A bipartisan task force will recommend today that the United States overhaul its immigration system in response to national security concerns, saying that the country should end strict quotas on work-based immigrant visas to maintain its scientific, technological and military edge.
"The continued failure to devise and implement a sound and sustainable immigration policy threatens to weaken America's economy, to jeopardize its diplomacy, and to imperil its national security," concluded an independent Council on Foreign Relations panel, co-chaired by former Florida governor Jeb Bush (R) and former Clinton White House chief of staff Thomas V. "Mack" McLarty III....
The panel also recommended "earned legalization, not amnesty" for an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants now living in the United States, requiring those who wish to stay to work, pay taxes, learn English, pass background checks, pay fines and wait their turn behind legal immigrants. ...
Edward Alden, the task force's director and a CFR fellow, said the involvement of Bush, a prominent national Republican and the brother of former president George W. Bush, and McLarty, a Democrat and senior international fellow at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, was intended to create political space for centrists in both parties.
"Politically what this group shows is a consensus is possible on this issue," Alden said. "There is a commitment on all sides of the political debate to much tougher and more consistent enforcement . . . The trade-off on the other side is, you've got to have a flexible enough system in which it will be possible to adjust" employer-based immigration based on economic conditions, he said.
Also serving on the 19-member panel were Eliseo Medina, international executive vice president of the Service Employees International Union; Raul H. Yzaguirre past president and chief executive officer of the National Council of La Raza; Robert C. Bonner, former head of U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Drug Enforcement Administration; and Richard D. Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention's ethics and religious liberty commission.
These kind of efforts to slide amnesty by us by assembling an Establishment Republican and Democrat coalition of the Great and the Good always remind me of Guy Crouchback's reaction to the Hitler-Stalin Pact at the beginning of Evelyn Waugh's WWII trilogy, Sword of Honor:
Just seven days earlier he had opened his morning newspaper on the headlines announcing the Russian-German alliance. News that shook the politicians and young poets of a dozen capital cities brought deep peace to one English heart . ... But, now, splendidly, everything had become clear. The enemy at last was plain in view, huge and hateful, all disguise cast off. It was the Modern Age in arms. Whatever the outcome there was a place for him in that battle.
My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer
`The panel also recommended "earned legalization, not amnesty" for an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants now living in the United States, requiring those who wish to stay to work, pay taxes, learn English, pass background checks, pay fines and wait their turn behind legal immigrants. ...'
AFAICT, that just means, the panel recommended that the USA start enforcing the laws it already has.
One might argue that it would be more reasonable to permanently bar illegals from any form of legal immigration, but beyond such a permanent ban, temporary penalties like fines would appear to be the obvious way to nudge illegal migrants toward legal immigration.
Of course, any native-born American foolish enough to study the hard sciences will be underbid by the scabs...
A guy from the SEIU? Oh, great, just great. The whole damn bunch of 'em--just great.
We already knew Jeb Bush had no future in electoral politics. Goodness knows how much he must dislike his brother. Poor Jeb, doomed to sinecures like "bipartisan commissions to promote immigration amnesty." I wonder how much they paid him to don the clown suit and caper around for the rubes to gawk at. Do you suppose they had to use threats? Personally, I would rather golf or something than make a fool of myself in public like that.
A black-hearted conglomerate of ethnic grievance groups, unions, globalists and neocons now represent the "center" of American politics.
Well, if amnesty can't be killed outright, I've been thinking of ways to torpedo its effect with poison pill amendments.
The simplest would be, require that all amnesty seekers have at least a high school diploma. The average Latin American illegal hasn't even made it to the 9th grade. So right off the bat, an education threshold would disqualify a large fraction of illegals.
To take it to next level-- require every amnesty seeker to go through the Army's pre-enlistment testing and interview process. If the illegal's school credentials, criminal record AND ASVAB SCORE don't qualify them for military service, they don't get amnesty.
And if they do get amnesty, they must enlist. The Army doesn't actually have to take any of them, of course. But I suspect the risk of military service would thin the herd of amnesty seekers pretty dramatically.
Politicians are always telling us that more Americans need to study science and engineering. I can't think of a worse way to depress interest than driving down wages and opportunities with foreign competition.
