A top assistant to a Univision news boss trashed Sen. Marco Rubio on his aide's Facebook page, calling the Republican lawmaker a "loser" and "a token slave boy."
It's the latest attack in a lengthy feud between the Florida senator and the powerful Spanish-language network that conservatives charge is anti-GOP and anti-Rubio. ...
"Oh. wow, the loser is going to speak after our President," Artiles wrote on spokesman Alex Burgos' Facebook page at 9:33 p.m. Wednesday. "Anything to get publicity. Ask him to do us a favor and stay home that night."
Sentiments like that reflect the prevailing political feeling among Univision's higher-ups at its Doral headquarters, say Univision insiders. Artiles is executive assistant to Daniel Coronell, Univision's vice president of news.
The network is owned by a major Democratic donor [Haim Saban, who brought us Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers] who has accused Rubio and other Republicans of having an "anti-Hispanic" stand on immigration that's "despicable."
In August, someone used Univision's official Facebook account to attack Rubio during the Republican National Convention in Tampa.
"Beyond his ideology, Rubio is a mediocre politician who contradicts the values he says he represents. Jeb Bush is more Latino and talented than him," the Facebook posting said. ...
And a year before that Facebook incident, Rubio clashed with Univision's news chief, Isaac Lee, when his news team decided to run a story about a quarter-century-old drug bust involving the senator's brother-in-law.
Univision began reporting the drug-bust story after Rubio rebuffed repeated interview requests with the network, which had been critical of Rubio's opposition to liberal immigration policies that Univision personalities have promoted.
She then used a diminutive term for Rubio's first name, "Marquito," and proceeded to compare him to a Disney dwarf, a "token slave boy" and a "fool" who was passed over by Republican Mitt Romney on his presidential ticket last November. ...
"I see that all the mojoncitos ['little turds'] have come out to defend the principal turd, Marquito," she wrote in Spanish. "I am laughing all the way to the White House :)." ...
Artiles: "Curbelo, the riffraff might be you. I haven't said anything 'riffraffy.' Wake up and join the Democratic Party unless you want to remain losers all your lives." ...
Artiles: "Curbelo, losers are the ones who lost the elections, this is what is called freedom of expression. We are all professionals and being parents is nothing out of this world, nor because of that does one stop being a little turd. And Marquito only wants to talk about immigration NOW because he lost. I know well all his lies and his vanity." ...
In the New Yorker piece, Lee acknowledged the network covers immigration with a bias.
As opposed to ...
I'm drawing a blank here on networks that cover immigration without a bias.
"According to Univision's news president, Isaac Lee, the network is openly committed to 'pro-Hispanic' immigration reform," the New Yorker wrote.
The owner of Univision, major Democratic donor Haim Saban, was more partisan than Lee and fumed in an email to the New Yorker over the way that the GOP presidential candidates boycotted a proposed Florida debate in January in retaliation for the network's report on Rubio and his brother-in-law.
Said Saban: "The fact that Rubio and some Republican presidential candidates have an anti-Hispanic stand that they don't want to share with our community is understandable but despicable."
"Our community," Haim?
Rubio has been in a long-term feud with Univsion.
"The spat stems from an allegation, reported in the Miami Herald last week but denied by the network, that it offered to soften or kill a July 11 report about Mr. Rubio's brother-in-law, who was convicted for marijuana and cocaine trafficking in 1989, if the senator appeared on its Sunday news program "Al Punto," where he would likely face questions about his immigration stances."
univision is more dangerous than al jazeera, and al jazeera was banned in the U.S. because of al queda bias.
univision is more dangerous than al jazeera, and al jazeera was banned in the U.S. because of al queda bias.
Al Jazeera is not a bad news channel. They have interesting people on for interviews and interesting documentaries. And it's in English, too.
Al Jazeera is way more professional and classier than Univision.
