September 10, 2013

As goes Australia, so goes Norway

Immigration restrictionism continues to appeal to advanced world voters, both in depressed economies and in prosperous states such as Australia and Norway. From Reuters:
Anti-Immigrant Norway Party Lays Claim to Government Role 
OSLO — An anti-immigrant populist party laid claim to a major role in oil-rich Norway's government for the first time on Tuesday after a center-right alliance won a landslide general election victory to oust a Labour administration.


Titus Didius Tacitus said...


But: "In immigration, Norway's hands are tied by international treaties, which limit its room for maneuver. The economy needs new workers as unemployment is less than 3 percent and a steady influx of migrants keeps the labour market from overheating."

The rationales change but the prescription is always the same: a continuing immigrant influx. (And of course forced integration as the imported race problem grows.)

sunbeam said...

Are cousin marriage cultures always bad?

I guess I am a thread derailer, but this popped into my mind last night before I went to bed. So I apologize for the derailment.

I was specifically thinking about the Ashkenazim Jews. Would the genetic features that spread through the population have even been possible without cousin marriage, or the system used by Jewish families of the period?

I'm not tuned into marriage pattern of Jewish culture of the past millenia or so, but my understanding is that marriages were more or less arranged by the society (which usually meant women I guess).

If you think about it, it is fairly eugenic, though no one would have thought to use such a term.

So are there any subsets of people with anomalous high intelligence that didn't practice some form of directed marriage, and hence breeding?

There are cultures with average higher IQ than the European average, which I guess we can use as a baseline for comparison. You know China, Japan, Korea, etc.

As I understand things, these cultures typically arrange marriages as well.

The only other population I can think of (I have seen other people list other groups, but they tend to be really obscure) that seem to match the base intelligence of Ashkenazim are high class Brahmins, another culture with arranged and cousin marriages.

So am I all wet, or is this the way high IQ populations are produced, at at least historically?

Anonymous said...

Norway's problem is that due to their oil and gas revenues, they can afford any policy, no matter how insane.

Anonymous said...

I was staying in Sweden's northernmost city Kiruna. Kiruna famous for supplying Germany with Iron Ore in WW2. Bored, one day i drove over to the Norwegian port of Narvik. Way up north. North of the Arctic Circle. Cold, miserable place, dark much of the year. Anyways, i was quite amazed that just about every face I saw in Narvik was Middle Eastern and African. Hunched over in the bloody cold. Way to go Norway! The road to hell is paved with good intentions and it's hell they shall get, every buggar unhappy.

JayMan said...

We'll see if the votes in Norway, and Australia for that matter, actually translate into immigration restriction.

As for the cousin marriage thing, there may be an optimal level (and perhaps type) of cousin marriage, as far as a society's traits go. Not sure the Ashkenazis are a good example, though.


How Inbred are Europeans? | JayMan's Blog

Anonymous said...

Sorry to be pessimistic, but it ism probably safe to assume that this will be another one these conservatives like David Cameron, show obeisance to the homosexuals, pretend you are against immigrants and then let more in, battle all conversation that does not get the Marxist seal of approval etc. etc.

I think the the West already died, its like the Romans in the years after 476, I read that many at that time still believed the empire was still going to be around and that any current problems of being ruled by barbarian chiefs were temporary, a new emperor would soon come along.

PropagandistHacker said...

Small, far more homogeneous than america, with a parliamentarian govt where the power is put in the hands of politicians from small districts. This is a recipe for real democracy in action. Every western nation but the USA is like this, to varying degrees. This is why all the rest of the white nations will defeat the invading cheap labor army of Capital.

Anonymous said...

Quick comment on the Ashkenazi Jews: One common explanation for the high IQ of this population is an extreme form of sexual selection for intelligence. Marriages were arranged but not directly by women. Male rabbinic students who did exceptionally well were regarded as prime catches. The richer Jews competed to marry their prettiest daughters to these rabbis and to provide the couple with support throughout their lives and encouragement to have many children. In contrast, the Christian population's most intelligent males were often siphoned off into the celibate clergy.

Anonymous said...

