I don't endorse political candidates, but The American Conservative asked me and 20 others what we thought of the election. I replied:
Both major party candidates have campaigned against partisan bickering. And yet we are paying a high price for Washington’s bipartisan consensus. Perhaps the least controversial set of programs in all of Washington—the manifold government efforts under both the Clinton and Bush administrations to relax mortgage credit standards to increase minority and low-income home ownership—has turned out among the most disastrous.
America has been driven into the ditch by Washington’s grand strategy—Invade the World, Invite the World, and In Hock to the World or, as Daniel Larison put it, “Imperialism, Immigration, and Insolvency”.
Obama is probably somewhat better than McCain on imperialism. It would be hard to be worse. They’re comparably terrible on immigration. And Obama is likely worse on insolvency. He wrote in his 460-page autobiography, Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, about his lifelong efforts to become a leader in his “people’s struggle,” which he assumes, to put it crassly but clearly, is to extract money for his race. Thus, Obama has been in bed for decades with ACORN, the radical Left outfit that makes its living shaking down the mortgage industry. Obama sued Citibank during his antidiscrimination lawyer career to get them to lower their standards for handing out mortgages to blacks.
Therefore, I intend to do in 2008 what I did during the Bush-Kerry whoop-tee-doo: write in the name of a public figure who is actually trying to solve a major, long-term problem, my friend Ward Connerly. Just as Social Security can’t afford too many retirees per worker, America won’t be able to afford its affirmative-action system when the racial ratio of minority beneficiaries per white benefactor reaches excessive levels. As America becomes majority minority (by 2042, by latest Census projection), the cost of affirmative action will become crippling. By helping get government racial preferences banned by voter initiative in California, Washington, and Michigan, Ward has made the future a little less grim.My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer
You forgot bipartisanship is when the stupid party and the evil party get together and do something truly stupid and evil.
The people actually prefer it when there is no bipartisanship but that's like saying the people prefer being raped or being murdered to being raped and murdered.
which he assumes, to put it crassly but clearly, is to extract money for his race.
this is quite a lofty claim. quote? link? the "people's struggle" paragraph says nothing about this.
On one level he may want to "extract money for his race". On another, he stabbed them in the back (as McCain did his) by voting more than once to legalize illegals.
How many illegals are there in Chicagoland? 100,000? 250,000? 750,000? Take a quarter million jobs that could have gone to South Side blacks and give them to West Side Mexicans, and you get cheered by blacks for this?
At least whites are onto McCain and Bush about this. Blacks are totally obtuse.
One appropriate reaction to the election of an all-Democratic government might be for Republicans to introduce an omnibus "No More Preferences Act" in January 2009. It would ban Federal and state preferences, set-asides and goals, in contracting, schooling and employment, for races, for sexes, for ethnic groups, for veterans, for small businesses and for all the other allegedly disadvantaged and vicariously oppressed. Preferences for wounded veterans and handicapped people, where there is some real need and justification, would have to be replaced by frank subsidies with explicit cost estimates.
Then the next task would be to attack those areas, like mortgage lending, voting registration and Civil Service hiring, where racial goals have caused the dismantlement of rational standards for dealing with everybody.
The overall point would be to at least clarify the distinction between the two parties, if there really is one, on what government does and how it supposed to do it.
Didn't AmCon run a nasty hit job on Connerly a few weeks ago? Odd that you would endorse him.
ben g,
Sailer has tirelessly excerpted Obama's book, if you want want more evidence, wait until Steve's book comes out and shell out a few bucks.
Steve Sailer: Therefore, I intend to do in 2008 what I did during the Bush-Kerry whoop-tee-doo: write in the name of a public figure who is actually trying to solve a major, long-term problem, my friend Ward Connerly.
This is beyond puerile infantilism - when the stakes are this high [namely, when you've got a tribalist marxist - which is to say, A FASCIST - poised to seize control of the USA], and you refuse to take sides in the war, then that's suicidal nihilism.
You're gonna vote for Yosemite Samnesty if I have to fly out to California and drag your pasty white ass to the polls, kicking and screaming along the way.
