Tim Wise is among the most respected anti-racist writers & educators in the U.S., having spoken in 48 states and on over 400 college campuses. He has trained teachers as well as corporate, government, media and law enforcement officials on methods for dismantling institutional racism, and has served as an consultant for plaintiff’s attorneys in federal discrimination cases in New York and Washington State. Wise has contributed essays to fifteen books, and has appeared on hundreds of radio and television shows worldwide to discuss race and racism.
Of all the Uncle Tims, he's the Uncle Timmiest.
For all y’all rich folks, enjoy that champagne, or whatever fancy ass Scotch you drink.
And for y’all a bit lower on the economic scale, enjoy your Pabst Blue Ribbon, ...
Whatever the case, and whatever your economic station, know this . . .
You need to drink up.
And quickly.
And heavily.
Because your time is limited.
Real damned limited.
So party while you can, but mind the increasingly loud clock ticking away in the corners of your consciousness.
The clock that reminds you how little time you and yours have left.
Not much more now.
Tick, tock.
Tick, tock.
Tock. ...
Put it on your Facebook wall and leave it there so you’ll remember that I told you so.
It is coming, and soon.
This isn’t hubris. It isn’t ideology. It is not wishful thinking.
It is math.
Not even advanced math. Just simple, basic, like 3rd grade math.
The kind of math that proves how your kind—mostly older white folks beholden to an absurd, inaccurate, nostalgic fantasy of what America used to be like—are dying. ...
And in the pantheon of American history, old white people have pretty much always been the bad guys, the keepers of the hegemonic and reactionary flame, the folks unwilling to share the category of American with others on equal terms.
Fine, keep it up. It doesn’t matter.
Because you’re on the endangered list.
And unlike, say, the bald eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, you are not worth saving. ...
By then, half the country will be black or brown. And there is nothing you can do about it.
Nothing, Senõr Tancredo.
Nothing, Senõra Angle, or Senõra Brewer, or Senõr Beck.
Loy tiene muy mal, hijo de Puta. ...
We just have to be patient.
And wait for your hearts to stop beating.
And stop they will.
And for some of you, real damned soon, truth be told.
Do you hear it?
The sound of your empire dying? Your nation, as you knew it, ending, permanently?
Because I do, and the sound of its demise is beautiful.
So know this.
If you thought this election was payback for 2008, remember . . .
Payback, thy name is . . .
It's important to note that Tim isn't calling here for, say, mass murder, just as when Khrushchev said "We'll bury you," he didn't mean "Under rubble and fallout," but more like, "We'll dance at your funeral."
But, the emotions are clear. And they're common.
1 – 200 of 215 Newer› Newest»A lot of people on the right have blogged on this outrageous 'open letter'. Your's is the best I've read. As you say what's noteworthy about this guy is how mainstream his career is.
Tim Wise is actually 3/4 Jewish. 3 of his grandparents are Jewish.
He does look like a bit like Nosferatu in that photo.
"An Open Letter to the White Right, On the Occasion of Your Recent, Successful Temper Tantrum."
I clearer example of psychological projection and double standards I have never seen.
This guy is awesome 'I am white, so when I talk about the complete destruction of the white race its okay"
but he is also Jewish so he validates every WN persons perception about his half-race.
Its funny how he takes such a non racial issue of limited government and makes it so.
My life has been blessed in that I am not dependent upon being respectful to the Wise as a condition of my employment.
I haven't heard rhetoric like that since 1971, the last year I knew a Klan admirer.
Charles Manson was a prophet for the Wise, and his prophecy of Helter Skelter is mere years from fulfillment. May I die before that day.
The irony is that Uncle Tims are the ones who will make any kind of "socialism" or "equitable wealth redistribution" impossible in America. It seems quite clear that left wing economic policies and flat income distributions are only possible in racially homogeneous countries. Tim's idiotic favoritism towards NAMs will only strengthen the Rupert Murdochs of the world. By 2050 the US will be indistinguishable from paradises of tolerance, equality and social justice like Brazil or Mexico. I hope the progressives enjoy that.
It's important to note that Tim isn't calling here for, say, mass murder, just as when Khrushchev said "We'll bury you," he didn't mean "Under rubble and fallout," but more like, "We'll dance at your funeral."
But, the emotions are clear. And they're common.
Given that Timbo is himself white [or at least half-white], shouldn't that read "our funeral"?
Which is what I keep trying to tell people: In addition to being democidal, these nihilists are also suicidal.
It's all about the Death.
And the most amazing thing is that this is perfectly Politically Correct these days.. Were anybody publish the same article reversing the words "black" and "white", he would be in jail..
Around the end of the 19th century, Jewish thinkers looked for protection against the frequent bouts of persecution they were subjected to. One answer was Zionism, leading ultimately to the creation of a Jewish homeland.
There was another current of thought that looked at neutralizing anti-semitism 'in situ'which, thru the Frankfurt school in Wiemar Germany, the civil right movements in the 60's, led to the present PC ideology. Having identified 'white men' as their tormentors, Jewish intellectuals have used their hold over mass media to array against them a whole slew of victims, including their own women, to destabilize, and eventually, thru demography and immigration, snuff them out.
On his blog, several people seem to think Wise is deluded to imagine he'll be part of the new 'brown-black' elite because he's white. They're wrong. First of all, I don't think he views himself as 'white' in the sense most of us do. Second, yes, he will be part of the ruling elite because he already is.
Re Tim Wise's reference to temper tantrum.
Graydon Carter tries the same tack in the online Vanity Fair.
"A distinguished colleague of mine likens the wiggy mood of the nation to that of a hormonal teenager. What do you call an electorate that seems prone to acting out irrationally, is full of inchoate rage, and is constantly throwing fits and tantrums? You call it teenaged. Is voting for a deranged Tea Party candidate such as Christine O’Donnell, who has no demonstrable talent for lawmaking, or much else, so different from shouting “Whatever!” and slamming the bedroom door? Is moaning that Obama doesn’t emote enough or get sufficiently angry so different from screaming, “You don’t understand!!!”
What astounds me the most is the reaction. I found his screed posted on two liberal blogs, Daily Kos and Balloon Juice, and the reaction in the comments sections there is almost entirely approving.
Well it's not as though Tim's prophesied multicultural wonderland can come about and vindicate him. It will be much uglier than in his dreams, and then what? Some other bogeyman will be at fault.
Of course, if Uncle Tim's vision is ever realized, there won't be much of a market for self-hating white PC evangelists. For that matter, there won't be much of a market for anything beyond a subsistence lifestyle. Tim probably realizes this, which underscores the sick nihilism of the Left.
steve already said this, but tim wise is jewish. of course he's jewish. a certain segment of jewish people in the US feel an intense, burning hatred for europeans. after you have accepted this fact as reality, and you have observed these particular jewish people in their written words and political and legal actions, you have to start to wonder, after a decade or two, what is wrong with them. clearly they have some kind of mental health issue. it goes far beyond the lifestyle contradictions demonstrated by liberal euro americans, with their public lip service to diversity but private adherence to group homogeniety. for liberal euro americans it's a status game. for many of the jewish crusaders though, they really mean it. they want total destruction of every european nation. they want there to be zero countries on earth where genetically european peoples are a majority. they want europeans eradicated.
compare time wise, and his decades long, continual denial that there was a single valuable or useful thing contributed to the world by a european united states, versus james edwards and his lucid, concise defenses of europeans in the US. wise regularly tirades that there was not even one reedemable quality about the US in the past, while edwards effortlessly cuts those kind of arguments to shreds.
there could not be a more high contrast example of who is hostile, hateful, and utterly wrong (wise), versus who is calm, not hateful, and completely in the right (edwards). does time wise genuinely believe that when the random jumble of third world people from around the world become the majority in the US, they will lead the US into some kind of golden age? all evidence points towards a simple brazilian downgrade of a previously dynamic and actually vibrant nation, into a mediocre mess fraught with ethnic divisions, with dramatically less actual vibrancy and cultural export.
For all y’all rich folks, enjoy that champagne, or whatever fancy ass Scotch you drink.
And for y’all a bit lower on the economic scale, enjoy your Pabst Blue Ribbon, ...
He obviously knows nothing. Pabst Blue Ribbon is the drink of choice for trendy urban hipsters.
And in the pantheon of American history, old white people have pretty much always been the bad guys, the keepers of the hegemonic and reactionary flame, the folks unwilling to share the category of American with others on equal terms.
The other day, I was glancing through the Yahoo News photoessay on the Hartley 2 comet fly-by [24 pictures in all], and I was thinking to myself, "Wow, those are some seriously old geezers at NASA."
Many of them look like they date from the Apollo era, and I wouldn't be surprised if one or two of them had been interns during Gemini.
Point being that civilization [which is necessarily white] is on a collision course with the barbarians [who, sadly, are not only black and brown, but are also Scots-Jewish], and the defining question of our generation is whether we can preserve civilization at all, or whether we are going to allow ourselves to be over-run by the barbarians.
Someone needs to rewrite the lyrics of "Magical Misery Tour", on National Lampoon's album "Radio Dinner", using quotes from Uncle Tim rather than John Lennon.
It's important to note that Tim isn't calling here for, say, mass murder
If this is what he is writing, just imagine what he's thinking.
It's adorable when their world comes crashing down. Same thing happened in 2004.
The incredible juxtapose of a guy who would 1. Condemn those who don't want/ fear whites losing majority as [fill in] and 2. simultaneously taunt and celebrate that future is crazy. They shouldn't be able to have it both ways. Either there is nothing to see here, move along or we are allowed to be upset and take some action.
Interesting, when I read the rant a few days ago, I just assumed this guy was black. Who knew he was a long-lost Hitchens brother?
You're right, Steve. Even that model moderate, Bill Clinton, said that he looked forward to the day that whites would no longer be the majority in this country. After independence from England and the War Between the States, he declared that the reduction of whites to a minority will be “the third great revolution of America, if we can prove that we literally can live without having a dominant European culture."
Clinton seemed iffy about whether whites "literally can live" as a minority, but that was evidently okay with him.
Edit "spirochette" to spirochaete or spirochete.
Spirochette sounds like an exotic dance.
Other than that nit to pick ... good article. I too think he is an effective and controlled individual. Just because his philosophy is deranged doesn't make him incompetent.
So do something about it, equally non-violently.
Have babies.
Interestingly enough Wise has 2 kids, all White at least part-White, so he doesn't exactly practice what he preaches.
"Tim is a white man of Scottish and Jewish heritage."
Just like Wiskey.
Anyways, what Tim is saying is pretty much true. If you look at the demographic numbers, they are pretty stark.
Once the baby boomers start dying en masse, this country is going to quickly become majority non-white.
People under 30 today live in a different America than those who are older.
Unlike the white older people, I don't really remember an America that was white.
My America has always been mixed.
In the future, white children won't remember an America that was majority white, since for them, non-whites have always been the majority.
This is why I am certain that no great white revival will come. The change happened too fast. Almost like from one day to another. There won't be ourage amoung people who don't remember a white America.
White America can be erased from the national consiousness.
He who controls the future controls the past. He who controls the past controls the future.
Tim Wise is 100% right. You cannot deny it.
You hbders need to read "Lies My Teacher Told Me" by Loewen.
The astonishing thing about this is that white "intellectuals" at our colleges think this shit is worthwhile and interesting.
Sometimes I think that I might be going a bit overboard in my view of liberal academia... but apparently, I'm not.
