January 25, 2009

The Unbearable Whiteness of Portland

Portland, Oregon is, of course, near the top of any list of Stuff White People Like. It has it all: environmental restrictions on suburban development, trams, liberal social attitudes, bicycle trails, awareness, an upscale population, microbreweries, sterility, and so much more. Not surprisingly, white people like Portland. In fact, it was the only city in the country where reporter Jonathan Tilove found, while researching his book The View from Martin Luther King Drive, that white gentrifiers were driving blacks away from the local MLK Drive. Similarly, it's one of the few cities in the country with a growing population of Reform/Conservative Jews.

Nonwhites, eh ... not so much.

Of all the major urban area's, Portland's "core city" is the whitest.

For last week's Obasm, the Portland Oregonian ran a lengthy article by Betsy Hammond lamenting, "In a Changing World, Portland Remains Overwhelmingly White." On the printed version, the subheadline read, "The metro area is less diverse than most -- even Salt Lake City." As we all know these days, Mormons are the source of all evil.

(In reality, Mormons invite in to Utah Latin and Pacific Islander converts.)

As the nation's first African American president prepares to take office this week, metro Portland -- with its overwhelmingly white population and leadership -- is demographically out of step with 2009 America.

Among the nation's 40 largest metro areas, only four -- none of them in the West -- are whiter than Portland, new census figures show.

But what's really distinctive about Portland is not that it has white suburbs, but that the core city is so white -- 74%, compared to runner-up Seattle's 68%. In contrast, Detroit is last at 8% (presumably, mostly grizzled Clint Eastwoods yelling at the damn punks to get off his lawn).

Los Angeles, which everyone in Portland despises, has the least white suburbs: only 34% white, making it the least white metropolitan area in the country.

... But since 2000, growth rates among Portland's small minority populations have slowed from the 1990s. In the same period, more than 100,000 additional non-Hispanic whites have flocked to the Portland area. The whitest suburb -- Clark County outside Vancouver -- alone added 53,000 white residents.

The upshot is that the Portland metro area is startlingly white viewed against the national landscape -- even whiter than Salt Lake City, according to the latest Census Bureau estimates. Metro Portland includes Multnomah, Washington, Clackamas and Clark counties.

The implications are far-reaching.

In today's America, people of color make up more than 40 percent of a typical metro area's population, an analysis by The Oregonian shows.

But in metro Portland, public policy still is controlled from a white point of view. Among the hundreds of mayors, city council members and state lawmakers representing metro Portland, there are just four Latino city councilors, one African-born council member and a lone African American state senator.

Portland's lack of diversity means it is less cosmopolitan, less dynamic and at risk of being less competitive than other metro areas, worries David Bragdon, president of the Metro regional government.

Click image to enlarge

It's a plus that Portland is a magnet for young, college-educated Americans who can choose to live anywhere, says William Frey, demographer for the Brookings Institution and a specialist in urban and suburban trends.

But college-educated Americans are overwhelmingly white, and those who migrate to Portland are disproportionately so -- the "beer, bikes and Birkenstock" crowd, in the words of Portland economist Joe Cortright.

Portland-area employers competing for top talent have a hard time retaining African American hires, who often can't bear the social and cultural isolation of a metro area that is less than 3 percent black.

"A lot of my friends and other minorities come here to Portland thinking of it as a stopover," says Angel Anderson, an African American software engineer from suburban Chicago who was recruited by Intel. "They leave the state in a year or two."

Anderson has stayed four years, bought a house in Tanasbourne, loves her job and calls Portland "the friendliest place I have ever lived." But she chafes at often being the only black face in the room, longing for "somebody I could talk to who might have similar experiences to me."

The Portland area's nearly half-million people of color often get the message that their concerns are an afterthought, says Irma Valdez, a real estate agent who serves on the Portland Planning Commission. "Some of the stuff I hear on the planning commission would make you want to pass out," she says.

Sustainability, downtown condos and bike lanes drown out priorities of minority residents, she says.

A MAX line to serve Latino families living near Southeast 122nd Avenue and Powell Boulevard. Naming a Portland street for Cesar Chavez. Creating affordable family housing. Calls for immigration reform.

"Those are off the table," Valdez says. "Not because Portland is racist, but because there is always some other agenda item that is more pressing."

Minority residents can feel left out, unable to easily find a hairdresser, a radio station that resonates, a church that feels like home, says Vicki Nakamura, who helps employers recruit and retain minority professionals.

Nakamura has taken the lead on hosting quarterly corporate-sponsored gatherings, dubbed "Say Hey," to welcome minority professionals. Several hundred people gather to sip wine, nibble hors d'oeuvres and welcome African Americans, Asians and Latinos to town.

"You go to Say Hey, and you see two-thirds of the people are people of color and you're pretty thrilled. Sometimes the newcomers are almost in tears," she says.

Sam Adams, Portland's new mayor, says white leaders must make sure they respond to challenges faced by people of color. Re-establishing the city's human rights commission, supporting minority contractor requirements and battling what he calls "shamefully" high dropout rates among minority youths are among his priorities.

"That we are so overwhelmingly white ... is neither good nor bad, but it's a fact. So we have to work that much harder to make sure that nonwhite Portlanders have unfettered access to social and economic opportunities," says Adams, who presides over an all-white City Council.

An all-white City Council!

Portland is predominantly white today primarily because it started out virtually all white and stayed largely that way for more than 100 years, by design.

Oregon was settled by pioneers who pushed West from 1840 to 1880, a generation much concerned with race, says Darrell Millner, professor of black studies at Portland State University. At the time, whites in the South thought the solution to racial strife was to enslave blacks, but he says whites who came to Oregon didn't want to possess blacks, they wanted to escape them.

"Conventional wisdom at the time was clear, says Millner: "If you don't have more than one race, then you don't have any racial problems."

First as a territory, then as a state, Oregon passed laws banning African Americans from Oregon. In the late 1800s, Chinese laborers were admitted to mine and build railroads, but they could not bring women or children or own property -- and were often victimized, such as during the 1887 massacre of 37 Chinese miners camped along the Snake River in Wallowa County.

During the African American migration out of the South in the 1920s, Oregon didn't draw blacks mainly because it was "off the map, too remote, too far from black population centers," Millner says. Seattle, settled later than Portland, had less overtly racist views and offered more maritime jobs. California was closer, offered railroad jobs and had better weather.

