The Google Guys aren't really into Easter, so for today's Google Doodle, they're celebrating the birthday of Cesar Chavez by putting up a religious icon depicting somebody or other: That guy in the Philippines who gets himself nailed to a cross every Good Friday? Don Ho resurrected to sing "Tiny Bubbles" one more time? Apparently, Google doesn't have any photos of Cesar Chavez on file, so they had to go with an artist's conception of what Chavez must have looked like as He rose on the third day in his
raiment white as snow.
Artist's conception of Cesar Chavez
(Chavez's photo unavailable on Internet as of press time) |
It's a funny illustration of how the union boss's birthday has transmogrified into a racial-religious holiday, a celebration of today's religion of race.
In reality, the Arizona-born Chavez was a pretty typical-looking Mexican-American of his generation, as illustrated by how he looked rather like the Texas-born golfer Lee Trevino.
Cesar Chavez |
Lee Trevino |
Over the decades, Mexicans in the U.S. have been getting more Indio-looking as the more recent immigration is from farther south in Mexico.
He looks eerily like Sharpton in that picture.
Mountains out of mole hills. It's a living, eh?
The illustration looks pretty accurate. Not sure what you're getting at. Granted, the lighting is brighter in the photo. But so?
More pictures of chavez:
You're a psycho.
he still looks pretty 'amerind' though.
@ Anon #1,
Hello Sergey!
I think it's awesome that while Congress is contemplating surrender to Mexico, Google has aligned itself with a Mexican-American who opposed illegal immi-vasion.
Besides, it's hard for me to get behind that Jesus fellow since all of his richest, best connected proponents are in favor of immi-vasion, too.
It's an Easter parable about the Holy Immigrant.
He Has Risen, from south to north. The saintly Latino who sought only to feed His family walked across the Rio Grande to do the jobs Americans won't do. He knew we have sufficient loaves and fishes to feed a multitude. He turned water into wine, thereby racking up a few DUIs. At last he was nailed at a crossing at which he did not observe the red light. The pharisees entombed Him in jail, only to find it empty three days later, due to the intercession of the Holy Sequester.
So this is TIME Reverse OJ Syndrome?
So this is TIME Reverse OJ Syndrome?
(hoping this isn't double posted)
The irony is lost on them, I'm sure.
"Anonymous said...
Mountains out of mole hills. It's a living, eh?"
Hey lay off ... don't you recognize a microagression when you see one... What's a matter with you? Are you some type of SWPL or worse? Please go back to the Dailey Kos!!
"He Has Risen, from south to north. The saintly Latino who sought only to feed His family walked across the Rio Grande to do the jobs Americans won't do. He knew we have sufficient loaves and fishes to feed a multitude. He turned water into wine, thereby racking up a few DUIs. At last he was nailed at a crossing at which he did not observe the red light. The pharisees entombed Him in jail, only to find it empty three days later, due to the intercession of the Holy Sequester."
This is brilliant. I highly advise putting this on the front page, Mr. Sailer.
Sergey Brin loves immigrants because he is an immigrant. He will thank Americans for welcoming his family into our country by doing everything he can to replace us with cartoon Cesar Chavez lookalikes and Asians. Thanks, Sergey.
cf my favorite old time Mexican, former Arizona governor Raul Castro.
Mountains out of mole hills. It's a living, eh?
More than a living. Steve and the readers here get pretty damn excited by stuff like this.
Steve, you're really streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetching this one.
Congratulations to former Governor Sonny Perdue for pushing forward on the testing scandal in Georgia. I figured the culprits would get away with it due to "black skin privilege."
One reason Chavez was popular with sophisticated Californians was that there was no cost to them. Chavez led strikes against lettuce growers but only growers of iceberg lettuce. Of course only a prole would eat iceberg. The best people only ate butter lettuce.
That's all in the past for me. My doctor now has me on a low lettuce diet.
I was sitting here this morning getting disgusted with Google again for politicizing a search engine.
I was a teen-ager in the 60's when Chavez was big, and I remembered him as having gray hair on the sides. Liberals can never tell the truth on anything. They have to fabricate every single thing all day long, creating fantasy worlds. For a man like me who wants all truth all the time, living in a country like this disgusts me. Is there any country anywhere on the planet that is dedicated to the truth ?
I want to live some place where I am not lied to.
Slightly off topic, but a week from today is WrestleMania 29, which is a huge cultural event for many Hispanics, blue collar White swing voters, and children.
