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Vibrancy, London-style |
'We swear by Allah we will never stop fighting you': Terrifying threat of Islamic fanatic after he 'hacked British soldier to death with machete in horrific terror attack on London street'
Man tells camera: 'I apologise that women had to witness this today'
Soldier attacked with meat cleavers and knives in Woolwich, SE London
Eyewitness says: 'They were hacking at him, chopping him, cutting him'
Two suspects waited until police arrived before trying to attack them
Prime Minister David Cameron described the killing as 'truly shocking'
Cobra meeting hears there are strong indications it was terrorist incident
Suspects used 'a number of weapons' in attack, Metropolitan Police say
Muslim Council: Act will no doubt heighten tensions on British streets
speaking of the european war against the multiculti regime, the trial of Emma West has been postponed yet again.
Don't forget the muslim rioting in Husby, Sweden.
Immigration + attacking the countries the immigrants come from = civil war
During the cold war the very German Bader Meinhof gang did much the same thing for much the same reasons.
Prime Minister David Cameron described the killing as 'truly shocking'
Translating from politician-speak into the vernacular, he said "Ho hum, business as usual".
Time to install more cameras in the streets and have the police harass more white people. It's the only way to stop crime.
The occasional beheading is a small price to pay for all the benefits diversity brings.
This is what happens when instead of being welcomed immigrants are met with racism and Islamophobia.
Is is it me, or does that guy look like Bryan Caplan's brother?
Muslims have no business residing in the West, and the West has no obligation to allow them here.
Muslims have no business residing in the West, and the West has no obligation to allow them here.
The guy said remove your govt. They don't care about you.
I have to say he is correct. They care more about him.
He doesn't have a London accent does he? I only heard a little of it.
A reporter said he did. It sounded more African.
Joe praises agents of change
Muslims have no business residing in the West, and the West has no obligation to allow them here.
Furthermore, "the West" ain't gonna remain "the West" if it's populated by Muslims.
It'll just be the cold part of Dar al Islam.
"Cue the Stanley Ann Dunhams and the Lindsay Marie Boehners with the wet-between-the-legs jungle fever for the guy."
What does that have to do with it? Most white women, and the vast majority of the ones white men would want anything to do with, end up with white men.
Tell me how this immigration bullshit ends.
This combined with the white flag raised by the Senate in regards to immigration has been a truly depressing week.
Vibrancy Obama Style
Report: Michelle Obama once dated inspector general at the center of IRS investigation into anti-tea party political favoritism
I am waiting for Steve to explain how liberal Whites are for racial solidarity (like he claimed with gun control).
How does that work here? I presume the victim was White, yet liberal Whites are for opening up every White country for even more mass non-White immigration. Which obviously leads to scenes like this.
Explain to me again how liberal Whites "really" want racial solidarity.
I am trying to "put myself in his shoes" as a liberal would say. I am thinking that if I were a psychotic Muslim terrorist from the third world, I would feel even more contemptuous and even more resolute in my desire to harm my enemies as they limp-wristedly droned on about multiculturalism, diversity and tolerance of me, a member of a group who wanted to kill them. I would probably believe that the craven, self-hating, suicidal West should just be put out of its misery.
This guy is pretty impressive, for a machete wielding jihadist, covered in the fresh blood of his victim.
He sticks to legitimate military targets, instead of attacking nearby civilians.
He explains that his attack is in retaliation for British attacks against Muslims. Those attacks did happen.
And he tells British people "remove your government, they don't care about you". Truer words have never been spoken. British people DESPERATELY need a radical change in the direction of government.
It is sad that a British soldier was killed, but this is the logical consequence of "invade the world and invite the world".
"Cue the Stanley Ann Dunhams and the Lindsay Marie Boehners with the wet-between-the-legs jungle fever for the guy."
What does that have to do with it?
What is "that" and what is "it"?
And as far as going ahead and fast-forwarding past your response, and getting to my response to your response, I gotta remind myself that I'm not at Chateau Heartiste right now, and that I've got to deal with Komment Kontrol here at iSteve, so let me tone down my remarks, and simply say: I guaran-damn-tee you that there is going to be a line of UK white chicks a mile long who are writing pen pal letters to this nubian monster in prison, begging him to have their babies.
And, down the road, don't be surprised if the UK authorities grant him conjugal visits to make the babies.
Dominique Venner a French historian from the pagan New Right has committed suicide inside Notre Dame Cathedral to protest against societal decadence and population replacement.
