April 4, 2009

AP: Insensitivity toward immigrants caused Binghamton Massacre

The Associated Press reports:
The man who police say killed 13 people in a shooting rampage inside an immigrant community center was depressed and angry over losing his job and about his poor English skills, the Binghamton mayor and police said Saturday.

Police Chief Joseph Zikuski told NBC's "Today" that people "degraded and disrespected" the gunman over his poor English. Mayor Matthew Ryan, speaking on ABC's "Good Morning America," said the man, believed to be 42-year-old Vietnamese immigrant Jiverly Voong, was angry about his language issues and his lack of employment.

You know, you gotta give credit where it's due: this one was a real challenge to give the proper anti-anti-immigration spin to, but let them have a day to work on it, and they're now starting to get some English on the ball.

P.S. The LA Times reports that the 42-year-old shooter worked for nearly seven years as a sushi deliveryman in the LA area, and by the end of his sushi delivery career in 2007, he'd worked himself all the way up to $9 per hour.

It's just swell to be an unskilled laborer in LA.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


Svigor said...

Hehe, business as usual. Obviously, he's not white, so the fact that he stepped into a building full of several ethnicities and started blowing people away cannot have been motivated by racial animus. Magically, had he been white, it would have been the first explanation!

Even further into Unexplained Phenomena territory, when losers are white, their loserness is their problem, a personal source of shame and failure; when losers are not-white, magic can happen - suddenly their loserness is whitey's fault!

Doesn't seem as though there's any priority higher in the western zeitgeist than our suicide.

i am the walrus said...

So far, no names of the victims have been released. I suspect the number of women killed will be higher than the number of men.

greenrivervalleyman said...

Auster's First Law! Auster's First Law!

The media spin on this outrage does not deserve serious refutation. Simply say, "Yep, the worse minorities behave in a liberal society, the more outrageous the lies which must be told to protect them." Never play on the liberals' home court by even momentarily dignifying their ridiculous lies with a serious response.

Anonymous said...

Quite frankly, I dont know if it matters how many immigrants "blow up" and murder citizens in the United States, the left (and the neo-cons, their ideological bedmates) will simply blame America for being racists toward the shooter/bomber/poisoner/firestarter/etc.

Its like a battering husband blaming his wife for his beating her or something. Its always "America's fault" with these people.

Wong said that he "hated America" to his co-workers. Well, then he should have left America (that he apparently despised) and moved back to Vietnam.

If an American teaching English in South Korea hated South Korea, nobody would even begin to empathize with them if they went on a shooting rampage, ESPECIALLY if they gave some lame excuse about "not speaking the language well" and not fitting in all that well as a reason for the murders of so many.

Prole said...

OK, hands up: how many of us were thinking:

Pleasedon'tbewhitey...YES! Asian!" in the minutes it what unclear what nationality the shooter was.

My favourite headline so far was "Motive unclear in immigrant center shooting", because of the 100% impossibility of such a headline if the shooter were white.

I know a few people who have worked in that town and haven't heard much bad about it, besides the obvious narrative of lost manufacturing jobs. North New York is very, very white, from the perspective of a Canadian who plays poker down there from time to time. Especially the casinos in Malone and Turning Stone, like, astonishingly white compared to any other place, but maybe it has changed quickly, I haven't been there in a while.

Nice turn of phrase btw: "You know, you gotta give credit where it's due: this one was a real challenge to give the proper anti-anti-immigration spin to, but let them have a day to work on it, and they're now starting to get some English on the ball."

I see a pattern, where the first details of these sorts of things that sneak out tend to be politically incorrect, then comes the whitewash from officialdom. I believe the guy who went nuts in the Unitarian church hated Christianity and Christians, according to the first reports that emerged from interviews with his neighbours. Given a day to spin it, it became, what, that he had some books by Sean Hannity?

Something you learn in poker is implicit collusion, that the other players at the table may not be a team per se, they may not even know each other, but in some circumstances there is collusion, the scene in Rounders on this being fairly accurate as far as I can tell. Same with cops and the media and politicians colluding on stories like this, without actually holding meetings. They don't have to, it's understood they're all lefties and it's going to spin left.

Stopped Clock said...