If we were really serious about improving science, as in 1950s, we would try to expand opportunities for our own youth, and maybe let in rare geniuses like von Neumann or Einstein.
During the Bush years the left correctly criticized the right for invoking national security concerns when pushing policies they always wanted (e.g., cutting taxes).
Let's see if anyone on the left will notice that it's outlandish to argue that we should allow more immigrants to improve national security.
Steve --
Didn't you write that Obama would be a better choice to block immigration reform and Amnesty than McCain?
How'd that work out again? Obama wants to add millions of new workers in a deep recession. He won't pay any price because he's Black and the Secular Messiah (you would not believe how women worship this guy, particularly professional educated women).
Really good quote that one. Guess I´ll have a read.
Waugh from his 1939 travel book on the murderous, anti-clerical communist regime running Mexico, "Robbery Under Law: The Mexican Object Lesson":
"Civilization is under constant assault ant it takes most of the energies of civilized man to keep going at all...there is only a margin of energy left over for experiment however beneficent" (p. 17).
"There is nothing, except ourselves, to stop our own countries becoming like Mexico" (p. 279).
"Barbarism is never finally defeated; given propitious circumstances, men and women who seem quite orderly will commit every conceivable atrocity. The danger does not come merely from habitual hooligans; we are all potential recruits for anarchy" (p. 279).
"The communists...maintain that [man's] real duty in life is to get through the largest possible amount of consumable goods and to produce those goods in the largest possible quantities so that he may consume them" (p. 224).
All quotes from "The Sayings Of Evelyn Waugh," edited by Donat Gallagher.
Testing99: cool your jets. Obama wants to be reelected, more immigration during a depression is not the way to do so.
The big threat right now is not mass-amnesty like Bush proposed, but the DREAM bill, which is nowhere near as bad, but still very bad.
I think the best thing to do in the intervening time is get more laws imposing fines on those who do business with illegals passed on the state and local level.
I didn't know that the electorate elected the Council on Foreign Relations to a damned thing.
As Dennis Dale once wrote:
Bipartisan Consensus = The Elite's will to power.
You might want to remember the rest of the series, Steve. Guy ends up finding out some unpleasant things about the country he serves.
"Politicians are always telling us that more Americans need to study science and engineering. "
Yeah, as long as their kids don't have to do it! Engineering sucks in that you have to be at least as smart as an average doctor but eventually earn a quarter or less and have to work comparatively as hard or even more so. In addition, unlike a doctor, you have to be creative all the time. Continuing education is the only thing similar to the doctor.
In addition doctors also have much higher social status. So who would be stupid enough to become an engineer? Most engineers’ kids I know went into business or medicine. Their parents are also proud of this so it shows that they despise their own profession. Pols are forever telling people to study whatever the government needs without trying to figure out WHY nobody is doing it voluntarily.
"Pols are forever telling people to study whatever the government needs without trying to figure out WHY nobody is doing it voluntarily."
Quote from Rob Sanchez's newsletter today: Unemployment for electrical engineers continues to increase. The 8.6%
unemployment is bad enough, but the number is an underestimate because it
doesn't include EEs that are underemployed, or who found a job in a lower
paying non-engineering job. There is plenty of evidence that unemployment
statistics for engineers and computer/IT are error prone because these
individuals are usually more resourceful than the general population at
finding survival jobs. Dr. Robert Rivers once estimated that the total
number of surplus engineers is 3.3 times the official unemployment rate
which means that right now the real unemployment rate for EEs is about 25%.
Why does this matter when Hispanic women have three children each?
Well, there are two issues here. One is the amnesty/illegal immigration one concerning low wage workers from Mexico and Central America. The other is allowing scientists and engineers in from India and China. They look very different to me. One seems to decrease the average education level of the country,and maybe intelligence, and one seems to increase it.
Steve, if there was a program that allowed in more immigrants who qualified as, say, two standard deviations above US average in intelligence, would you support that? If not, I would be interested in your objections.
The panel also recommended "earned legalization, not amnesty" for an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants now living in the United States, requiring those who wish to stay to work, pay taxes, learn English, pass background checks, pay fines and wait their turn behind legal immigrants. ...