Gee, in our country I don't know why we import people. Anaheim has one of the highest hispanic populations and one of the highest unemployment rates in Orange County, a lot of illegal Mexicans are now living off of relatives there since in cities with a high number of them unemployment is high too much job competition. Also, that non-Hispanics in La or Orange County will not do those jobs, well in Anaheim a Littlejohn who worked at McDonald's agree with the minimum wage hike to 9.00 from 8.25, so even in the OC with the bad economy non-Hispanics will work fast food.

Erik said...

"In immigration, Norway's hands are tied by international treaties, which limit its room for maneuver. The economy needs new workers as unemployment is less than 3 percent and a steady influx of migrants keeps the labour market from overheating."

This is a lie. No, wait, this is several lies. Commies and neo-coms like to say that Norway's hands are tied, but Norway takes in about four times its treaty-assigned quota of refugees alone, and then a lot of non-refugee immigrants. Norway can legally cut immigration by half and still exceed its obligations.

The lies about how the economy "needs new workers" etc. are old and worn enough that I needn't rebut them again here, I take it.

Anonymous said...

OT: Steve you were linked on RealClearPolitics well kind of. You were cited in Kotkin's article in New Geography which was in RealClear's daily rundown.

Nonetheless good job.

Anonymous said...

The main point to note that the actual electorate - as opposed to the political class - of *all* western nations is rock-solidly, adamantly opposed to mass immigration, in particular to mass third world immigration. this has always been the case, and it's unlikely to change, until, of course, the actual electorate becomes majority third world descended, which will happen in certain nations.
The political class is full cognizant of this fact, hence the endless falsehoods csreamed about immigration 'benefitting' the economy. But the public at large is not as foolish as the politicians/economists like to think they are, indeed in a version of the efficient markets hypothesis, on this issue at least, they are much smarter than the political class.

It is also noteworthy that the Norwegian people have voted agian and again to reject the EU. Subsequent events in the EU proved them right and the politicians/economists wrong.

Hepp said...

From Reuters: "The Progress party, which once had among its members Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people in 2011 in a gun and bomb attack targeting Labour, came third in Monday's poll, giving it a kingmaker role in coalition building."

Unbelievable that this is the way they describe the Progress Party. It's like some supposed straight news agency reporting that "Barack Obama is a Democrat, which has counted among its members [insert name of murderer]".

Cail Corishev said...

We already know that if you have a weak economy with high unemployment and debt, the answer is more immigrants to increase production and pay more taxes.

But now we're learning that when you have a good economy with low unemployment, the answer is more immigrants to fill jobs and keep inflation down.

Gee, that's handy.

Someday I'd like to see someone ask an open borders pusher like McCain: "Is there any nation in the world that you don't think would benefit from more immigrants?"

Anonymous said...

I think that today we might not have schemes for a messed legalization if it wasn't for George W Bush. Clinton did some legalization but not the whole group while Bush pushed several times for the whole time and I believed tried it twice. Obama might have copied Clinton instead of Bush and Reagan on the legalization process.

Anonymous said...

Norway gets a lot of Swedish migrant workers.

- Dave Pinsen

Anonymous said...

Swede here. Norway has a lot of foreign workers, but the largest part of those are young Swedes, who go there and work hard for a few years, and then return home with the saved money. Norway is considerably more ethnically homogeneous than almost all other western european countries.

Anonymous said...

The US is in a much more tenuous demographic position than a country like Norway. The vast majority of residents of Norway are still Norwegians, which means they can effectively stop mass immigration and multiculturalism overnight if they so desire.

While Americans of European origin are a lot stronger demographically than the media narrative suggests, our window is closing much faster.

The good news for us Americans is that our greater experience with Diversity has the potential to push white Americans further to the right, if and when a reformed GOP or third party decides to exploit that pent-up frustration. The closer we get to a majority-minority society, the more the chickens of Who-Whom will come home to roost.

Moreover, the better part of 200 million ethnic Europeans live in the US, not to mention that modest fraction of the minority population happy to preserve the demographic foundations of a first-world country. If the American state as we know it cannot be salvaged, we can still form a hell of a lot of Norways!

The Mountain Northwest--Norway! The Upper Midwest--Norway! Northern New England--Norway! The Great Plains--Norway! Large chunks of the South--Norway!

Dutch Boy said...

