Nonwhite Hispanic |
In Reality TV news, the Hollywood Reporter announces a major breakthrough for diversity:
ABC Names First Non-White 'Bachelor'
The next Bachelor has been revealed, and he represents a milestone for the ABC reality show.
Host Chris Harrison announced Monday night that former Bachelorette suitor Juan Pablo Galavis will star in the next edition of ABC's The Bachelor.
Nonwhite Hispanic's mom |
An ABC spokesperson confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter that the fan favorite -- a 32-year-old former soccer player from Venezuela now living in Miami -- will become the first non-Caucasian Bachelor or Bachelorette in franchise history.
There have been a total of nine Bachelorettes; Juan Pablo is the 17th Bachelor in 18 seasons, as Brad Womack starred on the show twice.
While the franchise has featured a handful minorities as suitors -- African-American Will Reese also appeared on Desiree Hartsock's season, which just wrapped Monday night -- ABC and producer Warner Horizon TV have previously been accused of violating racial discrimination laws.
A group of Nashville residents led by Nathaniel Claybrooks and Christopher Johnson brought a class-action lawsuit last year, alleging that the roles of the Bachelor and Bachelorette on the hit reality series have failed to feature non-white cast members and that civil rights law "plainly prohibits whites from refusing to contract with African Americans because of their race."
The defendants pointed to the First Amendment as a bar against such claims. In October, a federal judge agreed and threw out the lawsuit.
White Hispanic |
Juan Pablo had been one of 25 men competing for Desiree's hand during the most recent season of The Bachelorette. He is a single father to a 4-year-old girl named Camila.
A reader asks, "How is this guy white and George Zimmerman isn't?"
Answer: The names...
"Juan Pablo Galavis" sounds like the name of a guy looking for work in your local Home Depot parking lot. It could be Ceaser Chavez's cousin.
"George Zimmerman" sounds like a comfortably retired Jewish shoemaker in Boca Raton. Uncle Morty's brother.
Things don't come across the way we mean them sometimes. But I think Alice in Wonderland can explain things. Of course you have to kind of draw analogies with some things.
"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less."
"The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."
"The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master - - that's all."
(Through the Looking Glass, Chapter 6)
“Mad Hatter: “Why is a raven like a writing-desk?”
“Have you guessed the riddle yet?” the Hatter said, turning to Alice again.
“No, I give it up,” Alice replied: “What’s the answer?”
“I haven’t the slightest idea,” said the Hatter”
― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
The USA tends to be on crack when it comes to "Hispanics" and constantly mislabels them.
Perhaps, it's a way of USA white liberals to get their attention from the horrible truth that some "Hispanics" look mestizo, while others look castizo and even some look white.
That almost none of them look like Native Amerindians. Hence, white liberals feel even worse guilt and a bigger savior complex.
But how can they save Jennifer Lopez, Selena Gomez, Jessica Alba or others, who appear to have little Native Amerindian ancestry and sometimes look like part of the European genotype and culture?
I mean, come on. How many love Aztecs Amerindians? Only in the USA. Back in Mexico, most admire whites and try to become like them (sometimes, trying to find a white partner to make their future children and grandchildren higher and more upper-class).
They just can't comprehend this. They can't process it. Why?
USA white liberals tend to hate miscegenation and "diversity", for all of their shouts of diversity. They're very segregated.
In Central-South America (where most speak Spanish and are at least half-white), it's a skin color spectrum and a caste system, with a small white upper-class (>80% white), a vast middle mixed-race class (50-70% white), and a small lower-underclass of Blacks and Amerindians (little to no white blood).
The middle mixed-race class doesn't care about their Amerindian ancestors and seems assimilated to some degree to Spanish culture and norms.
That is quite baffling and scares USA white liberals.
So, they try to "Americanize" mestizo-castizo Hispanics and try to manufacture a victim-minority coalition where it never existed.
How can this possibly be? That guy has to be 100% European.
Check out France Córdova, the first Latina nominated to head the National Science Foundation.
Amazing. Simply amazing.
That assimilation is mind-blowing. I wonder if his mother is mestizo and his father white, or if his father is mestizo and his mother white. Anyways, the sex ratio is roughly even (unlike black/white or Asian/white mixtures and interracial marriages).
Castizo (offspring of Hispanic mestizos and whites) can look quite white sometimes.
Those with 1/4 Asian ancestry can sometimes look white, other times not, but often look better than quadroons.