One of the main events is a match between Alberto Del Rio and Jack Swagger, who they've hyped an immigration patriot. While some mainstream conservatives and Glenn Beck have complained that Swagger is WWE's attempt to brand the Tea Party as "racist," the McMahons have cast Swagger as the heel the fans are supposed to hate, and he has nothing to say about Tea Party issues like taxes.
Frankly, the citizenist speeches from Swagger and his manager Zeb Colter on jobs, English, political correctness, and demographic change are more internally coherent than what you hear from GOP politicians like Ryan, Paul, or Rubio. His catchphrase is "We the people," which is the opening of the Constitution's preamble laying out the purpose of America is to provide better lives for "ourselves and our posterity." It's a strange state of affairs when a WWE villain is the only public figure making these arguments.
I went to Google earlier this morning and saw the image. When I did, I thought, "Oh my goodness, Google has decided to show an image of a black Jesus." Then I hovered my mouse over the image and felt relieved. Okay, it is just a black Cesar Chavez.
Be that as it may--and the fact that Chavez was anti-illegal-immigration in his own time--, let's admit that if he were alive today, he'd be on the side of Obama, globalist Jews, and amnesty.
His stands were tactical, not principled. He thought back then that illegals would be bad for his core constituency. Now, that the constituency has changed, Chavez will have changed too.
It's like Sierra Club too changed its views on immigration.
Chavez wasn't opposed to illegal immigration per se on the basis of principle.
Just like American labor unions began to embrace illegal workers, Chavez would have done the same thing.
The essential spirit of the man was to serve his own kind. Today, brown power means being pro-illegal.
Similarly, though MLK said nothing about 'gay marriage', were he alive today, he would have been for it. Good tactical politics. Gays got the money and clout and are working to form an alliance with blacks against white conservatives. That's what really matters.
Google is run by globs, aka globalists and Jews. Though Jews are rich and high above illegal aliens, they wanna seem as being one with the underdog against uncaring and mean 'racist' white conservative America.
This is to be expected.
The only thing we can do is spell out what is really happening. Jews are funding and promoting anti-white causes and forces.
I wonder why the whole Son of God risen from the dead thing isn't that important for them.
Those inscrutable Scots-Irish sensibilities!
I saw this last night as I was surfing. It really pisses me off and I couldn't help feeling there's just no way to fight the likes of google. The kind of people who wind up in Silicon Valley are hardly those who think much about the future of this country.
Well paleos with your Can't-Do mentality, why don't you set up your own search engine with every Saints day highlighted.
And don't forget to have a map of the Stations of the Cross as your logo.
You do have HBD-enabled Superbrains (TM) don't you?
Is stuff like this the result of left-leaning nerds or simply the result of corporate executives who, as we all know, go with pc until they are challenged?
Who did more damage?
Nixon with his affirmative action for Hispans?
Or Reagan with his amnesty for illegals?
The Google Guys aren't really into Easter
It's the Passover for them, Steve.
This says to me that Google was too cheap to license an actual photo.
Things aren't so bad., by it editorial choices, speaks up for Christianity and normalcy, as does Vlad Putin:
Putin orders ban on adoptions by foreign same-sex couples claiming children could be 'psychologically damaged'
NEW Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered that a ban be placed on foreign adoptions to same-sex couples after a report highlighted the so called 'psychological damage' that their children suffer.
Police patrols increased as New York gangs use Easter Sunday as a 'day of initiation to attack people and businesses'
Pope of the people: Extraordinary scenes in Rome as more than 250,000 pilgrims pack St Peter's Square for Francis' first Easter
Pope Francis links Turin Shroud to Jesus in Easter message after tests show ancient cloth may NOT be medieval fake after all
Pope Francis made his first comments on the Shroud of Turin in a video message, suggesting that 'the Man of the Shroud invites us to contemplate Jesus of Nazareth'
Google celebrates leftist leader Cesar Chavez instead of Easter Sunday as some Christians call for boycott
The search giant Google Doodles often honor important historical figures, but the company's decision to put leftist leader Cesar Chavez on their homepage this Easter Sunday has some screaming boycott.
Shock as Planned Parenthood lobbyist says doctors should kill babies born alive after botched abortions
The Daily Mail -- the id level voice of this world's female English-speaking populace.
