Beckhams a 'bad example' for families
With a fourth child, the couple have joined the ranks of the irresponsible, population experts say
David and Victoria Beckham may have been overjoyed to welcome their new daughter, Harper Seven, last week but, according to a growing group of campaigners, the birth of their fourth child make the couple bad role models and environmentally irresponsible.
Background for non-Brits: David Beckham was the most famous soccer player of a decade ago. Victoria Beckham was Posh Spice in the Spice Girls. In celebrity wattage, they are roughly the British equivalent of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie (although, in contrast, they are married).
In an increasingly chavified England, they are the chief exemplars of the old English idea that celebrities should dress elegantly and often rather formally. (I would guess, off the top of my head, that Mrs. Beckham, who had previously given her husband three sons, wanted to keep having children until she had a little daughter to play dress up with, a common maternal desire.) Beckham's jersey number is 7, hence the middle name.
They appear to be healthy, good-looking, extremely rich, focused (Beckham, for instance is a good but not great natural athlete -- instead, through practice, he made himself the best in the world at bending free kicks [Bend It Like Beckham], a skill rather like a top golfer's), relatively tasteful (by the standards of footballers and pop stars), and have managed to live in the center of the British tabloid maelstrom for quite a few years with only a moderate number of scandals and without melting down under the stress.
In other words, they are likely to have, on average, pretty good genes. The fact that they have been making copies of those genes does not strike me as an occasion for fear and loathing.
As the world's population is due to hit seven billion at some point in the next few days, there is an increasing call for the UK to open a public debate about how many children people have.
Now the Green MP, Caroline Lucas, has joined other leading environmentalists in calling for the smashing of what TV zoologist Sir David Attenborough has called the "absurd taboo" in discussing family size in the UK.
Lucas said: "We need to have a far greater public debate about population, whether it focuses on improving family planning or reducing global inequality – and looking again at how we address the strain on our natural resources. The absence of an open and honest discussion about this issue means most people don't give much thought to the scale of global population growth in recent years. In 1930, just one or two generations ago, the world's population stood at around two billion. Today it is around seven billion, and by 2050 it is projected to rise by a third to 9 billion.
"We live as if we have three planets instead of just one. It is interesting that public figures, environmental groups and NGOs in general have tended to steer away from population to the extent that it's become a taboo issue. The horrific consequences of China's one-child policy and of other draconian efforts to regulate procreation have, for many, rendered discussion of the subject completely unpalatable. Yet as long as an issue remains a taboo subject where no one talks about it, then there's very little chance of finding the solutions we need."
I don't think the taboo in recent years on discussing population growth has much of anything to do with China and has everything to do with whose populations are growing: i.e., people who don't look like the Beckhams. Recall, for example, in all the write-ups about Haiti after the 2010 earthquake how almost everybody, except Jared Diamond and myself, danced around the Haitian population growth problem. Similarly, the U.N. recently issue population projections saying that the population of Nigeria would be over 700 million by the end of the century. You'll notice the deafening silence over that.
It is a view that is being pushed by the UK-based Optimum Population Trust, whose chief executive, Simon Ross, is calling for the government to tackle the UK's high rates of accidental pregnancy and to give child benefits and tax credits only for the first two children.
Because the Beckhams would clearly have had fewer children without the tax breaks.
"That would send a clear signal that the government will support sustainable families, but after that you are on your own," he said. "There is a big issue there, family planning is cheap, yet many people don't use it properly and accidental pregnancy rates are very high. We need to change the incentives to make the environmental case that one or two children are fine but three or four are just being selfish.
"The Beckhams, and others like London mayor Boris Johnson, are very bad role models with their large families. There's no point in people trying to reduce their carbon emissions and then increasing them 100% by having another child," he said. "England is one of the most densely populated countries in the world and the fastest-growing in population terms in Europe. In 15 years we'll have an extra 10 million people here."
And that is the fault of the Beckhams and the Johnsons? In reality, the cause of Britain's population growth is the I-word that is missing from this article. When poor people immigrate from a poor country to a rich country, one of two things, basically, can happen. Either they assimilate economically, and thus emit more carbon, or they fail to assimilate economically.
Attenborough has attacked the last two UN climate summits in Cancún and Copenhagen for ducking the population issue. Giving the President's Lecture at the Royal Society of Arts in March, he made a passionate speech about how the world's baby-making was damaging the planet and called for every country to have a population policy. "The sooner we stabilise our numbers the sooner we stop running up the down escalator," he said.
