June 22, 2013

Haaretz: "In U.S. snooping affair, Israeli firms at risk"

If you were to read the Israeli and American Jewish press, you would get the impression that Israelis and American Jews tend to be well above average in terms of being influential, powerful, and intimately involved in much that's in the news. 

Fortunately, we have the American mainstream media to completely ignore for us overly interesting angles in giant stories, such as Israeli involvement in the current surveillance scandal. Kevin MacDonald points to this June 10, 2013 story from Haaretz:
In U.S. snooping affair, Israeli firms at risk 
Controversy over government surveillance that erupted last week over the NSA's PRISM surveillance program may lead to tougher standards for telecommunications gear like that developed, manufactured in Israel....
Behind the scenes are a host of Israeli companies that have almost certainly taken part in the program as suppliers of technology. They may yet find themselves in the maelstrom, warns Nimrod Kozlovski, head of Tel Aviv University’s program for cyber studies.... 
The concern is not just that the local government is spying on its citizens but that the manufacturers themselves have the ability to spy from afar. 
Telecommunications systems almost always feature components that can be operated remotely so that software can be updated and routine maintenance chores can be conducted. … But these same systems can be used to penetrate the user country’s communications network as well. With the United States at the center of the world’s Internet traffic that problem is magnified. 

Two days earlier, on June 8, 2013, Haaretz (as reprinted in the Jewish Daily Forward of NYC) had headlined:
What was the Israeli involvement in collecting U.S. communications intel for NSA? 
Israeli high-tech firms Verint and Narus have had connections with U.S. companies and Israeli intelligence in the past, and ties between the countries' intelligence agencies remain strong.

So, this kind of thing is interesting and respectable to ask about in Israel, but in the U.S. it's not, except in specifically Jewish publications. Why do you want to know things that Israelis know? What are you, curious? Are you some kind of curiousist? Why are you anti-ignorance?


Anonymous said...

I really think its a bad idea to link Kevin MacDonald. Please don't approve this comment.

Thomas O. Meehan said...

As usual, the Israeli press undermines the narrative we are meant to believe hear on the home front. Can they really be so arrogant as to think we don't notice?

Anonymous said...

As usual, the Israeli press undermines the narrative we are meant to believe hear on the home front. Can they really be so arrogant as to think we don't notice?

What does the second sentence mean? Who's "they" - the Israeli press, the American narrative-controllers, or the Jews?

Anonymous said...

At least women and minorities are not hit hardest?

Anonymous said...

Can they really be so arrogant as to think we don't notice?

Most people don't notice or don't care.

Anonymous said...

How dare anyone suggest that israel is anything other than that plucky little underdog that's the future sight of the battle of armageddon.

Anonymous said...

What does the second sentence mean? Who's "they" - the Israeli press, the American narrative-controllers, or the Jews?

One has to wonder whether this is just Svigor being funny.

Anonymous said...

"What does the second sentence mean? Who's "they" - the Israeli press, the American narrative-controllers, or the Jews?"

What the hell is an aluminum falcon?

David said...

Why do the Israeli press and presumably cyber companies fear "controversy" "erupting" in a "maelstrom" directed against them? Do they honestly believe the US is going to stand up on its hind legs and roar for the heads of Israeli businessmen? Sure, even paranoids have enemies, but the US isn't a sleeping dog, it's a dead one. There is no maelstrom (polls indicate the US public doesn't care and of course the US govt is quite pleased with what it's doing); nothing will happen. The fear and trembling is overdone.

Gilbert Ratchet said...

Can they really be so arrogant as to think we don't notice?

But we DON'T notice! How many influential readers do you think that a site for "white identity, interests, and culture" actually has?

Average Joe said...

If you were to read the Israeli and American Jewish press, you would get the impression that Israelis and American Jews tend to be well above average in terms of being influential, powerful, and intimately involved in much that's in the news. Fortunately, we have the American mainstream media to completely ignore for us overly interesting angles, such as Israeli involvement in the current surveillance scandal.

The main difference between the American Jewish press and the American mainstream media is that the first is the Jewish media in America for Jews while the second is the Jewish media in America for gentiles.