What infuriates me is the way the great and good say this as though the illegal immigrants are being punished somehow, but in fact we're giving them everything they broke the law to get, and calling it a punishment.
As a Brit i have long been puzzled by the USA's immigration policy. Why are so many people from the third-world, with little or no historic connection with America, allowed to migrate to your country but indigenous Europeans are not?
Is it because they is white?
London, former capital city of England.
Here's why I don't want smart engineers from China and India admitted.
Robert Putnam has shown that diversity brings anomie. Not only do we not socialize with those who are different from ourselves, we even cut ourselves off from our own kind if we live in a diverse society.
I think this is because the fact that we do not like to socialize with those who are different from ourselves is a taboo topic, so we avoid socializing with those like ourselves to avoid this topic from coming up.
Anyway, the more diversity the harder it is for me to find a society non-diverse enough that these problems don't come up, so that I can be happy
Celine in Mea Culpa puts it well, too:
"They know which levers to pull. But then they lose themselves in the maze of their own propaganda. They try to flavor turds, dip them in caramel. That's the disease infecting the system."
It's over. If open border doesn't happen in five years it will happen in 15. I don't think anything short of military coup can prevent this outcome.
Somehow America managed to invent everything worth inventing in engineering before H1B visas and mass immigration. Why do we need it now? Perhaps the exception: we should be trying to get a few more German, Dutch, French, and English scientists who are of the highest caliber.
Despite their rising dominance in the journals and faculty lounges of the US, middle eastern, East Asian, and Indian engineers continue to focus their careers on the minimum publishable unit - not the big idea. They are good at making their resumes look impressive, but their celebrated careers often amount to not very much.
Why doesn't the US try putting it's smartest kids in accelerated math and science classes for a change? Also, they need to be let loose in labs occasionally to bug real life professional scientists and try their hand at discovery and innovation while the spark of youthful enthusiasm is hot. I agree with Steve. AP courses are a joke. A lot of bright kids are ready for college work in HS.
---Is it because they is white?---
"Why does this matter when Hispanic women have three children each?"
The fertility rate in Mexico has dropped to 2.0. However hispanic women in the US have an average of 3 kids. Some say that mostly it is the lowest echelon (read lowest IQ) that come to the US because the bottom of society in the US is so much higher.
"Why doesn't the US try putting it's smartest kids in accelerated math and science classes for a change? "
We do that in two ways, AP classes, homeschool.
"AP courses are a joke. A lot of bright kids are ready for college work in HS."
Colleges accept younger students if they qualify. Rice accepts high school and younger students who qualify as does UCLA who recently graduated an 18 year old from Law School. Parents can get good service from public school but they have to demand it and document it.
Affirmative Action Spurs Asian Debate
JULY 8, 2009
WSJ SB124700645894708209 via Google News
...The gleam and glitter are partly built on a race-based system of quotas and government ownership of key businesses, however, which many economists say now risks retarding the country's growth. In 1969, race riots between Malays and ethnic-Chinese Malaysians prompted the country's predominantly Malay leaders to introduce affirmative-action-style policies to give a leg up to the Malay population...
Since taking office in April, Prime Minister Najib Razak, a Malay, has rolled back some aspects of the race-based program -- known here as the New Economic Policy -- to lure more foreign investors. He recently issued new rules allowing foreign investors to enter selected service, financial and legal businesses without having to give up equity to local ethnic-Malay partners. Companies listing on the local stock market, meanwhile, will be required to allocate 12.5% of their shares to Malay investors, compared with 30% before...
Some Malay hard-liners warn that the government has gone too far. Ma'amor Osman, leader of a local activist group of Muslim Malays, describes Mr. Najib as "a dangerous liberal" who could destabilize Malaysia's fragile ethnic balance, while some protesters have recently marched in support of Malay rights. The country's Malays comprise just over half its population, and many can't remember a time when they weren't entitled to any special privileges...
The fertility rate in Mexico has dropped to 2.0. However hispanic women in the US have an average of 3 kids.
In the US we subsidize their kids to a greater degree. I live near a town full of illegals. Every last Spanish grocery store has a sign in the window: "WIC checks accepted".
