The latest thought criminal is a young lady at all-female Smith College in Northampton, MA who sent out an email announcing she was starting a sorority at Smith for straight girls who like to do girly stuff and meet boys from other colleges.
I got this idea because personally as a straight girl at Smith, I feel marginalized and I feel like the minority, and I think this could be a really great way to socialize with people we identify more with at smith, and to meet more guys.
Amherst basketball team |
The first mixer is already plnned, wih the Amherst bball team this Friday (actually their idea!) What do you think?"
Smith has been Angry Lesbian-heavy for many decades. On New Year's Eve 1981 in Mazatlan, I met a Stanford coed who had transferred there from Smith. I asked why. She said she likes boys and grew tired of being denounced at Smith for liking them.
Fortunately, Katy Waldman of
Slate is on the case of policing emails that implicitly engage in Pattern Recognition and don't understand that all that talk about Respecting Minority Rights isn't supposed to apply to minorities.
I think women of all sexual persuasions are equally likely to run screaming from Lily Pulitzer sorority apparel.
I think gay women probably enjoy mingling with male friends, having dinner, participating in photoshoots, dressing up, and baking as much as straight ones.
I think straight girls probably still outnumber gay girls at Smith College, so your plaint that you “feel marginalized and…like the minority” sounds like a veiled protest against the acceptance of a subgroup, not a cry of persecution.
I think if you reaallllly want to look out for other straight women, you can start by not assuming that they are all ultra-feminine creatures who love baking, socializing with big strong basketball players, and wearing pink every Wednesday.
Brings to mind the old Seven Sisters Frat boys saying:
"Smith to bed, Mount Holyoke to wed."
"Katy Waldman of Slate"
A chick, Millennial, Jew, from DC. Good lord.
Lots of barely concealed Ashkenazi revenge against the WASPs closing the club doors in their ancestors' face. E.g., the glib self-righteous shaming of U of Alabama sororities for only recently integrating.
I think the first line of protest should be from the parents. Most parents want their daughters to be normal and straight, and not f*cked up militant feminists. If the parents en masse flat out refuse to pick up the tab for their daughters to go to places like this they (the institutions) would rapidly change their tunes.
Smith to bed, Mt Holy to wed, Radcliffe to talk to.
Such a shame that the jealous ugly stepsister types like Katy Waldman predominate in media, along with their beta male counterparts.
They only win because the (admittedly few and far between) intelligent sorority/fraternity types would never do something as uncool as write or edit.
Katy Waldman of Slate
Speaking of opportunities for minorities, what's the chance that Slate will start hiring a few non-Jews? And by non-Jews I mean white gentiles.
"I think gay women probably enjoy mingling with male friends, having dinner, participating in photoshoots, dressing up, and baking as much as straight ones." -----------
Because nothing pulls the straight males to a mixer more than knowing lesbians want to mingle with them.
Why am I not surprised that there is some gal named Waldman, who went to Yale, and is still bothering the kids. Silly me, I figured they'll make it through just fine without her getting up in their business. Her opening sentences, where she recounts some of her recent hall-monitoring discoveries, brought to mind a line from Animal House: "Don't you have any respect for yourself?"
Let me guess, another Jewish lesbo kvetching about women wanting to be women and not ersatz men?
Just another article from dumbass Steve Sailer making things up about gay people who he knows nothing about. This heterosexual female wants to make a heterosexual-only sorority. That's it. Just like all the other stuff heterosexuals with there numbers like to make heterosexual-only.
I keep thinking that there's no way that the writing at Slate can get any more moronic.
They keep proving me wrong.
Thanks for the heads up, Steve.
I just went over there and gave them a good dose of heteronormativity and traditional gender roles in the comments section.
When I read the title of this post I thought it was going to be about pedophilia.
Love crime.
I'm guessing most of the Van Dyke crowd as Smith'd assume that the picture of the Amherst team is pointing and laughing at them. Their solipsism dictating that it's them personally being singled out - the still photo is laughing at them.