And so the shooter turns out to not be Vietnamese at all, but a member of Vietnam's traditionally wealthy and well-educated Chinese minority. I knew something seemed a bit wrong with the first version of the story. He's also probably not an IBM layoff victim, though there's still some conflicting reports about that. I think I will just wait a week or so until this story becomes clearer before I try to think any deeper into the backstory.

Anonymous said...

Another common thread is often these guys aren't getting laid. Society has gone so far I don't see why safe, affordable sex via legalized prostitution can't be legalized.

If the importation of 20,000,000 mostly male Latino immigrants is good for America than I'd like to build on that by proposing 40,000,000 mostly female Asian immigrants, good mainland girls, not like those Hong Kong ones who apparently have started a civil war over there.

Forty million young, eager, lithe, nubile 18 to 21 year old Asian females. Yeah. No more mass shootings, women can get on with being the men they so desperately crave to be, and going to work to buy the clothes to wear to work to buy the clothes etc. etc. instead of being pestered for sex, men get safe, very affordable sex on the way to work and on the way home, everybody wins. A tad Dionysian for day to day life for my liking but we seem past the point of no return, might as well.

Black Sea said...

Sounds like a good argument for denying long-term visas to people who can't speak English at a reasonable level of proficiency, but somehow, I don't think the story is going to get spun that way.

I feel kind of hypocritical saying this, since I live in a foreign country and can, at best, barely speak the language, but on the other hand, I've never felt the impulse to go on a shooting spree over my own linguistic deficiencies, so I guess everything's cool.

Lloyd said...

The Binghamton police chief still doesn't get it. Calling the shooter a 'coward' is a racist slur.


Bill said...

His former boss in LA says he was a "good worker" and yet he gets paid $9 an hour...

So how are all the uneducated and illiterate people supposed to get by in LA? By selling crack?

Mr. Anon said...

Fortunately for the AP, they now have the Pittsburgh story to report (crazed anti-Obama gun-nut goes on rampage - kills three police officers). So there is now a story with a media-approved narrative to supplant yesterday's inconvenient shooting rampage (an insignificant crime which had no didactic value).

Expect the Binghamton story to fade into oblivion.

Anonymous said...

LOoks like there was a shooting in Pittsburgh. 3 cops dead. The report on yahoo said the man was afraid the Obama administration would ban guns. Not sure what that has to do with the domestic disturbance call.

Looks like the press found a white guy! Just in time!

Anonymous said...

Did he get tips?

Anonymous said...

It looks like the cop killer (Richard Poplawski, what a relief for journalists) was lying in wait for the police.

This is turning out to be a gun nut ambush story. What a field day this will be.

Anonymous said...

Are Asians overrepresented or have their cases been more high profile?

We passed the two run of the mill shootings last month without noticing.

"On March 29, 2009, Robert Stewart killed eight people in Carthage, North Carolina. On March 10, 2009, Michael McLendon killed 10 people in rural Alabama."

ricpic said...

Prole said that "north New York" is astonishingly white. First off, it's always upstate New York, never once have I heard New York north of NYC described as north New York.
I happen to live in Ithaca, not that far northwest of Binghamton and I can tell you that both towns have significant black populations and astonishing numbers of orientals, or asians if that's the currently approved term. We recently had a Chinese restaurant shutdown in Ithaca for selling cat meat as pork or chicken. Not sure how whitey can be blamed for that but I'm sure the reigning progressives here in Ithaca will find a way.

Svigor said...

Sounds like a good argument for denying long-term visas to people who can't speak English at a reasonable level of proficiency, but somehow, I don't think the story is going to get spun that way.

Damn, read the playbook man!

Problem: non-white immigrant pissed because he can't speak English, goes on shooting rampage = poor soul tormented by whitey until he snapped.

Solution: stop asking immigrants to learn English.

Problem: white native pissed because he's worried about erosion of 2nd Amendment rights, goes on shooting rampage = troglodyte redneck.

Solution: gun control.

Man, I have to do everything myself around here!

Svigor said...

Fortunately for the AP, they now have the Pittsburgh story to report (crazed anti-Obama gun-nut goes on rampage - kills three police officers).

Unfortunately for the AP, if they try to actually make money off the story, they're setting themselves up for side-by-side comparisons with the recent Oakland spree killer (who gets his picture in the papers, who gets his picture on teevee, etc.).

