August 4, 2010

Did the Hartford Massacre victims have it coming?

Inquiring minds in the MSM want to know!

From the Christian Science Monitor:
Is racism at heart of Connecticut shooting? Answer still unclear.

The Connecticut shooting Tuesday, in which nine people died at Hartford Distributors – including the suspected shooter – comes at a time of heightened racial tension in the US.

By Patrik Jonsson, Staff writer / August 4, 2010

In a phone call to his mom after in the early hours of Tuesday morning, the man suspected of shooting eight of his co-workers at Hartford Distributors in Manchester, Conn., reportedly said, "I killed the five racists that were bothering me." Then he took his own life.

The deaths at the beer distributor plant is the largest-scale workplace shooting since the killing of 13 people at Fort Hood last year.

Union officials claim that there's no record of the alleged shooter, Omar Thornton, making any official complaints about racism. Company spokesmen deny that employees harbored racist views.

But the suggestion that racism led Mr. Thornton to kill eight of his coworkers comes during a summer when race has often been at the front of the American conversation – from allegations against the "tea party" movement to the saga of Shirley Sherrod.

Reports indicate that, to Thornton at least, race was an issue at Hartford Distributors. He told friends and relatives that coworkers had scrawled racist epithets on a bathroom wall and a hung a stick-figure effigy in a miniature noose.

From the New York Times:
... On Wednesday, Mr. Thornton’s girlfriend expanded on claims he was motivated by anger and frustration at what she said was the racist treatment he was subjected to at the company.

Officials with the union that represents workers at plant said Mr. Thornton never mentioned racial harassment but had indeed grown frustrated a year ago at the fact that he had not risen to become a driver of the company’s delivery trucks, and that the local union president, Bryan Cirigliano, had successfully worked to secure that promotion for him.

“Our understanding is Bryan intervened,” union attorney Gregg Adler, said, adding that Mr. Cirigliano “assisted in getting him that training and he got the training and he became a driver, which is a preferred job for some people.”...

Kristi Hannah, his longtime girlfriend, tried again to largely blame Mr. Thornton’s bosses and union representatives for the massacre because of what she described as racist behavior and a refusal to deal with his repeated complaints about it.

Ms. Hannah, 26, wept on the front porch of her mother’s two-story house in the working class town of Enfield as she described Mr. Thornton’s problems.

She said that last fall Mr. Thornton called her from the men’s room at the plant to let her hear his boss and a colleague he identified as a union representative say they were going to get rid of him, using a racial slur. Ms. Hannah said she could hear the comments clearly because of how they echoed in the bathroom. She said that even though Mr. Thornton brought the case to his union representative several times, the union never followed up.

“I know they pushed them; they did this to him,” Ms. Hannah said. “I know what was said, and I know it was very hurtful, and I know it bothered him a lot.”

She added that Mr. Thornton’s frustration with his job had been growing for many reasons. He had been frustrated by the inability to quickly become a driver; she said workers filled his truck with so many deliveries that he often worked much later than his co-workers, sometimes until 1:30 a.m. One longtime driver at the company, however, said it was normal for the newest drivers to get the worst and longest shifts.

Ms. Hannah’s brother, Ryan Conway, 13, echoed his sister’s sentiments. “Omar was a great guy,” Ryan said. “This thing was brought on by people who don’t treat each other as equals.”

At a news conference outside the Local 1035 union hall a few blocks from the warehouse, a union lawyer, Gregg Adler, and its secretary-treasurer, Christopher Roos, said the shootings had struck at the heart of a small, tight-knit union. “We have 70 employees,” Mr. Adler said. “We lost 10 percent of our members.”

Mr. Adler dismissed the accusations of racism, saying Mr. Thornton had never filed any complaints with the union, nor did he know of any complaints filed by other employees.

“The allegations were news to us,” he said. Mr. Adler said Mr. Thornton appeared to have targeted those who were at his disciplinary meeting. “The other people were at the wrong place at the wrong time,” he said. ...