Norway has kept itself out of the EUSSR, so they are able to run their own affairs (including immigration policy).

Anonymous said...

There is nothing homogenous about Oslo anymore. Yes, there are young Swedes working in all the shops, but that's not the kind of "diversity" that strikes you walking around town. Parts of central Oslo have become pretty unpleasant. I spent a few weeks there earlier this year, and I was surprised by how often I felt unsafe on the streets.

For being the capital of such a rich country, it isn't all that nice. Maybe the Norwegians are finally waking up to the fact. In any case, the demographic changes of the last few decades have not helped the situation.

Åsille Olava said...

The anti-immigration Progress Party was the biggest loser in the election though, down from c. 23% in 2009 to c.16% now. The biggest winner was the Conservative Party that basically wants status quo on asylum politics. Then the new governing coalition also includes two smaller parties, Christian People and the Social Liberals which both want to accept more asylum seekers.

The notion that most people want a stricter immigration politics isn't quite true. Anti-immigration parties tend to flatten out at about 15-20%.

Big bill said...

Follow the Jews!

Always follow the Jews!

They have figured out how to lock up African refugees in desert concentration camps.

So can we. So can Norway.

Norway should start locking them up in tundra/glacier camps in Northern Norway.

Start calling illegal aliens "illegal infiltrators" as the Israeli Jews do. Their fellow Jews in America and Europe tell you to call them "undocumented immigrants" but just ignore them. Start using the proper Hebrew term: "illegal infiltrators".

Study their practical race supremacism. It is the only way for the West to survive.

Let them be "A Light Unto YOUR Nation"! God bless 'em, they provide an example we should ALL follow--just as God intended.

Anonymous said...

but good ol' amurica says 'bring em/' in'

Sam said...

The electorate in all Western nations don't want Third World immigrants.

Then what are the forces that actually import them ? SWPLs go along with immigration to prove they are not racist and gain social status ,but they don't initiate it.

Does business make THAT much money off immigration?

Why don't these forces, whatever they are, exist in Japan? Which ironically, will be the last outpost of Western civilization.

Anonymous said...

The UK Guardian has a piece about the election, illustrated with a large photo of Breivik.

Iron Erna said...

Amusing election fact from Norway: in the two weeks leading up to the election, and on election night itself, NRK (Norway's BBC) aired this documentary (made by the BBC, ironically enough):

Hitler - vondskapens karisma (The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler)

So last night, if one flicked over from watching the election results on NRK1 to NRK2, one got to watch Hitler.

NRK - subtle as usual.

Also, today, the FrP's (Progress Party's) website suffered a huge DDoS attack.

Anonymous said...

How Inbred are Europeans? | JayMan's Blog

The Balkans and Caucasus have high rates of inbreeding, and no real difference in their Christian and Muslim regions.

RD said...

As another commentator said, right-wing victories in Australia and Norway may not necessarily translate into a reduction in immigration into those countries.

For instance, in Australian politics, the right is as pro-immigration as the left.

Anonymous said...

The good news for us Americans is that our greater experience with Diversity has the potential to push white Americans further to the right, if and when a reformed GOP or third party decides to exploit that pent-up frustration. The closer we get to a majority-minority society, the more the chickens of Who-Whom will come home to roost.

Norway and most other European countries have proportional voting systems. That means that, unlike the US, a new party can accumulate strength over consecutive election cycles. In the US the best that a "third party" can hope for is a "one-hit wonder" election showing followed quickly by a fade back into oblivion. The latest such example was Tom Tancredo's 2010 37% showing as the Constitution Party's candidate for governor of Colorado. The GOP will likely resist reform to the death based on its treatment of Ron Paul and his supporters in 2012.

Glossy said...

I know next to nothing about Norway, but I just looked up the outgoing prime minister's wiki bio. It turns out that he comes from a very old political family. They have wiki bios going back to the 18th century. His father had been Norway's defense minister and minister of foreign affairs. His mother had been a state secretary (seems to be equivalent to vice minister or deputy minister) in various Norwegian governments.

So there you have it: the least extended family-oriented people on earth have an elite that behaves in a dynastic way.