You'd think Mr. Multicultural would know where to put the tilde...
I truly hope that he is alive to witness his coming utopia. Think the black flash mobs and so forth are going to care what his ugly white ass wrote when they're looking for a white dude to beat? Neither do I.
Wise makes the point that half the country will be black or brown at some point in the future. OK, we've heard that before.
But other than using language that might be considered inflammatory by some, what has Wise said here that's really all that different from, let's say, John McCain telling us that illegal Mexican immigrants "are God's children and we must take care of them"? Both Wise and McCain are in favor of flooding the country with semi-literate Mexican peasants, and both would do it intentionally. The end result is the same.
And another question: why don't you ever hear people like Wise talk in terms of exile or just plain old kicking those horrible white people out? Shoot, if the likes of Wise said "tell you guys what, we'll give you some states in flyover country, don't bother us, we won't bother you" I'd jump at the opportunity. And I'll bet a lot of others would too. But the dirty little secret is that they know you can't have a functioning 1st world society without those eeevil white people, especially the men.
I wonder if you will make his "enemy attacks" list. Probably not. Absurdly, he lists two attacks there, one by Lou Dobbs and one by Rush. Is that all of the attacking that has happened? Probably not, but I guess those are high profile lightning rods that his following are programmed to hate. Their attacks are trophies.
His PSAT comprehension question writer analogy is so arrogant. I have spanked nearly every reading comprehension question put before me PSAT, SAT, and LSAT included and I comprehend a very anti-white hostility. There is nothing guarded or subject to misinterpretation about goading anti-immigration platforms with Spanish titles. I was not surprised to see him finish with an effeminate "sigh".
Tim's message is pure, unalloyed hate for the largest group of American people. And this is what is being taught to our children! No wonder they come out of colleges with half the brain they went in with.
19,468 people seem to like this one facebook.
Interesting he mentioned 'muskrats' in his piece.From the posted photo (with the snub nose, pudgy face and big front teeth),he looks distictly rodentine himself, perhaps more naked mole rat than muskrat.
Steve Sailer said..."But, the emotions[expressed in Tim Wise's screed*] are clear. And they're common."
That's what the majority of those not on the left** don't get. I know this piece has got a lot of attention among conservatives but I suspect most who've read it see it as an aberration, instead of what it really is, a commonplace POV of the left. And of course, comparatively few people are even aware of its existence.
Non-leftists continue to view the left as a nuisance rather than a threat because they simply can't believe anyone would, without extreme provocation, feel that type and degree of hatred toward them.
The awareness of this anger toward most of the rest of us is what made me decide long ago not to do anything ever that helps anyone on the left, unless it's to my immediate benefit to do so. Because many on the left really do feel this abiding hatred toward us and really wish us harm, even if they won't (yet) take any steps to harm us. And they're the ones making and enforcing policy in this country that they are so outraged we claim as our own.
Anyway, great entry.
*Am I the only one who noticed the same sing-songy black preacher cadence in his writing that Obama used so effectively in that infamous 2004 speech?
**I don't mean the genially liberal whites who voted for Obama because they believed his hype, were tired of the Bush years and felt it was time a qualified, well-spoken black man was elected POTUS
Steve, despite your contention that this isn't a call for mass murder, it is a necessary condition for mass murder: the demonization and dehumanizing of an opponent.
Not every white person is in his 60s, 70s, or 80s. What about young white people, who, though at a lower rate currently, stubbornly persist in being born?
What will their future be like, given the wide acceptance of this bolshevik and his genocidalist views?
The only way to fight the Uncle Tims of this world is to hold them up in the light, and morally condemn them. I find your piece rather short on the necessary moral condemnation, which is disappointment.
Time to start protesting this scum's appearances. This would include pressure on his lecture sponsors as well as demonstrations at his venues.
What is the worst crime that a person can commit or even just contemplate? The abduction, rape, torture and killing of children seems pretty bad and much too common and too real. But I would say that a worse crime yet is the largely theoretical crime that appears in science fiction stories - species traitor.
This kind of villain sides with the invading aliens against the cause of humans. Such actions lead toward the death - usually the horrible death - of everybody.
Species tractors are mass murderers like genocidists but worse yet because of the greater scale.
Therefore I find it disturbing that two recent critically acclaimed sci-fi movies glorify humans who are species traitors. In Avatar Sam Worthington the paraplegic hero supports and fights for the blue aliens even though the plot makes clear that that is against the survival interests of Earth. Similarly in District 9, the white male hero like Worthington in Avatar gets under the skin of the aliens and likes it. He aids them to escape so as to return and conquer Earth.
This must mean something. In the fifties invading aliens was a horrible notion, especially if they were as creepy, and icky as the bugs in District 9. In those days the attitude towards our species enemies was like those in the recent Starship Troopers. Of course Starship Troopers is based on a fifties novel.
In the old days when the aliens landed there was always some soft headed loon who approached the landed ship/meteorite with a white flag and a message of peace. This character would be immediately incinerated as an object lesson to the others.
Somehow all that changed. Now it is seen as sophisticated to be like Tim Wise - an advocate of the extermination of yourself and all like you. If the aliens do land and announce a desire to rid the Earth of all humans, expect Uncle Tim to upgrade from race traitor to species traitor.
He's found a lucrative niche. He has an advantage in that he offers a self contained dialectic through which people can view things, a prepackaged religion that saves people the trouble of trying to figure things out for themselves. College age youth are big consumers of this sort of thing as they are naive and prone to being enticed by various pied pipers who promise them a cause they can throw themselves into. The military likes the same age bracket as they are more easily convinced they're involved in the cause of spreading freedom and happiness rather than just grabbing resources on behalf of big corporations. Hope sells because people want meaning in their lives.They want causes. Of course, the democratic facade falls the moment people like him gain the upper hand and they're able to suppress contrary views, just as communists in the past were prone to do. Making money while selling the coming utopia is what he's doing.
I love his response to criticism of his anti-white screed: "you illiterates, I was criticizing white right-wingers, not whites in general!"
Yeah, sure. He wrote the thing in response to Tuesday's Republican landslide. He's talking to the whites who didn't vote the way he wanted them to...i.e., the white majority.
If anyone ever wrote something similar to the 80-90 percent of blacks, or 70-80 percent of Jews who vote Democrat, he'd be shrieking "racism" or "anti-Semitism," of course. And "some of my best friends are white" would be no defense. Everything Wise writes screams "who-whom?" from beginning to end.
Eventually people like Uncle Tim will get impatient and want to hurry the process along.
Demography always triumphs.
Alternate title: An open letter to the Roman people from the barbarians gathering in the hills
This is so over the top that one might even think he's secretly on our side by giving the liberal Jewish game away. OTOH, he seems to be reiterating what Frank Rich wrote in a more chutzspastic way.
"A lot of people on the right have blogged on this outrageous 'open letter'. Your's is the best I've read. As you say what's noteworthy about this guy is how mainstream his career is."
People who get to decide the terminology--'controversial'--are liberal Jews since they control the academia and media. Wise is one of their own, so he's okay. It was okay for Obama to associate with Ayers and Wright too.
I wish all liberal Jews spoke like Tim Wise.. and had done so since the 60s. Jews have been far more dangerous by HIDING their agenda.
God bless Time Wise, Joel Stein, Frank Rich, and rest of the bunch. They got big mouths.
"And in the pantheon of American history, old white people have pretty much always been the bad guys, the keepers of the hegemonic and reactionary flame, the folks unwilling to share the category of American with others on equal terms."
This is the gratitude the Greatest Generation gets from liberal Tim Wise. 400,000 American casualties in WWII, mostly white gentiles, and Tim Wise taunts them and hopes for their faster demise.
It seems to escape Tim Wise's mind that the greatest generation(and earlier generations) also spearheaded the movement toward greater equality. Truman who integrated the army was pre-GG, and so was Eisenhower who signed landmark bills ending segregation. And the justices who upheld new laws were also pre-GG. Kennedy was GG. Johnson was pre-GG. Most marchers and organizers for civil rights were GG. Boomers take all the credit for changes in the 60s, but this is a fraud. Oldest boomers were born in 1946, which means they were 10 yrs old 1956 when great changes were already afoot. In 1966, the oldest boomers were 20, and already the major changes had taken place. Boomers rode the wave of change than brought upon the change. Even rock and roll were invented by pre-boomers. And they say 60s boomer generation was the film generation, but nearly all the films that mattered in the 60s were made by pre-boomer generations, in US and abroad.
Even the radical Arthur Penn and maverick Peckinpah were GG or closer to GG than to boomers in age.
Perhaps another nickname for him would be the Anti-Steve.
Great observation on the use of "controversial" in the media, Steve. I'd come to think of it as meaning "something that we don't like, that is 'inexplicably' popular."
A false note in his rant is the use of Pabst Blue Ribbon as a class marker. It is a class marker, but it now means hipster, not working class.
Jewish scholars often speak of cultural mentalities. They say due to centuries of Tsarism, Russians have an authoritarian and slavish mentality even today. They say Japanese still have a feudal village mentality despite all the modernity. They say the Chinese still have a middle-kingdom mentality because, for 1000s of yrs, China saw itself as the center of the world. And most of us can agree that even secular white liberals have something of Christian guilt morality.
Well, Jews practiced their religion and culture for 1000s of yrs, so there must be a kind of Jewish mentality even among secular Jews. (Surely, Jews aren't different than others in this regard). One seems to be monomania. Jews embraced One God and One Truth, and most famous Jewish secular intellectuals try to explain EVERYTHING by focusing on one great all-encompassing trut and claim to have come up with The truth. Marx and class theory of history, Freud and sexual theory of psychology, Ayn Rand and radical indivdualism. Right or left, there is a Jewish way of thinking.
What about Jews and outsiders? Christians for centuries have been told to love thy neighbor and embrace all of humanity through peace and love. Having failed at this high ideal, white Christians are filled with guilt and try to make amends.
But what did Judaism teach Jews for 1000s of yrs, a mindset which lingers to this day? To distrust, fear, hold in contempt, and even hate goyim. Also, even though GUILT is a major theme in the Old Testament, it has to do with the Jew before GOD but NEVER Jew before gentile humanity. At best, Old Testament says Jews should treat gentiles minorities within the Jewish community with some degree of civility. But there is no concept of guilt and gratitude towards goyim--similarly Muslims are without guilt over its historical bloodletting because the sacred Koran endorses the killing of infidels without remorse. This may be one reason why Germans feel so much guilt about the Holocaust but Jews feel no guilt about communism. Though Soviet Communism was a new system invented largely by Jewish radicals, modern Jewish intellectuals blame Soviet communism and its failures purely on Russian tsarist tradition and history. In fact, the tsarist system was downright humane and tolerant compared to the modern communist system. When Lenin, Stalin, and Trotksy were sent on exile, they were left alone to fish, read books, have visitors, and have sex with local gals. The gulag system and modern totalitariaism were products of radical Jews, not of Russian tradition.
Of course, Jews are bound to hate the goyim with power--ones standing in the way of total Jewish control--more than goyim with less power. In the West, this translates into Jews trying to tear down white power.
It's not enough for Jews that most whites, both liberal and conservative, are pro-Jewish and willing to accomodate to most things Jewish. Jews must have absolute control and power. And it could be that on some subconscious level, this is a something passed down from 1000s yrs of Jewish history. Tim Wise may consciously be a sincere 'anti-racist', but subconsciously, he could be energized by a kind of selfish Jewish cultural gene.