Mr. Thornton’s family, after spending much of Tuesday defending him, avoided reporters on Wednesday.

Wilbert Holliday, Mr. Thornton’s uncle, said that only Mr. Thornton’s mother would speak in the future, and that she would decide when the moment was right. “We’re all victims here,” Mr. Holliday said.

Omar Thornton: "I Killed the Five Racists"

MANCHESTER, Conn. (CBS/WFSB/AP) Family members say Omar Thornton, the man suspected in the Tuesday morning massacre at Hartford Distributors, was a quiet, hard-working man who wasn't a violent person, but was pushed to the breaking point by harassment at work.

Thornton's mother, who lives in East Hartford, said she received a phone call from him shortly after 7 a.m. Tuesday.

According to CBS affiliate WFSB, she says he told her he had shot several people at the beer distribution plant where he worked, and that he planned to take his own life. She said she spent 10 minutes trying to talk to her son, pleading with him to change his mind, but she said she couldn't.

Minutes later, Thornton was dead.

"He said, 'I killed the five racists that was there bothering me,'" said Will Holliday, Thornton's uncle. "He said, 'That's it. The cops are going to come in so I'm going to take care of it myself.'"

Holliday said Thornton had been complaining to relatives that in the several years he worked at Hartford Distributors he was confronted with blatant racism.

Holliday said, "He had some instances of racism at the company. They were hanging nooses in the bathroom and writing stuff like that. They were singling him out because he was the only black person there in that area."

Thornton's family said he had taken pictures of the threats and said they believe he just snapped Tuesday morning.

They said they expressed condolences to the families of the victims, but they said they were mourning, too.

"This all could have been avoided," Holliday said. "He went to the Union a couple of times with issues concerning what was going on, and it was not dealt with appropriately."

By the way, this reminds me of my 2002 UPI article that began:
More than a few members of Europe's political establishment appear to believe that Pim Fortuyn -- the frank anti-immigration Dutch politician who was assassinated Monday, allegedly by a leftist activist -- had it coming.


TGGP said...

These sorts of suicidal mass-killings seem like a more typically "white" thing to me. I don't know if that's actually statistically the case, but that's what I associate it with. I believe I have seen statistics that suicide generally is higher among whites.

Anonymous said...

yes, and surely the CSM and NYT would have published the same sort of article had it been a white guy and victims mostly black. They would never, for example, tie it all in to the tea party just as surely that they didn't tie this into say, the NAACP

Anonymous said...

I hate to say this, but Barry Soetoro Dunham seems to have sped up the clock on everything - not just the impending bankruptcy of the USA, but even the looming race war [or wars] which will tear this country apart at the seams.

Along those lines, Fox News ran a breaking story this evening, about a home-grown terrorist, from Alabama, by way of Chicago, who had just been arrested by the FBI, but, curiously, they included no pictures of the suspect in their report.

I just searched all the usual suspects [Yahoo news, Google news, etc], and there aren't any pictures to be found of the guy anywhere.

And all that Google Images gives you are some pictures of a race horse.

The best source for info right now seems to be The Jawa Report.

But Barry seems to have really emboldened these folks - they're all coming out of the woodwork now, looking for their pound of flesh.

PS: Did you see how he is going to "apologize" to the Japs for Hiroshima and Nagaski?

Tom Piatak said...

The suggestion that striking back at "racists" is a justification for mass murder, implicit in much of the media coverage of this massacre, is appalling.

Mr. Anon said...

Did the New York Times and CBS bother to mention what was the cause of his disciplinary hearing - that he had been videotaped stealing beer off a delivery truck?

Anonymous said...

Just another white serial killer-middle aged, racist Tea Partier mad at Obama. You know the type, they cling to guns and religion. oh..wait...nothing to see here, folks...move along.

Anonymous said...

