"There is a good chance these events doom immigration reform, by the way."
I suspect Tyler is being too logical, but we can hope, can't we?
"There is a good chance these events doom immigration reform, by the way."
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Boston is sucking up all the attention, but meanwhile, the black-on-white invisible race war continues apace, even in Bloomie's New York.
On the contrary, perhaps "immigration reform" will now swing the other way in being more restrictive and measured?
Steve, are you on PCP? You've posted about 10 articles before breakfast.
"You've posted about 10 articles before breakfast"
Before bedtime.
Steve: "we can hope?"
Only a dope would hope that! Nope!
Like a junkie, we will go down with our dope. The elites will never give up their belief in diversity.
"Suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing appeared to embody the best of the American immigrant experience: two brothers who came from southern Russia, near war-torn Chechnya, more than five years ago, and assimilated through school and sports into the Greater Boston community and culture."
Yeah, right. Assimilated, my azz. One of them admitted he didn't have "one American friend."
"Normal US Immigrants"
Irony, much?
We should do more than hope, we should write strongly worded letters to our Congressmen and whoever else will listen. This is our chance.
"The elites will never give up their belief in diversity."
It's true. I work in academia. There is nothing, NO-THING that will ever change these peoples' minds.
In fact the will simply mumble, "Timothy McVeigh" and move on.
At one point, early in my career with these people I thought their minds could be changed.
They love, love, love diversity and absolutely relish the thought of an American white minority. A white minority is their wet dream and if there are bumps along the way, so be it.
FrickenRidiculous, are you on 'ludes? Steve's been breaking news on this terrorist stuff in Boston all morning.
Get with the program, goofy.
Before bedtime.
Steve, shift work is bad for your health.
You should see the Washington Post comment section right now (11:00am on Friday)
The moderator is deleting posts critical of Islam and immigration so quickly that sometimes the thread is moving backwards! At times, the Post's computer is freezing up there are so many posts coming and going at the same time.
"Mother of Boston bombing suspects arrested last year for 'stealing $1,600 worth of clothes from Lord & Taylor'"
Steve, lack of sleep impairs IQ.
according to buzzfeed, both non-citizens are registered to vote
thats how macchivellian political radicals are. bodies are still cooling off and someone's already thinking about political implications of the hit.
"Paul Mendez said...
You should see the Washington Post comment section right now (11:00am on Friday)
The moderator is deleting posts critical of Islam and immigration so quickly that sometimes the thread is moving backwards! At times, the Post's computer is freezing up there are so many posts coming and going at the same time."
It's true, I am watching this with my own eyes. Incredible.
The MSM is no doubt in a bit of a funk because the Boston bombers turned out to be foreign-born Muslims. Of course, the MSM is very careful to note that one is a ‘legal permanent resident” ( I can’t imagine why they would bring that up at this time).
Still, they weren’t Tea Party/ NRA/ Aryan Brotherhood/ White Supremacists/ Rednecks etc. Not to worry, another disaster has yielded opportunity, below is the headline on an MSN- carried NBC news story, along with a posted comment of interest.
Texas fertilizer plant also stored explosive chemical used in Oklahoma City bomb
Slideshow: Fertilizer plant explosion in Texas
By Bill Dedman
Investigative Reporter, NBC News
The fertilizer storage facility that exploded this week in the town of West, Texas, had informed a state agency in February that it was storing up to 270 tons of ammonium nitrate – the highly explosive chemical compound used in the domestic terror attack on the Oklahoma City federal building
Texas fertilizer plant also stored explosive chemical used in Oklahoma City bomb
Uhhhhhh, really?? This being the case, so does every Lowe's, Home Depot, Tractor Supply and any other company that sells farming supplies. Also every fuel dealer that sells heating oil.
I mean really, is there is any real comparison to OKC and this event? Another "attention grabbing" headline by MSNBC to mislead readers.
Now that I think about it, I have some of the same components in my shed (for my garden of course). Wow, didn't know that my shed could now be compared to OKC!
So the weapons that I own (legally registered and safely stored) could be compared to Newtown, Aurora and Va. Tech???
PUUUHHH-LEEEEZE!!!!! C'mon MSNBC. Give us news and headlines that aren't sensationalized. Such irresponsible journalism at its finest!!
The commenter is, of course right about the sensational nature of the headline. Note; “… stored explosive chemical used in Oklahoma City bomb.” Not “…the same kind of explosive chemical…’’ or “…the common kind of fertilizer that had also been used as an explosive in…”.
Sensational yes. But also one more time to bring up the white anti-government domestic terrorist McVeigh and parade his violent act before the public. Focus people! Focus!
I'm curious to know if America's kindness to Chechen refugees is due to a general policy of bleeding heartedness or whether Chechens got a special break due to the paranoid anti-Russian politics so prevalent in the US (and promoted here by Whiskey).