Gotta love the Web; we watch the watchers! :)

kudzu bob said...

I ask you, what's happening to our country?

First we had Cho, and now here's this Viet Cong dude. Has even the crazed, homicidal spree shooter--a vocation this great nation of ours practically invented--become yet another Job That Americans Just Won't Do?

Truth said...

"Hehe, business as usual. Obviously, he's not white, so the fact that he stepped into a building full of several ethnicities and started blowing people away cannot have been motivated by racial animus."

There were Asians there.

"Even further into Unexplained Phenomena territory, when losers are white, their loserness is their problem, a personal source of shame and failure; when losers are not-white, magic can happen - suddenly their loserness is whitey's fault!"

I agree with you here, sport; if you'd like to blame whitey for white mass murderers also, be my guest!

"I'd like to build on that by proposing 40,000,000 mostly female Asian immigrants, good mainland girls...Forty million young, eager, lithe, nubile 18 to 21 year old Asian females...instead of being pestered for sex, men get safe, very affordable sex on the way to work and on the way home, everybody wins."

Is race traiting "in" around here this week? Steve, I never get the memo on time. Could you speak to your secretary about that?

"Looks like the press found a white guy! Just in time!"

Yeah, I know buddy, after that Oakland thing last week, the Jewish media had to get together and set something up QUICK!

"We passed the two run of the mill shootings last month without noticing."

I don't know that I'd say "without noticing" Maybe "doing all we could to pretend we didn't notice" would be a better choice of words.

rast said...

Anon wrote: "Another common thread is often these guys aren't getting laid. Society has gone so far I don't see why safe, affordable sex via legalized prostitution can't be legalized. ... Forty million young, eager, lithe, nubile 18 to 21 year old Asian females."

Well, clearly you aren't getting laid.

Anonymous said...

The Washington Post story suggests that most of the victims were white from Eastern Europe. Perhaps they gravitate to mostly white Northern New York.

The killer may have figured that they were white and would fit right in to the US, so that they were appropriate targets for his racist rage.

I guess the names will emerge slowly.

testing99 said...

Plenty of neocons oppose immigration: Coulter, Steyn, Limbaugh, Hannity, Andrew McCarthy, and Stanley Kurz for one.

Second, those on killing sprees seem to be evenly distributed among Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Muslims, and Whites. As Steyn notes, the Montreal Massacre was done by a convert to Islam, a fact PC-omitted when reporting was done on the story.

Remember that all Media/Political culture is shaped by two objectives:

1. Elitist hatred of the White working/middle class that is a competitive upwardly mobile threat.

2. Female hatred for the Beta Male, which is generally closely aligned with #1.

Remember that and you get your answer to how the Media and politicos spin everything. It explains why women, who benefit most from concealed carry (it equalizes them to any man) hate it most. Because it would empower Beta men too, and beta men are most women's mortal enemy. Same with Joe Sixpack being the most dangerous enemy around to elites.

Bill said...

A father just killed all of his five children here in Washington state. This violence is going on all over the country.

I have to say that it isn't about immigration; it's about men. Not about how men are bad, but about how badly they are being treated these days.

As for the Asian mass-shooting tallies, as likely as not it's that nobody expects this from them. If a black guy, or even a white guy, walks into some place looking pissed off people get worried and start thinking about bailing. Not so much with a Chinese or Korean guy.

Mr. Anon said...

"Prole said...

OK, hands up: how many of us were thinking:


Yo! But I wasn't hoping that he'd turn out to be chinese - I was hoping he'd turn out to be a Somali.

Anonymous said...

This all could have been avoided if he was given an extra $100,000 per year as an immigration subsidy and we were all forced to speak Vietnamese to accomodate him. It is our fault.

Unknown said...

Actually, the truth does seem to be seeping out about this guy:


"Jiverly Voong, gunman who killed 13 in Binghamton, hated U.S., felt 'degraded' over his bad English"

Regarding his supposedly poor English language skills, if he was able to say "America sucks," I'd say he had at least some command of the idiom.

Anonymous said...

We passed the two run of the mill shootings last month without noticing.

OK, maybe this is the hierarchy...

Whites killing whites isnt news.