"Fifty years ago there were about 3 billion people on Earth. Now there are almost 7 billion – almost double – and every one of them needing space. There cannot be more people on this Earth than can be fed."
The population debate has often been overshadowed by what is seen as the disastrous and often inhumane experiment by China, with its notorious one-child policy, and with sensitivity about being seen to criticise birthrates in underdeveloped countries. But campaigners point to the fact that it is the populations of the developed world who use the vast majority of the world's resources.
Lucas said the Green party was not afraid to raise the subject because it was "fundamental" to wellbeing. "The lesson to be learned from China is surely that efforts to curb population growth in a way that restricts individual liberty are dangerous and come at huge human cost," she said. "Policies that focus on increasing access to birth control for all who want it, reducing poverty and inequality, improving food security and tackling environmental degradation are where we should be focusing our attention.
I suspect the Beckhams have adequate access to birth control. In 2010, I called for one of the 10,000 foreign non-governmental charitable organizations operating in Haiti to announce a policy of making Depo-Provera contraceptive shots available for free to any Haitian woman who so requests.
This suggestion did not sweep the media.
Now, I realize that one part of the underlying motivation for this kind of article is driven by concern over the high population growth rates in black Africa and in the more backward parts of the Muslim, Hindu, and Latin worlds. The reasoning at The Guardian might be something like: "We need to do something to persuade people in villages in the hinterland of the Congo to have fewer children, but we can't actually mention the real problem, because we'd be roasted alive as racists, so what we'll do is pick out some rich white family and denounce them, and eventually the message will seep through to villages in the hinterland of the Congo. It's a simple, can't-fail plan!"
Or, I may be giving all too much credit to Guardians for intelligence, and they are simply motivated by the standard Who? Whom? emotions.
Rotfl. Did Guardian ever write such tripe about non-whites having too many children? Or how immigration from third world encourages third world people to have more kids? Or how 'foreign aid' also encourages more kids?
White kids shouldn't have more children(though white birthrate in Europe is around 1.3 per woman), but the West should flood their nations with swarms of non-whites.
If Britain has too many people, why not kick out all the millions of non-whites who have invited themselves to the U.K. in the past sveral years and decades?
The other I-word: Illegitimacy.
Reducing illegitimacy would reduce or even halt population growth. And the result would be indubitably eugenic.
Leftist message to rich white people: Don't have kids. Adopt them from the third world. Be like Sandra Bollock and Brangenlina.
Btw, isn't this about as disgusting as the media can get? A couple decides to have kids and is raising a happy family but a national press hounds them out as EVEEEEEEL!!!
A family is being targeted and publicly shamed for their love and devotion to family?
'Gay marriage' is GOOD, but real marriage and real family(at a time when too many white women aren't having kids)is BAD!!!
This is sick. Beckham should come forward and tell the press to go to hell No, he should demand an apology!! He's being used as an example of public humiliation in the celebrity world, which has an influence on the rest of society, the message being, 'if you're white, don't have kids or adopt african kids cuz bringing more inherently racist white kids into this world is evil'. (Remember Newsweek ran a cover with a 'racist' white baby.)
In some ways, this is worse than what Newscorp did. Newscorp acted slime-ishly, but secretively cuz it knew it was doing something wrong.
But the Guardian is using its muscle to PUBLICLY single out, target, and humiliate a family that did absolutely nothing wrong.
In a society where so many welfare whores have tons of kids with various men, in a society where so many guys don't stick around to raise their kids, in a society drenched in ugly anti-human rap music and the like, and so on, THE GUARDIAN finds no greater evil than a happy white family!! I mean what is this world coming to?
7 billion/3 billion=2.33
Yes, almost double.
I hope Attenborough was just making an impromptu remark after a drink or two.
Guardian should send a t-shirt to Beckham's latest kid with the words "I shouldn't have been born. I shouldn't exist. My parents should have aborted me or adopted some African kid instead of having me."
Well, they have to use the unrepresentative Beckhams as their example to fend off comparisons with Howard Flight.
Beckham's jersey number is 7, hence the middle name.
George Costanza is finally vindicated!
Well, the Beckhams are regarded as having not very good tastes, and Guardian is known for occasionally sneering at them. (One columnist recently wrote column about how the Beckhams naming their daughter Harper Seven has forever ruined the association of her own daughter's name, which is also Harper.)
