volume we can handle, but you can check it out at as it stands now at www.Unz.com/iSteve

    The intention is to keep all the good things about iSteve.blogspot.com, while exploiting the modern capabilities of Ron's WordPress site.

    Right now, we still need to add a mobile version and a bunch of other features, but they are coming pretty rapidly. The general plan is to implement a redirection to the new site's URL so that readers don't have to change at all.

    So, anybody who wants to be a beta tester guinea pig can check out www.unz.com/iSteve now. I've got 8 or 10 new posts up from over the weekend.

    I'll make bigger announcements of this as time goes by and we gain confidence that we've got the system working mostly right, but I'll start here with a comment deep in a thread on Panhandling post.

    1. I jumped over there before reading the explicit warning that it wasn't ready for mobile devices. Like I said there, mentally it will take some getting used to, seeing it as "Steve's Place".
      Good luck!

    2. I'd recommend immediately making a blog post informing readers of the soft opening.

      Changes are always stressful for regular readers (especially conservatives...), and finding out that a bunch of stuff has been posted elsewhere on someone else's weird platform could give regular readers a slight sense of betrayal or at least confusion, especially in the middle of a fundraising drive.

      Not a big deal, of course, but a little heads up would be appreciated. I found out about the switch on your Twitter feed, and was confused.

      Also I'm skeptical about an automatic redirection, except for the RSS feed. At first it's better to let people do that extra click themselves.

  27. Steve, you know how PBS plays its most popular shows during Pledge Week? A few more posts during your pledge drive might help.

    He's trying to figure out how the Bowe Bergdahl release may have been triggered by the death of Paul Walker.

  28. Steve, will your new comment section be moderated the same there as it has been here? Will anonymous comments still be allowed?

  29. Hopefully, it will be the same (or better). Why don't you go over to www.unz.com/iSteve and post a comment and I'll approve it this evening? Then we can see.

  30. Drinking coffee out of a plastic cup, and now blogging for Unz. Have you no shame?

  31. "Way too much paranoia. You are not that important."

    Few kulaks were individually important but their membership in a class was. And the state was quite interested in liquidating/neutralizing millions of them.

    Back then, the criteria for determining who was a kulak was crude.

    "Haters" are the new kulaks. I'd say donating to iSteve will be taken as pretty incontrovertible evidence of belonging to the the "hater" class.

    It won't be the top of the list, but won't be at the bottom either. Computers and huge databases make this sort of identification a lot easier than coming out to my mudlot in the Ukraine and counting my cows.

  32. Unz has assembled quite the motley crew over there.

  33. Drinking coffee out of a plastic cup, and now blogging for Unz. Have you no shame?

    Hopefully it's at least drip, not instant.

  34. Drinking coffee out of a plastic cup, and now blogging for Unz. Have you no shame?

    I'm picturing him blogging in his robe sipping a White Russian out of a plastic cup.

  35. http://patrickarden.com/Peoria.html

  36. 3 Questions:

    Will the old links work? I have a ton of bookmarks set to your old posts in the browser. I hope they work in the future.

    Considering that your are moving to a new multi-blog platform on someone else's site. Will the content/tone or your articles be tamed? Will the commenting policy be loosened or will it be tightened?

  37. (Thanks for the post)

    In other news, sadly the PayPal option also doesn't work for me. I was hoping it would allow me to do a regular credit card payment (which I have been able to do in the past via Vdare). But using your buttons, if your address is in France, apparently you have to use your PayPal account or create one, you can't just use a credit/bank card. And I haven't been able to use my PayPal account for 3 years because PayPal keeps asking me to confirm that it is indeed my account, which I try to do, but never successfully. Sigh!

  38. finally managed to confirm my PayPal account, sent a small amount of euros your way. Bon courage!


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