Anonymous said...

Rosenbergs now own this country.

And if you blow the whistle on Jewish power, your career goes to the electric chair.

Agents in America, not Angels in America.

Anonymous said...

Why do you guys always assume malfeasance whenever Israeli involvement is discovered in anything?

Globalization is slowly erasing national boundaries. Along with that, you are bound to have companies in different nations handling different aspects of your affairs.

You have the Chinese building your gadgets. The Indians handling customer support. Israeli's handling security related jobs, etc.

I think the silver lining in all of this is that Israel is a modern day police state and they are so advance in security/spying related technologies that they are bound to be a leader in the field. So most of these jobs get outsourced to them.

Anonymous said...

"Why do you guys always assume malfeasance whenever Israeli involvement is discovered in anything? Globalization is slowly erasing national boundaries. Along with that, you are bound to have companies in different nations handling different aspects of your affairs. You have the Chinese building your gadgets. The Indians handling customer support. Israeli's handling security related jobs, etc."

Globalism isn't equal. It involves the entire world but empowers those who control the finance, information, and technology. Surely, Jewish globalists are far more powerful than Bolivian globalists.

Also, we do raise the alarm about foul doings of Chinese. So, why not about Jews, esp when Jews are pushing open borders, the homo agenda, and anti-white propaganda?

Anonymous said...

To Thomas Meehan: Israel is not run by some committee that decides every action according to some Master Plan. What gets reported and what gets built and what gets sold and what the government does or does not do are decisions made by millions of people millions of times a day. You need to calm down.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"What gets reported and what gets built and what gets sold and what the government does or does not do are decisions made by millions of people millions of times a day."

Right, since we millions of little folks decide on little matters everyday, the power of each of us is equal to that of the likes of Haim Saban and George Soros.

Anonymous said...

As that ignorant redneck tea bagger Henry Adams once said, "We are in the hands of the Scotch-Irish!"

Anonymous said...


Gee, the problem must be 'socialism'.

Mead, a useless 'conservative'.


Anonymous said...

Huwaie sp? was rejected for US supplies for spying reasons in the US, butnot the UK. Israeli firms probably at risk but as sixth eye likely in data spy sharing agreement like UK GHCQ .

Whiskey from nook hd plus

Brazilian said...

Reading the jewish-american and israeli press is enlightining:






Anonymous said...

"I really think its a bad idea to link Kevin MacDonald. Please don't approve this comment."

Fuck off with your concern trolling.

Brazilian said...

Who made Obama?

The Chicago Jewish News Online has the answer:


One longtime Jewish observer of the political scene, who did not want to be identified, said admiringly that "Jews made him. Wherever you look, there is a Jewish presence."

wren said...

I think the silver lining in all of this is that Israel is a modern day police state and they are so advance in security/spying related technologies that they are bound to be a leader in the field. So most of these jobs get outsourced to them.

That reminds me of the Haaretz story of the Israeli firm that installed all the video cameras at the Fukushima nuclear reactor that blew up and melted down.

After all, when it comes to video cameras, it's hard to beat the Israelis, especially in Japan.

Anonymous said...

They also found the israeli Stuxnet vírus in the Fukushima siemens operating computer.

Anonymous said...

That reminds me of the Haaretz story of the Israeli firm that installed all the video cameras at the Fukushima nuclear reactor that blew up and melted down.

Japan offered to enrich uranium for Iran:


4 months later, that Israeli firm showed up with their security system and cameras, which weighed over 1,000 pounds and were the size and shape of gun type nuclear weapons, and installed them at Fukushima, which blew up the following year after the tsunami.

Anonymous said...

"Most people don't notice or don't care."

People who don't notice aren't going to care - and the post illustrates one of the reasons some don't notice - because it's only mentioned in publications for a particular niche.

Would they care if they did notice i.e. if the mainstream news told them?

Anonymous said...

anonymous:"Japan offered to enrich uranium for Iran:


4 months later, that Israeli firm showed up with their security system and cameras, which weighed over 1,000 pounds and were the size and shape of gun type nuclear weapons, and installed them at Fukushima, which blew up the following year after the tsunami."

