July 11, 2009

Female Journalism

The Washington Post has a long article about "colorism" and Michael Jackson by DeNeen L. Brown.
Through the Past, Darkly
The Legacy of Colorism Reflects Wounds of Racism That Are More Than Skin-Deep...

Here's an interesting (although hardly unexpected) factual excerpt:
The most provocative research, he says, is related to marriage. Among black women younger than 30, there is "a premium associated with light-skinned complexion," Hamilton says.

"There is a well-established literature of colorism, a preference for lighter-skinned individuals," according to a report called "Shedding 'Light' on Marriage," which was co-written by Hamilton; Arthur H. Goldsmith, a professor at Washington and Lee University; and William A. Darity Jr., a professor at Duke University. "We find that the light-skin shade as measured by survey interviewers is associated with about a 15 percent greater probability of marriage for young black women, and light-skin shade as measured by self-reported biracial status is associated with the presence of better educated and higher-earning spouses for married black females."

But the rest is just the usual, with the now traditional ending: a celebration of Michelle Obama's skin tone. As I've mentioned before, a remarkable fraction of female journalistic output, at least the most heartfelt stuff, consists of demands for society to change so that that particular female journalist would be considered hotter looking.

What's striking is how humorless these demands for social revolution in the service of enhanced personal hotness have been since feminism came along. I don't think it was always like this. In 1937, for example, Dorothy Parker lamented, "Men seldom make passes / At girls who wear glasses."

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


Razib Khan said...

depends on what the girl looks like i'd say....

Anonymous said...


Please never,ever set foot in Saudi Arabia or North Korea . . .er, I mean Great Britain.

Hurting the sensitivities of The Eternal Powerless Victims is rather costly these days.

juandos said...

"On June 25, when Michael Jackson died, there she was again: colorism, that sub-category of racism and prejudice based on skin color, staring us right in the face"...

Hmmm, blathering BS by an inept clown hired by the always questionable WaPo to fulfill their desire to be politically correct...

Anonymous said...

Did you see that video of Rampage Jackson dry humping the female reporter? When I first heard about it, I figure Rampage was being an idiot again, but watching the video...she's tarted up, got her job by being tarted up, used her tartiness to get the interview, flirted with him heavily during the interview...I'm not one to take an, um, idiot black guy's side playing to the soft bigotry of low expectations, but that stunned whore belongs back in the kitchen or on her back.

MMA stunned whore journalist story #2: after Kimbo Slice's first big MMA fight, he started a bit of a commotion with another fighter, looked like it was going to get ugly, you could see a stunned whore reporter making a beeline very quickly. Why have stunned whores in there in the first place? Everyone will freak if they get hit by a chair or something.

#3: Dana White unloads on a female journalist, probably unfairly, but he calls her a bitch and it widely - universally - gets reported as a sexist comment. A fair comparison is a woman calling a man an a$$hole, nothing sexist there. If criticizing a female journalist is sexist, back to the kitchen, sweetie.

Stunned whores. Can't stand em. It comes out in their memoirs (that Fallaci stunned atheist whore for example, especially the sports reporters too) that they sleep with their interview subjects.

Glasses are sexy now btw, or so the glasses wearing Jewish media has brainwashed women to believe. 18 year old girls with perfect eyesight wearing Those *F*ucking* Square Rimmed Glasses, ugh. I may actually go back to wearing glasses, have worn contacts for years not wanting to look like a pussy, but not wearing glasses might be why people treat me stupider than they did 25 years ago. Now, I did go shopping for glasses, did you know they don't have men's and women's glasses anymore, they're all unisex? Might just be up here in Canada though, Canada being vastly more gay than America and all.

Has Maureen Dowd found a boyfriend yet, or is she, all 120 pounds, still convinced men are afraid of her? How bout that Bonnie Erbe, eh? Wowsers, to call her a pitbull understates the beauty of the canine species.

Stunned whores. What a mistake letting them vote, now they're part of the Grand Coalition along with brown people and homosexualists ganging up on the white man. Nothing f*cks up a conversation about race like a stunned whore piping up "I know a black guy? Who graduated from Yale? Ya, so you can't make generalizations".

Walk a mile in my shoes, Steve, you're not out there in the white collar world working with these 27 year old bilious harridans, barren. Do the math on abortion, by the time a woman reaches 30 there's a fair chance she's had an abortion, depending on the cohort. I'm surrounded by stunned whores who killed their babies, no wonder they're so angry.

sabril said...

It seems to me there are some confounding variables here. If a black woman has a decent amount of white blood, it's less likely that she will have the traditional black woman features which are so universally considered unattractive.

In other words, if a black woman has lighter skin, her hair is probably less nappy; her nose is probably less broad; she is less likely to be wildly overweight; and so on.

Kevin K said...

I would call it "light tannism" since white, pasty people would prefer to be a little darker to hide their freckles and not glow in the dark.

Anonymous said...

You'd have to be blind not to notice this.

The most pathetic incarnation of this is some lonely baby boomer woman who wasted her youth proudly proclaiming the superiority of age and experience over youth and beauty.

40 is the new 30! 50 is the new 20! If we continue like this, soon it will be "getting put in a coffin is the new being pulled out of your mother by a doctor."

rob said...

Reading that article, I was struck yet again by how much and for how long African-American thought and culture, or at least public discourse, is driven by simple rhymes. Peter Frost is much more interestinng.

The Mulatta-marriage thing needs to be controlled for IQ. It may be that lighter-skinned black women make better decisions throughout life. Little things like not having bastard children can really improve a woman's marriage prospects.

The New Mulatto class tends to have have white mothers, so I'd bet a big chunk are married to whites, so on average have higher-earning spouses than other blacks.

Interesting that the Old Mulatto class coined African-American to keep blacker blacks in the fold.

Colorism began during slavery when darker-skinned blacks were relegated to field work...Though circumstances differ, colorism is an issue in countries all around the world: Vietnam, Brazil, India, Japan and Mexico, for instance.

Uh, if 'colorism' is a human universal, it was not caused by antebellum southerners. There's something older, deeper, and maybe more important.

I honestly would not be surprised if non-pathological depigmentation and some neurotransmitter involved with planning ahead or delaying gratification share a biochemical pathway.

Roughly coinciding with Greg Clark's selection for middle-classness in England, their skull shapes changed.

I'll bet a dollar that they got lighter as well. Genetic analysis should show reasonable selection on pigmentation alleles in the 500 or so years.

Steve Sailer said...

Yes, the hold that rhymes have on the African-American mind is getting more noticeable.

Was it always like this? The first prominent black public figure I can recall who argued in rhyme was Jesse Jackson in the 1970s. It seemed odd at the time...

Of course, white people used to be better at rhymes before indoctrination in the ideology of free verse made it uncool for anybody other than songwriters to put stuff in rhyme.

Glaivester said...

Sadly, too many songwriters are now forgetting to put stuff into rhyme as well.

Most annoying is when a song has an obvious rhyme scheme, and the songwriter deliberately ignores it:

Kelly Clarkson:

Like how much you wanted/
Anyone but me/
Said you'd never come back/
But here you are again/

No, it should be "here you are, you see," you stupid pop tart, or something else that actually fits the rhythm of the song.