It's important to note that Tim isn't calling here for, say, mass murder, just as when Khrushchev said "We'll bury you," he didn't mean "Under rubble and fallout," but more like, "We'll dance at your funeral."
Not genocide but democide. Demographic replacement by other peoples.
Two videos that may tell us what is up:
"divide et impera" is the longtime strategy of elite rule in pseudo-democracies like the USA. One way to divide the majority bloc, i.e., whites in america, is by molding the culture over decades. The plutocrats have done that now via the higher education system, for example. THey have used nonprofit foundations to fund academics who create propaganda that projects the white lower middle class as the enemy of all who are 'good and decent.'
Over decades, then, in order to be successful and obtain those grants, the academics have learned anti-white behaviors. Thus is born a culture in higher academia--the culture that demonizes the largest bloc in america--the white working class.
Thus, the plutocrats have domesticated the american culture over decades, just as farmers/pastoralists domesticated livestock. Through natural selection, where the farmers/plutocrats take the place of nature and select for traits that favor use of the livestock/cultural traits for the benefit of those who own them. What are the cultural traits that are dominant in the american academic/liberal culture? hating the white "redneck," loving immigrants, loving diversity. etc. All of which are traits that serve the best interests of rich investors.
Thus americans, who like all homo sapiens, are ruled by culture, their operating system, have become domesticated. Divide et impera. Now the plutocrats have divided us, turned the pseudoeducated college grads into haters and demonizers of the white blue collar/rural types, the plutocrats have full reign over america.
It's not a conspiracy; it's an ecosystem.
So I ask you again: what is leftism? Leftism is pro-white, pro-segregation, pro-secession, pro-states rights, anti-higher education (save for math and science only), pro-home schooling, anti-military, anti-immigration, pro-union, pro-welfare state, pro-progressive taxation, etc.
You may now return to your regularly scheduled pseudo-political discussion....
I discussed this here:
Tim Wises Loses It
I can't think of only two causes for buffoonery such as this:
1) It is entirely in Mr. Wise's economic interests to pretend he believes all this because for the last several decades it has paid off handsomely to do so. Having had to sit through scores of back-to-school guest speakers pushing their latest books or lastest memes on why kids aren't learning as they should, he is just one of many. The speaking fees do result in a good living.
2.) Extreme self-loathing (Who knows why? Could be a myriad of things.)
This rant, along with any of his others, needs to be sent to any school which considers hiring him as a speaker. Let his whole body of work, not just his watered-down presentations, be known.
I have a problem with the phrase "Uncle Tim". An "Uncle Tom" is a black person who is disloyal to his ethnic group. This guy Tim Wise is pretending to be white and selling out his ethnic group, but of course he is an ethnic Jew who considers himself apart from white Gentiles. He is criticizing his ethnic group's #1 rival for power. He isn't selling out at all.
Tim Wise is among the most respected anti-racist writers & educators in the U.S., having spoken in 48 states and on over 400 college campuses. He has trained teachers as well as corporate, government, media and law enforcement officials on methods for dismantling institutional racism, and has served as an consultant for plaintiff’s attorneys in federal discrimination cases in New York and Washington State.
In other words, he spreads his distinctly Nazi-style message on the taxpayers dime. Seems like a much more worthy target for Republican lawmakers than NPR.
Anti-proton: identical in every way to a proton, merely flipped the other way.
Anti-racist: same idea.
Great piece Steve. What a sick puppy this Wise guy is.
Ohmygod, this man is utterly filled with hatred of his own heritage. He's got some kind of mental disorder and needs help. Projection indeed.
Here is a dose of truth for "Tim." The problem with his plan to dance on my white "grave" is that the inheritance will have been spent. Whitey's credit card will no longer be accepted at the 'ol foreign market.
So he may have only about 10 minutes to admire his dark rainbow over the U.S.A. Then that rainbow will fracture, possibly turning brown against black..Asian against (?). It may fracture even early enough for Whitey to slap on a beret and pump his fist in the air; will that be on PBS? Oh wait there wasnt enough money for PBS. Then there wasnt enough for colleges. Then there was the point the public employee unions found out that paying for an immigrant invasion didnt leave enough for their golden years, or will that phrase be black years, yes i think they will be black indeed.
I think "Tim's" problem is that he is making a RACIST assumption that he will be in a "minority" -dominated white world...white money, white institutions..white credit...white ... It will be an entirely different world.
White advocates often get accused of whining about an apparent double standard in media and political discourse, in that whites are routinely exposed to verbal and written attacks, that pointed at any 'protected' group would certainly result in the censure, ostracizing, dismissal and end of public life for the author of the attack.
The witch-hunt against james Watson was merely a mild attack of the sort, as Watson's contentious speech was muted - the real ferocious attacks always result in the 'professional death' of the protagonist, and thus are rare occurrence these days.
Anyhow, the acid test to gauge the double standard is to substitute the word 'black' for 'white' in the piece, and to read the piece in its entirety to oneself.If you honestly think that such a piece expounded by a prominent white would result in 'professional death', then the double standard is exposed.
The problem is he is absolutely correct. Nothing can be done. This is the year of the majority-minority births.
America is so racist that a guy like Tim Wise has no problem getting in the front door of over 600 universities and getting paid for the trouble.
In other news, Tom Tancredo visited one university somewhere to give a speech gratis and was shouted down and issued death threats.
But as they say, "worse is better." Guys like Wise are the best advertisement for our cause.
A healthy white man's first reaction to Wise is probably that he's a carpetbagger, cheap hustler, con man, carney barker, etc.
No, that's an insult to carpetbaggers, cheap hustlers, con men, and carney barkers. Fraudsters usually present harmless things as valuable, say, soda water as panacea.
Wise is a carpetbagger, a cheap hustler, a con man, a carney barker, who sells poison as antidote, puts gasoline in fire extinguishers.
This guy is not controversial?
If the anti-White emotions are real and clear, then doesn't spreading and validating those emotions to audiences composed of at least some individuals who do wish us immediate physical harm constitute incitement? And another thing about incitement, which I think Wise's letter rises to the level of, is that it legitimizes violence against us by not only trivializing, but cheering on our loss of political power and our loss of life. Furthermore, as incitement, it has the value-added quality (for anti-Whites like Tim Wise) of legitimizing others to incite against us.
The joke is that black people themselves know a huckster careerist when they see one.
He looks like a menacing character behind the Iron Curtain in that photo.
"It's important to note that Tim isn't calling here for, say, mass murder,......"
Actually, I think he is:
"We just have to be patient. And wait for your hearts to stop beating. And stop they will. And for some of you, real damned soon, truth be told."
That's the sort of think I'd think twice about before putting in an E-mail or posting on a blog. Sounds like incitement to me.
I must say the degree of pure hatred a white American such as this Tim Wise expressed for his fellow white Americans is really quite astonishing. One would think he'd have just slit his own wrists and been done with it already.
The only comparable case that easily comes to mind is that of the Russian Bolsheviks, who slaughtered so many millions of their fellow Russians in such grisly fashion.
I'll admit I've always been a bit skeptical of the claims of our Scots-Irish friend "Whiskey" at the burning dislike of white women toward their own race, but it now appears he just hasn't gone far enough in his analysis: white American men such as Tim Wise seem even more virulent in their hatred of their own people.
Perhaps we may eventually see the second great "auto-genocide" in modern Western history, the first one obviously being that of the Russian Bolsheviks...
Tim Wise has crossed the rubicon now and joins the hallowed ranks of such Jewish luminaries as Ignatiev ("Abolish the white race"), Kaufman ("Germany Must Perish"), and Sontag ("the cancer of human history").
I don't think most of Tim's political allies have thought this through as fully as he has, but I think the emotions and basic logic are, indeed, widespread.
Yeah, I don't know. It takes a special sort to genuinely be that masochistic. And I think it's misguided to grace this with the concept of "logic" in the first place. Sure, for the actual Wises of the world, there may be some thought-out rationale under it all. But for the typical Kossite, being a leftist is merely about looking righteous in public, not about operating on some foundation of reasoned premises and conclusions.
I'd love to be privy to the internal mental reactions going on with the cheering masses over at Kos. Beneath each "You go, Tim!" exclamation, I would imagine, is a vaguely discomfiting sensation. Whether you're a white conservative or a white liberal, the demographic shifts celebrated by Wise threaten a loss of power, period. And there aren't many human beings who seek that.
Jane Liberal may clamor for a rainbow society, but she also wants to remain in a position in which such clamoring strengthens her social status.
Freud's concept of "projection" remains a highly useful one to keep in mind when reading the newspaper.
Projection of negative traits common to one's own people onto others seems to be a strongly Jewish characteristic.
In secular life, the Frankfurt School crowd seems to have projected its mommy issues onto gentiles. According to some recent biographers, Freud was an exceedingly infantile personality whose wife had to baby him like a little child.
In the sphere of religion, the founder of Chabad Lubavitch, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, may have projected negative behaviors common to his fellow Jews onto onto the goyim. The seminal work of Chabad, The Tanya, thus declares:
From this soul stem also the good traits inherent in every Jew’s character, such as compassion and benevolence.
The souls of the nations of the world, however, emanate from the other, unclean kelipot which contain no good whatever, as is written in Etz Chayim, Portal 49, ch. 3, that all the good that the nations do, is done out of selfish motives. So the Gemara comments on the verse, “The kindness of the nations is sin” — that all the charity and kindness done by the nations of the world is only for their self-glorification...
The funny thing is that when you look into Orthodox Judaism, what you'll find is that almost every justification for treating non-Jews morally revolves around answering the question "Is it good for the Jews? in the affirmative.
A Jew who defends treating non-Jews morally must make his case by arguing that immoral treatment will lead to chillul Hashem (literally, desecration of God's name, but actually any kind of bad PR for Jews), or that the person who commits an immoral act against a non-Jew may also threaten fellow Jews. There is no intrinsic respect for the non-Jew in any of these arguments.
I'm beginning to see more and more of the behaviors of secular Jews reflected in their pious antecedents. It's quite interesting and sometimes disturbing.
"they are like the San Francisco Giants, to your New York Yankees: a bunch that loses year after year after year, until they finally win."
There are so many dumb things in Wise's post, but that's a gem. If only the white right held the position of Yankees in baseball. The Giant's win is a gritty thing, but not the result of a permanent sea change.
I wonder how much money he does make being a proselytizer of politically correct nonsense?
He isn't mainstream at all. He is popular with the hate America left on college campuses. Marxism is too, but I wouldn't call it mainstream.
Tim's outburst is very emotional and suggests a man who is clearly unhinged. The sentiments underlying his outburst are not intellectually driven. This suggests a psychological explanation.
The wiki has him born in 1968 and growing up in Nashville, TN. He would have been school aged from 1974-1986, being 12 years old in 1980. Tennessee was at this time, and still is, a racially charged place. I think the guy was picked on by his white peers at the time, for whatever reason, and that he sought solace among the black kids. Or maybe he had a black girlfriend in either junior high or high school and they were tormented over it (there was and still is a big color line with regards to social life in Tennessee).
I believe the root of Tim Wise's hatred towards "white" culture can be found in his childhood or teenage life history.
For all y’all rich folks, enjoy that champagne, or whatever fancy ass Scotch you drink.
And for y’all a bit lower on the economic scale, enjoy your Pabst Blue Ribbon, ...