A bipartisan task force will recommend today that the United States overhaul its immigration system in response to national security concerns
Right, because what every country needs to do in response to "natonal security concerns" is open ther damn borders.
an independent Council on Foreign Relations panel, co-chaired by former Florida governor Jeb Bush (R) and former Clinton White House chief of staff Thomas V. "Mack" McLarty III....
Amazing! Five out of five open borders advocates advocate that the border be opened! Who'd have thunk it?
And people wonder why Idaho-state (I think it was) graduate Palin is popular among white, working-class Middle Americans. I'll bet none of this 'blue ribbon panel' attended community college.
I like the late Sam Francis' take on bipartisanship: the Republicans are stupid and the Democrats are evil. When they decide to be bipartisan they do things that are both stupid and evil.
Why is it that the great minds who propose these 'reforms' are so dedicated to the premise that the ultimate authority on citzenship status for illegals should be the illegals themselves?
They need loyal lackeys, who don't have troublesome ideas, that they have rights!
Can you feel the ship sinking?
Bob: Obama wants to be reelected
You don't know what Obama wants.
And, for that matter, I'm not entirely convinced that Obama is intelligent enough to know what he himself wants, either.
However, we do though know what Axelrod and the Psychological Warfare Team [Ariely, Thaler, Sunstein, Kahneman] want: A despotic Oriental nihilism with them as the priests in robes and the rest of us as their grateful slaves [to the extent that we are even allowed to persist at all and are not simply kulak-ed right out of existence].
If William Ayers were allowed to ghostwrite from the semi-decipherable rough draft of what Obama attempted to describe to him, then it would probably amount to roughly the same thing, except with colorful hats and gaudy necklaces and a soundtrack by Bob Marley rather than Bob Zimmerman.
But what these petty tyrants "want" doesn't have anything to do with Marquis of Queensbury technicalities like "re-election".
So let me understand this. We are supposed to let 15 million unemployed illegals become citizens once they (1) pay a $3000 fine, (2) forge some affidavits that they have been employed for several years (under the table), (3) briefly visit some corrupt English Language schools run by out-of-work leftists and corrupt Hispanic activists (funded by the taxpayer).
And in exchange for this (1) we get an additional 13 million out-of-work welfare recipients, (2) we give them full and free medical insurance under the Obama Plan, (3)we give their peasant sprogs free primary, secondary and college education, AND we get to welcome another 100 million of their friends and family who want to be "family reunited" with them on the Great American Gravy Train in about 5 years.
And we are doing this because they are "willing to do the jobs that Americans won't do" ...
... except those jobs don't exist anymore.
Makes sense to me!
haha. you can't make this stuff up! the panel included
"Raul H. Yzaguirre past president and chief executive officer of the National Council of La Raza"
as for engineers, i know how much they are NOT desired in the united states. the salaries of engineers can be forever reduced by visas, but the government can't seem to make a dent in NURSE pay!
how does a nation with highly paid nurses and barely payed engineers compete with east asia?
the large hadron collider and international thermonuclear experimental reactor are in europe for a reason.
heck, obama forced chrysler to sell itself to fiat.
Anonymous: A guy from the SEIU?
New Labor Leaders Take a Page From History
By Nathaniel Popper
Published April 23, 2009, issue of May 01, 2009
If you want to see the movers and shakers behind the tumult in today's labor movement, the place to be is Stephen Lerner and Marilyn Sneiderman's modest home in Washington after sunset concludes Judaism's holiest day of the year...
Last October, those partaking in the potluck collection of bagels, blintzes and a giant challah included Andy Stern, president of one of the nation’s largest union, the Service Employees International Union...
"It seemed like every other person there was a senior leader in the labor movement," said a somewhat awed Jacob Feinspan, the young Jews United for Justice leader, who attended the 2008 event...
A major turning point came when the AFL-CIO, the largest federation of national unions, decided to open up the Organizing Institute, which was designed to provide college graduates a direct entry point into unions so that they would not have to first pass through the rank and file. The institute was founded in 1989 by a young Jew from Kentucky, Richard Bensinger, who had been recruited into the union movement by Richard Rothstein, a Jewish labor organizer and activist at one of the garment unions...