I've actually suggested that the lyrics of "Smells like Teen Spirit" be rewritten to read:

A mulatto, an albino/
A gelato, I got mine-o

("A gelato, a dead wino" would also work).

Black Sea said...

While we're going about the alteration of human preferences, do you think we could change the rules so that middle-aged guys with receding hairlines and expanding waistlines are suddenly deemed "hot," or maybe that's "hott!!," as I sometimes see it spelled?

Just curious from a hypothetical standpoint, mind you.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the hold that rhymes have on the African-American mind is getting more noticeable.

Was it always like this? The first prominent black public figure I can recall who argued in rhyme was Jesse Jackson in the 1970s. It seemed odd at the time...

Blacks love quoting pithy sayings and mnemonic devices like rhymes. I've had arguments with blacks where most of their output is pithy sayings.

You have to admire liberals for their powers of ignorance. I mean, didn't they know better than to highlight the runaway success of Cochran's "if the glub don't fit, you muss akwit" schtick?

Reader-1 said...

I think that it is part of the genetic coding of the female brain to desire to be attractive. Therefore, this desire underlies the way women perceive virtually everything that happens in society. Even if a woman tells herself that she doesn't think looks are important, she is fooling herself.

meep said...

Fat is a feminist issue! [uh huh, the moment these women started getting middle-age spread. The wrinkles and gray were easier to deal with, the fat won't hide.]

In any case, I thought that no matter the race, females tend to be the "fairer" sex.

It might not be as obvious amongst the paler folks, but even within the same ethnic group, duskier women would be considered less attractive. Maybe it's an indicator of higher testosterone [duskier because they have more hair on their faces?] Sorry, can't scare up any links right now...

Aaron said...

I just have to say how much I enjoyed the phrase, "demands for social revolution in the name of personal hotness." Explains so much.

Lloyd G. said...

A lot of white women get nose jobs, dye their hair blond, wear blue contacts. So what?

I might be wrong, but I have the impression that Obama's chosing Michelle as his spouse was a calculated career move, not the result of romantic intention. A darker spouse would have increased his bona fides in Black Chicago politics. As Joe Biden pointed out in the primary, Obama talks like a white guy. That could not have helped him in the projects.

CK said...

It is much harder
to argumentificate
and rhyme in haiku

Anonymous said...

Hey, Steve, do you ever respond to e-mail?

Friedan Egg said...

Q: How many feminists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?


Lucius Vorenus said...

Negresses whining about melanin content.

Emily Bazelon on Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Sonia Sotomayor.

Sascha Baron Cohen.



G*d d*mn it Steve, this blog is getting depressing.

I think I'm gonna pull a John Galt and go mow the yard this weekend.

MacSweeney said...

"Men seldom make passes / At girls who wear glasses."

I don't know about that. I'm not really a glasses man, but I know plenty of guys who like the shy librarian look. Then again, glasses have come a long way since the 1930s.

Anonymous said...

"Was it always like this? The first prominent black public figure I can recall who argued in rhyme was Jesse Jackson in the 1970s. It seemed odd at the time..."

It's common for the court jester...and Jackson has always (with the exception of a brief time in '87-'88) fit that bill, at least in the eyes of most Americans.

noseworm said...

Maybe, like Steve suggests, feminism was just a gig designed to make feminists hotter. After all, most feminists are not exactly babes, which is why they hate Palin. So maybe what they are really after is much more banal than what they make out. Pity though that they basically have to destroy society just to get more sexual attention.

Anonymous said...

What these female journalists never touch is the fact that non-black females do not find dark skinned African-American males attractive.

Even if the face is handsomely symmetrical, the physique very attractive, we females(of all races) seem to view the lighter-skinned AM male as more attractive than the dark-skinned male.

I get a gut feeling this is NOT just a residue of socialization and prejudice, but that something biological is at work.

Victoria said...

What's striking is how humorless these demands for social revolution in the name of personal hotness have been since feminism came along.

Of course it's the feminist influence. Just as feminists have worked to change so many things, they would like to somehow overrule the male's natural inclinations for particular females. Like so many blacks, they, too, would like to put an end to all rejection. Men are painted as intentionally wicked for their normal behavior, especially for their need for multiple mates over their lifetimes. Men didn't make themselves this way, and most of them do the best they can to fight it, due to the social penalties that await them. So, instead of having outright polygamy, we now have serial polygamy, as a man winds up raising the children of another man, while his children are raised by another man, or other men.

From the DeNeen Brown article:
Though circumstances differ, colorism is an issue in countries all around the world: Vietnam, Brazil, India, Japan and Mexico, for instance.

Well, of course it is. And thus it shall forever be. You can beat your head against a wall, if you wish, but preferring lightness goes deeper in humans than the simplified notions about ethnic or race consciousness. Poussaint still sounds like the jerk he was 25 years ago.

What I'd like to understand is this phenomenon of Hollywood giving roles to truly ugly black men. Like that guy with the half-drooping eye, who won the Academy Award (for Idi Amin?), and the one before him, who did another Africa-themed film, and also won an award. And then there's the Jackson guy with the three names. Is this some kind of movement among white producers to make up for past negligence? Not being a movie aficionado, I wonder if there are any black actors who are as light as, say, Harry Belafonte, or are light-colored actors taboo? The only photos I see are of dark black men.

Mike Lutz said...

Apropos nothing other than execrable free verse:

Writing free verse is like playing tennis with the net down.
- Robert Frost

Concerned Netizen said...

Men seldom make passes / At girls who wear glasses."

but men do grab their asses!

Funny you should bring up blacks and rhyming. I didn't know Dorothy Parker was black.

Wade Nichols said...

When articles such as this appear in publications geared towards the mainstream, I generally ignore them, and think to myself, “Remind me again why diversity is our strength?”

This article also brings to mind that hysterical woman “Jade” from a couple months ago that was attacking Steve. In one of her nauseating screeds, she practically demanded that liberal blog add more “black voices” (or whatever the cliché was). Adding “black voices” to a publication that produce drivel like this is supposed to interest someone like me? This is the sort of crappy article that one would expect in a magazine like Essence or Ebony, ad nauseam, every month. In fact, I know I’ve seen covers of Essence magazine with blaring headlines: “Is Light Skin “In” Again?”

The article can be ripped apart on so many levels. When most black people talk about “colorism”, they don’t mean it as a universal standard applying towards all of humanity. They merely wish to limit this supposed hypocrisy to their own self-defined universe of “blackness”. I’m willing to bet $100 that DeNeen L. Brown isn’t exactly thrilled whenever she sees one of her “sisters” (of any shade) walking about with a white guy. I’m also willing to bet that Ms. Brown practices “weightism” and “salaryism” in evaluating her potential sexual partners.

In his films "Jungle Fever" and "School Daze," Spike Lee outed colorism as if that would vanquish it. And yet colorism has persisted.

Indeed! Apparently, Spike Lee didn’t get his own memo. Take a look at his wife:


Reg Cæsar said...

This evil man, as the most prominent theorist of colorism, must be held responsible for all the damage done to poor young psyches over the past century.

Reg Cæsar said...

Of course, white people used to be better at rhymes before indoctrination in the ideology of free verse made it uncool for anybody other than songwriters to put stuff in rhyme. --SS

The real problem isn't the rejection of rhyme in free verse, as the corruption of false rhyme in modern lyrics.