Until the 1990s, the biggest minority population surge in metro Portland came in the early 1940s, when the African American population grew tenfold as blacks were recruited for wartime work. "The traditional source of labor, young white males, was not available, and somebody had to build the ships," Millner says.

After the war, half the black population left Oregon because "black people couldn't find any employment, they couldn't buy homes in most of the state and the police were extremely hostile," he says.

Those who remained were restricted to live in North and Northeast Portland. Asian immigrants could not own homes, period. Japanese Americans were interned far from Portland during World War II and, once released, were initially barred from living within 150 miles of the coast.

"Oregon was virulently racist for much of its history," says Bragdon, the Metro leader. "And if you don't have a large minority population, that becomes self-reinforcing over time."

Since 2000, the metro areas of Seattle and Salt Lake City -- places nearly as white as Portland -- have grown larger and more diverse, primarily by adding Latinos and Asians to their suburbs.

Salt Lake, which was as white as Portland in 2000, drew 53,000 additional Latino residents and 11,000 more Asians. Key to the growth was outreach by the county mayor, who made diversity a top goal and regularly attends minority cultural events, says Rebecca Sanchez, the county's diversity affairs coordinator.

By contrast, in that same period, metro Portland added more white people than all minorities combined....

Longtime residents of both Clackamas and Clark counties say a reputation for redneck attitudes, along with the historic absence of minority residents, has turned away some potential residents of color.

... Latinos, the fastest-growing group, now represent nearly one of every five Oregon students. Metrowide, white students have fallen to two-thirds of the enrollment.

Among 10 year-olds born in Oregon, one in seven had parents of different races or one parent who was Latino and one who was not.

... Unlike most metro areas, Portland's urban core isn't a hub for minorities. Instead, Portland is the whitest big city in the nation, at 74 percent white. Seattle, at 68 percent, is No. 2.

Expensive, close-in housing continues to draw more whites than minorities, census figures show. Since 2000, Portland added 10,000 white residents, reversing a trend from the 1990s.

Portland will grow less white and more diverse -- just more slowly than the rest of the country, experts say. Latinos in particular will play a much bigger role in the metro area's future.

"We've got Hispanics moving to Indiana and Iowa, so they are going to come to Portland," says Frey of the Brookings Institution. But their foothold on political power is likely to lag their numbers, he says, and white politicians will continue to call the shots for a growing Latino population for years.

Dina DiNucci, expertly forming a crepe behind the counter of her neighborhood coffee shop in Gresham, is ahead of the curve, living and working in one of the most ethnically diverse parts of metro Portland. Her customers include Latinos and Russian immigrants along with longtime white residents of the area.

"We are not just a white America anymore," she says. "It is changing all around us."

-- Betsy Hammond; betsyhammond@news.oregonian.com

I have this vague impression that Russians are white. Also, aren't people name "Dina DiNucci" normally Italians rather than Hispanics?

A commenter in Portland responds:

Yes but, how else would Portlandites know how to advise urbanites on the Value of Diversity if they didn't have protective growth boundaries that drive home prices to levels to where the poor folk (Black/Brown) can only work or visit?

De facto segregation is user-friendly and so much easier to ignore.

Similarly, I wrote about this conundrum in a 2004 VDARE.com article entitled "The Limits of Libertarianism," comparing environmentalist Northern California to traditionally more free enterprise South California:

Subtle but important social differences emerged between Southern and Northern California. Which was the better mode was arguable—until recently.

Now, however, it has become clear that Northern California's traditional elitism has helped it withstand the onslaught of illegal immigration better than Southern California's traditional populist libertarianism. ...

Northern California forestalled much of the dreariness of Southern California's Hispanic areas by being a high-cost economy. Ferociously powerful unions kept wages high. Stringent aesthetic restrictions and large amounts of land devoted to parks kept housing costs high. Northern Californians spearheaded the environmentalist movement—which had the unspoken but not-unintended consequence of driving up property values even further.

Southern California, in contrast, was not heavily unionized or environmentalized. It encouraged developers to put up huge tracts of homes.

The longterm downside of SWPLism, of course, is dying out.

The basic strategy of the liberal whites of Portland is to use environmental restrictions and the like to keep the supply of housing down and the price of housing up so high that undesirables stay away.

It's works great for single people and childless couples who can enjoy a very pleasant urban lifestyle in Portland free of the hassles of urban living in most American cities. The problem is that the cost of living in Portland is so high that all but the most wealthy families have to move out of the core city by the time they have their second child.

A 2005 New York Times article focusing on Portland was aptly entitled: "Vibrant Cities Find One Thing Missing: Children."
PORTLAND, Ore. - The Pearl District in the heart of this perpetually self-improving city seems to have everything in new urban design and comfort, from the Whole Foods store where fresh-buffed bell peppers are displayed like runway models to the converted lofts that face sidewalk gardens.

Everything except children.

Crime is down. New homes and businesses are sprouting everywhere. But in what may be Portland's trendiest and fastest-growing neighborhood, the number of school-age children grew by only three between the census counts in 1990 and 2000, according to demographers at Portland State University.

"The neighborhood would love to have more kids, that's probably the top of our wish list," said Joan Pendergast of the Pearl Neighborhood Association. "We don't want to be a one-dimensional place."

It is a problem unlike the urban woes of cities like Detroit and Baltimore, where families have fled decaying neighborhoods, business areas and schools. Portland is one of the nation's top draws for the kind of educated, self-starting urbanites that midsize cities are competing to attract. But as these cities are remodeled to match the tastes of people living well in neighborhoods that were nearly abandoned a generation ago, they are struggling to hold on to enough children to keep schools running and parks alive with young voices.

San Francisco, where the median house price is now about $700,000, had the lowest percentage of people under 18 of any large city in the nation, 14.5 percent, compared with 25.7 percent nationwide, the 2000 census reported. Seattle, where there are more dogs than children, was a close second. Boston, Honolulu, Portland, Miami, Denver, Minneapolis, Austin and Atlanta, all considered, healthy, vibrant urban areas, were not far behind. The problem is not just that American women are having fewer children, reflected in the lowest birth rate ever recorded in the country.

Officials say that the very things that attract people who revitalize a city - dense vertical housing, fashionable restaurants and shops and mass transit that makes a car unnecessary - are driving out children by making the neighborhoods too expensive for young families.

Has any place found a solution?

On a lighter note, last year, Stuff White People Like summarized a similar NY Times article about Portland's lack of minorities in its continuing "White People in the News" section:


Portland struggles to figure out how to create diversity without affecting property values. It is not easy. Fortunately, things are being solved through awareness.