That damned Glenn Beck, inciting people to murder.


Shouting Thomas said...

So, racism is a capital offense.

Summary execution on the spot is the only appropriate answer.

It's been headed in this direction for some time, hasn't it?

Anonymous said...

I suggest the book "Going Postal". It came out in 2005 and it's not just about the post office. It's about all work places.

Shouting Thomas said...

None of this is particularly surprising.

Black have been told for decades that every problem they face, and every deficiency in their lives, is caused by racism.

Not surprisingly, most blacks believe this is true. Everybody loves a good excuse.

Blacks are receiving that excuse from every societal institution.

So, the murderer undoubtedly did believe that the cause of the unhappiness in his life was racism. That's what he was taught.

Anonymous said...

Yes, racism was at the heart of the shooting. The shooter's racism, that is.

Cog dis said...

Agree w/ Mr Anon- I thought this guy had Been caught stealing on video.

I think the idea of cognitive dissonance was explored here pretty well back w/ Hasan. This guy is the hero at home to his family and explains to them that he stuck in whatever position b/c of damn racist, not his own ineptitude. He'd be running the place if it werent for racist managers. Everything was everybody else's fault. How could he explain getting caught stealing?

high confidence + low ability + high aggression = low achievement that's not my fault and I'm gonna get even

jody said...

FYI: not only is the fort hood shooter, nidal malik hasan, still alive...

he is still being paid by the US army at the pay rate of a doctor. which, i read, is 6000 dollars a month.

only 1 month to go until the united states government has paid him his full yearly salary of 72000 dollars for killing 13 american soldiers. hell of a country. HELL of country. where else could a muslim get such a great deal?

way to go, USA. explain to me, why hasan will see the year 2011. tell me again, why he hasn't just got a simple 1 day military trial, then executed by firing squad?

oh my goodness, am i glad i elected not to serve in the US army. it is insulting that an openly admitted enemy of the united states will actually live for years and YEARS at taxpayer expense, when he should just be shot.

this hasan guy might actually still be alive in 2020 if his case proceeds as slowly as some others.

Anonymous said...

These sorts of suicidal mass-killings seem like a more typically "white" thing to me.

No. It happens about equally among all races. Asians, interestingly, are rather over-represented in the mass-killer competition. It only seems like its a white thing because there are many more whites.

jody said...

"But Barry seems to have really emboldened these folks - they're all coming out of the woodwork now, looking for their pound of flesh."

i've posted several times about how, after obama was elected, many mexican-american politicians have decided to not even bother hiding their open racial animosity toward euro americans.

most of them no longer feel the need to hide their explicit racial agenda or pretend they don't have one. they now simply talk openly and freely about it whenever they want, and this seems to be OK with most of the US television media.

Juan Aldama said...

This is all just a cultural misunderstanding.

When whites hear the world "racists" they envision a specific set of behaviors and beliefs. When our elites, MSM, race hustlers and criminal NAMs use the word "racists", generally they just use it to stir-up anti-white hatred to silence and punish someone.

This irrational appeal to anti-white racism is often used when there are no legitimate facts or counter argument to an unwelcomed criticism or when they seek an excuse for bad behavior instead of accepting responsibility. As a result, they just emotionally blurt out blind hatred against someone based upon their white skin. This clever form of elite and MSM-sanctioned racism delegitimizes, dehumanizes and demonizes any white at anytime for no reason - what true "racism" does.

In other words, our elites, the MSM, race hustlers and criminal NAMs are usually being overtly "racists" as white understand the term when they claim others are "racists". That is when you hear the word "racists" used against whites in public, it's usually coming from the foaming mouth of a racists.

Daniel Heneghan said...


>>Yes, racism was at the heart of the shooting. The shooter's racism, that is.

Don't you get it, at the worst it was REVERSE-racism.

Eric said...

So he kills eight people and tells his mom he killed five racists. Doesn't that sorta imply he killed three innocents, even in his own mind?

