It's been a huge story in Los Angeles for over a week. (Here's the latest news.)
Here's a minor local columnist's braindump that reveals a lot about why white liberals are such fine haters (see "Projection"). I'll quote it at length because the transition is so starkly hilarious that if I shortened it, you'd assume I had distorted it.
Children are murdered in Southern California on a tragically regular basis.
They are beaten by mothers or mothers' boyfriends or so-called "foster" parents. They are slaughtered in selfish family massacres by suicidal fathers. They are felled by stray bullets in drive-by shootings.
So why does the senseless death of Lily Burk affect me so deeply? Why do I pore over news articles about her? Why do I agonizingly imagine her final, terrifying moments?
Why, in fact, does the media seemingly focus more on Lily than on most child murders?
I can only speak for myself, but I suspect similar reasons.
Lily was 17 and headed for her senior year of high school. My daughter, almost 17, is headed for her senior year of high school.
In a widely circulated photo, Lily is wearing a fashionable scarf around her neck. My daughter, too, "got into" scarves last winter.
Lily had a mass of dark blond hair, like my daughter.
Lily's father is a journalist. I, and many of my friends, are journalists. Lily's mom is an attorney. My mom, my brothers and some of my friends are attorneys.
Lily grew up in a middle-class family that, apparently, values education and the arts. Like us.
Lily was a creative sort - as are both my children, in their own ways.
Lily was a new driver running an errand for her mother. My daughter just passed her driving test a few days ago.
Lily was abducted by a transient in downtown Los Angeles. I worked for years in downtown Los Angeles and can easily visualize the turf.
Lily was white. Like my daughter. Like my son. Like almost all of my family. Like the bulk of my friends. Like me.
I never knew Lily, but she feels very familiar.
While I choke up over pictures of the sweet little boy ruthlessly bludgeoned by his stepfather, I cannot as instantly relate to the circumstances.
There is a lot of ranting going on by publicity-hungry white male windbags about "reverse racism." It is unbecoming, to say the least. And it is even more repugnant when white male political leaders - who, after all, represent our diverse country - offer scant rebuttal.
To label Sonia Sotomayor racist over a tiny soundbite in which she relates to and celebrates her own ethnic group - during a pep talk to that ethnic group - is egocentric at best.
To dismiss the painful history of racial profiling as a lesser issue than President Obama's unmeasured use of the word "stupidly" - regarding the arrest of a black scholar at his own house - is insensitive at best.
And for intelligent adults to keep perpetrating a thoroughly debunked rumor that our first African American president qualifies as strictly African but not American is immature at best.
In every one of those scenarios, the term "at best" is charitable at best.
We like to pretend to be a colorblind society. We like to pretend that race doesn't matter - thereby, some argue, saying that it does is in and of itself racist.
But racial profiling does not just occur among police officers, or it would be a pesky problem instead of a persistent, gaping wound. Police departments are merely a microcosm of society at large.
Indeed, we owe a huge debt to those who risk their lives to protect us - doing so with the same kinds of biases every human harbors in some form or another.
Racial - and/or cultural and/or socioeconomic and/or religious and/or educational and/or regional and/or political and/or etcetera - profiling is embedded in our hearts.
Let's be honest: Whatever our skin color, we do tend to notice skin color. Whatever our background, we do tend to connect most automatically with people of the same background.
Thus, in a country dominated by white people, nonwhite people are vulnerable to being marginalized and discriminated against.
For a white man, who has reaped the innumerable benefits of his majority status, to cry racism when a minority ever so mildly expresses sentiments born from firsthand experience is disingenuous at best.
(While we're on the topic, I'd be curious to know how many of these spewing volcanoes partied at college in all-white fraternities. And so on.)
I can't think of Lily Burk without thinking about my daughter and the enormous, risky world into which she is soon to embark. Lily could have been my child.My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer
She could just have said "I blame Bush!" and saved us all a lot of bother.
This is harrowing. This is gut-wrenching.
This is almost sadistic in its pretentiousness -- and calling it "almost sadistic" is charitable at best.
The denial of reality, and the pig-headed insistence on assuming to hold the moral high ground by characterizing those who see reality for what it is as "egocentric," "insensitive," "immature," etc. is intellectual arrogance of imbecilic proportions at best.