Which is probably a fair assessment.
Girlie girl wants an occasional break from lesbian indoctrination? Microagression!!!
'Their', not 'there' ... Dumbass.
Gilbert P.
"A chick, Millennial, Jew, from DC. Good lord.
Lots of barely concealed Ashkenazi revenge against the WASPs closing the club doors in their ancestors' face. E.g., the glib self-righteous shaming of U of Alabama sororities for only recently integrating."
I grew up with these people, so I have to say you're right, and I always found it kind of stupid. You people own the club already, enough already. Read Half Sigma sometime. He's not successful, but...
I admit I always had the same attitude toward frat boys, athletes, and other alpha males, but it wasn't ethnically based--if anything, there were more Jews on the other side. I wonder if the Asians will be writing articles like this in 50 years.
I think, I think, I think.
Such a shame that the jealous ugly stepsister types like Katy Waldman predominate in media, along with their beta male counterparts.
They only win because the (admittedly few and far between) intelligent sorority/fraternity types would never do something as uncool as write or edit.
Correct. Masculine men go into higher status and/or technical fields, and feminine women go into low status chick fields and then drop out to raise kids.
Thus the prestige press is left in the hands of leftist termagants and limp-wristed male feminist types (i.e. absolute betas).
As the late writer I.B. Singer once said,"Jews are a people that can't sleep. Problem is, they don't let others sleep either!"
It's simply amazing that 2 % of the population wields so much influence. This not just the tail wagging the dog. It's the very tip of the tail, that fluffy little fur ball at the end of a poodle, for instance, that is doing the wagging.
At the Ivy League school I attended, Smith girls had a somewhat different reputation, and they continued to earn it even after I moved away from New England.
A doomed effort. You can't have a straight only sorority because that would be discriminatory. So a few lesbians will join out of spite. Then you can't have mixers with the boys basketball team because would make the lesbians feel excluded and in a hostile environment. So we're basically now in a place where the government determines who sororities can have mixers with.
That angry lesbians want all the cute girls for themselves is unsurprising, I suppose. They have constructed a nice narrative to justify their own selfishness and aggression.
Chicago radio personality Steve Dahl wrote a song about the Jimmy the Greek "is racist" episode. This article remided me of a line from the song: "It's not what you say, but about who you say it!"
Why is it that Slate writers apparently can't read.
The girl who wants to start the girly sorority said it was for straight chicks who want to do girly stuff and meet more guys. See that who in there? Yeah that means like a subset of straight chicks, ya know, the ones who want to do that. Who gives a rat's rear if gay chicks want to socialize with guys. It is not like guys want to socialize with them, so it is pretty moot. Straight chicks probably also want a guy to maybe marry, but that works out better when they actually meet guys.
Such a shame that the jealous ugly stepsister types like Katy Waldman predominate in media, along with their beta male counterparts.
Who hires and pays these people?
Who approves these articles?
Before going to google images I knew she was going to be ugly or Jewish. Congrats, Katy.....I guess.
Daily Mail has a rehash of the Jennifer Flowers-Bill Clinton affair. He supposedly stated way back then that Hillary had done the deed with more women than he had. If all goes as planned the American public will have the opportunity to burnish it's progressive credentials by voting for a bi-female for president in 2016. It'll be her or the guy with the axe-murderer eyes, Jorge P. Bush. No trannies seem to be on the political horizon just yet. Looks like the country is in for a gut-wrenching 4-8 years not too far from now.
Anonymous said..."Just another article from dumbass Steve Sailer making things up about gay people who he knows nothing about. This heterosexual female wants to make a heterosexual-only sorority. That's it. Just like all the other stuff heterosexuals with there numbers like to make heterosexual-only."
Angry homosexual guy: I see that you struggle with the choice of proper adjectives. You used "gay" when you meant "homosexual" or if you prefer, "sodomite". You used "heterosexual" when you meant "normal".
You're welcome.
"I think straight girls probably still outnumber gay girls at Smith College..."