I may be wrong, but I believe the Beckhams are providing for their children. There is a shortage of English children being born, so they should be thanked. When people who have no way of providing for their children insist on having droves of the them, now that is a problem. With any luck, the growing Beckham clan will vote for the Tories.
...according to a growing group of campaigners, the birth of their fourth child make the couple bad role models and environmentally irresponsible.
You think the Muslims and Africans care about this?
Dunno about Posh's attractiveness. I suppose she's comely enough, for an insect. Personally I prefer butterflies, but there's no accounting for taste.
Still, the Guardian does a nice job of self-parody here--especially with the offhand shot at prominent Tory Boris Johnson, the most consistently and intentionally amusing politician in Britain. Assholes.
This is kind of ridiculous. White people are dying out. (Granted, there are over one billion of us and ample time for the trend to change, so extinction is neither imminent nor certain, but still.) Meanwhile the developing world's population is exploding. And these people are complaining about the Brits, who aren't even replacing themselves when you factor in immigrant fertility, having too many kids? Man...
The Guardian should go after the Amish next: their population grew ten percent in the past two years. Tsk tsk.
"according to a growing group of campaigners, the birth of their fourth child make the couple bad role models and environmentally irresponsible."
That made me laugh so hard... Those liberals, I am totally speechless....
It is worth noting that JK Rowling's Harry Potter series has the "ideal family" the Weasleys with SEVEN kids. They are poorer because of it, but all the kids, every one, turns out good and proper. Heroes all, in the end.
Yes this is basically -- just adopt a Black baby like Angelina, or Bruno.
Larry Auster had the decline of America, as did Roissy, in a revolting picture of some smiling White gay guy and his Asian "husband" with their adopted Black baby. I swear parody turns into reality only a year later.
Two children is not "sustainable." Demographers agree that you need a TFR around 2.1 to achieve population stasis.
It is worth noting that JK Rowling's Harry Potter series has the "ideal family" the Weasleys with SEVEN kids. They are poorer because of it, but all the kids, every one, turns out good and proper. Heroes all, in the end.
Yes this is basically -- just adopt a Black baby like Angelina, or Bruno.
Larry Auster had the decline of America, as did Roissy, in a revolting picture of some smiling White gay guy and his Asian "husband" with their adopted Black baby. I swear parody turns into reality only a year later.
Here is a perfect one to go after, and the Daily Mail did.
The Nigerian woman who travelled to Britain to give birth to quins at the taxpayer’s expense is married to a wealthy businessman.
Bimbo Ayelabola, 33, had two boys and three girls in April by caesarean section and remained in hospital for almost two weeks, costing the NHS up to £200,000.
Her visitor’s visa has expired and she is now fighting to remain in this country, claiming a return to her home city of Lagos would leave her homeless and without a ‘support network’ to help her raise her five children.
However the Daily Mail has learnt that her husband, who remains in Nigeria, is a wealthy businessman.
I'd love to get the Guardian's response to Bimbo's story.
Each additional heir to the family fortune reduces inequality in the next generation.
G. Pinfold
Low IQ people tend to be poor and "present-oriented" in their thinking.
In other words, they're easily bribed.
Pay them a few hundred dollars in exchange for accepting long term birth control. No reason to limit this offer to the ladies. India has developed a reversible male contraception (RISUG) that's in clinical trials now.
" Beckham should come forward and tell the press to go to hell No, he should demand an apology!!"
Successful, rich, good looking, happy people tend to not care about the opinions of the more miserable.
Yes, yes, I'm just as eager to proclaim my distaste for Spice Girls as those of you above me who sneered at VB. Sure, sure, that girl group sucked, Victoria isn't close to being the most beautiful woman in the world, and she probably wasn't the best at any of her endeavors, and bloody, bloody, blah.
But get real. Both of the parents are a lot better looking, healthier and better educated than the average population of the first world alone. They both speak their language properly, can offer countless opportunities to their kids and claim to have a loving family. If I end up in a stable marriage with an ability to bring up 4 children comfortably and a desire to do so, I'll consider my life a success.
Steve, did you see this? Baseball graphs.
Oh pish-Posh.
The UK has a wondeful growing source of White people:
Oh wow, here's more.