Non-whites killing non-whites (of same ethnicity) isnt news.

Whites killing non-whites is news - racist whitey.

Non-whites killing whites is news - wronged minority seeks revenge on racist whitey.

Non-whites killing non-whites (of different ethnicity) is news - racist whitey enforcing segregation, alienation etc

Captain Jack Aubrey said...

On March 29, 2009, Robert Stewart killed eight people in Carthage, North Carolina. On March 10, 2009, Michael McLendon killed 10 people in rural Alabama.

Whites in the US outnumber Asians 14-1. Back during one of the March shootings I raised the question of why spring seems to bring out the crazies. A disproportionate number of the shooting sprees seem to happen this time of year. And yet today we have not one but two more. This time a father kills his five kids, then himself.

Anonymous said...

There is definitely a copycat quality to many of these shootings, owing to the extensive “news” media coverage. I would also add that many of the younger shooters are deeply influenced by entertainment media, including movies, video games and music, but I won’t hold my breath for the media to report on its own role in encouraging such shootings.

Bob said...

$9/hour is plenty if you share a 3 bedroom house with 15 people.

Also this guy actually got more than $9/hour because of tips. Probably better than pizza since sushi is more expensive.

The real immigrant in LA mystery is why are there so many Mexicans driving around the freeway in ratty old 1986 pick-ups going 15mph slower than the rest of traffic with old matresses and sofas precariously tied done with twine in the bed?

SFG said...

I personally suspect the relative lack of success of women with Asian men may be contributing to this. It's usually white guys who are unsuccessful with women or low-status who do this. The evo-psych interpretation is pretty clear.

Importing Asian women would help geeks get laid (the feminists like to call fetish, but *they* seem to like *us* for some reason or at least find us less distasteful than white women), so I'm all for it. I kinda doubt it.

The thing that always got me and that I kind of wish more people here would address instead of going on about the left all the time is that nobody's for working-class or otherwise low-status white males; they get pandered to in the election and then ignored. The NAMS and women have the left and the rich guys have the right...

Spree killings, BTW, are usually done by members of model minorities or whites, in notable contrast to most crime, so this is probably more a case of Asians being 'whiter than white' along the Rushton axis than anything else.

anon-2 said...

OK cue up the Chinese restaurant and sushi jokes

Tab Numlock said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
AllanF said...

I've always wondered if there's something to this time of year, Passover-Lent, that drives people crazy. I don't have hard statistics comparing this time of year to others, but it certainly seems particularly notorious. Here's a short from recent past, off the top of my head:

David Koresh/Branch Davidians
Timothy McVeigh
Janet Reno (Elian Gonzales)
Donald Rumsfeld (Shock and Awe campaign)
Terry Schiavo

It seems like no matter what, you can count on this time of year to have some extra small-scale drama gripping the nation. So, is spring more notorious, or is it me? Anyone have any theories as to why?

Mike Courtman said...

While I've no sympathy for this particular psycho, (mass murderers deserve the chair if caught) I do have some sympathy for educated, underemployed East Asians who've been given citizenship and can't find work.

The authorities are so keen to bring in the next wave of immigrants, that they stop to find out if the last wave have actually managed to integrate.

Down under we have quite a high number of numerate East Asian who've been given citizenship based on the niave assumption that because they have a numerate degree they will automactically fall into steady white collar jobs.

And of course instead of blaiming the dishonest immigration lawyers, rip-off employment agencies and government departments, for not making sure they have the necessary contacts and language skills to find work, they blame the general citizenry for being ignorant and unhelpful.

Captain Jack Aubrey said...

If batshit crazy gunman with a right-wing obsession shoots up a joint, we're supposed to say "all people who believe that right-wing stuff are batshit crazy."

If batshit crazy gunman with a left-wing obsession (anti-Americanism, etc.) shoots up a joint, we're supposed to say "hmm, he might've had a point."

Either way, the left-wing position is validated.

And of course we're never ever supposed to say, after another crazy immigrant murder spree - from Binghamton to Trolley Square to Virginia Tech to the first World Trade Center bombing to the last World Trade Center bombing - that more rational immigration policies might be in order.

