by Ann Coulter
Between having Republican presidential candidates fly to Las Vegas to kiss his ring, billionaire Sheldon Adelson has managed to fit in time to talk Sen. Lindsey Graham into sponsoring a bill banning Internet gambling.
As you may know, Sheldon Adelson is a CASINO OWNER. Internet gambling would compete with his casino business.
On the other hand, when it comes to the services Adelson isn’t selling, but buying – low-skilled workers – he’s for unbridled competition, preferring not to limit the supply even to people who are legally in the United States. (Weirdly, so is Lindsey Graham!)
Adelson is a big backer of amnesty, telling the Wall Street Journal: “It would be inhumane to send those people back, to send 12 million people out of this country. … So we’ve got to find a way, find a route for those people to get legal citizenship.”
As Milton Friedman said, “With some notable exceptions, businessmen favor free enterprise in general but are opposed to it when it comes to themselves.”
Adelson is an especially telling example of the self-interest of businessmen on immigration. His newspaper, Israel Today, the largest newspaper in Israel, is wildly patriotic on immigration (and everything else).
Israel Today has trumpeted the success of the 15-foot razor-wire fence along Israel’s 140-mile border with Egypt, triumphantly noting last August that, for the first time, “no infiltrations were recorded from the Egyptian border, compared to 193 from the same month last year.”
Adelson himself had suggested just such a policy to the Los Angeles Times last year, saying he wanted to “Put a big fence around our country.”
By “our country,” he, of course, meant Israel. In America, he wants illegal immigrants pouring across the border to provide him with an endless supply of cheap labor.
Recently, Israel has been “rounding up” African refugees, giving them $3,500 and plane tickets to Uganda, to encourage them to “self-deport.” Welcome to El Al Airlines. We’re about to begin pre-boarding for Flight 259, offering non-stop, one-way service to Kampala, Uganda. At this time we’d like to invite our premium-plus illegal immigrants to board.
Wait! I thought we couldn’t “round up” any illegal immigrants! I thought “self-deportation” was a laughable idea!
In general, Israel has done well for itself as it has increasingly moved in a nationalist direction.
Adelson's paper is Israel Hayom ( not Israel Today (
These two titles mean the same thing, but they appear to be two different newspapers.
Was there any viable Republican candidate that didn't attend his "dance monkey, dance" fundraising event?
Monroe Ficus,
Rand Paul did not attend Mr. Adelson's gathering.
Calling out the duplicity of the Chosen People has consequences, hopefully Ms. Coulter has a nice nest egg built up.
We are a fundamentally unserious people.
(See, you can use it anywhere!)
Ed: "Calling out the duplicity of the Chosen People has consequences, hopefully Ms. Coulter has a nice nest egg built up."
It's OK, as long as you get used to living life on your knees, always apologizing and still being beaten to set an example to others not to think uppity thoughts.
And by the way I'd like to give thanks for the personal journey that led me to a man I now call a friend: Abe Foxman, who has led me to know myself and led me to grow in unexpected ways.
All the while, with one part of his mind , he wondered how soon they would shoot him. 'Everything depends on yourself,' O'Brien had said ; but he knew that there was no conscious act by which he could bring it nearer. It might be ten minutes hence, or ten years. They might keep him for years in solitary confinement, they might send him to a labour-camp, they might release him for a while, as they sometimes did. It was perfectly possible that before he was shot the whole drama of his arrest and interrogation would be enacted all over again. The one certain thing was that death never came at an expected moment. The tradition -- the unspoken tradition: somehow you knew it, though you never heard it said -- was that they shot you from behind; always in the back of the head, without warning , as you walked down a corridor from cell to cell.
The man is in his 80's and is a billionaire many times over yet still keeps grasping for more money, this time by trying to squelch potential competition. Hearkens back to the previous posting here on Ukrainian oligarchs being theorized as too big to bribe or to act in a corrupt manner and thus making ideal public servants. The reality is that that's all they live for, squeeze one more buck. Adelson seems to differ from some of these other billionaires by having a cause he invests in. The others donate towards football programs and do-good schemes that go nowhere.
Though Coulter makes some excellent points in her essay, conservatives like Ann Coulter – who abhor the “browning of America” – make it very difficult for other conservatives to effectively address immigration issues. See the new book, Never Trust Ann Coulter – at ANY Age, at
Also, per Israel Hayom, Israel's unemployment rate dropped to a record low in February 2014.
Participation in the labor force rose to a record high of 80% in February, according to the CBS survey, meaning that four out of five Israelis ages 25 to 64 are currently employed.
Sheckey, as he was not-so-affectionately known to his employees at the Interface Group and GWV Travel back in the day, was a nice Jewish boy from Dot UNTIL he met his second wife. Then he became the Zionist tool he's been the last 20 years.
The companies he owned changed, too, as they saw an influx of ill-dressed, ill-coiffed Israelis, the "Men in Gold Chains" that Steve likes to riff on. The native-born employees used to talk about them as the "Puerto Rican" Jews.
People forget that he didn't make real money until the 90s when he fleeced the Korean guy for COMDEX, which was killed off 6 years later by 9/11 and deluded management. Sheckey still got a piece of the action, though, as the show in Vegas took place at both the Las Vegas Convention Center (mostly the big software companies) and the Sands (hardware, mostly Asian, with the best booth babes).
