January 2, 2014

Indian Olympic athletes: Now on steroids, yet still bad

For a long time, the South Asian countries were unusual in their refreshing lack of interest in most sports. Giant India, for example, won only a single medal at both the 2000 and 2004 summer Olympics. But in 2012, India was up to six medals (none gold, though). 

What's the secret behind this sextupling of medalage in just eight years? How are they doing it? Apparently, the same way wiry Dominican utility infielders became massive Dominican sluggers, just not as effectively.

From the NYT:
Banned Substances Claim an Outsize Role in Athletics in India 
Steroids and Sports in India: Nearly 500 athletes from India have tested positive for banned substances since 2009, when the country’s National Anti-Doping Agency became fully functional. 
... Athletes around the world have had their careers marred by doping, but Indian athletes, with easy access to legal steroids and limited knowledge about their consequences, lead the world in suspensions for performance-enhancing drug use. 
Nearly 500 have tested positive for banned substances since 2009, when India’s National Anti-Doping Agency, known as NADA, became fully functional. In 2012 alone, 178 Indians were barred from competition. Russia has had the second-highest number of suspensions, with more than 260 athletes barred since 2009. 
At the same time, Russia, with a population of 143 million, has had great international athletic success, and India, a nation of 1.2 billion, has underperformed. India has won only 26 medals in the 113 years it has competed in the Olympic Games. Russia has earned 482 Olympic medals since it began competing as the Russian Federation in the 1994 Winter Games.


Anonymous said...

You mean South Asians were... cheating? I find this very difficult to believe.

Anonymous said...

Indo-Canadian stand up talking about Indian coolies and athletes


Simon in London said...

My understanding is that even when you take steroids, I think you still need to exercise to add the muscle mass? Indians are not renowned for their love of exercise.

peterike said...

Indians cheating. Alert the media.

While you're at it alert U.S. tech companies, which still haven't learned that they're playing a mug's game by hiring all those keyboard coolies.

FirkinRidiculous said...

But how many Test runs have Russians scored? There's a new breed of Indian cricketer; these men have attitude, they have designer stubble and hair gel. All they lack is body piercings and tattoos, but those will surely come.

Anonymous said...

Include an event called shit-all-over and India wins all the medals.

d..... said...

Indo-Pak athletes do well in cricket. Make that an Olympic sport and you've got instant medals.

International Jew said...

National Anti-Doping Agency, NADA. Ha ha. "Whaja find?" "Nada". "Okay, hasta mañana".

Indians are too into sports. It's just that there aren't a lot of olympic medals up for grabs in the sports Indians care about.

Of course the Indians could adapt and, Chinese-like, devote themselves to beating the West at its own games. I guess they just don't want to. Something like that has happened in classical music. Chinese parents decided to make their kids excel at violin and piano (so that the best American youth symphonies now look alot like the list of national merit semifinalists). Meanwhile, the high-achieving Indian kids largely stick to their traditional sitars and the like.

Simon in London said...

peterike said...
>>Indians cheating. Alert the media.
While you're at it alert U.S. tech companies, which still haven't learned that they're playing a mug's game by hiring all those keyboard coolies.<<

I guess those tech companies should go read "A Farewell to Alms". I certainly found it eye-opening. Indian textile workers 1/6 the productivity of British workers with the same equipment. 1/8 the productivity of American workers.

Anonymous said...

It's not just India which fares poorly at sports.

Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka do poorly too. Bangladesh has 150 million inhabitants and has never won a single medal........ Ever. Pakistan hasn't won a medal since 1992.

Indian-Americans haven't fared well in sports. Of the 15 Asian-American athletes to compete for the U.S. in the 2012 Olympics, zero were South Asian. The NBA has quite a few international players, but zero South Asians.

It's less well known that South Asians have athletically underachieved in many nations.

