June 1, 2008

Sen. Obama Disowns Mrs. Obama, Owns Mila Kunis

At an appearance this evening, Barack Obama made some rather cryptic remarks, which aides attributed to an overly tight hat:

"Besides disowning my old pastor, my new pastor, my church and all that other stuff, I'm disowning my wife. Very high maintenance. Too much 'tude.

"Okay, enough with the disowning.

"As of January 20, 2009, I'm owning Mila Kunis, star of "Forgetting Sarah Marshall." She'll be my First First Lady. Yeah, the President can do that -- it's in the Constitution, go look it up. I'm a Constitutional law professor, so I know this stuff.

"Also, Macaulay Culkin will serve as my Ambassador to Outer Gautelombia.

"For my Second First Lady, I'll keep you posted. This top picture of Alicia Keys is promising, but the bottom one looks like Michelle all over again. I'm not making that mistake twice."

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. OK, now it's getting childish.

  2. and he hires suge knight as his campaign manager, names jay-z as his running mate, and puts 51% of the vote together from clueless boomer parents who want their children to think they're cool, and an unprecedented turnout among young people.

  3. Finally the man is making some sense...

  4. Myself, I'd take Laura Prepon instead.

  5. Will whomever Obama owns demand reparations after his term ends?

  6. It all started when his disowned his whiteness, didn't it?

  7. Isn't the real problem here that President Obama is likely to become dissapointed in the American electorate and disown us, too?

  8. Random snippets of Obama babbling complete nonsense (from the Corner today)

    "[I believe] That there are values that transcend race or culture, that move us forward, and there's an obligation for all of us individually as well as collectively to take responsibility to make those values lived."

    Values that transcend race? Okay. Transcend Culture? Uh, maybe. Obligation individually and collectively? Well that about covers all the options. Make those values lived? WTF does that even mean?

    "But as soon as church lets out, the energy dissipates. We must find ways to channel all this energy into community building. The biggest failure of the civil rights movement was in failing to translate this energy, this moral fervor, into creating lasting institutions and organizational structures."

    What institutions and organizational structures is he possibly talking about. Short of family, church, the neighborhood, the school system, the various governmental entities. Is it possible that he even had anything in mind when the words came out of his mouth? I doubt it.

    Mila Kunis is HOT!!!

  9. "JeremiahJohnbalaya said...

    > Begin holy words of The Chosen One:
    "But as soon as church lets out, the energy dissipates. We must find ways to channel all this energy into community building. The biggest failure of the civil rights movement was in failing to translate this energy, this moral fervor, into creating lasting institutions and organizational structures."
    < End holy words of The Chosen One, Peace be Upon Him

    What institutions and organizational structures is he possibly talking about. Short of family, church, the neighborhood, the school system, the various governmental entities."

    Yes, you're quite right. What institutions does Obama think that no-talent government beauracrats or parasitic community activists could create, that would be better than a school, or a church? Instead we will get "programs". (Is there any phrase that stinks more of failure than the term "government program"?)

    And note that we will not be at liberty to chose these "organizational structures". They will choose us. They will be payed for with money seized from us. These organizations will organize against us. They will build an ersatz community of parasites, supported by the confiscated wealth of the productive.

    Who knows, perhaps someday, we will be forced to join them as well. Our children could be members of the Obama-youth, and we could stand around in delapidated "community centers" made of crumbling concrete and adorned with peeling paint, singing songs of adoration to our one true savior - Martin Luther King.

  10. JeremiahJohnbalaya said...

    "Values that transcend race? Okay. Transcend Culture?"

    Yes, it's called Cultural Transcendence and it was a term coined by Morse Peckham in his 1950essay "Toward a Theory of Romanticism." He later came to realize that that is what Hegels Philosophy was all about. As you can see from the last few pages of the Phenomonology.

    But to do it would require a person with a richly developed personality, the result of a successful detachment from the values of his culture. Or, Cultural Transcendence is also Self-Transcendence, since you were shaped by your culture. It is to put the mind under intense psychological and emotional pressure, intentionally, for the purpose of detachment, examination, identification, and resolution of the limits of the available beliefs of ones culture. And then to document that new alternative and provide anyone who might be interested with one hell of an explanation for WHAT you did and WHY you bothered.

    Show of hands for anyone out there who knows someone who has done this?

    Yeah, that's what I thought.

    In short, Obama is taking some very valuable ideas and using them like a pretentious airhead. But his desire to sound learned and with it is stronger than his ability to actually listen to himself. In which case he would cringe to death from embarrasment.
    In other words, his common sense is no match for his vanity.

  11. Obamas nuts. Certainly McCain is a lunatic. Oh my God! The last best hope just walked off in her support pantyhose???


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