October 20, 2009

The White City

From New Geography:

Among the media, academia and within planning circles, there’s a generally standing answer to the question of what cities are the best, the most progressive and best role models for small and mid-sized cities. The standard list includes Portland, Seattle, Austin, Minneapolis, and Denver. In particular, Portland is held up as a paradigm, with its urban growth boundary, extensive transit system, excellent cycling culture, and a pro-density policy. These cities are frequently contrasted with those of the Rust Belt and South, which are found wanting, often even by locals, as “cool” urban places.

But look closely at these exemplars and a curious fact emerges. If you take away the dominant Tier One cities like New York, Chicago and Los Angeles you will find that the “progressive” cities aren’t red or blue, but another color entirely: white.

In fact, not one of these “progressive” cities even reaches the national average for African American percentage population in its core county. Perhaps not progressiveness but whiteness is the defining characteristic of the group.

Read the whole thing.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


Truth said...

"If you take away the dominant Tier One cities like New York, Chicago and Los Angeles..."

Mais Pourquoi Monsieur?

There are still a whole hell of a lot more blacks in the "dominant" cities than in Portland.

Anonymous said...

Isn't this setting up a self-fulfilling prophecy? Whites displace NAMs, and suddenly their liberal policies become feasible based on the new whiter demographic.

Truth said...

"In fact, not one of these “progressive” cities even reaches the national average for African American percentage population in its core county."

-Upon further review, Denver is 11.1% black, Austin and Seattle are each 10%, the national average is 12%...The video is inconclusive, repeat fourth down!

dearieme said...

one of the comments says "..while white is considered homogeneous today, back in the day WASPs, Germans, Scandinavians, Irish, Central Europeans, Jews, Eastern and Southern Europeans would never put themselves into a category with any of the other groups". May I infer that the Federal government is responsible for people in the northern states viewing themselves simply as "white"?

AllanF said...

As a Portlander, I sure hope the US Attorney General doesn't sue us. I'd hate to have the Supreme Court demand a bussing program from Chicago's south side to Portland.

Anonymous said...

"Perhaps not progressiveness but whiteness is the defining characteristic of the group."

As though there's a difference.

Galtonian said...

A similar observation was recently made by a journalist named Rich Benjamin. He too is claiming that increasingly whites are seeking out communities that are low in NAMs.

Rich Benjamin has an upcoming book
Searching for Whitopia


And he has a recent article in The American Prospect "Refugees of Diversity"


The Anti-Gnostic said...

Upon further review, Denver is 11.1% black, Austin and Seattle are each 10%,

Like Paris. They move their NAM welfare recipients out to the suburbs to keep the in-town property values high enough so that only whites and higher IQ ethnic minorities can afford them. Thus, with a homogenous, high IQ city core, they can congratulate themselves on how well their liberal politics work when you don't have to worry about the system being abused by welfare queens and their thug baby-daddys.

Now since you're 'Truth,' I know you're sitting their ready with your stunned-whore canned response: "Yah? I know this black guy? He's a software engineer? And he lives in an in-town loft and doesn't have a criminal record?" Nobody denies this person exists, but what the HBD realists point out is that the incidence of high IQ blacks is much smaller in blacks as a whole than the incidence of high IQ whites in whites as a whole. Thus, the areas with high property values will be populated by the high IQ folks who get paid enough to afford them, and their distribution will generally reflect the distribution of 120+ IQ within their population group, ceteris paribus: i.e., you'll have a few (very few) blacks, lots of whites including Ashkenazim, and east Asians and Hindus. Hand out a bunch of Section 8 vouchers to low IQ blacks that are the norm in urban cores elsewhere, and watch these whites decamp.

BTW, Steve-o, the comments at the linked article are predictably restrained, but no question, a raw nerve has been poked with this one.

Also, the author has rose-colored glasses about Atlanta. Fulton County--the core county--bulldozed all the public housing projects and hounding out Sec 8 vouchers. So now they've moved to Dekalb and Clayton counties with all their corresponding social pathologies.

Anonymous said...

"There are still a whole hell of a lot more blacks in the "dominant" cities than in Portland."

But their numbers are falling. Also, there is inertia to think about. You can't quickly move Wall St. or Hollywood somewhere else.