Hispanics aren't stupid. They understand that why the GOP leadership wants to court them, that the Republican base is generally opposed to widespread immigration, especially from Hispanic countries.
Why do people think Democrats aren't patriotic? It's because people who burn American flags and claim American imperialism is worse than Stalin and Mao vote for Democrats when they're don't want to waste their vote on the Green Party. It ultimately doesn't matter how often Democratic leaders wave US flags and salute bald eagles. The ballots they received are tainted.
The same is true of Republicans: the leadership might claim that Hispanics, all of them, are Catholic Evangelicals with a tan, but people who vote Republican are less enthused about a white majority becoming a plurality than their political opponents are.
Rubio doesn't seem to know that he's being used as a stalking horse by Jeb Bush to pave the way in national politics for either Jeb himself or, more likely, George P.
The Cubans may or may not know that the Mexicans despise them as "white Hispanics," as Steve's article notes with the quotes from the odious woman from Univision.
The national press does not seem to know that no ethnic group is monolithic.
The Cubans made it a long time ago in the U.S., primarily because so many of them were educated and almost whiter than most whites. I think here of Roberto Goizueta, the former chairman of Coca-Cola, and not of the maniacs unleashed by the Mariel boatlift.
Rubio might win the nomination and then lose the election with the same numbers (1/3) given to most Republicans for a long time. Wouldn't that be great!?
I don't like the way the pieces are falling into place on this.
Common sense tells any conservative, and presumably GOPer, that massive Hispanic immigration is the end of their nation and party as they know it. This should lead them to conclude that Rubio is a no-go to be in any position of leadership on our side. But now the Left and Dems are insulting Rubio and the natural instinct to "protect" their own is kicking in.
Today on Rush Limbaugh's radio show he was excited that Van Jones on CNN was quoted as saying that the Dems should fear Rubio because of his great appeal to audiences.
Now we have this story about Univsion and their bias against poor Marquito.
What worries me is this. The idiot sheeple, aka the base, are going to rally around Rubio, amnesty be damned, because the liberals and mainstream media are afraid of him and are attacking him to eliminate him as a potential threat. So they will double down and show those liberals by nominating Marquito in 2016.
Please tell me this is not going to happen.
"Said Saban: "The fact that Rubio and some Republican presidential candidates have an anti-Hispanic stand that they don't want to share with our community is understandable but despicable.""
Oy Carumba! Essa ish eine Schande vor den Gringos! Our people have suffered for so long - driven out of their staedtles by the Federales! Muter del Dios! ¿Por qué nosotros!?
Next year in Acapulco!
Ultimate 'Coming Apart' movie.
Stalin’s Secret Agents: The Subversion of Roosevelt’s Government
Haim Saban didn't also buyed al-jazeera??
When immigrants prefer to be governed by caudillos, America will be governed by caudillos.
...Jeb Bush is more Latino...
So it's a contest. And the most Latino wins.
Ramp to failure.
For immigration patriots the sooner Univision buries Rubio the better.
What is hilarious is that Univision is leading the Hispanic media and blogosphere in attacking Rubio with not just scatological language, but is questioning his masculinity and heterosexuality as well. "Mariposa Rubio!!!" Really now?
Oy Vey!! How politically incorrect! Well we count on the LGBTQIA community to come running to Rubio's aid.
The Conservative INC's "Rubio Stratagem" is quickly becoming a mega-flop or should one say "mega-plop". Hard to believe that Breitbart is still trying to deny the obvious. No amount of reflexive hyper-partisanship can cover up for the fact that Rubio laid a turd I mean egg on Tuesday.
What worries me is this. The idiot sheeple, aka the base, are going to rally around Rubio, amnesty be damned, because the liberals and mainstream media are afraid of him and are attacking him to eliminate him as a potential threat. So they will double down and show those liberals by nominating Marquito in 2016.
Please tell me this is not going to happen.