(JD hereby refashioning his nick after "Johnny Turk" so that this moron understands that it's not only "insensitive racial majorities" who perceive reality for what it is; that some of us who CAN handle the truth have to deal with vile and vicious "witch hunts" in our daily lives instigated by brain-washed "friends" (yes, those ARE sneer quotes, and they happen to resemble this "award-winning" gasbag in every detail of her cognitive fingerprint) EXACTLY because we refuse to bend the knee to this juvenile posturing for "post-racial" moralistic supremacism)
P.S. Excellent word, that "braindump."
The jury is in. We can now declare liberals officially insane and move on. I'm just surprised that he didn't find a way to work global warming and wind power in there somewhere.
I also like another liberal response I've seen in random comments at newspapers, which is that surely this crackhead murdered her so she wouldn't be able to testisfy against him for his third strike. Damn those three strike laws!!
What a response: a ten time criminial with a couple of non trivial felonies to his credit and the liberal says, "If only our criminal justice system were more lenient this tragedy may have been averted!!!"
I can't help but wonder if the law professor father ever gave his daughter any safety talks to go along with the SWPL happy-talks regarding race he must have given her? Surely, this black crack head murderer must have looked every bit the part?
Since I no longer follow the local news, this is actually the first I'd heard of this incident. I wonder if there was any conflict in poor Lily Burke's head with the SWPL 'values' passed down from her father and the amygdala-generated signals telling her that this scary black man was obviously a danger to her immediately before her abduction?
All the other bored-housewife trolls from myspace are in awe of her chain yanking skills and are applauding in the background as we type.
Anonymous said: "I'm just surprised that he didn't find a way to work global warming and wind power in there somewhere."
Only a (liberal, "progressive") woman could've written that. (And, I say that as a woman.)
I think black on black crime is unimportant because blacks do. On the whole, they would prefer racially unbiased arrest and incarceration rates to black criminals being off the streets. It's not the choice I would have made for them. But if they're ok with more dead black people, I guess I am too.
But there are other communities to consider. I want people who murder whites to go to prison or be executed. With separate nations for separate people, blacks could have whatever legal system they want. But since we don't have that, and there's a fair amount of integration, whites get victimized by blacks, and that is and black criminals victimizing whites is an intolerable as white criminals victimizing whites.
Since victimizing blacks is almost certainly a risk factor for victimizing whites, I don't see how we can have a criminal justice system acceptable to whites and blacks.
What the author of the article couldn't quite manage to say is that she felt like a racist for feeling sorry for a white victim of a black criminal. Since a good liberal like her is a racist, other white people are even more racist.
Everyone knows profiling is wrong. It's obvious, so obvious. Hey, just read the following story:
Weird, bizarre. Change a sentence here or there and this would be worth of The Onion.
Tour de force of stupidity.
On a related note, I recently watched a documentary on the Crips and Bloods on DVD. It started by recounting the segregation of blacks and whites in the 50's and early 60's in LA.
Black boys were not allowed to join the boy scouts at the time, or rather, the boy scouts said white parents would complain.
So black children decided to form their own clubs, although they were really gangs. One of the main activities appeared to be fighting other "clubs." When I saw that I was like WTF? When do the boy scouts fight other troops? Yet this really passed without mention, as if forming clubs to fight other clubs was normal.
Eventually the Watts riots happened. After that, the Crips and Bloods evolved and started killing each other. So the anger at white segregation somehow transformed into black-on-black violence, but the narrative structure made it seem like this was somehow white people's fault (and some of the interviewees intimated as much).
Another interesting article I read recently is that Compton is apparently ~3/4 Hispanic, but all the political positions are held by black people. Where have the former residents of Compton gone?
Whatever our background, we do tend to connect most automatically with people of the same background. Thus, in a country dominated by white people, nonwhite people are vulnerable to being marginalized and discriminated against."
Would it not be more moral, then, to bar them from entry thereby averting any potential acts of discrimination which, as this journalist admits, will inevitably occur? Here is yet another case of liberals not following the natural course of their thoughts.
Guilt and self-hatred are the psychological underpinnings of liberalism.
I think she has a point.
I think she feels guilty about her sub-conscious racial solidarity with whites.