-Suriname, Guyana, Fiji, and Trinidad have produced zero Olympic medal winners of Indian origin, despite being about half Indian by population. These Indians are the descendants of mainly North Indian indentured laborers.
-Mauritius hasn't produced any Indian Olympic medal winner either.
-Canada is 5% South Asian, but there was only 1 South Asian (wrestler Arjan Bhullar) on the Canadian Olympics team. About a third of the Canadian South Asian population is Sikh.
-South Asian Canadians are about 1% of the Canada's top 1000 ranked power lifters, despite being 5% of Canada's population. Relative to their population, even the Chinese-Canadians are somewhat better represented.
-There have been only 2 people of South Asian origin in the Canadian NHL ever. One of them is half-white Manny Malholtra.
-In Singapore, zero Olympic medal winners have been South Asian, despite being about 9 percent Indian by population. Singapore Indians are mainly South Indian.
-Malaysia is 7 percent Indian, but there's never been an Indian medal winner. Malaysian Indians are also mainly South Indians.
-South Asian athletes are exceptionally underrepresented in professional soccer in England. South Asians are 10x less likely to make it to a professional soccer club than a white Englishman. Afro-British are 10x more likely to make it a professional soccer club. Of the South Asians in professional soccer, about 3/4 of them are mixed race.
-Of 541 British athletes in the 2012 Olympics, only 2 were of South Asian origin. One badminton player and one mixed race soccer player. South Asians are about 7% of the UK's population. UK's South Asian population is very diverse, with around half being of Pakistani/Bangladeshi origin. Hindu Indians and Sikhs are there in large numbers. South Asians have been in the UK since the 1950s.

The record is consistently bad, whether at home or abroad. It's bad in the U.S., Canada, the UK, southeast Asia, the Carribean, etc. It's bad in basketball, soccer, hockey, baseball, football, weightlifting. It's bad regardless of whether the people competing are North Indian, South Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, or Sikh. Regardless of whether the South Asians migrate as laborers, refugees, professionals, or family migrants.

Anonymous said...

My understanding is that even when you take steroids, I think you still need to exercise to add the muscle mass? Indians are not renowned for their love of exercise.

Also historically the environment consisted of relatively little food, mostly vegetarian fare, always hot and muggy, lots of infectious critters that wear you down, etc. You wouldn't feel like exercising much in those conditions either.

Anonymous said...

What about kabaddi? I think Indians are good at that/


It's sort of team wrestling and dodgeball, without the ball. It's played at the Asian Games:


Pat Boyle said...

I give up, why are Indians such bad athletes?


Anonymous said...

"I give up, why are Indians such bad athletes?"

Indians are low on masculinity. This is apparent to anyone who's talked to a large number of them. They're wily, but meek.

A look at history tells us that they must have been meeker than other Eurasian peoples for a very long time. India has been invaded by Aryans, Persians, Greeks, Arabs, Mughals and Brits. I'm sure that my list is incomplete. I'm not aware of any Indian invasions of other lands.

India has a long history of producing pacifist, non-violent ideologies. Hinduism with its vegetarianism, Buddhism, Ghandi. Islam has weened Pakis from vegetarianism, but it hasn't made them very masculine. Dietary choices seem to be more a symptom than a cause.

The top of the Hindu caste system is occupied by hereditary priests. In European and most other cultures hereditary warriors occupied the top spot instead.

Indian movies are famously soap opera-like. What's interesting is that they're watched there by both sexes.

The question of why Indians are bored by and bad at sports is easy to answer - they're low on masculinity. How did they end up with lower levels of masculinity than any of their neighbors? THAT's an interesting question.

Anonymous said...

I give up, why are Indians such bad athletes?

I think it's mostly apathy. Iran and some of the other West/Central Asians seem to do ok at the Olympics and they're genetically similar to Indians, especially northern Indians. Unlike Indians though, they also seem to have been more influenced by the Soviet bloc and thus its attitude of caring a lot about sports. British influence didn't seem to help much with the Indians, because while the British enjoy sports, they seem averse to taking sports too seriously.

Anonymous said...