He's shown a knack for knowing when to get in or out of a business. Doesn't change the fact that he's just another Jewish immigration hypocrite.
"Rand Paul did not attend Mr. Adelson's gathering."
Rand Paul is not a viable candidate.
The sad thing that we must bear in mind is that the "respectable" positions to take on immigration to America are :
1. Mass Immigration
2. Open Borders
Stray from these poles, and you are in trouble. From everyone.
Kudos to Coulter. To see what she is fighting against, here are the words of Shaun Kenney, Executive Director of the Virginia Republican Party:
“There are 12 million people in the United States today who want a better lives for themselves and their families, whose only crime was that they came to America to do it.
‘”The nativists have a very simple solution: apprehend all 12 million of them, boxcar them back to their point of origin, and drive them out as so many locusts. …
‘”he American conservative movement has driven out ideologies from our camp once before. We drove out the progressives and the America First movement in the 1940s. We did it again with the John Birch Society in the 1960s. We did it once again with the anarchists in the 1980s. Every time we have purged the ranks of poison, we have emerged stronger …
“It’s time to clean house.
‘”You will hear a lot of talk in the coming months about immigration reform. In it will be included guest worker programs, documented worker status, real border enforcement that doesn’t require walls, and a sound program that takes an antiquated immigration system and brings it into the 21st century. That’s not amnesty, that’s reform.
“Conservatives embrace the idea of more Americans coming into this country to work hard and prosper.
“Nativists reject Pedro. …"
“Drive em out, ladies and gentlemen. …”
Via Mickey Kaus
Ann Coulter is more courageous, self-sacrificing, forthright, honest, wise, and just than all the men in Congress, all the men in the mainstream media, the vast majority of the men in academia, etc.
She puts them to shame.
Ann Coulter "gets it"...she's the new PJB
hopefully Ms. Coulter has a nice nest egg built up
She has three homes with no husband or children in any of them.
Here in the Mid-Atlantic, it is well known that Jewish neighborhoods will go black in a generation or two. The toughest ghettos in Baltimore, for example, we once Jewish neighborhoods.
There seems to be a baked in short-term outlook at work. There's no sense or desire in handing down to the next generation the proceeds of this generation. The kids are on their own, so to speak.
As a mobile tribe, that may be good business. As a country it is suicide.
When I read this last night, I could have sworn you ghosted it.
Great article.
Steve from Detroit
"Calling out the duplicity of the Chosen People has consequences, hopefully Ms. Coulter has a nice nest egg built up."
I've read that Coulter was friends with Joe Sobran who hadn't nice things to say about the Yahweh Master Race.
First off, I'm surprised Ann Coulter went there, almost.
Second, I'm surprised some of the websites didn't spike this particular column of hers, knowing that many of them have a favorite country that just so happens not to be this one.
Third, I think she is closer to the truth about why Adelson is exercising outsize influence on Republican Presidential politics. It's not necessary for anything or anyone he wants, it's for something he doesn't want and is trying to prevent. He's trying to make sure an immigration patriot does not win the Republican nomination. Nobody has to do anything for the Democrats to nominate someone who wants open borders and who does not want to enforce immigration law. But Adelson needs to muddy the waters on the Republican side to make sure that someone like Jeff Sessions doesn't win. If Adelson can buy his way into the Republican nominee is also open borders and no immigration enforcement, then he has already won no matter who actually wins in November. Adelson needs most of all for immigration law not to be enforced, and he doesn't care whether the Republican or the Democrat doesn't do it, as long as it's not done.
Fourth, the results of the Adelson ring kissing fest seem to be that Adelson has anointed Jeb Bush. Unfortunately, if Jeff Sessions or someone similar doesn't run and run a viciously militantly populist campaign, it's going to be Bush, and if nobody runs that could run an outsider war, then the whole Republican Presidential primary season will be kabuki theater, anyone not named Bush will only be in it for resume padding for a future media career, speaking tour, book deal, etc.
Aspiring TV producer mistakenly killed by deputies in West Hollywood
The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department acknowledged Thursday that its deputies mistakenly shot and killed a aspiring TV producer they thought was a stabbing suspect.
In fact, John Winkler, 30, had gone to a neighbor's apartment Monday night on Palm Avenue in West Hollywood where a man was holding people hostage and tried to help.
Winkler was shot when he rushed out of the apartment with another victim who had been trapped inside the apartment with a third victim and the suspect, sheriff's officials said in a statement.
“The apartment door suddenly opened and a male victim came rushing out,” the statement said. “He was covered in blood and bleeding profusely from the neck. Simultaneously, victim Winkler ran out of the door, lunging at the back of the fleeing victim. Both ran directly at the deputies.”
Three deputies fired at Winkler. He was shot once and died.
So, now we have the LA county sheriff's dept. acting like a bunch of trigger-happy thugs. I guess they figured they'd spell the trigger-happy thugs of the LAPD for a while.
No gun, no knife, no weapon of any kind, no evidence of any wrongdoing whatsoever - just start blazing away at anything that moves.
Hey, LA law enforcement, a message from the people of Earth: fuck you.
Why do the voters in LA put up with this crap?
"Israel has done well for itself as it has increasingly moved in a nationalist direction."
When we Americans were, up to 1965, One People - a majority, assimilated people having a robust nationalism, so, too, did the United States do well for itself. Gee, do you wonder what's changed since 1965?