She feels guilty that she cares more about the death of Lily Burke than she does about some non-white ghetto child that is beaten to death by her/his drunk daddy.
Deep down, liberals want to atone for their horrible, racist feelings, even though those feelings are perfectly natural.
A black person feels more attached to blacks, and would be more likely to feel bad if another black was harmed. This is natural.
Liberals, however, want to show everyone how enlightened they are. They want to show that they are beyond these natural feelings about race.
Hence, the public displays of atonement like the one in the article above.
Typical I think for status-striving White women of a certain age and a certain SWPL Yuppie group, note btw the real hatred is reserved NOT for the kids killer, but White Frat guys.
White Frat guys are what the writer hates most, because they have the "incorrect" views and attributes. This is part of the political alliance between White Women and Black/Hispanic agitators to divvy up pork patronage along AA lines.
One, I might add, fracturing over how to split the money. The worst thing that happens to thieves is when they score big and realize the score goes even farther if there's less of a split.
There was an article in the WSJ several years ago, backed by my own personal experience (I was socially acquainted with an assistant DA in New Orleans). Both article and my social acquaintance said the same thing: Black Juries in New Orleans would not convict Black Criminals even when all the victims were Black. They viewed it as a "betrayal" of racial solidarity. There was also great suspicion that payoffs would create a verdict of not guilty, and could be as little as $200 per juror.
This was one reason why New Orleans was so corrupt and dangerous, pre-Katrina (I lived there for several years before Katrina, I can personally testify to that). Cops would arrest guys, red handed with say, a pipe they used to beat a guy they ran with to death (over crack) and get a not guilty verdict. By a jury either corrupted, feeling racial solidarity, or both.
Outlaw - I wouldn't be so sure about the origin of gangs in LA. The book "The Gangs of Los Angeles" traces the origins of gangs back to the late 19th century, well before there even was such a thing as Boy Scouts. Mexican American gangs have been present on the southeast side of Los Angeles for at least 80 years.
I'll bet what brought the black and Mexican gangs into closer conflict with each other was the advent of the modern freeway system.
Race isn't really relevant to why the writer is particularly horrified by this crime The writer's own 17 year old daughter is at risk for being a victim of a similar random crime.
On the other hand, the odds of the writer's daughter being beaten to death by a violent stepfather are pretty slim (and zero if the writer is still married to the biological father).
I am white. Lily Burk is white. I can identify with her. OMG, that makes me a racist — wait, wait! Look, I'm different! I'm not like those dead white males who control everything and unbecomingly notice reverse racism. I'm not egocentric like those windbags who notice Sotomayor will be our first affirmative action Supreme Court justice!
Don't you get it? Please! I hate all those insensitive at best whites who can't see racial profiling in the arrest of a black scholar intellectual Ph.D. author Harvard professor!
Look, I hate myself for feeling bad about Lily Burk because she's like my daughter? Okay? Please!
The Whale (LA Times) didn't even mention the race of the perpetrator for three days.
Finally they published a picture.
Meanwhile, a Harvard race-hustling professor gets popped (probbly unwisely) for "contempt of cop" and the press is all over it.
If some white thug had kidnapped and murdered a young black woman, Al Sharpton would be on it in a flash, and we'd have hand-wringing about white racism all day long.
None of this is worth a damn until we face the issue of black violent crime openlyl.
I don't get it.
Does this mean that white "reverse racist" obsessives are actually responsible for this murder?
Is it racist to say 'brown them in the skillet'?
The essay that everyone in L.A. is actually linking to and discussing is a quite beautiful piece of writing in Newsweek by James Ellroy, who's never better than when eulogizing a murdered female. Here it is:
(Ellroy himself is cranky and politically idiosyncratic, though with a lot of conservative opinions)
Black boys were not allowed to join the boy scouts at the time, or rather, the boy scouts said white parents would complain.
The Crips are all the fault of racist whites!
White Frat guys are what the writer hates most
Give it a rest, you loon!
We see here a woman (you know, one of those evil XX people) making excuses for the murder of another woman! By a man! It's tough to shoehorn this into your fetish, but as ususal you'll give it a shot.
Let's put this in perspective noting that liberalism is hegemonic; white girls who flee must be burned at the stake.