You "think"?
I think you can't see the forest for the trees.
Is Friedman Dr. Phil pretending to be Jewish?
I link therefore I spam.
"I think gay women probably enjoy mingling with male friends, having dinner, participating in photoshoots, dressing up, and baking as much as straight ones."
I would quote Orwell:
"You have to be an intellectual to believe such nonsense. No ordinary man could be such a fool,"
but of course we're not talking about men.
>If the parents en masse flat out refuse to pick up the tab for their daughters to go to places like this they (the institutions) would rapidly change their tunes.<
The parents are either or both:
a. clueless - they think it's still they same as when they went to U (the rubber band effect; more on this below)
b. greedy - they don't care about anything except ensuring that their brats will pull down a million dollars by age 30 at the latest. If that means the kid gets screwed up in the head, well, there's always therapy. Which will now be affordable!
The rubber band effect: age 40 or so seems to be where the rubber band of human aspiration is attached. When a person is young, he or she can't wait to grow up, to be James or Jane Bond, or live independently and have cool adult stuff. When a person passes 40, he or she does a pole shift (if I may change the metaphor) and looking backward becomes the default setting, increasingly so with time. The tendency for post-40'ers is to make assumptions grounded in experiences that occurred in their ever-receding heyday. After all, the logical thing to do is to mine the richest vein of experience. In second childhood, the rubber band snaps: the interesting time period becomes the first childhood.
I haven't read papers on it, this is only from observing parents, neighbors, longtime friends...and especially myself (nearing 50).
The rubber band effect is successfully resisted all the time by us geezers, since we do have relatively rich resources to draw on, but it does exist and pulls more strongly with distance from the center. It is the one bias, though, that we tend not to correct for, either because we forget to do so or because we refuse to acknowledge the existence of this bias. I tend to think less that it's organically based ("calcifying brains") and more that it's simple bias, along the lines of confirmation bias.
Actually, if I was the father of a young "lady" (let´s not rush to conclusions, Steve, this is the 21th Century, the age of fast hook-ups, sorority orgies and impersonal internet sex), I´d be glad there´s little to no campus male-on-female action at Smith. Even if it means your daughter has to put up with horrid lesbian and/or feminist harridans on a daily basis.
The longer you can keep her away from the "worldly" carousel, the better chance you have of having grandchildren at all. Look the carousel term up at Heartiste´s Blog, Steve! It starts at college usually.
Googling her name brought up this:
"Selfies Haven’t Made Us Narcissists"
Oh RKU, where art thou?
People telling Jews they can relax now since we've "won" remind me how easy it is for victory to lead to relaxation and then defeat. Yes, Jews are now the establishment, and it's tempting to feel we can relax now, but that's especially when we have to be most on our guard. Historically, victory is usually followed by softening and defeat. It's only Jewish paranoia - one of the healthiest, strongest, and most positive of Jewish instincts. The lack of understanding gentiles have for this powerful instinct betrays a fatal weakness in their character and sheds some light on why they ultimately didn't have what it takes to retain power - and an exceptionally tough and enduring will to victory that has a chance of sparing Jews from this historical pattern.
Comments on this site never fail to remind me of how dangerous the temptation to relax really is. I have no doubt if Jews did relax, guys like the hideous and creepy "agnostic" would immediately crawl out of the woodworks with their festering resentments and Jews would once again be banned from country clubs and similar places.
Fact of the matter is, we are dealing with whites, Aryans if you prefer, who have historically been the most virulently racist genetic group in history. All groups are racist, but none as virulently as European whites. It's probably a genetic character trait but if you compare historical racist attitudes it is clear as day that no other race or civilization equals white Europeans. Even modern day white Western self-hatred, which although helped along by the Jews is an essentially white European construct, is a kind of racism in reverse! It's the same need to demonize and hate an entire people that seems genetically white, just this time directed inward! Even the white attempt to get away from racism ends up being just racism in reverse, its surreal! It would be comic if it wasn't so sad. Orwell said that Western Communism was just nationalism attached to another group, and its the same with Western anti-racism - it's just racism attached to one's own group.