Other than Rush's single statement. I think the consensus is that Rubio stunk up the joint. "Flop Sweat" is right. A few of the reflexively hyper-partisan Republican outlets, Breitbart, Newsbusters... have attacked the MSM for being hard on Rubio, but even they can not deny the obvious.
"When immigrants prefer to be governed by caudillos, America will be governed by caudillos."
Argentina has a maudillo.
I live in Southern California, and I've never met a Mexican immigrant that looked like Marco Rubio. I'm not sure speaking Spanish will make him relatable to these descendants of amer-Indians.
Chris Christie's gotta be loving it.
"Our community," Haim?
Isaac Lee Possin is also Jewish.
Isnt it odd that despite that the oversized role the Catholic Church plays in encouraging illegal Hispanic immigration,somehow Steve goes out of his way to ignore that and focus on Haim?
Al Jazeera is not a bad news channel. They have interesting people on for interviews and interesting documentaries. And it's in English, too.
Al Jazeera is way more professional and classier than Univision."
Al Jazeera's commentators often implicitly and occasionally not so implicitly cheer for the destruction of America and Israel.Now I know you are ok with the the latter because your hearts beats for Palestine..or something but surely you care for your own! But then again if they have their way with Israel, they will leave you alone...right...RIGHT?!
As a sidenote ,Al Jazeera has hired Naomi Wolf author of Vagina, as a correspondent.
Give me univision anyday!
[QUOTE]The same is true of Republicans: the leadership might claim that Hispanics, all of them, are Catholic Evangelicals with a tan, but people who vote Republican are less enthused about a white majority becoming a plurality than their political opponents are.[/QUOTE]
If the GOP elites a.k.a the Stupid Party truly believes that Hispanics are "natural Republicans", than Los Angeles for example should be one of the most conservative right wing cities in America. After all Los Angeles is practically Mexico.
Wow, Saban has sure changed since he bought Univision:
Saban has stated of himself, “I’m a one issue guy, and my issue is Israel”,[6] and was described by the New York Times as a “tireless cheerleader for Israel.”[6]
"Anonymous Dr Van Nostrand said...
Isnt it odd that despite that the oversized role the Catholic Church plays in encouraging illegal Hispanic immigration,somehow Steve goes out of his way to ignore that and focus on Haim?"
Notice how people like Dr. Von Nostrand want us to ignore some certain other ethnic group - and throw up catholics for consideration instead.
Where is the devout catholic billionaire who buys influence in either of the two parties? Where is the catholic Sheldon Adelson or Haim Saban?
EVERY serious candidate for President pays fealty to AIPAC. EVERY SINGLE ONE. If they don't speak before AIPAC, they don't even get any consideration. When Every serious candidate for president feels the need to address a meeting of Catholic PAC, get back to us.
Actually the RCC has a low and waning further influence on mestizos as the fundamentalists have made hughe inroads and as only the women generally attend church or pay much attention anyway.
my Espanol habloing is a little rusty
The master of understatement strikes again... Nobody else complains more about spoken or written Spanish--and wants it proscribed in broadcasts, newspapers, etc.--yet expends less effort trying to learn any of it. You must cringe upon seeing a common street billboard with a blond model touting beer or cell phone service, like in "The Simpsons" episode where the illiterate police chief encounters a mass of threatening squiggles at the drive-thru menu.
Notice how people like Dr. Von Nostrand want us to ignore some certain other ethnic group - and throw up catholics for consideration instead."
Actually I never asked you to ignore this ethnic group in question!
I have never contradicted the obvious fact that Jews(lets dispense with the "ethnic group" euphemism) are disproportionately liberal.
Where is the devout catholic billionaire who buys influence in either of the two parties? Where is the catholic Sheldon Adelson or Haim Saban?"
Do the Catholics need a Adelson or Haim Saban? You neglected to mention George Soros..gee I wonder why?
What religion is Warren Buffet or Bill Gates?