Much as I hate to say it, maybe the word "evil" needs rehabilitating.
Deep down, liberals want to atone for their horrible, racist feelings, even though those feelings are perfectly natural."
And yet their yearning for atonement is curiously absent when their policies violate other imperatives of nature or culture. They do not wax guilty over the plight of polyamory.
Would it not be more moral, then, to bar them from entry thereby averting any potential acts of discrimination which, as this journalist admits, will inevitably occur? Here is yet another case of liberals not following the natural course of their thoughts.
The only "thoughts" liberals have are the ones their masters give them. Hence the absurdity of the idea of their "thoughts" having any course, natural or no. As soon as there's a course being followed, they're already off the reservation.
But you're right, of course; if liberals were ever exposed to uncomfortable realities like the myriad holes in their religion, they might have to do a bit of thinking.
So we're right back to "who? Whom?" (who talks? who listens?) again.
(And yes, letting millions of non-whites into a nation run by irremediably racist white neanderthals is one of the worst, most racist crimes ever committed against humanity, and liberals support this year in, year out)
Put me in the wtf camp. The writer was upset about some girls murder but needs flagellate him/herself for racism and then throw frat boys under the bus for some reason? Huh.
Moral preening/exhibitionism at it's worst.
I never read such drivel in all my life.
And yet their yearning for atonement is curiously absent when their policies violate other imperatives of nature or culture. They do not wax guilty over the plight of polyamory.
Not sure what that means, but I'm pretty sure that it's irrelevant because I'm pretty sure it hinges on liberals thinking things through, making comparisons, etc., which would make them NOT LIBERALS.
Guilt and self-hatred are the psychological underpinnings of liberalism.
Nope. Liberals hate others, not themselves. Extras from The Crucible, the lot.
Re these words:"But racial profiling does not just occur among police officers, or it would be a pesky problem instead of a persistent, gaping wound. Police departments are merely a microcosm of society at large.
Indeed, we owe a huge debt to those who risk their lives to protect us - doing so with the same kinds of biases every human harbors in some form or another
I think this woman has really ambiguous feelings about her security, and real doubts about the liberal solution to crime, maybe for the first time in her life. However I don't sense a good outcome to this; I don't think she will think things through correctly.
Notice first that even though Lily Burk is presumbably so reminiscent of her child, she cannot muster the life saving emotions of fear and anger. Lily Burk suffered a "senseless death"; she wasn't killed. Senseless deaths can occur when someone falls on a slippery set of stairs. Brutal murders are much, much more than senseless. Notice secondly the police are "mere" microcosms of a larger and presumably much more important society, such as exemplified by the cosmically significant life of Professor Dr.Gates. Notice the idiotic word "pesky" when referring to what happens in the duties and minds of police officers. Seems to trivialize their behaviours doesn't it? As if they are up against trifling problems?
A persistent gaping wound is what happened to Lily Burk, but this imagery is, rather, larded on the sanctified persona of all those vulnerable suffering non-whites (and white women). Rage at frat boys suffices to calm this woman. No rage expended on the murder itself.
When we speak of liberal suicidality, we see here an almost clinical example. Seriously, someone should mail her a copy of Gavin DeBecker's book on the subject of personal security and the emotion of fear, and why we should listen to it. She has intellectualized herself into vulnerability.
My initial reaction when I first heard this story was "Poor kid." The second was "God, what was she thinking? Why didn't she run or scream or kick him in the balls?" But then I suspect I'd have been equally ill-equipped to deal with this type of situation at the same age and maybe even now. Maybe she just froze, couldn't believe anything bad would happen to her, maybe the guy was friendly and seemed non-threatening and she was just playing along with him. I remember hearing about the Elizabeth Smart case and having some of the same questions, but the shrinks there said she was probably targeted and may have survived because she was a passive, submissive, obedient girl and didn't anger her captor. You never know what's going to set someone like this creep off.
Hopefully other girls will think twice before going off willingly with a psycho homeless guy, even if he smiles at them and they feel sorry for him.
"This is harrowing. This is gut-wrenching."
I would have to agree. It is incredibly sad.
On the bright side, This however, makes no emotional impression to you people whatsoever.
T99, someone called you a "Loon" I think he was talking about "Yo Momma", are you gonna take that?