"Also historically the environment consisted of relatively little food, mostly vegetarian fare, always hot and muggy, lots of infectious critters that wear you down, etc."

Unlike in Africa? :-)

Anonymous said...

Top athletes tend to come from the extreme right tail of the masculinity distribution. The means of the Indian and European masculinity distributions don't have to differ by all that much for the difference to be huge at the extreme right tails.

Jake said...

"My understanding is that even when you take steroids, I think you still need to exercise to add the muscle mass? Indians are not renowned for their love of exercise."

Mostly they just speed up the recovery process, I believe. You still have to do the work. HGH is only released by the body during sleep. You're generally advised to allow muscles 48 hours (i.e., two nights' sleep) recovery time before working them again. People taking HGH can work out every day. (Not ever having doped, correct me if any of this is wrong.)

There've been some Indian guys in my gym who were pretty serious weightlifters. One of them, a teenager, had a creepy habit of wandering around the locker room completely nude for absurd lengths of time. I finally reported him after he did it when lots of kids were around. The kid mostly did machines, not free weights, but he could max out on almost every weight machine in the gym.

I think Indians really want to be into sports. Most of the Indian guys in my high school went out for one sport or another. They just never excelled at them.

If there weren't lots of Indians in the West you could dismiss a lot of the gap as just the result of them coming from poor countries. But they don't win a lot of medals for American or British or Canadian teams, either, so the gap is certainly biological.

Anonymous said...

Unlike in Africa? :-)

I was comparing India with similar Caucasoid groups in the Mideast and West Asia.

The environment of India is similar to Africa but the difference is that India has had a civilized environment i.e. agriculture and cities unlike Africa.

Anonymous said...

"I'm not aware of any Indian invasions of other lands."

Umm....not to endorse such invasions, but Indians did spread into, and to a limited extent, colonize South-East Asia. Earlier (during the late BCs and early ADs), this resulted in the spreading of Buddhist culture, and later in the 1st millenium AD and early 2nd millenium AD, it was Hindu culture from Southern India. Ever wondered why Indonesia has a large Hindu minority (though ethnically they are distinct from Indians)?

Invasions and conquests in the northwest were very few, but they still occurred. Up to almost 1000 AD, there were Hindu kingdoms around Kabul, Afghanistan. Besides the fact that Indians had limited interest in invading those places (the people there were considered "mlecchas" or barbarians with whom contact would be polluting), the locals there were extremely warlike, and hard to subdue. The Romans also stopped short of subduing all the Germans for similar reasons. Another disadvantage the Indian subcontinent has had is geography. Beyond the Indus river in the northwest, the elevation increases, and people on highlands always have the upper hand over people in lowlands. That may have deterred any prospective invasions, even by powerful and prosperous chiefs on the Indian side.

Anonymous said...

Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka do poorly too.

Some Nepalese excel at a sport called "killing people at whom their British officers point."

"Ayo Gorkhali," they say.

Anonymous said...

Indians will say that all their sporting resources go into cricket which is true

But they aren't really as good at it as they claim when you consider that about 80% of the cricket world's players and money are Indian

They are good at home -where everything is in their favor -but hopeless abroad and always have been (overall Australia has been #1 and currently it is South Africa )However because of Indian money they usually get their way in cricket issues ( selling TV rights to India is huge money for other countries for whom cricket is just one sport among many )

Anonymous said...


Where did you go to high school?

Surrey/Vancouver British, Columbia?

I've seen the same thing. Lots of Indian kids go out for sports. There are a lot of Punjabi/Indian guys playing soccer, hockey, and even basketball in Canada. Lots of British South Asians play soccer, just as much as white kids. Indian-Americans strike me as less athletically inclined (perhaps too busy studying for Spelling Bees and SATs?), but there are plenty of Indian basketball and even football players in the Silicon Valley high school. Lots of IA kids are into tennis.

It seems to me more of a genetic issue than a lack of interest. Indians participate in sports, but very few can compete at an elite level.