Let me remind y'all that Notr Dame is build on an ancient temple site and is where France started.
I guaran-damn-tee you that there is going to be a line of UK white chicks a mile long who are writing pen pal letters to this nubian monster in prison, begging him to have their babies
I hope all you White beta males are taking notes.
And yes, I'm completely serious.
Third World immivasion is like rape: so long as it's inevitable, just lay back and enjoy your beheading.
"Immigration + attacking the countries the immigrants come from = civil war."
This guy is black black African. Which country in Africa have we recently attacked?
"Prime Minister David Cameron described the killing as 'truly shocking'"
In what way? You purposefully import millions of adherents to a hostile ideology, ignore them when they say they will topple your civilization, reward indolence and rage with government benefits, and cover and make excuses for them when they actually do kill natives just as they explicitly promised to.
The shock Cameron feels must be over not being able to ignore the very public and in-your-face nature of this expression of cross-cultural interaction.
I am sure he will get over it.
In the comments there is a comment that Im not sure is meant to be ironic. Some seeming SWPL complaining about the EDL response, claiming he is going to move to Sweden as its more socially liberal.
The UK MSM is swinging to full attack mode. Against the EDL obviously, not harmless blacks/muslims.
Its interesting to note the EDL's Facebook page only had about 15,000 likes yesterday. Now its gone way past 60,000.
Mr Machete maniac is right - our government are traitors.
Punish the murderers who committed the crime.
Blame the government that made it possible.
A natural and foreseeable response to Western depredations (invasion, torture, drone killings) against Muslim countries.
You reap what you sow.
This guy is pretty impressive, for a machete wielding jihadist, covered in the fresh blood of his victim.
He sticks to legitimate military targets, instead of attacking nearby civilians.
He explains that his attack is in retaliation for British attacks against Muslims. Those attacks did happen.
And he tells British people "remove your government, they don't care about you". Truer words have never been spoken. British people DESPERATELY need a radical change in the direction of government.
It is sad that a British soldier was killed, but this is the logical consequence of "invade the world and invite the world".
Hear, hear.
This is classic Invade the World, Invite the World. Young Africans with likely no job prospects and nothing to lose, going after a soft target. This kind of activity will continue to happen over and over and over. For years...
I don't even consider it news anymore.
Still, you have to love Boyadee's live, first-hand accounts of the carnage transpiring in front of him. British ebonics is a real scream!
To quote Russell Peters at a recent comedy show: "Do you remember when England was white?"
Anon can you elaborate on how France was born at Notre Dame. I'd say Reims where Clovis was baptized, but I am intrigued if you care to elaborate.
"Immigration + attacking the countries the immigrants come from = civil war."
This guy is black black African. Which country in Africa have we recently attacked?
Somalia, Libya, if you must ask.
But you are being pedantic. This guy is a Muslim, and we are attacking other Muslims.
So let me elaborate on the other commenter's law of nature, which was correct in spirit:
Immigration + attacking the groups the immigrants come from = civil war
A soldier would be a legitimate target, would he not?
Rev. Right said...The shock Cameron feels must be over not being able to ignore the very public and in-your-face nature of this expression of cross-cultural interaction. I am sure he will get over it.
Yes, the expression of shock is obligatory but he feels no need to acknowledge the real problem or do something about it. It's as if Winston Churchill expressed shock each time the Luftwaffe bombed London, but did nothing else about it.
Lawrence Auster pointed out that since liberals will not face reality they must continually express shock and surprise about events that a clear-thinking person has come to expect.
Laguna Beach Fogey said: I hope all you White beta males are taking notes.
And yes, I'm completely serious.
Hacking people to pieces LBF? Is your literary ennui so unbearable that murder with edged weapons strikes you as a good way for socially middling young men to improve themselves? Call me a beta chump if you like, but there has to be a less Ugandan way of getting a girlfriend, even in the treacherous wilds of coastal southern California .
Most of us are alienated from the deracinated, dehumanized, mercantile world of multicult modernity, but why exalt the ways of vile Chechen mediocrities and sub-Saharan Jihadis as a superior alternative? Is the same West that conquered first the world, then the stars really so bereft of role models that these savages are the ony spiritual guides you can find?
-The Judean People's Front
Is the same West that conquered first the world, then the stars really so bereft of role models that these savages are the ony spiritual guides you can find?
These guys showed real honor, courage, and self-sacrifice.
