April 5, 2011


From the Washington Post:
Without influxes of Hispanics and Asians, some U.S. cities would be smaller
By Carol Morello and Dan Keating 
More than half of the United States’ 100 largest cities relied on Hispanics and Asians to grow and would have seen their populations decline without them over the past decade, a Washington Post analysis shows. 
According to recent census data, Hispanics accounted for the population growth of Philadelphia, Phoenix, Indianapolis, Omaha and Atlanta. Asians boosted the count in Anaheim, Calif.; Fort Wayne, Ind.; Baton Rouge; and Jersey City. Without influx from the two groups, all of those cities would have shrunk. .... 
Much of the growth can be attributed to recent immigrants, part of a pattern that has determined city size throughout much of American history. Many came in search of job opportunities, making population growth a marker of a city’s economy and vitality. ... 
In many cases, what determined whether a city grew or contracted was the number of Hispanics and, to a lesser degree, Asians it attracted. Among the 100 biggest cities, 26 would have had population losses without an influx of Hispanics, and 11 would have shrunk without Asians. 
Cities that do not attract more new immigrant communities over the next decade will hemorrhage population, demographers predicted. 
“The real energy in cities is going to be from Hispanics coming in,” said William H. Frey, a demographer with the Brookings Institution. “Cities in the industrial Midwest could use an infusion of new immigrant minorities coming in. Cleveland and Detroit haven’t done well; they’re not attracting enough Hispanics. Clearly, Hispanics were the magic bullet for a lot of cities.”

Thank God that Anaheim was saved from turning into a depopulated wasteland by our leaders' wise immigration policies and the brave foreigners who volunteered to settle Anaheim's jagged, snow-covered wilderness for us. After all, what American has ever wanted to go to Anaheim? Remember how your parents would scare you into eating your vegetables by threatening that if you didn't finish them, they'd take you to Anaheim


Justin said...

Is it too obvious to point out that the alien influx is a cause of white population shrinkage, not a cure for it?

I can tell you from personal observation, the Hispanic influx does not give a city "a jolt of energy". Mesa, AZ for example, underwent a dramatic demographic transformation in the last decade as the Mexicans took over half the city. The crashing school budget and municipal budget, not to mention the plummeting home values, hardly evidence anything positive.

Great business for paint manufacturers, I guess, supplying all the paint for graffiti, then all the paint to cover it back up.

Anonymous said...

Hispanics truly are a magic bullet. This is why Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, and Mexico are such economic tigers.

If you ever travel to New Mexico or Texas, you'll have the opportunity to see the "magic" they've worked on those states.

Anonymous said...

When I leave my home in coastal California - rich white folks, poor Hispanic workers - I get a jolt. For example, right now I am in downtown Denver. White, white, white. Bad food. I mean really horrible food. Just had overly-sweet short-ribs combined with hush-puppies (WTF?) and edamame. Edamame is considered "exotic" in white America.

Did I mentioned White? Does White=bad food, plain women?

APH said...

Wait, didn't Richard Florida say the magic bullet was the (probably mostly white) creative class?

So now there are two magic bullets? Great!

Anonymous said...

Wait, is this nitwit really claiming that all Cleveland or Detroit needs is an influx of Hispanics to cure their economic problems? Hilarious.

Black Sea said...

Let's see, a good plate of ribs on the one hand versus a well-educated populace with high standards of living and low social dysfunction on the other. Yup, pretty much of a toss up.

ps: African Americans specialize in great ribs, and they're already US citizens.

eh said...

The Onion again...

Some people say it's all part of a deliberate plan to destroy bulwark America on the way to a 'one world government'. Or something like that. Never wanted to go there myself. But sometimes I really do wonder...

Don't know what else to say.

Anonymous said...

In entirely related news, the conventional wisdom suddenly and inexplicably shifted away from regarding overpopulation as a problem.

Anonymous said...