The real shock to me was that this could happen in such a vibrant neighborhood so rich in diversity. I can only console myself by noting that the innocent-unless-proven-guilty SUSPECT was not arrested by the fascist LAPD in his own home, now that would have been a real tragedy.
PRCalDude said...
I can't help but wonder if the law professor father ever gave his daughter any safety talks to go along with the SWPL happy-talks regarding race he must have given her?
Her mother, Deborah Drooz, is the Law Prof (though only part-time / but that doesn't sell papers / she's really a practicing entertainment lawyer) probably didn't give her that talk. Attorney Drooz also volunteers her legal expertise to fight the City of LA from tearing down skid row hotels in the name of the under-served skid row community. G**gle "Los Angeles Community Action Network" and "Deborah Drooz" for more on that.
This, however, makes no emotional impression to you people whatsoever.
I'm sured you base that on the mind-reading skills which all left-wingers are born with.
It's well known that when white people say "law and order", they are in fact cool with crime not committed by blacks. Right, Mr, "Truth"?
Attention ten-time loser homeless black crackheads: I'm on your side. If you're going to rob and kill anybody's kid, kill some other white person's -- someone who isn't as aware of your struggles. Some ex-frat boy who didn't ask me out in college.
If it weren't true it would be an Onion article. The author stinks out loud. It was clearly Bushes fault, until '12 when it will be Palin's fault.
Candidate for Amy Biehl award of the year, I think.
Yeah Ed, I was gonna post that info to PrCal dude. These folks are pretty much the epitome of SWPL/Bobo . But man, I am getting no Freude out of the Schaden.
Uptick, I was going to go for that, but you did it better. Well played.
This Goulding broad should be at home sipping Chardonnay in the bathtub and listening to NPR while surrounded by scented candles, not pretending to be some sort of a deep journalistic thinker.
Her drivel once again reminds me of an unsettling truth: Feminism and women’s suffrage have created problems of such severity that our civilization will ultimately have to deal with them in a decisive manner.
If the West is still extant in the twenty-second century, the societies that comprise it may or may not be democratic, but they will be—to adapt Steven Goldberg’s pregnant phrase—inevitably patriarchal. They will esteem the notion that a woman should have a say in public affairs equal to that of a a man’s no higher they will the by-then equally extinct idea of multiculturalism.
We have been lost in a pleasant egalitarian dream, but it is time for men to wake up.
(This one's for you, Testy.)
This kind of people give liberals a bad name.
It would be racist of me to say that Lily Burk's murder really hit home because hers is a white family, like mine. No, her murder really hit home because her family is like mine. How's that for insightful?
Jun - Only a (liberal, "progressive") woman could've written that. (And, I say that as a woman.)
Jun, I knew it was a woman writing, or rather the possibility that it was a man never even crossed my mind. (And, I say that as a man.)
"Here's a minor local columnist's braindump that reveals a lot about why white liberals are such fine haters ..."
Have you noticed that the Democratic Party has become the party of hate speech?
Should have been Ms. Goulding.
Not sure what that means, but I'm pretty sure that it's irrelevant because I'm pretty sure it hinges on liberals thinking things through, making comparisons, etc., which would make them NOT LIBERALS.
I was referring to that uncommon breed of leftist who, like the author of this lamentation of Lily Burk, can candidly examine their feelings in some cases but not in others. Here it is possible for a liberal to acknowledge that people identify with those to whom they are akin but other such truths can elude them. So it seems some liberals practice selective guilt or remorse.
"It's well known that when white people say "law and order", they are in fact cool with crime not committed by blacks. Right, Mr, "Truth"?"
Well, the Billings murders were the story of the week on network news, yet I did not see one post here, on Stormfront, or Amren. I did not see on response containing information on these murders either, so one can only assume white racialists are in fact "
cool with" it.
@t99:"Both article and my social acquaintance said the same thing: Black Juries in New Orleans would not convict Black Criminals even when all the victims were Black. They viewed it as a "betrayal" of racial solidarity."
Yup. This is a guilt trip laid on black women, primarily, to be strong for the brutha and not to betray him, even when he has treated her monstrously.