It's certainly true that in the last few decades the hipness of Portland and Seattle has grown faster than the hipness of New York has. New York simply started at a higher level, so it's still ahead.

Sometimes a look at the direction of the trends is more informative than a look at the current levels.

Anonymous said...

"May I infer that the Federal government is responsible for people in the northern states viewing themselves simply as "white"?"

Not really. I think heavy intermarriage between different white ethnicities did most of the job there. If you're 1/4th Polish, 1/4th Greek and 1/2 Irish, what do you call yourself? "White" seems like an entirely reasonable choice.

Jim Bowery said...

I think I would rather live in a hell-hole like LA than Portland for the simple reason that places like Portland are where people move to who want to maintain their moral vanity it trashed places like LA.

There really is nothing more objectionable than a refugee from diversity who moves to a whiter area so they can keep preaching to the heathens about diversity while ignoring the consequences of their preaching.

Anemone said...

"There are still a whole hell of a lot more blacks in the "dominant" cities than in Portland."

Yeah, but one of the commenters on that article made a good point, that within big cities there is a similar dynamic, so, by way of example, the hip parts of Brooklyn are almost all white.

Truth said...

"by way of example, the hip parts of Brooklyn are almost all white."

The only parts of Brooklyn that are "almost all white" feature funny looking guys who wear all black with black fedoras and foot-long beards.

Anonymous said...

Ther comments thus far are counterproductive. Beating up on "whiter people" is a mistake. These are the people who aren't going to knife you in an alley while they rape your kid daughter. Getting their egos on the line by fighting them rather than moving them over to our side may have some sporting value but it has zero value in terms of being able to walk the streets safely and be surrounded by educated and intelligent people.

I'm as annoyed by whiter people as anyone else is - perhaps more because I engage them in meatspace and suffer the consequences - but in terms of increasing the groundswell of public opinion we ought to be focused on the muggers and rapists rather than on their attorneys. Yes, you can relate better to the attorneys and view them as more familiar enemy than the sub-human degenerate who bashes heads in without a modicum of human thought involved, but the attorney can be brought over to your side if you don't make the thing personal.

The internet seems to be having some effect on people's thoughts on the subject of criminal elements and how much they ought to be coddled, let's not storm the barricades until we've got the majority on our side.

Your friendly jewish social democrat

Clark St. said...

"The only parts of Brooklyn that are "almost all white" feature funny looking guys who wear all black with black fedoras and foot-long beards."

Brooklyn Heights is almost all white, with no Orthodox.

Anonymous said...

As is usually the case with you "Truth" (Sport, Sport, Sport) I have no idea what your point is but, as a fellow interested in accuracy, I enjoy pointing out bs when I have the opportunity (Sport).

Whatever your point is with regards to the Hassidim it's way off. They live intermingled with Blacks because they refuse to leave the neighborhoods that their fathers moved to after the war so, wealthy though some of them may become, they stay put. OTHER whites however DO take over enclaves in Brooklyn and live there in hipster bliss. Walk down the main drag in the hipster half of Williamsburg and you're likely to see thirty white kids before seeing a NAM. This despite the fact that Blacks and Mexicans (the word Hispanic is stupid) are pretty much the ONLY residents of most of the surrounding neighborhoods (save the Hassidic/black one). Same with the Jewish NON-HASSIDIC part of Flatbush - almost completely white with the occassional Oriental or Indian thrown in for some color.

Again, I have no point to make here other than to correct your ("Truth") innacurate assertions, sport.


jody said...

i actually think los angeles has, finally, lost it's reputation as a dominant "tier one" city. the word is mostly out now that LA sucks. americans are leaving that area.

Anonymous said...

"The only parts of Brooklyn that are "almost all white" feature funny looking guys who wear all black with black fedoras and foot-long beards."

Northside (commonly and inaccurately called "Williamsburg") is almost all white. The Orthodox live south of Broadway. There's a thin Hispanic strip just north of there, then the almost-all-white region of Northside begins. It continues up to about where Bedford intersects Nassau. Here Greenpoint begins, also nearly all white, and much of it Polish.

mmm mmm mmm Mark said...

