Wise is the author of “White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son” and “Affirmative Action: Racial Preferences in Black and White.”Tim Wise is among the most respected anti-racist writers & educators in the U.S., having spoken in 48 states and on over 400 college campuses. He has trained teachers as well as corporate, government, media and law enforcement officials on methods for dismantling institutional racism, and has served as an consultant for plaintiff’s attorneys in federal discrimination cases in New York and Washington State. Wise has contributed essays to fifteen books, and has appeared on hundreds of radio and television shows worldwide to discuss race and racism.
So, in honor of Tim Wise, it's right and fitting to coin the term "an Uncle Tim."
Here's to you, Tim. Of all the Uncle Tims out there making a living off the race racket, you are the Uncle Timmiest.
(This picture by the way, was picked out by the man himself -- it's on the top of the homepage of TimWise.org. I must compliment him on finding a picture that so epitomizes an Uncle Tim's slightly demented combination of self-righteousness and self-satisfaction. He looks like a man who has Got The Microphone and won't be giving it up for a long, long time.)
My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer
Indeed. Uncle Tim is one of the most contemptible "educators" in America and Michael Pfleger is cut from the same cloth.
I don't see anything wrong with him. He has made a moral decision and he is willing to argue for it. I admire him.
I lol'd.
Oh Takahata Joe go back to Nagasaki.
"Uncle Tim" is hilarious- way to go Steve.
"I don't see anything wrong with him. He has made a moral decision and he is willing to argue for it. I admire him."
Tim White is an anti-white activist. His arguments against 'racism' amount to taking positions that will weaken whites and empower non-whites.
As a non-white person I understand why you would like this type of a 'moral' position. However, for the rest of us, in a majority white country, he is nothing more than a traitor - if traitor has any meaning at all that is. In the past and in many other countries around the world today he would simply be laughed at, ignored, deported, or worse. In our country today he is given money, media spot-light, and 'respect'.
So yes depedending on who you are and what your goals are for the people of the West, Tim Wise is a either a great moral compass and an assest; or just simply an enemy, traitor, and an agitator.
What a scam!
Category: race baiting. So has Sailer embraced White Nationalism now? He's been quite bitter lately. See his post about Obama getting the nomination. All Sailer could say was to insult African-Americans at large. Here's the curious thing: Nothing Sailer has written about Obama has been the least bit significant (except Wright/Trinity, and that was bound to come out sooner or latter.) No, the substance of Sailer's pieces about Obama were psychological analysis of Obama's racial paranoia/identity crisis--all of it gleaned from Obama's own books! Does Sailer look back on these pieces with embarrassment? Absolutely no one references them, and the longer Obama remains in the limelight the more absurd they look. Hence his bitter post insulting African-Americans at large.
I despise that oleaginous moral midget. He may argue for his ostensible beliefs, but he avoids debate like the plague, at least written (where his facility for deception won't save him from quotes and hyperlinks), open debate with the people he opposes and smears.
He's also a vituperrious little swine:
Note his venom in private, and his transparent attempts to laugh them off after exposure.
Don't hold your breath waiting for him to pen "Jewish Like Me: Reflections on Tribe from a Privileged Son."
What dredged that miscreant mendicant poltroon up into your consciousness, Steve?
He's got a few things in common with Obama. Tim Wise is of mixed heritage, if not race (half-Jewish and half-gentile), and he condemned his own liberal, gentile grandmother for using racial slurs while suffering from senile dementia.
Tim Wise relates how his grandmother--a lifelong liberal--began hurling racial epithets at her African-American nurses toward the end of her struggle with Alzheimer's. Wise, director of the Association for White Anti-Racist Education (AWARE), offers this personal history to illustrate how his grandmother's disease-ravaged mind was no longer able to fight the racist socialization Wise believes affects white culture.
Pretty sick...
- Welmer
A close runner-up would be Luke Visconti, the founder of DiversityInc.