Hell, I knew that Israelis were behind it the minute I heard about the tsunami; the Israelis have had tsunami generating tech since 1980. The tsunami generator was perhaps the chief fruit of the Mossad's covert relationship with Cobra Commander. Naturally, the US media have not reported on the Cobra Commander's strong sense of Jewish identity (Kevin MacDonald's piece on how Destro is COBRA's Gentile spokesman is must reading).

Ex Submarine Officer said...

"What gets reported and what gets built and what gets sold and what the government does or does not do are decisions made by millions of people millions of times a day."

The same could said of ants, millions of little actions, etc. But they always build pretty much the same anthill.

And maybe that could be said of humans.

Anonymous said...

"I really think its a bad idea to link Kevin MacDonald. Please don't approve this comment."

Kevin Mac is extreme on some things, but when he reports on this matter but MSM doesn't, doesn't it prove his point that the media are dominated by Jews and Jews manipulate information for their own interests?

Also, what has Sailer got to lose? He's been blacklisted by MSM ever since he made that remark about New Orleans and ever since Malcolm Gladwell called him a 'racist'.

Also, why should we shy away from 'extreme' figures who are for white interests when the likes of Tim Wise, David Sirota, Bruni, Frank Rich, Cornel West, gay mafia, etc are totally embraced by MSM? The 'new normal' says you are 'extreme' if you oppose 'gay marriage'. Elite institutions weed out opponents.

And it didn't bother MSM one bit that Obama had ties with Ayers, Wright, and worse.
And Jews still maintain that all those Jewish Stalinists of the 40s and 50s were innocent victims and lambs.

We shouldn't agree with everything Mac says and call him out when he's wrong, but when he does the job the MSM should be doing--out of tribal Jewish interests--, he should be linked and lauded. If the MSM had delved into this, Sailer would not be linking to Mac.

Another thing... we mustn't only blame the Jews. It's natural for Jews to hide their dirty laundry just like Putin's regime hides its. Republicans hide theirs and so do the democrats. So, we need cons to blow the whistle on Dem dirty tricks, and we need libs to blow the whistle on Repub dirty tricks. Few people/groups are self-critical. We are naturally defensive and circle-the-wagon-ish.

In the past, Jews deserved credit for exposing the power and privilege of wasps.
Now that Jews got the power, it is up to non-Jews to expose the dirty tricks of the Jewish community, but everyone is mum.
Mac, for all his faults, is one of the few who does. For having done so, he will never be hired by an elite college. Only tenure protects him from what befell the likes of Sanchez, Thomas, and Richwine.

And even though he is extreme on some matters and has some loathsome allies, how is he worse than Jewish libs and neocons who have loathsome allies in Israel and on the Left?
How are La Raza and all those nasty rappers worse than Mac's allies? MSM often features self-avowed communist Cornel West.
Academia is open to former leftist terrorists from the 60s. Oberlin freaks out over guy in blanket.
Al Sharpton has a regular gig.
Victor Navasky, a radical Jew who has spent a lifetime denying the espionage carried out by leftist Jews in the 40s and 50s, has taught journalism at an elite college! Isn't journalism about the search for truth? Yet a dirty liar--who has denied communist mass murder and crimes--has taught top students at a top college about journalism. No wonder most reporters care more about the agenda than about the truth. It's more about the Narrative of the NarraTribe than about the narratruth.



We must stop being timid and nice. No more Mr Guy when the other side is out to utterly destroy you.

We must go from wasp mode to waap mode: we are all Palestinians.

Anonymous said...


I suppose it's like Americans saying Japan attacked us but we are now friends.
Or the French saying Germans invaded us but we are now friends.
Putin is willing to forgive, but Jews won't take responsibility for their 'historical crimes(and istead attack Putin for speaking the truth)... even though they demand that all other groups fess up to their crimes of antisemitism.

Mr. Anon said...

"Anonymous said...

4 months later, that Israeli firm showed up with their security system and cameras, which weighed over 1,000 pounds and were the size and shape of gun type nuclear weapons, and installed them at Fukushima, which blew up the following year after the tsunami."

