September 18, 2008

The Obama Thought Police

In "Black and Blacker: The Racial Politics of the Obama Marriage," Vanessa Grigoriadis writes:

"As I began to finish the reporting for this article, I mentioned to an Obama aide that I was interested in the different ways that Obama presents himself to black and white audiences. The aide hit the roof over this comment, which he claimed was racially divisive, and soon I received a call from Obama’s “African-American outreach coordinator,” who apparently clarifies race issues for reporters when they are perceived to have strayed. “I appreciate what you’re saying,” said Corey Ealons, “but I think it’s dangerous, quite frankly.” He thought for a moment. “The spirit of this campaign is about bringing people together and focusing on the things that are similar about us as opposed to the things that make it different,” he said. “Barack is one of the best political communicators in our history. If you’re somehow saying that he can’t be the same person with all people, that’s certainly not the case.” He paused. “Barack Obama is Barack Obama,” he said."

Anybody who has seen the video of Obama's "Quiet Riot" speech commemorating the 1992 South Central Riots in front of an assembly of black ministers, in which he uses the accent and body language of a Baptist reverend from Tupelo, will know how funny this is. By the way, the "shout-out" to Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., is from the one to the two minute mark in the video. (The text of Obama's speech is less amusing -- it features a long whine about how blacks got cheated out of all that government money they were promised after they rioted in 1992.)

What's even more hilarious is how many journalists have volunteered to serve as unpaid deputies in the Obama Thought Police Auxilary. Partly, it's access journalism at work -- you're only allowed to talk to the candidate if his aides are sure you won't ask any tough questions. It's like Hollywood's various gay Scientologist action heroes -- you'll never ever be allowed to interview them, or any of their publicists' other A-list clients, if you ask them about being gay or being a Scientologist.

But mostly, it's just that asking Obama any intelligent questions about his "story of race and inheritance" is unthinkable. Sure, it would be interesting and important, but its ... just ... not... done.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


Grumpy Old Man said...

Who will do to the O-man what Steve Martin did to Scientology in the little-known but brilliant and funny "Bowfinger"?

Anonymous said...

Isn't Tom Cruise the only gay Scientologist action hero actor in Hollywood? I'm darn sure Travolta isn't gay. Who have I missed?

Anonymous said...

So what? America has seen this before. Al Gore is notorious for putting on the Southern accent everytime he goes South of the Mason Dixon line.

Anonymous said...

What makes people think Tom Cruise is gay, besides envy? He doesn't strike me as the gay type.

Anonymous said...

I think Steve meant gay actors or Scientologist actors, not gay Scientologist actors.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm voting for McCain, but I would enjoy voting for McCain a lot more if he didn't select a moron for VP.

Anonymous said...

"I'm darn sure Travolta isn't gay. "


Do a google image search for "Travolta" "Gay" and see if you change your mind.

Anonymous said...

I'm darn sure Travolta isn't gay.

Depends who you ask:

John Travolta caught kissing another man

Anonymous said...

Obama presents himself as the post-racial candidate. In fact, he is America's first affirmative action presidential candidate. I think most Americans would accept a black president with a record of genuine accomplishment, but this guy doesn't fit the bill. His election will exacerbate racial tensions in the U.S. rather than diminish them.

Anonymous said...

been enjoying your blog, Mr.Sailer.

-How much?
very much.
One of the most ingenious blog in this world. I'm lucky to be one of the reader.

and yes, some times you Are a fire-raiser.

Anonymous said...

Simon -- Will Smith, an unofficial Scientologist. And you're wrong about Travolta.

Anonymous said...

It seems the responsible voters choice is this:

(1) Vote against Obama. With a Dem House and Senate, a Stalnist MSM arm of Obamas thought police and Obamas fundamental radical history there is no end to the amount of damage an Obama administration could do short and longterm.

A McCain presidency would would be limited in the damaage it could do by a hostile House/Senate and bitter Obama supporters in the MSM and elsewhere.

(2) Vote against McCain. Punish the GOP for selling out on core issues like immigration. Kick the neocons out and air out the rot they seeded in the Pentagon and elsewhere.

An Obama presidency would probably not be that different in amount military adventures. While managed better, such military adventures would probably be more damaging to the US by wasting resources in areas we have no vital intersets (Africa vs ME). Domestically, Obama would be a disaster.