My employer offers a free online subscription to the magazine to employees. Chock full of pretty much every PC canard (race doesn't exist, Jena was about black oppression, gay men are too good at sports, unskilled immigration makes you rich) that you'd expect.
But I can tell that not all of the diversicrats at our company are on the ball. We have a "diversity library." Somehow, it came to include Jared Taylor's Paved with Good Intentions. Somebody has a cheeky sense of humor.
Very funny! This is a meme that deserves to be spread far and wide.
"I don't see anything wrong with him. He has made a moral decision and he is willing to argue for it. I admire him."
So, it doesn't matter what the content of the moral decision is? So, if someone made a moral decision to support eating babies and defended it, you would not merely tolerate that person but "admire" him? What about David Duke? He makes moral decisions and argues for them. So does Rev. Wright. I think that the ability to make moral decisions and arguing for them is a pretty low bar for admiration.
Yes, but Tim Wise is an excellent debater, as demonstrated by his spat with David Horowitz and his radio-debate with Jared Taylor. That IS admirable.
Screw the suspense, I liked the original title, "An Uncle Tim", much better.
However, for the rest of us, in a majority white country, he is nothing more than a traitor - if traitor has any meaning at all that is.
Again, the movement damns itself by framing it in terms of defending white interests.
This guy is violating basic principles of fairness and meritocracy, principles the US was founded on. That should be enough to condemn the guy regardless of the majority ethnic group.
Yeah, abe, Tim Wise is not a racist, does not argue for the fundamental evil of a race, and does not do anything to harm a race.
And Steve Sailer does - in your mind.
If you had any genuine animus against racism and respect for the unracist ideals of Sailer's Citizenism and writings - you would be an enemy of Wise and what he genuinely represents.
But no. Sailer's the racist according to you. Because he resists racism directed at his own kind.
Whites must not object to oppression and racism that is directed at them. You and your similars permit them - force them - to object ONLY to racism directed at others. Why is that, we wonder?
Like most communist slogans, "anti-racism" means the opposite of what it says. Liberation means enslavement. Workers' paradise means workers' hell, etc. And diversity means no whites.
It depends on whose ox is gored and you, abe, take the side of those who are goring white people's ox.
Whites, who, per you, have no right to object to anti-white racism, must essentially have no right to exist as who we are. You being of course the natural moral authority on all questions. With the unchallengeable right to tell whites how to live, and when to vanish. Cousin Abe and Uncle Tim - the Grand Sanhedrans.
Yeah, "I've never written that whites don't have a right to exist" (in so many words), blah blah blah - all of us could write your response for you, so don't feel you have to bother.
Sorry, I have to object to my name being taken in vain :-)
"Tim Wise describes himself on TimWise.org as:[Photo]Tim Wise is among the most respected anti-racist writers & educators in the U.S., having spoken in 48 states and on over 400 college campuses. He has trained teachers as well as corporate, government, media and law enforcement officials on methods for dismantling institutional racism, and has served as an consultant for plaintiff’s attorneys in federal discrimination cases in New York and Washington State."
In other words, he is - as it used to be called in the 17th century - a Witchfinder. Racism simply being the new term for Witchery.
Burn, Witch, Burn!
Uncle Tim, that's good.
Read his defense of Jeremiah Wright, it’s instructive:
At first he refers to whites using "we" and "our”, and his concern is blacks who think like Wright, who he defends by invoking lynching, slavery, the "millions of indigenous persons wiped off the face of the Earth", etc. But by the end whites are "they", and Timmy has forgotten about blacks and is whining about Timmy:
"Nor is it a problem for these preachers to teach and preach that those who don't believe as they believe are going to hell…Indeed, back when President Bush was the Governor of Texas, he endorsed this kind of thinking, responding to a question about whether Jews were going to go to hell, by saying that unless one accepted Jesus as one's personal savior, the Bible made it pretty clear that indeed, hell was where you'd be heading.”