There is nothing the self-deluded won't believe, is there? There is a big difference between the explosion of a nuclear weaon and the explosion that takes place in a nuclear power plant like Fukushima or Chernobyl. But for the truly stupid, everything is a conspiracy.

Anonymous said...

Steve, you don't come across as a racist in any sensible definition of that word. If I were you, I'd avoid linking to institutions promoting "white identity, interests, and culture." I don't know if such a mission is inherently pernicious, but in our media climate that kind of site attracts the wrong type of reader and the wrong type of writer, and it alienates everyone else. The people who like that sort of thing are likely poor, uneducated, and have a chip on their shoulder, and true or not, everybody who matters thinks that. That way there be dragons. I'm a little squeamish about Vdare too.

Anonymous said...

'bad idea to link Kevin MacDonald.'

Any source should be linked if it furthers the discussion. Sailer even linked a Marxist study as its thesis was relevant to our issues.


Hunsdon said...

Anonydroid at 11:28 PM said: Steve, you don't come across as a racist in any sensible definition of that word.

Hunsdon said: The times, they are a changin'. The problem we face, today, is exactly "everybody who matters."

Everybody who matters is in favor of gay marriage; everybody who matters is in favor of mass immigration; everybody who matters is in favor of a neocon-flavored (if not flat out neocon) foreign policy: we have always been at war with Iran, and always will be.

There was a time---and it was not so very long ago---when even here circumlocutions such as "Scotch-Irish" had to be used. Five years ago? Three years ago? Mayhap more recently than that.

I long resisted even visiting TOO, for certainly Kevin MacDonald was a frothing racist, antisemitic hater who hate hate HATED. Except, you know, he's not---if you actually go read him.

But then, I'm probably just some poor prole with a fifth grade education and a chip on my shoulder. Amirite?

Anonymous said...

Reading the comments brings to mind the historian AJP Taylor's response to those who argued that his "History of the Second World War" had been welcomed by former supporters of Hitler.

"I have however no sympathy with those in this country who complained that my book had been welcomed, mistakenly or not, by former supporters of Hitler. This seems to me a disgraceful argument to be used against a work of history. A historian must not hesitate even if his books lend aid and comfort to the Queen’s enemies (though mine did not), or even to the common enemies of mankind. For my part, I would even record facts which told in favour of the British government, if I found any to record."

Same applies to journalists IMHO. Never mind whose narrative is served - is it true?

Perhaps (I have no idea) the academic you quote is a raging anti-semite. But if what he's reporting is true, and no one else will report it for fear of being called an anti-semite, then its him or nobody. Knowledge is good, as Steve says.

(The UK has no issues with Israeli hooks into our communications btw. All our switchgear is supplied by a highly reputable Chinese company.)

Anonymous said...

Jews never forget. Memory is anger and anger is power.

Anonymous said...

The Israelis have tsunami generating technology?! WTF? This board is degenerating into a freak show. Jew obsession is not healthy. And with high IQ thinkers such as this, no wonder the Jews run circles around us. LOL

blogger said...

We need information nationalism.

When it comes to sensitive data of any kind, US firms and only US firms closely regulated by the government should handle and manage it.

On the other hand, the US government is already owned by globalists, so those in government can spill the beans to the other side.

Israel is more part of US than Puerto Rico is.

Anonymous said...

Hunsdun:"There was a time---and it was not so very long ago---when even here circumlocutions such as "Scotch-Irish" had to be used. Five years ago? Three years ago? Mayhap more recently than that."

Circumlocutions like "Scotch-Irish" have never had to be used on Steve's blog. Such cutesy, "I'm-saying-it-without-really-saying-it" nonsense comes from the people who post on Steve's blog. They think that they are being clever when they are merely being juvenile.

Anonymous said...

Hunsdun:"I long resisted even visiting TOO, for certainly Kevin MacDonald was a frothing racist, antisemitic hater who hate hate HATED. Except, you know, he's not---if you actually go read him."