C'mon! We all know that Diversity (capitalized, as with all deities) is, in the words of Dear Leader mmm mmm mmm Barack Hussein Obama (Hope & Change Be Upon Him), is The Fundamental Truth of the United States!

Also, there is inertia to think about. You can't quickly move Wall St. or Hollywood somewhere else.

Sure you can - London and Vancouver, respectively.

If you're 1/4th Polish, 1/4th Greek and 1/2 Irish, what do you call yourself? "White" seems like an entirely reasonable choice.

Whichever is the cooler, hipper, more legitimate MOPE of the moment. If you're my cousin, who's half Italian (his father's side) and half British (his mother's and my side), you, of course, go with Italian. Did you ever notice that all of the villains and none of the heroes (except Ally) in "The Karate Kid" were WASPy blondes and brunettes?

Beating up on "whiter people" is a mistake. These are the people who aren't going to knife you in an alley while they rape your kid daughter.

No, they're just busy mugging the unborn - which is easier for them in general since none of the unborn are theirs.

Upon further review, Denver is 11.1% black, Austin and Seattle are each 10%, the national average is 12%...The video is inconclusive, repeat fourth down!

Are we measuring black population in only the core county, as the graph seems to imply? If so it seems worth noting that about 40% of Nashville's metro population lies inside Davidson County, while Denver Metro covers 9 counties, Denver County having only about 23% of the population.

It's odd that Memphis (44% metro black) is never considered hip by the SWPL crowd, ain't it? I mean Beale Street, jazz, Elvis, BBQ, etc.

mmm mmm mmm Mark said...

That's not to let these other cities off the hook. Most of them have let their urban cores decay.

Gee, I wonder why. I've mentioned this before, but, for a whole list of reasons, the economically productive classes, disproportionately Europeans and Asian, need to take the cities back. It's economically inefficient. Let the poor unemployed minorities move to the fringe. We need better tax incentives for reinvestment in the core cities, rather than extending the suburbs out another 10/20/50 miles.

Mark said...

Whatever your point is with regards to the Hassidim it's way off. They live intermingled with Blacks because they refuse to leave the neighborhoods that their fathers moved to after the war

The Hasidim are the poorest Jews, though often still rich. But I suspect one reason they can stay put is a strong group identity and cohesion. Other whites atomize.

eh said...

(central problem being that Minnesotans live there)

They sound OK to me.

On the other hand, I was in St Paul once, so maybe it's true what they say there about Minneapolis...

TomV said...


-Upon further review, Denver is 11.1% black, Austin and Seattle are each 10% the national average is 12%

According to the chart in the article, the percentages for the three cities are 10.0, 8.8, and 6.2 respectively. The national average is 12.8%. Wikipedia seems to agree. Do you have better sources?

Matra said...

One of the very defensive sounding SWPLers at that site wrote:

I might add that even if Portland is predominately "white" (by the definition of race, not ethnicity) it nonetheless has much more racial integration in regards to available data.

Cleveland's core county has about 1.5% of its population identifying as two or more races, with African-American/black and white race mix representing 0.6% of the total "two or more" race population.

Meanwhile, Portland's core county has about 4.3% of the population identifying as two or more races from recent census data, of which 1% are black/white mix.

Both numbers are low, but based off the fact that Portland barely has above 5.5% black-only population, I find that statistic amazing. Think about how profound that is. Cleveland has almost 30% black population, yet Portland has a higher percentage of black/white mixed people!

We may have fewer minorities but we are more likely to breed with them than those racists in the Mid-West!

Anonymous said...

"We may have fewer minorities but we are more likely to breed with them than those racists in the Mid-West!"

Doesn't that just mean that paler blacks are moving to Portland as well?

It might be a 'singles' city but statewide Oregon is having a resurgence in small-scale family farming.

The plethora of Farmers markets in Oregon and the availability of idealistic young 'interns' from the city, has helped encourage particularly organic farmers, who need the extra seasonal labour and who prefer to trade direct with more educated consumers.

Leading to affordable rural family formation,a good thing surely.

Farmer F

tingtong said...

Anon sed:
As is usually the case with you "Truth" (Sport, Sport, Sport) I have no idea what your point is but, as a fellow interested in accuracy,...