There is nothing inhumane about expecting people to just live in their own countries. It is not inhumane. This whole premise is BS. People can live just fine in their own countries.
With the Jews it is always a case of do as we say, not as we do.
Unfortunately, I think that Coulter is going to end up being the next Helen Thomas.
OT: looks like someone is impersonating you over on Nypost:
"Steve Sailor 3 minutes ago
This article proves that Democracy and egalitarianism are bankrupt concepts. These women should not have the right to self-determination because their choices will bring about the total destruction of civilization... Feminists should be treated like suspected witches were in the inquisition and be burned at the stake..."
It certainly took some balls to write what she did.
Wow. My respect for Ann Coulter just skyrocketed.
OT, Wonderlic scores are in:
Ann Coulter has linked to Steve's work and quoted him. Some of Ann Coulter's recent columns lead me to suspect she is not only a regular reader of isteve; she is probably also reading some of the comments.
Joe H.
I know at least one Tea Party follower in Tennessee who blew a gasket over Coulter's anti-amnesty stand and promised that he shall never read her again. He even removed his Facebook link to her columns. He checks for her latest stuff only twice a day now.
A great idea to really secure a Middle East peace deal.
Release Madoff along with Pollard.
"Unfortunately, I think that Coulter is going to end up being the next Helen Thomas."
Doubtful. Before Coulter can be made into a pariah, they have to first address what she said. And the last thing the neocons in both parties want is for Americans to learn how Israel deals their illegal alien problem. Once the open detention facility in the Negev desert becomes publicly known, Americans would demand one in the US, safe in the knowledge that itsnot racist because Israel has been doing it for years.
Im also curious how the Israel-firsters who frequent this blog will respond. "Israel is an exception because it is a Jewish nation, but America is a nation of immigrants" would be my guess, peppered with some passive aggressive insinuation of antisemtism for even bringing up the topic of Israeli immigration policy and neocon duplicity.
Well, the Virginia GOP doesn't have much to worry about. Their golden boy Ed Gillespie is on track to lose in a landslide, so by their own definition they're the strongest they've even been in history.
That's how it works, right?
Hmmm, maybe middle American Jews aren't too jazzed with anti-immigration advocates, because their blog comments are filled with statements like: "With the Jews it is always a case of do as we say, not as we do."
Next let's see if we can get women behind tax reform by needlessly peppering our commentary with references to "c*nts"
Kaus is a Jew, and he's on Sailer's and Coulter's side of the immigration issue. Adelson speaks for himself, not all Jews. Coulter understands that. Sobran hated Jews, so he probably wouldn't have.
The man is in his 80's and is a billionaire many times over yet still keeps grasping for more money, this time by trying to squelch potential competition
You can never have too much money. I don't care how much you have, you never get to a point where you don't need more.
I am Jewish, and agree with Ann 100%.
it's getting hard to avoid talking about this, might be why even mainstream writers are mentioning it now.
i've noticed in the last 2 years especially:
1) people are openly talking about the mexican invasion. they didn't before. not like this. today, pretty much everywhere you go on the web, there is a discussion about it. they do not obsess over it or talk about it every day. but the topic is always around now, and the reaction is mostly negative.
there are fewer knee jerk defenders than there were even 2 or 3 years ago, and a chorus of pissed off voices. when politicians start talking about amnesty, the comments on the web are now over 90% negative. the defenders you used to see online only 4 or 6 years ago, are long gone. almost nobody is swooping in to defend the mexican invasion anymore. there aren't arguments anymore about the merits of millions of mexicans. no back and forth exchanges between the pro and con groups. most people figured this one out by now. there are no pros, and only cons, of adding yet more millions of mexicans, endlessly.
2) people are now openly talking about er, the thing steve blocks you from posting about here sometimes. less so than the mexican invasion, but the awareness is starting to emerge now. this is not to say every person is converting to moderate white nationalism...but it's starting. there's simply no doubt. things can't keep going the way they are with people continuing to not notice what is happening, what is driving it.
we're only about 5 years away from certain billionaires demanding 'You will go die for (country x).' by 2020, i give it a 50% chance that this will actually be the mainstream thrust of their position, that it is openly acknowledged, and people, even average people, will know about it and talk about it. evangelical christians are also on board with this, which is one of the only reasons it has gone on so long.
but now, non-religious people under 30 are catching on to what is happening, thanks to being both not religious as well as being on the internet all day absorbing information. and they have no interest in perpetual conflict and war for country x and it's interests. there's a limit to how far certain billionaires will be able to press this issue before finally, there is an open battle over it. the decline of christianity may coincide quite ironically with a decline in american support for the country x supremacy position.
Neanderthals coming back.
"Im also curious how the Israel-firsters who frequent this blog will respond. "Israel is an exception because it is a Jewish nation, but America is a nation of immigrants" would be my guess, peppered with some passive aggressive insinuation of antisemtism for even bringing up the topic of Israeli immigration policy and neocon duplicity."
I can tell you the argument (which I do not agree with). It's basically as you say--Israel is nation for a people with no other home, whereas America is a nation of immigrants. Fundamentally my odious relatives think they are an oppressed group, which justifies anything. (You see this with them defending NAMs, for example.)