The Muslims noted the Crusaders inability to treat any other race as equals. We are not dealing with a mildly racist people like the Chinese or the Arabs, with whom perhaps Jews might be able, over time and in the right cultural climate such as exists in the secular West today, to relax their guard.
Liberal Double Think.
"I think gay women probably enjoy mingling with male friends, having dinner, participating in photoshoots, dressing up, and baking as much as straight ones."
Really Katy? I bet if we took a look at the course syllabi for Smith we'd find entire sections devoted to condemnation of masculinity and males, conventions on sexual attractiveness and fashion ("photoshoots" and "dressing up") and traditional domestic roles ("baking"!).
That leaves "having dinner" with the shrill Sapphists of Smith. Oh what fun that must be!
Lesbians guard certain schools the way blacks guard government jobs.
Still, would be very interesting to know what the actual (the real) % of lesbians at the school is.
Some young, semi-rebellious young women who have adopted the youthful persona of "edgy" often play the game of "I hate men but love women" yet, I think, never have an actual sexual attraction for other women. It's a put-on.
Want to make lesbians crazy? Flood their spaces with young gay males. They_hate_them.
It's funny, isn't it? They hate gay males more than they hate their avowed enemies, straight males.
(Of course, never let it be said they don't hate straight females either.)
Come to think of it, lesbians pretty much hate everyone except Barack, Michelle, and Hillary.
"Lots of barely concealed Ashkenazi revenge against the WASPs closing the club doors in their ancestors' face."
WASPs are still closing the club doors and feelings are still being hurt.
A good friend from the HLS communications department was invited to interview at Smith back in 1989. They were looking to change their image. She was quite excited since she was tired of Cambridge & Boston.
She returned from a day of interviews at Northampton and I asked her how things had gone. She sighed, saying, "Not well."
During her round of interviews the interviewers began delicately and obliquely suggesting who they were looking to hire: someone to change Smith's image from Bull Dyke World Headquarters to something more ... umm ... welcoming.
She declined a callback interview.
I think if you reaallllly want to look out for other straight women, you can start by not assuming that they are all ultra-feminine creatures who love baking, socializing with big strong basketball players, and wearing pink every Wednesday.
Yeah! Waldman is right! Some straight women are wacked-out, schizophrenic, manic-depressive Orthodox Jews with Major Daddy Issues like Shulamit Firestone, Betty Friedan, and Bella Abzug.
Nobody here can stand good news. So it looks like very few of those lefty Smith gals will be procreating.
Why is that bad news?
"This heterosexual female wants to make a heterosexual-only sorority. That's it. Just like all the other stuff heterosexuals with there numbers like to make heterosexual-only."
And the problem with that is? You guys have got your all-queer kiddie porn guilds and your daycares for abusing kids,but when a heterosexual wants one thing for his or herself, you throw a fit.
You're two-percent of the global population. There's a lot more of us. There's going to be millions of heterosexual-only organizations just by accident, so why get upset about this one?
Anonymous said...
Googling her name brought up this:
"Selfies Haven’t Made Us Narcissists"
Oh RKU, where art thou?
Oh my word!!! Pushed out to make room for Katy Waldman!
Wondering how this discussion became a focus on Jewish/Ivy thing.
Regarding Smith: I visited it a few years ago when my daughter was looking at colleges and actually found the feeling to be less aggressively Lesbian than I had expected. Definitely some of the students walking around dressed and looked they would be out of place at a traditional coed Liberal Arts school, but a large majority by appearance did not look that way.
John McCain won approval of many Dem-and-lib elites in the 90s and during Bush yrs, but they all voted for Obama. Approval of enemy doesn't mean conversion of enemy.
It's like we cheered on Gorby's reforms, but it didn't mean we wanted to become communist, even moderate communists.
"Yes, Jews are now the establishment..."