Best Passage

“I’ve been really upset by what I perceive to be Portland’s blind spot in its progressivism,” said Khaela Maricich, a local artist and musician. “They think they live in the best city in the country, but it’s all about saving the environment and things like that. It’s not really about social issues. It’s upper-middle-class progressivism, really.”

Ms. Maricich, 33, who is white, spoke after attending this month’s meeting of Portland’s Restorative Listening Project.

Stuff Mentioned

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


Anonymous said...

"Some of the stuff I hear on the planning commission would make you want to pass out," she says.

Sustainability, downtown condos and bike lanes drown out priorities of minority residents, she says.

I think Steve has touched on this before, and it agrees with my observations: NAMs often find SWPL types grotesque, crazy and pitiful. The emasculated males are a special target of ridicule, as well they should be. NAMs don't hate religious and/or working class Whites nearly as much.

Anonymous said...

It makes you wonder how long the alliance between SWPLs and non-domesticated NAMS can hold out. The former has an idealized affinity for the latter but hates to deal with real minorities on a day-to-day basis. Maybe the cure for whiterness is to give them the diversity they crave, good and hard.

Anonymous said...

Portland having created such a high standard of living (limiting sprawl, bike paths, effective mass transit) proves what a great country this could be...if not for the sapping of initiative caused by multiracialism. [btw, The primary impetus for sprawl *is* multiracialism].

It's well documented that multiracialism = general mistrust and lower social involvement; no feeling of community. If no one feels a sense of community, people tend to just hunker down, make their money, watch their TV, and pray that their kids don't get too badly scarred by the Public Schools. And so these kinds of improvements just don't get done elsewhere in the USA.

Multiracialism demonstrably harms quality of life.

Anonymous said...

Stumpton is riddled with black serial rapists who prey on white girls eager to have a non-white on their arm to prove their non-racism or tolerance or liberalism or whatever it is. While racism is a Portland no-no, misogyny is very hip - as long as it is coming from blacks.

The SWPL males lend a shoulder for the SWPL females to cry on after the latter have been victimized by the NAMs. The SWPLs are dying out though so the end of Portland as we know it is right around the corner. Look for it to be divided between East Asians in gated communities (porn is going to drive the out of Chinatown before long) and a mixed group in a big citywide ghetto. The conservatives / people who want to have families will move across the Cascades over the next decade.

Anonymous said...

Weather aside, Portland is an utterly delightful place to live if you're a young, college-educated single, for all the above reasons as well as a downtown core where you can stagger home to a reasonably priced apartment in relative safety. About half of the San Francisco arts and music scene decamped to Portland during the late 1990s dot com boom, even while Jerry Brown was trying to lure them across the bay to Oakland.

Anonymous said...

Portland's lack of diversity means it is less cosmopolitan, less dynamic and at risk of being less competitive than other metro areas

Exactly how would a massive influx of NAMs somehow make it more competitive? It doesn't seem to be doing too badly the way it is.

Anonymous said...

When thinking about the post-USA situation in North America, I can see why so many people propose (or perhaps 'dream about' is a better phrase) a white ethnostate in the Pacific Northwest.

Anonymous said...

Oregon also leads the nation in another culturally important category. The percentage of atheists, or more technically, the percent of voters who say "none" when polled about religion.

In 2004, it was 28% in Oregon by far the highest in the nation. In 2008, it was 18% but that's probably due to the sample size.

Anonymous said...

Another whiteRpeople in Portland checks in on the subject: There Goes the Neighborhood
Race, real estate and gentrification on my block.

Bonus link, the whiteRpeople's new temple -- THE Portland Coffee shop. Er, I mean cafe, er um Artisanal roastery (owned by the author of the column linked to above).

The Onion could do no better.

All Hail Obamadolf!

Anonymous said...

Portland and Oregon as a whole might be SWPL Central, but it seems that even there the job market is absolutely cracked - http://www.oregonlive.com/news/index.ssf/2009/01/jobloss_plague_infects_oregon.html

Dennis Dale said...

Don't worry Portland, things are looking up.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with having a low birth rate. People with low birth rates build wonderful societies.

You just have to make sure *everyone* in your society has low birth rates. You have to make it a point not to let in people with high birthrates.


I don't know why Steve Sailer and the commentators take such pleasure in the idea of whiter people dying out.

(I'm not white, I should I add). I don't like whiter people politics, but I love whiter people aesthetic values. Portland is very pretty and just a great city overall.

Anonymous said...

"Stumpton is riddled with black serial rapists who prey on white girls eager to have a non-white"

It's hilarious how black-white relationships are always characterized as predatory on this blog. Could it be that black men are more desirable (esp. the professional types) than emasculated white men on the coasts? Honestly go to a club sometime and watch the huddled group of white guys who can't dance. There are other factors explaining black men and white women then their "serial rapist" personalities.

Anonymous said...

Interesting how the SWPL-types think they need to make their city less white. Apparently they don't like to live among their own kind. This provides a clue as to why they are despised by NAM's: if you disrespect yourself, others will disrespect you too.

Anonymous said...

To blue:

I too like "whiter" people aesthetics (i.e., trendy coffee shops, bike shops, Whole Foods/Trader Joe's stores, outdoor activities like mountain climbing & hiking, wine tasting, etc.), but their smug/elitist attitude toward people who don't share their values is really annoying.

Especially annoying is the fact that they try to impose on conservatives their political values as well (pro-gay, pro-environmentalism, pro-multiculturalism, etc.).

If someone keeps smacking you in the face (metaphorically speaking), then it is natural for you to want to smack them back.

Anonymous said...

"I have this vague impression that Russians are white."

Yes, but Russians are not as white as the whiter-people.

Physically they are, but behaviorally there are some differences. Russians, along with many ethnics, tend to be more ethnocentric and less universalist in their thinking than the whiter-people. In this sense they are a little closer to the NAM's than the whiter-people are, and therefore understand them better.

Marvin said...

The interesting part about this article is not the actual article which is typical multi-cult propaganda that can be read at least once a week in the NY Times. The interesting part is the comments section. While there is some pc handwringing, the majority of the comments are not at all favorable to the story or the writer. I guess white guilt can only go so far even in deeply blue Portland.

Anonymous said...

"Some of the stuff I hear on the planning commission would make you want to pass out," she says.

Sustainability, downtown condos and bike lanes drown out priorities of minority residents, she says."

So, environmentally friendly planning which results in a better quality of life is deemed incompatible with the interests of the minority ... hmmm.