On the other hand, one wonders what percentage of Daily Mail readers wouldn't mind trading places with the mother of this white guy's illegitimate baby. Look out, Whiskey! These alpha males are going to hog all the women. There won't be any left for you.
PUBLISHED: 17:19 EST, 29 March 2013 ...
Jeremy Renner and his girlfriend, Sonni Pacheco, have confirmed they are the parents of a bouncing seven-pound baby girl.
The Bourne Legacy star also revealed that they've named their daughter Ava Berlin Renner.
Jeremy welcomed his baby into the world on Thursday, according to reports, and on Friday he revealed the mother's name along with the news.
First-time father: Jeremy Renner has confirmed he's a dad for the first time after his girlfriend, Sonni Pacheco, gave birth to their daughter on Thursday
'They are beyond thrilled,' Jeremy's spokesperson told PEOPLE in a statement. 'Mother and daughter are doing great.'
Us Weekly was the first to break the news, saying they had received confirmation from two separate sources.The former couple have been living together in Jeremy's Los Angeles home after he apparently agreed to put her up until their child was born.
'They used to date but it wasn't serious,' an insider told the magazine.
Google favors childishly drawn imagery on the "special" home pages--though the most recent MLKJ graphic was a bit more classy/abstract, they usually go with something scribbled by a 6-year-old. Today's is interesting as a commentary on hagiography and all (particularly as manifested in Amerind populations) but aesthetically this one's above-average by corporate standards
The illustration looks pretty accurate.
You need to get your eyes tested.
Occam: it's just a drawing of some HK martial arts star that they grafted some fields onto the background of. Yeah, the complexion is too dark but they were working from a really crappy 5th-generation tape
The first wave of silicon valley entrepreneurs, the ones that started the semiconductor fabs in the early 80's that gave the valley its name, were much more oriented towards the icons of free-market economics (e.g. Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, etc.). The current wave of successful technology entrepreneurs seem to glorify socialist politicians and other icons of statism. This is a mystery to me.
Glad you noticed it too Steve. I think some of Google's illustrations of black people have been lighter than that. I have rarely even seen pure Indios as dark as google Cesar there.
Mexican immigrants in the Northeast appear to be almost 100% pure blooded Indians.
Maybe the artist never saw a picture of Chavez, just the US postal service's commemorative Cesar Chavez stamp.
There was a Simpsons episode where Homer is on a hunger strike, and Cesar Chavez appears to Homer in a dream to give him a pep talk or something like that.
Homer asks Chavez, "Why do you look like Cesar Romero?"
Chavez/Romero responds, "Because you don't know what Cesar Chavez looks like"
Chavez is quite good-looking in picture #1. If Miles Romney had a Mexican wife, that is what Mitt would have looked like.
I believe Chavez was born in Arizona and not California as you suggest in your post.
His stands were tactical, not principled. He thought back then that illegals would be bad for his core constituency. Now, that the constituency has changed, Chavez will have changed too.
It's like Sierra Club too changed its views on immigration.
As everyone here knows, Sierra Club changed on immigration because it was bought off by a rich Jewish guy.
Did Google do an OJ on Chavez?
I thought it was Don Ho day.
Don Ho!
"It's the Passover for them, Steve"
Eric Schmidt celebrates Passover?
I recognized it as Cesar Chavez immediately, and not being a Californian, I had no idea it was his birthday today. It really doesn't look that different from the photo to me. Any image of this type becomes a bit stylized.
At least it wasn't Cesar Romero:
Steve, are you saying you think Cesar Chavez was a White man ?
The vast majority of Americans would never mistake Cesar Chavez for being part of the same race as Chris Hemsworth for example.
Both Sergey Brin and Larry Page have one Jewish Parent, and were raised agnostic. I highly doubt they celebrate ANY religious holiday save the aristocratic ones: MLK day, "President's Day," and Obama's Inauguration.
As far as establishing an alternative to Google, network effect, habit, branding, and capital investment have assured even MS's Bing to be a failure, along with Duck Duck Go, and other search engines.
Another Chris hensworth mention screw David Brooks apparently Hensworth's agent is a secret isteve reader.
Maybe Steve is Chris Hensworth's agent. Paul Gottfried was just confused. Steve doesn't supplement his income with a computer programing company he's a b-list movie agent.
It's an Easter parable about the Holy Immigrant.