WaPo comments section: http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/massive-police-operation-under-way-in-boston/2013/04/19/979ec6dc-a8c6-11e2-a8e2-5b98cb59187f_allComments.html?wp_login_redirect=0
10:58 AM EDT
Hi all,
Bethonie here, from The [Washington] Post’s engagement team. This week, we’ve limited comments on several stories about the bombings in Boston. We are allowing comments here, but please note that we are moderating more aggressively. Hate speech, personal attacks and name-calling are all subject to removal. We will also remove excessively partisan attacks – they do not have a place on this thread.
If anyone has concerns or questions, please feel free to email comments@washpost.com. That goes directly to me and a few others who oversee online comments
If 9/11 did not damage "immigration reform" (aka open borders) than it's hard to see a few dead in Boston doing so.
Like all ideologues the libertarians are perfectly willing to break a few eggs to get their omelets.
While little kids and young women dying in bomb attacks is tragic, it would even more of a tragedy if we lose our vibrant diversity.
Whiskey always slams the paleos for being weak on foreign policy, as if that puts America in jeopardy. But he supports the neocons who were instrumental in bringing these Chechens, and millions of others, into our nation.
Now you know why we hate the neocons and will never support your invade-the-world-invite-the-world-in-hock-to-the-world crazy policies.
I'll take Pat Buchanan over John McCain and Marco Rubio any day.
I think the reverse Devil's Advocate might be the way to think of the smarter liberal HBD flat-Earthers. I was raised in an Episcopalian church by parents with genuine faith. By my early teens I knew in my heart that God was a fairy tale, but pretended to believe anyway for a variety of reasons.
When I'd go on the occasional youth activities, I'd occasionally witness to the other kids, who were were almost all open, jaded agnostics or atheists. The witnessing always turned into apologetics where I'd easily deflect all the same tired old atheistic arguments, and they'd walk away impressed by my "faith." Truth was, I enjoyed out-debating a room full of snobby rich liberals, and the fact that I didn't really even believe my own arguments was a perverse icing on the cake.
I figured, it was for a good cause.
I think a lot of the smarter liberal HBD flat-Earthers might be like that. They know they're being disingenuous, but they're also Doing The Right Thing.
Angels' Advocates.
One thing, for the life of me I cannot understand is this:
Apparently Chechen refugees fled Chechenya because they could stand the idea of being ruled over by a Christian nation (Russia).
- And yet, instead of choosing to migrate to a hardline muslim nation (eg Saudi Arabia,which would have been happy to accet them), they choose to impose themselves on a christian nation (the USA), a christian nation that is awsh with porn, alcohol, gambling, Israel-worship, feminisim and assorted other pieces of haram-ary.
What f*cking sense does that make?
What f*cking sense do the immigrationists ever make?
I was not a fan of Maggie, but under her rule immigration to Britain WAS controlled, that f*ckwit Blair let it rip.
Throughout the 1990s 'The Economist' magazine (a highly destructive and dangerous force since politician are dumb enough and vain enough to take the shyte written therein seriously because they think it makes them 'smart' - something politicoes are always keen on), were the biggest cheerleaders and supporters of Chechen terrorists.
- They are also the biggest immigrationist fellatists of today.
Mega-rich American Jewry's support for uncontrolled immigration (ie Mark Zuckerberg), will be seen to be a massive self-inflicted mistake.
American jewry will be terrorized out of the States by angry muslim immigrants, just like it has in France.
Bomber's on Twitter right now, if you want to chat: @j_tsar
Email this to your congress critters: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2311653/Boston-bombings-Mother-Boston-bombing-suspects-arrested-year-stealing-1-600-worth-clothes-Lord--Taylor.html
It requires someone to push it and who's going to do that, the cowardly Republicans? That's racisss! Remember when the left shamelessly linked Palin's web page with the Loughner shootings? Conservatives don't have the guts to link Muslim terrorism (or ordinary crime for that matter) with immigration. That's shows you who's on top and who's subservient.
We are definitely in urgent need of immigration reform. We need to limit the quantity of legal immigrants and NOT accept immigrants from cultures that have no comprehension of the rule of law, equal rights for both sexes, a non-corrupt judicial system and secular form of government. Why would anyone think bringing in people who are steeped in medieval thinking would be a good idea?
"Yeah, right. Assimilated, my azz. One of them admitted he didn't have "one American friend.""
Yes, but that is OUR fault, you see.
If only we gave him a free scholarship, free Obamacare, free emotional counseling and free friends he never would have done this.
Really, it is our failure that we refused to assimilate him.
We need to confess our racist feelings toward him, and hire some outreach social workers to engage the Chechens.
We need atone for our sins and Bring Them Out of the Shadows.
Disgusted Aging Hag:
"Normal US Immigrants"
Irony, much?