Juan Aldama said...

I'm sure Mr. Thornton's unbiased, level-head and sagacious family and girlfriend can attest that he was a good person who would never do such things he is accused of without severe provocation.

I hope Omar's family sues the families of his 8 murdered victims, Hartford Distributors, Budweiser, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Remington, every major Hollywood studio and media outlet and the US government(taxpayer) for every cent for creating this crucible of racism which left poor Mr. Thornton no option but to steal beer off his truck and then murder 8 co-workers.

adfasdasdfa said...

A black guy kills 8 white people yet the main concern of the liberal media is 'was there racial bias'? Well, now you know how the liberal mindset works. The blame is always traced back to white people. Whites are always to blame, always to be held under suspicion; and even the crazy things done blacks must all be connected to presumed white evil.

According to the liberal propaganda, the black man is the finest kind of human being whereas the white man is the devil. So, as in Hollywood movies, evil must be white and goodness must be black. But then, how does one explain all the evil acts committed by blacks? Ahhhhh, the reason must be naturally wonderful blacks were driven insane by evil whites, and like abused dogs, they only bit back--not the hand that fed them but the hand that allegedly abused them.

This is how the liberal media think, so don't expect any fairness from them.

Now, suppose a white guy killed 8 black people. Do you think the main media question would be 'gee, did those black guys have it coming to them?'

Dedalus said...

The rise of "racism" as an all-purpose "cause" corresponds with the fall of Freedom of Speech.

For a reason!!!!

Anonymous said...

The shooter is listed as 34 years of age. His girlfriend is 26. In another story the mother of the girlfriend says they dated for 8 years. What responsible parent lets their 18 year old daughter date a 26 year old man?

Also, the girlfriend and mother both have the last name Hannah. However, the 13 year old brother's last name is Conway.

I am probably not going to take what the girlfriend and her family say too seriously. They have the appearance of being a dysfunctional family.

Harry Baldwin said...

I think the trend was established when a jury agreed that the fact that O.J. knifed to death two white people had to be balanced against the fact that a white detective had been known to use the "n" word.

Starker said...

The first mistake is holding blacks to the same standards as whites. I understand in public we have to pretend that everybody is equal, but most of us reading this know that's bullshit. The NBA, NFL and other majority black institutions all have troubleshooters that wade through the debris and pay off the baby mommas and other victims our heroes have created.

According to what's been reported thus far, God help us but it's our only source, I wouldn't have fired a black man for stealing beer. You show him the video, you say "we've all been tempted...blah, blah, blah..." write him up and tell him next time it's curtains. Shake his hand, pat him on the back and it's back to business as usual. If he steals the truck then you have to drop the hammer. Different strokes for different folks. Get it? Think of it as part of the slavery tax. If he still is seeing nooses and nightriders after that, then we have a psychiatric problem.

In New York, most of the cases of blacks being fired I know of have been accompanied by payoffs to the terminated party. I thought this was routine operating procedure. I know of it happening several times on Wall Street and in the publishing industry. My source in one case was the black guy himself. We didn't talk numbers but it sounded as if it was in the low five figures range.

If this sounds cold, let's try it a different way. Some years back several black noncom drill instructor types were sentenced to hard time in military prisons for having sexual relations with female personnel. As I recall, the white female warriors went to the tents of these dudes late at night to discuss their problems and have a good cry. Wassup Whiskey? What do you know -- the brothers rolled over on them and pulled something like 10 year sentences and had their careers ruined. They might have made good soldiers. Now some Bible-reading country-reared white man in the same spot might have sent them back to their hooches. Maybe. But a high-test black soldier with a compliant female asking for comfort, forget about it. That was a very sad story. I thought it was an enormous injustice to these guys.

travis said...

I hate to say this, but Barry Soetoro Dunham seems to have sped up the clock on everything...