Personally, I am in favor of strict immigration restrictions for both Israel *and* America, but practically nobody is with me on this one. There's already a Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership--anyone for Jews for American Immigration Limits? (The acronym is what we'd like to do with the illegals. ;) )
"Im also curious how the Israel-firsters who frequent this blog will respond. 'Israel is an exception because it is a Jewish nation, but America is a nation of immigrants' would be my guess"
this brings up the question of how do they justify it in europe, since european countries are not nations of immigrants.
discussing these topics on their merits is a waste of time with these people since they have no interest in intellectual rigor or political acumen. only in winning a culture war. france has to become brown...because. just because. and that's it. make up whatever reason you want. it has to happen. and so forth, for every nation in europe.
the only rule they employ in these proceedings is that any objection from a european on ethnic grounds is RACISM! flag thrown, 15 yard penalty, player is ejected from the game, we don't even need to continue playing. our side wins automatically, game over.
indeed, any discussion on the topic now appears to simply be them trying to trick you into objecting based on the idea that europeans exist as a people, or even, gasp, have collective interests. upon which time they throw the flag. game over, we automatically win. if you don't allow us run it in for a touchdown on the first snap from scrimmage, on every possession, but instead have the audacity to try to tackle us, well, that's a game ending penalty. you bigot.
by the way, i noticed south korea just recently made it even harder for their citizens to marry non-koreans or to bring foreign spouses into korea. the foreign spouses even have to, gasp, go to class to learn korean! at the korean spouse's expense! egads. what barbaric, draconian laws are these.
i'm sure obama will send kerry over there to lecture the koreans any day now about their bigotry and xenophobia. maybe a blockade of oil imports into korea is appropriate. and if they don't get with the program then, perhaps the US navy should move some ohio class missile subs toward seoul, so the koreans get enlightened and allow a flood of non-korean speaking foreigners to start babbling and jabbering away everywhere, turning their streets into washington DC.
Hmmm, maybe middle American Jews aren't too jazzed with anti-immigration advocates, because their blog comments are filled with statements like: "With the Jews it is always a case of do as we say, not as we do."
Next let's see if we can get women behind tax reform by needlessly peppering our commentary with references to "c*nts"
Except pointing out blatant hypocrisy is nothing like calling women vulgar slurs or openly espousing Jewish supremacist views like you do:
Kaus is a Jew, and he's on Sailer's and Coulter's side of the immigration issue. Adelson speaks for himself, not all Jews.
Besides Kaus (a pretty minor public figure) there's Dan Stein and who else? Stein is the head of a very ineffective(compared to NUMBERS USA)anti-immigration outfit.
Speaking of Kaus, why did the son of a former California Supreme Court justice do so poorly in his run for the US Senate:
Kaus finished a distant third in the June 8, 2010 Democratic primary election, with 5.3%[37] of the total vote (or 94,298 votes). Political unknown Brian Quintana took second with 14.2%, while incumbent Barbara Boxer secured 80.5%, ensuring that she would continue on to the general election.
Aw, man, don't tell me that my Komment got Kontrolled.
Ann is a big girl.
She can deal with it.
Yes, long before this and similar blogs became must-reads in just about every Jewish household these patriotic Jews were as overrepresented in the immigration control movement as they were in leftist movement. Shame on paleos and HBDers for driving them out!
Of course anti-semitism was unknown before the advent of the blogosphere. Prior anti-immigration groups were barely ever mentioned the Jews.
This is pretty edgy for Ann to do ... good for her. Even the title of the article echoes the line "multiculturalism for thee, ethnocentrism for me"/
The problem is that Ann woke up too late. We needed this in the 90's at the latest ( I saw all this in the 70's,, but then I was living in Miami- ground zero of the invasion). She simply will get the credit. It doesn't take a lot of courage to jump aboard after the backlash has become noticeable, as a prior commentator has noticed. Sad.
Yea well Charles Martel didn't spring into action until it was too late for Spain either. How can a political movement that is actually less successful than the libertarians be so picky about potential allies.
How many votes does having a dad on the state Supreme Court normally guarantee someone? Honestly this is getting to be unreal, but are you even alledging that the vote was rigged what? Kaus did better did huntsman did in the republican primary for president and his dads a billionaire. Both we candidate explicitly opposed to large parts of their putative party's orthodoxy. Those people don't win primaries.
"Besides Kaus (a pretty minor public figure) there's Dan Stein and who else?"
Janice Kephart, who's a fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, David Frum, Arnold Shapiro, who won the CIS's 2010 Eugene Katz award, Mark Levin, etc.
Hudson replies:
I am a pretentious virgin check out these next fifteen comments in a row.
Hudson replies:
Don't have anything to add but I just missed the sound of my own voice.
Hudson replies:
Girl Scouts handing out cookies reminds me of how much I hate Ukraine. I wonder what Putin would look like riding a dolphin. But if Putin rode a dolphin the likudites would probably kill all the dolphins as revenge. Most likely by handing them out poisoned cookies.
Husdon replies:
Nuland more like Jewland. More like Nuland-Kaganovich-Trotsky-Freud-Koufax-Rosenberg-Davis Jr.-Anderson (note to self maybe not Jewish enough)- Kafka-Bellow-Carew. (Insert more if I think I didn't make myself clear enough). It's funny how I can hate a person so much that I didn't know existed 4 months ago.