PS: That goes for the rest of you good-for-nothing Ayn-Randian morons at iSteve [and GNXP and wherever-the-hell-else you losers congregate].
The Republic cannot afford for you clowns to be dabbling in this smart-assed, cleverer-by-half, defeatist, treasonous bullshit.
Not at this late hour.
God damn it all.
"At least whites are onto McCain and Bush about this. Blacks are totally obtuse."
Nah, they are just torn. More hispanics = more minority power, at the cost of less black power. Tough choice.
Aww, shucks. I was hoping you were voting for Baldwin and Castle. They're probably too anti-evolution for you (me too, actually, but that particuar issue has been submerged, drowned actually, this year).
I doubt very much that President Obama will do anything different to what McCain would have in the middle East.
Obama will be surrounded by advisors telling him to hit Iran, and Iran is going to be hit very very hard.
this is quite a lofty claim. quote? link? the "people's struggle" paragraph says nothing about this.
Well, of course. He's not going to come out and say it explicitly. It can be found here if you take the time to read it carefully.
Blacks are totally obtuse.
Not really. I know plenty of black people who prefer to employ Mexicans over other black people because the Mexicans deliver better work at a lower price. Otherwise, black labour has no value, and white labour's higher cost at least comes with some guarantee of quality. Sadly, with the exception of black immigrants, there is no place for black labour, and for all intents and purposes, your average black worker would rather stay unemployed and hold out for a mythical white collar job that allows him to lord over others than to work in the blue collar as a "slave" to whites.
In other words, why employ black people at $20/hr to paint your house when a Mexican will do a better job for $15?
I am also a big fan of Ward Connerly.
My prediction: he will be invited to dinner at the White House before Obama's 1st term is up.
There was a fascinating documentary on the Night Line the other night, which included some footage on Obama's years at Harvard Law.
It was a period of intense racial polarization at the school -- critical legal studies, and all that. When Obama ran for the presidency of the Law Review -- it is an elected office, I didn't know that -- it was a long, drawn out campaign that went late into the night. Finally, the other main candidate, a conservative, withdrew in favor of Obama, who was an articulate mediator between the extreme factions even then.
The most interesting footage was an interview with one of his militant fellow students, a black woman. She and her allies were expecting a lot of "affirmative" appointments for their side on the Review staff. Instead, Obama strove for excellence, and was very even handed in his approach. Three members from the Federalist Society were appointed, to the radical left faction's surprise and intense disappointment.
At one point in the interview the woman said that not only did Obama communicate with the Federalist Society members and take their ideas seriously: he actually socialized with them (!) to her side's horrified disbelief.
Another interviewees said Obama actually caught a lot more flack from the left than he did from the right, who were well satisfied with the fair treatment they recieved.
My point? Obama is not the man you think he is. He will probably be relieved to be free of the toxic environment of South Side Chicago politics. Of course he will not turn his back on the people at the bottom of our society, but his approach will be race neutral. Ward Connerly will approve.
Any bets?
Lucius Vorenus, California is going for Obama no matter how Steve Sailer votes.
Lucius is right--beyond puerile infantilism. As long as there's even a chance that McCain would 1) appoint better judges or 2) thwart the worst Democrat supported judicial nominees then we need to vote for him. Even if we have to hold our noses to do so. It's called choosing the lesser of two evils, and it's a moral duty.
lucius vorenus -
You're gonna vote for Yosemite Samnesty if I have to fly out to California and drag your pasty white ass to the polls, kicking and screaming along the way.
Why would you go to such trouble to get more votes for McCain in a state that he is going to lose?
I have to admit that voting for Connerly seems a little silly to me, as he is not even a write-in qualified candidate in California, so the vote won't be counted, but I, like one of the anonymouses, was hoping that would write in Baldwin/Castle (who are write-in qualified in California, but are not on the ballot because of an evil party-hijacker who was previously Obama's opponent for the U.S. Senate.
Lucius Vorenus said...
This is beyond puerile infantilism - when the stakes are this high [namely, when you've got a tribalist marxist - which is to say, A FASCIST - poised to seize control of the USA], and you refuse to take sides in the war, then that's suicidal nihilism.