In one sense, they're not wrong. Immigrants running around blowing things up, or leading authorities to suspect that they were fittin' to blow things up, was not exactly unknown in the days of the last Great Wave. Back then, however, the PTBs were not yet complete clowns and/or sociopaths, so we got a meaningful immigration moratorium/assimilation breather.
If I had to bet right now, though, I'd put money on the immigration lunacy being cranked up to 11. Simple sanity left the building a long time ago.
An aunt of the dead guy who is now living in Canada says it can't possibly have anything to do with religion as he was married to a Christian. I heard an expert say since they were integrated into American society they might have just felt rage at society similar to those who shoot up schools. So there you are. It had nothing to do with religion or ethnicity. Roll on amnesty.
BTW this reminds me of the Sopranos episode where Christopher is told that the tough Russian he is chasing is especially dangerous because he killed 16 Chechens. In a panic Christopher then says they better watch out for this Russian as "he killed 16 Czechoslovakians". Given Americans' famous lack of knowledge (iSteve readers excepted) of other countries I fear the image of Czechs is about to get a black eye.
Could the Chechen terrorists succeed in derailing immigration "reforms"? I hope so. Those guys even give Russians the willies.
If this does gum up the works, I will always remember it as the first and last genuine instance of immigrants doing a job that Americans can't or won't do.
-The Judean People's front
One monkey don't stop no show.
Its a sad fact that it takes a terrorist attack to sober up "some parts" of the population to the realities of immigration.
That 'of bravery of love' meme has got to be an iSteve Greatest Hit. Right up there 'Aztec Warrior Princess.'
Steve, please investigate the license issue. Massachusetts has extremely relaxed drivers license regulations. Illegals go to MA get a license and registration for their car and then go back to their own states, that do not give licenses or registration to to illegals.
I live in NJ, and if you ever go to Newark or Elizabeth where there are alot of illegals, for a second you may think you are in Massachusetts considering the disproportionate amount of MA license plate registrations.
Based on his twitter he seems to be assimilating into American society quite well.
Looks to be a full blown (had to) "chegger". That would be chechyan wigger.
Mr. Sailer, Greetings from azerbaijan!
Why did you let chechens into your country?? They are notoriously insande and clannish. Not to mention ridiculously warlike. They will kill you for making fun of their shoes!
You white people are so smart, you're stupid.
Don't worry, Tyler, Immigration Reform is a Story of BRAVERY of Love
I'm surprised nobody has reminded us that Boston was once 100 percent immigrant and religious extremist. Given the right breaks, these Chechen guys could become as American as the Cabots and the Lodges.
Matra: An aunt of the dead guy who is now living in Canada says it can't possibly have anything to do with religion as he was married to a Christian. I heard an expert say since they were integrated into American society they might have just felt rage at society similar to those who shoot up schools. So there you are. It had nothing to do with religion or ethnicity. Roll on amnesty.
Can you make an Angry White Male out of a sow's ear? Sí, se puede!
"Looks to be a full blown (had to) 'chegger'. That would be chechyan wigger."
Maybe on the outside, but maybe on the inside he felt as alienated from the SWPL new world order as most conservatives would in 'blue' surroundings.
In that sense, the brothers were right-wing whites(racially they were white for sure, no less than Italians or Greek)who just happened to be Muslim than Christian or neo-pagan.
Since most blue cities and most of the media are controlled by the likes of David Sirota and the lowlifes who voted for Obama(who gave us Kagan and Sotomayor), we can surely understand the alienation the brothers might have felt.
Ironically, even though conservatives are gleefully dumping on the brothers as 'Muslims', at least the brothers had the guts to do something while white conservatives cower and face their doom while doing nothing but grumbling under their breath.
Imagine that. Brothers from Chechen had more guts to stand up to the NWO than all of white America put together even as the likes of Frank Rich, Tim Wise, and Sirota spit at whites and scream, "you can't take your country back" and Newsweek celebrates general Obama as the slayer of 'old white' folks.
Dems put a friend of terrorist Bill Ayers into the white house, and white American generals and soldiers take their orders from that scuzzball.
Zionists push amnesty to destroy whites politically, but white conservatives mental-defectively sing hosannas to Jews.
Chechnya is tiny but fought bravely against the giant Russian empire at tremendous loss.
And even far from home, a couple of young Chechens struck a dagger into Boston, the home of Harvard that imposed on us the NWO cabal that rules this nation and hate whites.
And when pursued by the entire federal and local forces, the boys put up a tough fight.
This is what I know. If only a 1/3 of white Americans had the balls of Chechens, the likes of Frank Rich would be too afraid to piss on whites.
Who is more pathetic? A beleaguered ethnic group in tiny Chechnya who've fought for their own homeland for 100s of years and still won't surrender to the Russians OR white Americans who pee in their pants at being accused of 'racism' or 'homophobia' and willingly accommodate the very globalist Zionist, homo, and conquistador scum who are conspiring to murder them as a people, race, and culture?