"Don't make an assonance of yourself." --
Leo Robin
, lyricist*

"I'd sooner write free verse as play tennis with the net down." --Robert Frost

*NB: I do think this link's erroneous attribution of "Beyond the Blue Horizon" to Ralph Rainger rather than Richard Whiting was an honest mistake, and not an Ashkenazi conspiracy.

rob said...

Of course, white people used to be better at rhymes before indoctrination in the ideology of free verse

It may just be reverse stereotype threat.

And you skipped the other theme of female journalism. Conform. For example, Sandra Tsing Loh's article about divorcing her husband was subtitled "The author is ending her marriage. Isn’t it time you did the same?"

"I'm pretty! Let's all be the same!" Such fallow fields.

Anonymous said...

As I've mentioned before, a remarkable fraction of female journalistic output, at least the most heartfelt stuff, consists of demands for society to change so that that particular female journalist would be considered hotter looking.

One of my favorite Sailer insights and it hardly ever fails. If one reads many critiques of Sarah Palin in this light, one gains a lot of insights into what is motivating the criticism.

C. Van Carter said...

During his 1988 presidential run Jesse Jackson was asked what he had read recently (other than the Bible) and he answered, "I learn by lookin', not by bookin'.”

McVickers said...

Re: "Female Journalism"

Here's a great quote from Roissy blog thread on the horrifying mental processes behind MATRIARCHY.

on July 10, 2009 at 3:28 pm spunk

Women should have never got the vote in the first place. Period. They are hard-wired to choose security>freedom, protection>responsibility and smooth-talking, handsome charlatans over politicians with good policies.

Result: Society is fucked over for the rest of us, political correctness is the rule of the day and their feminist lobbyists/pseudo-academics expand their insiduous influence. Effects spill over to all aspects of life.

Yep. Weak men who relinquish control of society to women get punished hard by Mother Nature. The result is that matriarchy is a brief chaotic transition phase between a falling patriarchy and a new rising patriarchy. Nothing is more certain than that.

josh said...

Maureen Dowd will go to her grave no doubt bitter that she never snagged a Great White Jewish husband. I am sure she "entertained" her fair share,but she never seemed to be able to land the Big One....She probably loathes Diane Sawyer. As for black women..duh! They are obsessed with their looks for obv reasons. ( BTW,what if "testing 99" was a Black woman!!?? Imagine the posts! ) They spend huge amounts on "beauty" products. The first black millionaire was Madame C.J. Walker,who-tho lauded for her business skills,inconveniently sold hair straightener and skin lightener. (Its kind of like Joe JACKSON,who got celebrated in Gary yesterday; As an aside,its so inspiring how this man deals with his grief! What a trooper!--He taught Mike how to sing and dance...but dont mention the other stuff!)Lite skinned women are more attractive to the black male,and have the option of higher quality men. You might think the small,but not inconsequential number of BW who marry whitey would be particularly lite skinned ( I once recall getting on a bus and there sitiing next to a nice looking white guy,was the most beautiful very very lite skinned black girl I ever saw. I would certainly have fallen in love with her had I been given the chance...but-come si come sa!)but sometimes it seems white guys with a bent for black women go for the darker ones.Its very hard to figure. perhaps we could ask one William West,a wealthy white Englishman who married a Gambian woman.Oh-wait! He was found bludgeoned to death and his body burned. His wife is in custody. :0 Maybe theres a lesson there after all. PS:I'm sure you'll be inundated by geeks describing Jamaican "toasting",the custom of talking in rhymes over beats,as well as the ancient griots etc etc. Yes,blacks like to rhyme!

Anonymous said...

Re the rhyming, I will never forget going to a settlement conference for a lawsuit with two attorneys (one white, one black) and their clients (one white, one black). When the two attorneys started arguing back and forth over the dollar amount of a settlement, the black plaintiff's black attorney immediately started that singsong, rhyming business, advocating the merits of his (black) client's case in phrases not too far from "if it don't fit(etc.)"
I was embarrassed. If a white attorney had started talking like that, I would have asked him to focus , even if I had to say that in front of his client.I suppose he must have been accustomed to doing that in front of minority juries, and getting results. In the larger society, that just does not work.It sure didn't on the defendant, or his attorney. No settlement.

dorkus malorkus said...

Speaking of Womyn's writing Christina Hoff Sommers has an article in The Chronicle of Higher Education dealing with some egregious examples of Feminist scholarship. Example from Nancy K.D. Lemon's Domestic Violence Law, which is assigned in law schools and universities:

"The history of women's abuse began over 2,700 years ago in the year 753 BC. It was during the reign of Romulus of Rome that wife abuse was accepted and condoned under the Laws of Chastisement. ... The laws permitted a man to beat his wife with a rod or switch so long as its circumference was no greater than the girth of the base of the man's right thumb. The law became commonly know as 'The Rule of Thumb.' These laws established a tradition which was perpetuated in English Common Law in most of Europe."

Beastmaster said...

If anyone hasn't seen the Rampage Jackson video here it is:


Who among us would have done anything about this, even if she started to struggle? sound of crickets

Beastmaster said...

And if anyone has lately been feeling pessimistic about the prospects of ObamaAmerica here is something to lift your weary spirits.


Happy belated Fourth of July!

Anonymous said...

"Re the rhyming":

Teacher here...racially diverse high school, grades 9-12, 2800 kids

Black males practice this all the time... they try to do it class; they *do* do it in the halls, at lunch, very loudly. They think it's cute, smart, funny.

There are females of all races who find it endearing; however, most of them are quite slow. The smarter the girl, the less charming she thinks it (as if you didn't know that).

Guys of other races seem to find it perturbing, for the most part.

The serious black male students find it embarrassing if I read their body language accurately.

Anonymous said...

Victoria: "What I'd like to understand is this phenomenon of Hollywood giving roles to truly ugly black men. Like that guy with the half-drooping eye, who won the Academy Award (for Idi Amin?)"

You're referring to Forest Whitaker in The Last King of Scotland. Having seen the movie, I'd say he earned that Oscar.

-Vanilla Thunder

Shocka MacStunna said...

Hmm..."stunned whore" is an interesting phrase.

I suppose the phrase is extrapolated from the "It is the nature of a liberal to be shocked by the consequences of their own actions" meme.

The phrase "I'm surrounded by stunned whores" is just very funny. Thanks. I will start using it in social interactions and report back the results.

testing99 said...

Somewhat OT -- Sotomayor's backers according to Fox News are going after Frank Ricci in a big way. They've dug up any possibly embarrassing things on him (he was fired after raising safety concerns in a prior job, and that Dept. was subsequently fined for said safety concerns, he sued New Haven FD for discrimination against him for dyslexia).

Sotomayor's backers are publicly asking the media to dig into his personal life. Much as they did to Joe the Plumber (and Sarah Palin).

I'm sure the female journalists in particular will go along with this -- we have at our core a naked spoils battle for power, wealth, and prestige in a zero-sum game. Simple as that.