Funny, I've visited MacDonald's blog for years. It's always good for a laugh.Here is a perfect example of Kev's stupidity:

"One such approach is to present characters that are Jewish in every way except that there are no explicit assertions of Jewish identity. Seinfeld was a great example. Although Jerry’s character was overtly Jewish, the character of George Costanza was obviously Jewish but presented as not Jewish. George is presented as Italian, but he is played by a Jewish actor whose parents on the show are also played by Jewish actors exhibiting stereotypical Jewish family patterns; George’s character was based on the show’s co-creator, Larry David who is quintessentially Jewish. It always seemed to me that the same could be said of the Elaine character, but perhaps less obviously so. She is played by a Jewish actress but is often seen wearing a crucifix; her name suggests she is Czech and in one episode she explicitly states she is not Jewish. But her character, her appearance, her interests, her mannerisms, her voice, and her rapport with Jerry and George seem obviously Jewish. None of this could be said about the Kramer character played by Michael Richards. Clearly a goy."

So, according to the always observant Kev, all of the main characters on SEINFELD are coded Jewish, regardless of ethnic background, .....except for Kramer. Somehow, I fail to see how anyone could read Kramer as being more goyish than Elaine....well, unless you are Kevin MacDonald...

Big Bill said...

"Sure, even paranoids have enemies, but the US isn't a sleeping dog, it's a dead one."

Things change. In Polish-occupied Ukraine klal Y'Isroelhad a good thing going for a couple centuries. They would lease out entire villages of Ukrainian slaves from the Polish conquerors, extract what they could from the slaves and turn over a percentage to the doofus Poles who really didn't know how to maximize their extractions from the slaves. Yeah, it all worked well for many, many generations until the Chmielniki uprising, when Bogdan Chmielniki, a minor aristo, cut loose and went after the Poles. All hell broke loose when the peasants got involved and generations of payback were unleashed. Think Nat Turner on steroids, where even the "good" slaveowners get killed. What? You don't know who Nat Turner was? They know who ol' Bogdan is! Every year the Ukrainian slave revolt of 1648 is commemorated in Jewish services around the world.

The perennial Jewish fear is that a seemingly "dead" peasantry is going to feel its oats, cut loose and go after them. What was Hitler, after all, but a populist who hammered on ethnic "overrepresentation" and "disparate impact."?

Things can change in a heartbeat. All Jews know that. The seemingly friendly (or at least subjugated) forelock-tugging goyim can put two and two together, see an opportunity and seize it almost instantly. There is no such thing as a "dead nation".

Anonymous said...

"So, according to the always observant Kev, all of the main characters on SEINFELD are coded Jewish, regardless of ethnic background, .....except for Kramer. Somehow, I fail to see how anyone could read Kramer as being more goyish than Elaine....well, unless you are Kevin MacDonald..."

Mac isn't the best critic of arts and culture. And there was one writer on TOC named Lankhead Moonshine or something who wrote the dumbest attack on modernist art.

But Mac is right sometimes and touches on stuff others will not.
So, TOC is worth reading once a while.

It's like I was a regular reader of The Nation for yrs and yrs despite all the dumb things it said about politics cuz it had some excellent book and movie reviews. And some articles that shined the light on corruption, India mafia, and etc were all good stuff. Better than Friedman's World is Flatulence BS in the NY Times.

One thing for sure, the left is the best critic of the right, and the right is the best critic of the left.
And Jews were best critics of Wasps, but.. but... where are the critics of Jewish power?
Gentiles must criticize Jewish power just as Jews criticized gentile power.
One good thing about diversity is the possibility of diversity of views and opinions. But when it comes to Jews and homos, we aren't allowed to have diversity of views or interests. All of us must serve Jews and homos.

Anonymous said...

Of course, the ultimate outcome of the Khmelnitsky revolt was that overlordship of Ukraine passed from the Poles to the Russians. I'm not so sure that was a big improvement.

blogger said...

"All hell broke loose when the peasants got involved and generations of payback were unleashed. Think Nat Turner on steroids, where even the "good" slaveowners get killed."

Subject of WITH FIRE AND SWORD, the most badass novel of all time. Poles made a decent movie of it, but it really deserves a major production.

Anonymous said...