He obviously still resents his schoolboy days, when he was the lone member of the tribe, surrounded on all sides by goyim, and his “anti-racism” crusade is his way of getting back at the white Christians who “oppressed” him:
GNXP discusses the radio debate between Wise and Taylor here. For a person dislikable as Taylor, he was lucky to have as inept an opponent as Wise.
you think this guy believe his own tripe?
I've got a hunch he knows whitey hates him but he relishes it and enjoys sticking it to the average white guy. I'd love to know what he REALLY thinks about blacks.
Again, the movement damns itself by framing it in terms of defending white interests.
Every other group does exactly this, and it's precisely what whites need to do as well. Anything else is just masturbation.
As a non-white person I understand why you would like this type of a 'moral' position.
Are you saying that you're a non-white person? That's what your sentence means.
Yes, but Tim Wise is an excellent debater, as demonstrated by his spat with David Horowitz and his radio-debate with Jared Taylor. That IS admirable.
You consider a radio mike alternating between Taylor telling the truth and Wise telling lies to be a debate?
Wise has verbal facility, yes, but he's morally retarded. That and the fact that he's picked the wrong side keep him far from anything resembling a debate.
Even if his name were Chung Hop O'Rourke I would still,upon hearing that this guy is an "anti-racist" crusader,immediately think:Jewish? I hate these anti-racist idiots. I once saw an Oprah show---dont worry,this was one of my rare viewings--that featured these young guys in Doc Marten shoes who called themselves anti-racist skinheads or something to that effect. I had no doubt that these guys are some severely violence-loving sadistic psychoes who would just love to hear someone say the 'wrong' thing. Tim seems cut from the same cloth,tho I am sure he would resort to force only if it were completely safe.One responder suggests that Tim grew up a 1/2 jew surrounded by mean goyim;I think the opposite may be true.He may have been surrounded by jews contemptuous of his status as a 1/2 jew,and felt the need to prove his worthiness by loudly declaiming against the lousy goyim and their phoney god,Jesus. I bet Jesus got a lot of flak from young Tim! Look at Bill Maher--who once said on his show,"The last thing I care about is civil rights for white men"--(tho he was raised in his fathers Catholic religion) and his way over the line of sanity hatred of the Church. But Bill,like Tim,will,as resolutely as they attack "White" people,will defend jewish people! What,the slaves sold(or owned) by Jews had a good time? The white-owned slaves got all the tsuris? The rabbis who molested Jewish boys(as Bill's idol,Belzer,admits happened to him)were more sexy than the pedo priests?? BTW,Tim got a thums up from Eric Dyson,a complete wack job. These "whites" who are anti-white are well recieved by Black people;unless of course,like Hillary,they become expendable!!
Tim Wise is a Jewish boy who has figured out how to get money and attention doing what a black male should be doing - railing about White racist evil.
He's kinda the Pat Boone/Vanilla Ice of the race hustle.
When is anybody black going to call him out on it?
you are the Uncle Timmiest
"Uncle Shlomo" would suit Wise better tha Uncle Tim. If only he was honest enough to state what he's really doing: getting back at Christian Whites. You nailed it, van Carter.
Excerpts from the counterpunch article liked above:
"Persecution is having a teacher tell you that the faith of your family is illegitimate and that you are going to spend eternity in a lake of fire surrounded by demons, and being told that all of your family who have died heretofore are already there preparing a space for you. Been there, done that.
Persecution is, in short, being told that your personal relationship with God is based on a lie, and that you should turn against the faith of your family in order to be saved: an interesting variation on "honor thy father and mother" if ever there was one.
Persecution is being told that you are cut off from the Creator; that you are spiritually bankrupt. It is having to listen to the likes of William Boykin and know that most Christians at least implicitly agree with him and want nothing more than to see your faith eliminated from the face of the Earth.
Ultimately, if David Limbaugh thinks it's tough being a Christian in the United States, he should try being anything else."
That sounds personal to me.