“Evolution can end only in the establishment of the greatest perfection and the most complete happiness.” -- Herbert Spencer

Dedalus said...

I have been doing all I can for since 2006 to promote a reality-based reply to the non-stop, knee-jerk litany of the hate-filled, fantasy-induced "isms" fired at Whites on a daily basis.

The word I have been using for the past four years is "Psychopath."

Of course, the word has been around for some time. But I never thought to use it until after doing some research on the subject of violation, particularly child abuse, and I immediately thought of those behind September 11th, and the Mexodus from, well, Mexico to the U.S.A. (all of a sudden Mexicans got organized! Am I the only one who thought that was strange, or was convinced then, and remain so now, that in no way was it the Mexicans who did the organizing?).

I certainly think that Peter Brimelow was on the right track when he tried to respond to the word "racist" or "zenophobe" by calling such people "traitors."

But it's just not strong enough.
One can almost hear them respond to that one by saying, "Ah, yeah!"
As if to say, "Isn't it obvious. We're proud of it.!"

That's why, for me at least, Psychopath hits the spot.

It's short and sweet, powerful and accurate.

But more important, it has a long shelf life, so to speak.

The basic definition can be summed up by pointing to the two basic attributes of the Psychopath.

1 - an inability to internalize rules and norms*.
2 - a lack of remorse.

Or, simply, No Conscience.

In short, a person who has not developed full humanity.

Tons of evidence for this one.

Let's start with the murderers themselves and, since their crimes are so gross and obvious, move ever so quickly on to their Megaphone-wielding Enablers in the MSM.

There's gold in them there hills?
No, there's psychopathology in there there megaphones!

They are drenched in it, ooozing with it, and long to recreate the world in their own psychotic image.

Dedalus said...

Psychopathology (and Sociopathology) is a sickness, a virus, that has spread likes viruses spread, fast, as well as far and wide, and has by now infected all of the major institutions of the West, and now we're back to the fall of Freedom of Speech.

What a Psychopath dreads above all is - Exposure. So, as they began to gain entry to the power centers of the West, namely Business, Government, and Education, they immediately began to attack the one thing that could expose them - Freedom of Speech.

Let me be frank. I do not hold a sentimental view toward Freedom of Speech. I prefer a practical approach.
What Freedom of Speech does is enable us to persue the truth.

Of course, we might not ever find the "truth", but when you do go after it you tend to come across a helluva lot of facts.
You know, the kind the drive psychopaths, like the ones all around today, and the ones that abound in the MSM, crazy!

This monster in Hartford got busted stealing, thereby demonstrating to those around him one rule he couldn't internalize, ie; don't steal!
and followed it by showing the world yet another one he couldn't internalize, Thou Shall Not Kill.


Because many in his immediate surroundings and just about everyone in the MSM have assured him his entire life that stealing and murder are perfectly fine, especially the victim is White.

And speaking of which, the most important thing a Psychopath must do immediately after committing their crime is Blame the Victim by Playing the Victim!

The MSM can't exactly do this one, which is why they use people like this mass murderer, and that is why they are called Enablers.

Offenders, Enablers, either way, they are both Psychopaths.

That is why I think we should use this word.

Because it is a word that is clearly defined and applied to two groups (Offender and Enabler) who have done all they can to provide us - the world - with lots and lots and lots of what we need most. Evidence.

So we should use this word only when it applies, which in this case means, all of the time (Psychopaths don't take vacations) and attach it to an oldy but a goody that many in the MSM now were fond of using back in the 60's and remind them under no uncertain terms,

Hey, Psychopaths, You're right -
The whole world IS watching!

Kylie said...

This is the second black guy named "Thornton" who's gone on a lethal rampage over perceived racism.

Anyone remember "Cookie" Thornton who murdered six people in 2008? The Kirkwood City Council shooting.

(I think I did the link thing right--thanks again to kudzu bob!)

Nick said...