The only point which "Sport" makes on this site is to counter anything even remotely critical of Obama or blacks. Call it gross black ethnic infatuation. There is no logic there.

roustolaus said...

TomV said...


According to the chart in the article, the percentages for the three cities are 10.0, 8.8, and 6.2 respectively. The national average is 12.8%. Wikipedia seems to agree. Do you have better sources?

Nothing new here. Troof often posts bogus numbers ripped off any old screen to make an obtuse point. I have often caught him using BS numbers.

Black Sea said...

Someone, maybe Jonathan Raban, once quipped that Seattle is the first city in history that large numbers of people migrated TO in order to get back to nature.

"Meanwhile, Portland's core county has about 4.3% of the population identifying as two or more races from recent census data, of which 1% are black/white mix."

Care to guess how many of these people self-identify as part Native American. You know, like Billy Jack. Hey, what could be cooler than being 1/32nd Snohomish, and wearing one of those eagle-bone necklaces that Ward Churchill popularized?

Anonymous said...

"The only parts of Brooklyn that are "almost all white" feature funny looking guys who wear all black with black fedoras and foot-long beards."

This is false, Truth. Park Slope, Williamsburg and DUMBO are all-SWPL. A huge part of Brooklyn is now purely SWPL.

Big Bill said...

The Chasids cannot move gradually. It is a mass community decision that must be made, and the Rebbe has to go along with it.

Since they must stay segregated and race pure and be within walking distance of a shul, yeshiva, kollel, mikvah, whatever, They can only do things on a sudden, massive, and secretive scale, AND they have to have the local politicians of their destination bought off to agree to tax exemptions, future expansion permits, school variances, etc.

How easy do you think it is to find a town so desperate that it wants an eternally alien colony plopped down in their midst? How many towns want to be Postville?

It ain't easy being a traditional Jew. Given the structural barriers to moving, about the only places they can expand or transplant relatively easily are in Israel or at the fringes of places like Kiryas Joel or Postville.

Jim Baird said...

Here's an interesting comment from a black reader of the article:

"In the 2000s, now the black "boom towns" are Atlanta and Houston. Living in Austin, instead of lapping it up in progressive texan shangli-la, I get the creeping sense of being "left behind". Nearly all of my cousins in my young age (20s-30s) have moved to Houston after high school because there is "culture". When I've told my white friends, they look at me with incredulity. They don't understand. But, "old South" may have ended for white Austin, but, after the 60s, it never did elsewhere for black and hispanics, except with a '90s high tech bang with massive white incoming and rising home prices (far beyond average minority incomes)."

Imagine - telling an Austin Hipster that black people are moving to Houston because there's "culture"! They'd probably faint dead away.

Anonymous said...

"Some 70,000 Somalis have settled in Minnesota after they were sponsored by the Lutheran Church in the 1990s." They also sponsored Hmong immigration. The film Gran Torino was originally set in Minneapolis. MN nice is slowly turning the Twin Cities into a shithole...

Anonymous said...

Quel surprise. It's easier to maintain the "diversity" cult when there is no diversity around.

Anonymous said...

Freedom of association is a problem when it produces outcomes our masters disapprove.

Truth said...

"Now since you're 'Truth,' I know you're sitting their ready with your stunned-whore canned response: "Yah? I know this black guy? He's a software engineer? And he lives in an in-town loft and doesn't have a criminal record?""

No, since I'm "Truth" I was going to say, "no, according to statistics, these are numbers for the metropolitan areas, and black people tend to gravitate toward the urban centers...a remnant from slavery (but I won't go into that here.)"

Good try though.

"Brooklyn Heights is almost all white, with no Orthodox."

Great, one area of 22,000 people in "the fifth largest city in America."

Fort Greene, where I atteneded high school, and is probably considered the "coolest" part of Brooklyn is 47% white.

BTW, Brooklyn heights is not considered "cool" and neither is Greenpoint. Flatbush is about 15% black.

Anonymous said...

meatspace - I had to google that one.

Anonymous said...

i second the refutation of truth's comments about brooklyn williamsburg, parkslope, brooklyn heights are almost all white with a smattering of oriental.

even when you break 'mixed' neighborhoods like Clinton Hill down, remove the housing projects and you have a tiny black middle class and, again, all whites and orientals.