(3) Vote your conscious/a protest vote. Write in or vote for someone like Paul, Rommney, Hillary or anyone but McCain/Obama.

All in all, it looks like the best options now are a (1)McCain or (2)Protest vote.

Anonymous said...

there is speculation that will smith is gay and a scientologist...he denies both

Anonymous said...

I have a lot more fear of abe foxman and alan D, combined with the various neocon media moguls, preventing free speech than Obama and his e-mail list of pathetic protestors.

Anonymous said...

I think Steve meant what he wrote; the rumor that Cruise is a homosexual has some serious legs. Word is he pays his wives to play their part.

Anonymous said...

"What makes people think Tom Cruise is gay"

In the movie Eyes Wide Shut, Tom Cruise (who plays a married doctor) is wandering down city streets at night, when some young frat guys come up to him and punch him out for being gay.

Secret message?

Anonymous said...

Has anybody managed yet to ask Obama DIRECTLY where he was born? I respect his right to privacy, but if he was born in Hawaii, but surely there is no reason to keep the name of the hospital a secret.

If he doesn't want to release his actual birth certificate with the doctor's name, his mother's signature, his birth weight, etc., FINE, but can we at least see a photo of mommy and baby in front of the hospital?

If not, I'm going to have to believe that Obama was indeed born in Kenya.

Anonymous said...

"In the movie Eyes Wide Shut, Tom Cruise (who plays a married doctor) is wandering down city streets at night, when some young frat guys come up to him and punch him out for being gay."

Maybe they just hated Cruise for letting Goose die in pilot training. I sure as hell do.


Anonymous said...

Obama was born in Hawaii. The reason he's not releasing the original facsimile of the birth certificate, is doubtless he was listed as "Muslim" on it.

Anonymous said...

I thought certificates of live birth were public records issued by state agencies. I recall going to some state archives office and filling out a form to get mine. I don't recall having to verify my ID.

--Senor Doug

Anonymous said...

"testing99 said...

Obama was born in Hawaii. The reason he's not releasing the original facsimile of the birth certificate, is doubtless he was listed as "Muslim" on it."

That sounds about right. It'd make it harder for him to live down all those suspicions about him being a closet muslim.

Anonymous said...

Steve has written about how Obama sells himself as an agent of racial reconciliation because as a product of a bi-racial union, "it's in his DNA." Funny that that bi-racial union ended in divorce in less than three years with his mother citing "grievous mental suffering." Very encouraging!

Anonymous said...

T99, I didn't think birth certificates commonly listed religion. National Review confirms that the BC used in Hawaii in 1962 doesn't have a place for it. But they suggest, "But we know the relationship between Obama's parents was rocky at times (Obama describes a short article about his father, profiling the Kenyan foreign exchange student, in the Honolulu Advertiser that doesn't mention his wife or newborn child). What if on his birth certificate he was identified by his mother's maiden name... Barack Dunham?

Anonymous said...

It seems to be a modern fad to speculate about people's sexuality. I see it all the time with the people I work with. You'll share a drink after hours, and before long, someone will throw out the possibility that so-and-so is really gay. Why this fixation? As a heterosexual who was unlucky with my one marriage, I resent the insinuation and feel a little sympathy for anyone who's targeted.

Oh, and T99 -- I agree with your suggestion that the reason we don't see Obama's birth certificate is because it likely indicates his religion as "Muslim." This suspicion is certainly not dispelled when Barack Milhous Obama mentions "57 states" or "my Muslim religion." He may not be a practicing Muslim (actually, I don't think he has any real religious beliefs, and his affiliation with the "Reverend" Wright clearly indicates to me that he's not a Christian), but I am strongly suspicious of his having Muslim sympathies.


Anonymous said...

I think "Hairspray" added fuel to the speculation about Tom Cruise as well.

Anonymous said...

anonymous wondered: "It seems to be a modern fad to speculate about people's sexuality."

I know anon, I know. As a heterosexual who has had a same sex roommate for a long, long time (financial reasons, friendship, it just works), it gets wearing.
However, the "speculation" about the candidate in question, is, I assure you, beyond "speculation" in a good many quarters.