Please stop advancing anti-Semitic nonsense which only encourages hateful thinking. Establishments simply do not complain about the trivial like Lily Pulitzer, WASP-y sororities, or run stories like this:
Really, the WASP envy needs to stop. It's becoming obnoxious.
From Forbes:
Smith College
At a Glance
Student Population: 3,162
Undergraduate Population: 2,627
Student to Faculty Ratio: 9
Total Annual Cost: $57,913
In-State Tuition: $41,460
Out-of-State Tuition: $41,460
Percent on Financial Aid: 73.0%
Percent Admitted: 43.0%
Forbes Financial Grade: A+
Forbes Lists
#59 Overall
#48 in Private Colleges
#35 in the Northeast
Someone asked what kind of parents would foot the bill for their daughter to go to such a school?
With only approx. 3100 students, it doesn't take that many crazy parents to fill such a school. I suspect a lot of progressives are crazy enough to want the stamp of "Smith College" on their daughter.
In looking up the data, I saw Nancy Reagan among former Smith students. My, how times have changed.
I had a high school friend who went to Smith in 1966. She was one of the daughters of one of only four Jewish families in our working class town, two of which were headed by brothers. One father, hers, was a doctor. Two others were merchants (furniture store, jewelry store) and the other I don't recall.
Last I heard from her personally in her sophomore year at Smith, she wasn't too fond of it. She wound up an attorney in DC.
She liked guys, but I wouldn't put it past her to experiment with just about anything, drugs and maybe even women, just to say she had done so. That type.
"It's only Jewish paranoia - one of the healthiest, strongest, and most positive of Jewish instincts."
Yeah, it's not easy earning the title of world's most loathed ethnic group. Takes commitment.
BTW, kicked out of western Europe c. 1300, then nearly wiped out in the 19th-20th C. in the east. How has that healthy instinct worked out for you historically?
It's probably too late, but Jews should try to take lessons from the Parsis. They're an ethnic middleman minority group in exile, specializing in finance business and professions -- except beloved rather than reviled by their host population. India wants to pay them to have more kids -- can't say that about any country that's ever hosted Ashkenazi Jews.
Persian and other Middle Eastern Jews have also escaped the fate of the Ashkenazim by not specializing in the ethnic middleman niche or treating their host population like a bunch of rubes who require their administration.
Never too late to start atoning for your sins and change your ways. The rest of the world is willing to accept you if you can demonstrate your penance.
Keep in mine TAC publishes this writer along with Slate. One can only laugh at how easily the anti-war right gets played. In a year the only consevative published at TAC will be Rod Dreher and only because he draws 70 percent of their traffic.
Michael said:
" All groups are racist, but none as virulently as European whites."
Margret Chow used to tell a joke.
I used to date black men. My mom didn't like it. SO I started dating Korean men. My mom said, date black men.
They destroy Japanese cars, for gods sake, in China.
"We are not dealing with a mildly racist people like the Chinese or the Arabs..."
Anyone who thinks like that has obviously not spent one nanosecond actually getting to know the Chinese. They are perhaps second only to the Koreans as being the most virulently racist people on the planet. Seriously.
Good thing is, the Scots-Irish will finally get their comeuppance when bringing down the US, they allow the Chinese to rise to dominance. The whole game has relied on claiming to be white to twist things from the inside then an oppressed minority when convenient. Unless you get some serious plastic surgery, no playing that game there.
Sigh. I'd much, much, MUCH rather have the adorable Westinghouse winner than Katy Waldman. Shame on you, TAC!
Btw, when will he publish again and where?
You've ruined my week.
" This heterosexual female wants to make a heterosexual-only sorority. That's it. Just like all the other stuff heterosexuals with there numbers like to make heterosexual-only." - We're not particularly sympathetic to this.
"We are not dealing with a mildly racist people like the Chinese or the Arabs, with whom perhaps Jews might be able, over time and in the right cultural climate such as exists in the secular West today, to relax their guard." - It must be so terrible being forced to live with the most vile racist evil on planet earth on a daily basis, do tell us more.