It almost doesn't matter how the bulk of the population behaves. All elites tend towards dynastism. If a victorious chieftain or a successful politician doesn't want to force his kids to marry advantageously, if he finds nepotism distasteful, his lineage drops out of the elite. The only lineages that stay are the ones that behave at least a little bit like Middle Easterners and East Indians. Even if they're native Norwegians.

Anonymous said...

Russia Today showed a piece today on the rise of European "right wing" parties who were frequently "anti-immigrant."

hbd chick said...

@anonymous - "The Balkans and Caucasus have high rates of inbreeding, and no real difference in their Christian and Muslim regions."

no. the christians avoid close cousin marriage thanks to canon law, whereas the muslims don't -- esp. true for many muslim groups in the caucasus region.

Mr. Anon said...

"Hepp said...

From Reuters: "The Progress party, which once had among its members Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people in 2011 in a gun and bomb attack targeting Labour, came third in Monday's poll, giving it a kingmaker role in coalition building."

Unbelievable that this is the way they describe the Progress Party. It's like some supposed straight news agency reporting that "Barack Obama is a Democrat, which has counted among its members [insert name of murderer]."

It certainly is a smear, and I'm not surprised the Times included it. However, the article did mention that the Progress Party actually lost parliamentary seats in this election. That may very well be partially the result of Breivik's massacre.

Anonymous said...

no. the christians avoid close cousin marriage thanks to canon law,

Caucasian (and Lebanese and Egyptian) Christians are Orthodox and Eastern Catholic, not Roman Catholic. Canon law does not apply to them.

Discard said...

Sunbeam: There is no reason to think that Orientals or Brahmins have a higher average intelligence than Whites. We only import the the educated from those places, not the farmers and ditch diggers who would bring down the average. When we need ignorant peasants, we import Mexicans.

Anonymous said...

The GOP will likely resist reform to the death based on its treatment of Ron Paul and his supporters in 2012.
Ron Paul is bad on immigration, he wants Biz to be able to hire who they want and his son favors guest workers. Paul is only good on foreign policy. In fact the right should also get rid of the Pauls that are too much the libertarian, business men should not be tax and regulated. And libertarians like to avoid paying taxes by hiring illegal immirgants.

Sean said...

Nice to see there a still those who believe that democracy can save Europeans from becoming a minority in every country in the world within a couple of generations.

Are these developments actually reducing the inflow? No. Denmark and Ireland have more immigration than ever. Enough Danes voted for a nationalist party that campaigned on immigration restriction that there were changes which ostensibly choked off immigration into Denmark. But in fact there are more immigrants settling in Denmark now than ever.

There is more immigration to Ireland now than ever before, and they don't even have a nationalist party opposing immigration. Voting doesn't make a difference in a Western democracy because 'democracy' does not mean the country being run according to the people's will, it means the masses going along with those running the country. And the governing class are a different breed.

Orlando said...

„i was quite amazed that just about every face I saw in Narvik was Middle Eastern and African. Hunched over in the bloody cold.“

Recently on Ben Gurion, I saw a bunch of black Ethiopian looking guys in overalls doing baggage handling under the midday sun, right on the tarmac. Non in air conditioned inside. All whitey Jewish looking types, especially security people.

Orlando said...

„Follow the Jews! Always follow the Jews!
They have figured out how to lock up African refugees in desert concentration camps.“

One of the reasons Israel is the last European colony left in the world.

„Are cousin marriage cultures always bad?“

Studies consistently show a lower rate of primary infertility in cousin marriages, being due to greater immunological compatibility between spouses. In Iceland, where marriages between second and third cousins were common, in part due to limited selection, studies show higher fertility rates.
Famous cousin marriages in the United States include Edgar Alan Poe, Albert Einstein and Jerry lee Lewis.

Orlando said...

Russia Today showed a piece today on the rise of European "right wing" parties who were frequently "anti-immigrant."

The most anti-immigration guy in Europe is Putin. The best way to rain on his parade for western European countries is to let as many Russians as possible to fill their immigration quotas.

Russia Today, hmm… Watch it sometimes. That bunch of Ezra Pounds of the world is hilarious. Wonder how much they are paid. I suspect it is their last desperate ruse to get into Guardian.

Anonymous said...

"The richer Jews competed to marry their prettiest daughters to these rabbis..."

What happened?