This one has a smaller sample size, but I notice a lot of white guys and some white gals, but, once again, virtually no non-Asian minorities, which is striking considering the demographics of the Chicago employment pool. (Notice the Flag of Chicago flying proudly over the Obama HQ employees. By the way, I worked at a marketing research / software company in downtown Chicago way back in the 1980s, and I had a black boss, Trey Anderson, a good guy, for a couple of years, so it's hardly impossible for a Chicago operation to hire black talent.)
You might almost think the concept of disparate impact discrimination in hiring would be applied here as vigorously as the Obama Administration has applied that concept elsewhere. But, you would be wrong.
On another note, judging by how the Obama campaign outmaneuvered the Romney campaign in almost all the swing states, you'd have to say that Obama's Moneyvote experts out-performed Romney's vaunted hired guns. But which ones do you think got paid more per capita?
"You might almost think the concept of disparate impact discrimination in hiring would be applied here as vigorously as the Obama Administration has applied that concept elsewhere. But, you'd be wrong."
-Of course not!!! They want to actually win!
Check out the flag...
Check out the flag...
That's the flag of Chicago.
Nate Silver got it exactly right as well, while his biggest detractors, including commenters here, got it exactly wrong.
SWPLs in their natural environment
So does Barry hate white people now, or prefer them? I'm having trouble keeping up.
"Nate Silver got it exactly right as well, while his biggest detractors, including commenters here, got it exactly wrong."
I got it right when I said a two-faced financial capitalist could not rile up the white working class.
I didn't need no data crunching. My gut instinct told me Obama would win two terms. And the Jewish media protection helped some.
"Truth said...
So does Barry hate white people now, or prefer them? I'm having trouble keeping up."
Make no mistake, he still hates them, but damnit, they're just so much better at damn near everything. So the left brainwashes impressionable white kids from early childhood to be Jannisaries for their cause. What's so hard to keep up with?
Steve, I went back and re-read The Sailer Strategy.
Question: Have you ever been able to share, either through the written word or through face-to-face discussion, the Sailer Strategy with anyone you'd consider to be a pretty high-up person in the GOP nationally or even at the CA state party level?
I know you probably wouldn't mention such people by name (if exist), but maybe you can answer the above question. If you have, what was the response?
This, the faces of the true believer cult followers. As they look upon their guru their eyes are all glassy and moist with idiotic looks of awe on their faces. This country seems to produce an awfully large number of cult followers, aimless youth in search of a pied piper who'll lead them to the promised land.
So - this proves he doesn't hate white people and smart people. Contrary to what some of the crowd there thinks.
"This, the faces of the true believer cult followers. As they look upon their guru their eyes are all glassy and moist with idiotic looks of awe on their faces."
You were of course talking about these guys:
...virtually no non-Asian minorities, which is striking considering the demographics of the Chicago employment pool.
It would be "striking" if they were hiring for, say, an auto parts or a washing machine factory. But here it isn't "striking" at all. You of all people should know that.
...how the Obama campaign outmaneuvered the Romney campaign in almost all the swing states,...
Any 'outmaneuvering' was dwarfed by 1) the 'shoot self in foot' aspect of Romney criticizing the auto bailout, and 2) the power of racially sensitive political correctness, especially among college educated Whites, who, considering their peers, and the latent viciousness (think Watson) of those peers, have a lot to lose by showing any deviation from that way of thinking.
This is going to turn out to be a big noise about nothing in the long run.
Mark my words, by the 2014 elections everyone is going to be doing this crap, it will turn out to be more of a money pit than the PAC's.
And it won't do much of anything, though that fact won't become conventional wisdom till the 2018 or 2020 elections.
Read that article closely. It took that many people to do what the article says this team did? Really? I didn't see much listed that couldn't have been done by one person (writing facebook app).
As for the data crunching? How big was Obama's donor list?
I'm also puzzled by something else in this: you want to reach women voters under a certain age with targeted advertising.
So you, uh ... you advertise on shows that they watch.
'“We were able to put our target voters through some really complicated modeling, to say, O.K., if Miami-Dade women under 35 are the targets, [here is] how to reach them,” said one official. As a result, the campaign bought ads to air during unconventional programming, like Sons of Anarchy, The Walking Dead and Don’t Trust the B—- in Apt. 23, skirting the traditional route of buying ads next to local news programming. How much more efficient was the Obama campaign of 2012 than 2008 at ad buying? Chicago has a number for that: “On TV we were able to buy 14% more efficiently … to make sure we were talking to our persuadable voters,” the same official said.'
How smart are these political consultants anyway? Roughly 45 years of television. Trillions upon trillions of advertising dollars spent.
And it just now occurs to someone to advertise on the shows that people actually watch? This might marginalize news even more than it was before.
This is a bitter pill to me to swallow. The people who decide to declare war, the people that run the economy, that can have me put in jail if I smoke a joint...
Are a bunch of f*$%***ing morons that take 45 or so years to figure this out?
And it's some big data crunching deal? Like they couldn't pick up the g*&*#$@mn phone and ask an advertising agency "Hypothetically if I wanted to reach women under 35 in Miami with a television ad, what do I need to do?"