"Naming a Portland street for Cesar Chavez ... Calls for immigration reform ... "are off the table," Valdez says. "Not because Portland is racist, but because there is always some other agenda item that is more pressing."

Well, the lady seems to have her priorities right, if not her logic.

Anonymous said...

As a white nationalist, I have to say that the whiteRpeople (SWPL) present a conundrum that I am not sure how to solve. I believe in white supremacy, yet the whiteRpeople are the whitest of all, the ultimate whites, and I detest them.

I especially despise the wimpy, emasculated SWPL males. They have no balls. How can anyone respect them? Oh, but they don't want to be respected, they want to be admired for their superior morality, whatever the hell that is. They make me want to puke.

Basically whites need to behave in a less, um, white manner. We need to be more like non-whites in terms of being more racially conscious and looking out for our own group interests. Others do this, why shouldn't we? If we don't we will die out.

We are too damn white for our own good.

Anonymous said...

I recently moved to the Pacific Northwest and have spent some time in Portland.

I have very, very little in common with the white people around here. I find them irritating, pathetic, whiny, self-absorbed, and incompetent. They find me abrasive, superstitious, threatening, materialistic, and offensive. These white people are not my ethny. I like people of my ethny and they like me. But American black people are nearly all one ethny. Mexicans are one ethny. White people are actually very diverse, and therefore, white people are hosed.

Black Sea said...

If one is dismayed to live in the "whitest" core city in America, the obvious solution is to move to another city. Any other city.

The fact that these people stay in Portland (and in fact, many of them have gone to considerable lengths to move there) suggests that their expressions of concern over this issue are largely rhetorical. In other words, it's important, for status reasons, to appear to be concerned, but in actual fact, they're pretty happy with the way things are. (In that sense, it's rather like slapping a "Free Tibet!" sticker on your car.)

Most of these yupsters could easily relocate to other cities. They might argue that the quality of life isn't as high in these other cities as it is in Portland, but to explore this issue more deeply might make them increasingly uncomfortable.

Anonymous said...

Whiterpeople Oregon is a flickering flame about to get hit by a hurricane.

Just wait for the upcoming Mexican Meltdown (their failed state civil war phase is about to begin), and the resulting massive refugee flood to El Norte, to bring a high rate of "demographic change" to Oregon and beyond in the next twenty years. The USGov will relocate tens of millions of refugees into the western and midwestern states.

Anonymous said...

Portland is a great place to live if you are young and single - it's a whole city of bike trails, brewpubs, political protests, and Powell's Books. It's also stupidly expensive to raise a family there thanks to the lousy job market and the high price of housing. Until subprime insanity sent California real estate truly through the roof, Portland was regularly ranked up there with San Francisco as one of the least affordable housing markets in the country.

Seattle at least has a good excuse for being devoid of children: the school district's busing/social engineering program (in short, thousands of white children were bused clear across town if their neighborhood school was more than 50% white) convinced just about every parent with the means to do so to move out of the city in the 80s and 90s. Whoops.

Anonymous said...

One thing I've noticed about Portland and other liberal, whiterpeople cities (San Francisco, Seattle, Ann Arbor): the bums there are especially aggressive. I suppose this because they are coddled by the local culture and unafraid of the locals in a way they wouldn't be in other, more conservative cities.

Anonymous said...

SWPL vs. the Sarah Palin crowd.

I am culturally and socially and genetically NOT SWPL. I am Scots-Irish-German. About on the social/status level as Sarah Palin.

Now, the thing about the SWPL and the "Born Fighting" Scots-Irish is the eternal struggle between the effete aristocracy, in whatever form it takes, and the lower classes struggling to get ahead.

SWPL is the creation of a whole host of pseudo-Aristocrats, with pseudo-Aristocratic notions, mostly formed by the dominance of female views/concerns in the status wars.

The "White Trash" or Hillbillies or whatever you want to call people like Palin and myself, we just want to get ahead. Scratch up to better living. More money. If it makes us money, it's good, if it doesn't, who needs it?

I believe that Salt Lake City, or Boise, or Fairbanks, or Anchorage, or Bozeman, or Fort Worth, or San Antonio, have more Palin types than SWPL.

A lot/most of SWPL is due to far too long mating dance, as women prefer to keep their options open as long as they can or want single motherhood by choice, to keep after the few dominant Alpha guys. SWPL men have not caught up (yet) that the way to SWPL women's desires is to be the most socially dominant guy not their gay boyfriend, which is what female society demands of all non-dominant men.

It's a collapsing social culture, brought on by lots of good times (about twenty years sustained good timess -- 1984 to 2004), women as noted delaying marriage as long as they can or eschewing it all together, and the dominance of female culture in the mating process.

That's about to change, with hard times a coming, and Obama making everything even worse. $300 million for contraception in the bailout? Please.

Anonymous said...

If you don't respect yourself
Ain't nobody
Gonna give a hoot
Bout respectin' you
Uh huh huh huh

-Pops Staples

Did you mention Mayor Sam Adams, Portland's-first-openly-gay-mayor? Why so you did.

Portland mayor admits he had relationship with 18-year-old man

Anonymous said...

My explanation of SWPL: they can't stand reality and they Hate.

They've junked religious beliefs, but bare reality is so bleak, ever so bleak, they can't stand it. So they have replaced faith in God with the belief in the oppressive forces of Evil White Patriarchy, which is what causes -- the only thing that causes -- the Diverse Better People to behave so deplorably. Of course, not all DBPs are deplorable, so when the SWPL comes across a far right curve DBP he grabs him, hugs him, squeezes him and holds onto him for all he is worth. The DBP will, of course, regale the SWPL with tales of EWP oppression, renewing the SWPL's faith in Humanity, and reinvigorating his zeal to rid the world of EWPs.

Secondly, the more sophisticated SWPL realizes that all is not quite right with the SWPL religion. In fact, he realizes it is a religion. But what recourse does he have? He cannot stand the malice of sophisticated, sentient EWP (ie "WN"). Yes, WN might "true," it might have, you know, "facts" on its side, but that cannot and does not excuse it. He will-not-stand-for-it. Religious SWPL is the only thing going, as far as he's concerned. If you doubt it, just witness the rage, the rage he flies into at the merest hint of racialist reasoning taking place. "Oh, OH, you took your kids out of the public school because [insert reason]? Why I'll show you, you damn white-flighter: here, take a dose of diversity. You're going to learn to love these people if it kills you!"