When people scoff at Jewish domination of the world I always think to myself if Jews don't control the world who commanded every girl at my high school not to sleep with me. If only noticing things weren't racist people would understand that my virginity isn't my fault.
Off topic, but it seems that Robert Kaplan is once again beating the Imperial Drum. I think that he's a little too enchanted by visions of pith-helmeted pukka sahibs teaching the wogs their proper place.....
" If only noticing things weren't racist people would understand that my virginity isn't my fault."
Whiskey, is that you?
Anon@5:36 AM re Mickey Kaus column with link to the blog of that wonderful Stupid Party operator in Virginia:
”The American conservative movement has driven out ideologies from our camp once before. We drove out the progressives and the America First movement in the 1940s. We did it again with the John Birch Society in the 1960s. We did it once again with the anarchists in the 1980s. Every time we have purged the ranks of poison, we have emerged stronger …
Lol. "The GOP: Proudly Purging Patriots Since the 1940s!"
I highly recommend the comments to the source article. The moderator, one Brian W. Schoeneman, with his "filthy little lobbyist pie hole" (as one commenter describes him), is an Onion parody.
(Alas, looks like the pie-hole comment got moderated.)
Anonydroid at 5:37 PM mocked Hunsdon as: a pretentious virgin in love with the sound of his own voice, with a man crush on Putin, who is a virginy virginal virgin. (Hunsdon somewhat paraphrased)
Hunsdon replied: Damn, dude, that's some funny stuff. That's like Lenny Bruce funny! Did you come up with that yourself? Because that's like the funniest shit I've heard all day.
And hey, isn't it easier to call someone a poopy-head than to refute their arguments?
And honey, for a virgin I sure seem to have gotten you all hot and bothered. Sit a spell with a mint julep and fan yourself.
DR said: Of course anti-semitism was unknown before the advent of the blogosphere. Prior anti-immigration groups were barely ever mentioned the Jews.
Hunsdon said: I don't really have anything to say, but I sure love the sound of my own voice! Oh, wait.
If Jewish Americans were a driving force in the decades long effort to overturn the Johnson-Reed Act, should anti-immigration groups have remained silent on their efforts and participation?
>this brings up the question of how do they justify it in europe, since european countries are not nations of immigrants<
A good person to ask this would be a popular European public figure who is pro-immigration..
I hear there's a chap named Dieudonne who might have some ideas about how various policies are justified in Europe.
Well, diversity is strength.
Kaplan has always been like that. Apparently if you don't want to bomb people, then you hate those people and want to deny them glorious freedom. Sound logic.
As some have intimated, Jews are not monolithic on the immigration issue.
But the ones that are against uncurtailed immigration sure don't seem to have the megaphones the pro immigration ones have.
I wonder sometimes how much of it is due to so many working in the finance sector now. Regardless of ethnicity, financial types seem to be all for immigration.
Just have to wonder if the grandparents of some of these types, might have had a different take on things, most likely not being in this sector.
>Just have to wonder if the grandparents of some of these types, might have had a different take on things, most likely not being in this sector.<
Oh, a number of them were certainly immigrants themselves - flag-wavers, yes, but hot for wide-open borders down to the seventh generation.
As some have intimated, Jews are not monolithic on the immigration issue
Absolutely correct. They are pro-immigration in the United States and anti-immigration in Israel.
Perfect example of cartel capitalism that "free market" conservatives still defend. It's the exact opposite of free market but they don't see it.
"this brings up the question of how do they justify it in europe, since european countries are not nations of immigrants."
They have been trying for decades to push the meme that Europeans are a nation of immigrants so they can do to Europe what they did to America.
"As some have intimated, Jews are not monolithic on the immigration issue."
Jews have been the main driver for creating "diversity" in every nation and civilization they've ever lived in for the entirety of their history. Creating division in the host population is a rational defensive mechanism for a minority - especially a wealthy one.
Charlesz Martel: "It doesn't take a lot of courage to jump aboard after the backlash has become noticeable..."
Yes it does.
SFG, would you consider introducing them to a few arguments, and then getting back to us with how they respond? I'm curious:
1) The "oppressed group" thing is tendentious because it relies on circumstance, not principle. For one thing, it depends on one's reading of history, one's point of view. For another, today's un-oppressed group is tomorrow's oppressed group; if Europeans let things continue on as they are going now, we're on a fast track to becoming an oppressed group. Finally, it's insane to wait to assert one's rights until after one becomes an oppressed group; the intelligent thing to do is to get out in front of the possibility and cut it off at the pass, to ensure that one doesn't become an oppressed group. (you may or may not want to mention that you know some Europeans who can make a good case that Jews have dished out the oppression better than they've taken it, over the years, and point out that it doesn't matter if they're right, because refusing to accept their interpretation forces both parties into a struggle for supremacy over the interpretation and enforcement of history).
2) Given all that, and that Israel is the Jewish homeland, where are the analogous homelands for Europeans? Et cetera.
(By "Europeans," I mean "European 'gentiles'")
I'd be interested to know how those conversations go.
"sunbeam said...
As some have intimated, Jews are not monolithic on the immigration issue."
The Washington Monument is not monolithic either; it consists of over 36,000 stones. But effectively, it is just one big rock.
"DR said...
Hmmm, maybe middle American Jews aren't too jazzed with anti-immigration advocates, because their blog comments are filled with statements like: "With the Jews it is always a case of do as we say, not as we do.""