Even this comment reminds me of traditional Jewish resentment and envy for aristocratic gentile betters combined with an equally traditional loathing of peasant gentile inferiors.
Steve, I don't think he's mainstream. If he was, he would not have lost his GT gig. He's probably going to be cast out.
Because the internet collapses the space for the professional left, in the College campuses and Corporate HR gigs where this guy is NOT controversial, to the public arena where he is.
Most White people don't have a life of privilege. Most Whites are like John Boehner than Barack Obama. That is they worked a ton of crummy jobs, often took a long time to work through school (because they supported themselves and did it part time), had no AA scholarships, no connections, no money.
And they resent like hell a spoiled, foreign prince like Obama or Wise. Zuckerman's column noted only 28% of Whites would vote to re-elect Obama today. A guy like Wise depended on having his message NOT SPREAD OUT beyond the College campus and HR training room. Like Ward Churchill before him.
Now he's toast. He knows it. EVERY Campus that has him speak, is going to get ordinary people demanding that they not pay for his appearance fees. That people cough it up themselves at the entrance if they want to hear him. Taxpayer money to call for the end of Whites in America during a deep and lasting recession is a non-starter.
Even the elites are starting to feel the heat.
Let me add (damn Blogger length restrictions) even the elites are getting worried. FT Columnist Philip Stephens noted that in the last twenty years, the economy in the US grew by 60% (remarkable for a mature industrial economy) but living standards for the middle class rose only 10% adjusted for inflation. Cheap Chinese junk and easy credit he notes masked the lack of income (as you've noted as well, perhaps he's read your columns) but that's over now. Indeed, inflation in food and energy are zapping the White middle class.
Stephens goes on to take them to task for "racism" against Obama, the Muslim thing, etc. But he can see the danger.
Yeah Wise is campus/HR mainstream, but for ordinary Whites the question is, what's in it for me? For being a sudden, discriminated, punished minority in America dominated by Mexicans? Punished for bad stuff done by long-dead Whites who are mostly no relation to me?
If you are rich and White, no problem, you live like Carlos Slim. But even as Roissy notes, the SWPL women "when their feminine humours do reassert for a temporary spell, sloppily scattershot in their compassion for indigents a world away while being brutishly curt and spiteful in their dealings with men in their social orbit" well that means nothing if the question is put to them, do you want to be living around lots of poor, and violent Mexicans?
Status mongering ala Nice White Ladies is one thing. I know quite a few who do that, telling poor Mexican boys in the barrio they will grow up to be engineers (they'd never dream of telling White boys that, they'd prefer them to be erased from society as the original sin of racism or something).
But they don't want to LIVE in the barrio and Wise undeniably wants to put them there. The lady above, nice, age 57, lives in Aliso Viejo. She's not going to have her home plummet in value to make her status mongering higher.
That is why Wise is worried. His message got out. He's screwed. As the White population is radicalized.
With his hybrid vigor and politburo head rug, he would make the next 'Tim Il Sung'
When will people in the audience start whistling, then we can see that priceless look on the face when he realises the game is up.
America is dying. I agree. What an honest fellow this Tim Wise is
"...mostly older white folks beholden to an absurd, inaccurate, nostalgic fantasy of what America used to be like."
I think I understand this demographic (they are much more moderate than I). They don't care about race as an end, but, to them, signs point to an America that does not work as well as it used to. And race and illegal immigration seem to be linked to that dysfunction. Why is that such an odious concern? Thank God poor minorities don't feel about whites like Wise does. Nobody can compete with a white dude for hating white people. Hey, the critics are right that we do hate uniquely.
John Derbyshire commented on this "ethnomasochist" on his podcast this week on NR. Similar feelings. The hatred drips off the page, the elitism (look at my Spanish!) reeks with every sentence. What a douche.
How much do you think he gets per speech? How many kids do you think show up? I am honestly curious. I wouldn't be surprised if the first question was more than we thought, but the second one was less that we thought. Maybe he should be booked at the next Mencken seminar in Baltimore. Do you think he takes questions?
Props to you and Derb on the moniker "Uncle Tim". You can't beat it.
Obviously, there is no point responding to Tim Wise's miasmic secretion. I have seen it proposed out there that it be sent to businesses and universities around the country, along with a request to please stop patronising this creepy little man, but that is, of course, no use, since his views are, as pointed out, mainstream -- and certainly inside the putrescent cesspit of fetid anti-White hatred that is modern academia.
Through his subsequent actions, Tim has in fact given us the best ammunition. Following appalled reactions to his open letter, he shut down the comments box, edited the ending, and issued a lengthy and detailed letter of explanation, which of course does nothing but confirm the truth of what we saw in the original text.
A reminder, if any was needed, that there can be no appeasement, no compromise, no possible accommodation, with the faction he represents.
I look forward to the day Tim's heart stops beating. May it come soon.
If I were Tom Tancredo, I'd be honored to be on Uncle Tim's black list.
"white American men such as Tim Wise"
Timmy the unWise is "White" like B.O. is "White."
That is to say, they both have a White mammy and a non-White daddy.
In B.O.'s case, daddy is an ink-Black African. In Timmy's case, daddy is Jewish.
Both Timmy and B.O. demonstrate that their natural proclivities, political leanings and loyalties, and therefore their rightful race-membership, are in accord with their non-White parents.
Is he a Jew?
Wise attended Hebrew school, and -- in the right company -- has discussed Jews with the terms "we", "us", "my people".
The Swedish elite's response to the Centre Right.
I have been in Wise's face for years. I call him my dumb little pudgy Timmy
The funny thing about Tim is that he's 40-50 years out of date. While he's been living at the 1968 Democratic Convention for the past 42 years, the rest of the world has been catching up with the USA.
And so, when the big bad USA is no longer King of the Hill, what will Tim do next for a racket? What up and coming rich country will he turn his professional revolutionism upon next?
In 30 years, he'll be telling the impoverished whites of the third world USA that the oil Sheiks and the Chinese are the exploiters of the workers.
Man, I got so bored reading that thing. It was just one huge bowl of tl:dr.
But honestly, you guys shouldn't take this fool so seriously. He's just saying what he knows his audience wants to hear. I doubt he believes a single word of this garbage.
I think what rubs many the wrong way about what Tim wrote is that he is correct: the boomers (old whites) start dying off rapidly with in the next 10-15 years.
Not much time to turn things around.
Steve S. said:
professional anti-racist Tim Wise. [emph. add.]
Of course this guy in not anti-racist, he is in fact quite pro-racism. So long as the racism is directed against whites.
Typical Jew. In so many ways. I feel quite justified in saying JEW because he is 75% Jewish. Those who call him "Uncle Timmy" are quite wrong. Unlike the black "Uncle Tom", Wise is NOT being disloyal to Whites since he does not see himself as one. Only as a Jew. Many Jews have this weird fantasy that they share some kind of bond with colored peoples. It exists only in their deluded minds. Blacks and Arabs have no love of them while Hispanics just see Jews as loud, over-privileged, and the wealthiest Whites. Jews will wake up to the reality of this truth too late.
Wise menacingly eludes that the time is coming when whites will be punished and have to pay. The implication seems to be that whites are not only going to be unable to separate themselves from non-whites but rather, will have to forcibly “share” not only what they have built but what they will continue to build. My guess is that Wise understands that even when the US becomes a plurality and blacks and browns control the political power they will permanently lag behind Whites and Asians by every measure that counts. The whole point of having political control is that it allows for transfers of wealth to “equalize” the unequal fruits of HBD.
Tim Wise said..."The sound of your empire dying? Your nation, as you knew it, ending, permanently?"
Oh please Br'r Tim, whatever you do, please don't break up da' yankee empire.
Yes, Wise's attitude is widespread among a certain type of liberal. A dozen years ago, I was surfing the radio dial one night. I came across a liberal radio talk show host named Mike Malloy (who is still on the air). He said the same things Wise says, "how will whiny white people like it when the nonwhite majority comes in a few years." Malloy also said, "I'd like to take a dirty ball-peen hammer and beat those white racist conservatives on the head."
Not too surprising Wise is from Tennessee (so am I). He didn't mix well with his schoolmates and they teased him. Wise countered by developing a hero-worship of blacks, starting with athletes he saw on TV possibly.
Wise found a black person who was friendly and talked to him. Soon, Wise was telling blacks he encountered how much he dispised white people, which was well received.
It has developed into a life-time job.
He doesn't look very masculine. I'd guess he grew up envying any white male who had great hand-eye co-ordination and whom the girls liked.
Feelings like this always arise from something deeply personal and pathological.
A non-white majority doesn't necessitate the end of white "hegemony" in America any more than a non-Jewish majority in the Middle East necessitates the end of Israel.
It's called apartheid. A good system in such cases. Very enforceable in the absence of guilt in a significantly large part of the population (even in the presence of boycotts - by whom?).
Short of that, let's ACTUALLY "take America back" and shut down immigration - and encourage the ones who are here to leave. Time for the body politic to vomit, big time.
Btw, I wonder how many young Ron Paul fans (mostly white men) have read Tim's evil screed, and what they think of it.
I wonder what returning soldiers (mostly white men) would think of it.
>Tim Wise is actually 3/4 Jewish. 3 of his grandparents are Jewish.<
Didn't know that; thanks for the info.
The first time I heard of Wise, I saw a campus sign saying that an “anti-racist” would be speaking. This was over a decade ago. I went to hear his speech, but he didn’t actually give one. Instead, he challenged the audience, asking for any racist in the crowd to come forward and debate him. The auditorium was about a quarter full. Many sat in the back of the large, darkened room, like I did. Since no one would debate him in favor of “racism,” he went directly to taking questions. An Asian woman who also sat in the back of the room asked him about Affirmative Action as a means to discriminate against Asians in graduate school admissions. She relayed that she was applying to law school and that she was well aware of the unfair standards to which Asians are held. As I recall, his response was to criticize “cut-throat competition” and offer his own anecdote: he said that his test scores were low, and that the “holistic” admissions approach was the reason that he is where he is. True enough.
I have to admit that white people are pretty dumb to call racism against their own people and Asian people "reverse racism." I think Sarah Silverman explained exactly why unequal treatment of Asians is acceptable to liberal douches. Was the Boxer Rebellion the last time we had an Asian riot?
I guess Mr Wise has never been to Liberia. It's hard to see how 'white privilege', 'institutional racism', or whatever is holding black folks back there, as Whites aren't even allowed to be citizens.
America is dying. I agree. What an honest fellow this Tim Wise is
A lot of truth in that. Didn't Mr Sailer just write a piece ethnically breaking down the recent election? So a lot has already been lost.
Thanks eh, I'd never heard that, not once, in about 10 years of reading ethnopatriotic material on the 'net.
Can somebody give me a reference for the claim that Wise is 3/4 Jewish?
To "just shoot me":
You and Tim are two sides of the same coin. Racism is racism is racism.
There are many Jews who are reading this column, including me, and remarks such as yours keep me from ever sharing Steve's blog with any of my acquaintances. And this is a shame. If you alienate conservative Jews, you will have lost a powerful ally.
To the Anonymous who wrote "Typical Jew. In so many ways. [...] Jews will wake up to the reality of this truth too late."
There are many of us who never even went to sleep, so we have nothing to wake up from.
Wise is about as Jewish as I am. Jews are the Chosen People. God gave them that designation, and they don't care much about those un-Chosen. Blacks, Hispanics, whatever. Howard Stern makes fun of them, as does Adam Sandler (more gently) in his films. That bit where Stern quizzes Black and Hispanic guys on the street (that Leno ripped off for Jaywalking) comes to mind.