Project Prevention ( had plans to go into Haiti and offer cash for sterilization. Link:
Don't know if it ever panned out, though.
Clearly the wealthy whites should be setting an example for the colored peoples of the world, by extinguishing themselves.
There _is_ a positive correlation between a man's wealth and his fertility even in developed countries -- it's just that the threshold where that positive correlation starts is far above the middle class level it was during the 1950's -- that decade hated by Hollywood almost as much as the Nazis the fathers of those middle class families fought in WW II.
This is the same thing as PETA going after celebrity fur-wearers, but never thinking to protest all the leather at say, a biker rally. Wonder why they don't show up to one in TX or MS and try throwing "blood red" paint on some Banditos to "raise awareness"?
We need all the white people we can get.
Hey, Steve, would love to read your thoughts on Google's First Annual Science Fair Competition. Three girls won in what Google's Vinct Cerf said was a "gender-neutral" evaluation process. Though he admits he was "secretly happy" about the results.
It's certainly true the UK is overcrowded. They have twelve times the population density we have in the US. The local fisheries have pretty much collapsed from over-use.
But convincing the natives to have fewer children is pointless without addressing immigration.
The Guardian and the rest of the mainstream media routinely use the low birth rates of the native populations across the West as justification for mass third world immigration. Combine that fact with this article, and it's brutally clear that the agenda of "these people" is to exterminate us. No other explanation fits the bill. This is not a case of "cognitive dissonance" because anyone so stupid as to not see the contradiction would LITERALLY be unable to string together a whole sentence. But these people can write just fine.
It's Occam's Razor folks. You can try to construct any number of increasingly elaborate-and unlikely- theories as to why intelligent people do supposedly "unexplanaible" things, explanations akin to the ones used by liberals to explain the racial gap that you like to deride. But malevolence is the simplest and best explanation. They're doing it because to them we're the hated enemy, and they want to see us gone.
Carol writes: "Whites need to emulate old Joe Kennedy's insouciant spawning. He had all those kids to piss off the Brahmins."
Please tell me you have a hilarious Kennedy quotation to back up this statement.
Dear Guardian,
Fuck You.
Sincerely, Harper Beckham
Why go after the Beckhams who are famous for soccer and pop music?
Why not go after the hypocrite Al Gore who also has four kids but preaches and profits over Global Warming via his Venture Capital roles.
Last month, Gore even specifically preached about people having less kids to save the planet.
Why bring the Beckhams into a conversation they have no part of when there are people like Gore who play both sides of the issue.
Some commenters have theorized that Steve is Catholic. He is clearly smart, well-informed, and honest. How, then, do they explain:
In 2010, I called for one of the 10,000 foreign non-governmental charitable organizations operating in Haiti to announce a policy of making Depo-Provera contraceptive shots available for free to any Haitian woman who so requests.
Our Prime Minister, Mr Cameron, just met Mr Zuma, President of the South African Republic, and his charming 4 wives. How many children does the Big Man have?
A quick check of Wikipedia reveals Sir David Attenborough came from a family which produced 3 sons - his famous actor brother Richard and another. Richard Attenborough had three children, Sir David two.
This is the same thing as PETA going after celebrity fur-wearers, but never thinking to protest all the leather at say, a biker rally. Wonder why they don't show up to one in TX or MS and try throwing "blood red" paint on some Banditos to "raise awareness"
Exactly. Spineless posturing.
Ok, I'd bring Victoria up on charges for that name "Harper Seven". Otherwise, she's plenty pretty and I'm sure smart enough since she got that Spice Girl gig without needing a high SAT score and those who were nominally smarter ended up poorer.
Maybe they can emigrate to the US where no one thinks about an infant's carbon footprint. Mostly we just like the pictures of the footprint on the birth certificate and knitting booties, lots and lots of booties. Little feet are sooooo cute.
Trickle-down eugenics.
They are guilty of the crime I am guilty of - Breeding While White.
More seriously, when you account for the fact that about 1/6 Americans are sterile thanks to the spread of various social diseases, that at least 10% of women never marry before age 40, and that over 20% of couples who do marry remain purposefully childless or have only one child, its pretty clear that the break-even point for society for anyone having more than one child is around four.
Hey maybe Zero Population Growth (ZPG) will make a comeback. Remember that? Liberals were *BIG* on ZPG back in the 70s. And it worked - they got the white birthrate down to below 2.0
Then suddenly around 1980, they stopped being interested in ZPG, and changed into Cheering-leading for massive immigration, legal and otherwise.