East Asians seem to take less interest in playing sports, but when they do play they're often quite good. China has done amazingly well in the Olympics.

Indians seem to do alright in racket sports (badminton, squash, tennis, racketball). The top golfer in the world is an Indian -Vijay Singh from Fiji. They're good at Cricket and field hocke too. They just don't well in any other sport. Other than maybe a few Sikhs from Punjab who wrestle.

It'd be interesting to see what the origins of this could be. I'd assume that thousands of years of agriculture, high population density, and urban civilization selected against high-testosterone and muscular men. The only problem is that it doesn't explain why East Asians, who were under the same pressures, are somewhat more athletic and more muscled.

Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans, and Nepalis should all be lumped together by the way. Nepal and SL have won only 1 medal each. Bangladesh has zero. Pakistan last medaled in Barcelona 20 years ago. Lots of South Asians in the West are non-Indian, but they can't win medals either.

The only atheletically inclined South Asian ethnic group are the Jats from Harayana/Punjab (in North India). They seem to be very agressive (as any Canadian can tell you) and warlike. They're obsessed with wrestling too........ but even then, they've only won a few medals in recent years. The last time they really were prominent was back a few decades ago when India was doing well in field hockey.

Unknown said...

/* India has a long history of producing pacifist, non-violent ideologies. */ Wrong.

/* The top of the Hindu caste system is occupied by hereditary priests. In European and most other cultures hereditary warriors occupied the top spot instead. */ Wrong. It was hereditary Kshatriyas who were responsible for protecting the people. Not the priests.

Anonymous said...

India currently does not have an Olympic committee as the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has declined to recognise the body which purports to be the Indian Olympic Association - a gerontocracy of criminals ( as are most Indian sporting groups )

It's the culture . I for one find it very difficult to imagine India ever amounting to much in any field of human endeavour ( except for size of population if that counts )

Duke of Qin said...

India is usually thought of wrongly as a peaceable country but it has expanded several times after independence in 1947 through military means and has mostly retained her new territories through the weight of demographics. This should serve as a stark lesson to the politicians of the West just how dangerous the immigration policies they are pursuing are, were they anything but idiots, shills, and quislings.

Most of Steve's readers should already be familiar with Kashmir, but are probably not aware of Junagadh and Hyderabad. Both were predominantly Hindu princely states ruled by Muslim (the opposite of Kashmir) that either declared their purposes to join Pakistan or remain independent. Both ended up being militarily invaded on the pretext that these were Hindu lands since the majority population was Hindu.

Goa, was a Portugese colony for over 450 years that gradually saw it's demographics change in the early 20th century as more Indians from neighboring areas moved into the region diluting the Luso-Indian Christian population. Eventually, the Indian's got tired of waiting and sent in agitators from outside of Goa from neighboring Indian provinces to agitate for independence from Portugal and then they militarily invaded. The Portugese offered citizenship to any natives that wanted out and the rest is history.

Sikkim is another parallel to Goa in that it was originally a Buddhist Kingdom populated predominantly by a Tibetan people as can be seen by their kings. They too were demographically swamped during the late 19th and 20th centuries by Hindu peoples from Nepal and Bengal. In the years prior to its annexation, you had the curious case of an Oriental Buddhist King with most of his politicians as Hindu Dravidians educated by the British. Naturally, they proved to be traitors and worked constantly to oust the racially alien monarch and eventually the Indian army invaded and annexed the Kingdom with a Saddam Hussein like 99% of the vote to affirm legitimacy.

Bhutan is an interesting case in that it is similar to Sikkim and still retains its independence though not from lack of effort by the Indians to annex it. It has done so primarily by fighting back, in the form of expelling all of the recently arrived alien immigrants. The Bhutanese "refugee" crisis is the result of the wise policy of actively removing the demographic threat that they posed. The refugees not actually being Bhutanese but mainly Nepalese.

Seran said...

China just concentrates mainly on sports with many categories and weak competition and pumps the athletes with steroids. For example weightlifting, there are many Chinese gold winners, who were one year ago totally unknown.