Fact of the matter is, we are dealing with whites, Aryans if you prefer, who have historically been the most virulently racist genetic group in history. All groups are racist, but none as virulently as European whites . . .
The Muslims noted the Crusaders inability to treat any other race as equals. We are not dealing with a mildly racist people like the Chinese or the Arabs, with whom perhaps Jews might be able, over time and in the right cultural climate such as exists in the secular West today, to relax their guard.
To atone for my racism and unearned White skin privilege, I hereby advocate the following:
US should no longer interfere in any matter that involves Arabs, Israel, or Palestinians. The US should abstain every time a matter involving Israel (or its neighbors) comes before the UN Security Council, stop providing economic and military aid, and withdraw all US military personnel and hardware from the region. This will allow Israeli Jews to live in peace with their Arab neighbors, free from the influence of evil White Americans.
I neither can defend nor want to defend the direction TAC has gone in lately, but calm down on this one - she never published there; she was just quoted in a blog post and then (rather unnecessarily) tagged as a subject of the post.
(And although slavery isn't intrinsically a racial issue, it's worth pointing out that white people are also the first ones to whom it occurred that slavery was morally problematic. If it weren't for white people, slavery would still be legal throughout the world (as opposed to technically illegal but still widely practiced in places like Mauretania and the Sudan).)
"David said...
I haven't read papers on it, this is only from observing parents, neighbors, longtime friends...and especially myself (nearing 50)."
I'm about the same age, and I have noticed the same thing. I realized it about my parent's generation - now almost all gone - but right up to the last they drew on their WWII/Depression area experience, not realizing that it is now irrelevant. This isn't the America of fifty or sixty years ago - that country is dead and gone. And a lot of people in our generation still make the assumption that things today are fundmentally no different than they were thirty years ago. They are dreadfully wrong about that, and their impending collision with reality will be jarring for them. Myself, I am mentally prepared (if not otherwise) for anything up to and including the most dystopic, Heironymus Bosch-like nightmares one has seen on movies and TV - Soylent Green, Mad Max,.............Glee.
Too literal ;)
69 comments! Woot!
"They're an ethnic middleman minority group in exile, specializing in finance business and professions -- except beloved rather than reviled by their host population. India wants to pay them to have more kids -- can't say that about any country that's ever hosted Ashkenazi Jews."
Wiki article on Jews in India mentions how India has been the exception to the rule of anti-semitism. Considering the melange of races that is India, multiculti does look like a good way to end anti-semitism.
You must be joking.
He is. Forgot to include Indians, though.
"I think gay women probably enjoy mingling with male friends, having dinner, participating in photoshoots, dressing up, and baking as much as straight ones."
Bullshit. Lesbians hate men, with a passion. Or maybe they don't hate men, but the ones I've known have very little interest in socializing with men, until they need real muscle for moving to a new home or adding a deck to the house.
Gay men love to socialize with women. They love their fairy princesses. They'll even socialize with straight guys. But lesbian women stick to themselves and to random women they hope to convert.
Michael's post above is instructive and typifies Jewish hypocrisy. He celebrates Jewish racial awareness as a self-preservation instinct (healthy, strong, positive), while denouncing that of Whites as the world's worst racism (virulent, demonizing, hate, etc.).
And just added agnostic's blog to my newsreader. Thanks, back to the "woodworks" I go . . .
>> what's the chance that Slate will start hiring a few non-Jews? And by non-Jews I mean white gentiles.
I am slightly to the right of Ghengis Kahn, but I say to you.... Slate caters to its revenue stream - nothing more, nothing less.
Gentile chicks are most likely to be found trying to hump ghetto-esque NBA players, than reading intellectual magazines.
Nothing personal -it's just business.
>> The rest of the world is willing to accept you if you can demonstrate your penance.
we don't need you. You need us.
Tons of countries expelled their Jews - EVERY SINGLE ONE invited them back.
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