But there is a potential downside: Stern and others in the new generation of union leadership have been criticized by more traditional union leaders for giving union jobs to people who did not get their start in the working class. The generation of college-educated leaders have also been involved in a number of recent fights that have divided the labor movement (see sidebar). Paul Buhle, a labor historian at Brown University, said that in the current era, when unions are largely trying to organize black and Latino populations, the presence of so many educated Jewish leaders can be an "embarrassing detail"...
ACORN's "Muscle for Money" does the bidding of SEIU
Kevin Mooney
July 7, 2009
Corporate and political officials who defy workplace and community organizers risk being made objects of scorn by bright red-clad protestors in public and private, courtesy of an activist union and its close allies in the nation's most controversial liberal non-profit advocacy group.
It's officially called the "Muscle for Money" program within the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) where it was started, and unofficially by the same name among activists of Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now (ACORN)...
You do have to wonder, though, as to just how long they can hold together this Morlock / Über-Morlock dichotomy before the whole thing collapses under the weight of its own self-contradictions.
Meanwhile we Eloi will continue to be eaten for dinner.
testing99: ...you would not believe how women worship this guy, particularly professional educated women...
Soon they won't have any need for us at all:
Scientists create test-tube sperm
By Jeremy Laurance, Health Editor
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
...Professor Nayernia said:"In theory it would be possible [to dispense with men], but only if you want to produce a population all the same size and shape [because they have the same male genetic origin]..."
The BIG MAN r001z.
All y'all beta males is teh sux0r.
John Seiler: Waugh from his 1939 travel book on the murderous, anti-clerical communist regime running Mexico, "Robbery Under Law: The Mexican Object Lesson"...
If you want to get really depressed, then rent Frida.
Although I defy you to watch more than five or ten minutes of it before turning it off in disgust.
...an independent Council on Foreign Relations panel, co-chaired by former Florida governor Jeb Bush (R)...
Jeb Bush always seemed like a pretty decent fellow, but do you suppose he is simply unaware that there is a difference between Castilian [Italian?] Mexicans like Columba Garnica Gallo and your average Nahuatlian, Mayan, or Zapotecian Mexican?
Is he aware that there are still 63 pre-Columbian [non-literate] languages spoken in Mexico?
Is he aware that the average IQ in Guatemala is 79?
"If the illegal's criminal record don't qualify them for military service, they don't get amnesty."
I have trouble hiring lawn services for rental properties because they are unwilling to submit their employees to contiguous identity/criminal background checks from their native lands and criminal background checks from their US born workers. You should hear the silence on the other line when I inform them of this requirement.
Often they become irate and tell me that they have already done background checks required by the SSI administration and are a bonded company. I then inform them that I am very aware that illegals can acquire acceptable SSI information with phony consular cards or purchased SSI numbers, and the safety of my tenants and the standard of living in the US requires a higher standard.
Whenever the Republican and Democrat establishment reach consensus, it is a guaranteed to be a screw job on native born US citizens. Nice to see the CFR's so concerned about this issue.
John - obviously no honest, rational case can be made for mass black and hispanic immigration legal or illegal. End of that story.
But what about those high IQ asians you invoked?
Well on the face of it, that sounds quite reasonable.
But it its a no-no for various reasons. Most importantly, "the country", as you call it has no meaningful existence outside of it's people. If we import other people then it's no longer our country, it becomes theirs, hence our concern for "the country's" welfare becomes meaningless.
In effect we are supposed to believe that these high IQ immigrants have come to help our country rather than themselves.
How likely is that?
In an ethnic nation state there is a greater probability that the interests of "the country" and its population coincide. Of course history shows this hasnt always worked. But I guarantee you that in the multiracial state you propose that these interests will almost never coincide.
There are other flaws of course. The high unemployment of EE/IT workers has already been mentioned. Whats the argument for immigration of people in those fields?
The decline of public trust has been mentioned. If these immigrants really are fantastically brilliant and what is more so are their offspring whats to stop a climate of resentment against them? How long in fact before we hear of AA for non-asians?