Maybe some white gentiles aren't too jazzed with constant insinuations that we are crypto-nazis simply because we notice some things, or because we disagree with certain people.
"this brings up the question of how do they justify it in europe, since european countries are not nations of immigrants"
You can always create some immigration mythology, doesn't matter how ridiculous and ahistorical it is; in Britain the lefties have been doing this for decades, justifying mass immigration with references to Romans, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. We're getting similar sh*t in Germany now too, a few years ago I read about some event organized by the local socialists where a Kurdish woman (a "writer" or some other sort of "artist") brought out that trope - Germany has always been a country (can't say "nation"!) of immigrants, don't you know about the Huguenots and the Poles?
The American prototype is truly pernicious in this regard.
"The Rick Sanchez In The Iron Mask said...
Charlesz Martel: "It doesn't take a lot of courage to jump aboard after the backlash has become noticeable..."
Yes it does."
I agree. It does take guts. And I'm speaking as one who very much supported Israel in the past (and even now I would not really want to see them overrun by Muslims). But we have our own country to worry about and our own progeny.
Fundamentally my odious relatives think they are an oppressed group
Which is simply bizarre on the face of it - the single wealthiest and most powerful group of people in America (which makes them the single wealthiest and most powerful group of people in the world) see themselves as "oppressed"?
I suspect a lot of what we're seeing with Jews and "oppression" is paranoia and a guilty conscience. That is, they are obsessed with the thought of their possible future "oppression" precisely because they themselves are the current oppressors.
I agree. It does take guts. And I'm speaking as one who very much supported Israel in the past (and even now I would not really want to see them overrun by Muslims). But we have our own country to worry about and our own progeny.
I've never been one who has supported Israel in the popular sense, but even I would never wish to see a people overrun by another. At least, ceteris paribus - since Jews are doing more than anyone else to see my people overrun by others, they've put a reciprocal desire on the table for me, as far as their homeland is concerned.
Anonydroid at 1:09 PM said: Which is simply bizarre on the face of it - the single wealthiest and most powerful group of people in America (which makes them the single wealthiest and most powerful group of people in the world) see themselves as "oppressed"?
Hunsdon said: It's a bizarre old world we live in. (I almost tried to go meta and type "bazaar old world" but I'm trying to behave.) We're not rational, not any of us, and certainly not in groups. American Jews of Ashkenazic descent bear with them the family, the tribal, genetic memory of what and where and when their culture was formed.
When my wife was playing rugby for the Kazakhstani national team, and they went to Germany, her grandfather (a veteran of the Great Patriotic War) wouldn't speak to her for TWO WHOLE MONTHS after she got back, for "consorting with the fascists."
History's a bitch, and we in America are almost uniquely blessed with having a history that hasn't been nasty, brutish, and extended.
This is just Anne being Anne.
"Personally, I am in favor of strict immigration restrictions for both Israel *and* America, but practically nobody is with me on this one. There's already a Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership--anyone for Jews for American Immigration Limits? (The acronym is what we'd like to do with the illegals. ;) )"
How about Jews for American Immigration Limits and Expedited Removal? JAILER is a better acronym than JAIL.
Ann Counter is an idoit as well, if she really wanted less immigration get rid of the job magnet. Its been simple for years but the right wing lies about this to get support. In fact they didn't take up the cause until 2006 with George W Bush.
Ann Coulter has impressed me of lately. While she used to spout the RINO line about anything taboo, she has over I believe the last couple of years or so, been increasingly willing to write about topics which the left considers 'verboten'. While they have been circulating for years among far right circles, its good to hear them spoken among the more mainstream Republicans. That will get them more airing to the general public.
"..if Europeans let things continue on as they are going now, we're on a fast track to becoming an oppressed group.."
I'd argue we are already an oppressed group.
Why did Kaus do so poorly? 80% to Boxer, the incumbent. That's actually poor for an incumbent. Among the protest votes, Brian Quintana, a drive time radio DJ in LA, got three times what Kaus did. Quintana may have been a political unknown, but half the state's population had heard of him, just not the half that includes political pundits. Kaus threatened the Democrats' power by being against immigration, and the primary was a closed primary back then - only registered Democrats could vote.
"Anonymous jody said...
this brings up the question of how do they justify it in europe, since european countries are not nations of immigrants."
This is how they justify it:
Barbara Lerner Spectre
In effect, the justfication given is this: It's going to happen, so just bend over and accept it.
It is interesting how people like Spectre phrase things: she says that Europe has to become multicultural in order to survive and that she and others like her are there to help. Of course the fact is that Europe does not have to become multicultural to survive. It can get by just fine as it is. In fact, in becoming multicultural it will not survive - not as Europe. This kind of phrophetic language containg an implicit threat, that Spectre uses here, was much favored by Adolph Hitler too. He used to say things like "If world jewry starts a war, they will not survive it". What he meant by that was "I'm going to start a war, and the jews won't survive it". I don't see that what Spectre is saying is much different.
Of course, the multicultural conversion that she hopes to foist off on Sweden and other European nations is not for Israel. No, Israel is the unique exception to this glorious multicultural future in store for everyone else.
Sweden: a nation of immigrants.
Israel - the population of which is largely descendent from people who only arrived there after 1945? Not a nation of immigrants.
Get the difference?
"Anonymous said...