He Has Risen, from south to north. The saintly Latino who sought only to feed His family walked across the Rio Grande to do the jobs Americans won't do. He knew we have sufficient loaves and fishes to feed a multitude. He turned water into wine, thereby racking up a few DUIs. At last he was nailed at a crossing at which he did not observe the red light. The pharisees entombed Him in jail, only to find it empty three days later, due to the intercession of the Holy Sequester.
LOL. I'm guessing you didn't write that, but if you did, kudos.
If I were an indo-looking Mexican, I would be upset. t strikes me as dishonest flattery to elevate and endlessly celebrate third-tier thinkers and actors if they belong (or at least can be considered to belong) to ethnic minorities. For that matter, I would have been upset in grade school if I were black and I had been taught, as all children are, that the inventor of peanut products, George Washington Carver, had a place among the most eminent scientists, such as Newton, Einstein, and Planck. If I were black, I would be happy with MLK Day because he was the greatest person in a category (civil rights leader). If I were Mexican, I would want a Mexican hero who was the greatest person in a broad category of achievement, not the junior division of a category.
Indeed, if I were black or Latino, I would also be very bothered by the dearth of outstanding achievement among my people. I believe I would hop on the bandwagon of identifying genes for high IQ and try to convince members of my group to use technology to select zygotes with these genes so that after one or perhaps a few generations we could create pure blacks/Latinos who were smarter than anyone who had ever lived.
Both Sergey Brin and Larry Page have one Jewish Parent, and were raised agnostic. I highly doubt they celebrate ANY religious holiday save the aristocratic ones: MLK day, "President's Day," and Obama's Inauguration.
And you tirelessly lay down cover fire for Jews because you're "Scots-Irish." And Jewishness is all about religion, hence the fact that scads of Jews are agnostic or "secular Jews" and totally accepted as Jews by Jewry as a whole.
Hey, at least you didn't blame the Puritans.
As far as establishing an alternative to Google, network effect, habit, branding, and capital investment have assured even MS's Bing to be a failure, along with Duck Duck Go, and other search engines.
Branding, schmanding, habit, schmabit. Google knocked off the other top search engines (I was using AltaVista, mostly) when it came along, and DuckDuckGo knocked Google off as far as I'm concerned, or at least, edged into a tie.
"Both Sergey Brin and Larry Page have one Jewish Parent..."
The Wikipedia states that Brin was born to Jewish parents and that Page's mother was Jewish. It is silent about the ancestry of Page's father.
The doodle pic definitely features a flat Filipino nose, not a Mexican nose.
Those of you who live in CA must have had my reaction, the same as Steve's: That's supposed to be Cesar Chavez?
The first wave of silicon valley entrepreneurs, the ones that started the semiconductor fabs in the early 80's that gave the valley its name, were much more oriented towards the icons of free-market economics (e.g. Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, etc.). The current wave of successful technology entrepreneurs seem to glorify socialist politicians and other icons of statism. This is a mystery to me.
Robert Noyce, who co-founded Fairchild Semiconductor in 1957 and Intel in 1968, and many of the other great men of early Silicon Valley were Protestants. Steve has written about this, as has Tom Wolfe:
Robert Noyce and His Congregation
Tom Wolfe, 08.25.97
ROBERT NOYCE, INVENTOR OF THE silicon microchip and co-founder of Intel, grew up in Grinnell, Iowa, one of countless small towns in the Midwest that had been founded in the 19th century as religious communities by so-called Dissenting Protestants: Congregationalists, Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists, and many others. What Dissenting Protestants dissented from was the Church of England and its elaborate ties to British upper-class life. The founder of the town of Grinnell (1854) was a young New England Congregational minister, Josiah Grinnell, who was weary of the decadence of the East Coast and wanted to establish a City of Light out on the virgin plains.
The Congregational Church had no hierarchy. Each congregation was autonomous. A minister was a teacher rather than a holy shepherd with a flock. Each member of the Congregation was supposed to be his own priest, in direct communication with God.
When Noyce, whose father was a Congregational minister, was growing up in the 1930s and 1940s, there were still people walking around in Grinnell who had known Josiah Grinnell personally. They were getting old -- Grinnell had died in 1891 -- but they were walking around, and Josiah's hand still lay heavily upon his town of 7,000 souls. There were subtle gradations of status in Grinnell, and it was better to be rich than poor, but the important thing was not to show it. To all intents and purposes, there were only two social classes: those who were hard-working, God-fearing, church-going, and well educated and those who were not.
I'm not at all sure that Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman were icons to Noyce and other founders of Silicon Valley.