As a white nationalist, I have to say that the whiteRpeople (SWPL) present a conundrum that I am not sure how to solve. I believe in white supremacy, yet the whiteRpeople are the whitest of all, the ultimate whites, and I detest them.

It's actually quite simple. The SWPL believes that, no matter how "bad" diversity gets, since nothing moral can be done to resolve it, nothing at all should be done, so you just have to learn to get used to it. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to convince him that something moral (as the SWPL would understand it) can be done.

Anonymous said...

T99 - this is the sort of stuff I like to read by you. So much better than that 'unsinkable Israeli aircraft carrier' cobblers.

Anonymous said...

About those children....

Does anyone remember this? Years ago, perhaps in the 80's, or even the 70's, the National Lampoon printed a story in cartoon form, a couple of pages long, about the Last White Child (or something like that, my memory is extremely vague).

The plot, as I remember it, was something to the effect that minority reproduction had been banned earlier (some silly sounding law was mentioned), and white people weren't having any children, and this particular guy was the last child born in all the world. The only image I remember clearly is a whole bunch of middle aged people, including this fellow, sitting along a street unemployed, because for some reason everyone in the world was unemployed now.

And that's about all I remember. I do remember feeling depressed though. I was aware at the time that birthrates in Europe and America were falling rapidly, and I had been wondering how low they could go, and apparently the thought had occurred to someone else who had come up with a worst case scenario. Even though the whole thing was treated as a joke, it seems to me that someone was very far sighted, so I'm wondering if anyone else remembers this cartoon. It would be fascinating to read it again!

Anonymous said...

" a_c said...

Maybe the cure for whiterness is to give them the diversity they crave, good and hard."

Don't worry, it's coming. The pity is us realists who were not asking for it are being indulged involuntarily. But I guess indirectly we had it coming because we allowed SWPL's to take over the controls instead of giving them a hiding.

Anonymous said...

The chart accompanying this article is somewhat deceptive. The "metro" category obviously doesn't mean much as it implies that Sacramento or San Diego are "less white" than Milwaukee or Detroid. And to lump San-Francisco and Oakland together really makes no sense.

I fairly well despise the SWPL types, allthough I'd score well on their entrance exam. Their liberal pretensions ruined Seattle, which was a great city. After having destroyed a city by inviting in diversity, they'll decamp from it, with their lame excuses such as "it has bad schools" - never admitting what it is that makes schools "bad" in their estimation.

Anonymous said...

Virginia Beach-Norfolk is an interesting place. According to the chart, it's the only metro area in which the white percentage in the central city (or cities, if both Virginia Beach and Norfolk are counted) is substantially higher than in the suburbs.


Anonymous said...

testing99: I am culturally and socially and genetically NOT SWPL. I am Scots-Irish-German. About on the social/status level as Sarah Palin.

Anonymous: T99 - this is the sort of stuff I like to read by you. So much better than that 'unsinkable Israeli aircraft carrier' cobblers.

And you all thought that T99 was Jewish.


Anonymous said...

"Some of the stuff I hear on the planning commission would make you want to pass out," she says.

Sustainability, downtown condos and bike lanes drown out priorities of minority residents, she says."

Is the article Steve linked to serious? Why would it even quote the above? As far as propaganda goes... that's pretty sloppy! You have to be a pretty dumb and/or majorily repressed SWPLer not to experience some sort of mental dissidence after reading that.

I am not sure what is going on with the mainstream media these days. They keep publishing more and more anti-white propaganda but it's having less and less of an effect. They are less subtle and more clumsy then the previous generation which devised the most devious propaganda machine ever. Is the free speech on the internet having so much of an effect? Or is it just part of the general dumbing down of the nation? The anti-white New York crowd and their provincial minions just aren't what they used to be. It's starting to look more and more like Pravda and the decaying 70s and 80's communist version. Maybe there is hope after-all...

P.S. I still find it amazing how the majority of non-whites in the US are so naturally and intrinsically racists.

Truth said...

Providence #3? I've been there, those people would hardly be considered 'white' by most of you.

Anonymous said...

Some years ago, the New York Times turned its spotlight on Vermont, labeling (or should I say smearing) it as the "Whitest State." I've often wondered if this set off a run on the part of blacks and other coloreds to the hills of Vermont. I don't notice Montpelier or Burlington (no more than towns by most reckonings) on that top-40 list, so perhaps Vermont survived the Times' bullet.

Back in the 1970s, Time magazine did the same for Minnesota, especially Minneapolis, pointing to the Good Life that people were living, in harmony and safety -- and look at it now!

-- Victoria

Anonymous said...

I don't like whiter people politics, but I love whiter people aesthetic values. Portland is very pretty and just a great city overall. --Blue

As "Paris is wasted on the French", so Portland is wasted on the Swipples.

NAMs often find SWPL types grotesque, crazy and pitiful... NAMs don't hate religious and/or working class Whites nearly as much. --anonymous (#1)

No, but that's whose houses they break into, whose daughters they knock up, and whom they kill. George Wallace was essentially the MLK of the poor white man who had to deal with this directly. (Judge Garrity, in contrast, is the patron saint of Swipples.)

Incidentally, we may need a better term than NAM. Several Southeast Asian groups give their darker competition a run for their money. How about NEAM?

I am culturally and socially and genetically NOT SWPL. I am Scots-Irish-German. About on the social/status level as Sarah Palin. --Testing99

Gov. Palin is not without some blue blood of her own-- she's a descendant of Roger Williams, who founded the worlds's first freedom-of-conscience settlement in Providence. (Of course, in 1636 Williams was considered "white trash" himself.)

Anonymous said...

And let's not forget the School that White People Like, Catlin Gabel. Run by ex-Trostkyites (sound familiar) who openly tolerate sexual harassment as long as it is between students, shore up "diversity" at their school by stampeding the children of the workingmiddle class into "community source" to "fundraise" for the children of the lower class. CONSTANTLY assault the self-esteem of the bourgeoisie to keep them down - celebrate the "rebellious" (self-destructive) poor.

There is a particular type of double-bind that is not accidental at all, but is rather a mindf**k tool that Marxian Freudians use to keep would-be conservatives feeling guilty and confused. Catlin Gabel teachers HISS when they say "white male". They hate rich people - who include most of their students.

It's a top-notch School of Guilt to match the Houses of Shame most SWPLs are raised in these days. Make your sons ashamed to be male in the home, "Catlin" will make them ashamed to be white, and to be able to afford to go to Catlin.

Anonymous said...