Jews have been the main driver for creating "diversity" in every nation and civilization they've ever lived in for the entirety of their history. Creating division in the host population is a rational defensive mechanism for a minority - especially a wealthy one."
But, are there other minorities who have sought to do that - creating divisions within the host majority? Do the Chinese in southeast Asia do that? The Indians in Africa? Did Armenians or Levantine Christians who came to America do that? I don't see any evidence that muslims in America do that - even given how hostile to this nation that they often are. They fight for their own interests - the majority be damned - but I haven't noticed them trying to play one side off against another.
Adelson doesn't appear to have escaped this life unscathed.Totally alienated from his two sons, probably for good reasons considering their substance abuse. One dead, one totally estranged.
Count no man lucky.....
Steve Sailer, the self-hating biological half-Jew, foments the hatred against Jews that creates a climate which encourages murders as those that happened today in Kansas.
Did something happen in Kansas?
Anonydroid at 4:16 PM said: Steve Sailer, the self-hating biological half-Jew, foments the hatred against Jews that creates a climate which encourages murders as those that happened today in Kansas.
Hunsdon said: I'm assuming that you're speaking from a position of pain; I share your pain. Otherwise? Piss off.
3 dead in shootings at Kansas Jewish center
My condolences to the families of the victims.
I'd argue we [Europeans] are already an oppressed group.
I'd always assumed the formal oppression would start once we're the minority but it's certainly interesting that in the US and elsewhere the legal and informal mechanisms of oppression are already in place. eg We've got AA (formal) and the evil of our White Privilege (informal). They just seem somewhat innocent now but the full horror will be revealed once whites are poorer and outnumbered.
"Steve Sailer, the self-hating biological half-Jew, foments the hatred against Jews that creates a climate which encourages murders as those that happened today in Kansas."
I don't think you really want to compare notes on how many whites have been killed by the fomenting of anti-white hatred.
Question for WN. Why not support Israel? It's the one country that has formal laws supporting what you say you believe in.
US is multi cult. It's a done deal. You are already a minority. "WASP" is just a cultural pose for people who went to Ivies and play golf at expensive clubs. Nothing more. England is a financial hub and has been so for quite for time. Duh.
Don't go against the flow. Find the little undercurrent that is actually going somewhere, and swim with that. Confucius say.
If you can't beat me, join em - on your terms. Protect exactly that which will protect your children in the future, and the devil take the rest.
"Anonymous said...
Steve Sailer, the self-hating biological half-Jew, foments the hatred against Jews that creates a climate which encourages murders as those that happened today in Kansas.""
Those were the actions of a demented old man. Steve had nothing to do with them, nor did anyone here.
I'm not interested in your ethnic grievance mongering or your attempt at collectively smearing gentiles for noticing things or looking out for their own interests. Shove off, a**hole.
Anonymous said...
... Which is simply bizarre on the face of it - the single wealthiest and most powerful group of people in America (which makes them the single wealthiest and most powerful group of people in the world) see themselves as "oppressed"?
During the Dieudonné affair, a half black antiracist named Dominique Sopo came out against Dieudonné and in support of the "oppressed and powerless French jewish community". The dude is dumb enough that I'm sure he wasn't being ironic at all.
Question for WN. Why not support Israel? It's the one country that has formal laws supporting what you say you believe in.
Let's say I love burglar alarms and fences. My neighbor has top of the line burglar alarm and fences, but he pays the cops to come by and tear down my fences and rip out my burglar alarms any time I try to install any. Then my other neighbor comes along and asks me why I don't like the guy with the fancy alarms and fences, or want to hear about how great his stuff is. Meanwhile I'm trying to think up a way to tear down his fences and rip out his alarm system so MAYBE he'll get a taste of what he's dishing out.
The rest of your comment is more of the same cuckold-and-loving-it "logic" so I'll leave it at that.
Question for WN. Why not support Israel? It's the one country that has formal laws supporting what you say you believe in.
I will answer and tell you what you want to hear. I won't support Israel because her supporters in the USA, both Jew and Gentile alike, work feverishly to hasten the demise of the USA, and other European nations. That's it plain and simple. I am used to give and take, and am willing to work with people with who work with me. But if a group works assiduously against my interests, and then asks me to support their pet cause, the answer is no, unless of course, their pet cause just happens to be of vital interest to me. Since I am a gentile and would be unable to immigrate to Israel if the time ever came to leave home, it is not a vital issue to me.
That's it in a nutshell. If Israeli firsters were not so committed to our transformation into something unrecognizable to our Founders, I would probably have somewhat more sympathetic feelings towards Israel like I find myself having for Ukraine, Russia and the rest of the former commie block.
Steve Sailer, the self-hating biological half-Jew
This makes him one half white gentile. Since at present it's mostly powerful Jews working on the demise of white gentiles, and not the other way around, our host's personal genetic interests (if such were his motivation) are best served by pointing out and trying to stop that process. I guess if the holocaust 2.0 was underway, he would change his tone. Probably so would I, even though I'm a full gentile.
"Just Wundrin said...
US is multi cult. It's a done deal. You are already a minority."
Lie back and accept the inevitable - the rationale of the rapist.
"WASP" is just a cultural pose for people who went to Ivies and play golf at expensive clubs. Nothing more.