1. They stood up for the weak and defenseless. (Muslim peoples who are being bombed and tortured by Israel and its allies.)
2. They hit a military target.
3. They abstained from harming civilians, even though they could have done so easily.
4. They didn't duck and run.
5. They explained their action with principles of justice (the rule of reciprocity) and offered Britons a pathway to peace.
6. They criticized the British government as not representing the British people.
It is hard to find honor and courage among Western men these days. I don't see on what basis you can fault these young men.
Punish the murderers who committed the crime.
Blame the government that made it possible.
Rather, blame the government that provoked it.
They should ban meat cleavers as they are proven to be assault weapons, and everyone should have their naked photos taken by landport security before boarding cars, because once a car has been used as a terrorist weapon.
And USG should pressure the client kingdoms the world over to follow suit in order to make the lives of everybody else miserable. Because you do not want us to set a bad example by being lax and comfortable and not taking the terr'riss threat seriously enough.
"A picture is worth a thousand words."
A picture is worth a thousand words.
To an old Africa hand it is a familiar one; a picture best viewed against a jungle, savanna or at least favela township backdrop.
The problem is the context. And that is the problem with anonymous at 10:25: to give him the benefit of the doubt (that he is not from the, shall we say, 'swarthy' wing of AS spectrum), he lacks context and perspective.
A soldier going about his business in civvy street in London is hardly a military target. End of story. Let the savage return to his beloved homeland and engage the infidel there.
Gilbert P.
Anon Said: These guys showed real honor, courage, and self-sacrifice.
1. They stood up for the weak and defenseless. (Muslim peoples who are being bombed and tortured by Israel and its allies.)
2. They hit a military target.
3. They abstained from harming civilians, even though they could have done so easily.
4. They didn't duck and run.
5. They explained their action with principles of justice (the rule of reciprocity) and offered Britons a pathway to peace.
6. They criticized the British government as not representing the British people.
It is hard to find honor and courage among Western men these days. I don't see on what basis you can fault these young men.
Given the prevalence of emasculated kidults in my age cohort, I do understand the allure of anyone who can muster a public display of the martial virtues. So far though, an aesthetic and moral revulsion towards the debased state of our culture hasn't driven me to extensive sympathy with alien murderers.
As far as violent Jihadis go, the Woolwich terrorist was indeed a gentleman of sorts, but I don't understand how Israel's war against Palestinian Arabs justifies the murder of an off-duty British soldier by a disgruntled black African. Let's say that I burned to avenge the AMIA bombing. As a half-Jew do I then get a free pass to go knife some hapless enlisted peon over in Venezuela, just because the late Hugo Chavez was cozy with Tehran?
As far as the "rule of reciprocity" goes, it is my understanding that the concept of reciprocity does not traditionally include anything about murdering one's host if his friends behave roughly towards another third party.
-The Judean People's Front
One used to have to travel to Omdurman with Kitchener to be hacked to bits by a couple of savages.
Thanks to the open borders lefties, now there's no need to leave home.
Bravo, open borders lefties. Mission accomplished.
How does this 'immigration bullshit' end? In blood and tears.
Punish the offenders and blame the government? No. The barbarian immigrant is what he is. Send him home. Depose the government and line the traitors up against a wall. Like Brimelow says, it will all end in tears.
I know they have the "many flavors of guns" Celebrate Diversity t-shirts, but we really need to make some shirts that celebrate the diversity brought by this guy, Ariel Castro, the bomb brothers etc. Bonus points if they can be pictured holding hands around a globe or something.
Blowback. Not Islam. Pure blowback.
What else can you expect?
"So let me elaborate on the other commenter's law of nature, which was correct in spirit: Immigration + attacking the groups the immigrants come from = civil war."
I wasn't criticizing his point, but expanding upon it. That is that we let these people into our countries, and they'll find a reason to hate us: they're poorer than us, we're attacking their countries, we're not attacking their countries (if they're controlled by oppressive regimes, as they usually are), etc. As it turns out, this dude's country was...Britain, which is where he was born (note his strong London accent). His parents were from Nigeria. His original religion is supposedly Christianity. He's a convert to Islam.
No matter what we do, we inevitably get civil war. They hate us because we're different and better. Our compassion in allowing them to immigrate from some Third World hellhole is always dismissed. It's just a matter of time...
Holy comments Batman! 2449 comments and counting. If the ire against immigration keeps building half the point for this blog will be gone in a few years.
Anonydroid at 10:25 PM said: It is hard to find honor and courage among Western men these days. I don't see on what basis you can fault these young men.