Typically those with 1/4 black ancestry still look a little bit "blackish" and off, except if their "black blood" is East African (think Eritrean or Ethiopian).
The new Bachelor and his mom
Here's Juan Pablo's mom, Nelly Guinand. She looks kind of Irish.
Next we will learn that Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, Hernan Cortez, Cabeza de Vaca, Ponce de Leon, Fidel Castro were or are not white. As for PTG Beauregard a Confederate General he was... gasp a Franco (close enough to a Hispanic, right?)
Apparently this is the policy, people of spanish descent are not white because, well, just because they aren't Anglo.
There are blacks like this too.
For example, the congressman GK Butterfield:
"Described by the Washington Post as an "African-American who appears to be white,"[4] Butterfield identifies himself as an African-American. He has noted having grown up on the "black" side of town, and led civil rights marches. He is proud of his Black identity.[5] and is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus."
The answer is staring you in the face. Zimmerman is fat and beta male, to the core. The other guy is a former pro soccer player who looks like a Soap Opera star.
Alpha male = non-White. Beta Male = honorary White. Simple as that.
Look at Aaron Hernandez. He's "too hot to go to jail" according to teen girls and young women, and he cold-bloodedly murdered a Black guy named Odin Lloyd who was by all accounts a decent guy.
So killing a Black guy, in fact murderering him, is OK. If you are an Alpha male.
And the double standard for men, is a function of a female oriented society. It is all about the Alpha.
These types are often the beneficiaries of affirmative action for Hispanics in the Ivy League, elite professional employment, etc. Sort of like how well off African immigrants are frequently the beneficiaries of AA for African-Americans.
A great point by the first Anonymous. There is a difference:
White male/Hispanic female children tend to have white names since the father's name is white, unless the white man is Spanish-Mediterranean.
Hispanic male/White female children tend to have Spanish-Mediterranean names, since the father is mestizo.
Solved the mystery.
Let's just say it.
He can pass for Bradley Cooper's twin brother.
If he were to shave a little bit, maybe even a cousin of David Beckham.
But definitely Bradley Cooper.
it's even worse than that, when you have sportswriters like bill simmons talking about, do hispanics in LA want to root for a white guy like pau gasol. uh...pau gasol is the only actual hispanic out there, the rabble in LA is a bunch of short fat brown mongrels wearing kobe bryant jerseys.
in the US, guys like gasol are trapped between two wedges of the cultural marxist phalanx. in sports, he becomes white, because the cultural marxists hate heterosexual european males and wish to destroy them, and one of their main weapons is to isolate them in sports for ridicule.
but if gasol was not a great athlete and instead he was a surgeon, which is what he wanted to do before basketball and probably what he will end up doing after basketball, he instantly becomes a hispanic, who will be held up as an example of the great boon america will reap if it opens it's doors to mexico. look at the hispanic surgeon! that's who republicans want to keep out of america! boo republicans, boo!
much like how ashkenazi jews are white, or not white, depending on what is convenient, or politically expedient at any particular moment, the spaniards and portuguese are either white or not white, depending on the angle the cultural marxists are taking that day.
the spanish basketball player is a pathetic white guy, look at how he can't jump! LOL! white guys shouldn't even be allowed to play sports.
the spanish orthopedic surgeon is a marvel, a beacon to all third worlders in latin america and a irrefutable example of all that is wrong with immigration restrictionists, who are probably secretly racists and nazis anyway. LOL! republicans shouldn't even be allowed in office.
george's brother robert zimmerman looks pretty european and considering his appearance and name and articulate english, would probably only ever be treated as a "generic white guy", unless some sort of political point was being made, and then it would have to be repeated often that "this is not just some generic white guy."
he even has a widow's peak, which is mostly a european trait. george has it too, although he got some american indian bone structure in his face and robert doesn't. especially after george got fat, he looked more mestizo.
we know this kind of unpredictable phenotype expression is what to expect when there are highly mongrel populations like in brazil. so we can expect this kind of thing in the US among the lower class as the border remains open.
although, we already observe this with mulattos. there are now a decent number of blue eyed mulattos for instance. wallace spearmon, the 200 meter runner. or the hodge twins on youtube, are good examples. i'm friends with an amateur boxer who is probably 1/4 african and his wife is probably 3/4 african and their 4 year old daughter looks almost completely european. but they could have another child, who might look more african than the first kid. a good example is saul hudson, more well known as slash from guns n roses, and his brother albion hudson.