Anonymous said...

Seran said...
China just concentrates mainly on sports with many categories and weak competition and pumps the athletes with steroids. For example weightlifting, there are many Chinese gold winners, who were one year ago totally unknown.

Yes, but other East Asians, say, Koreans, concentrate on combat sports (such as wrestling, boxing and Judo) or sports that require intense concentration such as shooting and archery (which are also combat sports,just with weapons). In the latter, PEDs are of no help.

East Asians are more warlike than South Asians (with the exception of Gurkhas who are partly Mongoloids and a few warlike castes). They did fight once or twice even in recent history and the South Asians came off rather badly.

Jake said...

"It seems to me more of a genetic issue than a lack of interest. Indians participate in sports, but very few can compete at an elite level."

My guesses: 1) Indians lack speed; 2) Indians suck at team sports. The kids in my high school went out for cross country, track, and tennis. When they went out for a team sport, it was soccer. They may do team sports fine in places like Silicon Valley, where the competition is less severe.

The Indians at my gym have no problem putting on muscle, but with Olympic competition, speed is where it's at.

I have an Indian friend on Facebook who spends an enormous amount of time at the gym, and is always talking about how much he loves his sport. Then one day he posted video of himself playing, and all I could do was laugh.

turd said...

steroid abuse? the Olympic committee at the international games tested them and they were clean, you whites are jealous, the reason of India's failures in the past and its recent success is primarily because the Indian government is starting to invest in low caste martial Indian groups, if you look at all the medalist, the majority come from Haryana, and Haryana at the Commonwealth Games won 40% of the medals in 2010,and 99% of them were in wrestling, boxing, and shooting, which is all military related sports, India's FILA World Wrestling rankings, went from bottom 70 to number 17 in 4 years too, India used to be one of the top 10 nations in the wrestling world, the Gama who won 5,000 times and lost 0, and beat everybody in India and Europe is a Kashmiri Gujjar, and 99% of India's wrestlers are Haryanvi Jats, and to the dude who says Indians have low masculinity, do you have any medical sources to back your claim up? Because according to this sources, Indian men have some of the highest testosterone levels on the planet


and to person that says that Pakistan doesn't have athletes, what a bunch of bull, in Cricket, all of the worlds fastest pace bowlers are Pakistani descent, Pakistan is the only country that can come out with pace bowlers that can bowl speeds of over 161 kmph, and end up in the Guinness Book of World Records, even the Caribbean blacks can come out with speeds as fast as Pakistan, and the Australian and English whites with all the facilities in the world can't even get close to Shoaib Akthar and Mohammad Sami speed who are in the Guniness Book of World Records, even in the UK, the only decent boxers are Pakistani descent, Amir Khan, former two time world champion with 28 wins and 3 losses is going to verse Mayweather and the only boxer from England to go International, except for Ricky Hatton, who even admitted he would lose to Khan, Kash the Flash Gill is UK's only decent kickboxer, who is a former 4 time world champion with 84 wins and 16losses, UK's bodybuilding champion is Zack Khan, 310 pounds, and they're so many British Pakistanis playing in football clubs in the UK, they're only 1 million Pakistanis in the UK, and still a disproportiante amount of boxers, kickboxers, and Muay Thai athletes, even though they're more British blacks in the UK, they're still more Pakis in combat sports, just look at Umer Kiyani, who is a MMA fighter, and all the Paki vs EDL riots, Pakis knock the skulls off the EDL men, go to Youtube and look up 2 Muslims vs 60 EDL members, all of their faces got knocked out with 2 punches each.


whites are just racist and jealous, instead of providing scientific facts and an actual list, they just rant on about people being unathletic just because of one sporting event, in case you haven't noticed, North African and a lot of Middle Eastern countries don't do well in the Olympics either, at least India has a good Commonwealth Games record and a growing FILA World Wrestling Ranking.

Reg Cæsar said...