To the two brothers. RIP.
"When I'd go on the occasional youth activities, I'd occasionally witness to the other kids, who were were almost all open, jaded agnostics or atheists. The witnessing always turned into apologetics where I'd easily deflect all the same tired old atheistic arguments, and they'd walk away impressed by my "faith." Truth was, I enjoyed out-debating a room full of snobby rich liberals, and the fact that I didn't really even believe my own arguments was a perverse icing on the cake."
I think you were wiser than I was. A lot of atheists, myself included, throw the baby out with the bathwater when we renounce Christianity. I'm agnostic now, btw.
"The elites will never give up their belief in diversity."
The elites are the holy Maccabean martyrs, refusing to renounce the faith or defile their purity, no matter how many of us are broken on the wheel. What courage!
“Tyrant, you are doing us a huge favor without intending to, because you are giving us the chance to show our firm commitment to the Law through this honorable suffering.”
Their law, our suffering.
"Yeah, right. Assimilated, my azz. One of them admitted he didn't have "one American friend.""
What what his wife? Was she not his friend and the friend of the brother as well?
"Anonymous said...
""By Bill Dedman
Investigative Reporter, NBC News
The fertilizer storage facility that exploded this week in the town of West, Texas, had informed a state agency in February that it was storing up to 270 tons of ammonium nitrate – the highly explosive chemical compound used in the domestic terror attack on the Oklahoma City federal building."
A lot journalists really are stupid, aren't they. They expect us to be surprised that a fertilizer plant would store ammonium nitrate. Ammonium nitrate IS fertilizer. It is probably what the plant produced.
I would rather have Chechens than Mestizos. Chechens are a much tougher race and they are less likely to integrate. Mestizos are just a dysgenic mess, they would do FAR more damage to he gene pool.
*The gene pool
"This is an acceptable level of violence"
I would rather have Chechens than Mestizos. Chechens are a much tougher race and they are less likely to integrate. Mestizos are just a dysgenic mess, they would do FAR more damage to he gene pool.
What is this "bargaining" mentality? Why should we be forced to take in any one?
Imagine that. Brothers from Chechen had more guts to stand up to the NWO than all of white America put together even as the likes of Frank Rich, Tim Wise, and Sirota spit at whites and scream, "you can't take your country back"
Can you point me to what Frank Rich has said on this?
Its a sad fact that it takes a terrorist attack to sober up "some parts" of the population to the realities of immigration.
Hopefully it will sober us up to the realities of our foreign policy, too.
An aunt of the dead guy who is now living in Canada says it can't possibly have anything to do with religion as he was married to a Christian. I heard an expert say since they were integrated into American society they might have just felt rage at society similar to those who shoot up schools. So there you are. It had nothing to do with religion or ethnicity.
It had everything to do with Zionist-America's foreign policy.
If 9/11 did not damage "immigration reform" (aka open borders) than it's hard to see a few dead in Boston doing so.
Anon FTW.
It requires someone to push it and who's going to do that, the cowardly Republicans? That's racisss! Remember when the left shamelessly linked Palin's web page with the Loughner shootings? Conservatives don't have the guts to link Muslim terrorism (or ordinary crime for that matter) with immigration. That's shows you who's on top and who's subservient.
Anon FTW again. Though I think your last sentence is a bit at odds with your second-to-last; enlisted men take orders from commissioned officers, that's how the chain of command works. It's more about how the system works than it is about Republicans lacking guts. I mean, of course they lack guts; if they had any guts, they never would've gotten to where they are in the firs place. Headquarters (the mass media) would've seen to that. And if they suddenly came down with a case of the guts after getting to where they are, they're seen to by the MPs (reporters).
The system is designed to quickly purge anyone with the dangerous combination of guts, morality, and whiteness.
So how come Muslims in Norway commit violent acts against the locals? That can't have anything to do with Zionism. (You're that Saudi sockpuppet from Mangan's aren't you?). As Roissy likes to say Diversity+Proximity =War
"Can you point me to what Frank Rich has said on this?"
Re: WAPO. As soon as I saw the "o" in Bethonie Butler, I knew. But I had to go to Google Images just to check. The HIGHEST of high yella.
Anon from NJ, illegals can register and insure vehicles here in the People's Commonwealth, but cannot legally obtain licenses. Fortunately, the RMV has legions of their co-ethnics on staff to supply the necessary on the QT.
I think the generational divide has to be taken into account when applying the "wigger" label. I'm sitting in a coffee shop in a nice suburb surrounded by white teens growing up in $900,000 homes, dressed in sweats and sideways caps yo-ing each other to death.
To me they're wiggers, to themselves they're just kids.
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