Dorothy Parker vs. today? The biggest change is that women have more market power (the vast majority of it) in the mating game, and can force demands and passes at girls who wear glasses because they hold the market power. But what frustrates women is that the market power faces catastrophic decline once they get to a certain age and lack of attractiveness: Maureen Dowd (who is Irish Catholic not Jewish, and once dated Michael Douglas, figures she was "owed" a superstar husband). They had so much market power that women find it puzzling that say, 50 year old women don't have much interest from men. Even or especially Obama prefers scoping at 16 year old girls than his own wife (Michelle Obama DOES look like a Klingon Lawyer).

Anonymous said...

What I'd like to understand is this phenomenon of Hollywood giving roles to truly ugly black men.

Simple, TPtB don't want to overdo the black masculinity thing. They want to put a nice soft touch on us. Asexual black male entertainers are a dime a dozen these days. They're black and unthreatening.

I guess they figure rap can do the T thing.

I'm sure you wonder where all the black women went when the TV comes on, too. :)

Deleted said...

The emphasis on changing standards of sexual attractiveness is the unfortunate result of efforts to make feminism palatable for masses of women. Feminist theory requires a high level of abstract reasoning and the ability to separate oneself from expected gender norms. Most women do not have these capacities, so feminism doesn't automatically appeal to them.

Large numbers of women are deeply affected by the patriarchal concern about their physical attractiveness to men. Their level of concern is itself a facet of conforming to the expectations of a patriarchy. Feminism should strive to persuade women that they need not derive their sense of self confidence and self worth from their physical attractiveness to men. It should not be about trying to expand or change the definition of prettiness. So long as any women are widely considered pretty, some other women will be widely considered as ugly.

In an ideal world, women (and men) would be desired based primarily on their internal characters. External attractiveness would depend on manifestations of inner character such as athleticism and taste. Sadly, the male biological imperative is more interested in T&A.

Each person would be able to develop their own definition of what they find attractive based on their own life experience in a just world. Sadly, male sexual desires are anything but just.

Feminism has devolved into "the pretty police." A sacrifice that had to be made, or else feminism would only be for non-neurotypical man hating lesbians like yours truly.

Mr. Anon said...

"C. Van Carter said...

During his 1988 presidential run Jesse Jackson was asked what he had read recently (other than the Bible) and he answered, "I learn by lookin', not by bookin'.”

I remember the old Frank Zappa song about the most "reverend" Jackson:

By the way, it is an honor to post a reply to the great C. Van Carter.
"Rhymin' Man, Tall and Tan,.....
.....dipped his hands in the doctor's blood."

Mr. Anon said...

"Dorothy Parker lamented, "Men seldom make passes / At girls who wear glasses."

The kind of girl of whom Miss Parker was speaking need never be alone, despite the fact that the Brad Pitts of the world don't want them. There are plenty of guys who dig frumpy girls with glasses. Problem is, they insist on holding out for Brad Pitt.

npr said...

"Even or especially Obama prefers scoping at 16 year old girls than his own wife.."

Obama does not prefer scoping 16 year old girls. Key word here, girls. It may appear that way because his handlers suggest it for his image.
This post tells me testy is not in really in the know.
However, I'm keeping an eye out, because testy has warned me about types like himself that may be stalking my niece who has no interest whatsoever in elderly men.

Anonymous said...

One book I suggest you purchase, Steve, is Sammy Cahn's rhyming dictionary. (There are others but Cahn's is the best.) Cahn, in partnership with Chester Babcock a/k/a Jimmy Van Heusen wrote a substantial part of the colossal Frank SInatra oeuvre.

Cahn in the explanatory chapters gors in to great detail on the use of assonance and alliteration in the American English language.

Steve Sailer said...

My neighbor recently showed me a picture from 1990 she keeps in her wallet of herself and Brad Pitt. She says he was a very nice young man, but he never showered.

Anonymous said...

Triple alliteration is part of my Proto-Indo-European heritage.

I've done it for some time ("perposterous proto-bolshies of pudendum gazing" instead of feminist, for example) but only recently learned that the PIE apparently had a thing for it too. Now that's paleo!

Anonymous said...

"The phrase "I'm surrounded by stunned whores" is just very funny. Thanks. I will start using it in social interactions and report back the results."

*Sigh* Story of my life: "Teeheehee! You're funny! Um, I mean crazy. And sexist. And racist. Homophobic, too."

can't believe my eyes said...

My entrepreneurial instincts are improving with age. Most women's do.
I for one plan to cash in on male insecurities since none of the slackers have ever seen fit to support me in the manner to which I wish to become accustomed.
I'll be auctioning off my voting rights, and also my Master's degree, to the highest male bidder on ebay before the next election.

Look dead-horse-beaters, I dare say Maureen Dowd has written about things even she considers more important than that actor person.
Methinks of the jilted French society lady who failed to throw herself down the stairs in her despair, and instead rolled down painfully, step by step.

Here's the to-do list for the vast majority of unhitched women of a certain age, unrolling thusly: 1) money or kids if any; 2) health; 3)job; 4) cats; 5) world peace; 6) starving kid 3rd worlders; 7) the paranormal; 8) nails; 9)dead bolts; 10) beta fish.
Those last suckers are even harder to keep alive than the starving mites.
Man-hunting may be on the list, but it shifts places and is as hard to pin down as any shifty varmint can be.

Now I'm not anti-marriage or anti-virgin. I'm pro-virgin. But really. Men who do not think women should vote had best demonstrate their willingness to financially support an able-bodied adult for the entirety of her stir-crazy life and pay for both their therapies not to mention neighboring tombstones. Most younger guys do not envision this onerous duty.

Richard Hoste said...

"In an ideal world, women (and men) would be desired based primarily on their internal characters. "

Internal characteristics are genetically determined just as external ones are. So why is judging based on one more moral than the other? A nerdy guy can no more become and alpha male than an ugly girl can become pretty. All your doing is defining what men are programmed to like as wrong and what females are programmed to prefer as being right. This is sexist.

"Each person would be able to develop their own definition of what they find attractive based on their own life experience in a just world. "

How do people "develop their own definition of what they find attractive" in an unjust world? They base it on their genetic heritage and cultural conditioning I suppose. So in your just world individuals would develop their tastes as creatures separated from their genes and culture? What would a "person" be in that case?

Postmodern gibberish.

Anonymous said...

Each person would be able to develop their own definition of what they find attractive based on their own life experience in a just world. Sadly, male sexual desires are anything but just.--FeministX

And yet are male sexual desires any more unjust than, say, the lesbianism of this commenter?

Anonymous said...

FeministX - OK I see now, not wanting to be judged on external atractiveness would account for why you have that picture of yourself (it is you?) displaying your long, luscious legs?

Anonymous said...

A nerdy guy can no more become and alpha male than an ugly girl can become pretty.

Henry Kissinger is a nerdy guy and an alpha male. So is Bill Gates. "Alpha male" does not mean what you people think it does.

sabril said...

It seems to me the real problem with female attractiveness is that it it varies so wildly with a woman's age.

Even an average-looking girl can look pretty darn sexy between 18 and 25.

Ideally, a woman's attractiveness would be more level as with men. That would be better for men and women both.

Of course, you will never teach men (or women for that matter) to see a 50 year old woman as a hottie. It's like teaching blacks to be great scientists or inventors. It just runs contrary to the genetic programming in each cell of our bodies.

I suppose there is some hope that cosmetic techniques will improve in the future.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, the male biological imperative is more interested in T&A.