India is usually thought of wrongly as a peaceable country but it has expanded several times… Goa… Sikkim… Bhutan… --Duke of Qin

Wow, how brave of them to pick on places a thousandth or less their size. That's the equivalent of the US taking the Bahamas, Barbados and Belize.

Unknown said...

Actually East Asian men from what I've seen are really passive and East Asia never invaded other territories, your Southeast Asian brothers seem a lot more warlike than you, I've noticed in America that all the Asian gangs are of Cambodian or Thai descent, and all East Asian men are smart and in the Ivy leagues, and they're no Cambodian or Thai descent men in high institutions that require being passive, even the Indians in America are all Brahmin caste Indians, all of the Spelling Bee champions from India are Brahmins, they're no martial group Indians in those contest, actually they're no martial group Indians in America at all, and if you checked, you would know that 40% of British Army is Sikh, 20% of the Canadian Army is Sikh, and almost 75% of the Indian Army is Sikh, they're Sikhs that guard the Queen of England, they're Sikh bank guards in Hong Kong, but you don't find any Sikhs in the Ivy Leagues or competitions that require brains, all of those competitions are East Asians, whites, and Brahmin Indians, and the Middle East excluding Iran doesn't do well in the Olympics either, Oman,, Egypt, the Persian Gulf countries, Jordan, Lebanon, all do horrible at the Olympics too, even central American countries do bad at the Olympics, and India does really well against East Asian countries at the Asian games and Commonwealth Games.

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about? They're disproportionately more Pakistani boxers, kickboxers, Muay Thai fighters, and Karate champions in the UK than whites or blacks, even though they're only 1 million Pakistanis in the UK, your best boxer is Amir Khan, former 2 time world champion with 28 wins and 3 losses, and is the only British boxer to go international after Ricky Hatton, and even Ricky Hatton admitted to losing to Khan, your only good kickboxer is Kash the Flash Gill, former 4 time world champion, 84 wins and 16 losses, your bodybuilding champion is Zack Khan, 310 pounds, here is a list of all the British Paki boxers, Muay Thai fighters, kickboxers, Karate champions, footballers, Rugby players, and Cricket players in the UK, and Pakis win every Paki vs EDL riot, go to YouTube and type in 2 Muslims vs 60 EDL members all of their faces got knocked out with 2 punches each,


Unknown said...

LMFAO what are you talking about? They're disproportionately more British Paki boxers, Muay Thai fighters, and Karate champions than whites and blacks, the only decent boxer from the UK to go international is Amir Khan, former two time world champion, with 28 wins and 3 losses and is about to verse Mayweather, Kash thr Flash Gill is a 4 time world champion with 84 wins and 16 losses, Zack Khan is a bodybuilding champion, and here's a list of all the British Pakistani footballers and Cricket players, even Ricky Hatton said he would lose to Khan and that's the only decent boxer your 75 million white population the UK can come out with, there aren't even any decent British black boxers, and Pakis win all the Paki vs EDL riots, Pakis got the prison system too, here's a list


Unknown said...

Europeans are weaker than Indians, you can't have first world countries without being beta, most white guys are fat working at a 9 -5 office job, Pakis kick your arrse everyday in the UK, go look up 2 Muslims vs 60 EDL members, and then go look up 30 Muslims vs 50 EDL members.

Unknown said...