The Hispanic wave in Compton and surrounding parts was definitely an energetic wave. Plus don't forget violent crime in LA is at its lowest point in 40 years due to the Hispanic wave.

Anonymous said...

Just about the silliest immigrationist article I've read in a long time.
- The point is that whites have fled the big cities precisely because of minority encroachment.

Anonymous said...

Did I mentioned White? Does White=bad food, plain women?

Plain women, depends on your taste. I'm pretty much a fan of pale luminous skin (or light, yet tanned skin), brightly coloured eyes (and hair, though that's not really necessary) and crisp, straight "White" features (the kind of linear face shape that's least in Africa and most in Europe, on average), in combination and over pretty much above anything that deviates from the above in any direction, so I cannot agree that White women could ever be considered plain (relative to other ethnicities).

Bad food, maybe. But a society can always learn to cook and learn to eat (even if its a deep rooted cultural change and takes a very long time) and its fun - it's not like the greatness of Romance cuisine relative to Celtic-Germanic-Slavic cuisine is likely to be that dependent on genetics (probably more than zero though), just on finding fresh vegetables, herbs and meat and fish and really tasting things rather than shovelling it down as fuel without thinking. Hispanics, on the other hand, probably can't learn to have high IQ and all the attendant social benefits nor to be pleasant and intellectually stimulating company.

Anonymous said...

Kahn, please, for once, try not to piss off neighbor. We kick out of Laos. We kick out of Anaheim. I'm tired of running!

--King of the Hill premiere

Camlost said...

Did I mentioned White? Does White=bad food, plain women?

Yeeeeah, everybody wants to marry a short, squat Mestizo chick pushing a weenie cart down the street with 4 kids in tow... especially when they've got that "muffin top" sticking out all around their overly-tight tube top.

slumber_j said...

In my false consciousness, I'd never before realized that the wretched cuisine of white people is why for years I've been subconsciously trying (and failing) to avoid Northern Italy. And the women up there are of course terrifically ugly: I see that now. I shall cancel my family's summer vacation plans immediately.

slumber_j said...

As I rediscovered on a recent trip out there, the ribs of the Texas Hill Country are simply repellant. I now understand just why that is: they're often made by white people with surnames like Kreutz. It's like a barbecue nightmare around there. Famously

Anonymous said...

I love these studies and opinions that use such loaded terms to discuss our population problem without immigration. It would "stagnate." I mean, who asked us if we want to be a 500mm person country?

Mr. Anon said...

"Anonymous said...

For example, right now I am in downtown Denver. White, white, white. Bad food. I mean really horrible food. Just had overly-sweet short-ribs combined with hush-puppies (WTF?) and edamame. Edamame is considered "exotic" in white America."

You must have poor judgement in choosing restaurants. And why isn't Edamame "exotic". It's from Japan. Isn't that exotic?

"Did I mentioned White? Does White=bad food, plain women?"

Okay, so you have poor judgement in restaurants, and you can't get a pretty white girl to give you the time of day.

You have told us a lot more about you than about Denver.

VG said...

Was it my hangover or did you change your last paragraph?

alexis said...

Since Anti-Gnostic and some others are noting how not all Greens are politically correct, here's a fav quote from Ed Abbey:
"Growth for its own sake is the ideology of a cancer cell."

alexis said...

"Bad food. I mean really horrible food. Just had overly-sweet short-ribs combined with hush-puppies (WTF?) and edamame. Edamame is considered "exotic" in white America."

The more savory the food, the worse the government." - someone's (I can remember whom) quick guide to geopolitics

Paul said...

Wait a minute! I thought it was HOMOSEXUALS who were the "magic bullet" for saving distressed cities.

So, I guess the answer for mayors of struggling cities is to give real estate tax breaks to all the gay latinos you can find.

ben tillman said...

Edamame is considered "exotic" in white America.

Perhaps that's because White America speaks English. Edamame is, quite literally, exotic.

headache said...

From what I can glean, Mexican women are like Jewish babes, they can be very attractive whilst young in a "in-your-face" sort of way, but probably also age badly. European women of the delicate variety have a subtle beauty and generally age well.