And which imperative drives you to show off your T and A to us?

Victoria said...

I have the impression that Obama's chosing Michelle as his spouse was a calculated career move, not the result of romantic intention. A darker spouse would have increased his bona fides in Black Chicago politics.

Yes, many blacks share this opinion. Once you realize how ambitious Obama has been for so long, you can be sure he knew that he'd stand little chance of building a political career anywhere, if he dared try to do it with a blondie on his arm.

This is the sort of crappy article that one would expect in a magazine like Essence or Ebony, ad nauseam, every month.

You are so right. In fact, this theme has been written about in Ebony, since that magazine's inception in the 1950s, and is still a regular topic every year or so. The journalistic level of the Post and the NYTimes has come down so low, and it's obvious that they are desperate in their attempts to keep circulation moving -- in any way they can.

Anonymous said...

"Feminist theory requires a high level of abstract reasoning"

How much abstract reasoning is required to shriek "Gimme gimme gimme!!!!"? It's not an ideology, it is a want, a selfish want.

Sideways said...

I might be wrong, but I have the impression that Obama's chosing Michelle as his spouse was a calculated career move, not the result of romantic intention. A darker spouse would have increased his bona fides in Black Chicago politics. As Joe Biden pointed out in the primary, Obama talks like a white guy. That could not have helped him in the projects.

So your comment is repeating something Steve said like 15 months ago as if it were new? Congratulations.

Steve Sailer said...

"Feminist theory requires a high level of abstract reasoning"

There's a difference between abstract jargon and abstract reason.

Big Bill said...

Q: How many feminists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

A: two ... but they have to be really, really small.

rob said...

FemX, I'm going against my instincts to vote in favor of nicer tits (sorry Sailer) and vote with Steve.

Oh I was wondering, do lesbians like height/despise short as much as hetero women? Sometimmes I think the height difference between the sexes is the only reason most women act as if they're straight.

Did I coin pretty police? I know I used it on that scienceblogs blog about the Austrailians, but I might have stolen it.
Has feminist theory led to very many accurate and non-trivial predictions? Pornography leads to rape seems wrong, despite coming straight out of theory. Abortion has not reduced child poverty.

And if you try to play the feminism isn't a monolith now, you were lying when you said feminism takes abstract reasoning.

Amanda Marcotte for example uses lots of words, but her theories don't seem to help her understand the world.

Cobain's Contemporary said...

"I've actually suggested that the lyrics of "Smells like Teen Spirit" be rewritten to read:

A mulatto, an albino/
A gelato, I got mine-o

("A gelato, a dead wino" would also work)."

I didn't understand a word of this song until I heard Paul Anka's swing version.

Anonymous said...

All across Asia light skin is preferred. I suspect it's a consequence of agrarian society. Poor people labor outdoors and grow dark. Decent people hand around the palace (indoors) and get lighter.

In modern industrial society, workers work inside, and rich people play golf and tennis, thus tans became fashionable.

Billare said...

Come now, Steve, just the vocabulary level of feminist scholars belies a certain amount of minimum IQ. That of course doesn't mean that they actually use that capability for intelligence in a useful way or are "brilliant" in the common sense of word; I often read the NYT's comments section online after a controversial story and wonder how so many college-educated people can spew precisely nothing in a mass of many paragraphs. I think of people like Grothendieck, who abandoned his revolutionary studies in algebraic geometry to hole himself up in the mountains, Erdos, and Kaczynski and have to conclude along with many of the WNs that IQ is not all there is to common sense or sensibility of thought.

FeministX, that was a great post. (And in that post, she never claimed she could overcome biological imperatives; how many of you purchase expensive watches and other frivolous status markers for the sole purpose of impressing women and peers?) *Your actual blog* could use some of that incisive thinking, I think.

Honestly, I feel like I've read more great philosophy and thinking (post 19th-century anyway) online than I have in many academic books. Mencius, Blode, and Nick Szabo, among others, are far more intellectually satisfying than even some of those who garner esteemed and established prizes. Does anyone else feel as I do? I admit I'm not really qualified to comment on what smart people not in the leftist-dominated critical studies fields are thinking (pure philosophy?). There is a precipitation point of certain abstractness there I don't usually venture past.

The Internet is really a great boon to conservatives, even though it is mostly those on the Left who sing its praises. I think there is something, a cultural adaptation if you will, in broad American culture (or in the genetics) that requires greater application of social censure for controversial thinking due to its increased racial, ethnic, and cultural diversities when compared to other cultures of the West. It's even apparent in non-controversial topics outside of "racial HBD" like sex; contrast the attitudes of the Americans to talk about such things in public fora to the attitudes of French. (Or perhaps instead of a trait under "selection", it might instead just be a "founder effect" stemming from the Puritan roots of the country?) Perhaps Victorian sensibilities could not have thrived in a people other than the English. Internet anonymity lessens the negative effects of such norms (which are also not always obviously bad either). This anonymity also ameliorates the negative effects of academic credentialism on innovative and non-trivial thought - as a young person amongst many here approaching my 30s, this is obviously salient to me as I wander about the blogospheres. The quality of one's ideas matter much more here.

Also, there is a temperamental difference in the tolerance for unappreciated scholarship between conservatives and liberals. Liberals and leftists seem to me more likely to enjoy being editors and CEOs of obscure literary journals, PACs, NGOs, and the like than conservatives do, who are more likely to focus on building small businesses, perhaps focusing in on advancing in one's career, and family matters above abstract intellectual satisfaction. However, many do manage to indulge their pretensions on a casual basis, but it has only been since the early part of this decade that they have had avenues to advance any fresh thought they may have gendered themselves. The Left has grown intellectually stale in the meantime; I'm sure in your forays over to Matt Yglesias' comment section - who is apparently one of the foremost amongst them! - you've noticed how utterly puerile and putrid they can be in their group-think. In opposition one finds lots of amateur astronomers like a Clayton Cramer or "tinkerers" like an A. Zarkov amongst conservatives, who can also go toe-to-toe with leftists in open debate. The Internet allows part-time scholarship, like that of an Audacious Epigone, which is hugely beneficial.

Anonymous said...

As a (newly) single man in my 40s I have discovered that a lot of women have criteria and preferences of their own when it comes to selecting a mate: I have been told that I am cheap, uncouth, over-weight, not fashion-conscious, and I don't listen.
Tell you what bitches: I'll drop my standards when you drop yours.

Anonymous said...

"Speaking of Womyn's writing Christina Hoff Sommers has an article in The Chronicle of Higher Education dealing with some egregious examples of Feminist scholarship. Example from Nancy K.D. Lemon's Domestic Violence Law, which is assigned in law schools and universities:

"The history of women's abuse began over 2,700 years ago in the year 753 BC. It was during the reign of Romulus of Rome that wife abuse was accepted and condoned under the Laws of Chastisement. ... The laws permitted a man to beat his wife with a rod or switch so long as its circumference was no greater than the girth of the base of the man's right thumb. The law became commonly know as 'The Rule of Thumb.' These laws established a tradition which was perpetuated in English Common Law in most of Europe.""

English Common Law in most of Europe? Hmmm...

Anonymous said...