What are you talking about? Jats as an ethnic group do excellent in the wrestling world, India was ranked 90 out of 170 nations in the FILA World Wrestling Championships, as soon as the Indian government gave some funding to Haryana, India went from 90 to number 17 right now, only 2 % of India's population and 99% of the medals, plus Jats are 80% of the Indian Army, I've seen so many Jats especially the ones from Haryana and Himachel Pradesh over 7 ft, for example Sim Bhullar 7 ft 5, Tanveer Bhullar 7 ft 3, Satnam Singh 7 ft 1, Mohammad Irfan 7 ft 1, Rajesh Kumar, who is nicknamed the new Khali is about to enter the WWE next year, he is 7 ft 5, 395 pounds, He Is officially the tallest WWE superstar, and of course the Khali 7 ft 3, 400 pounds, and they're plenty of hockey players and weightlifters from the Sikh community representing Canada, and the other WWE wrestler Jinder Mahal was billed from Canada too, plus India in the 1940s was ranked in the top 10 wrestling nations by FILA, remember the Jat Dara Singh, he didn't lose one match in his career and won the wrestling world cup in Canada, and the Gujjar, the Gama, who is the only wrestler in history with 5,000 wins and 0 losses, he won against everybody in India and Europe, he used to pin the most elite wrestlers in 6.4 seconds, he also used to carry a 1,200 kg stone on his chest and walk distances carrying it, that's almost 2,680 pounds, he used to wrestle trees for fun pulling the tree out of its root with his bare hands, even Bruce Lee used to follow his workouts. India has had a rich wrestling history way before the Soviet Union too, and Indian wrestlers are coming back, at the 2013 World Wrestling Championships in Hungary, India came 4th out of many wrestling nations, the most prominent being Iran, Kazakhstan, and Russia, Jats of Haryana with less than 4 million in numbers in India are bringing India's wrestling days back, men in Haryana either do three occupations, farming, the military, or wrestling.

Unknown said...

Also, the average iq for Indians is 81, the average East Asian is 106, but they're still more Nobel prize Indians in Physics and Chemistry, why? Because all of those prizes are won by Tamil Brahmins, who also consist of 95% of the Indian space programme, and India's space program is only second to NASA because they're the second group that's getting ready to go to Mars, but the average Indian is way different, its the same in athletic performance, only some Indian groups are big, for example, China, Japan, and East Asia have no IFBB Pro bodybuilders, here's a Jat, who is 6 ft 3, 300 pounds and an IFBB Pro, Indians on the extreme ends are better and bigger, but the average Asian is just better, but who knows, let's see when India becomes a second world nation on how well the average Indians do, because if you go to YouTube and type in Indian bodybuilding competition and Japanese bodybuilding competition, the Indians are significantly bigger, and these are normal South Indians from Chennai, see look

Indian bodybuilding competition


Japanese bodybuilding competition


and here is Varinder Singh Ghuman, a Jat


Anonymous said...

Also, the average iq for Indians is 81, the average East Asian is 106, but they're still more Nobel prize Indians in Physics and Chemistry, why? Because all of those prizes are won by Tamil Brahmins, who also consist of 95% of the Indian space programme, and India's space program is only second to NASA because they're the second group that's getting ready to go to Mars, but the average Indian is way different, its the same in athletic performance, only some Indian groups are big, for example, China, Japan, and East Asia have no IFBB Pro bodybuilders, here's a Jat, who is 6 ft 3, 300 pounds and an IFBB Pro, Indians on the extreme ends are better and bigger, but the average Asian is just better, but who knows, let's see when India becomes a second world nation on how well the average Indians do, because if you go to YouTube and type in Indian bodybuilding competition and Japanese bodybuilding competition, the Indians are significantly bigger, and these are normal South Indians from Chennai, see look

Indian bodybuilding competition


Japanese bodybuilding competition


and here is Varinder Singh Ghuman, a Jat


Unknown said...

Not known for their renowned love for exercise? The low caste Indians toil out in the hot sun everyday breaking rocks from sun rise to late at night a lot of them are walking around with 6 pacs in India.

Anonymous said...

It was only after 2010 that the Indian government started funding Haryana, and guess what? They came with the 5th most medals at the Commonwealth Games in 2010, and the Olympic wrestlers from India who won at the Olympics are from Haryana too, here is an article, with just 5 million people in Haryana, that's 2% of India's population, they managed to have the 5th most medals, only behind Canada, Australia, and England in the medal count, and 99% of all the medals in the games for wrestling and boxing were won by Haryana, so what happened? Sports is sports no matter which platform it happens on, and Haryana did well in the Commonwealth and Asian games, they even did well in 2010 FILA World Wrestling Championships in Russia, with Sushil Kumar winning gold, and the FILA competitions have way better wrestlers than the amateurs at the Olympics, here is the article


Unknown said...