You're gonna vote for Yosemite Samnesty if I have to fly out to California and drag your pasty white ass to the polls, kicking and screaming along the way.
PS: That goes for the rest of you good-for-nothing Ayn-Randian morons at iSteve [and GNXP and wherever-the-hell-else you losers congregate].
The Republic cannot afford for you clowns to be dabbling in this smart-assed, cleverer-by-half, defeatist, treasonous bullshit.
Not at this late hour.
Absofreakinglutely! This election, this challenge we're up against is for real. Everything we, our fathers and their fathers fought and worked for is at risk. Western Civilization itself is at risk. We need the best minds, the most perceptive, the most unafraid to be on point and part of the fight, not snidely sitting in some netherspace on the sidelines, playing "more ideologically pure than thou". Steve Sailer, we need you in this fight. Same goes for Larry Auster and others. You are the under the radar dark matter that allows ideas to start to percolate, be tested, debated, affirmed and eventually work their way out into the real world.
For better or worse, the Republican Party is the ONLY vehicle we have through which to get things back where they need to be. We need to work to change the party from within and push the right ideas and ways of thinking to the fore. Ron Paul is not gonna get elected, nor is Tom Tancredo. Right now, we need to elect John McCain, like it or not, and push him to "grow in office" in our direction.
Sarah Palin, my goodness, why do you people sneer at this woman. She is one of us, she gets it. Believe me, on sovereignty, race realism, fiscal responsibility, not invading the world, family values, patriotic pride and understanding America as a specific country, with a specific people, a specific culture, borders and language, Sarah gets it. She's also sharp enough to know that some of these ideas need to be introduced gradually and subtly.
Above all, we need to organize at the grass roots level, in our offices, bars, coffee shops, sports leagues, friends and families. There are more of us Joe The Plumbers, Soccer Moms and Nascar Dads than they can possibly imagine.
Stop the snarkiness and nihilism, discuss REAL strategies, ideas and possibilities. Get the hell out and volunteer for McCain/Palin and your local Republican Senators, Congressmen and Governors. And convince your relatives, friends and acquaintances that it's OK to believe what they already know.
"write in the name of a public figure who is actually trying to solve a major, long-term problem, my friend Ward Connerly."
Steve, you know I love you man, but do you really need to go to the 'some of my best friends are black' car?
For better or worse, the Republican Party is the ONLY vehicle we have through which to get things back where they need to be.
At this point I see the GOP as being no more likely to be the vehicle than the Democratic Party.
We need to work to change the party from within and push the right ideas and ways of thinking to the fore
You won't. You do that, and they'll change you from within.
Right now, we need to elect John McCain, like it or not, and push him to "grow in office" in our direction.
Yeah, because bending over is going to convince him that he needs to change for us.
Get the hell out and volunteer for McCain/Palin and your local Republican Senators, Congressmen and Governors.
Not if you live in South Carolina, in which case you should get out and volunteer for Democrat Bob Conley, who is far more conservative than Lindsey Graham.
[i]Sarah Palin, my goodness, why do you people sneer at this woman. She is one of us, she gets it. Believe me, on sovereignty, race realism, fiscal responsibility, not invading the world, family values, patriotic pride and understanding America as a specific country, with a specific people, a specific culture, borders and language, Sarah gets it.[/i]
Then on Nobember 5, she should move back to Alaska and call a referendum on Alaskan secession on the grounds that she wants to preserve Alaska for the Alaskans. The American patrimony presently consists of an incoherent multicultural goo, with varying strata of Bible-thumping invade-the-world, invite-the-world, deficits-don't-matter Protestants who now constitute the conservative movement in the US. I don't see what's worth going to the mat for in [i]that[/i].
The American patrimony presently consists of an incoherent multicultural goo, with varying strata of Bible-thumping invade-the-world, invite-the-world, deficits-don't-matter Protestants who now constitute the conservative movement in the US. I don't see what's worth going to the mat for in that.
Are you a former Catholic?
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