The counter problem of your 2 deviations immigrants is that is not likely to be maintained unto the next generation. Regression to the mean and all that, they might still be brighter than average but not to superlative degree you posit for the first generation. Do we still need them then? And what about chain migration, the bright ones get in and then their more average relatives start to follow.
The best immigrants are those who are most like the people they are joining. Not brighter, not dumber, not whiter, not darker. Neither less criminal nor more criminal and so on.
However Im sure a case-by-case argument can be made for certain outstanding individuals, people withouit peer in their field but we are talking about mere handfuls, not even 1000s. Even then you have to reflect that they may be bringing spouses, children maybe other relatives too. In fact good old chain migration could kick start from a single person with 200 IQ and a large extended family!
Given that you asked the question of Steve you no doubt have already worked out practical solutions of your own to all these problems that dont involve social engineering, AA, a police state, political corruption and so on...
Time to end immigration. We need to digest the people we have now.
As a Brit i have long been puzzled by the USA's immigration policy. Why are so many people from the third-world, with little or no historic connection with America, allowed to migrate to your country but indigenous Europeans are not?
Is it because they is white?
It's not like it's so easy for third-world Asians to get here. Of course, if it was easy for them to sneak into Mexico, it would be easy for them to get here. Europeans just tend not to sneak over the border
This debate is not occuring in a vacuum. E-Verify has been perfected. Biometric ID is a reality already in many places. The real fences we put up are working reasonably well. And it is becomming obvious that it is cheaper to deport people rather than leave them in jail. We know it works and so do they.
And your Elders are giving thumbs down to HBD blogging community and taking concrete steps to move out of It.
Different time horizon and all that. Something to ponder about.
I found the press release on the CFR website announcing the creation of this panel back in late June of 2008.
The staff director for the panel (Edward Alden) is paid CFR hack who is almost certainly the real author of the report. If you click on his name you find that his full time job at the CFR is to pontificate on immigration matters, and generally advocate for the debasement of the American population.
America is finished. I used to think it would take another 50 years, and I woudn't live to see it but now I think it won't be more then 10 until it falls apart..
I love Waugh and Sword of Honour, but if the Allies really had managed to get into a war with Stalin to defend Finland during the phony war period in the West, it would have been an absolute disaster.
But, now, splendidly, everything had become clear. The enemy at last was plain in view, huge and hateful, all disguise cast off.
yes but funny how we ended up aiding one of them.
"Is it because they is white?"
Ultimately, probably. But directly it is because of the preference given to family unification.
So many third-world farm workers and illegals came in and got legalized. Now they bring their families. And they bring theirs.
All the Europeans came long enough ago that they have no near relatives to come. Can't get started.
It's a snowball effect. It was designed that way in 1924 by the usual suspects.
"The fertility rate in Mexico has dropped to 2.0. However hispanic women in the US have an average of 3 kids. Some say that mostly it is the lowest echelon (read lowest IQ) that come to the US because the bottom of society in the US is so much higher."
Well, keep in mind that any year's tfr is just an extrapolation based on a 12-month "snapshot" of fertility trends. The fertility rates of Latinos in this country may be artificially inflated somewhat because of the tendency of recent immigrants to start their families right as they get settled in the new country.
FWIW, Hispanic births in AZ did drop significantly from 2007 to 2008, from about 52,000 to about 49,000 births, bringing them nearly on par with whites in regard to the total number of births. What data is out for 2009 suggests a further decrease in the overall birth rate concentrated among Hispanics - I wouldn't be surprised if white babies were a majority again this year in AZ.
Anyway, if we play our cards right (i.e. DON'T allow amnesty) we might be seeing the end of the Hispanic baby boom.
I found the report in question here, but it is only available in hard copy for $15.
The summary page selling the report lists the participants of the task force:
Edward Alden - director
Mary Boies
Robert C. Bonner
Jeb Bush
Allen E Goodman
Gordon H Hanson
Michael H. Jordan
Donald Kerwin
Richard D land
Elisa Massimino
Thomas F McLarty 3rd
Eliseo Medina
Steve Padilla
Robert D Putnam
Andrew D Selee
Margaret D Stock
Frances Fragos Townsend
Kathleen Campbell Walker
Raul H. Yzaguirre
I forgot to add that in my search for the CFR report I found that the Dream Act has its own website, complete with forum, appeals for money, etc.