According to the left, psycho shooting sprees always validate the demand for gun control. Supposedly the government is unable to keep out tens of billions of dollars worth of drugs that cross the border every single year. Supposedly the government is unable to keep out the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who cross the border every single year - immigrants who have to walk, sleep, eat, drink, breathe, drive, work, go to school, etc. But if the government bans gun ownership we're supposed to have absolute faith in the government's ability to secure the border against the illegal (hand)gun trade that will sprout up.

Mr. Anon said...

"Anonymous said...

I would also add that many of the younger shooters are deeply influenced by entertainment media, including movies, video games and music,...."

No, that can't possibly be true. The fact that many young men nowadays spend untold hours infront of a computer screen playing first-person shooter games in which the goal is to blast everything in sight, or watch movies like "Saw" or "The Matrix", couldn't possibly have anything to with these crimes. Jack Valenti, the MPAA, and the video game industry told us so. And why would they lie?

Anonymous said...

There is definitely a copycat quality to many of these shootings, owing to the extensive “news” media coverage ... I won’t hold my breath for the media to report on its own role in encouraging such shootings.

Yeah, every time Time puts a mass murderer on its cover, I get worried and outraged. They don't even care that they're encouraging the crazies to kill. Wonder if they'll put this Jiverly character on their cover next week.

A disproportionate number of the shooting sprees seem to happen this time of year. And yet today we have not one but two more.

Yeah, the crazy time of year meets economic meltdown. Bad times.

Anonymous said...

Crazy time of the year indeed, otherwise known as Springtime. April is the cruelest month. Maybe if we really did get global warming these shootings wouldn’t happen so much, or at least not so much in the Spring time, as the change in the weather wouldn’t be as much of a change, more like Bush’s Neocon foreign policy “versus” Obama’s Neocon-lite foreign policy.

Anonymous said...

A disproportionate number of the shooting sprees seem to happen this time of year. And yet today we have not one but two more.

The Virginia Tech shooter chose his date to coincide with the Columbine massacre. The Columbine killers chose their date to coincide with the Oklahoma City bombing. And, if you recall, McVeigh chose April 19th because it was the 2nd anniversary of the massacre at Waco. So the ATF's most famous attempt at gun control has only lead to more and more shooting deaths.

Anonymous said...

"I personally suspect the relative lack of success of women with Asian men may be contributing to this. It's usually white guys who are unsuccessful with women or low-status who do this. The evo-psych interpretation is pretty clear."

The shooter was in his 40s and living with his parents; that is a life unfulfilled. Even if he were able to afford a prostitute, every now and then, his life was brutally unfair in the most basic sense. This is the reality for many men and it's certainly a danger to the rest of us.

ben tillman said...

The shooter was in his 40s and living with his parents; that is a life unfulfilled. Even if he were able to afford a prostitute, every now and then, his life was brutally unfair in the most basic sense. This is the reality for many men and it's certainly a danger to the rest of us.

His kinfolk in China are the ones who have been selectively aborting females, but there may be something else going on among East Asians in the US. Is it possible that the sex ratio is skewed here in the US with significantly more females than males born to Asian-American parents? There is a good bit of theory predicting that this would occur.

jody said...

anybody else disappointed by the police? they show up while the shootings are still in progress, and hide behind trees and cars, holding their submachineguns and keeping their heads down, until the shooter is done killing people.

pretty pathetic if you ask me. then, the chief of police always goes on the news the next day and describes the shooter as a coward, when we could all plainly see his own SWAT team hiding behind cover and doing most of the cowering.

police cowardice aside, gun control won't stop these shootings from happening. shotguns cost less than handguns, are easier to obtain, and kill people better. they'll never be illegal in the US per the 2nd amendment.

Anonymous said...

So the take away lesson from this is...April 16-20 lock yourself indoors.

Truth said...

"I do have some sympathy for educated, underemployed East Asians who've been given citizenship and can't find work."

A large portion of native-born Americans are now educated, underemployed and can't find work. You feel more sympathy for EAs than whites?

"shotguns cost less than handguns, are easier to obtain, and kill people better."

You can generally only fire a shotgun once or twice before reloading, unless you buy a street sweeper or a military tactical weapon; and they are much more expensive than your average handgun.

Epicurean said...