Hunsdon replied: I actually sort of agree with you. I can respect him as an independent moral agent, taking direct action in support of his beliefs.
I'd respect him all the way to the gallows.
As for honor and courage among Western men, you haven't been keeping up with 3/5.
The Judean People's Front... half-Jew...
Sounds like you had a little Invade & Invite conflict right there within the confines of your very own family.
And that the shkotzim lost.
Are you shitting me? A chimpout with machetes against an unarmed guy is 'alpha'? Holy shit, if people look at that as anything other than barbarity then we're so morally adrift everything else is irrelevant.
So many people who post here have no idea what it is to be a man they've got to latch onto any preconception like a baby does a milk filled tit for comfort, even when it flies in the face of rational thought. If this muslim was 'alpha' he would have put his back into being a productive citizen and raising a family, and living an honorable life.
Instead him and another subhuman (he couldn't even do it alone! so alpha!) hack a guy to death, and some of you get your rationalization hamsters spinning about how alpha this is while telling yourself 'maybe in the manosphere I'll finally get laid'. Like an autist, many of you focus on the details to the extreme while missing the big picture: yes there are women who will romantacize this shit but who wants to breed with such an obviously broken specimen of womanhood?
My freaking word, the emasculation of the British male, using the word in the broadest sense, is complete. In the video I saw, the Machete Boyz were only confronted by women.
I think we should remember recent history.
The largest US white sub-population is of Germanic ancestry - or it was. There was considerable resistance to the idea of the US opposing Germany in both WWI and WWII. But it finally turned around and the press and the public stated calling Germans 'krauts' and 'Huns'.
When the country finally focused on Germany in 1941, it resulted in the death about twenty million Germans. That was a more difficult mobilization of public opinion than the one we are faced with now.
Many argued that the Nazis were preferable to the communists. We hesitated.
Muslims are however easy to hate. We would already be more mobilized against them now, but for the fact that Obama was born and raised a Muslim. Had Wendell Willkie for example been a Nazi and had defeated Roosevelt would we have declared war on Germany after Pearl Harbor? An even more likely parallel would be if Halifax had been Prime Minister rather than Churchill, would Britain have negotiated with Hitler after Dunkirk?
The personal beliefs of the top guy matter. But I think the continuing provocations from Islam will finally turn US public opinion strongly against all Muslims. Obama and Brennan will be swept aside. But they will have delayed our national reaction. That delay will likely just raise the body count. England's deep reluctance go to war again in the thirties allowed Hitler to win those early victories. But that only made Germany's ultimate defeat more devastating. When England and America did finally go to war we were prepared to fire bomb Dresden and nuke Hiroshima. If England and France had acted sooner - perhaps in response to the Sudetenland - Germany would not have suffered the holocaust it did.
Similarly when we finally start calling Muslims 'Sand Niggers' or something worse because we have just had enough, we - the nice civilized tolerant Americans - will gleefully drop nuclear warheads all over the Middle East and Central Asia. Obama is doing the Islamic world no favors by aiding them. Our retribution will just be all the more terrible.
We very reluctantly allied ourselves with Russians in the forties to defeat an even less attractive common enemy. That will likely happen again. Russia is a natural ally against Islam and they have shown little compunction about mass murder. In the forties we sent them Studebaker trucks. This time it may be Predator Drones.
Maybe America will finally implement my old suggestion of using Anthrax in Afghanistan. Maybe not, the future is hard to see. But when the decision is made one way or the other it will be on effectiveness grounds not moral. Moral compunction is an early casualty of war.
What we've got here is failure to communicate
But you are being pedantic. This guy is a Muslim, and we are attacking other Muslims.
We are Christians, and Muslims are attacking other Christians. So our campaigns into Muslim countries to break stuff and kill people are all justified, right?
It is hard to find honor and courage among Western men these days.
Hey, glory calls. If you think a man can still raise a thirst East of Suez, what are you waiting for? No need to piss your life away in Western effeminacy, impotently admiring the machet-i-nations of better men who, alas, do not grace us with their chivalric feats nearly often enough.
I don't see on what basis you can fault these young men.
Oh, I dunno, but I just can't work up anything more than contempt for all these "men of honor" infesting Europe, who happily enjoy and sponge off the fleshpots they claim to despise. What do you say the odds are that these heroic gentlemen were, say, net tax contributors? Surely there is more scope elsewhere for righteous manly defense of Dar-el-Islam than the queue at a UK benefits bureau? (Yeah, I know, they think parasitizing infidel nations is righteous. Potato/potahto, tomato/tomahto, righteous/despicable, let's call the whole multicultural thing off...)
