Eric Garcetti invokes Latino-Jewish ancestry in mayor's race
... A top contender to succeed Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Garcetti prides himself on his ease with the city's diverse cultures. He sees his mixed ancestry ("I have an Italian last name, and I'm half Mexican and half Jewish," he says) as a powerful part of his appeal in a city where voters for decades have split along racial and ethnic lines in mayoral elections.
But as the campaign begins to capture public attention, a big question is whether Garcetti can re-create the surge of Latino support that helped secure Villaraigosa's historic election eight years ago as the first Latino mayor of modern Los Angeles.

Garcetti has always stood by his raza. Kevin Roderick writes:
While at Oxford [in 1994], Garcetti phoned Times columnist George Ramos with the scoop that he was leading a student hunger strike to protest California's passage of Proposition 187, the measure intended to cut off most public services for illegal immigrants. As a fourth-generation Angeleno of Mexican heritage, Garcetti said he felt compelled to make a transatlantic statement of solidarity.
Eric Garcetti grew up on the mean streets of Encino, in the barrio of Brentwood, and in the broken-down classrooms of the Harvard-Westlake School. His father (right) was a lowly two-term Los Angeles County District Attorney who did such a bang-up job prosecuting O.J. His grandfather had to scrape by owning a national menswear corporation.
The only more authentic Mexican-Americans in Los Angeles are the Weitz Brothers.
How'd he get the Italian last name.
Is Gil Garcetti his step-father?
Considering that Gil Garcetti went all pc in allowing the OJ trial to be moved, I hate this him and his son.
The so-called "Great Hispanic Hope" Eric Garcetti does not look as Brown as the Hispanics I see working at fast food restaurants like Taco Bell and Popeyes.
That is so racist that Brown people are overrepresented in the fast food industry, but underrepresented when it comes to Hispanic representation in politics.
Don't worry, Media-Pravda (including Univision) will simply count Garcetti as part of the Multi-Culti-Diversity Fairytale Narrative by promoting him as an exemplar of an Immigrant-Family-Made-Good-Despite-Racist-Oppression in the We Are All Immigrants land of opportunity-for-all U.S.A.: so what better man to lead us all into the Promised Land of Maximum Diversity Coexistence.
As far as I can see, he looks pretty much like most Mexican politicians I've seen, minus the 'stache.
So do we really have to go down this silly path of wasting years, while the GOP puts up a White guy named Garcia, as if that is going to fool the Mestizo masses?
Politics is shaking out to be very polarized: Whites on one side; blacks, browns, Asians, Indians and Jews on the other.
Grow up and accept it White people. You have left "interesting times" to your children. Oh, except it may not take that long for them get interesting.
OT: Times Latvia article boldly asks if 'different people respond differently to the same forces'
Garcetti the Younger needs a pro-wrestling-style entrance theme; may I suggest "I'm Designer" by QOTSA
MrE. Garcetti, in the fine tradiation of other Rhodes scholars like Bill Clinton, did not bother to graduate from Oxford or it appears from the London School of Economics.
He also seems to have married a rich wife late in life and in following the tradition of many progressive elites these days, has skipped having children. It must be easy to give the teachers unions and the militant Hispanics whatever they want when you do not have to worry about the future you are leaving for your children.
Well I remember when fastfood was a partime job and few adults wanted to do it. Maybe its because of the late hours why employers went from hiring teens since if they are under 18 they can't work certain shifts. Let's think of how young americans outside of the heavily hispanic areas of town can get the jobs back.
Ok, so what makes him Hispanic? Not even the name. He really should change it to "Garcia". See how easy?
I've read the Silver Lake is the West Coast equivalent of Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Is that accurate?
He sees his mixed ancestry ("I have an Italian last name, and I'm half Mexican and half Scots-Irish," he says) as a powerful part of his appeal in a city where voters for decades have split along racial and ethnic lines in mayoral elections.
There was a MASSIVE Scots-Irish power grab in Hawaii last week.
Literally on his death-bed, Inouye penned a letter to Abercrombie, begging Abercrombie to choose Inouye's fellow Japano-Hawaiian, Colleen Hanabusa, as Inouye's successor:
Inouye, in a letter to Gov. Neil Abercrombie dated Monday, asked that Abercrombie "grant me my last wish" and name Hanabusa as his successor.
"It is with much sadness that I share with you, that I will not be able to complete my ninth term in the United States Senate," he said.
"While I understand that selecting someone to serve out the remainder of my term is fully your responsibility, I respectfully request that U.S. Representative Colleen Hanabusa succeed me, and continue the work, together with Mazie, on behalf of Hawaii in the U.S. Senate."