It is a weird, self-denying, self-destructive mental mind-f$ck in the black community that keeps black women down-trodden, raped and killed by their men -- who continue to see them and treat them as nothing more than a convenient sperm receptacle.
And these retarded black women will cut a rapist child abuser loose if he is black for just that reason, even if he turns right around and kills her babies.
You ought to read, a weblog by black women who are tired of making excuses for shiftless criminal bruthas, are kicking the abusive brutha habit and are refusing to enable their predations. Heck, some are even turning to white men!
What is fascinating to see are the mental gyrations and contortions they go through that are necessary -- essential -- to free themselves from the mental mind-f*ck of the black community.
If you want to read something really sick, go to their archives and read up on "Dunbar Village". In the Dunbar Village case, Al Sharpton and the Florida NAACP were demanding that the Florida police release several black gang rapists who stalked, raped, cut and tried to incinerate a black Haitian woman ... they also forced her to have sex with her 11 year old son just for fun(!).
What was Al's and the NAACP's reasoning? You'll love this! The police had earlier let some white frat boys out on bail who had consensual sex with a 15 year old girl at a drunken party .
Since the frat boys got out on bail, why shouldn't the black gang rapist sexual pervert arsonist torturers get out on bail?
It should be abundantly clear that black lives--and especially black female lives-- mean very, very little to black people.
was somehow abducted off busy Wilshire Blvd. in the middle of the afternoon by a ten-time loser homeless black crackhead, and, after a tour of ATMs, murdered in her car.
It's nice to let it all out sometimes Steve.
The effects of liberalism aren't all funny stories about arsonists as firefighters and octomoms.
oh no, another white male shooting incident.
After noting that lots of children are murdered, Professor Goulding asks, “why does the senseless death of Lily Burk affect me so deeply?”
What does she mean by “senseless”? Is she suggesting the other deaths make sense? Or is she just emoting?
When I was at law school, professors emphasised accurate usage. But liberal professors march to the beat of a different drum.
Well, the Billings murders were the story of the week on network news, yet I did not see one post here
Are you under the impression that Steve has some obligation to write about every story on the network news?
Knowing how stupid you are, you will probabaly say "Yes!".
Fools, it was a "senseless" death because Lily was a daughter of the anti-oppressor class. The murderer should have killed, you know, one of Bush's or Cheney's daughters. That would have been a "tragic but understandable death."
What the article really shows is the sheer dishonesty, malice and mendacity of the authoress - which is astonishing.
Really, what she wants to do is to rant against the black crackhead - but oh no, she can't do that, such in a classic piece of feminine illogic and psychological transference she vents her spleen at 'white bigots, windbags and frat-boys' - who had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the murder except to breath in the same country.
The depressing fact is that people exist who think like that.
I'm confused, Trooffy.
What sort of emotional response should I have to the Rainbow Coalition of freaks that killed the Billings, other than sorrow and the belief that they should all be hung by the neck until dead?
If only American Jews could think straight and do something for their own people instead for the Blacks, for the illegal immigrants, for the African refugees, for the criminally morons, for the undermensch in its ugliest. Lily's purposeless death was consequence of the Diaspora. Her parents, liberal Jews who have dedicated their lives to the advancement of the colored people could not even IMAGINE to have to protect his precious daughter from those opressed and discriminated-against victims. A Jew in the Diaspora lacks the mental equipment to even think protecting himself and his family, a Jew in that damned Diaspora is doomed to Death from his very birth. They should have left the rich flesh pot in America and come to Israel, to this mortally dangerous Israel.
Truth said:
Well, the Billings murders were the story of the week on network news, yet I did not see one post here, on Stormfront, or Amren. I did not see on response containing information on these murders either, so one can only assume white racialists are in fact "cool with" it.
I agree wholeheartedly, Truth. I can't imagine why the Billings case hasn't been discussed here in great detail.
BTW, here's a composite of the alleged perps' mugshots.
Isn't diversity wonderful?
Did you, by any chance, actually read up on this case before your snide, self-righteous posturing. . .err, comments?
I remember when I was little and I thought that the Time Machine story about the Eloi and Morlocks was so stupid. I mean, who could believe that such a situation could exist?
Truth said:
On the bright side, This however, makes no emotional impression to you people whatsoever.