Steve, if there was a program that allowed in more immigrants who qualified as, say, two standard deviations above US average in intelligence, would you support that? If not, I would be interested in your objections.
I agree. Let's let in all the 100+ million people from China and India with 120+ IQs. Capital idea.
In fact, I say we just let China and India annex us. I'd like to hear reasons why this wouldn't be a good thing.
How many "cognitive elitists" trade their own kids in for "cognitively elite" Chinese or Indian kids? I'd like to hear why this wouldn't be a good decision. Why do "cognitive elites" even bother having kids when they can adopt better children from China and India?
For that matter, why aren't they all posting from China or India?
I think this is because the fact that we do not like to socialize with those who are different from ourselves is a taboo topic, so we avoid socializing with those like ourselves to avoid this topic from coming up.
Doesn't ring true. Seems more likely that a diverse society erodes social trust, period. Put another way, social trust is a function of homogeneity.
"Amnesty: Our betters are back at it"
Ugh. I offer my modest life savings as a bounty for the successful murder of irony. Obamessiah. The One. Our Elites. Etcetera. I hate it. Parroting the narrative of one's opponent is not funny, it is capitulation.
I'd hate to see what happens if a burglar breaks into your home. Wow, what a big and strong burglar you are! Here, take my money and valuable heirlooms!
The betters and elite one really bugs me because by any reasonable measure, IQ in particular, they aren't our betters.
So, um, do white guys get amnesty too? I'm serious, I "have a friend" who might want to get in before the amnesty goes down, he's clean, has Cisco certifications, works hard, votes right wing. There has to be a lot of illegals in America who aren't Hispanic, illegals of all kinds, do they get amnesty too? Hey, "my friend" missed out on the free house scam, he isn't asking for much here.
Meh, f*ck it, I'll just go anyway, I can freelance on the web and make some side coin playing poker, something I did for 2 years, best diet I ever went on.
is sword of honor any good?
Yes, Sword of Honour is good. so is the whole series.
"the large hadron collider and international thermonuclear experimental reactor are in europe for a reason."
And neither are working very well.
"How many "cognitive elitists" trade their own kids in for "cognitively elite" Chinese or Indian kids?"
Because Chinese and Indian kids aren't very creative. And they usually grow up only to care about money. Chinese and Indian communities really suck. And the middle kingdom went for nearly a millennium without technological advancements. Indians haven't invented anything, ever. (Except maybe the USB connector, which is more of a convention than an invention.)
I knew Marilyn Sneiderman when she worked for the AFL-CIO. She couldn't organize a 2-car funeral if the first car was the hearse.
"Is he aware that there are still 63 pre-Columbian [non-literate] languages spoken in Mexico?
And if they haven't learned Spanish 500+ years after the Spanish Conquest, we are gonna teach 'em English?
As for those high IQ Asians, last I heard India was moving to allow dual citizenship. Can China be far behind? So where do these folks loyalties lie? And before we get all hot and bothered, don't assume that it's high IQ who are coming to the US. Most of them are average at best.
"the large hadron collider and international thermonuclear experimental reactor are in europe for a reason."
And neither are working very well.
As opposed to the Superconducting Super Collider in Texas?
Or did you have some other standard of measurement in mind?
And Steve, is there any way to block comments from 'anonymous' or to require use of a handle? I'm tired of long threads consisting mostly of nameless commenters.
Beowulf's comment is interesting.
George Bush circumvented the Hopwood decision here in Texas by signing the Top Ten Percent law.
Kids who are bilingual (Mexican) and/or are the first in their families to attend college or university (Mexican) score points that count towards a leg up on university admissions.
And those who score in the top ten percent of their high school graduating class automatically gain entrance into UT Austin or Texas A&M. It doesn't matter if the high school is a second rate urban one or a first rate suburban rate one - you still gain automatic admission to one of these two universities.
It isn't hard to score in the top ten percent of an all minority high school. Some have graduation rates of around 55% of the senior class.
Jeb Bush concocted the same thing for Florida. Except there it is the top 20%.
