All those millions spent on GOP Hispanic strategic consultants are finally paying off!

From CNN:
Editor's note: Cat del Valle Castellanos is a writer and a regular contributor to Maria Shriver's Open Field Network.
(CNN) -- If there was a predominant reaction to this voter's indecision, shared in "Young, Female and Undecided" on CNN two weeks ago, it was incredulity.
"The candidates have spent billions," I was told. "Their TV ads have replaced normal programming. This campaign has been longer than a life sentence. How can you still be undecided?"
To clarify, my indecision did not stem from an unrequited love for either candidate. I just could not bring myself to support either of these guys. A vote for Obama makes me a crazy, government-expanding liberal. I vote for Romney and I'm a crazy, masochistic female.
The truth is that voting for a candidate doesn't mean you stand united on every issue. This is not Build-a-Bear. I cannot create my own candidate, taking the best features from each then add a glowing heart and a soft, plush, huggable exterior.
Cat del Valle Castellanos |
Nevertheless, I have made a choice. I'm young, female and decided. Drumroll, please...
I'm voting for Mitt Romney.
"Well, duh, your dad's a Republican strategist."
My father Alex Castellanos' affiliation has not affected my decision.
dreams from my captor
Love the file name of her photo.
Left tease indeed.
Well, at least she's hot. Ironically, that will help sway voters more than anything she says.
If I were a TV producer for a cable news channel, I'd recruit Cat and the Democrat warrior/spokesperson Xochitl to co-host a Gen Y version of Crossfire.
The farce is with him.
Sci-fi Jim Henson to fix American education by sending Jedi knights to every school.
I wish all Hispanics looked like that.
Instead, most of the ones I see look more like this. Bummer.
I'd like to rock that vote.
She's half Hispanic. Her mother is northern Euro American, and her father is Cuban and is probably around 10% to 20% Amerind/African.
Here is a foto showing passengers on the inaugural 787 flight from Houston to Chicago.
Yeah, none of these Mexicans look like the guys operating the 100 db leafblowers or cleaning houses in my neighborhood either.
I know a Jewish college student who's voting for Romney. Because his dad owns a small business and Obama is killing it.
His dad, a "Yellow Dog Democrat", will either vote for Obama or sit it out. Jews of his generation would never vote for a {spit} Republican.
She's half Hispanic. Her mother is northern Euro American, and her father is Cuban and is probably around 10% to 20% Amerind/African.
In other words, she's at least 80% European.
I like your "Latin@" typography. When I was in college they were trying to foist "Latinø" on us, but @ suggests both an o and an a better than ø.
Trying to be gender-neutral in a Romance language must be a real pain...
I wish all Hispanics looked like that.
he, he, he, IF all hispanics looked like that, then enforcing the immigration laws would be feminists top priority.
If I were a TV producer for a cable news channel, I'd recruit Cat and the Democrat warrior/spokesperson Xochitl to co-host a Gen Y version of Crossfire.
In bikinis.
And high-heels.
And jello.
An entire studio filled with jello.
"stari_momak said...
Yeah, none of these Mexicans look like the guys operating the 100 db leafblowers or cleaning houses in my neighborhood either."
No, but they get all the benefits of being lumped in with them: high paying minority scholarships, more open doors after college for being a low-scoring oppressed minority, etc.
I've got a new term, albeit one that's admittedly too lame to be worth picking up: "Warrening", in honor of Elizabeth Warren. Identify yourself as anything but white, so you can either take advantage of identity goodies, or stand out as a pale light in a darker group, with all the unspoken envy that it generates.
Wow. I actually thought her father was greek (in other words, white... which he is).
So glad that this wealthy, well connected young white woman gets all the priveleges of affirmative action. She sure needs a hand up.
If the GOP can capture the votes of White Cuban daughters of Republican campaign consultants, then their worries about Hispanic voters are over.Seriously, now that the GOP has Cat del Valle Castellanos vote in the bag, Mayan immigrants from Central America should be a pushover.
Sabato is never wrong.
Obama will win.
This chick represents everything I hate about "modern" women.
Affulent, arrogant, and self-involved.
She actually thinks she is important...