Flag Wars said...

Obvioulsy the author has the causal arrow reversed. Hispanics are drawn to boom towns after the fact, they do not create them (see the Rio Grande Valley in TX).

Also, whites are leaving big metro coastal cities exactly because the public infrastruture is both being debased while the cost of living has skyrocketed due, in part, to the large immigrant influx. Bad public schools, crime, traffic congestion, etc.

Aside from this silly article, there is a question of what does make a city vibrant?

Is is world-leading academic and reserach centers that have spunoff high end industries like in the Bay Area and Cambridge?

Is is gay men moving into urban enclaves in NYC, SF and even Columbus, OH setting up great restaurants, design and shoppes?

Both of these (academic/industry and the mo vanguard) are about as opposite as you get with regard to the NAM vibrancy explaination.

kurt9 said...

The Washington Post assumes that population growth, in and of itself, is an unquestionable good. Funny, that. The legacy media, dominated by the liberal-left that it is, seems to have completely forgotten that population growth was seriously questioned by the same liberal-left people in the late 60's to early 70's when we were concerned about the Population Bomb and what not.

The liberal-left can't have it both ways. They have to decide if environmental protection and limits to growth are good (and consequently population growth should be limited) or that population growth is good and that the environmental issues have been largely solved and that the real resource limits of the Earth are much further out than commonly assumed (e.g. Julian Simon's arguments). The liberal-left seem to want and eat their cake.

Anonymous said...

"The Onion again...

Some people say it's all part of a deliberate plan to destroy bulwark America on the way to a 'one world government'. Or something like that. Never wanted to go there myself. But sometimes I really do wonder...

Don't know what else to say."

It's a variation on tbe famous Sherlock Holmes quote: “Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” But replace "improbable" with "socially unacceptable to utter in public and we will destroy you if you do".

If there's a powerful taboo placed on offering certain explanations, that taboo was probably put there for a reason due to motivations directly opposed to an honest understanding of the true facts of the situation.

Svigor said...

When I leave my home in coastal California - rich white folks, poor Hispanic workers - I get a jolt. For example, right now I am in downtown Denver. White, white, white. Bad food. I mean really horrible food. Just had overly-sweet short-ribs combined with hush-puppies (WTF?) and edamame. Edamame is considered "exotic" in white America.

Did I mentioned White? Does White=bad food, plain women?

As opposed to brown=1 million uses for the tortilla, and ugly women.

The cultural paradise of Mexico awaits.

Anonymous said...

Dick Cheney used to keep a picture on his desk of Korea. It showed bright lights in the cities and along the roads in the south but there was a clear line above which the lights (if there were any) were out. That of course was North Korea. It illustrated that communism could hold down your electrical bill - or maybe he had another interpretation.

There are other aerial photographs that also tell political stories. In the Sahel there was a fence that kept the goats out. This resulted in a sharp line between the sand and the grass - visible from space.

Today we can do better yet. Go to Google Earth and fly across the border from El Paso to Tijuana. Separating the neat prosperous neighborhoods from the slums is an international border. You can clearly see the future that The Post wishes for us.

In American cities today the politicians worry about the health consequences of Happy Meals. Hispanic culture promises us tacos made from stray cats.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, Hispanics move to boom towns. They don't start them. If Hispanics were such "magic", why is South Texas so depressingly poor?

Anonymous said...

"Without influx of Asians and Hispanics, many US cities would be smaller"...

The "cure" is worse then the desease.

BTW, What exactly is so "bad" about having less congestion, more elbow room, a cleaner environment, etc?

SouthernAnonyia said...

"Did I mentioned White? Does White=bad food, plain women?"

Yeah Cajun, Italian, Greek, Southern-american, French and German cuisine are just sooo terrible, let me tell yah

Has to be said...

The more savory the food, the worse the government." - someone's (I can remember whom) quick guide to geopolitics.