If I were you, I'd avoid linking to institutions promoting "white identity, interests, and culture." I don't know if such a mission is inherently pernicious, but in our media climate that kind of site attracts the wrong type of reader and the wrong type of writer, and it alienates everyone else. The people who like that sort of thing are likely poor, uneducated, and have a chip on their shoulder, and true or not, everybody who matters thinks that. That way there be dragons. I'm a little squeamish about Vdare too.

Our problem in a nutshell. Anything that isnt emasculated, race blind, neutral 'conservatism' is dangerous. Next step - extinction.

Anonymous said...

Antisemitic canards used to be the problem. Now, it's philosemitic canards.

Anonymous said...

I still find the "Scots Irish" euphemism amusing.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous:"I still find the "Scots Irish" euphemism amusing."

I don't. It's like grade school kids sniggering over an "in" phrase. Show some guts and write words like "Jew," "Jewish," etc. We are all adults here. We can take it.

Anonymous said...

"I don't. It's like grade school kids sniggering over an "in" phrase. Show some guts and write words like "Jew," "Jewish," etc. We are all adults here. We can take it."

You mean Eskimos aren't in control? I'll be...

Average Joe said...

One of the reasons why people here used the term "Scotch-Irish" to mean Jews was as a way of making fun of the Jewish blogger who called himself Whiskey and pretended to be Scotch-Irish.

Anonymous said...

I'm a little squeamish about Vdare too.

Well then, go away. Steve has been linking there and writing there since the beginning of his blogging career.

Anonymous said...

Somewhat OT, but interesting.

"Without any reservation, I endorse the rabbinical rulings encouraging victims of abuse to report to the police."

Are there in fact any such rabbinical rulings? e.g. I heartily give my strongest, most unconditional endorsement to the empty set!

Anonymous said...

average joe:"One of the reasons why people here used the term "Scotch-Irish" to mean Jews was as a way of making fun of the Jewish blogger who called himself Whiskey and pretended to be Scotch-Irish."

....and this simply reconfirms the utter childishness of the practice.A bunch of adults carrying on like 10 year olds

Anonymous said...

"Jewish blogger who called himself Whiskey and pretended to be Scotch-Irish"

Ever read Walter Russell Mead? Biggest philosemites are gentiles.

Hunsdon said...

Anonydroid at 12:59 PM said: The Israelis have tsunami generating technology?! WTF? This board is degenerating into a freak show.

Hunsdon said: Oh look, someone said something crazy, and so, more in sadness than in anger, you are forced to cast our host into Outer Darkness, and direct us back to respectable conservatism like, oh, NRO and Commentary.

Anonydroid 1:39 PM said: Funny, I've visited MacDonald's blog for years. It's always good for a laugh.

Hunsdon said: But hate hate HATE? The knock on TOO isn't that the television criticism is weak, the knock is that Kevin MacDonald is a frothing hater of Jews.

Anonydroid at 3:06 PM said: Of course, the ultimate outcome of the Khmelnitsky revolt was that overlordship of Ukraine passed from the Poles to the Russians. I'm not so sure that was a big improvement.

Hunsdon said: A free Cossack republic would have been best of all. But when your options are remaining under Polish magnate domination, turning to the Crimean Khanate for protection, turning to the Ottoman Empire for protection, or turning to Russia for protection, turning to your coreligionists (Orthodox Christians) was probably the best among bad options.

gubbler said: Subject of WITH FIRE AND SWORD, the most badass novel of all time. Poles made a decent movie of it, but it really deserves a major production.

Hunsdon said: I'd rather see an update of The Deluge or Col. Wolodywojski done up in With Fire and Sword style. But yeah: Sienkiewicz wrote a great Trilogy.

Anonydroid at 4:15 PM said: Show some guts and write words like "Jew," "Jewish," etc. We are all adults here. We can take it.

Hunsdon said: N-word, please.

Anonydroid at 10:16 PM said: A bunch of adults carrying on like 10 year olds

Hunsdon said: He started it!

Average Joe said...

Ever read Walter Russell Mead? Biggest philosemites are gentiles

I think Mead is paid to be a philosemite. Of course, most philosemites probably are.