In 'chall

Richard Hoste said...

Now since you're 'Truth,' I know you're sitting their ready with your stunned-whore canned response: "Yah? I know this black guy? He's a software engineer? And he lives in an in-town loft and doesn't have a criminal record?"

That's not what Troof says. It's more like "Your tax dollars are in Iraq, sport. Damn hacks. What about the Ukraine?"

Anonymous said...

This guy seems like he is onto something, then at the end he proves he is just a PWCTL (People Who Call Themselves Liberal--pronounced "pwictal") with stuff like this:

"I believe that cities that start taking their African American and other minority communities seriously, seeing them as a pillar of civic growth, will reap big dividends and distinguish themselves in the marketplace."

"...Houston took in tens of thousands of mostly poor and overwhelmingly African American refugees from Hurricane Katrina. Houston, a booming metro and emerging world city, rolled out the welcome mat for them – and for Latinos, Asians and other newcomers. They see these people as possessing talent worth having."

And how is that working out for you Houston?

Bill said...

mnuez says:

[The] comments thus far are counterproductive. Beating up on "whiter people" is a mistake.

Your disagreement with Steve is exactly over how best to convince normal people to speak honestly on race. Steve's view is that SWPLs don't really believe what they say they believe, and that what they say is conditioned by groupthink / status competition among whites. Thus, the question is how to puncture the groupthink.

There is a literature in psychology on groupthink showing that 1) it is powerful and 2) it can be punctured even by relatively few dissenters. See also the work of Timur Kuran. I personally think that it is unpunished dissenters who are the key, rather than dissenters per se.

Steve, IMHO, is trying to be that dissenter. This absolutely requires that he name the truth out loud as clearly as he can, including the diagnosis of SWPLism.

My theory of Steve's behavior also explains why the amazingly talented, kind, and generous Steve links the, ah, less so Lawrence Auster on his site. Mr Auster is another dissenter, and promoting the existence of dissenters is more important than giving Mr Auster traffic for his weird anti-Stevism.

So, on my interpretation, Steve thinks puncturing the status competition requires both pointing out that the substantive claims of high-status types are false and ridiculous, and, relatedly stealing their status by ridiculing them.

You really need to do better than "That won't work."

greenrivervalleyman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Udolpho.com said...

put those percentages in perspective--Dallas has more blacks than Austin, I believe (many more)...Austin is an art-fag oasis though...the SWPLs want blacks nearby for the "gritty urban culture" (read: graffiti, cheap housing, drive away the bourgeois) but are careful to form SWPL enclaves that only allow the tamer specimens in, so obsessing about percentages is misguided

Chief Seattle said...

Seattle just published a plan to go back to neighborhood schools for 2010-2011. Meaning the elementary/middle school/high school you go to is determined almost entirely by your street address. That is a hugely significant change - the final nail in the coffin for the 1970s busing plan that pushed families into the suburbs.

It almost seems too good to be true - a countertrend to all the bad things going on. It means you can have a suburban quality public school in a big city. I can only hope other cities nationwide will follow this.


mmm mmm mmm Mark said...

Seattle just published a plan to go back to neighborhood schools for 2010-2011. Meaning the elementary/middle school/high school you go to is determined almost entirely by your street address.

Wow, what a coincidence! And all it took to get rid of bussing was for a bunch of liberals to take over the city!

Anonymous said...

The Whiteopias are good places to raise children safely, but they are probably not as inspiring as a great white metropolis, would be with the professors in it's great universities and the great museums, concerts, and libraries. Many of the brightest immigrants were no doubt mentored by this cream of the Anglo society.

That's the great thing that the native white Protestants gave to the European immigrants in the 1890's to 1960's. The noblesse oblige toward immigrants was quite active then; and the immigrants were able to reap the benefits.

The white Protestant children who moved to the suburbs lost that advantage in exchange for safety. The immigrant parents would also have liked to do so, to some degree, but because they could not, their children gained the leg up; and their first jobs were in the lower levels of the great corporations, publications, radio and TV stations, etc; those in the suburbs did not have that advantage.

Today this advantage is not so great, due to the internet; so the kids in Whitopia may be not so disadvantaged.