My God. Profanity scrawled on the bathroom wall can lead to mass murder. America is going to erupt in an orgy of mass killings any day now.

I'm gonna have to stay away from high schools and truck stops from now on, just to be on the safe side.

DYork said...

Hell yeah! I beat them to it.

Too easy.

Whiskey said...

Well of course his family and girlfriend would blame "racists."

The question is, why has the larger White community allowed this? Why has not social pressure and various actions made their lives living hell?

Why, for example, are not a ton of lawsuits filed against the family, the girlfriend, alleging they "knew" of his plans to murder and did nothing? Why hasn't the local NAACP had a lawsuit filed against them, with great publicity, alleging they "knew" of his plans for murder, and did nothing. Why has not the local church he attended, and his family attended, been hit with that self-same lawsuit?

Why hasn't there been a march, and protests, outside the shooter's house, his family's house, and the girlfriend's house?

No one is asking for vigilante action. But it will take strong, legal, but definitive social pressure such as having to defend against lawsuits, picketing (be sure to invite the newscrews) with the simple story-line: racist Black family and anti-White White girlfriend enabled murder.

This won't punish Thornton. He's beyond any punishment of man. But it will create social pushback and more importantly, liability both legal and social for those who excuse murderous stuff (surely Thornton discussed this, at length, with both mother and girlfriend) on the basis of race.

"I'm Black its OK" must go along with "Its OK I'm White."

This means using the legal system and right to assemble and protest to make examples of those who enable mass-murder based on race.

Anonymous said...

"The women don't think much of the men."

In my experience, women like white men. I dunno why she rejected YOU, man, but it's not that blacks are takin yo wimminz.

Silver said...

So he kills eight people and tells his mom he killed five racists. Doesn't that sorta imply he killed three innocents, even in his own mind?

So he cracked a few eggs to make an omelette. Quit being such a nitpicker.

Amy said...

Well that didn’t look anything like the ‘live preview’ promised. Where did the formatting go?

Anonymous said...

Kristi Hannah, his longtime girlfriend, tried again to largely blame Mr. Thornton’s bosses and union representatives for the massacre because of what she described as racist behavior and a refusal to deal with his repeated complaints about it."

Kristi Hannah sounds like a nice middle class white girl name. Her comments sounds fairly upper middle class.

Anonymous said...

Black guy kills several whites, MSM asks: "What did whitey do to deserve this?" Let's hold a candlelight vigil for the shooter.

Anonymous said...

I actually am interested in knowing if the racism was real.

alexis said...

THis has to be the most disgusting article I've seen in a long time.

911 call on Conn. shooting shows racial disparity.

Let me get this straight. The reporter says that there is a "Racial disparity" in a moment of panic. If only there had been three blacks, an Asian, and four Irishmen shooting! There needs to be more diversity in mass shootings. Can't we all just share the ammunition and the guilt? That bigoted caller-"the only black guy here" indeed. Shame on you!

The most tasteless article I've read in a long time.

James Kabala said...

Of course, there are Roissyites (some of whom have popped up here, unfortunately) who are willing to excuse mass killings if an even semi-plausible case can be made that the killer was sexually frustrated due to rejection by evil alpha-loving women. I find both views equally despicable.

James Kabala said...

"Why hasn't the local NAACP had a lawsuit filed against them, with great publicity, alleging they "knew" of his plans for murder, and did nothing. Why has not the local church he attended, and his family attended, been hit with that self-same lawsuit?"

I certainly wouldn't be shocked if his girlfriend or mother was an accessory to some extent or perhaps even a full accomplice, but the church? The NAACP? Huh?

Anonymous said...

: I certainly think that Peter Brimelow was on the right track when he tried to respond to the word "racist" or "zenophobe" by calling such people "traitors." But it's just not strong enough... That's why, for me at least, Psychopath hits the spot.

It's nihilism.