Notice how the Sierra Club and all the Enviro groups are now Jake with the idea of 400-500 million Americans - they used to be against that, when the all those extra millions of people were expected to be white.
Shows how the tax system is used to control society: we own as much of your money as we want to take, and we'll give you X of it back if you do Y. But if you do Z, we'll keep it.
This is the pernicious nature of an income tax, and why we need to get rid of it.
Reminds me of Björn Borg's "Fuck for the Future" of Sweden campaign a few years ago...
Steve sort of called it. After 20 years of population control being deemed taboo in lefty circles because of cries of racism and coercion of women, these groups are trying to put it back on the agenda and start by picking on a high profile white family. You heard this sort of sniping toward Al Gore as well among some enviros.
I think taking shots at the Beckhams is silly, but I'm glad to at least see global population being talked about again. I think some of the most recent UN projections of the growth rate ticking back up have scared a lot of the big liberal foundations, and they're struggling to address it without tripping on the dreaded r word.
RE: Joe Kennedy's fecundity,
That was chiefly a product of Rose Kennedy's fervent Catholicism. Indeed, it has been alleged that her birth control solution, much to her husband's chagrin, was to simply cease having sex.
Anyone who likes having kids and staying married can't be all bad.
And if the Grauniad's alarm is only activated by good-looking white people over-procreacting, they should take Dennis Miller's advice to those who complain about beautiful people getting all the breaks: camp out in the average mall food court and watch the ugly parade.
More vibrant nowadays, ugly as ever.
Along these lines, there was a recent piece by Douglas Holtz-Eakin at NRO's The Corner linking unemployment, education, and regulation as the source of the US's economic problems, but conspicuously leaving out immigration, the fourth leg of that chair, as one of the commenters pointed out. Since NR purged the immigration restrictionists in the 90s, that problem may not be addressed.
Why not go after the hypocrite Al Gore who also has four kids but preaches and profits over Global Warming via his Venture Capital roles.
There was a video on YouTube a couple of years ago in which a heckler approached Al Gore after a speech and asked him, "What is the appropriate population level for the United States? 300 million? 500 million? 800 million?"
Immediately grasping the logical implication, Gore bellowed, "Diversity is our greatest strength!" as he stalked off.
So yes, it's all about getting rid of the (other) white people.
The MSM have openly declared war on the West, on white people, and on the civilization that sustains the MSM itself.
In reality, they couldn't give a rat's ass about the environment; they simply wish to lower the population of whites, by any means possible.
The only explanation for their cognitively dissonant policy positions (pro-immigration, on the one hand, and pro-environment, on the other), is that both are a way to attack whites.
The open use of lies and deception is diagnostic that the MSM is run by hard-core Cultural Marxists.
It's time to hit back; exposing the logical inconsistency of their various positions is a good start, since they are sensitive about being considered stupid.
Another good post Steve. They Guardian writers must know that Nigeria and Haiti, etc are the main problems with population, but they can't say it. It's rather impressive that they said anything about England having 10 million more people. No doubt most people know it isnt' the Beckhams that are the problem..
Classic case of liberal (ahem!) self censiourship.
Reading between the lines gets trickier every year.
Yes Steve.It was truly a horrible, stupid, bitchy and deliberately ignorant (a hard thing to pull off) article.
The obvious fact is that the ethnic English as a whole are in a sate of actual population decline, have had below replacement fertility for dcades now, and there is no end in sight to that trend.Ergo the ethnic English will go extinct sometime in the future.
The Beckhams are statistical outliers in the greater scheme of things, mere 'noise', making no odds one way or the other.Anyway the pertinent fact is they can AFFORD their brood.
As we all know (including that tosser of a Guardian writer), excess fertlity is entirely concentrated in the third wold and in particular black Africa.
But of course, that elephant in the room isn't even mentioned.
Beckham the soccer dad. Henceforth, all white guys who have more than three children are soccer dads.
experts say
That settles it.
The New York Times, OTOH, recently had an article praising Israel's increasing birth rate and free, unlimited in vitro fertilization program. Israeli women under 45 are entitled to unlimited IVF cycles until they get "two take-home babies," in addition to their other children.
Apparently, having three or more children is a sign of a healthy, family-oriented culture -- if one is Jewish. (Or at least not White.)