...priorities of minority residents[:] Naming a Portland street for Cesar Chavez... Calls for immigration reform.

Something tells me their brand of "immigration reform" is 180º opposed to the kind César Chávez wanted.

Anonymous said...

anonymous, (25/1)
you are right to say that the guy talking about black serial rapists could be ignoring certain things but in London at least there is almost a direct correlate: the larger the percentage of blacks in a local population then the higher the incidence of black rapist white victims despite such interracial relationships being common.

Anonymous said...

"I have this vague impression that Russians are white."

Actually, and I thought Steve was well aware of this, most "Russian" immigrants to the US are not ethnic Russians. "Russian" immigrants are overwhelmingly Jewish, with an admixture of Georgians and Armenians.

Whether ethnic Russians are really "white" people is also debatable. Even beyond the fact that there is a substantial admixture of Tatar and Mongol genes in the Russian population, the history of Russia between 900 AD and 1900 AD was very different than the history of Western Europe. Most Russians are descended from serfs, which is to say most Russians are descendants from the results of 700 years or more of slavery. It's probably not a coincidence, whether you want to blame nature or nurture, that ethnic Russians seem to show many of the same social pathologies that show up in the African-American population - an inability to cooperate effectively and non-violently even with members of their own ethnic groups, trouble with authority, promiscuity, high percentage of children born out of wedlock, much value given to stereotypical "masculine" behavior, etc. But this is more of a problem in a country like Germany, where there are lots of ethnic Russians immigrating, than it is in the US.

Stopped Clock said...

Rhode Island, like Connecticut and eastern Massachusetts, has lots of Brazilians who consider themselves white but, as Truth said, wouldn't be thought of as white by most other white people.

Vermont is difficult to move into no matter what race you are. I lived there for five years and never saw a black person outside my college campus. But here in Maine, "the other white state", there has been a noticeable rise in the nonwhite population over the last few decades as our largest city, "the other Portland", has declared itself a sanctuary city and set up programs inviting immigrants mostly from Africa to come and displace the poor whites who were disappearing and leaving vacancies in our apartment buildings. The immigrant populations in two of the Portland school districts have thus gone from single digits to over 40% in the last 25 years, necessitating the construction of brand new schools and the hiring of bilingual teachers and volunteers to help with the language barriers. But most immigrants live in tight-knit communities and Portland and Lewiston; outside there the state population map is as white as the fifteen feet of snow we get in an average winter. And the non-immigrant black population, i.e. typical African-Americans, is probably less than a fifth of the immigrant African population no matter where you go. Here, black generally implies African.

Anonymous said...

Responding to IronRailsIronWeights:

>>>Virginia Beach-Norfolk is an interesting place. According to the chart, it's the only metro area in which the white percentage in the central city (or cities, if both Virginia Beach and Norfolk are counted) is substantially higher than in the suburbs.<<<

I can enlighten you on the Hampton Roads situation, since I lived there for a time. In a nutshell: What you see in the table regarding the Hampton Roads area is an artifact of Census Bureau methodology that does not reflect the reality on the ground.

The US Census Bureau considers the "core city" of a metropolitan area to be the one with the largest population. Period. In the Hampton Roads area, that's Virginia Beach. The "core city population" in the table is that of Virginia Beach only.


The true core city of that area is Norfolk, NOT Virginia Beach. The largest business and commercial district of the region by far is downtown Norfolk. Virginia Beach, despite recent efforts by its political leaders to create a downtown environment (actually an edge city), is in fact one of the most relentlessly suburban cities in the country.

The Hampton Roads area is not an anomaly if you treat Norfolk as the core city.

Hampton Roads is one of the more sociologically interesting areas in the country in other ways... think PETA meets Edgar Cayce meets Pat Robertson. Literally. PETA's world headquarters are on Norfolk's waterfront just outside of downtown (near the Ghent district of Norfolk, one of the few SWPL parts of the Hampton Roads area). The Cayce organization has its headquarters just off the oceanside in Virginia Beach. Robertson's empire (most notably CBN and Regent University... about as repellent to SWPLs as sunlight is to vampires) is headquartered in far western Virginia Beach, well inland.

Just realized something: It's the red-blue paradigm in miniature. The blue institutions (PETA and Cayce) on the water, and the red institution (Robertson) inland.

Truth said...

"the larger the percentage of blacks in a local population then the higher the incidence of black rapist white victims"

Yes, and the larger percentage of whites in a population, the higher the incidence of white rapist white victim. I believe this was covered in Algebra I

Eric said...

Portland's lack of diversity means it is less cosmopolitan, less dynamic and at risk of being less competitive than other metro areas, worries David Bragdon, president of the Metro regional government.

I wonder if people who spout this kind of crap really believe it or if they're just mumbling the approved liturgy.

Anonymous said...

I love it - my family moved to Oregon from LA after WWII because of stories like this: black girls at my dad's school would pick on white girls, then when the white boys intervened, black boys would jump in.

One the other side of the family, we are pioneer Oregonians, seven generations or something. I used to get a wide mouthed gape when I told that to the SWPL types who had just moved out from NYC or thereabouts.

It is brutal. Where are we supposed to go now?

Anonymous said...

When SWPL bikers attack!

Anonymous said...

It is brutal. Where are we supposed to go now?

Stand your ground. It's your land and your culture. If it's valuable to you, why bail just because a bunch of bloodsuckers want in?

Anonymous said...

Rhode Island, like Connecticut and eastern Massachusetts, has lots of Brazilians who consider themselves white but, as Truth said, wouldn't be thought of as white by most other white people.

That area also has a substantial number of Cape Verdeans, Portuguese-speaking like the Brazilians, who for the most part are considered black by white (and other black) people but who don't think of themselves as being black. They have their own group identity that isn't racial.


Anonymous said...

"Pyotr the not so great said...

Actually, and I thought Steve was well aware of this, most "Russian" immigrants to the US are not ethnic Russians. "Russian" immigrants are overwhelmingly Jewish, with an admixture of Georgians and Armenians.

Whether ethnic Russians are really "white" people is also debatable. Even beyond the fact that there is a substantial admixture of Tatar and Mongol genes in the Russian population,.."

You may well be right that most russian immigrants in the U.S. are non-russian. I've heard it said that most of the russian mafia were actually jews.

However I would not agree with your contention that russians, because of Tatar and Mongol ancestry, are not russians. While many russians do have such ancestry (Boris Yeltsyn had that appearance about him), many do not. Also, hungarians and finns are partially of turkish descent, but we don't consider them turks.