Not that I'm really all that interested in quibbles about the inherent quality of character of some Other(tm) hacking off heads with machetes on the streets of Western cities. I fervently desire that we'd get the hell out of their countries. Somehow I don't think Mr. Grandiloquent Machete and his ilk have the slightest desire to reciprocate and get the hell out of ours.
What does that have to do with it? Most white women, and the vast majority of the ones white men would want anything to do with, end up with white men.
Similarly, the vast majority of white men who white women would want anything to do with don't obsess over this stuff. So the circle is squared...
I guaran-damn-tee you that there is going to be a line of UK white chicks a mile long who are writing pen pal letters to this nubian monster in prison, begging him to have their babies.
Case in point, here we have a truly terminal patient in the final, delusional stages. The few crazies become "a line a mile long" in his addled pate, and are somehow important in the grand scheme of things.
Its interesting to note the EDL's Facebook page only had about 15,000 likes yesterday. Now its gone way past 60,000.
Mr Machete maniac is right - our government are traitors.
No no, those 60k people will be dwarfed, DWARFED, by the number of hot white chicks in line to mate with the nubian. *Snicker*
Hacking people to pieces LBF? Is your literary ennui so unbearable that murder with edged weapons strikes you as a good way for socially middling young men to improve themselves?
Somehow, I don't think he was completely serious.
This is absolutely terrifying and left me speechless; if alleged suspects keep fooling around the objects of their incivilities, how will I manage to blame whites?
Anonymous said...
A natural and foreseeable response to Western depredations (invasion, torture, drone killings) against Muslim countries.
You reap what you sow
War is a constant. You could kill every westerner on earth and the only thing that would change is the depredations would be carried with low tech. Have you ever heard of History?
"This terrorist was surprisingly well-spoken and polite to the person holding the camera. Reminded me a tiny bit of the erudite black British Muslim terrorist in Neal Stephenson's Reamde."
He sees himself at war with a soldier and not the civilians.
Westerners have difficulty grasping Islam and ummah. A true Muslim does not believe in the idea of nation-states or the borders of nation- states.
Svigor said:Somehow, I don't think he was completely serious.
I don't think so either, but he regularly lionizes murderous savages just because they share his alienation. This is expected from suburban teenage metal fans, but he is not a half-literate high school Nietzschean.
I just find his "edgy" literary flirtation with the dark side to be a bit much for a fully grown man. Yes, I know that violence is at times unavoidable. Bourgeois careerists sometimes blind themselves to that fact, but LBF's swashbuckling fantasies are just the opposite side of the same sheltered modern coin.
-The Judean People's Front
Canadian Observer said...
To quote Russell Peters at a recent comedy show: "Do you remmeber when England was all white".
Hell, I can remember when CANADA was all-white.
I see the immediate advise to protect soldiers was to not wear their uniforms out of barracks. Is no shame too great for Britain's political elite? Why should not arms and ammo be dispensed to all?
Why are so many of the men who comment here obsessed with the female morons who fall in love with murderers? Seriously, I would like to know.
Blowback. Not Islam. Pure blowback.
What else can you expect?
Exactly. Britain and the United States are rampaging across the planet in service to the Zionist agenda. What do they expect?
The sense of indignation is truly incredible.
No matter what we do, we inevitably get civil war. They hate us because we're different and better.
They hate us because we are attacking other people. This guy clearly articulated that.
In grade school, he always stuck up for people against bullies. This is an expression of that same sense of justice.
As for honor and courage among Western men, you haven't been keeping up with 3/5.
I love how pussy commenters are trying to hide behind this soldier being "off duty."
There isn't such a concept. He was a serving soldier. Are soldiers at war only subject to legitimate violence when they are on combat missions?
That's not how the United States (drone attacks) and Israel (dropping bombs into crowded apartment buildings and killing people in their sleep) play.
But you are being pedantic. This guy is a Muslim, and we are attacking other Muslims.
We are Christians, and Muslims are attacking other Christians. So our campaigns into Muslim countries to break stuff and kill people are all justified, right?
Wrong. Britain, the United States, and Israel are the aggressors. Aggressors don't get to claim self defense.
What do you say the odds are that these heroic gentlemen were, say, net tax contributors?