They have considerable strength in numbers especially in swing states ,and they historically voted in blocks.The Catholic Church is a multi trillion dollar instituion.
Inspite of all the Catholic bashing by Obama ,they voted for him in droves in droves as did Jews.What does that tell you?
EVERY serious candidate for President pays fealty to AIPAC. EVERY SINGLE ONE. If they don't speak before AIPAC, they don't even get any consideration. When Every serious candidate for president feels the need to address a meeting of Catholic PAC, get back to us."
Every heard of the three Is genius ? As in Ireland ,Italy and Israel to which we can now add a fourth (nova) Iberia.
If you werent so laser focussed on that one I , you would have noticed the others.
Give it a shot.
As for Israel and AIPAC, most American Jews arent as wild as about Israel as they used to be.Part of it was because it was adolescent infatuation rather any strong attachment(most Jews are secular).Oh sure they may cheer from the sidelines when Israel goes to war(against those who hate you as well BTW and no they wouldnt be sending you a dozen roses everyday if only Israel didnt exist LOL) but the number of those Jews who feel as strongly about Israel as the average Evangelical is steadily dropping.There is also increased assimilation which means that many Jews are just not interested in being Jews anymore.
Ive been to many Reform and Conservative synagogues(which majority of American Jews belong to) and witnessed how pretty all the Rabbis were in support a two state solution of some sort.
The ultra Orthodox Haredim are actually rather hostile to Israel.
Only Orthodox Zionists are identified with and constitute much of the settler types.
But if you could their assimilation is a ploy to conceal Stage 3 of their operation or whatever the heck you believe they are upto,there is no reasoning with you.Stick to the Alex Jones network.
I guess Univision does not like blonds
"Dr Van Nostrand said...
Actually I never asked you to ignore this ethnic group in question!"
No, you just implied that.
"Do the Catholics need a Adelson or Haim Saban?"
Yeah, it might help. If they had one, then perhaps catholic hospitals and universities wouldn't be subject to anti-catholic mandates from the feds.
"You neglected to mention George Soros..gee I wonder why?"
What's your point. He is also a jewish billionaire who successfully uses money to wield power in the service of remaking the world in his own image. It's true, that he doesn't seem to care about Israel. but I never said every wealthy jewish billionaire does.
"What religion is Warren Buffet or Bill Gates?"
Last time I checked, neither of them have personally bought their own presidential candidate, like Adelson did with Newt Gingrich.
"They have considerable strength in numbers especially in swing states ,and they historically voted in blocks.The Catholic Church is a multi trillion dollar instituion."
Yes, and they're so powerful that they remain villified by Hollywood and the cultural elite. Unlike a certain other religion, which seldom if ever gets mentioned in anything less than glowing terms.
"Inspite of all the Catholic bashing by Obama ,they voted for him in droves in droves as did Jews. What does that tell you?"
Not to the tune of 70%. Besides I'm talking about money, not votes. Money is more important nowadays.
"Every heard of the three Is genius ? As in Ireland ,Italy and Israel to which we can now add a fourth (nova) Iberia."
Right - because politicians and newsmen endlessless kvetch over the concerns of Italy and Ireland. Why barely a day goes by when the pages of the New York Times, or NPRs broadcasting isn't endless gassing on about Ireland or Italy. American policitians routinely go out of their way to proclaim what friends they are to Ireland and Italy.
Your commentary is about as astute as I'd expect from Cosmo Kramer's alter ego.
Actually I never asked you to ignore this ethnic group in question!"
No, you just implied that.
DVN: Actually no I didnt imply that either genius.In the very same post I posited that Jews are disproportionately liberal and those in power impose their views.Do me favor and pay exclusive attention to my posts and not have podcasts from the Occidental Quarterly or Counter Currents running inthe background.Thanks
"Do the Catholics need a Adelson or Haim Saban?"
Yeah, it might help. If they had one, then perhaps catholic hospitals and universities wouldn't be subject to anti-catholic mandates from the feds."