Anonymous said...

Lucius Vorenus said

And you all thought that T99 was Jewish.

He may be. This is the internet. Anybody can lie about himself - or herself.

Anonymous said...

This article failed to mention one of the main reasons for Portland's whiteness, an accident of nature. In 1948, a massive flood of the Willamette destroyed Vanport City, a Portland suburb that was then Oregon's second largest city and home to blacks who had moved to work during WWII. Whites wern't hospitable to flood victims, and many left. To this day, you can hear local blacks strangely claim the flood was a big conspiracy.

Anonymous said...

About those children....

Does anyone remember this? Years ago, perhaps in the 80's, or even the 70's, the National Lampoon printed a story, in cartoon form, a couple of pages long, about the Last White Child (or something like that, my memory is extremely vague).

The plot, as I remember it, was something to the effect that reproduction by non-whites had been banned (some silly sounding law was mentioned), and white people weren't bothering to have children, and this particular guy was the last child born in the whole world. The only image I remember clearly is a whole bunch of middle aged men, including this fellow, sitting along a street unemployed, because for some reason everyone in the world was unemployed now.

And that's about all I remember. I do remember feeling depressed though. I was aware at the time that birthrates in Europe and America were falling rapidly, and I had been wondering how low they could go, and apparently the thought had occurred to someone else who had come up with a worst case scenario. Even though the whole thing was clearly meant to be offensive and funny (typical National Lampoon style), it seems to me that someone was very far sighted, so I'm wondering if anyone else remembers this cartoon. It would be fascinating to read it again!

Anonymous said...

As "Paris is wasted on the French", so Portland is wasted on the Swipples.

Swipple? Too pithy not to catch fire.

Anonymous said...

Stand our ground?

The English starved me out of Mayo. The Dominicans chased me out of Washington Heights. The Chinese pushed me out of San Francisco. I don't have any ground.

Anonymous said...

"Russians, along with many ethnics, tend to be more ethnocentric and less universalist in their thinking than the whiter-people."

By "whiter-people", I assume you mean Westerners. If so, then yes, you are correct. Russians are clearly alien to Western civilization and do not share its cultural values.

From a physical perspective, ethnic Russians are probably, on average, more white and blond than most other European and European-derived people.

Anonymous said...

What I learned about Portland on this thread:

White chicks w/ black boyfriends.

Aggressive bums.

Insanely high taxes.

Left wing government.

Openly gay mayor.

Largest % athiest population in the country.


Anonymous said...

"And you all thought that T99 was Jewish."

"He may be. This is the internet. Anybody can lie about himself - or herself."

My guess is that testing99 is half-Jewish. He describes himself as Scotch-Irish and German. The German part may well be Jewish.

I have a friend who is half-Jewish and describes himself as being of English and German ancestry. The "German" part is actually German-Jewish.

Anonymous said...

advice: Don't waste your time with "Truth".

Anonymous said...

more advice: "Truth" is like the never-ending itch. And he will make sure to have the last word. No matter how obtuse.

bigboy said...

Big Bill wrote:

“Yeah. The Cape Verdeans got some bad press back in 1983 when they gang raped that white girl on the pool table at Big Dan's in New Bedford, MA.

All the Cape Verdean bar patrons took turns. Bruthas gave it to that smart mouth white girl, big time.

Jodie Foster made a movie of it. Strange, though. The bar patrons cum gang rapists weren't Cape Verdean blacks in the movie.

All white guys in the movie.”

The rape you are referring to, which was the basis for the movie “The Accused,” involved members of New Bedford’s Portuguese community. It was heavily publicized, and the trial was televised, at least locally. I also remember members of the Portuguese community coming out in defense of those accused of the rape. They were claiming the victim asked for it. Some of the accused I believe were deported back to Portugal.

From http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1282/is_v36/ai_3230920:

"Nevertheless, thousands of people have demonstrated locally in support of . . . the convicted rapists. These large demonstrations reflect a moral and cultural conflict that has been surfacing in New Bedford and Fall River and on Boston call-in radio talk shows. In the local Portuguese neighborhoods, which are highly 'traditional,' it is the woman victim who is widely regarded as guilty. She should have 'been at home,' it is said. Her very presence in Big Dan's at that time of night to buy cigarettes and a drink, or several drinks, was enough provocation. Local women have been much more severe on the victim than local men: 'She should have been hanged.' The woman who was raped stepped outside the protective boundaries of locally acceptable behavior."

They weren’t Cape Verdean and it was generally known at the time they were not from that community.

Anonymous said...

Minority residents can feel left out, unable to easily find a hairdresser, a radio station that resonates, a church that feels like home, says Vicki Nakamura, who helps employers recruit and retain minority professionals

That's a nice capsule description of why co-ethnics cluster geographically, for reasons that have nothing to do with dejure or defacto segregation. The fact that having a hairdresser, church, friends and family nearby might influence a housing decision for a minority person toward a minority-dominated area seems to never occur to most white people.

US Census regularly trots out their "most segregated city" index and the media follows up in shaming cities like Chicago, Milwaukee and Cleveland, while ignoring the fact that places like Portland aren't segregated because there aren't any NAM's to speak of.

Anonymous said...

But here in Maine, "the other white state", there has been a noticeable rise in the nonwhite population over the last few decades as our largest city, "the other Portland",

Funny how Vermont doesn't get all those people who need a home...

Truth said...


For Timothy Leary?

Anonymous said...

Big Bill: Yeah. The Cape Verdeans got some bad press back in 1983 when they gang raped that white girl on the pool table at Big Dan's in New Bedford, MA...

This is what I can tell from googling:

The Accused (1988 film)

...Based on the real-life gang rape of Cheryl Araujo that occurred at Big Dan's Bar in New Bedford, Massachusetts on March 6, 1983, this film was one of the first Hollywood films to deal with rape in a direct manner...

Cheryl Araujo

...Cheryl Ann Araujo (1961-1986) was an American rape victim whose case became national news, and was the basis of the 1988 film The Accused. Araujo was gang-raped at age 23 by four men on a pool table in a tavern while other patrons watched but did not interfere. During the prosecution, the defendants' attorneys cross-examined Araujo to such an extent that the case became widely seen as a template for "blaming the victim" in rape cases. The case also raised tensions between the Portuguese-American community and other ethnic groups in New Bedford, as the defendants were Portuguese immigrants. Her case was widely known as the "Big Dan's rape" after the name of the bar in which the attack occurred...

Anonymous said...