Nope, Wise is a debased Calvinist. Instead of original sin, "Whiteness" is substituted. The saved and the damned, predestined. And foretold by their status in life and their shouted beliefs.
Really, substitute "White" for "Satan" and "non-White" for God and you get ... Calvinism. It is amazing, really, how robust the form (though not the substance) of Calvinism remains. Whereas Roman Catholicism and even Evangelicalism that is non-Calvinist have not done well in the Literacy Era.
You'd expect a Southerner to pick up on the cultural effects of Evangelicalism, but instead he's a total Calvinist.
Your call for “citizenism” is flawed because SWPL whites and Red State whites can’t live peacefully in the same place.
As Tim Wise has shown, there can be no peace between the two groups. Just remember the Omar Thornton case and how the elite responded to his story of “going after the racists”…
There can be no peace.
"Similarly in District 9, the white male hero like Worthington in Avatar gets under the skin of the aliens and likes it. He aids them to escape so as to return and conquer Earth."
You're spot on about Avatar, but South African refugee Blomkamp's District 9 was much deeper than that and, as Steve has written, actually rather subversive of PC orthodoxy. On the DVD's audio commentary to the movie Blomkamp muses that he hopes the audience will consider whether the human protagonist in district 9 is helping the alien out of genuine altruism for the other species or because he is being genetically taken over by the alien DNA and his helping the alien resulted from genetic affinity. Blomkamp has obviously thought about sociobiological issues.
If look at Wise's imagery, it is remarkably like John Winthrop's City Upon A Hill except with God replaced with multiculturalism.
And that is the irony of Wise. In being so "anti-racist" he is the inheritor of a tradition he'd probably despise if he knew it: the Puritans. In doing so of course he lost his Jewishness. What Jew, honestly, looks to a "shining city upon a hill," words taken from ... the Bible? Uttered by Jesus?
Can anyone imagine Woody Allen uttering those lines? Groucho Marx?
As far as non-White vs. White demography, there usually occurs a "Silverado moment" whereupon the character played by Kevin Kline realizes, hey no threat to his pal Linda Hunt if the character played by Brian Dennehy is dead. Eventually Whites will realize they can have lots more goodies if lots of people who don't make much money are kicked out. To Mexico or someplace.
Because its always about the money. ALWAYS.
Those emotions are pretty clear and they are quite common. I read them plenty often on balloon juice which is my leftist blog of choice. Often while I drink my- well not Pabst, but a different beer.
Timmy is whistlin past the graveyard here. Problem is he assumes an endless tide of "brown" immigration that refuses to assimilate and identify with the American people already here. FAIL.
Once upon a time the Irish were such, and later Italians and East Europeans. That didn't last forever and neither will this wave of immigrants. For one thing not even Barry and his filibuster proof senate dared propose an amnesty. That's significant methinks.
Also significant is the election of Marco Rubio to the US senate and the election Raul Labrador to the House from Idaho. I found out today Mr. Labrador was born in Puerto Rico.
Per Timmy the "brown" Mr. Labrador should be a leftist looking to make a living by taking from whitey. Actually he is a conservative American who worked his way up the old fashioned way- by working.
Timmy FAIL.
SWPL hipsters drink Pabst Blue Ribbon.
I wonder what power the leftists and those ethnically predisposed to leftism think they will have after the end of America. Do they really think the Chinese are going to tolerate a non-Chinese banker class? Do they really think the Chinese and Eastern Europeans will pay big bucks to send their offspring to once-great colleges now that they have their own? You'd think the elites would kind of enjoy their position skimming the cream off of a nation of 300M hardworking, productive people. And that they'd work to keep the nation hardworking and productive so that the skimming stayed good, the same way a farmer takes care of his animals. But they seem hell-bent on turning this country into some Columbian meztizo hellhole. I just don't get it.
As Steve has pointed out, a white (and Asian and Jewish) upper class can get along quite well as the overlords of a majority non-white population as in Latin America. I think we will see more "white flight" on a continental scale, with whites settling in the inland western states. If I were a young white working class guy growing up in California, I would be packing my bags for Boise or Salt Lake City.
BTW, as a generational things go, I meet lots of 20-something libertarians in Seattle. These people aren't particularly fond of the Fed or the security police state. And they sure as heck don't respect the baby boomers and their leftist pablum that brought the country from a position of world supremacy to obese pathetic in the space of a generation.
Tim Wise may consciously be a sincere 'anti-racist', but subconsciously, he could be energized by a kind of selfish Jewish cultural gene.
Gee, ya think?
[In all honesty, though, my guess is that it's a heckuva lot less subconcious than they care to admit.]
He is also at Georgia Institute of Technology's Diversity Week.
INCREASE YOUR DIVERISTY COMPENTENCE! Ebonics is a culturally valid form of self expression and should be valued and embraced by the authentic afrovooddo american community at Tech. Never mind the rash of black on white muggings in the adjacent Home Park neighborhood. Atlanta: Vibrant, Safe, Diverse! Because we say so!
The Office of Diversity Programs is pleased to be able to announce Diversity Week 2010.
We have 11 new cutting edge programs to assist you in increasing your multicultural competence.
The keynote address will be given by Tim Wise on Thursday, November 11, 2010 at 7:30 PM at the College of Management, LeCraw Auditorium. Tim Wise is among the most prominent anti-racist writers, speakers and educators in the United States, and has been called, “One of the most brilliant, articulate and courageous critics of white privilege in the nation,” by best-selling author and professor Michael Eric Dyson, of Georgetown University. Wise, who was recently named one of “25 Visionaries Who are Changing Your World,” by Utne Reader, has spoken in 49 states, on over 600 college campuses, and to community groups across the nation. Wise has a new book, Colorblind, and his speech will center on that concept.
there must be a kind of Jewish mentality even among secular Jews. (Surely, Jews aren't different than others in this regard). One seems to be monomania. Jews embraced One God and One Truth, and most famous Jewish secular intellectuals try to explain EVERYTHING by focusing on one great all-encompassing trut and claim to have come up with The truth. Marx and class theory of history, Freud and sexual theory of psychology, Ayn Rand and radical indivdualism. Right or left, there is a Jewish way of thinking.
Yup. The Jewish strength - and weakness - is this monomania, this one ideology that everyone must accept. Once you recognize it it's a lot easier to subvert.
Nothing can be done.
Sure it can - get out there and start making babies.
Sewanee Diversity Coalition is bringing extremist hatemonger Tim Wise to Sewanee: The University of the South to teach the Diversity Curse how to hate Whitey even more than ever. Paid for by the University. Sewanee endorses anti-Whitey hatred and potential violence against White students at historically White Southern University. Sewanee students are mostly rich, very White, good looking, polished, fashionable, and arrogant as heck. The Diversity Curse will love Time Wise for telling them that hating Whitey at Sewanee is the right thing to do. Will he instigate the blacks to rise up and start beating and robbing the uppity White fraternity boys?
Sewanee’s Diversity Coalition considers Time Wise an “educator”. Educating the blacks on how to hate Whitey. Why do they need educating in what comes so natural to them?
Author and educator Tim Wise to speak at Sewanee
7:00 pm on 9 Nov 2010
Convocation Hall
Tim Wise was recently named one of “25 Visionaries Who are Changing Your World” by Utne Reader. He is among the most prominent anti-racist writers and educators in the U.S. and has been called “one of the most brilliant, articulate and courageous critics of white privilege in the nation” by best-selling author and professor Michael Eric Dyson.
I just sent an email to Cal State hosts of Tim's upcoming gig:
Maybe they are truly unaware of who they are dealing with. Here are listed contacts:
Phone: 323-343-2450
Fax: 323-343-5101
Email: usu@calstatela.edu
University-Student Union
California State University, LA
5154 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032
Tennessee on Tuesday, California on Wednesday, Georgia on Thursday: I've got to take my hat off to this guy's work ethic.
Steve Sailer said...Tennessee on Tuesday, California on Wednesday, Georgia on Thursday: I've got to take my hat off to this guy's work ethic.
When asked to say something nice about the devil, the minister said, "He's a hard worker."
Judging from his photo he is clearly neither masculine or handsome. He probably wasn't very popular at school. In simpler times he is what would have been called a 'nerd'. Being an "anti-racist" (yeah whatever,) gives him a means and a venue to feel important and be heard. It also keeps him from having to get a REAL job. Being Jewish I can't help but wonder if he takes similar delight in the knowledge that Palestinians will eventually outnumber Jews in the land that was pre-1948 Palestine? Somehow I doubt it.
Woa, the guy is very, very busy. Here is his full schedule:
Being professional "anti-racist" probably pays very well. Wonder what his typical fee is. Beyond what Steve mentioned, the rest of this year only:
11/15/10: Washington, DC National Park Service
11/16/10: Prairie View, TX Prairie View A & M University
11/29/10: Oroville, CA Butte College
11/30/10: Chico, CA California State University, Chico
12/1/10: Los Angeles, CA University of California, Los Angeles
December is slow but the job picks up in January with nine lectures on how to spot systemic racism.
By the way, earlier today I went to his Facebook profile and saw that he had a post from a week before the election that i can't find there any longer. I am paraphrasing but it said: "People who say the country's budget should be run like a family budget are idiots...family budgets run long term debt, i.e. college loans, current/future value...ANYONE WHO DOESNT UNDERSTAND SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO VOTE NEXT WEEK."
I'll take that electoral prereq any year any district. I say this because I have tried to tutor blacks. Wisely he seems to have deleted this post.
My impression is that he is a dummy and the commenter who says that Wise admitted to low scores confirms that. The dumb make widely received blowhards, see Sean Hannity. I'd really like to see more on X chrome/Y chrome IQ and personality traits, b/c this guy (like some others of his mix) seems to have gotten dad's personality and mom's goykopf smarts (although the the revelation that he is 3/4 jewish mucks this up).
It's quite obvious and no denials will ever help Tim the hater but still, there is a telling experiment one guy put on youtube. He took the text of Tim's letter, replaced Tim with Goebbels, Whites with Jews and pretended it was written in 1920s in Germany. The piece reads very authentically! I bet it would be very, very easy to fool absolute majority of people that this was written verbatim by a Jew-hating Nazi.
Steve Sailer said..."Tennessee on Tuesday, California on Wednesday, Georgia on Thursday: I've got to take my hat off to this guy's work ethic."
He's well-paid for taking center stage and spewing hatred. That's not a work ethic for which I have any respect.
I think you're too nice to have any real comprehension of how driven by hatred this man is. Far from tiring him, the opportunities to speak venomously about his enemies probably energize him. I suspect he'd find enforced idleness more of a challenge than a grueling schedule.
Hatred is exhilarating to hate-mongers.
We've been looking into Sewanee's involvement with anti-White agitation and found some very obvious trends.
We conclude that anti-White hatred is so common and expected on the Sewanee campus, that nobody will even notice that dangerous and extremist anti-White hatemonger Tim Wise ever showed up on campus.
