Illegal Immigrants' Children Suffer, Study Finds
Published: May 21, 2011
... Indeed, a recently published study of the early development of children born to illegal immigrants in New York City suggests that most stories that begin like Eulogia's do not end as well.
Even though the children have citizenship and live in an immigrant-friendly city that offers them a wide array of services, many are still hobbled by serious developmental and educational deficits resulting from their parents' lives in the shadows, according to the study, whose author says it is the most comprehensive look to date at the effects of parents' immigration status on young children.
"The undocumented are viewed in current policy debates as lawbreakers, laborers or victims - seldom as parents raising citizen children," wrote the author, Hirokazu Yoshikawa, a Harvard education professor who has published the study as a book, "Immigrants Raising Citizens" (Russell Sage Foundation, 2011).
Professor Yoshikawa found that by the time the children of illegal immigrants reached age 2, they showed significantly lower levels of language and cognitive development than the children of legal immigrants and native-born parents.
Since age 2 is the first point when you can test language and it's near the lower boundary of when you can test cognitive development in general, I'd say: that's bad, really bad. Translated into Occam-speak, what the NYT is reporting is: At the earliest point at which we can test, illegal immigrants' children are less intelligent on average.
"Millions of the youngest citizens in the United States, simply by virtue of being born to a parent with a particular legal status, have less access to the learning opportunities that are the building blocks of adult productivity," he wrote. ...
Let's reread the crucial clause: "simply by virtue of being born to a parent with a particular legal status." Uh, no.
Poor cognitive development can lead to lower school performance, which in turn can lead to higher dropout rates, an undertrained work force and lower economic productivity.
The causal factor appears to be many are still hobbled by serious developmental and educational deficits resulting from their parents' lives in the shadows".
The shadow effect, curse of the shadow - any way you cut it, it sounds bad.
And if you get an A in calculus, you'll get a better job.
So, enroll everyone in calculus, hold no class (are you kidding? actually do math?), and award As. Economy solved.
Since the majority of illegals are from Mexico, an obvious and necessary control would be to look at the development of children of legal Mexican immigrants.
It doesn't appear that this was done. Strange oversight.
The article also implies that it is somehow "unfair" that these children have less access to early chidhood development activities and opportunities.
Another "right" that must be provided by someone else's money.
OT, but Bryan Caplan's 'Selfish Reasons to have more kids' has been discussed in several major UK papers. It's great to see the results of twin studies being spread to the public.
it's a way of showing their superiority over other whites
Priggism, a Teutonic vice
So, this was a scrupulously designed study that compared, like, the children of legal immigrant Indian engineering graduates, and the children of Indian engineering graduates who didn't get green cards and just decided to illegally overstay their visas and live here, right? So how could it be bogus? I didn't read the article but I'm sure the study on the deleterious effects of "living in the shadows" was set up more or less like that, right?
Sailer, you should do a post on black flash mobs. Seems that black mobs self-organize on twitter or whatever. Groups of youths and not so youths claim territory, beat people up, strip convenience stores like locusts. Does not bode well.
If you're in our town you'll hear different varieties of Guatemalan Mayan. Like Steve said, 500 years and they don't even speak Spanish?
All of them receive public assistance and all of them cheat. Pretty blatantly cheat actually.
Hooray for illegals!
From the article: "Even though the children have citizenship and live in an immigrant-friendly city that offers them a wide array of services, many are still hobbled by serious developmental and educational deficits resulting from their parents' lives in the shadows..."
Obviously these familias need to emerge from the shadows here and go back to sunny Mejico.
Problem solved!
Maybe if these illegals moved closer to Canada this awkward achievement gap would disappear.
I don't get it - surely any illegal Chinese or East Asian immigrants tested would just bust this theory right away. Why doesn't Lynn do that ?
Most Mexicans in NYC appear to be all indigenous, with no Caucasian ancestry at all. Illegal aliens in NYC include all types of people though. Many are black Dominicans, Haitians, Jamaicans, Africans etc. but also Chinese, Indians, Arabs, Albanians, Turks, Brazilians etc...
I agree with the Slim Times. We sure don't know how to treat the Sacred Race of Bronze right.
It is all our fault, and since Mexico is prosperous (GDP +4.6%), resource-rich, pro-trade and democratic, the illegals should show us what's what, return to Mexico, and leave our sorry American a--es behind!
(Crickets...) Oh, that wasn't supposed to be the takeaway?
In other news, life imitates Clement Dio ("The Camp of the Saints" character who's an Arab-French writer and composed "I'm The Guy They Call Dirty Old Ahmed.")
Behold Hector Saldaña of the San Antonio Express-News, and his latest ditty!
white elites like the power...the feeling that every social problem could be solved if only white people would simply give more...
I think there is something to this. There is a desire by our elites to feel like they can overcome the power of genes - basically overcome nature. The ancient Romans probably felt the same way, right before the Barbarians plunged them into a 1,000 year Dark Age.
Very interesting. The New York Times of October 21, 2009 cited a University of California-Berkeley study that said that the children of Hispanic immigrants lag behind most whites in terms of linguistic and cognitive skills at age 2. That article said nothing about the immigrants' legal status. It said that the Hispanic children had not been stimulated enough and that more government spending on preschool programs was necessary.
In summary, the country's liberal elites favor amnesty and more government spending -- no matter what.
you're pretending to miss the point of the article, which is this: citizen anchor-babies living in the shadows
the article asserts that it's not genetics that lead to developmental problems but simply their second-class citizen status.
I would be curious to see if the children of Asian immigrants, legal and illegal, have been studied for development and educational deficits. My wife teaches kids that are behind in school and in need of some remedial help. She has yet to have an East Asian child in one of those classes.
On a related note, iSteve readers should consider supporting Herman Cain - he's the only announced candidate for whom illegal immigration is a signature issue. Blacks and Whites should be natural allies on this issue. And that guy can give a speech.
"I would be curious to see if the children of Asian immigrants, legal and illegal, have been studied for development and educational deficits."
I can explain this phenomenon from my own empirical research. Many Asians most assuredly have deficits especially in what we might term language disorders but, since most are over achieving conformists, most will manage to stay in the mainstream in American public schools. I have actually observed that there are Asians who can be classified as developmentally delayed. Of course Asians will mostly have IQs between say 80 and 130 which may or may not be indicative of greater inbreeding.
That a motivated Asian with a normal IQ and a learning disability could pass mostly undetected through our oh-so-challenging public schools isn't saying much.
"On a related note, iSteve readers should consider supporting Herman Cain - he's the only announced candidate for whom illegal immigration is a signature issue."
Doesn't he advocate Neil Bortz's Fair Tax as well?
Anon @4:55
Intentionally or unintentionally, you are blurring the line between "missing the point" and "disagreeing with the point."
About Herman Cain and immigration -- NumbersUSA gives him a D+
The article seems to be assuming a uni-directional causality>>> That illegal immigration causes low intelligence. Even though it was not a causal study. That is what we call poor scientific writing. Also I do IQ tests all the time and if you are trying to base any cognitive or language outcome on the basis of testing kids two and younger then you really are misunderstanding psychometrics and child development.
My favorite P.J. O'Rourke quip:
World to End; Global Leaders Convene
World to End; Mets Call Off Season
World to End; Women, Minorities Hardest Hit
I quote from memory.
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