Oh yeah, remember Bruce Bartlett? He was the one canned by the National Center for Policy Analysis here in Dallas. He had apparently offended a big donor to the institution because he dared to criticize George Bush's economic policies. The NCPA brought Jeb Bush to Dallas in the fall of '07. And who did Jeb have tag along? Why, his bigoted brown son.
Big Bill,
You would be amazed what jobs Americans will do when there is NO welfare.
Indians haven't invented anything, ever.
La Wik doesn't even bother to go into the development of the various yogas, especially mantra and insight meditation. I would also include the various Indian maps of transpersonal anatomy and cognition.
These will eventually come to be seen as contributions to world civilization of even greater importance than the refinements of experimental science made in Renaissance Europe.
Jai Hind!
"And neither are working very well."
how are the american versions working? pretty well, or are they having a few problems, due to not even existing?
are we really about to pretend that the united states is on an upward trajectory with regard to science and engineering? america is fully in the process of getting out of the car manufacturing business. in 10 years the only important things that american companies might still be making are semiconductors and aircraft.
Jody - just look at Britain now. Not so long ago I would not have believed that the US would follow us so quickly down the drain.
We no longer have any large scale indigenous car/truck makers. Aircraft manufacture is hanging by thread. Semiconductors were given up on a long time ago.
In fact an outside observer might wonder if in fact our British elites actively hate industry and technology. That would seem to be the take away lesson of the last few decades.
Almost 40 years ago Britain could have got into the satellite launching business entirely separately from the US, USSR and EU (as it wasnt called then). We had the Black Arrow rocket. Yet the govt happily flushed the project away.
One might also note the vindictive way in which the TSR-2 project was cancelled in the 60s. And then the APT in the 70s.
These were not cancelled off the drawing board, they were all viable or well past the initial development stage.
As I said, an uncharitible observer might think the elite really didnt want these enterprises to succeed.
Loook for similar humiliations in the US in the coming years.
Not to worry though, both countries have lots of vibrant immigrants who are going to revitalise our economy, any time now...
America had a Hadron Collider design back in the 80's It was called the SSC, to be built in Waco, and it was torpedoed in mid-construction by Texas hating Democrats.
America still leads the world in engineering innovation. And probably will far into the future so long as there is tax money left over for basic research after the care and feeding of third world immigrants.
The Hadron Collider is currently being bedeviled by bush league design errors.
What did Waugh think when England teamed up with his big bad evil guys?
Honor. Albion. Don't make me laugh.
---I love Waugh and Sword of Honour, but if the Allies really had managed to get into a war with Stalin to defend Finland during the phony war period in the West, it would have been an absolute disaster.---
A disaster for the Russians. The Russians demanded territory. The Finns told them to fuck off and Stalin invaded. The Finns put up an amazing fight, smacked the Russians hard. Stalin had purged his military.
Superior Russian numbers finally prevailed, but there was treaty, not the annexation of Finland to become a puppet state. For the kind of people the Russians faced, check out a little guy named Simo Hayha. He was a 1 man army.
Chinese and Indian communities really suck. And the middle kingdom went for nearly a millennium without technological advancements.
Which millenium was that? 10,000 BC to 9,000 BC?
which means that right now the real unemployment rate for EEs is about 25%.
I can vouch for that.
BTW, I wonder why we need to give amnesty to the Mexicans working at the construction site next door to me? I'm perfectly willing to do drywall right now.
---I love Waugh and Sword of Honour, but if the Allies really had managed to get into a war with Stalin to defend Finland during the phony war period in the West, it would have been an absolute disaster.---
"A disaster for the Russians. The Russians demanded territory. The Finns told them to fuck off and Stalin invaded. The Finns put up an amazing fight, smacked the Russians hard. Stalin had purged his military.
Superior Russian numbers finally prevailed, but there was treaty, not the annexation of Finland to become a puppet state. For the kind of people the Russians faced, check out a little guy named Simo Hayha. He was a 1 man army."
Yes, the Finns deserve all the respect we can give them for their heroic resistance. But if Britain and France had to fight Hitler and Stalin at the same time, what is the path to victory for the Western allies short of atom-bombing their way back into Europe?
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