He obviously still resents his schoolboy days, when he was the lone member of the tribe, surrounded on all sides by goyim, and his “anti-racism” crusade is his way of getting back at the white Christians who “oppressed” him:
-c. van carter
Actually, I think he went to a Hebrew school. It might be that as a technical non-Jew (his mother is a gentile), he felt inadequate and decided to take it out on white gentiles. I'll bet he's got some issues about that, and secretly resents Jews.
He is, in fact, anti-Zionist:
Fraud Fit For A King: Israel, Zionism, And The Misuse Of MLK
Tim Wise is kind of like the European intellectuals in Mexico who take on the Indian cause. Subcommandante Marcos, for example.
The truly disgusting part is, despite all of his books about being white, when it comes time to apply for college, or a job, Tim Wise isn't white, he's jewish.
" Yes, but Tim Wise is an excellent debater, "
I heard him on the Intelligence Squared "Should We End Affirmitive Action?" and found him unexceptional. He was reduced to mentioning that one of his opponents works for a magazine published by the same company that published the bell curve.
Steve, it's a great idea, but you need to find a better exemplar. Wise has been open about acknowledging his Jewish identity recently. He's not selling out his own people.
Are you saying that you're a non-white person? That's what your sentence means.
You are right, and it threw me for a loop. Grammar matters, folks.
I don't see anything wrong with him. He has made a moral decision and he is willing to argue for it.
What do you mean? I see him committing fraud, or attempting a frame-up. While my ancestors tilled the soil in Austria and Pennsylvania, his Jewish ancestors owned Black slaves in the South. Later, his family made money by selling alcohol to Blacks, while my father was, as their faculty adviser, helping Black students through college at a recently desegregated Southern university.
He wants to convict me of his legacy of guilt. That is not a "moral decision".
Check out these guys for a potential poster-boy "Uncle Tim":
Wise has verbal facility, yes, but he's morally retarded. That and the fact that he's picked the wrong side keep him far from anything resembling a debate.
And Timmy, if you're reading this, yes, you can consider that a challenge. That's the confidence facts give you; an amateur nobody knows he can crush (rhetorically speaking of course) one of the "most respected anti-racist writers & educators in the U.S."
Bill: Do you know that for sure? If true, then Timmy's anecdotes are fiction, see the quotes in Proofreader's comment. Usually when people fabricate victimhood they invent things far worse than the slights Timmy was subjected to.
Often his screeching reads like parody:
"First, it is a very fortunate thing for you, and likely for me, that my two young children were with me as I sat there, choking back fish tacos and my own seething rage"
Lol! Yeah that's pretty good. What is it with guys like Wise and scatalogy ("rancid asshole"?)?
How'd he watch this tableau unfold in such detail when Tad and Buffy & co. were all seated behind him? He turned around 180 and gawked? Why didn't he mention that? I mean, the letter was addressed to Tad, and Wise clearly seems to want the guy to know who's writing, so shouldn't he have included a line like, "I was the guy sitting at the next table over, opposite you, turned 180 in my seat, watching you and Buffy waaaay too closely for waaaay too long, stuffing a fish taco in my mouth and choking with rage"?
I imagine how ugly it would've gotten if Timmy's kids hadn't been there. Timmy might've racially henpecked someone in person and pro bono! "You're a rancid asshole!" "I beg your pardon?" "You can beg all you want but now you're gonna choke on it buddy! You and all the other Tads and Biffs and Buffies of the world!" "Ah, Jesus loves you. Check please!"
Clash of the Titans, baby!
I also really liked the part where Timmy talked about how bad "people like Tad" are for sizing "those people" up in an instant..."people like Tad" being a type that Timmy sees all the time, sizing them up in an instant...
And I'm a bit embarrassed and disappointed after reading that. Here I was taking the guy seriously, when he's obviously a garden variety leftist whackjob. Non compos mentis. Nobody but s Democratic Underground member or a scheduler of diversity seminars could take that guy seriously. Poster boy for unintended consequences. And I was actually inspired by another of his pieces to write half an essay debunking it! Now I feel like I just beat up the kid who hopped on the short bus when I was done. At least I never posted it. No need. That link is sufficient.