And the noblesse oblige, alive as ever, NCLB, etc., etc., unfortunately just does not help. All that effort wasted on an impossible task. Except for the poorer Asians. Sad.

Matra said...

Portland's whiteness versus Toronto's multiculturalism played a big part in Turkish NBA player Hedo Turkoglu's decision to go to the Toronto Raptors instead of the Portland Trail Blazers.

After Babby relayed Toronto's proposal to Turkoglu, the 30-year-old began having second thoughts about Portland. He and his wife both enjoy Toronto, a city with both a large international population and a sizeable Turkish community, both of which appeal to the Istanbul-raised Turkoglu, who's played all over the world since he was a teenager. And the Raptors have a roster full of international players, including Spanish point guard Jose Calderon, Italian center Andrea Bargnani, Croatian guard Roko Ukic and U.S.-born players Chris Bosh, Reggie Evans and rookie DeMar DeRozan.

If everything (read: money) was more or less equal, or, in this case, greater, Turkoglu was inclined to pick Toronto.

Toronto's global appeal

On Toronto sports talk radio they were more explicit about the importance of Toronto being multicultural versus "very American" Portland.

I wonder how the SWPLers took that.

Houston said...

"And how is that working out for you Houston?"

Sucks the big one in some areas of town. Crime way up in those areas.

However some middle class blacks (as well as whites) that had family in Houston also moved in and they are fine. I actually know some of these families.

Tanstaafl said...

Wait a second - we can say "fag" but we can't say "miscegenation"?


Try posting a comment with the word "White" or "genocide".

Pissed Off Chinaman said...

Hey Truth, did you go to Brooklyn Tech? I grew up in Queens and I attended a certain high school in lower Manhattan.

Anonymous said...

Hasidim and other very observant Jews, mostly Orthodox, take the strictures against doing work on the Sabbath very seriously, so they like to live within walking distance of the synagogue. That makes for compact, densely populated "Hasidic" areas.

Anonymous said...

Beating up on "whiter people" is a mistake. These are the people who aren't going to knife you in an alley while they rape your kid daughter.

No, they're just the people who are going to raise money for the rapist's defense, provide that defense, protest outside the courtroom in his favor, and perhaps most importantly, maintain a near-absolute stranglehold on respectable media so that nearly nobody knows the real truth about black crime.

Those people are far from innocent.

Truth said...

"Do you have better sources?"

Austin 10%

Seattle 10%

Denver 11%


I think that "DUMBO" in particular, would be an excellent choice for those of you wanting to relocate.

Keep in mind, this does not include "latinos" which on the east coast is another word for "mostly blacks."

In addition, Park Slope is about 8% black and what do and what do all of these places have in common?

They have a hell of a lot more black folks than Pocatello, Id, Morgantown, WV, Salt Lake City Manchester, NH now don't they? There is however, no great rush for white people to move there.

Interestingly, if you average out the wonderful "Swipple" places you have listed above and throw in Williamsburg which is about 4% black, you get a median of 11% black which in the shangri-las in which you all want to live...this is just under the black population of the U.S. so I have some great advice for you:

Nirvana is not out there, it is where you are now, so stop whining and shut the fuck up!

Truth said...

"That's not what Troof says. It's more like "Your tax dollars are in Iraq, sport. Damn hacks. What about the Ukraine?"

That's exactly what I would say Rickey!*

*(except it would be on three different topics.)

"Hey Truth, did you go to Brooklyn Tech?"

Yup Buddy, I grew up in Laurelton and Cambria Heights, my local school was Springfield Gardens but I braved the 2 hour, each way train ride to Fort Greene becase my dad did not want me going to S.G.H.S. (too many blacks.)

POW! I just made a few people's heads explode like that robot on Lost in Space: DOES NOT COMPUTE! DOES NOT COMPUTE...DOES NOT COMPUTE!

"Beating up on "whiter people" is a mistake. These are the people who aren't going to knife you in an alley while they rape your kid daughter."

Nah, now if it was your son on the other hand...

Anonymous said...

In addition to having few blacks, it seems like the 'hip' areas of these particular cities have very few Asians, relative to their suburbs.

Truth said...