It explains why women, who benefit most from concealed carry (it equalizes them to any man) hate it most. Because it would empower Beta men too, and beta men are most women's mortal enemy.

Not women, feminists. There's a difference.

There are a good many women, mostly lower-middle-class ones who have to live in high-crime districts, who believe in, and practice, effective self-defense. (i.e. concealed handguns, whether legal or not) Those women are usually also skeptical of the rest of the fembitch/lesbitch police state ideology.

Indeed the sort of women who follow the feminazi party line are rich, college-educated, and otherwise heavily protected by the "evil white male" institutions they so loudy declaim. These women happen to be the most sheltered and the least independent.

Lucius Vorenus said...

testing99: Female hatred for the Beta Male... beta men are most women's mortal enemy...

You wanna expound on that thesis?

Is it strictly empirical at this point? And assuming that the empiricism is there, then do you have some working theory about the causality?

Mr. Anon said...

"jody said...

anybody else disappointed by the police? they show up while the shootings are still in progress, and hide behind trees and cars, holding their submachineguns and keeping their heads down, until the shooter is done killing people."

Lawrence Auster mentioned something about this at his website - he quoted the chief as saying that the police waited for an hour until it was "safe for the officers to enter the building". Huh? I thought that the police were the guys who were supposed to do certain things, even if they aren't safe.

Anonymous said...

Come on, some of you don't even get the story straight. The shooter is Vietnamese, not Chinese. Of course, to the ignoramuses, Asians are all the same. I was talking to a guy the other day about a Vietnam war movie, and he, a college graduate, told me how Sean Penn's character killed a bunch of Chinese.

I would like to see some stats -- of mass murderers -- tabulated by country of origin, race, religion, sex, etc in the last 40 year. It is too easy to draw a wrong conclusion based on limited information.

Stan said...

Open borders advocates have a lot to answer for. The policy of open borders has impoverished the middle class and has damned newly arrived legal immigrants to an inhuman standard of life. The policy of forcing working class americans and newly arrived legal immigrants to compete with illegal aliens is callous, heartless and uncaring.

Svigor said...

It explains why women, who benefit most from concealed carry (it equalizes them to any man) hate it most. Because it would empower Beta men too, and beta men are most women's mortal enemy. Same with Joe Sixpack being the most dangerous enemy around to elites.

I guess you really can shoehorn anything into your Theory of Everything if you try hard enough.

Women favor gun control because their teevees told 'em to. Everything about liberalism is a perversion of something normal. Women are naturally more soft-hearted and forgiving than men, so the media preys on this. Not complicated.

Liberals favor gun control because they're even bigger jackasses than the average Joe. Not complicated.

i am the walrus said...

Not surprisingly, 11 of the 13 people killed were females.

Anonymous said...

"Looks like the press found a white guy! Just in time!"

Yeah, I know buddy, after that Oakland thing last week, the Jewish media had to get together and set something up QUICK!

Whay are you so obsessed with the supposedly "Jewish Media?" That guy didn't mention it in his comment.

Anonymous said...

Captain Jack Aubrey,
Gun control isn't about preventing crime in the 'hood or anywhere else. It is about disarming and sticking it to the white middle and working classes and making them easy targets for the Left's pets.

kudzu bob said...

Amen, Jody. By and large the police have become straight-up cowards, good for little else but hassling harmless potheads and pulling over commuters who don't wear seatbelts. I was raised to be very pro-cop, but these days the very sight of them makes me sick.

Truth said...

"It explains why women, who benefit most from concealed carry (it equalizes them to any man) hate it most. Because it would empower Beta men too, and beta men are most women's mortal enemy."

If any of you have T99's contact info, you might just want to pass it along to the FBI now...just in case...

"Whay are you so obsessed with the supposedly "Jewish Media?" That guy didn't mention it in his comment."

Did he have to?

Anonymous said...

---"Whay are you so obsessed with the supposedly "Jewish Media?" That guy didn't mention it in his comment."

Did he have to?---

You know what happens when you ASSume...

Anonymous said...


Police speculated Wong, who was ethnically Chinese but was from Vietnam, was angry over losing a job and frustrated about his poor English skills.

But, it is clear Wong copied the actions of Sueng Hui Cho, the Virginia Tech gunman who mailed his manifesto the same morning he killed 32 people two years ago.
The letter reads, "I am sorry I know a little English."