Tip o' the hat to Alex Cockburn for not knowing any better.
I don't know if this counterpunch article already got mentioned. It's got this illuminating quote:
But how many of us who are Jews have really been attacked by members of the Nation of Islam? Not only in absolute terms, but relative to the number who have been attacked or otherwise abused by white Christians? And why, given the likely answers to those questions, do we continue to fear the former, while spending so much time trying to ingratiate ourselves to the latter? Is their support for Israel--which is only offered because they hope ingathering Jews there will bring about the return of Jesus, at which point we'll all be sent to hell anyway--really that important? Is that all we require in order to be pimped?
Tim Wise openly argues in terms of Jewish group-interest, as opposed to average good. If I, a white gentile, were to argue in terms of white gentile group-interest, he (an anti-racist crusader) would call me a racist. You can't get more hypocritical than that.
I'm a bit surprise to see this stuff in counterpunch. Tim Wise has unguarded moments where he let's the cat out of the bag but the editors and readers of the publications he writes for don't mind.
Bill wrote:
Actually, I think he went to a Hebrew school. It might be that as a technical non-Jew (his mother is a gentile), he felt inadequate and decided to take it out on white gentiles. I'll bet he's got some issues about that, and secretly resents Jews.
He is, in fact, anti-Zionist:
From the article you intended to link to (link was broken), we find that Tim Wise is indeed anti-Zionist but that it is not out of resentment of Jews, but instead out of concern for the good of "world Jewry".
Federation principal Mark Finkelstein claimed I had shown a disregard for the well-being of Jews, despite the fact that my argument has long been that Zionism in practice has made world Jewry less safe than ever.
... choking back fish tacos and my own seething rage" ...
Kosher tacos?
I read Uncle Tim's fulminations about Buffy & Co. and laughed into tears. If I weren't already aware of this person I would have thought it was pure parody.
As someone mentioned, he's not worth taking seriously. still, I will never forget hearing the v. accomplished Jewish writer, Cynthia Ozick, talking about her first years at university, post-WWII. Ms. Ozick said she and her intellectual cohorts (mostly Jewish) resented the ex-GIs with their practical boots invading their rarefied university atmosphere. While I have always been somewhat of semitophile (I'd be delighted to find out I had some Jewish ancestry), her bigotry made me sick. These (read gentile) GIs had just returned from war against Hitler to attend a university founded by Christian Gentiles and this student who had done nothing of any use was complaining about their unworthiness to breath the same air? She was going on about fearing anti-semitism, but for one of the very few times in my life, i understood how it happens. She was showing me.
Of course she was v. young when she felt this way and was perhaps being self-critical in her recollections but I wouldn't swear she wouldn't feel that way now.
There's no more finely honed intellectual snob than a Jewish intellectual snob. ergo, don't believe all that pro-black stuff. Sure--they're for "justice". Aren't we all? But I mean anybody who'd complain about the commoness of ex-GIs attending college (it was still merit based despite the GI Bill) would go cross-eyed if forced to intellectualize only with blacks. The boredom might kill them before the crime kicked in.
ben tillman said...
"What do you mean? I see him committing fraud, or attempting a frame-up. While my ancestors tilled the soil in Austria and Pennsylvania, his Jewish ancestors owned Black slaves in the South."
Assuming Wise is, like most U.S. Jews, a (half) Jew of Easten European origin, it is unlikely his ancestors owned black slaves in the South. Most of those Jews were Sephardic like Judah Benjamin.
"Later, his family made money by selling alcohol to Blacks."
Is this really the case or do you really mean to say that Jews owned liquor stores in black neighborhoods? I suppose I could saddle Koreans and Arabs as a group with guilt for doing the same thing today.
"He wants to convict me of his legacy of guilt."
So I take it collective and inhereted guilt is okay as long as it isn't our tribe?