I think it must be biological because even poor countries such as thailand and the phillipines have produced multiple boxing champions just look at manny pacquaio, donaire, khaosai galaxy, samart etc

One thing I have noticed about indians though is that although they can get really big, the size does not translate to strength or power. Indians seem to lack the fast twitch muscle fibres to suceed in most sports. Another thing is that a medical study was done in canada comparing the muscle quality of ethnic chinese, whites and indians and the result was that indians had the least lean mass and the chinese having a small amount less than whites

Unknown said...

I think it must be biological because even poor countries such as thailand and the phillipines have produced multiple boxing champions just look at manny pacquaio, donaire, khaosai galaxy, samart etc

One thing I have noticed about indians though is that although they can get really big, the size does not translate to strength or power. Indians seem to lack the fast twitch muscle fibres to suceed in most sports. Another thing is that a medical study was done in canada comparing the muscle quality of ethnic chinese, whites and indians and the result was that indians had the least lean mass and the chinese having a small amount less than whites

Anonymous said...

to the weirdo who said something about south asians in boxing.. clearly doesn't even follow boxing
South asians are hilariously embarassingly awful at boxing just like they are on every other sport.. goes without saying.
Amir Khan is the only south asian boxer to ever get to any decent level, yet he is mediocre at best, he's a laughing stock with a glass jaw who couldn't last long at world level. South asians make up 1/3rd of the worlds population. Yet not a single south asian male has ever won a gold medal in boxing at the olympics EVER, not a single gold at the world championships EVER. only khan, .. 1 pro world boxing champ EVER!! there hasn't even been a single british champ who was south asian, they can't even get to domestic level, they are shockingly poor.. they all seem to have feather fists and glass jaws. Boxing is definately not for them.. you never heard the phrase ''pakistani's can't fight'' it's been a phrase known in british gyms long before Angel Garcia said it. Just the fact that Amir Khan is their best ever says it all! look up bums like Uzzy Ahmed and Adil Anwar if you wann have a laugh and see their 2nd and 3rd best ever boxers. Imagine doing a list of the top 10 south asian boxers currently or ever... imagine how utterly TERRIBLE it would beIt's definately genetic/biological.. they just cannot fight to save their life.

Same with every other sport.. funny thing is many of them love and play football... yet they get absolutely nowhere and can't get to any decent level just like they can't in every other sport... boxing, rugby, athletics, tennis, you name it they are terrible at it.

They are genetically inferior. They lack athleticism. They have very low standards. They are weak. The stats are absolutely hilarious. To say south asians are hopeless at sport is an understatement

turd said...

India has more medals than Japan and South Korea at the Asian games, and ranks higher in the FILA World wrestling championships, your achievements are by just better infrastructure, or else you could name some pro East Asian boxers or wrestlers who have won world titles too, also as far as iq, the richest ethnic group in places like America are Indians, most of the Scripps Spelling bees are won by Indians, even Silicon Valley has more Indians than any East Asian people, you're a bunch of little cheaters who use 8 year old girls to win your gymnastic medals, while India has their older age groups in most of those competitions.

Anonymous said...

Yes, but Indians in America destroy East Asians in the Ivy leagues, and at the Asian games, India does better than Iran, but Iran is better than India at the FILA World wrestling championships, even though the Indian wrestlers do better at the Asian games than Iran, you aren't physically sh/t, India has had world championship wrestlers and other athletes even before the Asian games happened, also Indian track runners use to be way faster than Japanese track runners in the 1950s, go look up the Asian records for the 1950s, at that time, there was more of an equal footing when it came to facilities, but now Japan just recently got, up, even Indian bodybuilders look huge compared to Chinese and Japanese bodybuilders, who even have IBF Pro status, for example varinder singh ghuman, 6 ft 3, 350 pounds.