Gotta love the hypocrisy of FeministX. She features a lewd pic of her showing us her sexy legs whilst she rants against the beauty maxim:

"Feminism should strive to persuade women that they need not derive their sense of self confidence and self worth from their physical attractiveness to men."

At least she has the warez, unlike say Dowd who truly looks depressing. Where can I find her full photo set? I'm sure testy would know the url.

Anonymous said...

FemX ranting against Steve's assertion that Feminist journalism is about changing society’s rules in order to increase their own, personal, hotness. All whilst she poses as a softcore model on her own blog. I haven't bothered peruse the site but would not be surprised if it contains hardcore depictions. The disconnect is mind-boggling and just proves Steve's point in a gross, pornographic manner.

Anonymous said...

Why do women bitch anyway? It is a game (and I'm not referring to the PUA definition of it) and there are set rules.

From 18-24 you'll be treated better than males and sexual selection power will rest with you.

However, this is not a free lunch (no such thing) no matter how much you want it to be. The expectation is that you use your advantage to attract a mate and settle.

Now if you're single well into your 30s, all that means is that you goofed off. You misused the advantage given to you, screwed around, and now you want daddy to come and rescue you from nature.

Won't happen, though. Actions have consequences, but inaction sometimes has harsher consequences.

Victoria said...

But am I justified in keeping "the secret" to myself? Or should I tell him about the power of racial pandering and let him make his choice?

At 14, how could he not be exposed to the grievance sentiments that you outline in your post? Isn't he part of a school system, whether public or private? There is no escaping the civil rights story, wherever he was/is educated. Doesn't he have contact with the world at all? Has he never been exposed to a Sharpton rant? You make it sound as if he has never brought up these subjects, and you've never had discussions about them. How can it be a "secret" that blacks exploit race to their benefit? He's 14, yet has never heard about this?

Victoria said...

Simple, TPtB don't want to overdo the black masculinity thing.

I wonder if you "inside" guys would take pity on those of us who haven't a clue to many of your abbreviations and acronyms. Like, what in the world is "TPtB" -- ?? And, while we're at it, what is "NAM?" I know it refers to the coloreds, but what exactly do the letters stand for?

Re why there are all those dark-skinned black actors:
Asexual black male entertainers are a dime a dozen these days. They're black and unthreatening.

So you're saying that those white producers view dark black men as a-sexual and unthreatening? But lighter colored men would be more threatening? I would think it's just the opposite. Isn't the dark male, in stereotypical stories about the South, depicted as a threat to seducing and conquering white women? Perhaps you're projecting some other notion of desirability?

Rex Little said...

Noseworm: most feminists are not exactly babes, which is why they hate Palin.

Uh, no. Feminists hate Palin because she opposes their ideas and values. Gloria Steinem and Jane Fonda, in their respective primes, were much hotter than Palin, and feminists didn't exactly have a problem with either of them.

Truth said...

"As a white man married to a black woman, I can guarantee you one of her appeals is her white internmixedness..."

Interesting post. I could read this one one of two ways:

Either this is a bored high school junior making up a life because he has too much time on his hands;


A real honest-to-goodness white man who's jungle fever has caused him serious emotional problems.

I'm leading toward "A" how about the rest of you?

"As a (newly) single man in my 40s...Tell you what bitches: I'll drop my standards when you drop yours...."

I have an unfortunate truth for you buddy: You're probably going to be single for a long, loooooong time.

trey said...

There is probably some merit to the idea that 'attractiveness' is just a social construct enforced by the dominant group. But then explain why as a white male I find the shapeliness of black females to be far more attractive than the more 'stick' like figure of white females. Or why Howard Stern's black female co-host once correctly proclaimed about 10 years ago that she can't believe it but she now is cuter than Farah Fawcett (granted, Farah did some hard-living that caused some premature aging but generally speaking black skin doesn't show age as fast as white) I think people seriously underestimate how disruptive Columbus and the other explorers were to the human psyche when they brought together peoples with significantly (maybe even radically) different natural attributes. The white man is left futilely pining for his flat-assed white wife to have a round ghetto booty and the black man is left pining.....,and the white woman is left ....,etc., etc.

Anonymous said...

If light skin, european facial features, and straight hair are what promotes afro-americans up the social heirarchy then why aren't afro-am women not having children with white men? Instead they seem to be going after the black athlete types. I could be very wrong, but afro-am women's taste in men seem primarialy physical.

A lot is made of women "marrying for money" but I have long been of the belief that money is usually a proxy for intelligence; similar to humor.

Wade Nichols said...

Re: "Truth"

I could read your post one of two ways:

1.) You're a white guy posing as a black guy trying to make black people look bad.

2.) You actually are a black guy who's making black people look bad.

Truth said...

"I could read your post one of two ways:"

Actually it's

3)I'm a black guy who writes like a white guy, but has all of the stereotypical advantages of a black guy and makes white guys who have the stereotypical disadvantages of white guys coupled with the intellect of black guys look bad.

Anonymous said...

Feminist theory requires a high level of abstract reasoning.

If true, then add that to the bell curve, and viola - the theory is doomed to failure.

For it to work it has to work most of the time for most people. Not just for those at least one SD above the mean.

rast said...

Victoria, how long have you been reading this blog?

NAM = Non-Asian Minority
WAA = Whites and Asians
(in both these acronyms, "Asian" of course means productive eastasians, not Hmong or Arabs)

TPTB was new to me also, but Urban Dictionary says it means "The Powers That Be".

Anonymous said...

Truth said...
I'm a black guy who writes like a white guy, but has all of the stereotypical advantages of a black guy and makes white guys who have the stereotypical disadvantages of white guys
coupled with the intellect of black guys look bad.

Troof has just admitted something about his own people that perhaps he didn't intend. Or maybe he actually considers himself one of the Talented Tenth. In any case, I've seen no evidence that he's anything other than mediocre, at best. Could he possibly possess intellectual abilities that belie his consistently fatuous posts?

Deleted said...


"Internal characteristics are genetically determined just as external ones are. So why is judging based on one more moral than the other?"

Some people disagree with my tendency to assign moral value to inborn traits. Yet, I feel that technology, free will and an advanced society has caused us to live in a world where our sexual urges are irrational and do not lead to what should be best for us. 17 yr old girls still look best, but there are all sorts of problems with trying to reproduce with a 17 yr old girl. The rest of women try their best to mimic the appearance of 17 yr old girls through diet and plastic surgery. This is kind of stupid and a waste of money. Women also have socially dysfunctional sexual impulses to some degree, but it's not as bad as male sexual desire. Women generally prefer monogamy, long term relationships and characteristics that improve with age such as success.


There's a difference between abstract jargon and abstract reason."

What's the difference? One person's brilliant idea is another's abstract jargon. Feminist theory may not appeal to you, but it appeals to some highly intelligent people out there. Doesn't make it right, but it is the result of the capacity for higher reasoning.


"Oh I was wondering, do lesbians like height/despise short as much as hetero women? Sometimmes I think the height difference between the sexes is the only reason most women act as if they're straight."

Since we talk about lyrics on this thread, I'll throw a song verse out that answers your question-

A good man is hard to find but a hard man feels good to find.

"Did I coin pretty police?"

Yes. I love it. Thanks.

"Has feminist theory led to very many accurate and non-trivial predictions?"

Feminism is not about prediction. Feminism is about the moral necessity of women's liberation from male expectations.