There is more to life amid this growing dystopia than being a "net tax contributor," especially when those taxes go to persecute the weak and defenseless.
I just find his "edgy" literary flirtation with the dark side to be a bit much for a fully grown man.
I just find his "edgy" literary flirtation with the dark side to be a bit much for a fully grown man. Yes, I know that violence is at times unavoidable.
Well, we're talking two different things, now. I mean, I'm just this side of pole-vaulting over the enemy's walls, forming a flying wedge to break his shield-wall, hacking him to pieces, and then pulling his women to the side for some good old fashioned lamentation. Plenty edgy, no?
But I don't find lionizing the human refuse of Chechnya, or just plain making up nonsense about crowds choking the hallways for conjugal visits, to be analogous.
Whoops, accidentally left this out when I copy-pasted:
I don't think so either, but he regularly lionizes murderous savages just because they share his alienation.
Oh, my mistake, carry on then. I'm notoriously bad at remembering personalities when all I have to go on is a handle. We need a chick here to keep track of this stuff for us.
Wrong. Britain, the United States, and Israel are the aggressors. Aggressors don't get to claim self defense.
We don't make towelheads persecute Christians. They do that on their own. Which means we get to bomb them to glass, right?
"Why are so many of the men who comment here obsessed with the female morons who fall in love with murderers? Seriously, I would like to know."
For me (and I have not made that point in this thread BTW), it is the injustice and poor policy that murderers may be allowed to procreate after they are convicted. For the Multicult koolaid drinker, these women will birth nice little blank slates who deserve nothing less than to be tutored by Ivy League teachers into the nascent Leonhard Eulers they will no doubt grow up to be.
For the typical iSteve commenter, these women are not only despicable but there are several other despicable ideas here as well that add to the ire - the idea that someone can get laid in a place of punishment, and furthermore that he can procreate future murderers to burden society with while his victim does not have that option. It's all kinds of wrong.
I rather liked this gem at the end: Muslim Council: Act will no doubt heighten tensions on British streets
Yeah, for some reason, people get really upset about having their neighbors hacked to death with machetes. Go figure.
Anonysperg: There is more to life amid this growing dystopia than being a "net tax contributor," especially when those taxes go to persecute the weak and defenseless.
I stand in awe of your ability to cut through the verbiage and ferret out the true point of my comment, which was hidden even to myself. But you're right, there's more to life than economics, and we should focus on the less tangible, but still very real, benefits that the Machete Brothers have bestowed upon the English.
Injustice, or just bad policy? Overall, it will probably lead to a better world in 50 years if violent felons seldom get to procreate. It probably will also be a worse world if we end up with some government agency that gets to decide who procreates.
For murderers, surely the best way to avoid procreation is to keep them locked up till they die, either of natural causes or by execution. No man, no problem.
"I love how pussy commenters are trying to hide behind this soldier being "off duty."
There isn't such a concept. He was a serving soldier. Are soldiers at war only subject to legitimate violence when they are on combat missions?
That's not how the United States (drone attacks) and Israel (dropping bombs into crowded apartment buildings and killing people in their sleep) play."
As an Englishman, I find your bloodless logic unmoving. Matters of blood and soil trump your Talmudic/quranic casuistry.
Gilbert P.
Svigor said: pulling his women to the side for some good old fashioned lamentation. Plenty edgy, no?
Conan references get a free pass from any man worth his salt.
Svigor said: Oh, my mistake, carry on then. I'm notoriously bad at remembering personalities when all I have to go on is a handle. We need a chick here to keep track of this stuff for us.
If I recall, his last comment here was a claim of spiritual kinship with les freres Tsarnaev. The sad thing is, I've checked out his blog and he seems fairly cultured. Anyone who reads Ernst Junger, Stefan George, and Julius Evola is just degrading himself by such associations.
-The Judean People's Front
Svigor -
I tried to reply to you a while back, but it looks like Komment Kontrol ate it.
The UK government has eventually come to its senses, grown a spine and taken the appropriate if harsh measures we all expected.
"Wrong. Britain, the United States, and Israel are the aggressors. Aggressors don't get to claim self defense."
Islam came out of the desert and took Christian lands. We get to claim self-defense until you're all pushed back into the same desert or doomsday whichever comes first.
Conan references get a free pass from any man worth his salt.
The funny thing about Conan is that it's the least quotable great movie ever made. The paraphrased Genghis Khan bit is the only worthy quote.
WCPP: C'est la vie.
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