BTW, Truth isn't really a black dude; he just plays one on the Internet. I couldn't possibly speculate as to what his real identity might be.

Mr. Anon said...

"Anonymous said...

Come on, some of you don't even get the story straight. The shooter is Vietnamese, not Chinese."

Wong is a chinese name, not a vietnamese name. There is (was, at least) a minority of ethnic chinese in Vietnam - this guy is probably one of them.

Truth said...

"BTW, Truth isn't really a black dude; he just plays one on the Internet. I couldn't possibly speculate as to what his real identity might be."

And isn't it truly freakin' delicious?

Captain Jack Aubrey said...

The Virginia Tech shooter chose his date to coincide with the Columbine massacre. The Columbine killers chose their date to coincide with the Oklahoma City bombing.

Yes, but did they choose one week ahead, one month ahead, or six months ahead? McVeigh's was planned well in advance, certainly. But Virgina Tech, Columbine, Dunblane, etc.?

Come on, some of you don't even get the story straight. The shooter is Vietnamese, not Chinese.

Many people here have concluded/assumed that with a name like Wong he is ethnically Chinese. Not sure if that one's settled or not. People here take ethnicity and race seriously. That's kinda the point.

I would like to see some stats -- of mass murderers -- tabulated by country of origin, race, religion, sex, etc in the last 40 year.

Here's a list to help you start. By its own admission it's not complete. The most important data, though, is overall murder and violent crime rate, and we all already know who fits in where on that one.

Captain Jack Aubrey,
Gun control isn't about preventing crime in the 'hood or anywhere else. It is about disarming and sticking it to the white middle and working classes and making them easy targets for the Left's pets.

No doubt. My point really was that any politician who claims he can create a gun-free society better be able to explain why he can't also create an illegal-alien free society. If he can do the former he can quite easily do the latter.

Anonymous said...

Many people here have concluded/assumed that with a name like Wong he is ethnically Chinese. Not sure if that one's settled or not. People here take ethnicity and race seriously. That's kinda the point.

His real name is Linh Phat Voong, born in Vietnam. Not Wong as reported. He could be Chinese or Vietnamese, because many Koreans and Vietnamese have Chinese last name, not to mention intermarriage between Chinese and Southeast Asians.

ben tillman said...

Come on, some of you don't even get the story straight. The shooter is Vietnamese, not Chinese. Of course, to the ignoramuses, Asians are all the same.

Don't you feel foolish?

Lucius Vorenus said...

Anonymous: "BTW, Truth isn't really a black dude; he just plays one on the Internet. I couldn't possibly speculate as to what his real identity might be."

Truth: And isn't it truly freakin' delicious?

So you're Andrew Sullivan?

Anonymous said...

Yes, but did they choose one week ahead, one month ahead, or six months ahead? McVeigh's was planned well in advance, certainly. But Virgina Tech, Columbine, Dunblane, etc.?

The Columbine and Viriginia Tech massacres were both well planned. The Columbine killers specifically mention McVeigh and their intention to kill more people than he did (the explosives they brought failed to go off) in order to inspire other such massacres. And, indeed, Cho of Viriginia Tech mentioned the Columbine killers in his manifesto.

Anonymous said...

"The shooter is Vietnamese, not Chinese. Of course, to the ignoramuses, Asians are all the same"

Okay. Let's turn it around. If Euros are ignoramuses for confusing Vietnamese with Chinese, how many Vietnamese and Chinese can reliably differentiate between a Greek and a Spaniard?

Truth said...

"So you're Andrew Sullivan?"

Now that's good shit Dawg; the subtle homosexual blast was always one of my favorites!

Anonymous said...


The 41-year-old Wong, whose surname was originally Voong, immigrated to the Broome County area in the late 1980s as a young adult.

He moved to Inglewood, Calif., where he was arrested in 1992 for forgery involving a bad check and convicted of a misdemeanor, Binghamton Police Chief Joseph Zikuski said. While in California, he married and later was divorced from his wife while working as a deliveryman.

Wong, from Vietnam, became a naturalized citizen in 1995.

The last time he used his passport was Dec. 25, 1999, when he flew from Norita, Tokyo, to Los Angeles.