Instead you have to hire a BUNCH of yuppie (anyone use that word still?) to "quant" all that data?
I could get one guy who programs dbase IV, who also maintains this really neat website for his World of Warcraft guild to do the same thing.
This is more interesting:
"The new megafile didn’t just tell the campaign how to find voters and get their attention; it also allowed the number crunchers to run tests predicting which types of people would be persuaded by certain kinds of appeals. Call lists in field offices, for instance, didn’t just list names and numbers; they also ranked names in order of their persuadability, with the campaign’s most important priorities first. About 75% of the determining factors were basics like age, sex, race, neighborhood and voting record. Consumer data about voters helped round out the picture. “We could [predict] people who were going to give online. We could model people who were going to give through mail. We could model volunteers,” said one of the senior advisers about the predictive profiles built by the data. “In the end, modeling became something way bigger for us in ’12 than in ’08 because it made our time more efficient.”
I don't buy it though. I bet it didn't do shit. The people who gave to the Obama campaign were going to give to the Obama campaign.
"Make no mistake, he still hates them, but damnit, they're just so much better at damn near everything."
Oh hey, that's convenient, thanks.
He hates them so much, he gives them practically all of the good paying jobs.
Right, they're doing stuff that various people I knew in the marketing research business in Chicago were doing for consumer packaged goods firms by the late 1990s.
Political marketing lags in sophistication. That's one reason the Obama re-election campaign decamped to Chicago from D.C. -- there is more marketing sophistication in Chicago than in D.C.
Every so often, one party gets closer to the state of the art and then the other catches up. The Republicans appeared to be ahead in 2002, and the Democrats caught up pretty fast.
"He hates them so much, he gives them practically all of the good paying jobs."
Truth, he wanted the job done correctly because it was personally important to him. Securing his re-election meant using the best qualified people for the job.
Firefighting is not important to him so he will crowbar blacks in at the expense of others. It's not that complicated.
"Truth, he wanted the job done correctly because it was personally important to him. Securing his re-election meant using the best qualified people for the job."
You'll have to be patient with me here, I think I got that part, but I' not sure where the "hate" part comes in.
So you, uh ... you advertise on shows that they watch.
It also helps that your partisans write, direct & produce shows that reinforce the correct narrative. Straight out advertising per se isnt that effective anymore in shaping the narrative.
"Any 'outmaneuvering' was dwarfed by 1) the 'shoot self in foot' aspect of Romney criticizing the auto bailout..."
The NYT headline writer who came up with the headline "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt" for Romney's NYT op-ed really screwed him. Imagine if he had titled it, "How the Federal Government Can Help Save Detroit" (which would have been accurate based on the last two paragraphs: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/19/opinion/19romney.html ).
Here's Obama crying as he addresses his young SWPL campaign staff after his reelection:
The Sailer Strategy's only hope is conservative oil barons and maybe conor friees. They are the only players interested in saving the old America rather than just co-opting the new America. Most are evangelical Christians so considering this crew you'd probally rather spite your face I imagine.
I'm growing fearful of Google. At what point do they go from being an internet ad selling business to a tool of social and political control? I can't help but be suspicious that they played some role in getting Obama elected, and that they aspire to a Big Data/Big Government complex.
face of naive privilege
Perhaps next time the Republicans will get wise and spend their campaign money on more IT oriented younger workers instead of blowing it on old fart campaign consultants like Karl Rove. I think that might have been the Obama secret sauce.
In the photo, I see three East Asian females and one East Asian male. The rest are Caucasian.
Oprah Winfrey had a largely white staff. Oprah she had a camera crew document her final season of The Oprah Winfrey Show. She had two black males, one black female and a Jewish guy among the staff. The rest were white.
Remember Jeremiah Wright, Obama's longtime pastor bought a house in a white area.
"Truth said...
"Truth, he wanted the job done correctly because it was personally important to him. Securing his re-election meant using the best qualified people for the job."
You'll have to be patient with me here, I think I got that part, but I' not sure where the "hate" part comes in."
Well, gee Truth, if assuming the white cop is automatically wrong, promoting a justice dept that routinely demonstrates anti-white bigotry like throwing the Black Panthers a pass when they terrorize little old white ladies at the voting booth and actively promotes the dispossession of the white majority, Obama complaining about a 'typical white person' and disowning his white ancestry to pursue his career as a 'black man', even to the point of ignoring his own mother as she died of cancer weren't enough to give an idea of the mindset of this man towards whites, then perhaps when he told Hispanics to "punish our enemies" might be.
But of course if you are relying on the MSM to tell you and/or you are on the left and/or not white then such things can just drop down the memory hole of convenience.
"Anonymous said...
So - this proves he doesn't hate white people and smart people. Contrary to what some of the crowd there thinks."
No, it just proves that he finds them useful.
"Davis said...
Firefighting is not important to him so he will crowbar blacks in at the expense of others. It's not that complicated."
Everything is complicated to someone as stupid as "Truth" is.
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