Sewanee afro aggressively demands more afro faculty:
iReport — It’s very dangerous what is happening in this University community, please spread this message.
copy of emails:
Dear Faculty and Staff,
As a female faculty member of color I want to publicly express my outrageat the racist web sites/blogs and my continued disappointment in the University administration’s lack of real efforts to address issues surrounding diversity and intolerance at Sewanee. Many students,particularly students of color, are currently experiencing great amounts of anxiety because of these insidious images. To my knowledge little is being done to ease the fears that many of them have shared with me. I also feel a great amount of unease for my children, my colleagues of color and myself. While I truly believe that the ideas and comments found on the web sites/blogs do not represent the Sewanee community, I am concerned that students are losing faith in their professors and administrators in making them feel wanted and safe. I urge every staff member and faculty that truly cares and is committed to diversity and social justice to put pressure of the administration to do the following:
1. Immediately hire more tenure-track faculty of color
2. Require that all students complete a social justice requirement
3. Add more courses to the curriculum that address culture and race in American society.
Kim Gallon
Dear Sewanee Community,
In response to the recent Internet hate blog targeting members of ourcommunity, let us stand in solidarity and with one voice affirm that the Sewanee community is welcoming, and that we do not tolerate injustice or prejudice of any kind.
Join us and come out to the School of Theology on Tuesday, March 30 at 12:15 pm for a walk to the Quad, adjacent to All Saints’ Chapel, for a time of prayer and a show of unity.
This is the link that has caused outrage:
"Tennessee on Tuesday, California on Wednesday, Georgia on Thursday: I've got to take my hat off to this guy's work ethic." Steve S
I agree. I think he's a true believer, and not an opportunist. As much as I can't stand him politically, he'd probably be a good person to go to a bar with.
The question we should be asking Sewanee is, "When will you apologize to your Diversity Quotas for not having brought anti White hatemonger Tim Wise to campus sooner?"
Given what we've found on the Internet about Sewanee, he should have already spent several semesters there as an Honored Regents Lecturer in Civil Rights, Human Dignity, and the Ongoing Struggle for Equality, with an emphasis on "how to use 'multicultural understanding' tactics to force rich White frat boys to atone for the sins of segregation by holding themselves accountable to people of color for their unearned privileges".
SEWANEE: 18 Faculty Demand Changes to University of South Purpose Statement; More Justice, Less Christ
SEWANEE Gets Politically Corrected
I've looked up pictures of the guy on Google Images, and he seems like a portly, little nerd. But and this is the problem, a nerd who isn't smart enough to make a living as a engineer, lawyer, doctor, professor (In a real subject, not Latin American Studies), whatever, so he spends his time going after the naive undergrads in American academia and their older counterparts in the working world.
I found something on the Web, where he arguing in the L.A. Times in 2001 that Columbine was but a foretaste of a massive white crime upsurge in the suburbs because and I quote: "What affects the urban "ghetto" today will be coming to a Wal-Mart near you tomorrow, and unless you address the emptiness, pain, isolation and lack of hope felt by children of color and the poor, then don't be shocked when the support systems aren't there for your kids either." In other words, rampant crime is coming to American heartland!!! Better start spending the government money in the inner city Real Soon.
It's pretty clear what this guy is, he's a pseudo-intellectual who jumps on whatever is in the news at this moment and tries to make himself appear as an "expert" on the topic in order to make a nicer living for himself in his "niche"
Bill O'Reilly would love this. He'd probably read Wise's rant on the air and then tell his vast audience all the places Mr. Wise will be speaking.
Remember the prof in Colorado that O'Reilly went after, Ward Something or Other?
It's good to shine a spotlight on idiots. The light and heat are incredibly cleansing.
Sewanee now costs $46,000 per year.
That's an out of pocket $184,000 over four years for those rich, Republican, tantrum-throwing White Parents who send their beautiful, articulate, cultured, intelligent, well-mannered, properly groomed, talented, promising White Children to Sewanee to learn how to transcend that pernicious tendency at getting "too far along" in their ignorant and vile White Identities.
A little dose of Tim Wise every now and then might be just what's needed to seal the deal and make darn sure that the $184,000 is money well spent.
"Tennessee on Tuesday, California on Wednesday, Georgia on Thursday: I've got to take my hat off to this guy's work ethic."
Yeah, 'cuz schlepping a pullman through climate-controlled airports and yakking for 2 hours is much, much tougher than, say, pulling a 14-day-straight, 12-hours-per tour on a drilling rig in the Wyoming wind.
I think Steve's point is that Wise is talking about something that no one on the "respectable right" is willing to face: that demographic change will doom conservatism(ie mainstream white values) to being not politically viable in elections.
"It seems quite clear that left wing economic policies and flat income distributions are only possible in racially homogeneous countries."
It looks that way, doesn't it.
When everyone is the same race/clan/ancestry, socialism seems to work.
Examples include the Scandinavian countries, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland.
Of course now with its importation of the North African branch of al Idiot, Sweden seems to be screwed.
Also, keep in mind that the anti-immigration right wing in Europe folks are very to the left of our own teabaggers, the lovable corporate shills that they are.
The anti White, pro color woman of color from Sewanee, Kim Gallon, fled Tennessee and is now safely ensconced up in Pennsylvania.
Did the ghost of Nathan Bedford Forrest chase her away from Sewanee?
Given her areas of specialty, she must be hating herself for leaving here too soon and missing the opportunity to demand that her White students attend Tim Wise next week.
I never had her for a class last year, but she represents all that Sewanee is now striving to become: diverse, multicultural, change, transformation, apology, overcoming, reconciling, embracing, transforming, caring, compassionate, etc.
I like the term "Diversity Curse" I've discovered through the Sewanee comments on this blog (you'll be called a "hate blog" by Sewanee faculty).
Sewanee is definitely cursed with too much Diversity.
White students know it and talk about it frequently, but not openly, because we would be completely ostracized and socially and academically tortured. We resent all the free stuff given to the blacks and their Posse groups.
Being a racist is worse than being a child molester in Sewanee. It's so badly perverted up here, that the racists are hounded off the Mountain, while the molesters are compliment for helping children.
Vile liberals rule Sewanee, and even though the genetic elites are arrogant, the liberal elites are insufferably more so, and empowered to the point of being dangerous to the rest of us.
Last year, a "hate blog" attacked Sewanee's gays and blacks. You wouldn't believe how insane this campus became after that. Truth is, many of us liked the blog. It told us things we knew to be true, but could never say out loud.
When Sewanee hired "woman of color" Kim Gallon in the first place, it knew her areas of specialty, and actually believed she'd be good for Sewanee's Whitey White students. Tim Wise's coming and being treated like royalty is no surprise to us!
Sewanee openly and proudly discriminates against White Males in its hiring practices. At the bottom of all job opening announcements, they put:
"The University of the South is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Minorities and women are encouraged to apply."
The message is clear. If you are a White Male, Sewanee would rather not have you. Our preference is non whites and women.
Why haven't any White Males sued Sewanee for race and gender discrimination? Undeniably, Sewanee is sending a message that White Males will be given less consideration than non whites and women.
Why no class action lawsuit?
Does Tim Wise's half-Jew status give him minority status enough to apply for a job here, or would he have to sue us first before he'd be hired?
Anyway, goodbye Kim Gallon. Congrats on that minority AND gender preference that got you your job at Sewanee when you were here. Have you ever met the White Male who didn't get his Sewanee job because of you?
Kim Gallon
Assistant Professor of History
Ettinger 306A
Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania
M.S. Drexel University
B.A. Rutgers-Camden
I am a historian of African American life with special interests in gender, mass media, and sexuality in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. I have been specifically engaged in examining the relationships between textual and visual images of race, gender, class and sexuality and the development of early twentieth century African American mass media. Currently I am working on a few projects: a book manuscript entitled Covering the Race in Black and White: Sexuality and Modern Black Newspapers, 1925-1945. The study argues that black newspapers' sensational coverage of homosexuality, heterosexuality and interracial sexuality between 1925 and 1945 actually fit within longstanding racial uplift objectives of African American institutions. In addition to the manuscript, I am also working on a journal-length article, “The Dancing Evangelist: G. W. Becton, the Baltimore Afro-American and Early Twentieth Century African American Religion and Sexuality.” The article details the life and sexuality of George Wilson Becton, a popular traveling evangelist of the first few decades of the twentieth century.
The classes I teach cover the field African American Studies and the history of black life in the United States and throughout the Diaspora. My courses also offer students opportunities to consider the evolving concepts of sexuality and African American womanhood and manhood and their roles in shaping a collective African American identity. When students leave my classes at the end of the term I want to them to feel as though they have traveled a challenging but satisfying journey, which has illuminated both the past and present lives of African Americans.
Courses Taught:
Introduction to African American Studies
Introduction to the History of Sexuality
The African American Experience I: to 1896
Recent Presentations:
“And May the Best Woman Win!”: RuPaul’s Drag Race and the Historical Function of Race in Drag Culture and Gay Male Communities” presented at Mid-Atlantic Popular American Culture Association (October 28-30, 2010)
“The Economic House that the Black Press Built: Black Newspapers’ Role in African American Fiscal Empowerment” presented at “The History of Black Economic Empowerment” 95th Annual Association for the Study of African American Life and History Convention (September 29 – October 3 2010)
“The Dancing Evangelist: G. W. Becton, the Baltimore Afro-American and the Negotiation between the Black Press and Black Church for Power, 1925-1935” Presented at “Power and Place in African American History” Fourth Annual New Perspectives on African American History and Culture Conference, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (February 26-27, 2010)
Its funny how he takes such a non racial issue of limited government and makes it so.
But it is a racial issue. Read James Bowery some time -- genetic omnidominance (GOD) and all that:
The promotion of politics exterminates apolitical genes in the population. The promotion of frontiers gives apolitical genes a route to survival.
Even sources as diverse as Ibn Khaldun and Albert Jay Nock would recognize centralized government as a racial issue.
It may be hard to understand what could motivate such a man as Wise. What is it that he wants? The concept of "Oikophobia" explains a great deal about him personally as well as how he can make a living lecturing to college students. Oikophobia is the dominant belief system of liberals and colleges try mightily to indoctrinate their students with it.
What is Oikophobia? Its the reverse of Xenophobia. Its the distain, distrust and hatred of one's own countrymen, nation, traditions and norms. Xenophobes have similar feelings about foreigners and their ways.
Wise never says that he likes his vision of the American future. He's just so full of loathing for today's Americans that he's giddy over the idea of their demographic defeat. What comes next is of no concern to the Oikophobe, just the vanquishing of his enemy; his own countrymen and his own way of life.
Oikophobia gives the bizarre ideology of liberals a name, but darned if I can figure out why they have it. Sounds like a job for Steve Sailer.
And in the pantheon of American history, old white people have pretty much always been the bad guys, the keepers of the hegemonic and reactionary flame, the folks unwilling to share the category of American with others on equal terms.
Tim, you're married. Are you ready to share your wife with me on equal terms? What about your paychecks? Do you reject the concept of property, or do you just deny that it applies to WHites?
What astounds me the most is the reaction. I found his screed posted on two liberal blogs, Daily Kos and Balloon Juice, and the reaction in the comments sections there is almost entirely approving.
Those blogs are moderated, aren't they? What you see is not necessarily what was submitted.
Boomers take all the credit for changes in the 60s, but this is a fraud.... -- adsfasdfasdf (the four-fingered wonder)
Change "credit" to "blame", and "fraud" to "libel", and I would happily second the entire paragraph Mr Adsfasdfasf wrapped around this sentence.
Probably the most notable Scottish-Jewish-American is Oscar Hammerstein II. You might think that Mr Wise Guy here is quite a slide from Oscar, but think again.