In 1999, New York State Police learned Wong was planning a bank robbery to support a drug habit, Zikuski said. He was never charged.

After losing his job when the local Shop-Vac plant closed in November, Wong had grown upset. He was frequently frustrated by people who couldn't understand his clumsy English.

At some point, Wong changed his name from Linh Voong - because "Americans can't pronounce my real name," he told a store employee at Gander Mountain, Dave Henderson.

Lucius Vorenus said...

Anonymous: He moved to Inglewood, Calif., where he was arrested in 1992 for forgery involving a bad check and convicted of a misdemeanor, Binghamton Police Chief Joseph Zikuski said... Wong, from Vietnam, became a naturalized citizen in 1995.

In the jurisidictions I'm familiar with, forgery of a check is a felony - REGARDLESS OF THE STATED AMOUNT OF THE CHECK - I don't know how he would get off with just a misdemeanor, except that this is Mexifornia we're talking about.

But even with a misdemeanor like that on his record, doesn't the INS - the Immigration and NATURALIZATION Service - bother to consult the criminal databases before they bequeath the gift of naturalization?

PS: Every LEO I've ever heard interviewed says that these creeps ALWAYS have priors - it's just that no one ever bothers to hold them accountable for their behavior.

In the real world, the kinds of murderers that Thomas Harris creates - with squeaky-clean public records, but masking private lives filled with psychopathic/sociopathic bloodlust - simply don't exist.

Anonymous said...

---He was arrested for check forgery huh?
I agree, cops sure are stupid!---

You missed this, but I'm not surprised:

"In 1999, New York State Police learned Wong was planning a bank robbery to support a drug habit, Zikuski said. He was never charged."

You should read a bit more closely. Par for your course though.

Epicurean said...

In the real world, the kinds of murderers that Thomas Harris creates - with squeaky-clean public records, but masking private lives filled with psychopathic/sociopathic bloodlust - simply don't exist.

Because nobody looks hard enough for the right things!

It's too easy for society to find scapegoats, and persecute harmless weirdos and losers (and their avocations); and too hard to find the true psychopaths and nip them in the bud before the tragedy happens.

A funny thing, psychopathy. It's the complete opposite of autism. We all know that scientists, engineers, professors, Star Trek freaks, and the occasional artist are mildy autistic. To balance them out: politicians, dictators, cult leaders, alpha male elites, and blue meanies are mildly psychopathic.

For the same reason that liberals cannot effectivly fight communism; socio-political elites (whether right- or left-wing) cannot effectively fight the full-blown psychopaths that become mass/serial murderers.

Lucius Vorenus said...

Truth: He was arrested for check forgery huh? HOW THE HELL DID THEY NOT KNOW HE WAS A HOMICIDAL KILLER IN WAITING?????? I agree, cops sure are stupid!

No, the point is that as soon as he had a conviction on his record, THE INS SHOULD HAVE DEPORTED HIM AND BARRED HIM FROM EVER RE-ENTERING THE COUNTRY!!!

That's supposed to be why we have an "INS" in the first place - to actively discriminate against the bad apples and in favor of the good apples.

If the "INS" isn't trying to protect us from the bad guys, then the "INS" has no reason to exist.

Lucius Vorenus said...

Me: Every LEO I've ever heard interviewed says that these creeps ALWAYS have priors - it's just that no one ever bothers to hold them accountable for their behavior.

For the record:

Wong raised concerns with police in 1990sBy Doug Schneider
Public Service Editor
April 19, 2009

BINGHAMTON - Years before he achieved infamy for slaughtering 13 people and killing himself, Jiverly A. Wong was sparking fears among immigration officials, police and his own father.

The federal employee who did Wong's criminal background check used the term "sketchy." One Southern Tier police agency thought his pistol permit application merited extra attention. Another believed he'd robbed a bank of almost $10,000.

Those are some of the questions Wong raised among authorities who would decide if he would become a citizen, if he could possess a firearm, and later, if he would be charged with the daring daylight holdup of a bank about 40 miles from his Johnson City apartment.

But the most chilling flag raised about the Vietnamese immigrant was in a letter from his father to the Broome County sheriff. "I do not want he hold a pistol," Henry Voong wrote...