But instead, Abercrombie chose the Scots-Irishman, Brian MacSchatz:
U.S. Sen.-designate Brian MacSchatz left for Washington aboard Air Force One tonight after he was selected by Gov. Neil Abercrombie to replace the late U.S. Sen. Daniel Inouye... Abercrombie chose MacSchatz from a list of recommendations from the Democratic Party of Hawaii that included U.S. Rep. Colleen Hanabusa and and Esther Kiaaina, the deputy director of the state Department of Land and Natural Resources.
Inouye had asked Abercrombie to name Hanabusa, who represents urban Honolulu's 1st Congressional District, as his "last wish" before he died last week at 88 of respiratory complications...
PS: Every neocon on the face of the earth has been pushing furiously for Eric MacCantor to supplant li'l Johnnie Boner as Speaker of the House; here's Matt MacDrudge's take on it.
Its a mayoral election in LA. How else pray tell can he expect to win? Or lets see so that your flyover country white guy gets it...a) He is a politician b.) Its the mayorality of friggin Los Angeles he seeks and c.) its 2013 kddies and really is being a white american today really any great shakes--should be ashamed and want to become Hispanic, greek or anything but! Yep did great things and look at you guys now! Shameful.
Jefferson seesm to forget that hipanic is a language group and that european and indigenous stock and inbetween in Mexico and lat am. Guess your nuances Sailer are not getting through to your peeps. To much mac and cheese, Fox TV, and driven to distraction by their pre diabetic state and the fat women and kids iin their lives. Bunch of peasants from Michoacan running your asses out of cali--really you still think you are something special if only the guys in washington and the meanies in the media would help you......
Immigration is sharply down from the levels of 1982–2007. International migration, as the Census Bureau calls it, was only 0.6 percent of 2010 population in the last two years. It topped the 1 percent level only in New Jersey, New York, and Florida. This is from Michael Barone, now New York and New Jersey at a higher percentage foreign born than California, I believe this has been some time ago since they have. New Jersey and New York attract not only the asians and hispanics but some other groups. Florida attracts hispanics mainly and some others. Florida attracts latins from other parts than Mexico, so maybe this is a beginning of a new immirgation trend.
In a different time, Garcetti would have thought of some way to pander to blacks ("My father marched for civil rights!"; "Look how many African-Americans I have on my staff!"; etc.). It just goes to show ya who matters in this rising America, and who doesn't.
He's going to be the first Mexican-Italian-Russian-Jewish President of the United States!
Harvard-Westlake School (posh!)
Columbia, BA
Columbia SIPA, MIA
Oxford, ?
LSE, ?
Yup, he checks out just nicely! Ugh, and he's from LA! It's a match made in ivy-covered diversity heaven!
I even bet he uses the same tanning bed that Romney used before his Univision pander extravaganza. That alone would make him presidential timber since, you know, Romney ran for president, or something.
American Republicans need to acquaint themselves with the whole "Criollo" thing. Otherwise they will keep feeling "racist" for opposing their own race.
USA is the land of the marranos.
This is old news. The latest challenger to Hugo Chavez (who got a credible 40%+ of the vote in this year's Venezuelan Presidential election), is even mas indígeno. Henrique Capriles, aka Henrique Capriles Radonski, is so Latino he was portrayed as a gay, Jewish, bourgeoisie, Zionist, America-lackey fascist in the native press even while the English-language media respectfully continued redacting his Polish last name. It's a gay-Jewish-Hispanic world now, we just living in it.
I guess the Rising Tide of Conquistador-Americans is great news for White Supremacists! >:) Unless they have a problem with Garcetti's Jewish ancestry, maybe.
But seriously, the Latins seem to have found a great way to ensure permanent White Minority Rule. Even Chavez's replacement in Venezuela is clearly very White. Population displacement is tough on the US white working and lower-middle classes, but it seems the US is not going to be another South Africa (the ANC seems to have kept their white/Jewish Communist erstwhile allies far from any levers of power); it looks like fifty years from now a slightly tanned white overclass will be even more entrenched than it is now.
"Latino" is a cultural and not racial identity. Hence, your entire argument is invalid. Being "white" - debateable, since these people wouldn't be regarded as white anyway by traditional Anglo society - does not matter hence.
And the really funny thing is that you want the typical Latino "cholo" who is 25% to 50% Amerindian, to identify as white. So why are you bitching about white Latino identifying as Latino rather than mainstream white Americans? You don't care about whether one is truly biologically European or not to classify them as "white". Hell, you want Asian Indians to identify as "white"!
Steve Sailer, you are an OPPORTUNIST. You are as much an opportunist as the white Latinos are for identifying as Latino to gain politically priviledged status. You want even people who CLEARLY are not white to idntify as white simply because you want as many people as possible to get off Affirmative Action. OPPORTUNIST.