Hammerstein had a lifelong professional fascination with mixed couples like his parents: "Show Boat", "South Pacific", and especially "The King and I". Besides the chaste flirtation of the title characters, there was that furtive Burmese-Thai couple whose dalliance ended in their deaths.
Other famous half-Scots include Ethel Merman and Donald Trump (both also German), and Jay Leno (Italian).
Anti-proton: identical in every way to a proton, merely flipped the other way.
Anti-racist: same idea. --Nico
This is unfair-- to racists. Racists believe in their own race, and only the most extreme would deny another the right to exist.
Anti-racists (genuine ones) care for no race, and deny any the right to exist.
So antiracism is many times the evil that racism is.
Wise's use of "temper tantrum" is amusing, considering you can't read his tirade without picturing flecks of foam around his mouth. I hope his doctor sees it and calls Wise in to adjust his meds.
"I can't think of only two causes for buffoonery such as this:"
I think "in vino veritas" is the most likely explanation.
In the novel 1984 Orwell perfectly described the phenomenon we are seeing here with mr tim wise and his hate filled "lectures" --the "Two Minutes Hate".
The American fakeLeft has replaced Orwell's Emmanuel Goldstein with the "evil redheck," i.e., the white lower class male, as the object of hate.
The "two minutes hate" from 1984 is basically drawing upon the fundamental pre-battle bonding rituals of homo sapiens, wherein the tribe would bond together for battle by focusing on the enemy, often using primitive music during this ritual.
And there are other aspects of the multiculti, diversity-think propaganda regime that remind us of the IngSoc regime in 1984: e.g., the fear of reprisals for using the wrong set of terms. See for example the seinfeld episode where elaine is dating a fellow who george, jerry and elaine wonder might be half black. Seated at the cafe and discussing the matter, one of them asks, "should we even be talking about this?" This is of course similar to the dilemma faced by people in the novel 1984. There were just some things that you were not allowed to say or even discuss.
Such is the power of propaganda regimes to mold the culture of homo sapiens!
So what is mr tim wise's role in all this? He is simply reaping the effects of decades of multiculti, white hating propaganda from academia. Why and how did the pro-diversity, anti-white propaganda come about? It is simply and primarily an after effect of many decades of grants from nonprofit foundations such as the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, etc. These large nonprofits are funded by the rich. And they fund academics who churn out words that favor the interests of those who fund the nonprofits.
And after decades of such funding, we have a very powerful subculture that exists among the more educated white americans.
"Being Jewish I can't help but wonder if he takes similar delight in the knowledge that Palestinians will eventually outnumber Jews in the land that was pre-1948 Palestine?"
Assuming that's true, probably yes. Just read his articles on Israel.
As a side note, Israel turned a demographic corner about 5 years ago. The percentage of Jewish births has been rising since then.
Probably the same thing will happen in the US eventually, i.e. First World people will start growing again, first as a percentage of births and eventually as a percentage of the population.
The crime is that poor working class joes like my dad had no idea that when they put their kids through college they would be subjected to this strange anti-white gnosticism.
This is one of the key challenges to upward mobility. The well meaning blue collar mom's and dads just don't understand the totems and taboos of amerikwa.
Duncan idaho (as anonymous)
"You'd expect a Southerner to pick up on the cultural effects of Evangelicalism, but instead he's a total Calvinist."
Nashville, like a lot of Southern river towns, has always been very Calvinist/Presbyterian rather than Baptist, and they've always had Jews.
Traditionally, the Baptist/Evangelist/Pentecostals had the hills, and the Episcopal/Presbyterian/Catholic/Jews had the lowland and riverport areas, for obvious reasons.
As other commenters have speculated, Tim Wise must have had some unhappy experiences growing up in the South that lead to his current psychopathy toward all whites -- similar to the way that exposure to hostile half-Jews such as Tim Wise leads some commenters to tar all Jews by association.
This would be like tarring all Scots for the anti-white actions of Gordon Brown in Britain.
What's with the nonsense insult in broken Spanish with tildes over the wrong letters? "Loy" is not a word in that language... Weird move.
This guy writes like an adolescent with a severe personality disorder. But he gets paid for it, so that's nice.
Bring the letter to the attention of NPR President and CEO Vivian Schiller: I'm sure she'll want to refer Mr. Wise to a good shrink.
St. Luke's Dorm:
Thanks for your comments, but one quibble: don't use the phrases "white male" or "white males."
Say white MAN or white MEN.
White people are not barnyard animals.
That usage, unfortunately, is a liberal leftover, part of the propaganda sphere they created to dehumanize us. (Note how they never say "black male," but only "black man.")
I just watched a debate between former presidential candidates Howard Dean and Fred Thompson, MC'ed by Ben Steyn.
Interestingly, Dean makes the same point that Uncle Tim does. White people's days are over; young people have accustomed themselves to diversity; the Tea Party is the last gasp of an older generation that remembers a white America.
What Uncle Tim and Dean don't acknowledge is that this isn't some natural phenomenon but rather the result of liberal policies starting with the 1965 immigration act. People like them made it happen through law, vigorously denied it might have negative consequences, and now feel confident enough to gloat over their success in destroying us.
Nice try, but sounds too much like fear of British footbal hooligans.
Nooffensebut, that "debate" anecdote is funny. Given his failure to debate anyone online (AFAIK), his challenge seems to fall safely into the category of carney trick, like a magician asking for a volunteer from the audience.
Key Points for Effective Racial Dialogue
Check out the comments. :)
One point that has been overlooked here is Tim's focus on old white people. This allows Tim to respond to any accusations of anti-white racism by saying that it isn't white people per se who are the problems, just the older generation, and therefore he isn't really anti-white, just anti-old-racist-white.
But the thing is, even if the situation were reversed, and the percentage of whites in America were increasing rather than decreasing, the older generation would still die off! The older generation always dies off. So age isn't an issue one way or the other. But if you take age out of the equation, all that is left is an assertion that an America that is less white is better than an America that is more white. So how is that any less racist than saying the reverse?
On a separate point, I'm finding a lot of the talk about Jewish conspiracies in these comments to be quite disturbing. I'm not aware that any of my own ancestors were anything other than European Christians, so I'm not saying this out of any sort of clan loyalty, but many of the comments about Jews just sound like crazy talk to me, and I think their appearance in this venue is damaging to the credibility of the HBD movement as a whole.
(I will however acknowledge that Tim Wise is a really funny looking guy. If I looked like that maybe I'd hate my own race too!)
It's terrible to see the USA wasting time, money, effort on this Wise course of action, when it could be furthering science, technology, and humanity. Hate is there nothing it can't do?
When everyone is the same race/clan/ancestry, socialism seems to work.
Examples include the Scandinavian countries, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland.. -- American Goy
Funny, you picked some of the least socialist countries in Europe. There were no Leylands, Renaults, SEATs or Airbuses-- or GMs!-- in Scandinavia. Welfarist and trade-unionist, for sure, but socialist, no.
Note that the least socialist branch to come out of
GM's reorganization was Saab. Because, as one official (perhaps the PM himself) said, "The Swedish state does not own automobile factories."
Wish we could say the same!
Someone mentioned protesting this guy's appearances. It wouldn't work. Why? Because he is white. If there were a black guy who said the same stuff, you could protest him, because you could call it "racist". (Eg if Farrakhan were invited to speak at Cal State LA, trouble would break loose.) By contrast, if you protest Tim and call him racist, his campus sponsors will say "But he's White, so what on earth are you talking about? How silly you must be!". So maybe that's actually the essence of Tim's Racket: be someone who will, for a fee, give an anti-white speech on campus (where lots of hard lefties and minority grievance people crave such speeches), but be white, making it hard for anyone to denounce the event as a hate-filled speech that was over the line.
Try to imagine a Gentile writing that he was looking forward to the passing away of Jews in America and happy in the knowledge that eventually 40 or 50 years from now there would be very much fewer of them.
I wonder who Wise thinks the people are who stand between NAMs and a South Africa-style dispossession of leafy suburbanites? The cops and prosecutors are the people who don't have the Harvard and Stanford pedigrees.
I would be curious to know what Wise feels about Native Americans. The process he describes about white people could easily have been said about what happened to them and continues to happen. I would bet his responses would be a complete opposite.
Is he a Jew?
Wise attended Hebrew school, and -- in the right company -- has discussed Jews with the terms "we", "us", "my people".
You're only half-right. He did attend Hebrew school (or I'll take your word for it that he did), but he refers to Jews in "we" and "us" terms in his writings, very publicly. Consider this snippet for example:
Honestly, what ability does Farrakhan have to do me any harm, or any Jew for that matter? When was the last time those of us who are Jewish had to worry about whether or not our Farrakhan-following employer was going to discriminate against us? Or whether our Fruit of Islam loan officer was going to turn us down for a mortgage? Or whether our Black Muslim landlord was going to screw us out of a rent deposit because of some anti-Jewish feelings, conjured up by reading the Nation’s screed on Jewish involvement in the slave trade?
Even his comparatively milquetoast anti-Zionism, he defends, not in terms of universal moral principles, but purely in terms of... you guessed it ... Jewish self-interest.
Federation principal Mark Finkelstein claimed I had shown a disregard for the well-being of Jews, despite the fact that my argument has long been that Zionism in practice has made world Jewry less safe than ever.
Tim Wise may say that he's white (his book was called "White Like Me") but at this point almost nothing could persuade me that he actually identifies as white. Even if he says he does, he's lying or in a state of extreme cognitive dissonance.
Tim Wise's writing is often written in an angry stream of conciousness style (considered trendy by his readers). He's not at all guarded, and it doesn't cost him any.
Lots of gnashing of teeth above, but no one willing to actually do anything that would discredit him. Namely, show how Wise is wrong or even better lying, and then make sure that those who might hire him can see it. That's what I do with reporters and politicians, but I don't get any help from major bloggers and I certainly don't get any help from the teapartier types.
Those blogs are moderated, aren't they? What you see is not necessarily what was submitted.
The submitters are screened also, so I doubt that there are many people with posting privileges at Kos who disagree with Wise.
The irony is that Uncle Tims are the ones who will make any kind of "socialism" or "equitable wealth redistribution" impossible in America. It seems quite clear that left wing economic policies and flat income distributions are only possible in racially homogeneous countries.
Socialism has never been about flat income distributions. You're confusing means and ends. It's about the rule of a "scientific" elite over the masses. If this happens to be easier to accomplish with racially heterogeneous masses than with a homogeneous one (and it is) then socialists have shown themselves quite eager to being about those heterogeneous masses.
The whole "redistribution of income" thing was a socialist tactic, one which they can and do swap out for other tactics without touching their core convictions.
We'll see how Uncle Timmy does when university budgets are cut sharply, as they soon will be because there's no money anywhere in the government system, only debt, and he can't get any paying speaking engagements. Then he'll have to find another con.
"South Africa has gone through the exact route that Wise has in mind for the US. And there were many Jews in South Africa who enjoyed watching the Afrikaners politically and demographically trashed, just as Afrikaners supported Israel en masse. Of course these same Jews went ballistic if you just criticized Israel in the slightest.
This is the reason why I no longer support Israel, and view Israel as a hypocritical, violent and racist state."
South African Jews were generally anti-Apartheid. That's not the same as "trashing Afrikaners"; that's just believing in democracy and equal rights. And many of those anti-Apartheid South African Jews (and anti-Apartheid Afrikaners) ate their own cooking and stayed in South Africa after majority rule. Nadine Gordimer still lives there, as does F.W. de Klerk.