"But how can they save Jennifer Lopez, Selena Gomez, Jessica Alba or others, who appear to have little Native Amerindian ancestry and sometimes look like part of the European genotype and culture?"
selena gomez has a mestizo nose, that's a really common amerind/european hybrid nose in mexico. i've dated mexican women with that exact nose. otherwise yeah, she's mostly european physically.
1) Juan Pablo said on the After the Final Rose (yes I am a female) that he was born in New York. So he's actually an American raised oversees.
2) ABC had a racial discrimination lawsuit over the Bachelor franchise and this is their way of ensuring that doesn't happen again. In a way, it's good for me because now they already have a non-white bachelor and I don't have to see a real non-white bachelor.
3) Juan Pablo's daughter Camila is part Hispanic Hispanic and the mother of her child is really nasty and cheap. So I am curious to see if he chooses another Mestizo Woman who is nasty and cheap or if he goes Pure Nordic with a blonde who looks like his mother. Either way, Juan Pablo is a warning to all mothers, fathers, and men in general that where you live determines who you fuck which determines what race your daughter will be. Very scary.
i've dated mexican women with that exact nose.
Aren't you incel though?
Juan Pablo Galavis: "the first non-Caucasian Bachelor."
Bomb Bros.: "literally Caucasian!"
Mainstream Media uses “White” to Denote Whatever They Want
Those with 1/4 Asian ancestry can sometimes look white, other times not, but often look better than quadroons.
Typically those with 1/4 black ancestry still look a little bit "blackish" and off, except if their "black blood" is East African (think Eritrean or Ethiopian).
8/7/13, 12:48 PM
Does THIS quadroon look "blackish"?
I don't know why this is surprising. There have been many Latin hunks in Hollywood including Fernando (You look mahvelous!) Llamas and Riccardo (Rich Corinthian leather) Montalban. Cesare Romero swung the other way but he looked good too.
The best looking White-Hispanic is probably action and soap star Lorenzo Llamas. With Arlene Dahl for a mother and Fernando as a father how he not be?
George is a rarity - a White-Hispanic who is a dumpy looking nebbish. His brother has more of the traditional Latin heart throb looks.
although, we already observe this with mulattos. there are now a decent number of blue eyed mulattos for instance. wallace spearmon, the 200 meter runner. or the hodge twins on youtube, are good examples. i'm friends with an amateur boxer who is probably 1/4 african and his wife is probably 3/4 african and their 4 year old daughter looks almost completely european. but they could have another child, who might look more african than the first kid. a good example is saul hudson, more well known as slash from guns n roses, and his brother albion hudson.
Two other examples come to mind. Olympic trackster Lolo Jones. White mother and black father. At times she looks almost ruddy and could just about "pass" for white.
Derek Jeter. His sister is much darker and takes after their father. Derek has often passed for being white, and, whether or consciously or not, perfers to market himself to white America. Not much slack would ever be given to his sister. No passin' for her.
Like Tiger Woods, Jeter only dates whites or mulatto looking ones.
Got to a point where former teammate Gary Sheffield called him out in an interview "Derek's not black all the way...." Hmm, wonder what that means? Not down with the struggle? Jeter speaks like a younger version of Ray Ramano anyway.
But clearly whether intentional or not, Jeter doesnt identify as black and never has.
Just googled some Derek Jeter photos.
Kind of weird, but he and Colin Kaepernick look like Arabs to me.
Of course I'm not a connoisseur of Arabness, so maybe I'm mistaken.
But I wouldn't bat an eyelash if I saw some picture of either of them hugging Bush or something, with the caption "Saudi Royalty Greet Bush."
Well if I didn't know who they were already.
Next we will learn that Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, Hernan Cortez, Cabeza de Vaca, Ponce de Leon, Fidel Castro were or are not white.
Well, Leon and Cortez are villains in The Narrative, so they are definitely White.
Model/actress Britany Nola has a black father and a white mother. But she looks very white, so white that in fan forums where I've seen her photos posted, a lot of people question whether her "father" is really her father.
"Alpha male = non-White. Beta Male = honorary White. Simple as that."
Yes, but the question is why? It's not because there is anything inherently "alpha" about non-whites. The answer is because American society is fundamentally anti-white. If all the evidence indicates that it is, then this should be acknowledged and debated, not denied and evaded.