BTW the writer of this article is named A.M Renn. Now isn't that pithy? I guess your 150 IQs weren't high enough to catch the joke.

Andrea said...

It's one of the paradoxes of American politics. Whiter a city, more liberal it is. Blacker a city, white people in it tend to be more conservative.

White conservatives want more whiteness, but more whiteness leads to more liberalism. Liberals promote diversity, but when greater diversity is the end-result(at least with a large number of blacks--or underclass browns), white people tend to become more conservative.

When whites are dominant, they don't have to worry about their security, safety, survival, etc. They can put aside primal or tribal passions and focus on stuff that are 'hip', 'fun', 'cool', and 'progressive'. Basic racial or cultural survival can be taken for granted and becomes a non-issue. It's like a person with a lot food has no understanding of hunger and eats for pleasure than for survival.

But, when whites are confronted with large number of problem blacks, large numbers of illegal browns whose culture is alien and hostile to whites, or with rising numbers of Muslims who care little for assimilation, then white people tend to turn conservative. We can see this in Europe with the rise of Muslim and African populations. Many white people--even liberals--have had enough. Rise of Muslim numbers has turned even a lot of European Jews to the Right.

So, it seems like we can't have both: white domination AND conservatism. We can only have one. With white domination, white people become 'decadent' as they need not worry about basic primal stuff like racial/cultural survival. Taking their dominance for granted, whites become liberal and even entertain notions of promoting diversity and bringing in a lot of non-whites to be 'progressive', 'eclectic', and 'cosmopolitan'. Just look at the whitest states in the US, and with exceptions like Utah, they tend to be liberal--especially around the urban centers. (As urban centers create the music, tv, and movies, even the small town communities eventually turn liberal. Look at Iowa which passed GAY MARRIAGE. Very white state.

Look at Canada. It's a very white country--even today--, yet far more liberal than we are. If Canada had 15% black and 15% illegal Hispanic population, many Canadian whites will veer to the Right overnight.

Also, a white dominated society tends to be more statist or socialist. The vast working, lower-class, and middle class whites will happily support higher taxes on the rich for the benefit for less privileged whites. It's because there are many blacks and browns who leech off BIG GUBMENT that a lot of middle class and working class whites oppose the Welfare State. Middle White America figure they have more to lose than to gain since blacks and browns are perceived to suck the blood of the white middle class.

I wonder if the presence of blacks(and to some degree of browns)have made a lot of whites more industrious than they might be otherwise. I'll bet a white person would be far less afraid of being lower-income or even poor IF there wasn't the very real possiblity that he might end up integrating with a lot of blacks and browns. The fear of black crime probably makes even lazy whites get off their ass and work to make some dough and move to safer neighborhoods.

Pissed Off Chinaman said...


I was LOL at the guy who said Park Slope had no black people. The neighborhood and its surrounding environs is filled with NAMs...not that I mind. Brooklyn Heights might not have many minorities but it isn't one of those young, hip SWPL neighborhoods, while DUMBO is quite diverse. People need to get out more.

Oh and thanks for reminding me about my own commute. I was zoned for Cardozo (which was a damn good school) but the parents insisted on me making the 2 hour commute (by LIRR and subway) to where I went. Oh those were the days.

PS. When I went to Columbia I insisted on living in the dorms.

Andrea said...

"-Upon further review, Denver is 11.1% black, Austin and Seattle are each 10%, the national average is 12%...The video is inconclusive, repeat fourth down!"

As BIG CITY AVERAGES GO, those are low percentages, especially since blacks tend to live in their own enclaves.

NY is 25% black, Chicago is over 50%, Detroit is 80%, Atlanta is 80%, New Orleans is 60%, etc.

Truth said...

Did you go to Stuyvesant?

I would have given my eye teeth to go there, or Hunter. I think my life may have been different if I had been learning Greek literature instead of commercial drafting a that age.

But going to Columbia is impressive. Alas I think I hit my intellectual zenith at about 14. I attended Eastern New Mexico University.

Pissed Off Chinaman said...


I did go to Stuy and yeah I had to take commercial drafting too. I have friends who went to Cardozo and they're also doing pretty well (in fact one middle school friend ended up being in my first year section at law school) so in the end all that going to Stuy did was make me lose a lot of sleep.