In this case the best government in the world must be in Russia.

Perhaps that's because White America speaks English. Edamame is, quite literally, exotic.

For you, pizza too must be exotic.

Seer said...

Here's a demographic forecast http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/06/us/06census.html about when white children will be the minority. It also has William Frey predict when the u.s will have an overall white minority. Take a guess of the date.

Anonymous said...

"As I rediscovered on a recent trip out there, the ribs of the Texas Hill Country are simply repellant. I now understand just why that is: they're often made by white people with surnames like Kreutz. It's like a barbecue nightmare around there. Famously"

Nice try, but the secret of Texas BBQ was let out of the bag a long time ago. You'll have to share those ribs with the damned tourists I'm afraid.

Svigor said...

I'd really like to know which group that guy has in mind that has better-looking women than whites. Yellows? Blacks? Browns? Don't make me laugh.

The entire conversation is about one white group vs another.

Svigor said...

Nice try, but the secret of Texas BBQ was let out of the bag a long time ago. You'll have to share those ribs with the damned tourists I'm afraid.

I'm starting to think the anonymi aren't really anonymous. They're regulars who log out to respond to sarcasm as the straight man.

corvinus said...

The more savory the food, the worse the government." - someone's (I can remember whom) quick guide to geopolitics.

In this case the best government in the world must be in Russia.

Actually, Russian food is great. Most people only know about borsch and schi, but that's food eaten by poor people and those who were in gulags. (Compare with corned beef and cabbage for St. Patrick's Day... it's crud, because POOR Irish ate it, but it's become identified with Irish-American cuisine.) Blini, pieroshki, etc., are where it's at. The only problem with Russian food is that it has no capsaicin, but it's definitely savory.

Anonymous said...

This is off topic, but I think isteve fans will love it. From the Boston Globe, Survey: Maine, NH, Vermont most peaceful. I wonder why those three states would be the most "peaceful" in the Union?

Anonymous said...

"Just had overly-sweet short-ribs combined with hush-puppies (WTF?) and edamame. Edamame is considered "exotic" in white America. Did I mentioned White? Does White=bad food, plain women?"

Who the hell expects to find great ribs and hush puppies anywhere outside of the South? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

African-Americans don't specialize in great ribs - they invented the damn things.

ben tillman said...

If there's a powerful taboo placed on offering certain explanations, that taboo was probably put there for a reason due to motivations directly opposed to an honest understanding of the true facts of the situation.

Great point.

Anonymous said...

Straight "White" features (the kind of linear face shape that's least in Africa and most in Europe, on average)

Otherwise known as "horseface". :)

Chris said...

This is off topic, but I think isteve fans will love it. From the Boston Globe, Survey: Maine, NH, Vermont most peaceful.

Those are the three least "diverse" states in the entire country.

Anonymous said...

Otherwise known as "horseface". :)

Heh. Doesn't match the definition generally in use (which basically = Sarah Jessica Parker/Camilla Parker Bowles and probably should other ladies with double barrelled names), but may be a definition reformulated by some salty, jealous Africans who feel their pride is dented by the idea that they don't have comparatively linear facial features or something and want to problematize White features (and be clear, I'm not saying there's nothing good about the racial features of how non-Whites, just on a balance of features taken as a whole I can't see any way Whites are comparatively racially less beautiful than any other population, no way).

Anonymous said...

The "Denver" comment is pretty ironic. Anyone know what the fastest growing burrito joint in the country is?

Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. (NYSE: CMG) (pronounced /tʃɨˈpoʊtleɪ/ or chih-POAT-lay[4]) is a chain of fast-casual restaurants in the United States, United Kingdom,[5] and Canada[6] specializing in burritos and tacos, founded by Steve Ells in 1993 and based in Denver, Colorado.


In 1993, Ells took what he learned in San Francisco[13] and opened the first Chipotle in Denver, Colorado


Okay, so in reality a burrito chain from Denver and created by a White guy is totally dominating.