God this place reeks of resentment. People don't do things just to generate envy unless the are nouveaus and Asians. For a blog that glorifies WASPs that is about the least WASPy behavior imaginable. Look I'm sorry that nothing you've done or had ever inspired envy, but believe me no one actively pursues envy except the decrepit in spirit.
sandy and media ensure obama win.
She's half Hispanic. Her mother is northern Euro American, and her father is Cuban and is probably around 10% to 20% Amerind/African.
What's that line from Scarface?
Tony Montana: "This is paradise, I'm tellin' ya. This town is like a great big pu**y just waitin' to get fu**ed."
This calls out for a Tom Wolf character. How about Kat de la Valle de los Caidos, an organizer working who rises in politics after organizing, oh, 'Latina' household workers. She'll turn out to be a great granddaughter of Francisco Franco.
Obama to win big.
"I've got a new term, albeit one that's admittedly too lame to be worth picking up: "Warrening", in honor of Elizabeth Warren. Identify yourself as anything but white, so you can either take advantage of identity goodies, or stand out as a pale light in a darker group, with all the unspoken envy that it generates."
Do black conservatives who are really black get it easy just because they are black? Anyway, warrening would require the person to be politically liberal in order to get away with it for long
Haley Barbour makes me smile.
Barbour, an outspoken supporter of immigration reform, said the key is to make the economic argument for why reaching an agreement on the issue makes sense.
“Let’s just say 5 million of the 12 million [undocumented immigrants] have a job, pay taxes, have a family and children here — they’re residents who contribute,” he said. “Let’s say we deport all of them — well who’s going do those 5 million jobs? Are we going to find 5 million Americans to do them? Not a chance.”
Haley is neglecting the fact we we have 12 million (U3 rate of 7.9%) to 23 million (U6 rate of 14.6%) unemployed Americans.
Here's my amnesty plan, anyone who signs up to go home is given a couple of months to get their affairs in order, govt paid transportation home, some cash to get them settled (payable once they're on the bus or plane) and promised a work visa once U3 rate is under 5.0% (In the fine print, you can throw in "subject to medical, criminal and educational requirements"). Then fence the entire border and require every employer to use E-verify for their workers.
Just shows how bogus affirmative action really is -- this woman is, in fact, eligible for it.
La Latina Bambina
Latina Bambina!
If you want to be a real hard-ass (and why not?), make the amnesty work visas conditional on U3 unemployment rate of 4% or lower-- the definition of full employment under the Humphrey-Hawkins Act). We haven't had unemployment that low since the last year of the Clinton Administration.
if you read the article, she sounds like she's for obama. she spends most of her time bashing romney. not good enough at this, not good enough at that. she thinks romney sucks, pretty much.
i guarantee she doesn't care about debt, or even understand what it is. that was the single thing obama wasn't good at according to her. obama was better at everything else. so it was about 10 to 1, romney worse than obama at various stuff, with the caveat that obama is worse at that vague, kind of hard to understand debt thing - which doesn't bother her much.
also, she's yet another dummy who's "fiscally conservative but socially liberal". there is no such thing. this is why she doesn't care about debt. anybody who is socially liberal doesn't care about debt, period.
"he, he, he, IF all hispanics looked like that, then enforcing the immigration laws would be feminists top priority."
True. It's no accident that the one kind of immigration our government actually works hard to prevent is foreign brides coming from Eastern Europe -- tall, thin blondes, mostly.
Has Karl Rove heard the good news?
Just more proof that Republicans are better looking than Democrats.
Even bigger than the gender gap or the marriage gap is the hotness quotient gap.
"sandy and media ensure obama win."
Depends who actually shows up to vote. Most polls are based on a prediction of a large plurality of Dems coming out to vote. If the electorate looks like '08, in terms of party identification, Obama wins. If it looks like '04, Romney wins. Pretty much that simple.
The potential 'quantum' effects are interesting though: do Dem-leaning predictions of an inevitable Obama win make one more or less likely? Do they make it more likely by discouraging GOP voters, or less likely by making Dem voters think it's in the bag and they can stay home?
Incidentally, for a skeptical take on Nate Silver, in whose predictions Democrats take the most comfort this cycle, see Tarnished Silver: Assessing the new king of stats.