It is an insult to the American people that Google has not marked Easter on its homepage.
>living in a country like this disgusts me.<
I see no future in the USA. I recommend anyone who can do it to evacuate asap. At least visit and find a place where you can run to when our SHTF.
Doing this isn't unrealistic: other countries aren't other planets, after all. Get a legal passport, research ex-pat websites to get you started, and hit the tarmac.
You roll your eyes now. Your attitude might be very different later.
(Yes, I've taken my own advice. Won't tell you where I am though - been here since the first of the year. Took almost two years of research, discussion, and planning before I got used to the idea, so if you want to do a careful job, start now.)
>If Miles Romney had a Mexican wife, that is what Mitt would have looked like.<
Or like this.
There is no conspiracy, he doesn't look that White at all:
Creating an immigration version of the New Testament sounds like an interesting collaborative project.
"Man does not live by native labor alone"
Can you move Chateau Heartiste to its correct place.
There is no conspiracy, he doesn't look that White at all:
In none of those pictures does he look remotely as dark as in the Google image. How can you not see that?
Chavez wasn't opposed to illegal immigration per se on the basis of principle.
Just like American labor unions began to embrace illegal workers, Chavez would have done the same thing.
If Wikipedia is accurate, Chavez was the first labor leader to oppose employer sanctions. That's a funny thing for a trade unionist to do.
Kind of hard to view anything Google does these days as something other than currying political favor, especially with Eric "Antitrust" Schmidt around. Remember they are only physically a California company--for tax purpose all that rev goes through Ireland, Estonia, San Juan, etc. You don't think Apple puts the same who-whom considerations into every slight movement? I am sure the day when they suddenly decide to give free iPads to every MEChA local is not far off.
As for Chris Hensworth (Hemsworth?) I had to look up who he is. That is just lazy kvetching at race-realist tropes, right? Contrive the nearest stock blond Aryan from the funny pages; instead you might consult some recent covers of Us Weekly or Cosmo, or watch a minute of any primetime garbage drama concerning a 110-pound crime-solving botanist woman with dual Ph.Ds and a magazine-writing career on the side and note the immediate exterior presentation of the star (she might have a hip mocha-mix 23-year-old friend on the show who runs computer simulations for her). Unhealthy whiteness fascination is hardly some special pathology you can just lay at the feet of HBD geeks.
Homer: Who are you?
Chavez: The spirit of Cesar Chavez.
Homer: Why do you look like Caesar Romero?
Chavez: Because you don't know what Cesar Chavez looks like.
Google seems like the type of business that can be taken apart in an afternoon, should the government be willing. An endless hackathon against the company would also work.
Vox Day had a good quip about their motto "Don't be evil." Do you want to sit next to the guy who is always telling himself, "Don't be evil. Don't be evil. Don't be evil...."
"I believe Chavez was born in Arizona"
And moved to Babylonia.
I remember a famous photo of Chavez sitting with Robert Kennedy, in a field or somewhere outdoors. They became friends and Chavez was said to have beenheartbroken over his assassination. Chavez was also siad to have been heartbroken over increasing illegal immigration, which he knew would ruin everything he wanted to accomplish. He definitely did not want Mexicans flooding the US.
Back to the google picture. As soon as I saw it, I thought the same thing this post pointed out. However, it does look like that photo of Chavez that I saw, only much darker. In fact, I don't actually see American Indians that color.
Someone should ask Google how many people of indigenous Mexican descent they employee, aside from those working the cafeterias, the janitorial staff, and the gardening crew (all contracted out, so they don't count anyway).
Oh, wait a minute... "Google won’t release minority hiring statistics, claiming trade secret"
Watch what they do, not what they say or show.
"... among several minority leaders who protested outside Google’s Mountain View headquarters on Feb. 10, rallying for Google to be more transparent about the minorities it hires. ...
While Silicon Valley companies are not required to reveal their data...
...their numbers made it evident that companies were hiring low-cost males from India over domestic minority groups such as blacks, Latinos, and women."
My, my. And the word "minority" sure seems to get abused, doesn't it?
Google couldn't find a photo of Chavez... I think the Anonymouse characters have missed the point. I'd same it is time to use a search engine that can find a photo of a well known modern public figure. Just sayin.
I never realized how white-looking Chavez was. IF I didn't know who he was, I would pass him off as maybe Italian or Greek or Lebanese. He couldn't have had very much Amerindian in his background.
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