"The best looking White-Hispanic is probably action and soap star Lorenzo Llamas"
El hombre se llama "Lamas," no "Llamas."
Silver said...
"Alpha male = non-White. Beta Male = honorary White. Simple as that."
Yes, but the question is why? It's not because there is anything inherently "alpha" about non-whites.
I thought its due to size. Isn't that one of the underlying things when discussing race from physical features. If size matters, the ones with the biggest phallus is the whole point part and parcel as to who is most masculine.
Now if size relates to brain size, than in the white vs black scheme of things the whites win. But then that's just raaaacccissst to point it out much less notice it. One side then needs some additional extra help 'secially for their poor littl' ol' self esteem for who they are as black people. Dont' ya'll know its all about them anyway and who cares what you think? End of story.
In Europe, Spanish people are white and in America they are colored people. Weird...
Galavis is an unusual and rare last name. 3/4 of the people in Spain with the name come from rural area of Caceres, in West-Central Spain near the border with Portugal.
Wikipedia says a large number of the conquistadors
I would never have guessed in a million years that Rashida Jones is the daughter of Quincy Jones. She could definitely pass for white. On the other hand, Chicago Bulls center Joakim Noah definitely looks black, even though his ancestry is a solid 3/4 white.
"Steve Sailer said...
Here's Juan Pablo's mom, Nelly Guinand. She looks kind of Irish.
Irish-people came from Spain.
"How is George Zimmerman white and this guy isn't?"
Cause Zimmerman's "the bad guy" and no precious,sanctified,sainted "Person of Color" is ever the bad guy.
"I thought its due to size. Isn't that one of the underlying things when discussing race from physical features. If size matters, the ones with the biggest phallus is the whole point part and parcel as to who is most masculine."
Whites win there too.
Flaccid white=6 inches on average
Flaccid latino=5.5 inches average
Flaccid black=FIVE inches average
And for Asians it's like 3.
Not like it really matters,though. When it comes to masculinity, I don't think anyone's ever proved having a larger penis correlates with charging machine gun nests,without hesitation,to get a job done. It may be the opposite, when you think about it.
Japanese,Vietnamese, even the Koreans to some extent, put up one HELL of a fight and had no reservations about dying.
The Japanese were strapping themselves to rocket bombs and launching themselves at people. That's a hell of a lot more masculine than anything an African black ever did.
"Kind of weird, but he and Colin Kaepernick look like Arabs to me."
i actually call kaepernick 'the egyptian' because he looks like that to me too. he has a lot of his mother's bone structure in his face. his nose is the most obvious, same nose as his mom, but a lot of the rest is there.
another guy who has that is andre ward, who looks very similar in bone structure to his irish father, frank ward. same nose as his european parent and similar face, except in this case it's the flat broad nose of a boxer.
"The Japanese were strapping themselves to rocket bombs and launching themselves at people. That's a hell of a lot more masculine than anything an African black ever did."
Except when they took your lunch money.
Check his faux-hawk. Those are worn by real hispanics who like to frequent gay nightclubs.
Check his mom's photo. One drop of Latino blood, or just an hispanic-sounding last name, is carte blanche for some Jews to do a Rita Moreno, isn't it?
After six decades on the "saucy" Latina schtick (including years of flamenco-dancing and finger-cymballing on The Electric Company), Moreno says she doesn't play stereotypes in this smarmy (viz., "Makers") pro-amnesty video sponsored by our friends at the ADL.
El chutzpah!
The answer is very simple but reporters seem to weave a web of conspiracy over everything.
George Zimmerman's father was German. He get's his ancestry and race from his father, not his mother who is Peruvian (Latino). That is why he is white.
Juan Pablo's parents are BOTH Hispanic (Venezuelan), hence he is not white but Hispanic.
Such a simple thing and yet we make it a topic of intrigue. Strange how the human mind has gone backwards.
George Zimmerman's FATHER is of German descent. A child's race originates through his father, not his mother. George's mother is Peruvian which makes her Hispanic but that does not make George Hispanic.
Juan Pablo's parents are BOTH Hispanic which makes him Hispanic.
Why is this such a mystery and such an intriguing question? Do we need to weave a web of conspiracy over everything? Come on, press. Get your act together.
Unless,of course,you're black,in which case your racial identity is determined by your black parent's-EITHER MOTHER'S R FATHER'S-blackness!!!!!!!
Yeah,but I'm BLACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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