Whiskey: This means using the legal system and right to assemble and protest to make examples of those who enable mass-murder based on race.

Whiskey - you can't fight legalistic nihilism with even more legalism.

That's their home turf - as soon as you choose legalism for the venue, then you lose.

America was supposed to have been an antinomian society - it just doesn't work in the presence of so much nihilism.

We're at the point now where we have to turn out backs on these folks and start all over again from scratch.

Anonymous said...

I don't see the big deal in this. I black guy kills a bunch of white people. No big deal. A white person, on the other hand, if they kill a bunch of black people - that's a big deal!

You are a racist if you think otherwise.

The Anti-Gnostic said...

No one is asking for vigilante action. But it will take strong, legal, but definitive social pressure such as having to defend against lawsuits, picketing (be sure to invite the newscrews) with the simple story-line: racist Black family and anti-White White girlfriend enabled murder.

Sure, that'll do it. The entire political and judicial establishment and media/education organs are tilted 100% in the opposite direction but I'm sure they'll fold like lilies once we start waving around the handbills.

No friend, I'm afraid we aren't going to be nearly so fortunate as the ruling class wraps up its last official acts of looting the Treasury and the empire crumbles along its fault lines.

Paul Mendez said...

I hate to say this, but Barry Soetoro Dunham seems to have sped up the clock on everything - not just the impending bankruptcy of the USA, but even the looming race war [or wars] which will tear this country apart at the seams.

Which is why we should thank our lucky stars every day that he was elected. McCain/Palin would have driven us to the exact same destination, but slowly and carefully enough not to wake us from our slumber in the back seat...

rob said...

I'm pretty disconnected from tv news. Are they citing racism as a causal factor, or an excuse? There's a difference. Someone else brought up Sodini. Saying Sodini went postal because he couldn't get laid is descriptive, whether or not it's true. Saying Sodini's victims deserved it because he couldn't get laid is not the same. Most everyone realizes that anyone who goes postal mostly did it because they're batshit crazy, whatever the immediate triggers were.

If the media does think racism is even partially exculpatory, what is the media's take home lesson for whites? If you think you might be a little bit racist, or even that someone might think you're a racist, do not hire a black person. If you do, and he shoots you, then you had it coming.

Paavo said...

I think it's probable that suicidal mass-killings is a white thing, or east asian.

These mass killings are saving face and somehow battling the feeling of being a loser. If blacks tend to be more self confident and have more positive self images then these amok-runs are probably rarer in black population.

These are certainly a male thing. And usually males who perceive themselves as low status and want to revenge against the people who have humiliated them. Having people fearing them at least for couple of minutes is enough and it releases them from their humiliation.

Roger Chaillet said...

Tom Piatak should travel with me to my dystopian hometown of Washington, D.C. and its majority minority suburbs. You can feel the hate on the part of many of the registered Democrats.

There are many, many blacks, perhaps the majority, who believe they are owed. Listen to the likes of Tavis Smalley, and you will learn lots.

Or spend some time with them, as I did in a former job, and Tom and others will be stunned by some of the racist rhetoric that spews forth from the mouths of a protected class. said...

Has anyone brought up how flat out absurd it is that there would be racist graffiti all over the bathroom stalls AND NO ONE IN THE COMPANY WOULD NOTICE OR TALK ABOUT IT.

Doesn't sound like the panicky, racially cowed white people I know...

Anonymous said...

The white trash girlfriend keeps talking and I think she is opening herself up to a lawsuit that whiskey described.

Roger Chaillet said...

TGGP: My late Uncle Jack was a retired Washington, D.C. homicide detective. He investigated the Hanafi Muslim murders as well as the assassination of Chilean Ambassador Orlando Letelier.

Years ago I asked him how many murders he had investigated.