I wanted to go to Townshend Harris H.S. though because the female/male ratio there was like 3:1.

Being a guy with tons of them, people who possess elite academic and work credentials (much like IQ) are overrated. I find most people who possess them to be too smart for their own good and severely arrogant. Many also lack any real empathy for others.

Reg Cæsar said...

Brooklyn Heights is almost all white, with no Orthodox. --Clark St.

"But Patty's only seen the sights

A girl can see from Brooklyn Heights..." (1964)

La plus ça change...

Anonymous said...

Being a guy with tons of them, people who possess elite academic and work credentials (much like IQ) are overrated. I find most people who possess them to be too smart for their own good and severely arrogant. Many also lack any real empathy for others.

The problem here is not so much smarts and work ethic, but corporate whoredom. In the world of IT, it is common; the managers especially are self-hating nerds who suck up to management, and are demanding tyrants to their subordinates.

You don't see the same kind of arrogance and lack of empathy among IQ 180 starving artists, or true entrepreneurs such as bookstore owners.

Truth said...

I've noticed some of the same things, P.O.C., and also an effect I like to call the Ali G. Effect, where people with these credentials are so caught up in who they are, that they are never really listening to you. And seem to have lost all abillity to think outside of their area of specialty.

Sascha Baron Cohen on his show used to interview PHD this and MD that in his faux-ghetto pose, and it seemed very rare that anyone figured out that they were the butt of a joke.

Still an Ivy league degree says that you are intelligent on some level.

Svigor said...

"May I infer that the Federal government is responsible for people in the northern states viewing themselves simply as "white"?"

Not really. I think heavy intermarriage between different white ethnicities did most of the job there. If you're 1/4th Polish, 1/4th Greek and 1/2 Irish, what do you call yourself? "White" seems like an entirely reasonable choice.

Add multiracialism to the list of causes; "white" is only a useful and significant category insofar as "non-white" is.

Anonymous said...

Also take a look at any list of top world cities. A similar pattern emerges. Sydney, Toronto, Vancouver, Geneva, etc.

Anonymous said...

What is the definition of a city? Are we talking about 1 million +, 300k +, or smaller? There are a alot of smaller "cities" in this country with great education systems, low crime rates, excellent professional services. I am a Pocatello Idaho DUI Lawyer and enjoy the smaller city. You lose out a little on cultural and social activities but the overall quality of life is very good - except when its 5 degrees outside like today. http://idahoduilawyer.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

"Isn't this setting up a self-fulfilling prophecy? Whites displace NAMs, and suddenly their liberal policies become feasible based on the new whiter demographic."

And suddenly light is shed on the truth and difference between conservative socialism and liberal socialism. One is hell where one political group is robbed to feed another dysfunctional group, the other is comprised of one political group and it works sublimely if everyone is open to the economic consequences as they are designed to be (usually everyone is but the wealthy).

"It's easier to maintain the "diversity" cult when there is no diversity around."

Correct. There are very, very few pro-diversity whites in areas that are truly diverse with blacks and Hispanics.

In my area, there are newly murdered white/asian bodega owners every single week. Whites are routinely forced to finance their own relocation or are forced to suffer high stress levels due to the surrounding alien culture and hostile community.

"White conservatives want more whiteness, but more whiteness leads to more liberalism"

This thesis, while I respect the free thought that created it, isn't correct.

There is NO sociopolitical or cultural mechanism which determines that high concentrations of whites promotes liberalism. If there is, please explain what it is. Although, I don't think that it exists.

This can be proven with the countless all or almost all white communities which have existed and which still exist that are still decidedly conservative.

The mechanism by which communities become culturally liberal (the only liberal that really matters, imo), other than via limited diversification, is through corrupted educational systems that encourage liberal worldviews, television programming that encourages liberal worldviews, and cultural programming that fails to teach the group nature of politics and co-operation as it exists in strongly untied ethnic groups.

White people, left alone and independent in resources, tend to grow toward MORE cultural conservatism due to the fact this fosters the most powerful and efficient forms of intra-group co-operation, and best grows political power and adequate defense from outside groups (diversity) that will be a burden on their society and steal resources.