"Pornography leads to rape seems wrong, despite coming straight out of theory."

That's a mischaracterization. It's pornography is the equivalent of rape. Pornography is the expression of the desire to rape. In rape, a woman is a sex object whose personhood is violated. In porn, a woman is a sex object whose personhood is to be wholly ignored.

"Abortion has not reduced child poverty."

It has probably reduced crime, welfare dependence and other social ills, contrary to what Mr. Sailer tries to tell us. And it doesn't matter if abortion doesn't reduce anything. The right to an abortion is about the right of a woman to maintain control of her internal organs before and after she has sex.


"FemX ranting against Steve's assertion that Feminist journalism is about changing society’s rules in order to increase their own, personal, hotness. All whilst she poses as a softcore model on her own blog. I haven't bothered peruse the site but would not be surprised if it contains hardcore depictions. The disconnect is mind-boggling and just proves Steve's point in a gross, pornographic manner."

It's not a disconnect. It's a deliberate mockery.

Deleted said...


"If true, then add that to the bell curve, and viola - the theory is doomed to failure.

For it to work it has to work most of the time for most people. Not just for those at least one SD above the mean."

I'm not sure this is true. It would seem that some ideologies end up taking hold even when only the elite understand them. In 1776, only the elite understood how a democracy with religious freedom would work, but that was enough for a stable democratic republic. Eventually, ideologies have to at least not cause outright rebellion amongst the masses, but I am not sure that they actually have to be fully understood to maintain success.

Anonymous said...

Billare said...
FeministX, that was a great post. (And in that post, she never claimed she could overcome biological imperatives; how many of you purchase expensive watches and other frivolous status markers for the sole purpose of impressing women and peers?)

All the lonely betas,
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely betas,
Where do they all belong?

Truth said...

"who have the stereotypical disadvantages of white guys coupled with the intellect of black guys."

Strictly writing in prose you can understand, sport.

"The right to an abortion is about the right of a woman to maintain control of her internal organs before and after she has sex."

I once read a very interesting discussion of abortion with a Japanese Zen Monk. He gave a somewhat cryptic response when asked what he thought of abortion rights, but one part stuck out to me, and I paraphrase:

-A lot of people are for abortion rights on the rationale that "it is my body and I can do whatever I want with it"; if this is the case, let me see you stop your heart on demand.

Anonymous said...

The African-American propensity for speaking in rhymes is something that has long intrigued me. What I also find interesting and in need of explanation are the unique dance abilities of blacks(I don't mean all of them), coupled with their talent for making cleverly syncopated dance rhythms.

What Michael Jackson, James Brown and other black performers did just seemed so natural to them. While whites can come close, they almost always lack the "groove". Basically, it looks like they have a sense of rhythm that may be superior to that of whites.

The influence of black performers on American music is difficult to underestimate. From Jazz to rhythm & blues, to rock 'n roll and then later funk, disco and rap, their influence seems to be especially pronounced on dance music.

Is there a biological explanation for this phenomenon?

Also, is there a biological reason for why Europeans almost single-handedly invented harmony, and why the Chinese and other non-white people did not?

Anonymous said...

Lotsa weird comments. I just returned from Barbados and I was quite charmed by the dark-skinned black girls of that island. Very few people are overweight, and the girls are slender but curvy. They also lack the surly attitudes of many American black women and are polite and friendly. A lot of American black women are overweight and have bad attitudes, but almost as many white and Hispanic women are as well (not to mention all of the men in these races). It is American culture/habits, not something innate in black people, that makes so many American black women unattractive.

LBK said...

Richard Hoste:

"Internal characteristics are genetically determined just as external ones are. So why is judging based on one more moral than the other? A nerdy guy can no more become and alpha male than an ugly girl can become pretty. All your doing is defining what men are programmed to like as wrong and what females are programmed to prefer as being right. This is sexist.

How do people develop their own definition of what they find attractive" in an unjust world? They base it on their genetic heritage and cultural conditioning I suppose. So in your just world individuals would develop their tastes as creatures separated from their genes and culture? What would a "person" be in that case?"

You nailed it, sir. That is the best explanation of this I have seen.

Anonymous said...

"Billare said...
FeministX, that was a great post."

O Gallant Knight, 'tis certain thy chivalry shall be rewarded by the fair Lady X. Do not lose heart, brave Sir Beta. Thy noble quest will surely bear sweet fruit...some day. Surely it must!

troop said...

troof sez:
"stereotypical disadvantages of white guys"

Now what would those be? You mean the sexual organ is a little smaller, and white guys have this habit of being more interested in constructing something than banging the next female walking by? Or white guys tending to reflect on their real capabilities before walking all over the place with a swagger and bragging about non-existent power and skill? Or is there something else?

Anonymous said...

"Gloria Steinem and Jane Fonda, in their respective primes, were much hotter than Palin."


Steinem and Fonda were hotter at 20 than a 45 year old grandma.

I should hope so.

Did Steinem and Fonda have to work their way up from freaking nowhereville? Or did they start from prominent and privileged backgrounds? You know, daddy's money and position!

Feminists hate everything women do best especially popping out those babies.

Anonymous said...

"As a (newly) single man in my 40s I have discovered that a lot of women have criteria and preferences of their own when it comes to selecting a mate: I have been told that I am cheap, uncouth, over-weight, not fashion-conscious, and I don't listen.
Tell you what bitches: I'll drop my standards when you drop yours."

It might be more satisfying to raise both your standards for yourself and your prospects. Maybe take the advice of the mean spirited types to take a little better care of yourself and look for someone cuter and nicer than they were.

Good luck.

silly girl said...

"In 1776, only the elite understood how a democracy with religious freedom would work, but that was enough for a stable democratic republic. Eventually, ideologies have to at least not cause outright rebellion amongst the masses, but I am not sure that they actually have to be fully understood to maintain success."

Historians have noted that the average educational level of citizens of the original colonies were the highest in history. The average American colonist was not a dumbass. They could and did read a lot. They participated in government and understood what they were fighting for. Far more than the average Brit at the time. They participated in government and understood what they were fighting for. This was the culture that so valued universal education that it produced Phyllis Wheatley who committed to verse her own sentiment of being saved from Africa by God's grace and white Christians.

Have you ever read Phyllis Wheatley's poetry?

Check out Zimbabwe for what happens to a country when the masses don't accede to the principles underlying the foundation of the government.

Also, there is a difference between philosophy and fantasy. You seem to confuse the two. Abstraction implies that it comes out of the larger context. What you propose are ideals which have no basis in reality, evolutionary or otherwise.

Anonymous said...

What Michael Jackson, James Brown and other black performers did just seemed so natural to them. While whites can come close, they almost always lack the "groove". Basically, it looks like they have a sense of rhythm that may be superior to that of whites.

Good grief! Is everyone here under the age of thirty? Is everyone here under the age of thirty and lacking all knowledge of the history of music and dance? Gene Kelly and Fred Astair could dance the socks off any of your so-called "natural" black dancers.

This ranks right down there with the watermelon and fried-chicken cliches.

Anonymous said...

explain why as a white male I find the shapeliness of black females to be far more attractive than the more 'stick' like figure of white females.

Do you actually know any women, are are you comparing female figures you've seen on the internet? White women who are "stick like" are pretty damn rare in real life.