Well, the "W" in "WN" doesn't stand for "WASP," but no, Anglo-Saxons aren't just a "cultural pose." I happen to be one. And yes, like all of them, I'm White, and like the vast majority, I was raised a Protestant, which is why I find the W and the P to be redundancies included only to make the acronym into the name of a pest. Anglo-Saxon is much more apt.
@Anon, help the Jews who are doing the right thing according to your principles. Israelis have made a brave choice and chosen to live as Jews. Help them, even if they don't thank you for it. Just because some of then hedge their bets and use legalisms to suit short term needs doesn't mean you can't back then up for the sake of those de facto principles in the long term.
Don't expect then to thank you for it or send you an invitation. Any more than they were thanked or invited for helping Europeans so many times.
Politics makes strange bedfellows. As for the "WASPs" living large and rejecting their true roots - they will learn to live as a minority according to the multi cult principles they have pushed for centuries. They will learn to regret it - only after they lose their former allies.
Question for WN. Why not support Israel? It's the one country that has formal laws supporting what you say you believe in.
No, it does not. It does not have laws supporting our right to our own countries. Nor does it have laws supporting the right of peoples in general to have their own countries (Salter's "universal nationalism").
@Ben, Israel is a Jewish state. Defined not by religious belief but by descent (plurality of non religious Jews, and with good reasons on their part).
Hence Israel is the worlds only ethnostate. All alien immigrants have to pass scrutiny according to ancestry laws and ideology (support for Israel as a Jewish state).
They have staked a claim and require their young people to defend it with their lives. Do as they do - but on your terms and according to your laws and ancestral traditions and inner nature. And fully defend their right to do the same.
Politics makes strange bedfellows. As for the "WASPs" living large and rejecting their true roots - they will learn to live as a minority according to the multi cult principles they have pushed for centuries. They will learn to regret it - only after they lose their former allies.
There has been one ethnic group above the rest that has pushed the multi-cult whether in the form of expanded immigration to non-Europeans, or in the expansion of minority rights. And that dominant group is not the WASPs.
As a non-WASP I cannot abandoned them to support the Jews in Israel as you advise. The WASPs, not the Jews, created the nation that my family wanted to immigrate to. It was the tradition of English common law, the respect for property and liberty, among others, that led my ancestors to this part of the New World, and not to the Latin part. We owe the WASPs a great deal.
Finally, as to your suggestion that I support Israel. Do you ever go to Jewish blogs and advocate to their readers that they should start to make common cause with us on immigration and social issues so that maybe we'd be more enthusiastic about supporting Israel? Or do you just come to our blogs and ask us to support Israel no questions asked?
If you live in Israel, then I cannot blame you for your views. But if you are an American, I find it odd that you seem more worried about preserving Israel than the USA. If Israel disappeared tomorrow, contrary to what some might say, Western Civilization would not be materially affected. As North America and Europe become increasingly third world nations, Western Civilization is becoming materially affected.
Know when to get out of Dodge. Or, leave Egypt to the 'Gyptians. The rationale of Mowzuss.
>> Do you ever go to Jewish blogs and advocate to their readers that they should start to make common cause with us on immigration and social issues so that maybe we'd be more enthusiastic about supporting Israel?
actually, I do this all the time. Don't blame me if you never read those blogs. Don't blame me if you didn't bother learning to read Hebrew. which by the way, isn't terribly difficult.
That "nation of immigrants" lie? Who do you suppose came up with that first? Kevin McDonald's research shows it as early as 1951, in Congressional testimony by Simon Rifkind, who represented "a very broad range of Jewish organizations in the hearings on the McCarran-Walter bill":
actually, I do this all the time. Don't blame me if you never read those blogs. Don't blame me if you didn't bother learning to read Hebrew. which by the way, isn't terribly difficult.
I didn't realize Commentary, Tablet, The Weekly Standard and other American publications were in Hebrew. Unless of course you are referring to posting in Israeli blogs. In which case what good does that do? It is not the Israeli Jews that are wrecking our country. It is a certain portion of the American ones and their Gentile lackeys. Do you go to these American blogs, Jewish and Neoconservative, and admonish them on their immigration and domestic policies?
"Anonymous said...
actually, I do this all the time. Don't blame me if you never read those blogs. Don't blame me if you didn't bother learning to read Hebrew. which by the way, isn't terribly difficult."
This is a ridiculous thing to say, but you are evidently a ridiculous man. Why would anyone, who isn't a Jew or a historian, bother to learn Hebrew? It's such a parochial and marginal language, it makes no sense for most people to even bother.
Hey, Mr. Arrogant, do you speak Kolyma Yukaghir? Why not? You've no one to blame but yourself if you don't.
>> Why would anyone, who isn't a Jew or a historian, bother to learn Hebrew? It's such a parochial and marginal language, it makes no sense for most people to even bother.
Tell that to the government in Beijing, which is paying for hundreds of students to go to Israel every year and learn Hebrew.
You probably also have the opinion that learning calculus is a waste of time?
I don't write letters to "Commentary" because I am convinced that the people who read it, do NOT have their hands on the levers of power.
People who read "ba-Makha-neh" ("In Camp", IDF weekly mag) and people who read "Stars and Stripes".... do.
I don't write letters to "Commentary" because I am convinced that the people who read it, do NOT have their hands on the levers of power.
The people who read iSteve do not have their hands on the levers of power, yet you still try to change our outlook.
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