Average Joe said...

and this simply reconfirms the utter childishness of the practice.A bunch of adults carrying on like 10 year olds

You would probably find life to be a lot easier if you would just develop a sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

"Our problem in a nutshell. Anything that isnt emasculated, race blind, neutral 'conservatism' is dangerous. Next step - extinction."
Being loudly "Ra ra white people!" .... That ship has sailed. Let's grant for a second that you feel bold and masculine when you publicly affirm institutions like the Occidental Observer. Still, to use Charles Murray's word, it comes across as unseemly. Important people will shun you. You will not be influential. Or to say it in terms of masculinity so you'll understand: linking to, writing for, or talking about Occidental Observer/Vdare makes you IMPOTENT.

"Well then, go away. Steve has been linking there and writing there since the beginning of his blogging career."
Who cares? I enjoy Steve, but in general the quality of writers Vdare attracts is low. The reason? Very few respectable journalists (or for that matter anyone with a good job -- lawyers, doctors) can keep any career at all if they have Team White People tattooed on their foreheads. Steve happens to be the best of the best, so he pulls sort of it off.

If anyone here wants to start a magazine, an enigmatic name, like Taki's Magazine, which manages to attract decent writers.

ATBOTL said...

"Our problem in a nutshell. Anything that isnt emasculated, race blind, neutral 'conservatism' is dangerous. Next step - extinction."
Being loudly "Ra ra white people!" .... That ship has sailed. Let's grant for a second that you feel bold and masculine when you publicly affirm institutions like the Occidental Observer. Still, to use Charles Murray's word, it comes across as unseemly. Important people will shun you. You will not be influential. Or to say it in terms of masculinity so you'll understand: linking to, writing for, or talking about Occidental Observer/Vdare makes you IMPOTENT.

"Well then, go away. Steve has been linking there and writing there since the beginning of his blogging career."
Who cares? I enjoy Steve, but in general the quality of writers Vdare attracts is low. The reason? Very few respectable journalists (or for that matter anyone with a good job -- lawyers, doctors) can keep any career at all if they have Team White People tattooed on their foreheads. Steve happens to be the best of the best, so he pulls sort of it off.

If anyone here wants to start a magazine, an enigmatic name, like Taki's Magazine, which manages to attract decent writers.


With friends like these...

Hunsdon said...

Anonydroid at 12:44 PM said: Let's grant for a second that you feel bold and masculine when you publicly affirm institutions like the Occidental Observer.

Hunsdon said: Oh trust me, haters be hatin' on Taki already. Kind of a one-trick pony, your suggestion. Maybe we could make it something like, "How to Serve Jews"?

Anonymous said...

Or to say it in terms of masculinity so you'll understand: linking to, writing for, or talking about Occidental Observer/Vdare makes you IMPOTENT.

Lyndon LaRouche used to play that trick on his followers. Ask Dave "Spengler" Goldman. He'll confirm it if he's truthful.

Anonymous said...

"Hunsdon said: Oh trust me, haters be hatin' on Taki already. Kind of a one-trick pony, your suggestion. Maybe we could make it something like, 'How to Serve Jews'?"

I don't know who hates Taki, but the pieces are generally good, which means Taki hasn't scared away all the decent writers.

Anonymous said...

"Lyndon LaRouche used to play that trick on his followers. Ask Dave 'Spengle' Goldman. He'll confirm it if he's truthful."

Can you explain further?

Anonymous said...

"Lyndon LaRouche used to play that trick on his followers. Ask Dave 'Spengler' Goldman. He'll confirm it if he's truthful."

Can you explain further?




Transformation into a cult
The transformation of his group from a leftist political sect into a full-blown political cult appears to have happened around 1973-74. In 1973 he ordered his followers to physically attack meetings of the U.S. Communist Party, claiming this would establish the "hegemony" of LaRouche's group over the U.S. left. Shortly thereafter, he began incorporating a weird psycho-sexual analysis into his politics and subjecting followers to "deprogramming" sessions, claiming only he could cure their political "and sexual" impotence. LaRouche also claimed he was being targeted for assassination. Ex-followers call this period the "great freakout of 1974."[1]

Anonymous said...