"Where Families Are Prized, Help Is Free"
The author, Tracy McVeigh, is obviously just another sneaky jewish gentile-hater.
At least somebody's addressing the unspoken half of the illegitimacy problem: the growing lack of children born within wedlock.
The unmarried didn't cause this problem all by themselves!
"The Guardian and the rest of the mainstream media routinely use the low birth rates of the native populations across the West as justification for mass third world immigration. Combine that fact with this article, and it's brutally clear that the agenda of "these people" is to exterminate us. No other explanation fits the bill."
- Its interesting who they hypocritically encourage to have more children, though- Published on the same day in the NYT is an article about how wonderful it is that Israeli Jews are multiplying and about governmental aid for in vitro fertilization there. Of course, in reality, we are subsidizing that with all the billions in US aid to Israel over the years; And we are subsidizing it for non-whites across the world, with welfare here, and foreign aid elsewhere. Perhaps our money would be better spent on our own children, and reducing the "carbon footprint" of the world in that manner.
It's fascinating to behold the visceral, flesh-crawling loathing that displays of white gentile fecundity provoke in eurocidal left-wingers. We got it loud and clear with Sarah Palin (whom I dislike, but respect for raising a large and mostly successful family while working) three years ago too.
Just look at the picture - a happy, stable, loving family and a set of kids that will clearly do at least ok in life and not be a burden on anyone. Time was when these things would have received unanimous, unquestioning praise, including from leftists and liberals. Not now though, not if they're white. Just too icky.
Beckham's also an asthmatic. His success truly is a combination of good looks and focused training/organization.
They want us to die. The whole white race. The 'dark Greens' want the whole human species to die too, but that's a secondary concern.
"Notice how the Sierra Club and all the Enviro groups are now Jake with the idea of 400-500 million Americans - they used to be against that, when the all those extra millions of people were expected to be white."
Precisely. I'm a hard-core enviro and I've alienated whole scores of people just for even bringing up the topic. The Ed Abbey era is over. You know shit's gone wrong when you go to anti public lands clearcutting demonstration, and there's "Free Mumia" signs everywhere.
Considering the fact that if it weren't for white people like Norman Borlaug there would at least 2 billion fewer third worlders maybe these experts are onto something.
no Whites = no bleeding heart liberals = nature culls humanoid population = happy times for cobras, lampreys and alligators.
Okay, I'll admit my ignorance regarding all things English, but I have the hazy sort of idea that England never went through any kind of welfare reform, and one major reason for the "chavifying" of England is that stupid, lazy women can pop out a dozen illegitimate children and live off child benefits.
And it *seems* like this article is actually stumping for curtailment of those benefits, under the guise of a long lecture about population control. So however odious the argument of the piece, is the proposed solution really such a bad idea?
"camp out in the average mall food court and watch the ugly parade.
More vibrant nowadays, ugly as ever."
We almost never go to the mall. But I took my 12 year old son to a mall last year. He was stunned by how ugly the people were.
Liberalism is a dysgenic mental illness.
-osvaldo m.
"Stop having kids, it's bad for the environment and it's already crowded enough as it is!"
*calls for unrestricted immigration from every last cesspool in the 3rd world*
Reminds me of how globalist pundits keep calling for Japan to throw open its borders to low-wage workers from southeast Asia and elsewhere, to avert the Demographic Time Bomb brought on by their low birthrates. People assume that a declining population is the worst thing that could possibly happen to a country, even if it's already overcrowded to bursting and real estate prices are sky high. The fact is that once the pig goes through the python a smaller population can greatly increase quality of life for average people, and a stable population level thereafter helps keep those benefits alive for subsequent generations.
Lastly, if there's anyone we should encourage to breed more it's attractive, gifted, wealthy people like the Beckhams. Bravo to them for having their own kids and not adopting a brood of fashion accessories from Thailand or Africa.
I'm surprised they would attack the Beckhams like this, considering that David is half-Jewish and Victoria is full Jewish.
Beckham is a quarter Jewish at most (and not in the maternal line), while I don't see any evidence for his wife being Jewish. What's more, she has a brother called Christian...
In any case, the Guardian is not a heavily Jewish publication the way its American counterparts like the NYT are - it is generally written by and for smug middle-class white gentiles, and is hostile to Israel (one of its few redeeming features). The Beckhams' Jewishness - which you exaggerate - would not put them above criticism as far as the Guardian is concerned.