I would say that the majority of convicted rapist in the UK are BMEs despite that fact that they make up up only approx 10% of the population.

There are no official statistics of course but I remember a report from around 15 years ago that said Afro-Caribbeans were 25% of convicted rapists. I also remember a leftie saying that the report 'tells us nothing'


Anonymous said...

Chris Anderson said...

US Census regularly trots out their "most segregated city" index and the media follows up in shaming cities like Chicago, Milwaukee and Cleveland, while ignoring the fact that places like Portland aren't segregated because there aren't any NAM's to speak of.

Amazingly, the US Census never tries to shame the number one and number two most segregated communities in America: Gary (#1), and Detroit (#2). Here is my source.

Truth said...

"I would say that the majority of convicted rapist in the UK are BMEs..."

'I would say' huh; well, that would carry more weight if you were the London chief of police.

"There are no official statistics of course..."

Of course. Really the internet is all powerful and white people keep statistics on just about everything, so look harder.

"but I remember a report from around 15 years ago that said Afro-Caribbeans were 25% of convicted rapists."

I remember the tooth fairy leaving a quarter under my pillow, but without a photo, I'm going to have a hard time making you believe this.

You then go on to mention that 'we' are now 25% of convicted rapists, a few posts back we were 'an overwhelming majority. Either two different people are making this argument or one of us is not good in math.

Anonymous said...

I know why it seems so ominous that we encourage open immigration into formerly white lands - the biggeset immigrant groups have a homeland they are sure of dominating. We have no such security or legitimate claim to it, according to the SWPLs.

Truth said...

advice: Don't waste your time with "Truth".

Good advice, you don't seem to waste much time with truth either.

Anonymous said...

For some mysterious reason the British state finds itself very reluctant to release statistics on the racial demographics of crime. Odd, because one can be absolutely certain that the relevant data is being collected.

You would find it hard to do a 'Color of Crime' survey in the UK using published sources. However, we do now have a freedom of information act. That might the window through which a chink of light breaks.

The British state is very eager to extol the manifest virtues of a multi-racial society. Virtues so manifest that no-one seems to get around to actually making a list. Unpleasant racial myths about crime could be so easily dispelled just by releasing a few boring tables thereby silencing those evil racists once and for all.

No doubt the relevant minister is just too busy with other things, he (or she) would love to do it, just can't make the time. What a shame!

Anonymous said...

The Portland area's nearly half-million people of color often get the message that their concerns are an afterthought...

What does it say that a city of only 2 million with half a million non-whites is considered "overwhelmingly white"?

It says we're in trouble. Because we're going to be hearing racial grievances from now until kingdom come.

But American black people are nearly all one ethny. Mexicans are one ethny. White people are actually very diverse, and therefore, white people are hosed.

Keep in mind that whites are the most diverse racial group in the country - every ethnic group, every level of intelligence, from all over Europe, in very large numbers, at different times (some as early as 1607, some as late as this morning).

Seattle at least has a good excuse for being devoid of children: the school district's busing/social engineering program...convinced just about every parent with the means to do so to move out of the city in the 80s and 90s.

You think that wasn't deliberate?

Judge Garrity, in contrast, is the patron saint of Swipples.

Judge Garrity the Boston federal judge - the one who integrated Boston City schools but conveniently left schools in the burbs (where his kids went) untouched?

Mentioning Judge Garrity reminds me of the respected academic Christopher Lasch, whose final 2 books - "The Revolt of the Elites" and "The True & Only Heaven" - were quite prescient about the issues commonly discussed on iSteve and VDare.

Russians are descended from serfs, which is to say most Russians are descendants from the results of 700 years or more of slavery.

At one point half the people in Europe were serfs (though it didn't continue as long as in Russia). That's one of the things that annoys me about those who keep talking about how Jews were persecuted in feudal Europe - everyone else was mistreated, too.

Evan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I hope that at least a few of the Oregonian's "overwhelmingly white" readers had the common sense to cancel their subscriptions after reading this. Somehow I doubt it.

But a Google search does reveal a nearly 5% circulation drop in just one 6 month period last year - well ahead of the deepest part of the recession.

Perhaps Barack Obama's stimulus package will include a few ten billion for all the left-wing papers that are about to go belly up. In fact you can almost count on it.

As a postscript, The Oregonian, I see, is owned by the Newhouse family, which is Jewish. Might I guess that we'll never see an article in The O talking about how media ownership in this country is "overwhelmingly Jewish"?

Evan said...

Oops, I deleted my comment. Anyway, as a umpteenth generation Western Pennsylvanian, I'm amused by Pittsburgh's leading the chart. Any remarks on that?

Anonymous said...

some as early as 1607

The first lasting European settlement was founded in 1564, not 1607.

Anonymous said...

The first lasting European settlement was founded in 1564, not 1607

Are you referring to the Spanish? Normally when we speak of the founders of this country we are referring to the English, such as the colonists at Jamestown settlement or the Puritans.

Anonymous said...

"Portland's lack of diversity means it is less cosmopolitan, less dynamic and at risk of being less competitive than other metro areas, worries David Bragdon, president of the Metro regional government."

I love when the leftists use euphemisms like "dynamic." Portland needs to become more "dynamic" if it wants to "arrive" like the post-apocalyptic looking detroit.

Anonymous said...

I love white cities,when I can find them.I do not like integrated or racially diverse cities,they make me highly distressed and irritable.I feel the same way about integrated workplaces.When I`m around mostly whites,I`m much happier and calmer.I`ve moved 4 times over the last 8 years to avoid non-whites.Personally,I`m happy for white cities,we need them,and we better do what we can to hold onto them,because liberals and leftists have it in for whites and whiteness.

Anonymous said...

I suppose the important point wrt the whiteness of Portland's core is that it's almost exactly as white as the rest of the suburbs and the metro area. It's not that the core is some all-white club, it's that the whole place is really, really white. Shouldn't that be a plus? That Portland is so well-integrated that there's no difference between the regions?

Anonymous said...

Portland is an utterly terrible place. You should never visit. ugh.

Anonymous said...

It's a pity to see all of the anti-gay comments. As a gay white guy with a strong conservative streak, I generally agree with a lot of what's being said, but the homophobic comments are a turn-off.

For those of who you dream of an all-heterosexual, all-white world - keep on dreaming. It's never going to happen in your lifetime.

Anonymous said...

I want to move there. 61 yr old gay white male

Anonymous said...

I am a clean cut gay white male, 61 yrs. old. I'd love to move there if only I had the money.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely on target.