Who cares? I enjoy Steve, but in general the quality of writers Vdare attracts is low. The reason? Very few respectable journalists (or for that matter anyone with a good job -- lawyers, doctors) can keep any career at all if they have Team White People tattooed on their foreheads. Steve happens to be the best of the best, so he pulls sort of it off.

You're just mad, perhaps because Steve can't be Richwined for posting on an "undesirable" website or magazine. Steve's reputation and influence only continues to grow. If anything, his contribution to Vdare elevates Vdare.

Every other race does not hide from ethnic political association. There are mainstream figures who virtually have Team Black People, Team Asian People, Team Hispanic People or Team Jewish People tattooed on their foreheads. The mainstreaming of white political activism will never happen until a critical mass of our people refuse to be cowed. One of the best ways to do so is to financially support those who are willing to take such risks, like Steve, Richwine, KMac et al.

Anonymous said...

"You're just mad, perhaps because Steve can't be Richwined for posting on an "undesirable" website or magazine."

I'm wasn't mad, and I don't even have a hint as to why you think I was. Now I am, a little. Maybe it isn't fair that non-whites have ethnic advocacy organizations that are mainstream, but I find that sort of thing noxious. I don't want any part of it. I may tell my kids that black people are less clever on average and more dangerous on average than the population mean, but I don't particularly want my boys to feel racial solidarity with other white people, and to shun people of other races.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it isn't fair that non-whites have ethnic advocacy organizations that are mainstream, but I find that sort of thing noxious.

Reality tends towards the noxious. That's probably not a good reason to close your eyes and stick your fingers in your ears.

Anonymous said...

"Philosemitic canard"

Good stuff. I'm going to use this one.

"There's no lobby for israel ..."

"Jews are not influential in US media.. wrong... no interests"

How dare you, denying this is a philosemetic canard!

Hunsdon said...

Anonydroid at 6:23 PM said: Maybe it isn't fair that non-whites have ethnic advocacy organizations that are mainstream, but I find that sort of thing noxious. I don't want any part of it.

Hunsdon said: Might I draw an historical analogy? I am no great huge fan of nuclear weapons, and would prefer that they did not exist.
However, during the 1980s, when the Greens were pushing for unilateral disarmament by the West, I could not help but regard them as useful idiots at best, and subversive agents of a foreign power at worst.

Anonydroid: I don't particularly want my boys to feel racial solidarity with other white people, and to shun people of other races.

Hunsdon said: Goalpost shifting. Who said anything about racial shunning?

Anonymous said...

"Reality tends towards the noxious. That's probably not a good reason to close your eyes and stick your fingers in your ears."

I meant I don't want to join a pro-white group, not that I want to ignore what I find noxious.

Anonymous said...

"Hunsdon said: Goalpost shifting. Who said anything about racial shunning?"

Fair enough. But if I told all my friends I were part of a pro-white group, it would have the same effect as if I shunned all my non-white friends (and it would also alienate some of my white ones).

-- Anondroid [How do you get moniker name to appear at the top? Do you have to sign in with a Google account?]

Hunsdon said...

Anonydroid at 11:03 PM asked: How do you get moniker name to appear at the top? Do you have to sign in with a Google account?

Hunsdon said: Heaven forfend! Under "Choose an identity" I click on "Name/URL" and enter Hunsdon.

Anonymous said...

Fair enough. But if I told all my friends I were part of a pro-white group, it would have the same effect as if I shunned all my non-white friends (and it would also alienate some of my white ones).

Isn't it very perverse that neocon/Blairite warmongers (imagine children and grandmums being blown to pieces for no good reason) are deemed more respectable and less of a menace than a harmless crank(?) like Nick Griffin?

Svigor said...

Fair enough. But if I told all my friends I were part of a pro-white group, it would have the same effect as if I shunned all my non-white friends (and it would also alienate some of my white ones).

Right. Similarly, if whites start to act in their own interests, the minority coalition has threatened to smash them. So, whites acting in their own interests is tantamount to starting a race war. Or like when a husband tells his wife he's going to beat her to death if she files for divorce - if she files for divorce, she's clearly asking for it. She was warned. Same effect.

These are arguments the sociopath minorities actually use - nothing new here.