And Jews are not white. Whites are Indo-Europeans or western Caucasians. Jews are SEMITES.
He also seems to have married a rich wife late in life and in following the tradition of many progressive elites these days, has skipped having children.
As was the case with Lindsey Grahamnesty, Bitch McConnell, Karl the Rover, and Johnnie "Obamacare" Roberts, that sorta wife is very likely to be what is known in the trade as "A Beard".
Oops - here's the link, for the second Inouye/Hanabusa/Abercrombie/MacShatz excerpt, from the Honolulu Star Advertiser.
"half Mexican and half Jewish"
We have a winner!
Ding ding ding!
Gods, this country is getting more pathetic by the minute.
Hathaway made a much better shirt than Arrow.
If he wants to project ethnic authenticity then he should start wearing a thin pencil mustache.
Nick Diaz, like "Latino", you should know that in Latin World (New or Old), Arabs, Turks, Armenians, Persians, Jews, Greeks, etc..., have been always called Brancos, Blancos, Bianchi, Alvos, Albi,... In fact, in Portugal or España, a Muslim was called Mouro/Moro if Branco/Blanco, and Mouro-Negro if he show some degree of admixture.
Like Latino, I can assure you that Istambul is much more white than Madrid in this days...
To Nick Diaz, aka Retard:
You berate Steve for (rightly) classing Indians as white, then, a few sentences later, you say that whites are INDO-European. Etymology is not your strong suit.
Here's a link for you:
Indians are indeed closely related to Europeans, as anyone familiar with hot Bollywood actresses can tell you. They look like Spaniards most of the time. The dark-skinned Indians are South Asian, but still more closely related to Europeans than to Hans.
Also, your typical "cholo" is most likely 75-90% European. Didn't you see the wonderful clip when Eva Longoria learned she was only like 20% Amerind?
Skin color is a single phenotype out of many.
Brian Schatz looks a little like the UK opposition leader, Ed Miliband.
I just see pictures of four white guys....
@Anonymous 2:30 PM
"To Nick Diaz, aka Retard:
You berate Steve for (rightly) classing Indians as white, then, a few sentences later, you say that whites are INDO-European. Etymology is not your strong suit.
Here's a link for you:
Indians are indeed closely related to Europeans, as anyone familiar with hot Bollywood actresses can tell you. They look like Spaniards most of the time. The dark-skinned Indians are South Asian, but still more closely related to Europeans than to Hans.
Also, your typical "cholo" is most likely 75-90% European. Didn't you see the wonderful clip when Eva Longoria learned she was only like 20% Amerind?
Skin color is a single phenotype out of many."
What I love more about making posts on Steve Sailer's blog is the spectacle of people who are vastly less inteligent than me(you) calling me "stupid" or "retard".
Indo-Europeans and Asian Indians have NOTHING in common. Some of the Brahmin castes of northern India have significant amounts of Indo-European blood from the Indo-Aryan invasions from current Iran that happened around 2,000 B.C, but even these Indians have mostly continental Indian blood and very little actual Indo-Aryan blood.
I am fully aware that Indians are BROADLY classified as Caucasians, but if you actually read what I wrote, I defined White as "Indo-Europeans of the WESTERN branch". In other words, Europoids. Indians are not even Indo-Europeans. let alone western Indo-Europeans. Indo-Europeans originated in the Caucasus, dumbass, and not in India. Just because the words "India" and "Indo" sound similar, it does not make them synonyms.
You got royally schooled, dude. Quite embarassing to have your insult turned back at you, huh?
My vote for the whitest-looking Mexican is not a politician at all, but boxing champion Saul "Canelo" Alvarez. With his pale skin and reddish-blond hair he is lighter than most unequivocally white people, and his facial features are entirely European. It is very strange to hear him speaking in Spanish when interviewed after a fight.
Canelo = cinnamon, a tribute to his reddish hair.
My vote for the whitest-looking Mexican is not a politician at all, but boxing champion Saul "Canelo" Alvarez. With his pale skin and reddish-blond hair he is lighter than most unequivocally white people, and his facial features are entirely European. It is very strange to hear him speaking in Spanish when interviewed after a fight.
His facial structure and features aren't very European though. Sort of like Blake Griffin, who's relatively fair but has black facial structure.
Alvarez's facial structure isn't remotely Indio.
This just proves that white people still rule in America and will for the foreseeable. The Hispanic elite is composed of people all or mostly of European descent (names like "Xochitl" notwithstanding); the "black" elite is mostly made up of mulattos, part-whites who wouldn't be seen as black in most countries of the world. Maybe Asian-Americans should consider "investing in whiteness" to increase their political power. Decades of affirmative action and Whitey still rules, even if he has to redefine himself a bit.