He said that he investigated over 800 murders, and around 1,100 deaths including murders, natural causes (heart attacks, strokes, allergic reactions, etc.) altogether. Of the over 800 murders he investigated, only 11 involved white victims! Lest you think I am making this up, I corroborated these numbers with Heather MacDonald of the Manhattan Institute a few years after the conversation with my uncle. She agreed that his numbers were legit.

So, I would think mass murder is not a "more typically 'white" thing."

I think the MSM is just manifesting its bias as always.

Anonymous said...

I had heard about this mass killing by catching a glimpse of a morning newspaper on my way to work yesterday. But didn't have time to look into it until last night. All the news sites I scanned didn't seem to have it on their front pages. Then it struck me. The perpetrator must have been a minority--black or muslim. Bingo.

Anonymous said...

to turn out backs = to turn our backs

Anonymous said...

I think some of you forget the effects that slavery, segregation, imperialism, colonialism, and discrimination have on the psychological well being people of color.

We (white people) have to atone for the sins we have committed. If a person of color commits a heinous crime then we must look at WE did to drive him to do such a thing.

Was this crime racially motivated? No, of course not. The poor man had a white girlfriend for the love of Pete. The blame for his acts lies with the retrograde bigots that made has life a living hell when all Omar Thorntoon wanted was a life of peace.

Kylie said...

Anonymous said..."If a person of color commits a heinous crime then we must look at WE did to drive him to do such a thing."

Yeah, like teaching him that whites are his oppressors and he's the victim entitled to exact his revenge any way he chooses.

Leave the comedy to Steve, who's really good at it, and don't quit your day job.

Truth said...

"Some average black guy slaughtered a bunch of white guys, was porking a white girl, and has brought a community to its knees."

Hey, wasn't that the theme of one of those blacksploitation films in the '70's?

Truth said...

""But Barry seems to have really emboldened these folks - they're all coming out of the woodwork now, looking for their pound of flesh."

Yeah that's it, this guy committed mass homicide and killed himself because "Barry" was elected.

Truth said...

"Why, for example, are not a ton of lawsuits filed against the family, the girlfriend, alleging they "knew" of his plans to murder and did nothing?"

Bro, as much of a loser as you are with chix and writing, don't ever go to law school.

Truth said...

"Why hasn't there been a march, and protests, outside the shooter's house, his family's house, and the girlfriend's house?"

Uh, because he's dead? maybe they could protest those people not trimming their hedges.

Truth said...

"I black guy kills a bunch of white people. No big deal. A white person, on the other hand, if they kill a bunch of black people - that's a big deal!"

What about a white PHD college professor who kills a bunch of black people because she doesn't get tenure. I mean just hypothetically if it ever where to happen...

Anonymous said...

We (white people) have to atone for the sins we have committed. If a person of color commits a heinous crime then we must look at WE did to drive him to do such a thing.

That's exactly the sort of idiocy that soured me on "anti-racist" thinking. Get lost.

Mr. Anon said...

"Truth said...

What about a white PHD college professor who kills a bunch of black people because she doesn't get tenure. I mean just hypothetically if it ever where to happen.."

Amy Bishop killed two black people and an indian guy, seriously injured two white people, and winged a sixth (a hispanic). She attempted to murder everyone in the room. And the media did not evince any concern for her poor hurt feelings.

As usual, you are spouting mendacious nonsense. Keep it up, though. You are a useful exhibit of the phenomenon, exhibited by many of your race, of going to any length to justify the murder of whites by blacks. Everytime you open your ignorant yap, two or three more people who read this post get a peek at what blacks really think of us.

Svigor said...

Kristi Hannah sounds like a nice middle class white girl name. Her comments sounds fairly upper middle class.

Kristi sounds more white trash to me.

String up Amy Bishop by a Noose said...

Keep it up, though. You are a useful exhibit of the phenomenon, exhibited by many of your race, of going to any length to justify the murder of whites by blacks. Everytime you open your ignorant yap, two or three more people who read this post get a peek at what blacks really think of us.

No kidding.