Caroline Lucas is MP for Brighton Pavillion, probably the gayest place in the UK.
"That would send a clear signal that the government will support sustainable families, but after that you are on your own," he said. "There is a big issue there, family planning is cheap, yet many people don't use it properly and accidental pregnancy rates are very high. We need to change the incentives to make the environmental case that one or two children are fine but three or four are just being selfish.
Does that apply for Muslim-Brit too? Or just the stinky white ones....
Drawbacks said...
Well, they have to use the unrepresentative Beckhams as their example to fend off comparisons with Howard Flight.
7/18/11 3:31 PM
The former MP for Arundel and South Downs, who is yet to take his seat in the House of Lords, was commenting on the government's plans to cut child benefit for top-rate taxpayers.
He told the London Evening Standard: "We're going to have a system where the middle classes are discouraged from breeding because it's jolly expensive.
"But for those on benefits, there is every incentive. Well, that's not very sensible."
Shamed for telling the Truth.
the Guardian is not a heavily Jewish publication the way its American counterparts like the NYT are - it is generally written by and for smug middle-class white gentiles, and is hostile to Israel
I'm afraid this does not compute for most istevers.
The regular Jew obsessed and borderline anti-semitic comments must amuse Mr Sailer as I believe he is part Jewish himself.
"Precisely. I'm a hard-core enviro and I've alienated whole scores of people just for even bringing up the topic. The Ed Abbey era is over. You know shit's gone wrong when you go to anti public lands clearcutting demonstration, and there's "Free Mumia" signs everywhere."
Nice to see another southern environmentalist on here, ElvisD. Minorities don't care much about nature, it seems. Asians are the only people other than whites I've ever seen on the Appalachian trail.
If you ever argue that third world overpopulation is bad for the environment, the only response leftists are capable of generating is something along the lines of "they are poor so they don't use as many resources", which is obviously a BS line, considering the open sewers, chemical dumping, desertification and slash-burn farming that so often occurs in various 3rd world locales...
Londoner said: "Beckham is a quarter Jewish at most (and not in the maternal line), while I don't see any evidence for his wife being Jewish. What's more, she has a brother called Christian..."
Victoria Beckham(Adams) is descended from Ashkenazi Jews who converted to Anglicanism back in the mid to late 19th century(unfortunately, I lost my link for this info). They changed their names to fit in. Her Jewishness is kind of obvious from her appearance.
That said, her family has been there so long, and has assimilated so well I have no problem seeing her as just pure English or British.
I just thought some people here would want to know this...
Maya - "They both speak their language properly"
Have you heard DB talk?
But it's definitely Who/Whom. In recent Guardian issues we've had the UKs financial/demographic crisis ("without immigrants there just won't be enough young people to pay taxes/wipe the bottoms of the elderly"), several items on "we must keep the right to abortion" (only 200,000 a year in UK) - and now this.
Churchill on demography :
"There is no finer investment for any community than putting milk into babies" - radio broadcast, 1943.
"You must have four children. One for Mother, one for Father, one for Accidents, one for Increase".
on wikipedia, i check this page once every couple months:
this single page should scare the shit out of any reasonably intelligent and conservative european person, whether they are a white nationalist or not. the idea that europeans are the majority group on earth is an illusion, created only by their ultradominance of global culture. they are a small minority and becoming more outnumbered every day. it is happening quickly, but silently, because most humans are so mediocre and unremarkable, the television never shows the growing, teeming masses.
of course you'll see indonesia with 237 million and and bangladesh with 150 million, places which we never talk about because nothing important ever comes out of there, ever. but note the philippines and vietnam are both already bigger than germany, and growing. thailand is already bigger than the UK or france. the philippines and vietnam are going to be the next members of the 100 million club, joining mexico as backwards dumps where not much happens but human reproduction.
so even southeast asia is contributing to the population problem. the only people not contributing to the population problem are europeans and the people strictly in east asia.
and when the media begins to cry about "How are we going to sustain 7 billion people on this planet?", any serious investigation into the topic shows that european scientists and engineers are the only humans on earth who are breaking all the technical barriers on the way toward solving the population problem. the people who need all the saving, all the increased food and water and medicine and energy production, are doing jack shit.
there is for instance a major problem in food production in africa right now, because this fungus, a wheat rust called ug99, is sweeping across the continent. ug99 kills something like 80% of the wheat it grows on. if it is not stopped, wheat production in africa will crash. it's bad in particular in ethiopia and kenya.
guess who figured out how to beat it? yeah, exactly. white guys. in particular, white guys working at the norman borlaug wheat rust initiative in laboratories in minnesota and new york.
now refer back to the wikipedia page on population. even ethiopia, subject of live aid 1985, today has more people than germany. so much for them starving to death. who needs god on your side when you have whitey looking out for you? whitey, looking out for millions of ungrateful, openly hostile hordes of third worlders.
meanwhile, california approves financial aid for illegal aliens.