DVN: The last time I check the poster girl of Georgetown University was Sandra Fluke??!!
When Rush Limbaugh lambasted for her less than Catholic viewpoints,the Georgetown administration criticized HIM and stood behind HER.
Take it up with the Catholics,not Jews!Also Obama and the Feds are not Jews.Well I guess some of his best friends are Jews....
"You neglected to mention George Soros..gee I wonder why?"
What's your point. He is also a jewish billionaire who successfully uses money to wield power in the service of remaking the world in his own image. It's true, that he doesn't seem to care about Israel. but I never said every wealthy jewish billionaire does."
DVN: My point was that he is a dbag and is hostile to Jewish interests.And I love your handwaving comment about not every Jewish billionaire cares about Israel!
"What religion is Warren Buffet or Bill Gates?"
Last time I checked, neither of them have personally bought their own presidential candidate, like Adelson did with Newt Gingrich.
DVN: What are you talking about!Bill Gates is a noted centre leftie and donates almost exclusively to liberal organs.
Ditto Warren Buffet who threw his weight behind Obama.
Yes, and they're so powerful that they remain villified by Hollywood and the cultural elite. Unlike a certain other religion, which seldom if ever gets mentioned in anything less than glowing terms."
DVN: That will be news to the creators of South Park,Family Guy ,Simpsons etc as well as Spielberg himself(Munich ring a bell?) Let me explain something to you since you are so obviously dense.Left leaning Jews and Christians in Hollywood did indeed use Judaism as a stick with which to beat Christianity and Catholicism in particular and that is deplorable.
BTW the most notorious Catholic bashers Andres Serrano ,Madonna et al are Catholics themselves. And yes she did all that BEFORE she was inducted in Kabbalistic Judaism.
However now that the job is done(kind of),they have focussed their venom on the other great monotheistic faith of Western civilization.
Also it doesnt help if Catholic church goes out of its way to provide material to those who despise it.I mean decades long coverup of priests molesting altarboys.Good god! If there is a similar scandal in Orthodox or even Reform synagogues ,let me know.
"Inspite of all the Catholic bashing by Obama ,they voted for him in droves in droves as did Jews. What does that tell you?"
Not to the tune of 70%. Besides I'm talking about money, not votes. Money is more important nowadays."
DVN: President Mitt Romney agrees whole heartedly....oh ....wait...
"Every heard of the three Is genius ? As in Ireland ,Italy and Israel to which we can now add a fourth (nova) Iberia."
Right - because politicians and newsmen endlessless kvetch over the concerns of Italy and Ireland. Why barely a day goes by when the pages of the New York Times, or NPRs broadcasting isn't endless gassing on about Ireland or Italy. American policitians routinely go out of their way to proclaim what friends they are to Ireland and Italy."
DVN: Let me explain it to you one more time since you seem to have some sort of reading defect.Last time I checked it was the evangelicals who are far more pro Israel than that average Jew.
The terrorist organization IRA the last time had quite a following in America.Indeed Mickey Rourke counted himself as a supporter.THe U.S took its own sweet time in recognizing it as a terrorist group.
I dont seem to recollect any Jewish celebrity coming out for Meir Kahane or the Jewish Defense League.
Italian Americans have assimilated successfully and Italy has no wars or conflicts with its neighbors.So they are less likely to get worked up and the politicians pander to him.That may well change if the EU continues to implode.
Of course if Israel is at peace ,you will pleased to know that Americans will be somewhat indifferent towards Israel.But then again if Israel is at peace and how would you be? Dont fret Alex Jones will still be around to blame it for something-those Russian meteors or volcanoes perhaps?
Your commentary is about as astute as I'd expect from Cosmo Kramer's alter ego."
DVN: I will treat this comment with the wit,originality and intelligence it deserves.Im sure you are stupid enough to take that as a compliment.
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