Re Sandy: it did help Obama at first, as it knocked the economy and Benghazi into the background, and let the Obama appear presidential and empathetic. But it looks like Sandy is starting to flip against him: Obama peaked at +0.5% in the RCP national poll average, and he's just ticked down to +0.4% as 4 poll results including surveys Sunday were included. Two of those 4 new polls show the race tied, and 2 show a 1 point lead for Romney.
It makes sense intuitively that Sandy would start to weigh against Obama as the hardship of it drags on and the federal response to it increasingly looks inadequate.
As a Northwest European American, I look more "Hispanic" than Cat does. Must be that my Irish and British ancestors were the descendants of ancient Iberians/Romans, while her Iberian ancestors were the descendants of ancient Vandals and Goths. Affirmative action is such a joke.
I do have to admit, I didn't bother reading the article. I suspect Ms. del Valle Castellanos has little of substance to say about the national debt.
But the national debt, Federal deficits, and Chinese imports are pointless and stupid things for Republicans to get in a lather about. Our normal, healthy intuitions about budgets (you have to spend less than you earn, etc.), while applicable to us, our companies, our local and state governments, DO NOT APPLY to the US government or any other fiat currency issuer.
Read more details here:
Yes, these concepts are Keynesian, but just because Democrats are big fans of Keynes doesn't make these concepts wrong. Plus, tax cuts stimulate the economy! How Republican is that?
I knew you'd love that one, bro
But "Cat" is sadly Cuban-Castillian rather than being short for some traditional Aztec name like Catzequotal
IF all hispanics looked like that, then enforcing the immigration laws would be feminists top priority
The Iron Triangle
I think Steve has commented on this phenomenon before about Unstoppable Ginormous Voting Blocs--they all have certain elements of inherent BS and centrifugal tendencies which the mono-culture of the D.C. press invariably fails to perceive. If this girl can pass herself off as a representative Latina, then nearly anybody can. "Appealing To The Growing Hispanic Vote" is the new "Putting Jobs First" or "Saving The Middle Class"
Wonder if she's related to Pedro del Valle, a friend and contemporary of that expert on all things Latin, Revilo Pendleton Oliver.
"he, he, he, IF all hispanics looked like that, then enforcing the immigration laws would be feminists top priority"
Why? Providing in this hypothetical fantasy of envious "feminists", the immigrant men look just as good. And if you are intimating that "feminists" are lesbians, they might appreciate such female good looks too. So it's win win with "feminists" and good looking immigrants. Some of the commenters here seem to have a childish notion that "feminists" are some sort of sub-race and form a political category. Women who have expressed these commitments come in the same range of looks and age as --- well, non-feminists; except nowadays nonfeminists don't really exist. "Feminist" ideas are too dispersed now in general society, and whatever legal goals they wanted are now won in the western world. Masculinists are the up and coming agrieved category, methinks.
Beowulf's amnesty plan is very sensible. So sensible no one would propose it.
"Haley Barbour makes me smile."
My father knew Haley back in the day, and apparently he was always good for smiles, chuckles, and not much else. I wonder if Haley has ever reflected on this idea of importing a new racial underclass, and then compared it to, oh, 54 percent black Yazoo County, where he's from, or maybe the 60-75 percent black counties nearby, and maybe..... nahh, probably not.
No Doubt gets criticized for their new video and the depiction of feathered Indians therein but there is no criticism for Elizabeth Warren taking the AA place of a child of the prairie at Harvard University. If it is wrong for a Califirnia Girl should it also not be OK for an Okie?
Raj Date -310152.7899210687
I know a Jewish college student who's voting for Romney...Jews of [his dad's] generation would never vote for a {spit} Republican.
I'm Jewish, a bit older than your college student acquaintance, and voted for Romney as well. My decision had nothing to do with Israel. I have noticed that more of my older relatives than my Boomer relatives are willing to vote for Romney, so there may be something to your observation.
>Haley is neglecting the fact we we have 12 million (U3 rate of 7.9%) to 23 million (U6 rate of 14.6%) unemployed Americans.<
Haven't you heard? According to the right wing, the only reason those people are unemployed is that they are lazy.
Americans. They're worthless, according to patriots.
The implication is that if you can persuade hispanic girls to dye blonde they are more likely to vote Republican. Probably true.
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