The way things are going these days in merry olde England, i'd say they need all the white people they can get. Especially those who can pay for themselves.
"Victoria Beckham(Adams) is descended from Ashkenazi Jews who converted to Anglicanism back in the mid to late 19th century(unfortunately, I lost my link for this info). They changed their names to fit in. Her Jewishness is kind of obvious from her appearance."
How is her "Jewishness" obvious from here appearance? Dark hair and dark eyes are not uncommon in England, especially southern and western England. I hope you aren't the same commentator who claimed Tim Pawlenty was "obviously Ashkenazi" in another thread....what the heck, is half of Europe Jewish according to you? Bizarre.
The Guardian clearly hasn't heard about the problems in Southern Europe. As David Goldman points out:
"Between 2020 and 2045...the infertility of Southern Europe will catch up with it, and the elder dependent ratio will rise to over 60%–an impossible, unmanageable number. At that point the character of these countries will change radically; they will be overwhelmed with immigrants from North Africa as well as sub-Saharan Africa, who will not have the skills or the habits of civil society to maintain economic life. And their economies will slide into a degree of ruin comparable only to that of classical antiquity. Perhaps the Chinese will operate Greece as a theme park. Spain, which can draw on Latin American immigrants, is likely to be the least badly off."
Southern Europe: Beyond a Demographic Point of No Return
Anon 1:45:
So assuming your information is correct, that would give her a Jewish ancestor what, four or five generations back? I'm not sure you could tell if someone had a black or Asian ancestor that far back. I'm amazingly skeptical of the claim you can tell this by looking at her.
Who is they? The writers of this tripe in the Guardian are overwhelmingly educated whites, as are the consumers of it. This isnt something being imposed from outside, at least not in race and class terms.
According to the IEA, world oil production peaked in 2006. Every calorie of food we eat is the result of burning 10 calories of fossil fuel energy. Soon there will be major food shortages. The U.S. population will never reach the awful levels projected by 2050 of close to a half billion. We'll be hard pressed to feed our current numbers in 10 years. Google peak oil.
"population experts say"
The "experts" being thev leader of the UK's Green Party (& its one MP), the BBC's David "in 2025 Norfalk will be under water" Attenborough & The Optimum Population Trust whose agenda is obvious.
Typical of the Guardian that they would spin such a stupid, but PC, story out of this and quote only such inexpert experts. Not atypical of even the more sensible parts of the media too.
Some commenters have theorized that Steve is Catholic. He is clearly smart, well-informed, and honest. How, then, do they explain:
In 2010, I called for one of the 10,000 foreign non-governmental charitable organizations operating in Haiti to announce a policy of making Depo-Provera contraceptive shots available for free to any Haitian woman who so requests.
A dime a dozen liberal Cafeteria "Catholic" perhaps?
It's fascinating to behold the visceral, flesh-crawling loathing that displays of white gentile fecundity provoke in eurocidal left-wingers. We got it loud and clear with Sarah Palin (whom I dislike, but respect for raising a large and mostly successful family while working) three years ago too.
In case you haven't noticed Londoner Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck are nothing more than libertarian Tea Party neoconservative fools.
Here in the USA (like anywhere else in the world) the left is so far-left it believes libertarians and neoconservatives (liberal "conservatives") to be far-right.
They make up stories about it and continually propagate their delusions and fears. It's psychotic yet hilarious their obsession with Beck/Palin.
British media does things that American media would not dare. Seems each country has its media tailor made: the American, attacked through exceptionalism; the Brit, attacked through the time honored English morals.
The goal seems to be to destroy both countries.
Whites having kids = irresponsible.
Non-whites having kids = good!
Elites want that global slave state as soon as possible.
IQ 70, here we come.
Your so right!
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