Steve, why are you still living in so cal? It sounds even worse than no cal, which I fled recently.
Now the latinos wanting their fellow lationos I can understand but a white person like Grover Norquist who supports it for business interest the way he does is evil. The Rpublicans think of Norquist as a God since he opposes increasing taxes but he is devoted to the wealthly getting not only low taxes, but cheap labor and constant consumer demand-that's why he favors high immirgatoin.
is the most important thing to focus on if you're concerned about the future of the country both as an economic power and as a serious leader of the world, or simply as a successful society. It's not only good policy to have more immigrants in the United States -- dramatically more immigrants than we do today, to having a path forward for those people who are here. It's not only a good idea, but it's good politics.
Norquist also said this: "Some issues move votes, some issues move tongues." By that he meant that while many Americans may say they want less immigration, it's not an issue that affects many votes.
Nearly a decade earlier, when I was a reporter, I heard Norquist put it this way: "Intensity trumps preference." In other words: Congress pays more attention to the well-organized, left-right coalition of immigrants rights groups, libertarian Republicans, church groups and business organizations than it does to public opinion polls.
Proof that both the left and right that want more hispanic immirgation may not have jobs for them to be employed in 2025.
U.S. agency sees robots replacing humans in service jobs by 2025
Robot workers could 'disrupt unskilled labor markets,' federal report says
By Patrick Thibodeau
November 24, 2008 12:00 PM ET
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Computerworld - A U.S. government intelligence agency thinks robots may be so capable by 2025 that questions such as "Would you like fries with that?" may be uttered by a smiling machine at the order counter.
In a report titled "Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World" that was released last week, the National Intelligence Council offered its long-range strategic thinking about the military and economic challenges the U.S. will face from other countries over the next 17 years, as well as the environmental challenges ahead. The report also looks at technologies, and it includes some sweeping ideas about the future.
IT workers have long been familiar with the ways that advances in automation can reduce the need for people, especially in data centers. By 2025, robotics technology will be far enough along to take over low-skill jobs, according to the NIC.
Ok, so what makes him Hispanic? Not even the name. He really should change it to "Garcia". See how easy?
Grandfather Salvador Garcetti was from Mexico.
Also, your typical "cholo" is most likely 75-90% European. Didn't you see the wonderful clip when Eva Longoria learned she was only like 20% Amerind?
That was Jessica Alba. It is doubtful that Eva Longoria has any Amerind ancestry, as she comes from a Jewish family that still practices first-cousin marriage to this day (although she obviously broke with her past in marrying Tony Parker).
santa clara 1,806,881 21,716 23,536
san diego 3,125,324, 21,899, 43,676 the last figure is birthrates, now is more hispanic than Sc, so maybe at a certain level hispanics caused the population to decline. Notice that Santa Clara less hispanic compared to San Diego grew as much in people. Going hispanic in the long run ,oddly enough slows population growth even if hispanics have more children a lot of hispanics and whites eventually moved from an area that is too hispanic.
I mean that the 21,000 figures for both Santa Clara and San Diego are the population growth while there is over a million more people in San Diego, the 43,000 and 23,000 are birthrates. This may explain why California has shifted to the left politically, folks leave San Diego and moved to Santa Clara. During the post years before the bust, the Inland more conserative counties were growing fast but the bust caused more job problems in the inland counties and shifted job growth back to the high tech Bay Area.
He always handled Zuma Dogg with such aplomb on the community access broadcasts. Hand him the keys.
Well, my prediction at the most La is only going to be 55 percent hispanic. Hispanics are leaving La since its expensive. The peak for legal immmirgation in Los Angeles was 2001 at 108,000 according to the California Financial Populatoin. And this figure was much higher there was an extension of the IRca act into the early 20,000's that made some immirgation legal much higher than other years. The last year reported in 2011 at 69,000 legal immirgants for La. It seems as the immirgation shifts from hispanics to asians La and Orange County are getting less immirgants and the peak decade seems to be the Bush years for both, some years high in Clinton.
What is the evidence that Longoria is of Jewish ancestry? I don't recall that the PBS show with Henry Louis Gates stated that her ancestors were conversos as was the case for Linda Chavez.
Wow, I had no idea that anyone who lived in Brentwood and attended a prestigious school, must be classified as non-Mexican, despite that individual's family emigrating to the US from Mexico. *sarcasm* The fact of the matter is that Eric's father, Gil, was very much raised in a Mexican American household, while his mother is Jewish. Gil's father was actually born in Mexico and his mother came from a Mexican American family from Arizona with 19 kids (does that make her extra Mexican going by your stereotypes?). The Italian heritage from Eric's Mexican family comes from a single Mexican-Italian great grandparent. So yes, Eric has every right to claim his Mexican and Jewish ancestry if he so chooses.
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