Duncan Idaho: this strange anti-white gnosticism
Serious question: Could you explain the semantics of the word "gnosticism" in this context?
[Or maybe it was tongue-in-cheek?]
"And many of those anti-Apartheid South African Jews (and anti-Apartheid Afrikaners) ate their own cooking and stayed in South Africa after majority rule."
I know a Jew in Chicago from South Africa who said that 80% of his Jewish high school class in Jo'burg left the country.
Steve Sailer; June 11, 2008: This picture by the way, was picked out by the man himself -- it's on the top of the homepage of TimWise.org. I must compliment him on finding a picture that so epitomizes an Uncle Tim's slightly demented combination of self-righteousness and self-satisfaction.
In that picture, note the dark circles [around and] under the eyes.
The dark circles are the tell-tale sign of mental illness.
An open letter to Tim Wise from HBD Chick.
Gene Expression exposed a number of lies by Tim Wise in a debate with Jared Taylor several years ago. Unfortunately, I can't get the link to work, but the post has been reproduced here.
A Word to the Wise on Race
I haven't heard rhetoric like that since 1971, the last year I knew a Klan admirer.
Even Klansmen had their "good blacks"-ones who were deferential to whites. Likewise, Wise has his "good whites", those who support their own dispossession.
"He obviously knows nothing. Pabst Blue Ribbon is the drink of choice for trendy urban hipsters."
Schlitz is also a trendy beer. Tim should have said Keystone or Old Milwaukee.
I agree , we need more babies. THe solution is simple but so few of us are willing to do it.
So he admits there are differences between groups, then?
Sounds like 'ol Tim needs to get laid.
Freud said catharsis is good for ya.
Lies of Wise:
Wise’s next paragraph of arguments is so full of make-believe that I am quoting it in full. Literally every sentence is a made-up-on-the-spot fact:
” . . . genetic differences between . . . so-called races are still about one tenth the size of any other subspecies on the planet. In other words, generally biologists or geneticists argue, this is the generally accepted science, that in order for two groups or any multiple of groups to be considered subspecies or races or breeds of the same species, they must differ, or they usually will differ, in fact they always will, there will be more difference between the breeds, between the subspecies, between the so-called races, than there will be within the so-called breed, within the so-called subspecies or within the so-called race. In humans, that is not the case. On average, humans will vary by eight to nine times more within a population group than between a population group so that I as a European-descended person will be eight to nine times more different from another European person genetically than I would be from someone who is not at all European, who was Asian, or who was African.
HOST: That’s evolution for you.
TIM: That is not true for any other species on the planet. The other species tend to differ by five times, ten times, twenty times more between groups than within the groups. So we do not meet the test as human beings for subspecies or for races.”
To list the lies and then discuss them in turn:
1) Genetic differences between human races are 10 times smaller than between the races of any other animal on earth.
2) “The generally accepted science” for determining sub-species is that the genetic differences between the two populations must be larger the differences within the populations.
3) Animal sub-species typically differ five times, ten times, twenty times more between groups than within the groups.
4)Any given European is eight to nine times more genetically similar to any given African and Asian than he is to any other given European (Lewontin’s Fallacy).
First let’s examine Wise’s claim that “genetic differences between . . . so-called races are still about one tenth the size of any other subspecies on the planet.” Jared Taylor challenges Wise on this claim using dogs and Wise boldly and smugly repeats his claim as a scientific fact:
JARED: Well, and do you think the genetic differences between subspecies of dogs are greater or less than genetic differences than say between Australian Aborigines and Japanese? Are they greater or less?
TIM: Well the differences between the breeds, the differences between, let’s say, German Shepherds, and a, I don’t know, cockapoo or something, that’s even a pure breed, a poodle, those differences would absolutely be, I think they’re on the order of ten times the difference between...
JARED: Wrong.
Wise doesn’t know what he is talking about. Not only are the genetic differences within any one dog breed greater than the differences between any of them, the differences within a single dog breed, such as Chihuahuas, is actually greater than the genetic difference between two different recognized SPECIES of animals - wolves (Canis Lupus) and coyotes (Canis latrans).
Wise’s next paragraph of arguments is so full of make-believe that I am quoting it in full. Literally every sentence is a made-up-on-the-spot fact:
” . . . genetic differences between . . . so-called races are still about one tenth the size of any other subspecies on the planet. In other words, generally biologists or geneticists argue, this is the generally accepted science, that in order for two groups or any multiple of groups to be considered subspecies or races or breeds of the same species, they must differ, or they usually will differ, in fact they always will, there will be more difference between the breeds, between the subspecies, between the so-called races, than there will be within the so-called breed, within the so-called subspecies or within the so-called race. In humans, that is not the case. On average, humans will vary by eight to nine times more within a population group than between a population group so that I as a European-descended person will be eight to nine times more different from another European person genetically than I would be from someone who is not at all European, who was Asian, or who was African.
HOST: That’s evolution for you.
TIM: That is not true for any other species on the planet. The other species tend to differ by five times, ten times, twenty times more between groups than within the groups. So we do not meet the test as human beings for subspecies or for races.”
To list the lies and then discuss them in turn:
1) Genetic differences between human races are 10 times smaller than between the races of any other animal on earth.
2) “The generally accepted science” for determining sub-species is that the genetic differences between the two populations must be larger the differences within the populations.
3) Animal sub-species typically differ five times, ten times, twenty times more between groups than within the groups.
4)Any given European is eight to nine times more genetically similar to any given African and Asian than he is to any other given European (Lewontin’s Fallacy).
Also, Mr Wise was dumb enough to put the tilde accent marks over the letter 'o', rather than over the 'n', which is where they belong.
Or maybe he was just too distracted by his righteous anger.
Yeah, that must be it. Righteous anger can be very distracting.
Whiskey: Wise is about as Jewish as I am.
"On his blog, several people seem to think Wise is deluded to imagine he'll be part of the new 'brown-black' elite because he's white. They're wrong."
I disagree. To the Mestizos projected to be the majority population in the US by the end of this century, the Uncle Tims of the world are nothing but useful idiots, and will be dealt with as such. Jewish intellectuals will not have the same power in a brown America, they'll be viewed as contemptible whites, and therefore suspect no matter how willing they are to sell-out their own side. Brown people distrust whites that act against their own interest because that behavior is anti-instinctual, and they are viewed as punks.
The blacks who fantasize about a black + brown coalition dominating and paying back citizens of European stock are just as deluded. Mestizos and blacks can be very easily divided and conquered by a smart managerial class, and are not exactly natural allies.
Whiskey said...
Wise is about as Jewish as I am.
Holy sh*t!!! Whiskey finally admitted to being at least part Jewish!
And folks think Christian fundies are bad.
Thats it. I am buying an island.
Who's in?
South African Jews were generally anti-Apartheid. That's not the same as "trashing Afrikaners"; that's just believing in democracy and equal rights.
No, that's Jewish Supremacy; "equal rights" where they're the minority (SA), Apartheid where they're the majority (Israel).
EAU: Stop Tim Wise From Speaking at Sewanee, TN
Posted on: 2010-11-07 13:05:45
Send correspondence to: jafisher@sewanee.edu,jpowen@sewanee.edu,
To whom it may concern;
It is our understanding on the 9th of November, Sewanee will host Mr. Tim Wise to speak to your students regarding "racism."
Please be advised that Mr. Wise is well known for his blatant bigotry against persons of European extraction. In spite of his credentials, denials (and ethnicity) Mr. Wise is not an 'anti racist.' Mr. Wise is an anti-white activist, but he disguises it in order to further what amounts to a Marxist based degeneration of European Americans in favor of a multicultural socialist Utopia; an activity we understand that also happens to pay quite well.
His caustic and mean spirited diatribes are well known and normally follow course with a screed he penned (here) regarding the recent Republican election victory and white American voters:
"We just have to be patient.
And wait for your hearts to stop beating.
And stop they will.
And for some of you, real damned soon truth be told."
While Mr. Wise has since claimed that he is only referring to what he calls the "white right", the fact of the matter is he is likely including all of our mothers, fathers, sons and daughters in his hateful declarations whose view points diverge from his own. Moreover, following Mr. Wise's sick logic it should also be acceptable to wish the hearts of those on the "non-white left" to stop beating as well.
In order to maintain the integrity of the University of the South's student body and your reputation, we strongly and publicly recommend that you cancel Mr. Wise's appearance.
Mr. Drago Rendl
Mr Frank Roman
Mr John Young
Board of Directors, European Americans United
For what its worth, the vast majority of South African Jews decamped after the end of apartheid, knowing that neither their lives nor their assets were now safe. Some have stayed, and done very well out of it, and good luck to them.
In my fairly extensive experience, Jews were quite prominent in the anti-apartheid movement and some, putting their own physical lives in danger, were very committed to the cause. There were also numerous English whites involved as well, and a few Afrikaaners. Many of these people were out-and-out communists, which was at the time a serious crime in SA. These were not armchair amateurs and I knew at least one who died in police custody.
On the other hand, there was also a lot of mutual help between SA and Israel, and the majority of Jewish South Africans did not wholeheartedly support the aims and methods of black liberation movements.
Frankly, a lot of them did not believe the blacks would make a good job of running the country and that's why so many of them voted with their feet and got out, often with a heavy heart and leaving behind elderly parents and good businesses.
Middle-of-the road, intelligent whites were very conflicted by the situation in apartheid SA, and this is exactly where I would place the majority of Jews in actual fact. Irrespective of what they may say about the evils of apartheid, they knew there was a dark side to "liberation" and that it would have as many if not more victims than apartheid itself.
And they did not intend to be amongst them.
As for the heroic-justice-above- all-else types, I hope they are reflecting on the anti-Semitism of the new South African government (witness Durban II) and how their sanctimony has resulted in an own-goal against Israel in particular and Jews in general.
But I doubt we will here an apology for this, even to their own folks, and not at all to the rising pile of murdered Afrikaners and other whites.
But I doubt we will here an apology for this, even to their own folks, and not at all to the rising pile of murdered Afrikaners and other whites.
The sun would sooner rise in the west, and set in the east, than would you hear an apology out of that crowd.
"Tim Wise may say that he's white (his book was called "White Like Me") but at this point almost nothing could persuade me that he actually identifies as white."
Except, of course, the aformentioned title of his book.
South African Jews were generally anti-Apartheid. That's not the same as "trashing Afrikaners"; that's just believing in democracy and equal rights.
South African Jews were Jewish Jingoists, which is hardly tantamount to "believing in democracy and equal rights." Where Jews are the majority, they want Israel. Where Jews are the minority, they champion minority interests. It's about their ethnic interests, which is why what they advocate changes based on their situation on the ground.
"Sounds like 'ol Tim needs to get laid."
I could say the same thing for many commenters on this blog
Reg Cæsar said...
This is unfair-- to racists. ... Antiracism is many times the evil that racism is.
You're right. I realized the same shortly after I posted my "anti-proton" remark.
Tim Wise's anti-racism is not merely the inverse of, say, Bull Connor's racism. It's worse.
AFAIK even the Klan didn't seek to erase Blacks from reality, simply to keep 'em down.
Tim Wise has a problem with the existence of non-leftist Whites and a White-majority America. He burns with quasi-religious fervor not merely for its overturning, but for its utter erasure from memory.
BTW, Wise appears tomorrow at Cal State LA. Your tax dollars at work.
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