You're out of line on this one. Tim Wise may disagree with you on most issues, but he is also:
1.) against hate crime legislation
2.) a civil libertarian (ACLU liberal)
3.) has written and spoken out against the death penalty and prison rape
4.) A staunch anti-Zionist
On these issues, he bears no resemblance at all to Abe Foxman or Morris Dees (the latter of whom is a former supporter of segregation, who figured out he could make more money by playing the other side; however, his views also put him in opposition to the ACLU and other civil liberties defenders)
I don't understand the anti-Jewish sentiments expressed on this comment thread. I am ethnically Jewish (not religiously or culturally), but myself, and many members of my family, agree with almost every contention raised concerning the hypocrisy of anti-white racism. We cringed at Jeremiah Wright's rantings, Michelle Obama's obvious white hatred, the absurdity of considering the Jena Six to be anything but criminals, the hypocrisy of celebrity blacks saying "white boy" and no one looking twice but Don Imus being fired, etc. I understand that Jews are mostly leftists, but I don't consider this liberalism to be hereditary. Again, I'm probably sounding a little like those that I'm condemning, but some of the comments here are basically, "Yea I knew it. He's a damn Jew."
The reason for the "anti-semitism" is primarily because Tim Wise openly maintains that his politics are underpinned by his sense of Jewish tribal good (i.e what's good for the Jews), and we know that he would furiously denounce any white gentile that appealed to white gentile tribal good. In the past Tim dissembled about his motivations, saying that he considered Jews to be white, thus complicit in (claimed) oppression of non-whites. But now that that we read these counterpunch articles we are forced to conclude that he was lying, in a state of cognitive dissonence, or both. Read the quote I pasted (above). Tim makes it abundantly clear that "white Christians" are his real targets, and that they are so, because of their history of (claimed) mistreatment of Jews. I put "white Christian" in quotes because I actually think that Tim's terminology may be inaccurate or even dishonest. For example, Tim doesn't spare Thomas Jefferson his hatred, although Thomas Jefferson wasn't a true believing Christian. (Thomas Jefferson was at most a cultural Christian because non-divinity of Jesus is contrary to the doctrines of most Christian denominations). Likewise I doubt that I, as a non-christian white gentile with un-pc views, would get a pass from him.
To restate, the problem is that it isn't fair that the Tim Wise's of this world will permit themselves to act on behalf of the good of their tribe, but deny that right to others. Suppose that I, hypothetically, were to say that my opinions stemmed from concern for the good of "world Aryanry", do you think Tim Wise would let that go?
saint middons,
you're completely wrong on Wise.
The links below are Wise's views on Israel and Zionism. He's to the Left of Chomsky on the issue. Also, he supports affirmative action which disadvantages whites Jews FAR more than white Christians. He is not acting with regard to "Jewish interests" (whatever that means), though I suppose suffering discrimination or hearing about it from your parents can make one more inclined toward leftist political thoughts (regardless of identity - see Women, Gays, etc)
I've read Sailer off and on, and just browsing through his posts, he made a comment about his wit.
Well, I had never really experienced it up until a few minutes after I read that and came upon "Uncle Tim." That is brilliant and so true, especially about Tim Wise.
I myself came to this realization some time ago. This behavior of servile pandering to non-whites by whites is very common, but unlike an Uncle Tom, which is viewed as negative for blacks, Uncle Tim is a positive for whites and is both expected and demanded as normal.
Tim Wise however must suffer from some kind of personality disorder, this guy is way out there. He's more like an Uncle FrankenTim. A monstrous creation of all the worst elements of liberalism and anti-white self-hatred. His own image fuels his anger! Tim mad! Tim smash racism!
He's to the Left of Chomsky on the issue. Also, he supports affirmative action which disadvantages whites Jews FAR more than white Christians.
How do quotas do FAR more harm to Jews than whites? Jews get to claim whiteness when they want (e.g., they're the lion's share of the "whites" at Harvard), and deny it when they want (e.g., when Morgan Freeman's calling Mike Wallace white; when handing out white guilt or blaming whites for slavery or whatever).
usually leveled by other Jewish folks appalled by my unwillingness to tow the line.
And this guy writes for a living.
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