Asian women are a different story.

Billare said...

To Cowardly Anonymous -

You got me, here, in the right ventricle. Apparently I've been pigeonholed in my beta-tude by a average-IQ imbecile (Brutus?). Your chivalrous hero thusly expires.

By virtue of simply reading this blog, combined with your words and vocabulary level, you are white, male, and young, likely having graduated from a mediocre if decent public institution.

In other words, you're a nerd, like most who read blogs, with one or two children at the most. No "alpha", if anything, you fake alpha-ness and will end up marrying a perfectly dumpy if satisfactory woman.

This is a handy Segway to explain why much of the "Game" community's terminology makes little sense. Sure, it is possible to hierarchically rank "social status" and apply nominal labels of "alpha", "beta", "omega" to individuals by summing fitness over all relevant environments, but that doesn't mean those same labels are at all applicable to the game-theoretical strategies those men employ in any one specific environment.

Let me bring this down to your level. Aren't you the same sort of person who laments over the dystopian future hurtling towards the United States with the underclass reproducing? Yet I'm pretty sure Steve McNair (and his hood-rat cousins) are far more "alpha" than you will ever be, with McNair's three women on the side and the four children he helped birth. By goddamn definition, in fact.

You were actually correct in your assessment. You see, the instinct to chivalry is adaptive, moron. Female chimpanzees opportunistically mate with male chimpanzees who provide them meat, jewelry and protect them from predators. Such males are furthering their reproductive success. In essence, since self-professed lesbian Feminist-X is currently over at my apartment performing all sorts of scintillating and unholy acts upon my being in thanks to my spirited defense, I'd have to judge that Gaia has basically declared that I'm a much bigger swingin' dick than you are.

Anonymous said...

Truth said...
Strictly writing in prose you can understand, sport.

And in the process conceding to the paleocon HBDers here that your own people are, on average, less intelligent than whites? Way to go, sport! Maybe you should quit while you're ahead (not that you're actually ahead, but to be sporting we'll handicap you just this once).

green mamba said...

What Michael Jackson, James Brown and other black performers did just seemed so natural to them. While whites can come close, they almost always lack the "groove". Basically, it looks like they have a sense of rhythm that may be superior to that of whites.

This is so obvious I can't believe anyone on this site would contradict it. Astaire and Rogers notwithstanding, blacks in general are much more rhythmic and agile than whites.

What's next - someone is going to claim that, despite all evidence to the contrary, blacks aren't superior athletically to whites? (Never mind: I've seen this happen on WN blogs.)

Anonymous said...

Billare said...
By virtue of simply reading this blog, combined with your words and vocabulary level, you are white, male, and young, likely having graduated from a mediocre if decent public institution.

Well, I'm male. So your score is 1 out of 4.

This is a handy Segway to explain why...

Hmmm. Looks like somebody here went to a mediocre public institution.

Anonymous said...

What's next - someone is going to claim that, despite all evidence to the contrary, blacks aren't superior athletically to whites? (Never mind: I've seen this happen on WN blogs.)

I think that in some respects, in some fields blacks are, on average, superior athletically to whites.

As for dancing, blacks seem, on average, better at the kind of dancing they are best at. Whether thats something whites want to participate in is another matter. Are blacks 'better' at the kind of dancing whites would undertake if left to themselves?

And as regards people being good at dancing, this is surely a more subjective matter than sports and infinitely more so than academic pursuits.

Truth said...

"This is a handy Segway to explain why much of the "Game" community's terminology makes little sense..."

"Hmmm. Looks like somebody here went to a mediocre public institution."

Unless he's implying that you can't get to it
on your own

Anonymous said...

Zen Master Troofus sez...
Unless he's implying that you can't get to it on your own

Hmmm. That's a reach. What are the odds he was making a lame pun rather than an embarrassing howler? Still, it's very chivalrous of you to stand up for him in his hour of need. Who knows, he might even be grateful enough to give you some. But don't be a cad and refuse to call him afterwards. He's been hurt too many times already.

Anonymous said...

Obama does not prefer scoping 16 year old girls. Key word here, girls.

Why did that even become a story? The media wouldn't have reported it if they didn't see an Obama up-side.

Maybe "look, he's obviously not gay!"?

Otherwise, I don't get it.

Anonymous said...

This is a handy Segway to explain why...

Hmmm. Looks like somebody here went to a mediocre public institution.

When I saw that, I assumed it was a joke (the capitalization gives it away); if I'm correct, you were just pwned.

Anonymous said...

Unless he's implying that you can't get to it
on your own

Damn, pwned by a redneck racist, a beta, and a black dude. Burn.

(Not that this has anything to do with the actual conversation, which I confess I wasn't really following)

Anonymous said...

Rhyming and memonics are much more important in a culture where their is no writing. It is easier to remember things if done in sequence. Kind of like giving the last 4 digits of your phone number. It is easier to just do the whole thing from the beginning.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I never thought I'd live to see the day when paranoid white nationalist Svigor and honkey-baiting Obamabot Truth would join hands, kiss tenderly, and sing Kumbaya together. Maybe there's hope for a multiracial, multicultural America after all.

Anonymous said...

Victoria asked

"And, while we're at it, what is 'NAM?' I know it refers to the coloreds, but what exactly do the letters stand for?"

Non-Asian Minority. This has been explained here many times. For example, for about six months three-quarters of the comments sections included a comment defining it for the benefit of some straggler (like this comment is doing - the tradition continues!).

Steve should probably permapost the definition in large red letters.

Again, Non-Asian Minority.

Anonymous said...

Steve said, "There's a difference between abstract jargon and abstract reason."

To which FemX replied, "What's the difference? One person's brilliant idea is another's abstract jargon."

As Truth and Silly Girl pointed out, abstractions, to be valid, must be reality-based. FemX rejects this line of thinking when stating: "Feminist theory requires a high level of abstract reasoning and the ability to separate oneself from expected gender norms" and "Some people disagree with my tendency to assign moral value to inborn traits. Yet, I feel that technology, free will and an advanced society has caused us to live in a world where our sexual urges are irrational and do not lead to what should be best for us. 17 yr old girls still look best."

However, the true mindset of FemX is here: "Feminism is not about prediction. Feminism is about the moral necessity of women's liberation from male expectations." Translation: To hell with the primacy of facts; I am a religious nut. Which explains the earlier blathering reference to "free will."

No-longer-17 spinsters used to run to Jesus and at least do some good (sort of). Now they go into feminism, an almost entirely destructive political movement.

Anonymous said...

Inner qualities are more important than outer when it comes to mating. My small penis and large gut, and my age of 58, should not be the criteria others use to judge me. Such criteria are, in fact, merely socially constructed prejudices that may not be good for everyone involved. For example, I am wiser and wealthier than the average 25-year-old male. Therefore, young nubile fertile women SHOULD (if they were intelligent and abstract enough to choose to exercise their free will) prefer me as a husband or boyfriend over the 25-year-old "stud." The same moral considerations explain why the gynocracy should be broken and I should be eligible for chairpersonship of the Women's Studies Department at the university on full salary. The glass ceiling regarding everything related to the allocation of power - mating, jobs, etc. - must be shattered by the force of moral v. pragmatic considerations.