Are you really that myopic? Where was the "the billings murders were senseless....[insert hair-shirting, self-loathing stream of white guilt]" op-ed in response to the billings murders?
you missed the point, didn't you? pls. find an example comparable to this turd of an article discussing the billings murders. either that, or stop with the logical fallacies. sheesh.
Reason # 34,980 why liberalism is a sickness. Who was Derb talking about in his last column? A person he had to defend and risk losing some status?
Truth, Who commited those murders in the Florida case? I thought it was a multi-racial band of hoodlums.
Eventually the Watts riots happened. After that, the Crips and Bloods evolved and started killing each other. So the anger at white segregation somehow transformed into black-on-black violence, but the narrative structure made it seem like this was somehow white people's fault (and some of the interviewees intimated as much).
It is bec all the whites that were close by got the hell out. There were no more whities to beat up on.
A black person feels more attached to blacks, and would be more likely to feel bad if another black was harmed. This is natural.
Esp. if done by a White.
Another interesting article I read recently is that Compton is apparently ~3/4 Hispanic, but all the political positions are held by black people. Where have the former residents of Compton gone?
HAWAIIAN GARDENS, Calif. - A Latino street gang waged a racist campaign to eliminate the city's Black residents through attempted murders and other crimes, according to federal racketeering indictments unsealed Thursday.
"(Varrio Hawaiian Gardens) gang members take pride in their racism and often refer to the VHG Gang as the 'Hate Gang,' " the main indictment said. "VHG gang members have expressed a desire to rid the city of Hawaiian Gardens of all African-Americans and have engaged in a systematic effort to achieve that result by perpetrating crimes against African-Americans."
The indictment alleges a string of attacks on Black residents, including a shooting into a home with eight people inside. The indictment does not say whether anyone was hit.
Her mother, Deborah Drooz, is the Law Prof (though only part-time / but that doesn't sell papers / she's really a practicing entertainment lawyer) probably didn't give her that talk. Attorney Drooz also volunteers her legal expertise to fight the City of LA from tearing down skid row hotels in the name of the under-served skid row community. G**gle "Los Angeles Community Action Network" and "Deborah Drooz" for more on that.
Thanks. SWPLism kills.
"charles samuel" murder googles at 3,300
"wayne coldiron" murder googles at 11,300
I think the MSM are paying enough attention to the Billings murder. Oh, and I don't recall any editorials that went from lamenting their death to attacking white (or would it be black) men without so much as a transition sentence.
At this moment, I honestly can't help from feeling something of a twinge of pity, no matter how undeserved, for Ms. Goulding, yet another victim of the bizarre cult of white guilt and liberalism. She acknowledges that this case affects her worse, because Lily was someone like her and the people that she knows. Her response, wholly natural and predictable, is countered by the brainwashing that tells her that any sympathy or solidarity with her own is wrong, and that the ogre who murdered this child is of a class beyond any criticism or blame. So all that she has left is to rail and rant irrationally and mindlessly against "white male windbags", "white male politicians", "all-white fraternities", and whatever other acceptable devils her warped creed allows.
I put Lily and her parents too as victims of this disease. An entertainment lawyer and a jazz columnist for the LA Weekly who live in Los Feliz, could there be any more burnished Westside liberal credentials? The moppet intended to spend her summer volunteering at a needle exchange for homeless drug addicts on skid row. According to police, she never called out for help at the ATM, and obviously did little resist allowing a hulking black felon and drug addict into her car, probably because she thought that avoiding him or not helping him would be, say it with me now, "racist". At this point, white liberalism has become so depraved and divorced from reality that it demands the sacrifice of its votaries' own children, as if to Moloch. Is any more vile and total slavery over the mind of man even conceivable?
There is a lot of ranting going on by publicity-hungry white male windbags about "reverse racism."
i think she is referring to u Steve. anyway, talk about mental disconnect. reading between the lines it seems she understands the source of the problem. but has to lash out at whites because naming the source would cause her liberal house-of-cards to crumble. what a shame that even the murder of a young girls from her community cannot force her out of the hypocrisy for just a moment.
I'm just surprised that he didn't find a way to work global warming and wind power in there somewhere.
From the LAT slideshow abut the case:
Suzan Pour-Sanae, who works near Southwestern University School of Law, west of downtown Los Angeles, says, "It's scary, really scary," referring to the apparent abduction near the school of Lily Burk, who was later found slain. "I'm fearful about walking alone anywhere around here."
I bet Suzan Pour-Sanae voted for Obama.
What sort of emotional response should I have to the Rainbow Coalition of freaks..."
Well, a thick swath of Ivory does change the rainbow quite a bit doesn't it?
"Where was the "the billings murders were senseless....[insert hair-shirting, self-loathing stream of white guilt]""
That's just it Sport, if Steve, JP, Don, Peter or one of your other internet idols had posted it, you would have read it.
And just think, 40 years ago Jim Crow would have prevented the Billings case gang from forming.
C'mon, Truth. Man up and admit it: when you posted that link to the Billings case, you didn't know that half of those arrested in the case were black.
Go ahead and confess. I promise you that none of us evil racialists here will think any less of you for it.
That's just it Sport, if Steve, JP, Don, Peter or one of your other internet idols had posted it, you would have read it.
You failed to actually answer the question. Funny that. However, you did use another logical fallacy. Google "Aristotelian logic," read, and learn.
BTW, who the hell are JP, don and peter?
HAWAIIAN GARDENS, Calif. - A Latino street gang waged a racist campaign to eliminate the city's Black residents through attempted murders and other crimes, according to federal racketeering indictments unsealed Thursday.
But Truth would rather worry about what the (presumably) white commenters at iSteve think.
I lived about a mile from one of these areas not too long ago (Harbor Gateway). The black kids couldn't go to the local liquor store without worrying about the Mexicans beating/shooting at them. The Mexicans DID shoot at them if they crossed to the wrong side of the street.
Keep worrying about whitey, Truth!
BTW, who the hell are JP, don and peter?
Sounds like an advertising agency.
KingM, it's obviously not an article from the Onion - the Onion employs better writers than that.
>BTW, who the hell are JP, don and peter?<
The voices inside his head, of course.
Troofy, to quote Stephen the Irishman in Braveheart, just answer the fewking question!
What part of the story will the Law & Order script-writer change? Hmm, I wonder? Maybe add some Neo-Nazis?
".e. the Haitian woman survived the attempted incineration?"
wtf is this person talking about. That case involved black perpetrators like virtually all black-victim rape/assault cases.
What a loser this "Truth" is. He can't tell the "truth" for the life of him.
"That's just it Sport, if Steve, JP, Don, Peter or one of your other internet idols had posted it, you would have read it."
So please fill the gap and post it yourself here.
Memo to whom it may concern: 17 year-old girls of any race should not be in downtown LA (or most any other big city downtown) unaccompanied by a man, preferably not of the 98 lb weakling sort!
"BTW, who the hell are JP, don and peter?"
JP Rushton, Don Black and Phillip Brimlow , the triumvirate of the three premiere intellectual giants on the face of the earth right now.
"HAWAIIAN GARDENS, Calif. - A Latino street gang waged a racist campaign to eliminate the city's Black residents through attempted murders and other crimes, according to federal racketeering indictments unsealed Thursday."
I don't have any greater concerns with black people being murdered than whites, call me a kook.
"The Mexicans DID shoot at them if they crossed to the wrong side of the street."
So what? Lots of black kids do that to black kids; it doesn't make them any less dead.
"Troofy, to quote Stephen the Irishman in Braveheart, just answer the fewking question!"
I don't see where you asked one.
"--C'mon, Truth. Man up and admit it: when you posted that link to the Billings case, you didn't know that half of those arrested in the case were black.--"
I think Truth must believe those 'whites' (two of whom with the name GONZALEZ) must of been like "Mr. Big" from the movie "I'm Going to git you sucka" -
Mr. Big: I know you're surprised that a big Hollywood star like me would appear in this movie. A lot of Hollywood stars have done exploitation films, like Angie Dickinson in "Big, Bad Mama."
Jack Spade: Or Shelley Winters in "Cleopatra Jones"!
Truth: I just wanted to mention that it's *so* clever when you call people "sport" almost makes me want to believe everything you say!
Wit like that is hard to find.
This article is a perfect example of Stockholm Syndrome. She identifies with the attackers in the same manner that hijacked airline passengers come to identify with the cause of their captors.
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